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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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If this story "serves" anyone, it's Patrick, since his almost Sonny-like need for a full-time bed warmer ...Doctor Douchenozzle can't be without a woman for five minutes. Sam's just his latest target.


Much as I utterly despise the character of DoucheLord Drake, I feel honor bound to point out that "must have a love interest at all times" is pretty much SOP for any leading man on a soap.  And TIIC at GH very clearly see Jason Thompson as a leading man - they have pushed and pimped him as such, they pulled every string known to man to buy him a Best LEAD Actor Daytime Emmy nomination, they have pretty much done everything and anything to establish him as leading man short of putting a title card reading, "...And Starring Jason Thompson as Patrick Drake!" in the opening credits.  So he is not going to be without a bed partner EVER as long as RC is writing this show.


I do feel like in this particular story with Sam, at this particular time, he's the throwaway character. Because from my perspective, everything comes back to how SAM feels. How is SAM going to react to Patty's Jason secret, how is SAM going to react to Jason being alive, how is SAM trying to deal with her budding feelings for Patrick.


Good.  It's long past time a story centered around a female character and gave her some POV on this show.



What I was wondering was, is Sam going to become the next Sabrina for viewers now? Will JT check out of the storyline because he seems to feel that the material is beneath his standards and Patrick isn't getting enough of a POV? If, as you say, he's only there to serve her story, does KM have the bashing TeCa got to look forward to?


You mean the bashing TeCa is still getting?  I would like to think that the answer to this question is "No", but, based on available evidence, I doubt it.  Especially since JT now knows that he can tank scenes as much as he pleases and all the blame for their failure will be heaped on the shoulders of his scene partner.


Laying down my bets right now that if the slim possibility that Sam actually dumps Patrick if the truth about Jason comes out*, he'll take up with Sabrina again without missing a beat.  Can't let Patty-poo sleep in a cold bed...


In other news, Morgan officially got the Stupid Line of the Day today.  Perhaps the Stupid Line of the Year.



* - I also bet that the truth about Jason will come out long before the truth about A.J. comes out, assuming the truth about A.J. ever comes out.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 2

I love how it's Julian's fault that Ava is missing, because if he hadn't taken her from the hospital, she'd be safe and sound as Sonny's captive. WTF? Typical Sonny blame-passing.

It also cracked me up to watch Shawn and the rest of the goons glare and bristle at Julian. Yeah, that's effective.


It's long past time a story centered around a female character and gave her some POV on this show.

Except her POV is all about the idiot men in her life. That's not exactly an improvement.


LOL that Sabrina's "plan" to hurt Ava is foiled at every turn. I also love how dismissive Jordan was of Sabrina.


Lulu is so going to get pregnant sooner rather than later. Soap law: Someone wants to wait to do something ends up doing it sooner than expected.

  • Love 5
About to watch today's show, and I can't believe how excited I am to see Julian.




Oh how I have missed him, and he didn't disappoint. I love his protective/threatening side, so sexy, all that was missing was a shirtless scene.




When Sonny says stuff like that, it makes me wonder if he's supposed to be portrayed as flat-out insane.




Total cluelessness seems to be a Corinthos family trait as both Sonny and Morgan so very well demonstrated today.


Sonny truly believes that everyone around him is supposed to make his life easy street. If he shoots his kids/wives they're supposed to see that as a "gesture of his undying love and affection, as long as they don't die from it", and if he's plotting to kill a woman as soon as she gives birth she isn't supposed to run to her big brother for help or avoid being re-kidnapped because if she isn't around to kill then how can he be rid of her? People are just so inconsiderate sometimes.


He is soulless, I thought Guza's Sonny was bad but...Wreck It Ron has struck yet again, proving that there is no level of scummy he won't make a character sink to for his "grand ideas".


As soon as Morgan defended Sonny Ava should have realized her mistake and hightailed her ass right out of there and tried to contact Julian again, why can't anyone in town have a functioning brain?


It was bad enough she went there hoping to get help from Kiki. I mean by god that's like buying a wedge of cheese to sail across the Atlantic Ocean on for how helpful/useful that little twit would be to her.


Why didn't Julian show up with his own men and just shoot up Sonny's mansion? Missed opportunity big time there.


Ron really must be gearing up to be rid of Sabrina because if this isn't writing a character into a corner to give them a rushed exit I don't know what the hell else to call it. Actually showing her practically pouting and grumbling over the fact that Ava hasn't yet been brought in miscarrying? Just...why even bring her back for this? Ron is such an ass, and I don't even like Sabrina in the slightest but this Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde nonsense that she's got going on is beyond repulsive.


I thought little Ben was too cute staring up at the boom guy, lord knows if he had tried to pay attention to all the insipidness his parents were spewing he'd have passed out from sheer boredom, I know I nearly did.

  • Love 3

Wow what a mixed bag for me.


Love Alexis' earrings and sorry but Alexis and Ned were totally not into each other. Ned clearly is intrigued by Olivia and Alexis is clearly NOT over that hott hunk of Julian Jerome smug bastard that he is.MEOW!

I will be the one to double swoon today BOTH my main men were on and totally hott.

My det Special Kitty is so darn sweet and Naxie are cute as bugs. Poor baby has had a cut up face forever.


I find it hilarious that Liz who weighs 90lbs if we're lucky is climb all over Jason doing chest compressions while Nurse Minnie Mouse voice is working the computer. It's a wonder Liz could put enough force behind the compressions to keep anyone alive.


So the fails today first off Nik please for the love of mercy do something with that hair. You are one can of dippity do away from  looking like Sonny. At least you had on a nice shirt.

Britt you are delusional if you think Nik is any way shape or form in the same chivalrous league as Nathan. unhuh. And that was the most unflattering shirt I've ever seen on you.ugh!

Morgan I think your head is indeed stuffed with fluff. I thought you were a werewolf but really you are Winnie-the-Pooh. Ava is playing you like a fiddle. Why if you think hard enough and remember who your father is would you not ask Ava WHY Sonny wants her dead?

Jordan honey, your BAMF self just loses coolness points every time you give Shawn the damn time of day, gurl just, bye

Felicia sweetie pie your hair looks like a haystack, Maxie's been held hostage for 0289723 days and her hair is more fierce than that mess you got goin' on, but your shirt is bangin'.

Lastly Maxie dear, I doubt your mom would really like you to give her a keepsake Aztec knife that was made especially to KILL YOU and you used it to kill someone. Might have been better to keep all that to yourself. mkay.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 4
And LOL way to make it not look awkward between you and Britt, but um ya <whispers> Nathan IS your brother too, not your cousin





Nathan, for now, thinks he is Victor's son so that would make them cousins. Nik's father is Stav, Victor's nephew, which makes Nik his great-nephew and makes Nathan and Nik second cousins, well they would be if he were actually Victor's son.

Edited by CPP83

Nathan, for now, thinks he is Victor's son so that would make them cousins. Nik's father is Stav, Victor's nephew, which makes Nik his great-nephew and makes Nathan and Nik second cousins, well they would be if he were actually Victor's son.


Oh yah sorry, I keep blocking out somehow that Stavros is Nik's father, it seems totally weird that he'd be so fixated on his son's sister like that.ewww. I keep trying to make him Victor's son.


I also did not get, well of course it's  Poohbear who did it so maybe not so weird, but since Ava said she came to see Kiki AND Kiki is spending the night with Michael as Poohbear knows, why couldn't Ava just sleep in Kiki's bed? Hey Poohbear you didn't REALLY have to sleep on the couch.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 1

The $1 million question. What does Patrick really feel? For me, I wish they'd write him true to form and have him admit that he's going after Sam out of spite because he's been oh-so-hurt by Robin. That makes more sense to me than this coincidence of "I'm over Robin! And I happen to like Sam now! The woman who my ex-wife was trying to help when she left me to resurrect Jasus."


IMO, it's kind of obvious what Patrick's feeling - "Me, me, me, I, I, I, Robin is so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean to me, when do I get to have sex with Sam?" That might or might not be sarcasm.Sometimes there is no subtext.


As for the rest of the show, I'm still feeling sorry for dumbass Morgan. The poor kid never really stood a chance because of his "parents", not to mention Michael who everyone treats like a frigging soap bubble for reasons I can't fathom. And then gets mad at Morgan when he doesn't go along with him. Ugh.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 5

SAbrina is awful at playing crazy lol.I can almost understand Heather being crazy in her wn mind and she's never pretended to be a decent person unlike Sabrina who were supposed to buy as a sweet girl plotting to kill an innocent baby um okay.


She sounded more like a petulant child, than crazy/evil.  I swear she was actually pouting at Jordan.  Surprised she didn't stomp her feet, too.  At least she's not talking to that candle anymore.  Poor candle. 




Well, Julian did not disappoint.  He's looking good. 

Sonny just cracks me up with that "It's your fault!" business -- talk about petulant child.

Also?  Isn't it heartwarming to see how much Sonny cares for his son and DIL, rushing over to their apt like that to make sure they're okay.  Great father, right there.


Loved the station scenes.  Nathan and Britt just work so well together as siblings.  It's also nice to see Britt branch out from her "get my man" plans of hers and care about someone other than herself.  I like them.


Maxie finally owning her stupid choices?  Wow, that's like progress or something.  Hope it sticks once she showers and puts on some better clothes. 


I can't feel too bad for Morgan -- or Michael -- just for the fact that they keep letting Sonny and Carly back into their lives after they do something utterly selfish and damaging.  Yeah, they have had an uphill battle just to not turn into mobsters or users like their parents, but enough is enough and I hope enough comes in the form of the AJ reveal. 




I hate Kiki.

Sabrina, too, you fruitloop. 

Ah, hell, and always, always Sonny. 

  • Love 8

Imo he doesn't have to read her mind but he should know his wife better by now. He should have bought a clue when she just "decided" not to come home when she failed to resurrect Jason but stayed, again supposedly of her own free will, to raise Helena and Stav, two individuals Robin knows well who are living devils capable of deplorable, unspeakable acts, acts done against her own family and friends, but yet she'd rather give them life than go home to Emma?

So let me get this straight:  Robin leaving Patrick and Emma of her own free will to save Jason is perfectly okay with you, but Patrick not being able to decipher Robin's lies, even though he actually guessed those lies WERE lies when he asked 1) Is Victor threatening you?  Is he using me and Emma?  DING! DING! DING!  Yes, Patrick, that's exactly what is happening, but what did Robin say?  "No, it's MY choice."  So you're saying that was Patrick's fault - not being able to figure out the lie wrapped in the truth.  THEN he tells her to call her mother or Robert, which is SMART, and what does Robin say?  "No."  So why wouldn't Robin want her parents  help in that moment and yet the minute she escapes from the clinic, she runs straight to her mother?????


Nope, I'm not seeing Patrick as the bad guy here.  (I don't see Robin as the bad guy either.)  I just find it amusing that Patrick is being treated as the bad guy for not figuring out ALL his wife's lies that she's told for months, even though she could have gotten her parents involved from the beginning.

 Maybe he doesn't have to read Robin's mind, but does he have to slobber all over Sam's ample cleavage while he's not reading her mind? That's the issue I'm having, and this is not the first time this has happened where Patprick is concerned. I'm beginning to wonder if 'Priapic' isn't a better nickname for him, because he's very clearly IMO lining Sam up to keep him warm while old mean Robin isn't paying him enough attention. Y'know, in between getting constantly kidnapped and such.

Why shouldn't he?  Is he suppose to wait for Robin?  For how long?  I think Robin fans want Patrick to wait for as long as it takes until Robin tells him the truth, which could take YEARS.  Personally, I don't want Patrick in limbo, storywise, until KMc decides to return to the show fulltime.  It's not fair.  Patrick chose Robin over Sabrina when he had the choice, and Robin left to save Jason.  Robin is the one acting out of character, imo, because she's playing the victim.  I"m not seeing the daughter of two WSB agents.  


It's not about him trying to interpret every single lie Robin has told since she left months ago. It's about knowing that Robin would never CHOOSE to stay away from Emma if she could come home. She would also never willingly stay away from him. They've been together for nearly a decade at this point. So it's about using THAT information to question that something doesn't add up. Hell, he even said it today. "It's like she's a completely different person." That should be enough to maybe investigate a bit more.


Except that she DID leave him and Emma, and not because she couldn't come home.  She left them JUST after returning from the dead, to go save Jason, and she didn't know how long it was going to take.  She did that willingly and knowing that her daughter JUST got her back.  So yes, she would stay away from them.  If she was smart, she would have figured out a way to tell her mother who could then plant a trace  on her so they could find Jason and then rescue him, and then Robin could begin her research at GH.  Instead, she completely trusted Victor to keep his word, and it blew up in her face.  She resurrected Stavros and Helena and both wreaked havoc on the people in PC.  Is that Patrick's fault too?


Look, I'm not even a huge Patrick fan.  I like both Patrick and Scrubs, and I like them together, but this idea that Robin is perfectly innocent, and Patrick and Anna are the villains is laughable.  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 3

Sonny and Shawn need to be thrown into a spewing, belching volcano.  Both of them are such gross, hypocritical, delusional, misogynist pigs.


At least Julian, Alexis, and Ned were there to bring some fun and sexy.


As everyone has already said, Morgan is an idiot.  Still, I would really like to see him and Ava back together snuggling with their baby and not mourning sincerely dead Sonny one little bit.


I don't like Britt's haircut.




Jordan giving earnestly-trying-to-be-evil Sabrina the side eye was hilarious.  They seriously need to get Jordan away from Shawn.  He's horrible.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7

That's a very good question... there are too many people in Port Charles who consistently infantize Michael and I'm really not sure why that is. He doesn't have a history of mental breaks or raging violence... the way, say, Carly and Sonny do. They're the worst but Kiki has gotten on board that train and... yeah, I don't get it. Maybe it's the Eeyore look he constantly wears.

Nobody is trying to protect Michael.  They are trying to protect themselves.  Sonny and Carly are afraid of losing the person who takes care of them, listens to their problems and defends them.  Why do you think they pawned Morgan's problems off on Michael after he got busted for gambling?  Did Sonny and Carly take responsibility for their son?  No, they let Michael do it.  Like Carly said "Michael is always taking care of us."  As for Kiki, she's not worried about Michael except as far as what he will do to Franco.  She flat out admitted that she wasn't going to tell Michael the truth because he would run to Franco and tell him the truth.  So once again, Kiki is protecting Franco rather than Michael.  She lied to Michael and hid Franco in his apartment, and she lied to Michael about helping Franco escape custody, and she's lying now to protect Franco again.


It has nothing to do with protecting Michael.  It never does with Sonny, Carly, or Kiki.  They protect themselves.

  • Love 5

Personally, I don't want Patrick in limbo, storywise, until KMc decides to return to the show fulltime. It's not fair.

I completely agree with you on this. Which is why it's up to the writers to choose a story that doesn't have Patrick and Robin at odds or separated/divorced due to lies; a story that doesn't involve Robin being kidnapped or held hostage while Patty moves on with whoever. The story should END their coupling once and for all and allow them to just part ways. RC refuses to do this for one reason or another.

  • Love 1


Robin is the one acting out of character, imo, because she's playing the victim.  I"m not seeing the daughter of two WSB agents.  


 If she was smart, she would have figured out a way to tell her mother who could then plant a trace  on her so they could find Jason and then rescue him, and then Robin could begin her research at GH.  Instead, she completely trusted Victor to keep his word, and it blew up in her face.  She resurrected Stavros and Helena and both wreaked havoc on the people in PC.  Is that Patrick's fault too?



I'm sorry but what? Robin is kidnapped and was just shown a bug in her husband and daughter's living room. When she wasn't even trying to escape Victor had Patrick's car ran off the road just to prove a point to her.

I'm not even a huge Robin fan, but I truely don't see how Robin is causing anything.


Nobody sees Patrick as a bad guy, he is a douche cannon b/c he keeps talking out of both sides of his mouth and is being totally obtuse to fit his agenda. He truely needs to get his crap together, parent his child, talk to Kevin, get a job and for the love of mercy if Robin is "just in Paris" for funzies he should WANT to go talk to her in person to end their marriage if he truely loved her that much. I mean it is not rocket science to know if a man truely loved his wife and she'd been surround by Cassadines he might want to go see her in person before believing she isn't being coerced into something. Yes he is the bad guy in the marriage for not fighting for his wife more. As far as I can see Patrick NEVER has once gone WITH Robin. Why not? Oh that's right b/c she's always kidnapped.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 10

When Sonny says stuff like that, it makes me wonder if he's supposed to be portrayed as flat-out insane.

That might possibly redeem him a bit for me but I don't know. But as long as I'm supposed to take him seriously, he who killed AJ while he was pleading for his life and thinks it's okay to kidnap and murder Ava for killing Connie, it's like watching some truly delusional TV.


Sonny and Shawn need to be thrown into a spewing, belching volcano.  Both of them are such gross, hypocritical, delusional, misogynist pigs.




Jordan giving earnestly-trying-to-be-evil Sabrina the side eye was hilarious.  They seriously need to get Jordan away from Shawn.  He's horrible.

Shawn really is horrible. He's supposed to be a good guy but he's hypocritical and stupid and hypocritical and putting him in a scene with Sonny while they talk about how they need to enforce their delusions on the women is a nightmare.


Were soap operas supposed to be a woman's domain?  How did we get from that to Sonny kidnapping and emotionally torturing Ava while justifying it on Connie's murder when he was even worse, and Robin kidnapped and forced to stay apart from her daughter and family?  And no woman is ever right.   Carly lying to Franco is unpleasant (and I never thought I'd write that) but at least it's old school soap.  The kidnapping and mental torture stories aren't.

  • Love 8

Sonny and Shawn need to be thrown into a spewing, belching volcano.  Both of them are such gross, hypocritical, delusional, misogynist pigs.



Sonny takes it as a personal insult that the people on his kill list, i.e. Franco, Julian and Ava do not lay down and play dead while waiting for him to do the deed.  Sonny really is horrible.



Sonny truly believes that everyone around him is supposed to make his life easy street. If he shoots his kids/wives they're supposed to see that as a "gesture of his undying love and affection, as long as they don't die from it", and if he's plotting to kill a woman as soon as she gives birth she isn't supposed to run to her big brother for help or avoid being re-kidnapped because if she isn't around to kill then how can he be rid of her? People are just so inconsiderate sometimes.


Sonny acting like the tough guy with Julian was both laughable and so so annoying.  Julian comes to the hovel alone, and Sonny stands there taunting him while his goons surround him. SUCH a macho guy, our Orange Glow, isn't he?  And then we have Shawn hulking it up, giving Julian the eye.  Whaddabunchacrap.


While I devoutly hope to see Sonny squashed like the little bug he is, I also hope to see Shawn exposed as the hypocritical garbage he is too.


Oh wait!  Sonny is a GREAT DAD. which makes up for him being a spineless, cowardly psychopath with an appendage smaller than his IQ.  Just ask his exwives who think he's a HELL OF A GREAT GUY.

And Shawn, well, he's such a good influence for TJ and he makes a great BLT.



  • Love 8
So let me get this straight:  Robin leaving Patrick and Emma of her own free will to save Jason is perfectly okay with you, but Patrick not being able to decipher Robin's lies, even though he actually guessed those lies WERE lies when he asked 1) Is Victor threatening you?  Is he using me and Emma?  DING! DING! DING!  Yes, Patrick, that's exactly what is happening, but what did Robin say?  "No, it's MY choice."  So you're saying that was Patrick's fault - not being able to figure out the lie wrapped in the truth.




Imo Robin never left of her own free will to start with.


The scenes between Patrick and Anna the other day only convinced me that he has blinders on by choice, I won't get into Anna...I actually like her so I will just pretend she's secretly plotting and not just accepting that her daughter is broken and is better left in another country, on another continent, by herself to "deal" alone. But when Patrick was explaining all that he knew to Anna it only reinforced my belief that he has been putting himself first through all of this, because it isn't as if Robin's lies are all that good in the first place that he needs to do much to put two and five together and know she's lying. Her lies/claims/excuses are all completely transparent and easily refuted, but he can't even be bothered to do much else than shut down Skype and look "forlorn" while Anna strokes his man pain.


One of the main reasons I put so much responsibility at the feet of Patrick is because he knows exactly how all of this started, Robin didn't just Skype him one day out of the blue, she didn't write him an email, he was right there when Victor began to intrude into their lives, he saw this man willing to make threats and impose his will on his family, it shouldn't take a rocket surgeon to think that this is the sort of person who will very well turn the tables on you, and lie and cheat and betray without a single thought.


Victor got Robin in the first place by threatening Jason's life, and then once he had her he immediately began to threaten not only his life but her family's lives if she didn't do what he wanted. She was forced into a corner from the very beginning and Patrick witnessed that with his own eyes.


And as for relying on reinforcements her father had already "left" and her mother well, no offense to Anna whom I do treasure, she wasn't exactly winning the battle against the newly headed WSB. Robin thought/hoped that things would be as simple as healing Jason and then they'd both get away, naive certainly but do I think that the child of Robert and Anna would assume she could handle herself regardless? Yes I do.


Nothing about any of this is "fine" by me, it's all contrived bullshit, however in my eyes Patrick gave up on Robin far too easily and without trying very hard to actually get to the bottom of things. Yes Robin has been lying and no he isn't a human lie detector, but could he at least seem aware that his wife isn't acting like herself at all?


That instead of serving her divorce papers as if she so willfully abandoned their family that he began to investigate further, see if Robin's strings were being pulled in ways he hadn't yet realized or even thought about? He almost did that when he wondered if Victor could have been responsible for the car accident but yet again he stopped short of following through and decided to go hump Sam on her couch instead.


Do I think Patrick could have been doing more to help his wife? Absolutely. Do I think that he should have taken every single thing she said to him with a huge grain of salt, especially since he knew a evil Cassadine heir was running the show? You bet. Robin hasn't always made the best of choices but she wasn't exactly given a ton of options either, if Patrick loved her as much as he claimed, imo, having already lost two years with her should have made him that much more determined to see this through to the end, to get Robin back regardless of all else, to find a way to make her new tormentor pay.


As others have mentioned so many warning bells should have been going off during his and Anna's chat with Robin on Skype, how she was dressed, what she was saying, they both should have been questioning her emotional and mental state and ready to act immediately, but Patrick's had plenty of good reason to have done that already ten times over, imho, and he just hasn't. If he and Robin didn't have the history they do, if they weren't married and shared a little girl I'd say he has more of an excuse to just say "okay" and leave well enough alone, but since that isn't the case there is no excuse for him just sitting on his hands when he isn't using them to cop a feel of Sam's chest pillows.


So far all he's done is turn whiny and petulant and made sure everyone else felt sorry for him, acting as if Robin had gone off on some never-ending spa weekend which she could have left at any given time of her free choosing to return but instead was only thinking about herself. Robin has shown Patrick enough loyalty in their marriage, even when he was betraying her left and right, that she deserved far more belief and trust from him than he ever gave imho. 


YMMV, of course.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 13

Why shouldn't he?  Is he suppose to wait for Robin?  For how long?  I think Robin fans want Patrick to wait for as long as it takes until Robin tells him the truth, which could take YEARS.  Personally, I don't want Patrick in limbo, storywise, until KMc decides to return to the show fulltime.  It's not fair.

That's.....not what I said at all. I don't think that's what anyone said. I specifically said upthread that if he's tired of being jerked around, which seems to be what you're saying Robin is doing, then he should file damn divorce papers and move on with whoever he pleases, whether it's Sam or Liz or the man in the moon. But that's not what he's doing. Instead, IMO he's playing the "Poor, poor pitiful me" card while getting Sam to act as his wailing wall. And even that's not entirely correct, since he's lying to Sam about Jason actually being alive while he's slobbering on her boobs. I find it rather weird that there's supposed to be all this outrage or whatever that Robin isn't being truthful with Patrick, but him lying his face off to Sam is dandy.


Please understand, I'm not a huge fan of Robin. But the only reason I ever liked Patrick at all is because she thought he was worthwhile, and then he cheated on her and acted like it was her fault. And now he's setting it up so he can bed Sam, and he's still acting like it's Robin's fault without taking steps to either find out what's really going on with her or separate himself from her permanently. Maybe if he was a little less occupied with who's going to haul his ashes next, he could concentrate on that, yes?

Jordan giving earnestly-trying-to-be-evil Sabrina the side eye was hilarious.  They seriously need to get Jordan away from Shawn.  He's horrible.



Jordan's look and tsk really really captured the feeling that I have when she (or Kiki) appears on my screen. 


At the very least, the actor's number of appearances have skyrocketed once Sean became Sonny's 'enforcer'. 


Lulu (without baby rabies) didn't bug me yesterday or at the clinic scenes.  I

  • Love 3

I think the entire Robin/Patrick plot lines boils down to a lack of respect for the intelligence of his viewers on Ron's part. His superior attitude and his need to make this show so incredibly simplistic speaks of the disdain he hold us in.  Ron is in his own world writing General Soapdish and he could care less about the fans/viewers.


A writer with respect could have written the same story with nuance that would allow us to see either Patrick or Anna seeing though Robin's story and covering for it. A simple phone call from Anna to Robert saying "I don't believe her, go find her." would have kept both Robin and Robert off screen for months while still allowing the viewer to think that something was going on. Patrick saying "I don't believe her motives, you should call Robert to find her. I've...my feeling have change but I still care deeply for her and she is Emma's mother." would have expressed respect for the characters and viewers but Ron believes he is oh-so-clever and that we are oh-so-strupid

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 13


but Ron believes he is oh-so-clever and that we are oh-so-stupid


And, of course if Ron really were really as clever as he thinks he is, he could have come up with a way for  Team Anna to have had a win at the clinic without the deus ex machina of "men that Robert sent," because, with Victor as head of the WSB, Robert would not have been able to send men against him secretly. 


That said, though, GH:ScorpioEspionage was still better than GH:FrancoLove or GH:Sonny's pain

  • Love 5
Shawn really is horrible. He's supposed to be a good guy but he's hypocritical and stupid and hypocritical and putting him in a scene with Sonny while they talk about how they need to enforce their delusions on the women is a nightmare.


I can't believe that fucking caveman's knuckles don't bleed when he walks. I don't have words to explain my dislike for that character.

(I wonder if the actor's significant other watches the show? And refuses to let him in the house after seeing the shit his character says and does?)

  • Love 6

I couldn't watch the rest of the show after Morgan said that Sonny isn't violent towards women.

My eye-rolls were positively Sarah Brown-esque.



Wait, wait...Morgan said WHAT?! LOL! Excuse me, I need to go chase my eyeballs as they've rolled out the door. Clearly, Morgan got his "smarts" from both of his parents, meaning none whatsoever.


We had to stop the DVR because we were laughing so hard.

  • Love 2


(I wonder if the actor's significant other watches the show? And refuses to let him in the house after seeing the shit his character says and does?)

I rarely blame actors for the actions of their characters, there are some exceptions, like when an actor has played a role for a very very long time and so should have some input (TG and MB I mean you guys) but for the most part it's a job. 


I have had friends work in those silly chain restaurants where they sing miserable version of Happy Birthday, they die of embarrassment daily but at the end of the day its a pay check. For nearly twenty years I gave the same stupid campus tour twice a week at the college I worked at. My significant other at the time would periodically show up on the tour just to make fun of me, but again at the end of the day, we both liked the pay

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I'm going to bet the AJ reveal happens very soon.

No way Sonny won't be dumb enough to not tell Jason. Despite him saying I'm a Q, you suck, go away.

From your mouth to the SoapGod's ear! (and by SoapGod I do NOT mean Ron!)


I'm really hoping part of Franco/George Baldwin's* plan is to get the recording from Carly and play it for Michael. Extra points if he manages to play it in front of Sonny and Carly. Triple extra points if he does it before Halloween.

Not happy with having to wait until the Halloween "wedding" for this all to happen but that's my fear so Halloween can't come fast enough for me for that reason alone.


I wonder how long we have to wait to see NuJason's face and please please please let him awaken as a Quartermaine and not Sonny's lackey. It would be awesome if he had the Enforcer skills and Quartermaine loyalty and hung Sonny on a meat hook before killing Sonny for AJ's murder. Oh and Michael can watch and cheer Jason on.


I'm really loving the Jordan/Ava friendship girl-power thing, more of that please.

And is this the bye-bye Sabrina exit story? Please? Nothing against the actress, just hate the stupid.


The fact that so much story has been clusterfucked because of AG's health issues just highlights how bad the writers of TFGH are. Once upon a time I was a Luke fan, but then I grew up.


Why oh why do they keep bringing back characters we have zero interest in (I'm looking at you Peter and son) and bringing in newbies faster than the speed of light instead of, oh I don't know, maybe using the actual characters we care about like RobertFuckingScorpio or here's a novel idea, how about Monica Quartermaine being in GH and having her be the first one to see her son Jason?

Argh! This show!


*sorry, I know most everyone hates Franco but I love RoHo and the stupidity of making him Franco makes me stupid enough to refuse to accept he is Franco. It's all Sonny's fault because he ruins everything.

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I rarely blame actors for the actions of their characters, there are some exceptions, like when an actor has played a role for a very very long time and so should have some input (TG and MB I mean you guys) but for the most part it's a job. 


I have had friends work in those silly chain restaurants where they sing miserable version of Happy Birthday, they die of embarrassment daily but at the end of the day its a pay check. For nearly twenty years I gave the same stupid campus tour twice a week at the college I worked at. My significant other at the time would periodically show up on the tour just to make fun of me, but again at the end of the day, we both liked the pay

Oh, I hold nothing against SB, we all have bills to pay, it's just that he's too good at making me dislike his character!! 

Robin leaving Patrick and Emma of her own free will to save Jason is perfectly okay with you,



I don't think it has ever really been clear that she left of her own free will.  Quite the opposite, when we had scenes like Victor showing up at her house to remind her he could get to her family any time he wanted, and then, even after he had Robin there doing the work, he arranged for her husband and daughter to get into an accident, just to remind her of his reach.  This was not a case of Robin going "yay! Jason!" and leaving skid marks on her family's backs to go revive him.  She was in pain and torn, and it was made clear to her that, while it was posed to her as an "offer" she really had no choice but to accept that "offer" if she wanted her family to be safe. 

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I think the entire Robin/Patrick plot lines boils down to a lack of respect for the intelligence of his viewers on Ron's part. His superior attitude and his need to make this show so incredibly simplistic speaks of the disdain he hold us in.  


SO MUCH THIS.  What gets me is that before their marriage, there was was a storyline where Robin told him she and Nikolas had become a couple, and lied her ass off about why that had happened and why she didn't love/want to be with Patrick. Patrick's reaction was WTF??? He knew her well enough back then to think that something was off. I remember he had a conversation with NL's Emily about it. So he went out to Wydemere, eavesdropped and heard Jerry Jax threatening Robin and Nikolas. Now it's years later, they are married, have a daughter, and Patrick knows how much Robin loves Emma. (He was there when she planned to have a child on her own, before surprised by the Emma pregnancy.)   In this case, Victor was in their home ordering Robin to come with him. Then he sees Robin at the clinic and she is clearly not happy he is there. She says he and Sam need to leave, and keeps looking around. He takes Robin's lies at face value, gets angry and hurt, says he's divorcing her, and leaves. If nothing else, her willingness to miss out on time with Emma should be a major red flag - this is the woman who was crying when she swept her daughter into her arms in that church less than a year ago and then did the unofficial vow renewal w/him at home for Christmas. So now he knows his wife less well than he did back during that 'Nikolas and Robin are together' crap?!!


Such a hateful storyline ...

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I am just getting to Tuesday & Wednesday's show,  so....


Fuck this shit and that fuckwit And the other fuckwit can just fuck off and fucking die in a fucking fire the heat of fucking 1000 fucking suns.
No fucking way would RobertFucking!Scorpio swallow the fucking bullshit that Robin spewed.
Fuck yeah, I'm fucking pissed!




Thanks, GHScorpiosRule, for expressing my own feeling so well. I know I'm seeing red & may have had a blackout. Ron is a fucking idiot & a fucking hack. I refuse to call him a writer. My 7 year old niece can write a better story. 


Thank to Ron's hack skills, Robin has never left of her own free will. He has repeatedly shown her being threaten & held captive. But hey, she gets her HIV meds & three hots & a cot. What more can Robin fans want? Fucking asshole.


Ron believes he is oh-so-clever and that we are oh-so-strupid



This to the Nth power. Guess what dumbass, I still don't hate Robin! However, I do believe you are the biggest passive aggressive hack, I've ever seen given the title of a writer thou.


Deep Breath...

VA/Jordon is a BAMF. She looks amazing. She will be my motivation not to skip the gym today. She & MW play well off each other. MW did an excellent job showing Ava's vulnerability. BC & MW still have chemistry. IMO, way more than KA.


This has to be TeCa/Sabrina's swan song. How do you bring someone back from actively attempting to cause another's woman's miscarriage?


Also as a nurse, can someone have TeCa to pull her hair back at work. That shit bugs when all the other nurse either have short hair or pulled back in a ponytail. The first time her hair got in poop, urine, blood and/or pus type wound drainage she'd know why nurses pull their hair back unless it doesn't touch their shoulders. Also, with a GCS (Glascow Coma Scale) of 3, Jason should have been ambu-ed & wouldn't have moved voluntarily at all.  Ugh, in the age of the internet, this shit is pathetic. 

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 5
This has to be TeCa/Sabrina's swan song. How do you bring someone back from actively attempting to cause another's woman's miscarriage?


Franco is still around, and he's a frickin' SERIAL KILLER. And rape facilitator. Not to say that this won't be TeCa's final story, but the content won't be the reason.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I specifically said upthread that if he's tired of being jerked around, which seems to be what you're saying Robin is doing, then he should file damn divorce papers and move on with whoever he pleases, whether it's Sam or Liz or the man in the moon. But that's not what he's doing. Instead, IMO he's playing the "Poor, poor pitiful me" card while getting Sam to act as his wailing wall. And even that's not entirely correct, since he's lying to Sam about Jason actually being alive while he's slobbering on her boobs. I find it rather weird that there's supposed to be all this outrage or whatever that Robin isn't being truthful with Patrick, but him lying his face off to Sam is dandy.


Isn't getting divorce papers and trying to move on with whomever he pleases, i.e. Sam, precisely what Patrick is doing? He's just waiting on Robin for her signed ones back. I don't think anyone is arguing that there should be outrage against Robin, but I am definitely arguing that Patrick perceives Robin to have placed Jason's needs above his and Emma's and that's why he's gone ahead with the divorce. He doesn't think their family is a factor for Robin anymore--and that's not Robin's fault in actuality, but looking at it from Patrick's perspective, he's entirely justified. Whether or not he he should recognize that Robin's being held against her will is beside that point. He doesn't recognize it, so he's operating from what he thinks he does know. And Patrick has baggage with Jason--he views Jason as a threat to him for Robin's affections, and those are his own insecurities rearing up in all this. That probably contributes to his skewed perception of Robin's motives along with having just suffered a miscarriage and having lost his wife for a year and raising his daughter alone only for that wife to magically reappear again once he'd tried to convince himself he'd moved on from grieving her. Patrick's screwed up, has been for the past long while. Others have viewed that as Jason Thompson tanking scenes. I've viewed it as him playing a removed Patrick who doesn't know what the hell to do with any of his feelings about any of this.

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 I've viewed it as him playing a removed Patrick who doesn't know what the hell to do with any of his feelings about any of this.


How about not yet again getting involved with closest pair of tatas he can find. That would go a long way towards improving his image.


I don't think most people have a problem with the divorce. In fact I want Robin far away from that douche cannon. It is the talking out of both sides of his month, he's done with Robin forevah, no wait he misses her and wants her to come home, no wait....tatas. If he is truely the "broken" person in the situation instead of Robin then he shouldn't be lookin' for love AGAIN so soon. End of the day Robin is being selfless and Patrick is being selfish.


And I really got a kick out the urban dictionary definition of douche cannon the most severe form of douchebag....yep there is Patrick's picture.LOL


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I thought she'd recognize his chest or something.  Ron's lame enough for that.


I agree, considering that at one time she licked it with the same intensity I devote to a Baskin & Robbins double dip cone.  (Thank GOD they don't have Borg among their 39 flavors.)


She definitely should recognize him if she's the one to change him into a hospital gown.

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If he is truely the "broken" person in the situation instead of Robin then he shouldn't be lookin' for love AGAIN so soon. End of the day Robin is being selfless and Patrick is being selfish.

If today's episode is an example of a "broken" man, I clearly need a new dictionary.


It's so adorbs how he can flirt and smile through his pain. <3

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