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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Okay, I watched yesterday's show and there are no words.  The intro was great, paging Dr. Hardy, Dr. Alan Quartermine, Dr. Jeff Webber, etc. and bestest, Amy Vining, but after that, it went down hill faster than a gold medal bobsled team.

What I liked best was that very briefly you could see a picture of Lucille March, Audrey's sister and the first Head Nurse, next to Amy. I think this may be the first shout out to her in many many years.


Other than that Ron is a jerk.



Is it bad to hope that it does end up cancelled?  Because there is not a damn thing that I am enjoying about the show right now.  The stories, the pairings, the twitter antics -- nothing.  I record the episodes and end up deleting them without even looking at them.

Yes I think it's bad to hope the show is cancelled. There are still plenty of people watching this show and I for one would like to keep it going. If you can't bear what the show has turned into, kindly flip the channel/switch off the TV/cancel your DVR subscription and let the rest of us continue to follow our show. I'm not thrilled with the direction the show has taken either but I will continue watching. I don't want to say goodbye to beloved characters or find my favourite actors out of a job or witness the death of the soap opera genre. I will always be a fan.

Edited by Aymery
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Is it bad to hope that it does end up cancelled?  Because there is not a damn thing that I am enjoying about the show right now.

The show is pretty garbage right now but there are a handful of actors that I would feel bad for if they were unemployed. 


I just can't believe there are absolutely no charges that could be filed against Britt. 

I would not only feel bad for the actors but I would also feel like I was giving up if I wished for cancellation. GH and I are the same age and some of my earliest memories are playing on the floor at my Nana's house while she watched. The genre needs to go on, and nightime soaps just don't cut it. The shame is that with the end of Soapnet what  I always felt was the future of soaps, moving to their own network (like cartoons have) seems far away

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I don't want the show to end at all -- it's been a part of my life for far too long.  But I do wish that the overrated and destructive Cartini would be kicked to the curb.  Sadly, with the state of soaps these days I don't foresee ever getting that (and since the same people always get fired/rehired again with no new blood ever being brought in, there's no guarantee of anyone else doing a better job).  I expect Cartini to be crapping all over the show until the lights are turned off, and that's depressing and makes it harder and harder for me to watch.

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(and since the same people always get fired/rehired again with no new blood ever being brought in, there's no guarantee of anyone else doing a better job)

I agree. I think it is "new blood" coupled with a respect for the audience that is lacking. Most of the posters on this and other boards could do a better job. Too bad we can't start a "kickstater" campaign  or something similar to raise money to hire a new writer. With writing samples and plot lines (for a year) as a per-requstite for being hired. 

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So Lulu is at the police station BECAUSE HER BABY WAS KIDNAPPED, but instead of focusing on that, she and Nickolas spend all their time discussing Liz and his conversation and by extension, their relationship. Yeah, cuz that's what's really important.

Then he goes to see Liz because he just HAS to know about her and Ric and is confronted by that gun-toting ex-chorus girl from "Springtime for Hitler".

And Brad - the guy with the insufficent upper lip and the Alvin and the Chipmunks overbite - wishes Britt well while she goes off - he assumes - to further KIDNAP HER NOTSON - and his first instinct is to see if he can possibly weasel another lay out of Lucas.

Does anyone really give a rats ass about Ben? Other then Britt, not that I can really see.

Such stellar writing.....

I swear, Frons is still in the building.

As Morgan showed some intelligence today in seeing through some of Ava's lies, (a trait unheard of in a Corinthos male), should I begin doubting his paternity?



Morgan looked awful today. Just awful. Pretty people should never look that bad and no one who has access to a shower should ever look greasy.

No doubt about his paternity even in spite of his showing some intelligence. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, although I suspect Morgan still hasn't learned to tell time.

He looks exactly like a Corinthos, and today I bet he smelled like one, too.

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Why does Morgan have Jason's ugly hairdo? And what's with the beard? Goatee?


Apparently Britt is telling him she likes it long in real life, stop that, Britt.

I enjoyed Morgan/Ava but I figured 6 months would be about the longest it would last. So I hope Morgan's next love interest is decent. If he gets one, which I hear he is. (It's so weird, because when the actors and/or anyone say that they should pair Morgan and Britt, my first thought is "she's too old for him!" I was fine with Morgan/Ava but not this. Plus, I just would not be able to get out of my head that it was the actors who wanted it and that would annoy me haha.)

He looks exactly like a Corinthos, and today I bet he smelled like one, too.


To me, myDante looks like he smells like pine needles and firewood or something lol. Something evocative of comfort.

Edited by ulkis
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To me, myDante looks like he smells like pine needles and firewood or something lol. Something evocative of comfort.

You're probably right. Since Dante wasn't raised by Orange Glow at least we can sure doesn't smell like an overpowering mix of Coppertone and insincerity. But I bet Dullivia dosed that boy with liberal portions of Old Spice (undoubtedly what Sonny wore when he slicked it down in Bensonhurst)and sauce.

The boy undoubtedly improved when he was finally on his own.

Morgan, on the other hand, probably smells like monkey from Carly and motor oil from Sonny.

  • Love 3


And Brad - the guy with the insufficent upper lip and the Alvin and the Chipmunks overbite - wishes Britt well while she goes off - he assumes - to further KIDNAP HER NOTSON - and his first instinct is to see if he can possibly weasel another lay out of Lucas.

Brad is a freak and a weirdo so I'm not surprised he's only concerend about getting his fuck buddy back.


I just can't believe there are absolutely no charges that could be filed against Britt.


In my world she's allowed to keep her baby, ethics be damned.

I thought TJ's mother would die from blood not circulation while in the white pencil skirt.  Way too tight.  She could barely walk.

Edited by Patssy Stoned
 The big problem is Cartini's writing, pacing & editing. Both actors are rarely on & minimal attention has been given to the characters & relationship beyond plot points


That can be said for most relationships on the show. 

What it comes down to for me is that I like Brad (despite his original dickishness) and I like Lucas. I do not care for Felix at all. 

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I just watched the anniversary episode. Is the fact that it aired on April 1st a coincidence? What a joke!

I hate Sonny Corinthos. So gross. So disgusting. So completely selfish. Why do people love him? He's a murdering pig!

The AJ death debacle is horrendous. AJ had so much potential. What a complete waste of a character and an actor.

I enjoy *listening* to Monica act. I am taken out of the scenes when I look at her. I can't tell if it's the plastic surgery, the make-up, the hair, or a combination of any of it.

I've never like Carly. Watching the three Carlys didn't make me like the character any more.


I am starting to warm to the idea that the Fake-Luke is Damian Smith. The Smith Family was in charge of the mob both before and after the Jerome's, which links him to Julian. He has reason to hate Sonny and Luke. He had the money to buy out Barrett Industries, he has reason to hate the Q's since it was Justus who "killed him. He is about the same age and height as real-Luke and since he "died" in the fire at Ward House, plastic surgery, would be an acceptable (and better than a mask) explanation for his new look.


of course this being Ron, I am over thinking aren't I?

Edited by Fylaki
Did this thread go from 10 pages to 3 pages for anyone else?

I thought it was just me.

So, I am a relative newcomer to the show - caught a bit of it after Days on Soapnet (RIP) one night and decided to try it out. I had watched it a little bit when I was a teenager so I was familiar with the Scorpios, Q's and Spencers. Since I missed Scrubs and I had heard KMc was coming back, I went to the site which shall not be named and watched most of their storyline in one weekend.

KMc is Robin - you cannot replace her anymore than you could replace Tristan Rogers or Finola Hughes. The Scorpio family of actors are irreplaceable and it shouldn't even be discussed.

The intial Scrubs reunion was amazing to watch. The rest sucked. A more plausible explanation for Robin leaving was that Georgie was the one in deep freeze and she had to go and save her cousin/honorary sister. That would have made most fans happy and Patrick would have been conflicted but far more understanding about the situation.

As for Jason, never watched him so I really don't care about him but if it means more mob storylines than hell to the no! I despise Sonny and Carly like almost no other character other than Sabrina. Maybe RC should pay attention to the fact that almost no one is missing Sabrina while she is offscreen but a lot of people miss Robin.

I have been enjoying the Dr. O & Liz scenes. A lot of snark on both sides.

Since I have no frame of reference to the other Lulu, I really have no issues with ER as Lulu. I understand that she is feeling like the issues with having children and recovering her son feel like some kind of karmic payback for her past misdeeds. It isn't logical, but life usually isn't logical either. I personally loved her when she was on Guiding Light as LIzzie - she needs to be a little more gray and I could really get behind her. ER is good at playing the girl who does bad things with the best of intentions.

Edited by cmahorror


Since I have no frame of reference to the other Lulu, I really have no issues with ER as Lulu. I understand that she is feeling like the issues with having children and recovering her son feel like some kind of karmic payback for her past misdeeds. It isn't logical, but life usually isn't logical either. I personally loved her when she was on Guiding Light as LIzzie - she needs to be a little more gray and I could really get behind her. ER is good at playing the girl who does bad things with the best of intentions.

Lulu is usually a little more gray than she's being written by now. She's just in super baby mode.

For some reason it bugs me that Lante have a boy. I don't know. It's just so obvious that GH always gives girls to who they consider second stringers (Jax, Patrick and Robin, Spin and Maxie) and boys to the more favored characters (Jason and Sam, Liz and JJLucky, Dante and Lulu). It's too bad, because DZ was a-freaking-dorable with the baby who played Connie, and Dante with a little girl was so cute. And there are already too many boys in the Spencer/Webber clan. bah. Oh well, at least the baby who plays Ben is super cute.


I am big fan of Kim's and for that matter JJ's, but I am a bigger fan of Robin and Lucky and I am not sure, if the show is to go forward, that it is wise for TPTB to not re-cast Lucky and Robin.

I think we have to consider that if the show is salvageable, and I am no longer sure it is, that the salvation has to be built on the backs of legacy characters who can resonate with the audience, and not on newbie's and mobsters. With the Q's decimated, the Scropio-Jones and the Spencer-Cassadine-Webbers need to be re-built and beefed up.

Lucas is a good addition, his ties to the entire canvas make him lynchpin. But we do not know enough about him and Ron is not investing in him. He is a bed warmer for Felix/Brad. He needs a backstory (and a JOB).

Michael, for all that is wrong with the character, plays a key role, he too is tied to the whole canvas and if developed right could straddle the line between the corporate raiders like Edward and Jax, and the out and out criminals like Sonny, he should be played as a morally conflicted John Ross Ewing type not as  eyeore and Kiki's bed warmer. Archtyping Monica into a smarter "Sue Ellen" and Tracy into an out and out "JR" would be helpful as well, perhaps the return of Dillion as the "good cousin" would also be a good move. Even if we then get a Michael-Kiki-Dillion Triangle.  Morgan should go all out mobsters, slowly taking over Sonny's business and being unapologetically evil, then Morgan sits on one shoulder of Michael leading him to evil and Dillion on the other leading him to good.

Liz and Nic, together or apart, like them or not are also key to moving the show forward. Liz is the last hold out for the Webber-Hardy's and she is raising the next generation of Spencers.

Maxie needs to assert her Jones genes and Scorpio upbringing. She would make a better partner for Sam then Spin ever did.

Lucky and Robin are also needed on the canvas, preferable in my mind either as a couple or as partners.   They should have each others backs in the same way that Luke and Robert and/or Robert and Anna have.  A return of Lucky as the East Coast Operative for the WSB and Robin has head of research at the WSB, (Which is now housed at GH, as repayment for forcing Dr. O on them) would give miles and miles of story, especially t if they interact with , but occasionally have to hide things from Dante, Lulu, Maxie, Patrick and Sam.

So a re-cast if done right may be in order. At this point, as much as I love the snark, I am in favor or looking for practical solutions to the problems on the show. Ron seems to have a sense of history but he never learned the writers rule of "Kill your darlings" he is to in love with his own work and agenda.  He needs a co-head writer to balance his unnatural love for RH, KA and a few others.

Edited by Fylaki

I've been tired of Middle School Sexpot Alexis for at least ten years. And I know NLG didn't used to play it this broad - I believe Guza's returning staff even viciously skewered this take on Alexis in a series of scenes where she reasserted her confidence after they threw Megan McTavish out - but that rush faded, and she has been like this since then through several regimes. It's at least partly the actress.

Edited by jsbt
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Ugh, since this Nina whodunit storyline is so riveting, we must saddle Silas with ANOTHER surprise offspring.  How many ways or times do I have to say that I have zero interest in a murder of a character who we have never seen or cared about?  I liked Silas when he came on the show (Dr. McBain) but now he is just boring.  If Dr. O can magically shoot him from Liz's house, I'd be happy. Also why is Ava in the opening credits and not Julian?

Edited by Grammaeryn

Yawn.  I feel like TPTB are trying to create interesting story lines, but they just don't know how.  Getting Silas, a character I don't care about, involved even further with Nathan and his mother, two other characters I don't care about, is not exactly riveting TV.  I cannot muster up any interest whatsoever in Nina or her coma or her death or her baby or anything related to any of them.

I am 100% spoiler free, so this is purely my fear talking, but I am absolutely terrified that Dr. O is going to shoot Liz, and Nik will sit vigil by Liz' bedside, and that's how they'll get back together.  Do.  Not.  Want. 

But I have to say, I'm not minding the attempted redemption arc for Britt so far.  It could work, especially because I've started to like her.  Never saw that coming!

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