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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I watched live today and...I find myself wishing for the days of the Monkey (Ape) Virus Banana that Guza heaped upon us because at least there were characters involved that I cared about, that were being written, somewhat, in character even.


This...this confused, muddled, mundane, ridiculous, inane mess is almost too bad to be believed that it's actually happening.


Just looking at the scenes with Julian and Alexis being pestered by the always "entertaining" duo of the SERIAL KILLER and the Nina while Olivia stood by wringing her french manicure over the truth being revealed...


Why didn't Julian just pull out his gun and put a bullet in that freak of nature?


I can't even get into the terrorLuke scenes except to say watching a dog lick its' own ass would be more palatable than watching Tony devoured every single scene with such camp and borderline manic acting that I feel ashamed for him.

  • Love 11

I thought, when they got Dee Wallace, they were gonna try to age her up a little bit or something. Nope, older-sister-in-the-hospital-Pat looks fresh and fabulous compared to Luke. 


If Dante and Valerie sleep together, can they kill Lulu off so he doesn't become a giant douchebag? I'm not particularly complaining, Dante has managed to stay a decent character for 6 years, and that's more than most, but I'm not rooting for it either. Not that he wouldn't look super douchey sleeping with someone else after his wife just died, but hey, it's slightly better. Or maybe not. I don't know, lol.


I need for Luke to turn the gun on himself. 


And so nice to see him with Bobbie, Tracy, NuLu and NuOldSister. All the most important people in his life. No one missing there. Nope nope. It's almost as touching as Patrick always prioritizing the most important person in his life, Sam.


What, was Max not available or something that Duke had to talk to a random minion? I guess it's nice to see Sonny actually has more than 3 people in his organization.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

How interesting it is that we've come to this point in the Fluke storyline.  Actually, he's not nor was he ever Fluke given what we now know.  He is, in fact, an insane Luke Spencer.  It was fun seeing all of the theories in this warped story:  Faison with a Luke mask,  Lord Larry Ashton with a Luke mask, Mikkos Cassadine made over by plastic surgery,  Stavros Cassadine made over by plastic surgery, and cousin Bill Eckert somehow not dead and somehow crazy in a way that he never was the first time around.  It was really Luke after all.  Clever!


As for Luke's new niece Valerie, she's relatively cute but I'm not sure why so many people are drawn to her.  As always, to each their own, but she doesn't quite intrigue me in any way.  I need to see more of her, much more before I can determine if there's anything formidable about her.  I've seen it being bandied about that she's Nathan's ex whom he cryptically mentioned a little while back.  All I have to say to that is PLEASE NO!

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 2

BTW, Dante, call the local police and get them to that nursing home, ASAP.


That verse from "I Dreamed a Dream" is starting to come to mind whenever I think of the town brain


It spent a summer in my skull!

It filled my head with endless wonder!

It answered all my questions in its stride!

But it was gone when autumn* came!


*autumn in this case being the next episode

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5


Olivia, woman up and tell Julian the truth. Franco is not good at keeping secrets. You did see what happened to Snarly. If worse comes to worse, you can always go to court and limit Julian's visitation because of his mob.


Maybe if Olivia plays nice with Michael and openly supports him in his dealings with Sonny, Michael could put in a good word with Monica's boyfriend.  He doesn't seem to have a problem denying people custody/visitation of their children (not that I'm complaining in Sonny's case).

  • Love 4

So Julian has a problem with Nina mentioning Ava's name but he, and Alexis, is totes cool with the guy who pretended to rape his daughter pulling up a chair? Uh, no.

And Olivia should have just told the truth, it would have been a refreshing change of pace. And then she could have laughed as she called security to escort the psycho twins to the door.

STFU, Duke. You are one laced catnip toy away from death. And trying to keep Shawn out of the loop will backfire. I'll bet Duke puts out a hit on Jordan, Shawn finds out and tries to stop it, and an innocent planter loses its life. Or the bullet can hit Spinelli who is there for…reasons. And he dies. And I rejoice.

Lulu, you kinda suck as a Spencer. Just so you know.

  • Love 13

I just...what does Olivia think the end game is here?  Does she really think Francs and Neens will eventually get bored of blackmailing?  Does she really think they won't eventually blurt out the secret regardless? 


In other news, maybe I missed it, but has Nathan - who allegedly cares about big sis Nina - shown any kind of horror about her super tight relationship with a SERIAL KILLER?

  • Love 6
I just...what does Olivia think the end game is here?  Does she really think Francs and Neens will eventually get bored of blackmailing?  Does she really think they won't eventually blurt out the secret regardless?


I know. Franco enjoys torturing people, so it's not as if Olivia can pay him off and be done with it. This blackmail crap is so boring and stupid. 



In other news, maybe I missed it, but has Nathan - who allegedly cares about big sis Nina - shown any kind of horror about her super tight relationship with a SERIAL KILLER?


Does Nathan even know Nina and Franco are BFFs? His (Nathan's) involvement in her story has been so light as to be practically nonexistent. The point of making them siblings them was...?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I know. Franco enjoys torturing people, so it's not as if Olivia can pay him off and be done with it. This blackmail crap is so boring and stupid. 




Does Nathan even know Nina and Franco are BFFs? His (Nathan's) involvement in her story has been so light as to be practically nonexistent. The point of making them siblings them was...?



Yes he does, he's mentioned he doesn't like it, but he likes his sister and wants her happy.

I just...what does Olivia think the end game is here?  Does she really think Francs and Neens will eventually get bored of blackmailing?  Does she really think they won't eventually blurt out the secret regardless? 


In other news, maybe I missed it, but has Nathan - who allegedly cares about big sis Nina - shown any kind of horror about her super tight relationship with a SERIAL KILLER?


Look, he's already dealing with two strong emotions right now - annoyance at Spinelli and loving Maxie - asking him to take on a third to be horrified as well will cause a short circuit. 

  • Love 18

How could they ignore it, girlfriend is ginormous!!  I laugh every time someone mentions that she slept with Julian on New Year's eve because that was only 12 weeks ago, but she looks like she could deliver any minute.  

personally it doesn't bother me I remeber when LH was pregnant and they had lucy miscarry and lucy was only supposed to be four or five months pregnant but she looked ready to pop lol.

  • Love 1

Oh Cattitude!


Meanwhile, Sonny annoyed me and he wasn't even on-screen, with Duke apparently willing to cross lines for Sonny, his alleged BFF of a year and change, but not willing to stay on the other side of them for Anna, the love of his life for like twenty something years.  


And why all of a sudden can't Duke discuss mob business with Sonny when he's been doing so for weeks, including keeping him up to speed on the Jordan situation (probably because it's about to go pear shaped and that way Sonny is plot point protected).

  • Love 10

LeftPhalange, on 29 Mar 2015 - 9:26 PM, said:

The unemployment rate in PC is at least 70%, there's an extreme shortage of housing, there's a terrorist hospital, and there's a talking tree on the

police force. Obama needs to send help


OMG--warn a girl before you post something like this, OK???? My evening cocktail shot thru my nose and decorated my screen and I can't stop laughing!


This Fluke thing is just so..........tedious.  yawn. nobody cares.


don't get the appeal of GM at all.  Too much "Unfrozen Caveman" for me.



Yes--actually he activates my gag reflex which is on standby  Monday thru Friday 3-4m EST}

  • Love 2
If Julian ever got over his, "You want me, admit it. I'm sooo hot" smugness, I'd like to see him with Anna.


Oh, God, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





I would prefer her with Spinelli or, God forbid, Milo, over WdV's Julian.

  • Love 2

Once again, Jake allows everyone else to arrange his life for him. Liz, Carly, Hayden, it doesn't matter. I had to LOL when he talked about searching for who he is. When was that, exactly? When he woke up from the accident that first time and wondered what was going on?


Sloan is a waste of time, like so many other characters on this fakakta show.


I like how JE is playing Tracy during this Luke nonsense. She's not hysterically crying (ahem, Bobbie), she's watching Luke and trying to figure out the best way to approach him.


Valerie's top looks like a hospital gown.


If Olivia won't tell Julian about the baby, she should at least tell Carly.

  • Love 5

Today. 2:52 pm

In honor of Luke I vote to make the new audience slogan: "STOP IRRITATING UUUUS!" (Complete with spit... Ew, Geary.)


Gawd, TG is truly awful. A different affectation for every line. Loud, then menacing, then dripping with sarcasm.




Let's all wear matching T-shirts. Tony is like a bull in a china shop, or a furious two-year-old who must have all the attention, a trainwreck.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4


Valerie's top looks like a hospital gown.



That was my thought exactly--What the heck is she doing in a hospital gown lying on her own floor???


I like Jane Elliot so much and all I can do is shake my head and think:: :she deserves so much better than this shit she has to shovel".

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 3

Valerie's top looks like a hospital gown.


Ha, I've been thinking that for days, but I was too lazy to type it.




Why does 50 year old+ mobster Julian probably spend more time in front of the mirror than Sam and Alexis combined.


Will deVry.


I like Jane Elliot so much and all I can do is shake my head and think:: :she deserves so much better than this shit she has to shovel".


Most of them do. Well, at least they're getting paid, and get to work with their friends.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Considering all the things that the show wants me to buy, I will be more than happy to pretend that LiLo is thin when she is ready to pop.


I've often said that shows should just give their audience enough credit to realize that an actress is pregnant in real life and move on.  We don't need every pregnancy to either be written in or result in the actress spending 5 months sitting at a desk or hiding her stomach behind the purse that ate Manhattan.  


I'm surprised that Carly going all Cujo, wanting to run Jake's life didn't stir some memory (of the PTSD variety) for him.  Or at least some vague sense of "I could swear this is not the first time I've had some blonde snarling as she tries to set the ground rules for how every other woman in the world is allowed to interact with me."  


Olivia, just admit the truth and be done.  Until you do, though, do not accept any giant gaudy pieces of jewelry from Franco.  


What, exactly, is MS going for in her portrayal of Nina?  

  • Love 6

that hour was painful.

I can't believe that ABC execs think that this is good. are they even watching their own show?


Goodbye Anthony Geary. If your aim was to make us find the ultimate anti hero, Luke Spencer, tedious, congrats, you succeeded. Enough with the ranting and raving and screaming and gun waving. Go away.

  • Love 6

Just looking at the scenes with Julian and Alexis being pestered by the always "entertaining" duo of the SERIAL KILLER and the Nina while Olivia stood by wringing her french manicure over the truth being revealed...


Why didn't Julian just pull out his gun and put a bullet in that freak of nature?


I was so hoping for that to happen, I'd have loved him if he did that. And Nina too. He has ample reason to want both of these pieces of trash dead. Do your job for once, Jules.


Still annoyed that they couldn't ignore LiLo's pregnancy. 

If Julian ever got over his, "You want me, admit it. I'm sooo hot" smugness, I'd like to see him with Anna.


I always thought Julian and Anna had chemistry. *runs*


Luke meowed, and I cried for humanity.


My god, Lulu was stupid today. And what was with Bobbie's gaping fish mouth in the background?

  • Love 3

Things I am over as re today's episode:

Jake being bulldozed by that shriekbeast. Shut UP, woman! Good God.

Franco and Nina and their weird, developmentally challenged "romance" that plays like something somewhere between "David and Lisa" and "Like Normal People" as dipped in a huge fondue pot of camp. Whoever here said that Nina comes across like she needs to be talked to like she's five is right on. They're both horrible. I wish Olivia would just tell the truth and spare us this stupidly contrived story concocted solely in a half-assed attempt to give these two awful characters something to do on a canvas on which they don't fit and are in no way needed.

Dee Wallace looks great and in no way older than Tony Geary. Is this Luke story over yet? It's just embarrassing and beyond painful to watch at this point.

  • Love 11
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