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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Except Tyra's talk show is syndicated and is likely going to take the spot left open by Katie Couric's failed talk show. 


There was a lot of spec over that possibly replacing GH too. The ratings just never warranted it. I think the main reason GH is still on is because they can't find anything else. So that's why I don't feel like Ron and Frank can coast, which is what the show is pretty much doing, in my opinion.

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The Jerome family breakfast scenes were under three minutes altogether...I just can't express my rage well enough. But I did want to comment on Sam's reaction after Julian gave her a kiss and left.


One of the reasons I've always liked Kelly is that I feel she can convey so much with her face and body. From her facial expressions to how she plays around with her hair, it's as if she's so often saying something without opening her mouth, and the way she reacted after the kiss said to me that she's still nervous about opening up to Julian but she's wanting to.


I thought the look she gave Alexis was a search for reassurance which Alexis gave with her smile and nod. Though Kelly and William have had so little time spent interacting one on one, I'll never forgive Ron for that either, glimpses like that just make my heart catch a little. Sam's been so often beaten up by the men in her life, literally and figuratively, it started with Cody and then the list grew so long of all the users that had and abused her and then tossed her aside as garbage, she so often had to settle for everything, don't get me started on Jason...


But now she has Julian, a man that doesn't want anything from her but a chance, a chance to prove himself to her, to show her what it's actually like to have a loving father in your life who doesn't place a value on you based on what you can do for him, but in fact what all can he do for you.


I am 99.9% positive I am putting way too much thought in that little scene, heh, but it just touched me for some reason. It was Sam showing her rare but very real vulnerable side that runs so deeply within her.


*sighs* Of course when Julian's lies about Ric are exposed I am sure all of the goodwill being built up will be shot six ways from Sunday to Hades before I can say "thanks, Ron".

  • Love 3

There was a lot of spec over that possibly replacing GH too. The ratings just never warranted it. I think the main reason GH is still on is because they can't find anything else. So that's why I don't feel like Ron and Frank can coast, which is what the show is pretty much doing, in my opinion.


Quite literally there's "a lot of spec" every season regarding ABC replacing GH. And while I don't doubt the subject of canceling the show has been broached by ABC execs over the years, the ratings are up year over year. Whether Frank and Ron have been "coasting" is certainly a matter of opinion, it's also a steady job and one that I'm sure pays relatively well. I'm sure they're putting out the best show they think they can every day, even if that's not everyone's cup of tea (oftentimes it's not even mine).

  • Love 3

Quite literally there's "a lot of spec" every season regarding ABC replacing GH. And while I don't doubt the subject of canceling the show has been broached by ABC execs over the years, the ratings are up year over year. Whether Frank and Ron have been "coasting" is certainly a matter of opinion, it's also a steady job and one that I'm sure pays relatively well. I'm sure they're putting out the best show they think they can every day, even if that's not everyone's cup of tea.


Normally I would agree, but I feel like there's a lot of personal spite (like whatever went on with Sean Kanan, or that whole mess with John Stamos and the Nurses' Ball that likely made no sense to most viewers) that in their mind trumps making a good quality show. I think Frank Valentini probably just wants the show to stay on, but Ron, I can't say that in good faith. I feel like it's a vanity project for him. 


Unless GH starts getting even stronger ratings that aren't just strong compared to what they were a year or two ago I think they'll be in danger. I think for now they're lucky Paul Lee is still around, if it's true that he supports GH.

Edited by PeteMartell
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First of all, my hearfelt admiration for you all who have got me laughing so hard it's embarrassing over all the great stuff you've written about The Nina and That Franco and Slagbeast and Moobster Orange Glow and Pasta Patty and her lasagna pan of sadness - and Silas the Moop and Rafe the Keebler Meth Elf and all the rest of the outrageously craptastic bull that the show has been spewing forth like Linda Blair in the last part of the Exorcist.  You are ALL so much more creative and a million times more entertaining than this show is these days.


The Nina storyline started out creepy and is sliding fast into farce - and that's kinder than I really feel.  It won't be any time before we see The Nina in full Bette-Davis-as-Baby-Jane-Hudson crooning "I'm Writing A Letter To Daddy" while preparing a rat casserole for A tied-up-in-bed Silas, with the soap press fawning over the "brilliance" of Ron C.


AMC was killed by criminally inept interference from the suits stepping all over writing teams, replacing them with worse, insisting on focusing the show on 4 characters until that formerly great soap cannibalized itself to death.  GH is being ruined from within, by a writer who wasn't half bad at his old OLTL gig but has now devolved completely into a egomaniacal bully who has dispensed with any real sense of drama, respect for character or any real regard for the genre.  I don't know what's worse.


Thank you all for this board which gives so much better entertainment than the show does these days.

  • Love 5

Ron gets infatuated with certain actors and characters and drags things out way too long, and other characters and stories suffer because of that.



Of course, the Sabrina and Patrick dying baby story, although instructive in its own way, was dragged out far too long. Although probably meant to help both actors at Emmy time, it was a grueling time for us in the audience.


I cannot WAIT for the UCG that Druggie!Rafe will bring. Hee hee hee. I'm giggling already.



Letting Nina into his private life immediately is a huge, tragic mistake. Silas will start seeing the fruits of that mistake now. I'm sure she will use any information about Rafe to hurt and control Silas.

Olivia was a mean, spiteful witch taking Franco's money.  He vandalized the hotel so he could get arrested and get info for Carly.  And Carly should have let Olivia know it was okay and she should have covered the damages.


This was exactly my thought. I was kind of irate with that scene, it seemed so petty of Olivia, and correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't she work for Carly? Or was I on the barge and she became a co-owner?


I am likely both Morgan and Nathan a whole lot more. Now if we could get them both a decent story, that would be awesome.

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Since I'm one of the people who started watching for a "newbie" even though she just appeared this week I started watching a month ago to aclimated before she came on, not just the OLTL 3 can account for better ratings, sorry b/c it may not be what you want to hear.


Everyone is relatively new to me except a few vets from when I watched 30 yrs ago. The newbies don't have a corner on stinky stories or acting let me tell you.


Seems Sam is a favorite around here, but she annoyed the crap out of me in that park scene punching balloons and acting like Nina is somehow "the bad guy".


I don't care for Ava or Carly, but I gotta say to me Carly got the better end of their fight. Ava got carted off to Sonny jail while Sonny supported Carly's postion.


Morgan and Sonny screaming in the doorway of a hospital was ridiculous and just showed me Morgan is very much LIKE his father.


And the totally hilarious conversation of the week goes to Morgan and Lauren(I too loathe calling a grownass woman KiKi). Their merry-go-round of who is related to whom was totally nasty. Poor baby Corinthos.


I'm trying to figure out how there can be so MANY people in a town that's had MULTIPLE serial killers and mobsters????


I keep wondering where Maxie's dark glasses and cane are, b/c she MUST be blind to be with that muppet in a bad wig over that oiled up hottie in a brown towel. MEOW!


As a MS fan I'm kind of liking Nina, a little too whispery, but I don't get any kind of crazy vibe from her. She's not playing Phyllis and I suspect MS wanted a character very different from Phyllis. Some of the set up is silly but I think she is a nice person who has missed 20 yrs trying to catch up. I mean Silas NEVER divorced her so to me it would give hope that he still loved me. Silas seems pretty schizophrenic about her, one minute smiling and reminiscing and the next having secret phone calls with Sam.

I think in the end Julian may be right. I think Silas may be the bad guy in the triangle trying play both sides.

Olivia was a mean, spiteful witch taking Franco's money.  He vandalized the hotel so he could get arrested and get info for Carly.  And Carly should have let Olivia know it was okay and she should have covered the damages.


I never want to be defending Mama Celeste but anyone at anytime who does anything to make this deranged moron even uncomfortable is okay with me.  And if that person can also make it unpleasant for Carly then I'm all for it.


The Nina is bad enough - Franco is so much worse.  If only Ron C. would steal an idea from the old AMC and bury him under a park bench.  Then, when he's rescued, Ron should steal his own idea from OLTL and have him killed by a falling chandelier.


Pigs are now flying - I've defended Dullivia...

  • Love 3


As a MS fan I'm kind of liking Nina, a little too whispery, but I don't get any kind of crazy vibe from her. She's not playing Phyllis and I suspect MS wanted a character very different from Phyllis. Some of the set up is silly but I think she is a nice person who has missed 20 yrs trying to catch up. I mean Silas NEVER divorced her so to me it would give hope that he still loved me. Silas seems pretty schizophrenic about her, one minute smiling and reminiscing and the next having secret phone calls with Sam.


As someone who'd never heard of her before she got cast (my 30 years of soap viewing have nearly always been limited to GH), I'm enjoying her acting so far...but I think she is playing creepy and bordering on BSC. I have no doubt that Nina is a nice person at heart, but I think she's being manipulated into pulling a scam on Silas, maybe out of revenge for the affair with Ava that to her, just happened. She's being far too sweet and lovey dovey for someone who was cheated on so recently. I'm pretty sure she knows full well about Sam, or at least that's the little glint I read from her eyes.


Regardless of how differently we read the character, though, I'm liking MS so far!

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Anyone else grossed out by Silas and Sam's phone call today?  This is a guy who was cheating on his wife when she went into a coma.  That's not okay.  So his wife goes into a coma for 20 years.  At that point, I feel like it's fair and reasonable to date other people.  Sure, whatever.  But now?  His wife's not in a coma any more.  And he's having conversations with his girlfriend on the phone while his wife is in the other room.  We're back to "not okay" territory with me.


I'm not without sympathy for the situation, but I feel like there are only two appropriate courses of action:  1) tell Nina the truth, 2) if you can't tell Nina the truth, tell Sam that you apologize but that because you can't tell Nina the truth right now (because she's sick, frail, weak whatever), in order to avoid being a gross cheater person, you need to stop speaking to her (Sam) until such time as you are able to tell Nina the truth. 


I get that wife is gross and quite possibly BSC, but damn.  Sort your marriage out before dealing with the girlfriend.

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We may not like it, but there it is.  FV and RC have got no reason to change anything.



If there are five soap operas and four get chosen for an emmy, then the soap opera that didn't even get nominated does have a reason to change .


Franco not only facilitated the rape of her son, but on screen, for some seemingly lengthy period, he stalked and terrorized Sam and Jason.  This is  - Jason - the true love of Carly who dropped his name in nearly every episode.  This is - Carly -  a woman who travelled from PC to Hawaii to interrupt Jason's honeymoon to warn him about Franco.   When I see him whine, like today in the park, or see Carly enjoy time with him, my brain just can't compute these two characters together.  Speaking of whiners, Morgan and Kiki need to get a job or go back to college.


Having Levi, Rafe, and Sonny on the same episode is not a good thing - especially on a Friday.  I don't mind Nina - so far  - as it makes watching Silas a tad more bearable. 


eta:  New website or not, my grammer still sucks. 

Edited by sunnyface
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Nobody cares about the Daytime Emmys anymore. That means nothing to ABC in terms of whether or not they'll can the show.


But I don't think it's going anywhere too soon. I have heard before that GH is safe until sometime next year at least and possibly beyond that. I tend to believe it's safe through to at least mid-2015 if not perhaps later. I think the driving reason behind that is that the network simply has no viable alternative programming, that they fucked up in canning the soaps en masse and are paying for it now. I think FV and RC have made improvements to the show, some very substantial ones and some more minor ones, but I think they also profited immensely from a limited daytime landscape and a network in trouble with its daypart. I think the minute ABC can find something that works for these timeslots, GH is done (along with any previously proposed OLTL or AMC revival, which was something they were playing with on a smaller scale before Prospect Park took control of those properties). It's on borrowed time, but considerably more borrowed time than what they'd originally anticipated when this team first took over GH, which was apparently that they had six or seven months and out. And I think this creative team has gotten lazy and too comfortable with their nine lives, and with their being the only game in town enjoying near-unanimous praise from the soap press - they think they can just do whatever they want because ABC has nothing else ready to go and what else are people going to watch?


I think this team wants to keep doing GH, and I think they generally believe they're doing it to the best of their ability, but I think they're running the show into the ground, as they tend to do in cycles, through a mix of complacency and arrogance. That's the only way you can explain things like the now-standard policy of "no extraneous boring character development," which is something Ron Carlivati snapped at one of the soap press about just the other day, and dropping characters for multiple weeks or months at a time and then picking up their stories either as though no time has passed or in media res - dropping us back in with no context on their new developments. These guys are so convinced they've got it made and are firing on all cylinders that they think all they need is the pearls of brilliance from their macro-storylines, the big beats, the hits, so to speak, and if they cut out coherent character or development they're just 'cutting the fat.' Well, that and Ron was raised on big moments from the 1980s.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

I think that we may be the only sane GH board around. On another site, people are clamoring for a Cranko baby.


If you are thinking of the same board I am thinking of, ignore them,  They are all delusional crackpots.  They've been on the Cranco baby kick from the minute Franco came to PC.  And that was when Carly was still in character and wanting to kill him for what he did to Jason and Michael.



If there are five soap operas and four get chosen for an emmy, then the soap opera that didn't even get nominated does have a reason to change .


Franco not only facilitated the rape of her son, but on screen for some seemingly lengthy period, he stalked and terrorized Sam and Jason.  This is  -'Jason - the true love of Carly whose dropped his name in nearly every episode.  This is 'Carly', a woman who travelled from PC to Hawaii to interrupt Jason's honeymoon to warn him about Franco.   When I see him whine, like today in the park, or see Carly enjoy time with him, my brain just can't compute these two characters together.  Speaking of whiners, Morgan and Kiki need to get a job or go back to college.


Having Levi, Rafe, and Sonny being on the same episode is not a good thing - especially on a Friday.  I don't mind Nina - so far as it makes watching Silas a tad more bearable. 


This year, for Emmy consideration, there were six Daytime Dramas:  AMC, B&B, DAYS, GH, OLTL and Y&R.  But the fact that one of those online soaps took the fourth nomination spot over one of the broadcast ones should tell the creative team behind that one that they need to do some changes.  And I am not digging on OL.  It was far more deserving of that spot that GH.  (And I hope and pray that it wins next weekend.)


The greatest disaster this writing team has visited on one single character on the whole pre-them GH canvas is Carly.  What they have turned her into is beyond character destruction, it is abominable.  Like, when I was watching yesterday, I couldn't even comprehend that that was the same woman I saw the day before go toe to toe with Ava Jerome.  I almost feel bad that they've brought the character so low (the actress, not so much.  She pimped and cheered anything to get herself hooked up to RH.  Now, she looks more and more foolish and stupid.  See:  the Logan exchange from last night.)    


Nobody cares about the Daytime Emmys anymore. That means nothing to ABC in terms of whether or not they'll can the show.


But I don't think it's going anywhere too soon. I have heard before that GH is safe until sometime next year at least and possibly beyond that. I tend to believe it's safe through to at least mid-2015 if not perhaps later. I think the driving reason behind that is that the network simply has no viable alternative programming, that they fucked up in canning the soaps en masse and are paying for it now. I think FV and RC have made improvements to the show, some very substantial ones and some more minor ones, but I think they also profited immensely from a limited daytime landscape and a network in trouble with its daypart. I think the minute ABC can find something that works for these timeslots, GH is done (along with any previously proposed OLTL or AMC revival, which was something they were playing with on a smaller scale before Prospect Park took control of those properties). It's on borrowed time, but considerably more borrowed time than what they'd originally anticipated when this team first took over GH, which was apparently that they had six or seven months and out. And I think this creative team has gotten lazy and too comfortable with their nine lives, and with their being the only game in town enjoying near-unanimous praise from the soap press - they think they can just do whatever they want because ABC has nothing else ready to go and what else are people going to watch?


I think this team wants to keep doing GH, and I think they generally believe they're doing it to the best of their ability, but I think they're running the show into the ground, as they tend to do in cycles, through a mix of complacency and arrogance. That's the only way you can explain things like the now-standard policy of "no extraneous boring character development," which is something Ron Carlivati snapped at one of the soap press about just the other day, and dropping characters for multiple weeks or months at a time and then picking up their stories either as though no time has passed or in media res - dropping us back in with no context on their new developments. These guys are so convinced they've got it made and are firing on all cylinders that they think all they need is the pearls of brilliance from their macro-storylines, the big beats, the hits, so to speak, and if they cut out coherent character or development they're just 'cutting the fat.' Well, that and Ron was raised on big moments from the 1980s.


The soon to be new head of ABCD is the former head of ABC News, who has been eying a daytime slot since the fall of the Revolution and the short-lived GAA in the summer of 2012.  I remember reading somewhere that they were testing for a Kathy Lee/Hoda type show for Lara Spencer and Maria Menunos and, IIRC, they worked well together.  It was said the show wouldn't be ready for at least twelve months, but that would bring it up around Sept. 2015.  


I am at the point with GH that cancelling it would be a mercy killing.  It has gotten too big cast-wise, has lost what little cohesive storytelling it had and Ron really needs to be canned from the WGA.  I also feel the suits are letting them dig their own grave.  MHO, anyway.

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I forget when the fall sweeps are, but something like November?  So that's about when Ava's baby will be born (pregnancy SORAS)? 


Because that means the rest of the year we're going to have to believe that Ava's survival depends on turning Sonny around on her before the baby is born as opposed to, oh, I don't know, just killing him.  Of course first she'd have to have the opportunity to get close to him.  Oh, wait, she lives in the same house with him.


Same for Julian.  He has to send an innocent man to jail and break the heart of the daughter of the woman he loves (who is the daughter of that man) in order to save his family from the Evil Man Who Shot His Son In Cold Blood.  You know, instead of just killing him. 

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it seemed so petty of Olivia, and correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't she work for Carly? Or was I on the barge and she became a co-owner?


Olivia inherited Connie's half of the hotel, so she is co-owner.  It is in her right to get money from Franco, who did hundreds of dollars of damage and then shrugged it off like he does everything else. 

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I hate Nina cause she ruined my Danny's brthday party.


I also hate the fact that Sam finally has family scenes and they were spent talking about her and Silas.


But I will be her biggest fan if she unloads Silas's boring ass off Sam's hands.


She will live in fast-forward land with Levi but at least she will take Silas with her.

There are not enough words for the sickness that is Cranco. I guess Carly, Franco, Bobbie, Lucas, Morgan, and Joss will all just be one happy family living under the same roof.


This would never happen, but I'd love if we saw Bobbie, Lucas, and Morgan flee with their suitcases to SERIAL KILLER free lodgings once they get the news.


As for them going there with Morgan and Kiki again, one of the numerous reasons why I would hate that is you just know that Sonny and Carly and probably the rest of the town would be lining up to tell Morgan what a betraying asshole he is, with not a soul grasping the gaping hypocricy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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They are getting a lot of storyline out of Julian not just killing Fluke, for now. I think Fluke is ending in November, so I'm calling February as Ava's sweeps month due date. Plenty of time for Sonny to fall in love with the female version of himself, unless the rumor that Mo is leaving is true.


The rumor is Julian

thinks he's been dealing with Luke this whole time, and there still might be someone other than Fluke pulling the strings.

I'm awaiting Ric's "death" and Julian's guilt over it. The angst Julexis will get from it is going to be soapy goodness. If Rafe dies from an OD, maybe Silas should have spent more time parenting the nephew he is supposed to be raising rather than fucking Sam.


Julian coloring with Danny was adorable 2 days in a row. Julian being overprotective was fabulous, "I wasn't around to protect you from boys and.....boys." From the expression on Alexis's face, she will be calling him to sneak in the window later.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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If there are five soap operas and four get chosen for an emmy, then the soap opera that didn't even get nominated does have a reason to change .


Here's my thoughts on this: The Daytime Emmys have become an absolute joke. They're no longer broadcast on the Big 4, nor are they even broadcast on deep cable. Nope, they're now going to be streaming online. Why? Because no one wants to be saddled with them. Even Lifetime and Bravo passed on them. The Daytime Emmys are no longer the end-all, be-all in determining whether a soap has been successful over the previous year. That GH wasn't nominated for a Best Drama Series Emmy doesn't really indicate much to me.

  • Love 1

Here's my thoughts on this: The Daytime Emmys have become an absolute joke. They're no longer broadcast on the Big 4, nor are they even broadcast on deep cable. Nope, they're now going to be streaming online. Why? Because no one wants to be saddled with them. Even Lifetime and Bravo passed on them. The Daytime Emmys are no longer the end-all, be-all in determining whether a soap has been successful over the previous year. They've become a joke. That GH wasn't nominated for a Best Drama Series Emmy doesn't really indicate much to me.


I would agree, but the reaction that some in the "press" had to this snub, and Ron responding to it (and previously having a fit when DAYS beat them for a WGA) tells me they're still viewed as important in the ever-decreasing cult that is the daytime drama industry. I think the people making those nominations wanted to send a message, and the hysteria from some quarters guaranteed that the message was heard.


I thought someone did make them an offer and they turned it down. If so, their mistake.

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Idea for Ava:  Kill Sonny.  You're a murderer, and he's threatening your life.  Why waste time killing Carly?



Right?  She's living with the guy now.  Perfect time to off him and get the hell out of Port Charles.  I mean really, is she supposed to be scared of his only body guard in Max?  Please.  If this show is going to make it all about a mob war - start killing the mobsters.   

Not only is Ben Sherwood, Anne Sweeney's successor, a news guy he also allegedly hates soaps.  GH's ratings could continue to rise while they simultaneously continue to cut the budget.  It doesn't matter; GH is ending come Sep 2015 and being replaced by an infotainment show from ABCNEWS.   


ALLEGEDLY,  there are some folks at ABC who have floated the idea of continuing the show as a primetime summer series or moving it to ABCFamily or Lifetime.   Personally, I think GH belongs on ESPN since sports have basically turned into soaps these days.

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I am all for Olivia taking the money Franco got from art busking in the park. Everyone in town shoukd be as unpleasant as is humanly possible when they catch a glimpse of Franco. Even Sonny is written OOC in not killing the guy that got Michael raped and tried to blow up his daughter in law. Letting Franco live without heavy retaliation sends the message to the criminal element that any of Sonny's family can be targeted with impunity. And Dante is a cop that should be dogging him like mashed potatoes.

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Kiki always called him Mikey. She got from Morgan


I hate that nickname. I don't mind it when it's used mockingly, but as a genuine name, ugh. But at least Lauren has stopped calling Morgan "Captain." That was the WORST.




Truth. I don't think we'd have loved MW's Kate as much if she hadn't had world-peace-bringing hair.


I think that we may be the only sane GH board around. On another site, people are clamoring for a Cranko baby.


*vomits with more force than during chemo* Nut jobs or not, that's just so, so wrong in so, so many ways.


That GH wasn't nominated for a Best Drama Series Emmy doesn't really indicate much to me.


I agree the Daytime Emmys are a joke. That said, I think GH not getting a best-drama nod means the industry, at least, recognizes what crap Ron is serving. I also think it's kind of ironic that Ron writes for the big moments, which are usually Emmy bait, and he doesn't get a nomination. If nothing else, it's very satisfying schadenfreude for me.


Everyone in town should be as unpleasant as is humanly possible when they catch a glimpse of Franco.


I wish people would hiss and throw things at him whenever they saw him.


Can someone post a link to the Logan exchange, please?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

I agree the Daytime Emmys are a joke. That said, I think GH not getting a best-drama nod means the industry, at least, recognizes what crap Ron is serving. I also think it's kind of ironic that Ron writes for the big moments, which are usually Emmy bait, and he doesn't get a nomination. If nothing else, it's very satisfying schadenfreude for me.


Except GH won a number of Best Drama Emmys during Guza's tenure which was a very dark time in GH's history according to a lot of folks. In fact, I remember a lot of people deriding the Emmy folks for rewarding GH with those Emmys even though the show had been devoured by violence at the hands of Sonny, Carly, Jason, et al. And that was at a time when the Daytime Emmys actually appeared to mean something. 



Can someone post a link to the Logan exchange, please?


I think that can be found in the media thread.


ALLEGEDLY,  there are some folks at ABC who have floated the idea of continuing the show as a primetime summer series or moving it to ABCFamily or Lifetime.   Personally, I think GH belongs on ESPN since sports have basically turned into soaps these days.

I have long been of the opinion that SOAPS became doomed when they did not make the transition to cable a la cartoons. A move to Lifetime or ABCFamily may in the long run be the best thing for GH and the whole genre. OLTL and AMC or even new soaps could follow.

Not to be a hypocrite (which means I'm about to be a hypocrite), but let's keep this thread about episode discussion and not the Daytime Emmys or whether GH is going to be cancelled in a year. However, please feel free to create threads on those subjects and I can move the posts to their appropriate threads! 


And with that, I'll keep my mouth shut about the Emmys! ;)

  • Love 2

Anyone else grossed out by Silas and Sam's phone call today?  This is a guy who was cheating on his wife when she went into a coma.  That's not okay.  So his wife goes into a coma for 20 years.  At that point, I feel like it's fair and reasonable to date other people.  Sure, whatever.  But now?  His wife's not in a coma any more.  And he's having conversations with his girlfriend on the phone while his wife is in the other room.  We're back to "not okay" territory with me.

I would be more grossed out if Nina was played by someone other than Stafford.  But I'm hoping Sam will call things off until Silas figures things out.



This would never happen, but I'd love if we saw Bobbie, Lucas, and Morgan flee with their suitcases to SERIAL KILLER free lodgings once they get the news.

They could move into the penthouse across the hall from Sam!



Can someone post a link to the Logan exchange, please?

I put it in the media thread.


Found it; thanks.


I'm hoping Sam will call things off until Silas figures things out.


It would be nice to see her stand up for herself, but I doubt she will. She'll let Silas go on being a coward until the news comes out inadvertently (because that's the "soapiest" way; gag). Silas won't even tell Nathan is sister is alive, which doesn't do Silas any harm. We're in for a long summer of near-misses, I'm sure. UGH. 

Edited by dubbel zout

Since I'm one of the people who started watching for a "newbie" even though she just appeared this week I started watching a month ago to aclimated before she came on, not just the OLTL 3 can account for better ratings, sorry b/c it may not be what you want to hear.


Everyone is relatively new to me except a few vets from when I watched 30 yrs ago. The newbies don't have a corner on stinky stories or acting let me tell you.


Seems Sam is a favorite around here, but she annoyed the crap out of me in that park scene punching balloons and acting like Nina is somehow "the bad guy".


I don't care for Ava or Carly, but I gotta say to me Carly got the better end of their fight. Ava got carted off to Sonny jail while Sonny supported Carly's postion.


Morgan and Sonny screaming in the doorway of a hospital was ridiculous and just showed me Morgan is very much LIKE his father.


And the totally hilarious conversation of the week goes to Morgan and Lauren(I too loathe calling a grownass woman KiKi). Their merry-go-round of who is related to whom was totally nasty. Poor baby Corinthos.


I'm trying to figure out how there can be so MANY people in a town that's had MULTIPLE serial killers and mobsters????


I keep wondering where Maxie's dark glasses and cane are, b/c she MUST be blind to be with that muppet in a bad wig over that oiled up hottie in a brown towel. MEOW!


As a MS fan I'm kind of liking Nina, a little too whispery, but I don't get any kind of crazy vibe from her. She's not playing Phyllis and I suspect MS wanted a character very different from Phyllis. Some of the set up is silly but I think she is a nice person who has missed 20 yrs trying to catch up. I mean Silas NEVER divorced her so to me it would give hope that he still loved me. Silas seems pretty schizophrenic about her, one minute smiling and reminiscing and the next having secret phone calls with Sam.

I think in the end Julian may be right. I think Silas may be the bad guy in the triangle trying play both sides.

Me 2!  I watched in the late 70s and early 80s with my grandmother - the TV was on ABC from Ryan's Hope to Edge of Night.  Stopped watching around the time I got into High School.  Saw an episode back in Feb this year and was all confused with the vampire werewolf whatever crap.  Caught an episode about 3 weeks ago and saw Bobbie (omg, the face), Lucy, Scottie etc!   Then once the killings started, well, I've been hooked.


No idea who Michelle Stafford is or what her character might have been on another soap.  I do know that she is chewing the scenery like ka-razy and yea, it's gonna be a long summer.


I like Julian and Nathan as eye candy. 


The Sonny stuff is funny to me because his acting is so bad.  Most of the people I can't care about because I don't know who is who or what (or whom) they did.  There needs to be a family tree!


Rafe the druggie -- hahaha.  The stealing of the money - that makes sense.  Standing in a public place grinning at his drug buy - yea no.  Even the incompetent PC police should be able to nail him.


Hope we've seen the last of Sabrina for a while.  She annoys me more than Kiki.  Physically, Kiki reminds me of Racheal Ray - that's not a good thing.


And because it can't be said enough --- more nearly naked Nathan and Julian too!

I would be more grossed out if Nina was played by someone other than Stafford.  But I'm hoping Sam will call things off until Silas figures things out.


I would be more grossed out if I cared about any of these people or what they were doing.  That comment applies equally to most of the stories on this show.  But the decision to play it as Sam and Silas missing each other while (probably) BSC wife rolls around oblivious is, to me, just another example of how this writing regime fails to understand basic dramatic tension and human emotions.  I feel like I'm supposed to feel bad for Sam and Silas because they're in love and being kept apart by his (possibly) BSC wife.  What I actually feel is grossed out that Silas is sneaking phone calls to tell Sam he missed her while his wife is in the other room. 


Real dramatic tension would be Silas telling Sam that he cheated on Nina once and won't do it again--that he doesn't want to lose her but that in fairness to Nina, he can't continue their relationship unless and until he feels like Nina is in a place where he can come clean.  Maybe he and Nina could go see Kevin to get some therapy or something.  I don't know. 


I just know that I'm not going to be super-interested in a story that expects me to feel bad for a dude who is limited to talking on the phone to his girlfriend about how much he wants to spend the night with her, and who is sad because he can't actually spend the night with her because his wife is too sick/crazy for him to break up with her.

  • Love 2

Nine months is a long time. I strongly suspect that the setup is

slowly underway for a Moobster/Ava marriage, possibly so they can't testify against each other in court. Furthermore the baby should live, since it will be genetically a combination of the two crime families.

. I get vibes that Sonny finds Ava attractive physically and morally, despite his string of criticism. And although Ava says she resents being his unwilling house guest, I think she's enjoying her position very much, knowing Carly and Olivia are radioactive with jealousy and she's getting all the attention. She knows Sonny is attracted to her too. It won't be long before those two will be making the earth move again.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 6
Silas won't even tell Nathan is sister is alive, which doesn't do Silas any harm.

Silas doesn't have to tell Nathan about Nina, Sam said something when she saw him at Kelly's.  I'm guessing that conversation will continue on Monday.


Exactly—someone else told Nathan.


he can't continue their relationship unless and until he feels like Nina is in a place where he can come clean.


Silas has already had a number of opportunities to tell Nina what's up with Sam, but he's punted them all. I get not telling her in the park, I guess—it's really a conversation to be had in private. But the beans could have been spilled and they go home to talk about it. But no, Ron finds it more interesting to have Silas wuss out. IMO, Nina might as well find out everything in one swell foop. Dribbling out the details isn't going to make it any easier to hear. Plus, we all know she's going to go BSC anyway, so it's a way to move that along, too.


As with John McBain on OLTL, Ron is writing Silas so the women do all the heavy lifting in the relationship. 

"Hope we've seen the last of Sabrina for a while.  She annoys me more than Kiki.  Physically, Kiki reminds me of Racheal Ray - that's not a good thing."


Lola16 I can see what you mean about the Kiki/RR physical thing, and I totally agree with you about Sabrina, the truth is whenever I see Sabrina she reminds me physically of Convicted Killer Jodi Arias, no matter what I do to try and unsee the murderess when I see Sabrina, I can't. Maybe if the character of Sabrina was written by a writer who cares about GH I might be able to overlook the resemblance but, she's not, and they don't, so I can't.

Yet still I continue to torture myself and watch.

It's the little things, like Morgan the Truth Yeller aka MWOP that keeps me hanging in there.

Please Morgan, never change.

Edited by Stinger97
Created quote box

I think those clamoring for a Canco(sore) baby are Carlitini's ideal audience members, along with the Sonny lovers.  The complete lack of, if not a rational and/or moral worldview, at least taste means these fans are likely to buy anything from the show, and by extension from the commercials.  That's what I'd be marketing if I had the stomach to try to sell this show to advertisers.


I'm so glad I have this board to keep me up to date while I stroll along the sun deck on the barge.

Nine months is a long time. I strongly suspect that the setup is

slowly underway for a Moobster/Ava marriage, possibly so they can't testify against each other in court. Furthermore the baby should live, since it will be genetically a combination of the two crime families.

. I get vibes that Sonny finds Ava attractive physically and morally, despite his string of criticism. And although Ava says she resents being his unwilling house guest, I think she's enjoying her position very much, knowing Carly and Olivia are radioactive with jealousy and she's getting all the attention. She knows Sonny is attracted to her too. It won't be long before those two will be making the earth move again.


 I agree, I think Ava is exactly where she wants to be. She may cry about wanting to be with Morgan but she's really all about keeping Ava alive.

  • Love 1

Michelle Stafford's hair is not looking as good as it has in the past!! Looks rather thin and stringy to me. Can't wait until she starts repeating her words when she goes in to full drama mode. I don't mind the Sunny/Ava story line being like that of Claudia as some have posted, because I never watched it during that time. I took a long hiatus from GH, only to return last year. Hopefully they will move things along. I don't like the Julian/Alexis family, as I think it is too forced and too corny and shows lazy writing. My favorite family was the Quartermaine/Spencers, but God only knows how they have managed to destroy those families.

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