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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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At least now both Luke and Laura are accidental serial killers. See, you guys, they're each other's lobsters!


Try telling that to Geary.


After reading that interview, I do have to give the man credit for one thing, exposing just how petty and infantile Ron is.  I mean, it's not like we didn't know it already, but I do appreciate that we get the confirmation from an inside source.

  • Love 10
Oh, what can I expect from the man who thinks houses (let alone ones that were already condemned) are fine to walk around in if the basement blows up.


I adore you in that this seems to aggravate you the most out of everything f-ed up about this story. It's like me when I get all upset about blatant hearsay being used in a criminal proceeding.  But ... but ... but ... it's SO. DAMN. WRONG!!!


I get you -- it wasn't like a firecracker went off in the basement. Foundation means what it means for a reason. Ron's a city boy, I guess, living in a New York apartment and he doesn't understand that, building-wise, things on the bottom need to be the strongest.  I can see him now -- well especially now that Tony has outed him as a social media lurker -- saying, "But it's the BASEMENT.  It's BENEATH the house."  Oh Ron, never change.  Go away, but never change.



At least now both Luke and Laura are accidental serial killers. See, you guys, they're each other's lobsters!


If only you could tell this to Tony Geary.  He'd put a halo and wings on Luke so fast our heads would spin.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 3

I adore you in that this seems to aggravate you the most out of everything f-ed up about this story. It's like me when I get all upset about blatant hearsay being used in a criminal proceeding.  But ... but ... but ... it's SO. DAMN. WRONG!!!


If Ron hadn't said anything, I would have just rolled my eyes and moved on. But he diiiiiiiiiiiiid.


And I went back and checked - Nathan told Lulu the whole house blew up anyway.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

[whoops -- wrong thread.  moving original post there]


Here, I'll say:


I made it through about 10-15 minutes before I turned it off out of boredom.  I got the picture.


I will say the 3 highlights were:


1. The actress who played young Pat.

2.  Laura Wright's performance as Lena. For as much shit as I give her (reasons!), she rose to the occasion. Well done, Laura.  Well done.

3.  Dee Wallace.

Edited by Francie

Yeah, you guys have covered all of the inconsistencies, illogic, downright idiotic parts (the house is still standing?  guess they blew it up in the storyline before they decided to shoot this episode), and the insult to the viewers.  This was good in the sense that this stupid storyline is over, but it really didn't make a lot of sense.  Why hasn't Pat tried to get Luke help all these years (assuming she thought he was mentally unstable).  Why did she leave Bobbi with Luke and allow her to be a child prostitute?  It's just annoying.


But mostly I am concerned by a young man who kills both his parents in one night not getting any help.  Back in those days, this is pretty close to what would have happened. Sweep it under the carpet, literally.  It explains his penchant for violence.  It's pretty messed up.  I grew up in a household with an alcoholic abusive father (not the caricature Tim Spencer is though) and these situations do escalate. I was unfortunately a little mouthy like Patricia.  So I thought that was believable to an extent and that Luke could have accidentally killed his mother, but actually smashing a bat intentionally on his father's head?  That's a different ballgame.  Luke probably would have been convicted of murder and spent a good many years in jail, so I guess Patricia made the right decision from her perspective.  I just don't get why, based on that, she wouldn't have stay connected and involved to ensure that they were protected.

  • Love 7

I have some issues with today's episode - but it was miiiiiiiles better than last year, although I enjoyed the three Carlys. But it was basically a Sonny and Carly love fest to make it seem not that bad that Sonny killed someone.


No Quartermaines were killed this year so points for that.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

I even had a thought about what if the actress playing youngPatricia was playing a grown up Joss. I thought she had great chemistry with Laura, so seeing them playing mother and daughter on a regular basis would have worked well, imo. She had both spunk and a soft side. 


I guess if there is one thing this show continues to do on a regular basis is prove how easily the ship could be righted and how well things could be going if only they would stop forcing the issue when it just doesn't work and nothing is making any sense.


When the one time day players are such standouts compared to the usual fare that just shouldn't be happening.

  • Love 8

Why hasn't Pat tried to get Luke help all these years (assuming she thought he was mentally unstable).  Why did she leave Bobbi with Luke and allow her to be a child prostitute?


Honestly, I'm more interested in learning about Pat's motivations and what she's endured in the intervening years than any of Luke's pain.


And yes, an actual psychologist needs to get involved in this story.  If Tracy and Lulu try to handle this in house, I swear...


Also, Laura and Lucky (and, sigh, I guess Ethan) have to be name-checked here.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

I liked todays episode. Wasn't overwhelmed or underwhelmed. The actors, for the most part did a good job, especially young Luke and Pat ( I'm guessing they don't hire actors like these to be on canvas for longer is because, well, like everything, good actors are more expensive), and I thought the reveal was clever enough (I had been spoiled it was Luke's mom he had killed, but they still managed to fake me out at first). I even got a kick out of seeing the most political commentary on a soap I ever thought I would hear (it's no wonder Pat ended up with a bi-racial daughter, after knowing that monster of a father was not only a child abuser and a wife beater, but a racist bigot as well). Also, was it jarring to anyone else seeing LW/Carly playing someone so weak and fragile? Especially because Carly is just so much the opposite. It really was kind of hard to watch.


What I didn't like were the hospital scenes, the actors there seemed stiff, and they didn't  contribute to the story at all. A wink to history but nothing more. So while, if done well, I probably would have wanted more hospital scenes, they way they were executed made me glad they werent longer. Also, the scenes in the Spencer household seemed a bit staged, in a literal sense. It looked like they were filmed in a high school theater stage, and they blocking felt off. And while I think TG did a good job as Luke, I thought he did a terribly hammy one as his father. 


I don't mind the retcon itself, since I don't feel it changes things all that much. However, I will be livid if they try to pin every single shitty think Luke has done on his split personality or whatever it is he was supposed to have. Especially the rape. To try to whitewash that, to try to make it somehow less Luke's fault, when Luke himself has said time and time again that he was well aware of what he was doing and was completely in his senses, (which is what showed on screen as well)  that would be the biggest, cowardliest cop out in soap writting history. I refuse to believe all that was stopping Luke from doing all those things was taking a couple of pills.

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 2
Yeah, they should have kept it the Luke is really Bill story. Because for the life of me, I can't figure out how Bill could possibly be Luke's identical cousin-- if they are related through Luke's mother, and Luke is the spitting image of his father??


sacrebleu, I think you answered your own question - Tim Spencer must have been Bill Eckert's real father.

  • Love 1

LOL that Luke used a key to get into the house.


I loved today's show. The retconning is ridiculous and dumb and unnecessary, and it's aggravating that Ron's ego couldn't deal with viewers not being stupid. Whatever. He's an asshole.


I thought they did a great job with the black-and-white stuff. The acting was wonderful (TG's inevitable scenery-chewing aside—his Grumpy Cat face in the old house was too funny), and JT was hilarious as Steve Hardy. LW was really good as Lena. I bet she enjoyed not being Carly for a day or two.


I really liked the last scene, with the younger versions of Patricia, Luke, and Bobbie with their older counterparts.

  • Love 10

Ron is a petty little douche.  So everyone figured out the Bill Eckert angle and  Ronnie got his poor little feelings hurt, so he did a huge FU to the viewers, especially long time viewers, such as older than dirt me and decided to change all the history we watched?!?!  


FU, Ron, just FU. 

I don'tget the big deal about people figuring it out lol.I mean when I was an offline fan I guessed lots of stories.

  • Love 4

I don'tget the big deal about people figuring it out lol.I mean when I was an offline fan I guessed lots of stories.

I was just having that conversation with a friend yesterday.  Back in the day, I'd figure them out (usually, but now always).  And because I didn't have social media, I couldn't go and declare it to the world.


So, I sat and waited it out, and then if I turned out to be right, I gave myself a pat on the back. That's part of the reason why I like soaps and became attached to them.


Now, head writers are so busy weaving and dodging that they turn their stories into nonsensical pretzels just to make sure people don't figure them out.  I'm with whoever said, just tell a good story!


And give me a cookie for nailing that it was Bill Eckert the second he said he wanted to go to the Outback and had no idea he owned a blues club.


And give me another cookie for giving Laura Wright a (gulp, I can do this) well-earned compliment.  I've earned them, if I do say so myself.

  • Love 7

I don't mind the retcon itself, since I don't feel it changes things all that much. 


If their mother died because they were too poor to go the hospital and their choices were living with Aunt Ruby or continuing to live on the streets/dying from starvation - then their subsequent choices make sense. If they'd grown up in circumstances that weren't so completely different or If Bobbi was too young to really remember a different life then her acceptance of the things their Aunt Ruby did make sense.

But the Eckerts lived in the same town and knew all three of Lena's children so Luke and Patricia allowing their baby sister to become a child prostitute? Makes no sense.

Luke was a low level flunky in Frank Smith's organization. He was not at any point anywhere near the top of the chain of command. So his obsession with Sonny's territory makes no sense. His determination to take over ELQ makes even less sense.


This was a bad story that was made worse because RC wanted to shock the audience more than he wanted to tell a coherent story

  • Love 10

I liked todays episode. Wasn't overwhelmed or underwhelmed. The actors, for the most part did a good job, especially young Luke and Pat ( I'm guessing they don't hire actors like these to be on canvas for longer is because, well, like everything, good actors are more expensive)


Kid actors? No way. I'm sure those two are as cheap as Ryan Paevey.

And Laura and Lucky are where now?



Lucky better be in a coma.

  • Love 3

Showing the old ambulance at the beginning (with the new horrible music) reminded me of how much I hate the new opening.


The young kids and Dee were good.  Young Pat really did look like Tamara Braun.  But everything else?  I I absolutely hate what this show has done to Luke over the last ten years, and today was the worst.  It was another cheap DID story and doesn't explain any of Luke's behavior over however many months this story has dragged on and on and on.  And it's still not over!!!!


The real kicker is that in another few months, none of what happened will even matter because: 1) no one with any decency ever faces consequences for their behavior, or 2) Ron will just retcon everything again.   I've heard some people say that he respects GH history, and I don't believe that.  At all.  It's just a playground for his twisted and yet utterly boring plot point story telling.


Has she always been like that?  I don't watch Y&R and so I don't know if that's something MS has incorporated into Nina or if that's just MS' acting style.  I don't like it - at all.


Yes, that is MSt's acting style.  Flighty, jerky, bug-eyed, and affected.  I laugh every time someone holds her up as the best that soaps have to offer. 



The original story was a hell of a lot more compelling than Ron's world of everything being violence and insanity.



Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 6

If their mother died because they were too poor to go the hospital and their choices were living with Aunt Ruby or continuing to live on the streets/dying from starvation - then their subsequent choices make sense. If they'd grown up in circumstances that weren't so completely different or If Bobbi was too young to really remember a different life then her acceptance of the things their Aunt Ruby did make sense.

But the Eckerts lived in the same town and knew all three of Lena's children so Luke and Patricia allowing their baby sister to become a child prostitute? Makes no sense.

Luke was a low level flunky in Frank Smith's organization. He was not at any point anywhere near the top of the chain of command. So his obsession with Sonny's territory makes no sense. His determination to take over ELQ makes even less sense.


This was a bad story that was made worse because RC wanted to shock the audience more than he wanted to tell a coherent story

You guys, can't you just figure it out? You've never heard of context? The Eckerts owned a bakery.  We saw it in 1991 and heard about it again today.  The Spencer kids didn't go live with them.  Ergo, Luke and Bobbie Spencer have horrible gluten and flour allergies.  They would fallen victim to celiac disease, a fate far worse than becoming a teen age prostitute or a low level mob flunkey.  Do I have to spell everything out for you on twitter?





P.S. Nevermind that Luke drinks wheat-based drinks like a fish.  I mean, you never SAW what he was drinking, so it wasn't wheat-based. Yeah, that's what I meant.

  • Love 15

Really disappointed. The whole reason for the DID was so lame. Yah I get it was hard to cope, but so hard he split and didn't realize it until he was 70!(yah I know he's supposed to 60 something, sorry don't buy it!) Lots of people deal with far less and don't split. I almost spit my drink out when Tracy called Luke strong. RME!


I really wanted some better reason for Bill to be part of this, I mean the kid just met them and was willing to bury his uncle in a wall! He's the one who should have had DID. I kept waiting for it to come out Pat hatched a scheme where Bill and Luke traded lives and Luke is really Bill.


....the whole mess for no payoff....so typical. ugh!

  • Love 2

Lucky, Robin, and Laura are enjoying the South of France right now, toasting their good fortune not being in Port Charles.


I can so get behind Lucky and Robin falling in love and saying fuck all to Port Charles. The only question is that there should be shared custody at this point and I'm just going to pretend that's happening. Because it should and when's the last time anyone even saw Aiden anyway? (That's the name of Lucky and Liz' baby, right?)

  • Love 7

That was a fantastic episode.  Kudos to all the actors:  Tony Geary, Laura Wright, Dee Wallace, and the two young kids playing Luke and Patricia (especially Patricia). I was actually expecting today's episode to juts be a retelling of the first episode of GH and a few minor scenes with Luke as a kid.  Instead, it was entirely devoted to the Fluke reveal, and I loved all of it.


Tony was great as Tim Spencer AND as Luke Spencer, and Fluke is Tim Spencer.  After seeing that SOB as he was in the 60s, it is clear to me that Luke had transformed into his father - who did curse him that Luke was just like him right before Luke killed him.  Laura Wright was also wonderful, and she must have loved to dress and be a completely different character from Carly.  It was great.  Lastly, Dee Wallace was wonderful for a woman who has never done a soap before.  I loved her as Patricia, and I wouldn't mind her sticking around.  I think Patricia left in order to protect Luke's memory.  My guess is that she was afraid her presence might spark Luke to remember what he did, and so she left.  


Today was a great anniversary episode and easily next year's Emmy reel episode for best soap.


I think today was good as a stand alone episode but in the context of the Fluke story it's pretty fucked up that this is how Ron decided to resolve things. Today's show invalidated the majority of what we spent the last year+ watching and I can't keep up with how many plot holes there are. It's just a clusterfuck of bullshit and for no good reason.

  • Love 14

Here is my unbiased opinion of my thoughts only after not reading any posts here yet or anywhere else:


First of all, I missed the first few minutes because of the stupid local news cutting in with some local trial verdict that I could care less about. I hope to catch it on ABC OnDemand later tonight.


Okay, I thought young Patricia was excellent. She was my star of the episode, I just really felt everything she was feeling. Had no idea who the actress was, but I really loved her. And Pat (Dee Wallace) was a good choice for the role. I know some had suggested Erika Slezak, and while I love her and think she would have nailed it as well, I think it's better that there was someone not so closely connected to another show.


The big surprise was LW, not that I don't think she isn't a good actress, because I think she's really great, but I so loved seeing her play someone else so vastly different from Carly. And she did a fantastic job. She really shed every trace of Carly, and now I'm wondering why this show can't do more of this kind of work more often. It shouldn't take an anniversary to get a good episode.


As far as Luke goes, I thought TG was better as Tim Spencer than as Luke. Since I missed the 80's, this was my first time really seeing how Luke and Bobbie got to be so close. I guess the choice they went with, for him to have killed both his mom and dad, was better than any kind of rape story, but the whole ending was so just damn depressing. Which I don't mind for a regular drama, but for some reason I just found it a bit too much. I guess people will rave about AG's "tour de force" as Frank or Nathan Varni or whoever dubbed it, but I liked the females better, as I always do on this show.


My only snark is that I swear Liz had a second of bitchface even in 1963. I can't compare JT or RC or BH to their original counterparts, so I'll defer to you guys on that.


Always great to see the ambulance opening, and this did take me back to the Soap Net marathon. That was fun posting.


Now off to see what the rest of you thought. There's been like 25 replies since I started typing this, wow.

  • Love 13

I think LW is great at a specific range, and I think she doesn't get enough credit for often elevating the schlock Ron and Frank's writers give her. She is not my top Carly - that's still Sarah Brown - but she has more raw strength than Tamara's good but softer take, and more cunning. When she decides to make someone's life hell for often petty reasons (Brenda, Lulu, Dante, etc.), you absolutely believe she can and will do it. She is a very specific soap personality, but she sells everything, every time. Even when I want Carly hit by a truck, I always admire what Wright does.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 18

I left the Barge tonight, on a special trip to that wondrous place I call "The Internet", to watch today's episode...  I was just that curious.


Look, I'm usually such a Negative Nancy that I'm going to give credit where credit is due.   As a one-off episode, it was very well-directed and written, even if some of the exposition in Pat's hospital room got a bit clunky.  I liked the flashback scenes in the hospital, a lot.  Across the board, the acting was very, very good, so kudos to everybody in the episode.  


That said ... it would have worked for me if I had literally no prior knowledge of the show and knew nothing about Luke whatsoever.   The Spencers' home was way too nice for the terribly impoverished childhood Luke and Bobbie always described -- and even if Bobbie was clueless as to most of the night's happenings, she was old enough to remember later that her childhood up to the age of 10 was not that poor.  I also remember Bill Eckert's boringly nice and sweet parents when they were on the show in the early 90s, and if they knew all about the Spencer kids and had wanted to help them before, there is literally no way in hell they would not have taken the Spencer children in or let them run off to Florida to live in a brothel with Ruby!  


Even in the one-off episode - the Eckerts knew Lena was hospitalized and sent Bill down there to check it out ... did Bill just go home and say nothing at all?  Did the Eckerts do nothing when they found out Lena was dead and Tim was MIA?  Did they forget why they sent Bill to the hospital in the first place?  What in heck has Pat been doing for the last 50 years, besides hoping ... wanly, from afar ... that Luke won't flip his shit again.  Makes. No. Sense.  


So Luke's DID didn't kick in until ... when, exactly?  Immediately?  When dying Bill Eckert mentioned Lena?  Just last year for no apparent reason?  This reveal still really answers nothing.  


But if it was a one-off Twilight Zone episode or something it would have worked beautifully, I guess.  

  • Love 8

That's the thing about these guys. Often the one-off episodes work well as standalone material. When you put them in the context of a larger story, it sometimes becomes an entirely different problem. I think that's part of the mindset that makes them keep submitting OTT Nurses Ball stuff for the Emmys and failing, until this year where it's apparently the Only-Game-In-Town Participation Emmys.

  • Love 3

Well slap me silly and force me to watch The Bold and the Beautiful, but I enjoyed today's episode more than I have any in ages.  I thought Laura Wright, Jane Elliott. Emme whatever, and the young Spencers (minus Bobbie) were really good.

It was such an old-fashioned story and that was part of its appeal to me, for sure.  


I think today was good as a stand alone episode but in the context of the Fluke story it's pretty fucked up that this is how Ron decided to resolve things. Today's show invalidated the majority of what we spent the last year+ watching and I can't keep up with how many plot holes there are. It's just a clusterfuck of bullshit and for no good reason.


This is true, too.  It in no way explains much of what we've had to sit through.  Ron C. gets an F in follow-through for sure with this.  But as LP says, as a stand-alone episode, I enjoyed it a lot.



Okay, I thought young Patricia was excellent. She was my star of the episode, I just really felt everything she was feeling. Had no idea who the actress was, but I really loved her. And Pat (Dee Wallace) was a good choice for the role. I know some had suggested Erika Slezak, and while I love her and think she would have nailed it as well, I think it's better that there was someone not so closely connected to another show.


The big surprise was LW, not that I don't think she isn't a good actress, because I think she's really great, but I so loved seeing her play someone else so vastly different from Carly. And she did a fantastic job. She really shed every trace of Carly, and now I'm wondering why this show can't do more of this kind of work more often. It shouldn't take an anniversary to get a good episode.


Laura Wright surprised me - a lot.  The only person that for me stunk it up was Geary.  He seriously underwhelmed me in both roles.  Seeing the excellent performances of virtually everyone else in the Fluke story, Geary continues to resemble an overbaked ham.  I admit that I've never been a fan of his no matter when, no matter what.  And this is supposed to be his tour de force.  Well, not for me.


I wasn't too impressed with the Steve Hardy/Phil/Jessie Brewer segment, but they didn't bother me either.  Those scenes seemed more like a stunt than anything else.


But I have to say again - I enjoyed more of this episode than I have any other in ages.  



  • Love 7

Bobbie must have been a really sound sleeper to sleep through both Luke beating Tim to death and all the noise Pat and Bill must have made walling the body up in the basement!  


And would Bill really have cared about Luke forgiving himself, in the moment he was dying?  More likely, he would've been all "hey, asshole, that bullet was meant for you, wasn't it???"   


Ok, I'll stop nitpicking.  Back to the Barge, I go ...

  • Love 2

So Luke's DID didn't kick in until ... when, exactly?  Immediately?  When dying Bill Eckert mentioned Lena?  Just last year for no apparent reason?  This reveal still really answers nothing.


I think it would have had to have been that night.  But sadly (and scarily), it probably depends on how much of Luke's behavior in the intervening years Ron and co. want to blame on the Fluke alter.


Shouldn't even dare to dream, but I hope Bobbie gets to chance to express some anger, about how her childhood was ruined and her life was forever changed by the choices Patricia and Luke made that night.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4
I think that's part of the mindset that makes them keep submitting OTT Nurses Ball stuff for the Emmys and failing,


It still cracks me up that they submitted the NB last year and are enraged they weren't nominated. Even if you've never seen GH, you'd know the NB is clearly a special event. It's not like the Black and White Ball, which had the stories of the show continuing within the framework of the ball. The NB basically stops all the other stories in order for the cast to perform their acts.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word].  

Young Patricia really looks like Tamara Braun in some of these shots:


I thought she looked like TB when she first entered the scene, and since that was after LW's entrance as Luke's mom (don't get me started), I figured we were in for yet another Amazing All the Carlys episode. You can probably imagine how I felt in that moment.

  • Love 3

Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word].  


Hmmmm.   GH Insanity Enabler?  As in, "Look, I know I'm GH Insanity Enabling here, but it totally makes sense that Jake has no interest in exploring his own past!"

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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