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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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8 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Word. If he'd actually been the terrifying badass that she'd feared, it still would've been dumb. The idea that Helena would have been determined to create the child of a stalker/hunchback/lounge singer is....what's the next level after ludicrous?

Did I hear wrong or did Alexis actually say to Jax that Valentin is "trouble with a capital T" and is "as dangerous as your brother". Seriously? Jerry? Alexis, what are you smoking?

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5 hours ago, nilyank said:

Curtis should just wait Ryan out to die and go to Kevin for the kidney. Because Ryan is evil, manipulative and petty. If Curtis annoys him enough, Ryan is most likely to damage his kidneys so that they are unusable for Jordan. This is the same man who sliced off his hand to fool the authorities into thinking that he died.

I don't understand how Ryan is even a candidate if Jordan's need is this urgent. Kevin couldn't donate because he was prediabetic. Ryan just had (presumably) major surgery. His system should be full of blood products and medications that could restrict his ability to donate so soon. Ditto his overall health. He can't possibly be stable enough to donate an organ immediately.

And YAY! Ryan lives! I popped on here today just to confirm the continued existence of my sweet psycho baboo.  

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5 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I agree on the Jaxis love.  But I'm thinking now I don't want them together romantically.  I don't trust the writers to not ruin them.

Hate Nina but J'ADORE the leopard- print blouse with sheer sleeves - does anyone know where it's from?

There's a blog that looks the clothes up, look up "gh clothes blog" or something like that and it should pop up.


I sure don't. It's nice to have a character who's unabashedly good. I'm sure Sonny will ruin it sooner or later, but I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts.

well, he was happy to help Jason out if it meant messing with Shiloh during the whole "push him against the wall/assault non-charge, so perhaps we're meant to believe he's the cop the moobsters are willing to work with when the law aligns with their needs.

The thing about Chase, (and Robert) and now the newly returned Jax is that GH viewers don't get to route for any good guys-- nearly every male GH character is dark and broody.

It's nice to see the guys who are flat out charming and fun. I'm sick of mopey bad boys-- I want champagne and roller skate dates. An element of danger is fine-- but this two decade turn to the mob seems to focus solely on non-fun. (Laura Wright inexplicably laughing during scenes is not lightening the mood, its just weird)

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16 hours ago, ulkis said:

 I don't see the grand love Jason has for Carly. It's Carly who makes the "YOU'RE MY BFF" speeches and Jason nods and agrees. 

Some examples are Jason telling Carly he will always find her (she asked "how did you find me" after Ryan left her to freeze to death), Carly mentioning Shiloh as a danger to Sam/Kristina in one conversation and Oscar dying in another conversation and Jason's response both times was that he's concerned about her and her baby and Josslyn.  (So nice of Jason to give a damn that his own mother was about to lose a grandson. And not to be cold, but that should be more important because Joss is only 15 - she will have at least a couple more great loves in the future.) He tells Carly "I love you too" when she says ILY.

What was Jason doing when his wife Sam was pregnant with Danny? Implying she could get an abortion, riding his motorcycle wherever and shutting Sam out, and being passive when she moved out to be on her own in her 3rd trimester since he couldn't tell her he would definitely love the baby. This was when they didn't know whether the baby would be Jason's or Franco's, not that there was no way Jason could be the father.

14 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

No problem with Nina saying she had 2 daughters, mainly because before he left Dante would reference his "two kids."  What's good for one step-parent is good for the other (and Nina did refer to Charlotte specifically as her stepdaughter later in the convo).

I see it differently - circumstances were not the same. Dante and Lulu were a married, committed couple well before Rocco, and then they discovered that Lulu was Charlotte's mother. Dante never acted like a sanctimonious, entitled asshole as a stepdad to Charlotte, behaving as if Valentin and Nina don't exist. Nina just met Sasha five minutes ago, and seemed to latch on to a relationship with single father Valentin quickly, the possibility of playing mommy to Charlotte as a major motivator. She keeps breaking up and getting back together with him - again playing mommy is the prize that gets dangled in front of her. She openly shows contempt for Lulu as a person and especially as Charlotte's mother (remember the snotty goodbye when Lulu left for Paris?), and I'm not sure if she even has acknowledged Dante's existence as stepdad. It's her smugness about having "two daughters" that bothers me. You'd think she had raised Sasha and Charlotte both from birth, especially when she has lines like questioning Willow (way before overhearing the phone conversation) if she is a parent and then saying she's bad with children/a bad teacher.

9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ryan’s not gonna give up a kidney. But Kevin, as his next of kin, will authorize the donation after he dies. I’m very sad that we’re on the brink of losing Ryan, so I can only hope that his spirit lives on in the form of an evil kidney.  Maybe it will give Jordan the edge she so desperately needs.

Curtis standing over Ryan and demanding the kidney for Jordan was a dumbass move. Someone as vindictive, selfish  and crazy as Ryan would deliberately do something, even while in a hospital bed, to damage his own kidneys just enough so that they wouldn't be viable for a transplant, to stick it to Curtis and Jordan.  The better move would be to get Ryan so upset that his heart goes into cardiac arrest or something, And here I thought Curtis was supposed to be a smart guy.

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"[Jason moving in] is something I have been thinking about ever since I was in my hospital bed and I opened my eyes and I saw you standing there. I mean, things were just really confusing for me, and you gave me the time I needed." Wait, what? It doesn't make sense for this to be referring to Sam's hospitalization from the Shiloh stuff, so Sam must mean that when Jason was newly returned to PC, when she was still with Drew, that she wanted Jason to move in with her. Which is utter bullshit. There's no need for Sam to make these ridiculous grandiose statements to support her relationship with Jason, especially since it flies in the face of the reality of Sam's emotions at the time (she was genuinely torn up over breaking up with Drew). I hate how the show resorts to these tactics (along with that fucking song playing in the background) to sell us on the inevitability of JaSam.

New Danny looks less like Jason but seems like he may be a more comfortable actor. How convenient that Scout was left at the Quartermaine mansion so we could see the family unit of Sam/Jason/Danny. Honestly, Scout just stay at Monica's Group Home for Invisible Children (tree house coming Summer 2019), with her actual father, and let Jason and Sam play happy family with Danny, since he only exists as a tent pole for their love anyway.

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Dear wardrobe department;
WTF is that sweater Sam is wearing?

Dear music department;
No one gives a crap about that overplayed JaSam song. It needs to die as painfully as the couple.

Dear writers/FV;
You're not good. And thank you for not subjecting me to Jason bringing Scout home. Thx!

I'm going to have a cupcake now.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 12

Robert and Anna scenes!  So much better than Anna's with Finn.  Although I felt sorry for Robert when Anna laughed at him when he told her that she's the love of his life and now he feels like he doesn't have a place in hers any more.  Also, I'm sad that being with Finn has apparently made Anna lose her brain cells because Robert definitely was the smart one in that conversation.

In contrast, Sam and Jason are such a massive fail as a couple, no matter how much Sam tries to make doe eyes at him.  Oh, look, Julian is getting to now Danny because he's visiting Leo at the Quartermaines because Sam won't let him see Danny otherwise. So generous of Jason to not object - yet- that Julian is visiting Leo while Danny is there.

I know that Curtis is considered to be pretty but he's as dumb as a box of rocks. Sure, the way to get Ryan's kidney is to threaten the highly intelligent psychopath with bodily harm? Ryan is all about manipulating people; the only thing Curtis is doing is giving him a good time.

And finally, in the list of Stupid Ideas on today's show, Maxie talking Peter into helping her pull Dante out of PTSD therapy because Lulu is sadz.

Meanwhile Jordan is so sick that she she has an exquisite manicure to go along with her lovely facial make-up. And here I was told that the rule was "no nail polish, no make-up" so that they could see the blood flow under my nails".  Jordan is near dying, give the glam shots a rest.

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7 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Dear wardrobe department;
WTF is that sweater Sam is wearing?

Dear music department;
No one gives a crap about that overplayed JaSam song. It needs to die as painfully as the couple.

Dear writers/FV;
You're not good. And thank you for not subjecting me to Jason bringing Scout home. Thx!

I'm going to have a cupcake now.

They play the song to distract from the awful acting between both parties. Sam always looks like she’s eating her words when making romantic statements to Lassie. 

  • Love 5

think I prefer this new actor playing Danny. I mean, previous Danny was a terrible actor. This one can almost kind of deliver a line. I don't buy him as Sam or Jason's child as he looks nothing like either of them.

Now can someone explain why various characters have been wearing sweaters this week? I get that upstate New York isn't exactly the tropics, but I can't imagine it's still sweater weather up there.

I think Maxie, or really KS, has been looking better the past couple of days. Is she getting her health under control? I know she was having some real issues for a while there and would l love hearing that she is fully on the mend.

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43 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Some examples are Jason telling Carly he will always find her (she asked "how did you find me" after Ryan left her to freeze to death), Carly mentioning Shiloh as a danger to Sam/Kristina in one conversation and Oscar dying in another conversation and Jason's response both times was that he's concerned about her and her baby and Josslyn.  (So nice of Jason to give a damn that his own mother was about to lose a grandson. And not to be cold, but that should be more important because Joss is only 15 - she will have at least a couple more great loves in the future.) He tells Carly "I love you too" when she says ILY.

What was Jason doing when his wife Sam was pregnant with Danny? Implying she could get an abortion, riding his motorcycle wherever and shutting Sam out, and being passive when she moved out to be on her own in her 3rd trimester since he couldn't tell her he would definitely love the baby. This was when they didn't know whether the baby would be Jason's or Franco's, not that there was no way Jason could be the father.

I'll reply in the history thread.

2 minutes ago, Hater said:

Anyone is better than tk. But it wasn’t just him. Kelly and Burton do not act well as parents. Nor as a family. Sam acts like a big sister and not a mom. I thought the kid was better today but they could not sell it. 

Kelly was like, "yeah you're so adorable when you beg okay now go over there."

Steve and his black tee look even more silly around a kid with a backpack.

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11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

And why in the world is he letting her do it when she can barely speak? I was mostly appalled at Liz, a nurse. Both of them stood there with these proud grins, not even noticing that Jordan was on the brink of collapse.

And it's about time Jordan looked ill.  Even after the accident and major surgery, she looked healthier than the average person with a head cold. 

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57 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Now can someone explain why various characters have been wearing sweaters this week? I get that upstate New York isn't exactly the tropics, but I can't imagine it's still sweater weather up there.

I live on the opposite side of the lake from PC. We are definitely having a cooler-than-normal Spring. I've been in a sweater all day.  I was out without a jacket yesterday, but I've been wearing one pretty regularly. I know a lot of people are looking forward to the heat and humidity, but I'm more of a sweater-weather girl.

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1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

think I prefer this new actor playing Danny. I mean, previous Danny was a terrible actor. This one can almost kind of deliver a line

I don't buy him as Sam or Jason's child as he looks nothing like either of them.

I'm surprised at a recast at this time, since the previous Danny just had a scene with Sam, Brad, Shiloh and Jason recently. I'm wondering about age - is this Danny older? The previous actor looked and sounded several years younger (maybe kindergarten age?) and he pretty much only had lines about the Quartermaine dog. At the time he was cast, I figured GH just wanted "little blonde boy because Jake is blonde and Jason was blonde as a child."

The scenes today that included nuDanny definitely had the tone of "growing up at the Quartermaines, with occasional visits to see big sis...err....Mommy Sam." It figures that "Aunt Olivia" made the decision that Scout wasn't coming home with Danny, and Sam's just like "okay, sure, whatever" that she heard it from her son.

I love the irony that the family Jason dismissed/degraded, as well as Julian whom Sam has dismissed/degraded, spend more time time with Danny and know him better than Jason does. 

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, sas616 said:

I don't have pay attention when I'm watching these days, but was there some mention about Scout being crabby.  And was it at Danny's party.  I'm assuming it was a birthday party since Julian brought him a gift.    So, Danny had a party at Monica's and his mother did not attend?  Sure hope I have that wrong.

Nope you're not wrong. Danny had a party by his mom Monica's house and visited his big sister Sam at her shit hole penthouse where he got a race car track.

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It apparently doesn’t matter who they cast as Danny, the character will always have some cheesy smile as if he’s living a charmed life and I’m over it. Only on Frank’s GH do criminals have perfect families and their kids are either clueless or when they know .... it doesn’t affect their lives. 

I’m counting down the days until they miraculously make Scout Jason’s daughter.

Edited by HeatLifer
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9 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

It apparently doesn’t matter who they cast as Danny, the character will always have some cheesy smile as if he’s living a charmed life and I’m over it. Only on Frank’s GH do criminals have perfect families and their kids are either clueless or when they know .... it doesn’t affect their lives. 

I’m counting down the days until they miraculously make Scout Jason’s daughter.

The only thing is that Monica does raise him...his parents are out being criminals. They never feel like a family so it's pure point and laugh.

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1 minute ago, Hater said:

The only thing is that Monica does raise him...his parents are out being criminals. They never feel like a family so it's pure point and laugh.

It always feels like JaSam are strangers to these kids. Both actors don’t bond well with these child actors, which is weird because SBu in particular used to be good with them. 

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

which is weird because SBu in particular used to be good with them. 

He spent a lot more time with the various young Michaels than he has with Danny. That makes a different with the little ones. It's tough to forge a connection when you act with them one day every two months.

How noble of Sam to deign to let Julian spend time with his grandson. At least he seems to want to spend time with the kid, unlike his parents.

I find it beyond aggravating that Anna wept for months when she first thought Peter wasn't her son, and now it's totes fine, no big deal. Gah.

Oh, and to slag Alex for giving up Peter as a baby when Anna was insistent that she (Anna) had no choice is gross.

I guess Anna going to Zurich means FH is starting her summer vacation.

Color me shocked that Margaux was okay with Ava getting bail. She's been such an unreasonable hard-ass in the past. I guess it helps to have stabbed the town serial killer. One of the bad ones, that is.

I'm also having a hard time with Ava feeling guilty about Lauren's purported last words. Ava went scorched earth with Lauren despite numerous people telling her not to. You made your bed, lady. Sucks to lie in it.

Sam and Jason's theme is the worst music on the show. And Show, you can't make me feel bad that those dopes spent time apart when it was their choice to pretend to break up.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Sam and Jason's theme is the worst music on the show.

It's an insomnia cure--just like the couple.

The Morgan family scenes today were so awkward.  Danny and Julian seemed more natural together.  And lovely that Sam doesn't blink an eye or seem concerned in the least that someone else made the decision that her daughter wouldn't come home.  You'd think after all she went thru to have that kid (she birthed her thru her pants and then got "I Gotta Kill Sonny"-itis from it) that she'd be a tad more invested.  

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People gettin' real heated up about them daring to recast a soap child, like soaps just got invented yesterday. It's not like they cut Hudson West, who is legit talented and blows both Bechtel and the robot playing Emma out of the water.

Still doesn't compare to the time I got heat from John/Natalie fans at OLTL because the new show dared to recast a baby.

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5 hours ago, sas616 said:

I don't have pay attention when I'm watching these days, but was there some mention about Scout being crabby.  And was it at Danny's party.  I'm assuming it was a birthday party since Julian brought him a gift.    So, Danny had a party at Monica's and his mother did not attend?  Sure hope I have that wrong.

I zone out on Jasam scenes but as I understood it, Scout had a bad day so Olivia didn't want to wake her up when Jason remembered that he had a son with Sam and  went to pick up the kids. Since Scout was going to miss Danny's birthday party, Olivia said that she would make him a cake and they could celebrate tomorrow with a second birthday party.

Earlier in episode Julian brought over a present for Danny. It was a NASCAR game and Sam said it was perfect, maybe Julian is finally learning about Danny.   Later Jason shows up with a big box for Danny; turns out to be some kind of racing car game.

1. Olivia is parenting Scout and that's fine with Sam.

2. Julian, in spite of being a pariah and ordered away from Danny, knows him better than Jason does.

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38 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I zone out on Jasam scenes but as I understood it, Scout had a bad day so Olivia didn't want to wake her up when Jason remembered that he had a son with Sam and  went to pick up the kids. Since Scout was going to miss Danny's birthday party, Olivia said that she would make him a cake and they could celebrate tomorrow with a second birthday party.

Earlier in episode Julian brought over a present for Danny. It was a NASCAR game and Sam said it was perfect, maybe Julian is finally learning about Danny.   Later Jason shows up with a big box for Danny; turns out to be some kind of racing car game.

1. Olivia is parenting Scout and that's fine with Sam.

2. Julian, in spite of being a pariah and ordered away from Danny, knows him better than Jason does.

3. Sam has no use for Julian in her day-to-day life, except when she wants something from him but she won't help him or her brother unless it also benefits her, but she'll allow him around her son enough to where he knows what birthday toy he would like.

4. Was Danny's birthday party at the Q's? If so, were Alexis, Molly, Kristina, etc, there?

Edited by LexieLily
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On the one hand, I completely understand Sam's anger toward Julian. Lucas almost died (not that she spends all that much time with him), he held a knife to Alexis's throat and him not telling anyone about Liv did have some serious consequences for Sam and the babe she never takes care of.

My problem is her going to his place of business and giving him the stink eye or glaring at the back of his head when he's not looking. Julian has been respectful of her wishes and Sam has forgiven people worse than Julian. And he and Danny do have a bond. He saved the kid's life. Whatever her problems with him, Danny is old enough (or at least seems old enough) to know whether he wants to hang out with his grandfather or not.

Also, that kid looks like he might be about 10, but that race car set looked like it was made for a 5 year old. 

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12 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Sam and Jason's theme is the worst music on the show. 

I hate that effing song!!!! It reminds me of Beverly Hills 90210 that one awful season with Ray Pruit singing 'Hold On' every. single. episode.  Just hearing the first few notes made me want to sob and bury my head under the couch cushions.

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