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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I really wanted Margaux to come down hard on Jordan for hiring people who break into her hotel room and go through everything. But she folded like a wet napkin when Sam and Curtis lied that it was th hotel that let her in.

Same here. And that comment about the line between the law and the criminals being fluid? Lampshading the issue doesn't solve it, Show.

Knowing Morse code for SOS is extremely common, IMO.

10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The previous scene was Valentin on the phone talking about plans so I assumed that he was arranging for Anna to be kidnapped. Why, I have no clue.

To get her out of the way, I assume. Valentin admitted to Nina that Anna knew...something that annoyed Nina, so Anna is probably being kidnapped so she won't interfere with whatever cockamamie plan Valentin has to win back Nina. 

I had to laugh when Anna said to Jason (or whoever it was) that LWB/FS wasn't responsible for his life's outcome (bad paraphrase). Uh, yes, he is, Anna. He can't help what happened to him as a child, definitely, but once he became an adult, his choices were his alone, with attending consequences.

I'm tired of LWB/FS whining to Liesl. I'm tired of Liesl lording his capture over him. Move this story along.

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49 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Same here. And that comment about the line between the law and the criminals being fluid? Lampshading the issue doesn't solve it, Show.

Knowing Morse code for SOS is extremely common, IMO.

To get her out of the way, I assume. Valentin admitted to Nina that Anna knew...something that annoyed Nina, so Anna is probably being kidnapped so she won't interfere with whatever cockamamie plan Valentin has to win back Nina. 

I had to laugh when Anna said to Jason (or whoever it was) that LWB/FS wasn't responsible for his life's outcome (bad paraphrase). Uh, yes, he is, Anna. He can't help what happened to him as a child, definitely, but once he became an adult, his choices were his alone, with attending consequences.

I'm tired of LWB/FS whining to Liesl. I'm tired of Liesl lording his capture over him. Move this story along.

The whole Misery storyline has been done to death. Can't they just write out LW's boyfriend and just move on? I like that they are giving Kevin somewhat of a storyline. When GF left I thought they would drop him altogether. That said, I am curious to see where this goes. Did Keven turn Jason in? He seems like he wants to help Carly out mentally so maybe he's sincere on that end. Also, LW has her sweater pulled down so far over her butt that it may end up being a dress by the end of this storyline. Can't they just put her in clothes that fit? Crazy idea!

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What was the point of Jason ~infiltrating Ferncliff if he got fired on his first day?  The only thing I'm semi-interested in in this Patient Howling Man storyline is the part Kevin played in it.  But, who am I kidding--he'll be one of the BIG BADs who kept PHM, aka ProbablyMorgan, away from his family.  Bad Kevin!  Bad, bad Kevin!

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6 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:


What was the point of Jason ~infiltrating Ferncliff if he got fired on his first day? 


To let Carly know that he was on the case, I think, so she knew she wasn’t alone. Jason’s whole part of this has been so badly done, as usual.

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

The whole Misery storyline has been done to death. Can't they just write out LW's boyfriend and just move on? I like that they are giving Kevin somewhat of a storyline. When GF left I thought they would drop him altogether. That said, I am curious to see where this goes. Did Keven turn Jason in? He seems like he wants to help Carly out mentally so maybe he's sincere on that end. Also, LW has her sweater pulled down so far over her butt that it may end up being a dress by the end of this storyline. Can't they just put her in clothes that fit? Crazy idea!

We're definitely being made to think that. So its probably someone else entirely. Unless Kevin isn't Kevin. Who else knows for sure Saint Jasus is in there? Sonny, Liz, Michael?? None of those three would turn him in. Or maybe Mary Pat brought up the the PC newspaper on that iPad of hers and saw Jason's mugshot on the front cover. The whole scenario of Jason being able to be in there, unnoticed, was dumb anyway. So I'm happy it lasted twenty minutes. If only Peter's misery storyline moved as fast. 

Edited by CharethCutestory
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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Did Keven turn Jason in?

Maybe it was Ryan in the locked room, and he switched with Kevin and then turned Jason in so that The Brilliant Hitman wouldn't find out that he was free and Kevin was locked up. And now Kevin is tapping Morse Code to try to get to Carly and be freed.

Hey, at least it would be something we weren't expecting.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm tired of LWB/FS whining to Liesl. I'm tired of Liesl lording his capture over him. Move this story along.

Agreed.  I was so into the idea of Dr. O setting her revenge high beams on LWB/FS, but I forgot that would mean she'd be in lots of scenes with him.  Poor Kathleen Gati.

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22 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

What's this I'm hearing about Kevin acting shady?  I don't like the idea of him or anyone with his face going under the bus for Carly and Jason.

I am going to do one serious happy dance if it turns out that Kevin turned Jason in solely because he is not going to put his career on the line by going along with this little charade and nothing more.  Nothing nefarious going on.  That would be great.

15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The previous scene was Valentin on the phone talking about plans so I assumed that he was arranging for Anna to be kidnapped. Why, I have no clue.

For the love of cheese, drop this whole Valentine obsession with Anna. Maybe he is kidnapping her because she has been Alex this whole time and when she gave birth to Peter and he is going to remove her and let Anna clean up the whole mess.  That might be the only way to fix this ridiculous retcon they've done.

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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

 The only thing I'm semi-interested in in this Patient Howling Man storyline is the part Kevin played in it.  But, who am I kidding--he'll be one of the BIG BADs who kept PHM, aka ProbablyMorgan, away from his family.  Bad Kevin!  Bad, bad Kevin!

Maybe Patient Howling Man is really the devil...you know like from the old "Twilight Zone" episode, "The Howling Man"?? If he IS the devil...can Tom Ellis from Lucifer please play him?? Please??   ;-)  Now that would be unexpected, right??


They sure seem to want to make us think it might be Ryan though...Kevin's evil twin. Please god, don't make it stupid Morgan or I'll be FF'ing all of Ferncliff/Carly again.


3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

What was the point of Jason?

Yes, my question exactly.

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"Carly's the strongest person that I know." Somewhere in Berkeley, Robin's nose is wrinkling in disgust because she can recognize the smell of bullshit from literally thousands of miles away. Jason can call Carly his best friend all day long, but to call her the strongest person he knows is a slap in the face of Robin, who has spent most of her life going above and beyond for other people, and especially for Jason himself. When has Carly EVER sacrificed anything or cared about anything other than protecting herself or Sonny? It just makes me twitch in anger that she's upheld as the embodiment of strength and fortitude when she hasn't done a damn thing to warrant such praise.

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one thing I sort of realized (too late) is how the writing really infantilizes Carly. 

Carly can't handle this. Carly can't do that. Carly is unable <insert something>. And 99% of the time it comes from Jason. The moment Jason is in the room, Carly becomes this dependent, incapable woman. And they did the same with Anna.

The problem is Jason.

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22 hours ago, rur said:

Well, it was SOS, so I can maybe, possibly believe that she might recognize that.  Or she noticed that it had a rhythm and realized it wasn't mice.

Carly's my age.  When I was a kid there was a commercial for SOS pads that ran relentlessly and I still remember it.  

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I am so over Nelle and that stupid cologne. Also Michael acting like it's his fault that Carly is in Ferncliffe (I'd say Diane, Sonny and Carly herself did a lot to make that happen) and he has to save her. He's caught Jason-itis.

15 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

one thing I sort of realized (too late) is how the writing really infantilizes Carly. 

Carly can't handle this. Carly can't do that. Carly is unable <insert something>. And 99% of the time it comes from Jason. The moment Jason is in the room, Carly becomes this dependent, incapable woman. And they did the same with Anna.

The problem is Jason.

If Jason stopped the codependency, that would certainly help. But Carly always functions at the emotional level of a 5 year old (apologies to some 5 year olds). I hate it when the show tells me that she's strong, like I hate it when it tells me that Sonny is a "good" mobster.

Why is Joss printing her letter and drawing flowers like she's 8 years old?

I cringe at those "My child" bumper stickers. I like the idea of giving kids awards for accomplishments but displaying it to the world, no thanks.

Today was so boring, I would even have taken Liesl torturing  Peter. 

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If Jason stopped the codependency, that would certainly help. But Carly always functions at the emotional level of a 5 year old (apologies to some 5 year olds). I hate it when the show tells me that she's strong, like I hate it when it tells me that Sonny is a "good" mobster.

Yeah Carly is Carly no matter what manipulative side of herself she's displaying based on the person she's around at any given moment. I think Jason and Carly's dynamic is insufferable, they hinder each other. They've done away with the days of Jason reluctantly backing up Carly. He used to take her down a peg every now and again. No more. Blind faith and worship now. But Carly fully enjoys and actively participates in being Jason's damsel. So I can't muster up any sympathy for Carly. 

Speaking of "good mobster" Sonny, I gagged when Chase pissed all over himself to grovel and prop up Sonny today. He's a criminal. You're a cop, dummy. You're supposed to be nailing him for his crimes not trying to be buddies. Jasus Christ. 

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45 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If Jason stopped the codependency, that would certainly help. But Carly always functions at the emotional level of a 5 year old (apologies to some 5 year olds). I hate it when the show tells me that she's strong, like I hate it when it tells me that Sonny is a "good" mobster.

I agree with the whole codependent relationship. Those two can't be around each other without feeling the need to fluff each other's auras. Carly is like Jason's teenager daughter. The relationship is cringey AF. There is absolutely nothing positive about it. And this version of Carly around Jason is insufferable. 

The problem is that the second Jason is in a scene with the wimminfolk, they become incapacitated and a whimpery, weepy mess who need to be taken care of by the holy hitman. 

I wish SBu had never come back. 

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I didn't comment on this yesterday, but I didn't realize that when GH decided to do their own version of Misery, that they were going to really do Misery. Now Peter has to write a sequel with Liesl making sure it is written the way she likes it.

So I am going to assume the whole point of the Sonny and Dante scene was for the actors to share a final scene together.

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19 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Or it’s the ghost of Charlie, about to spill the beans. Good thing Jason’s there to shut him up.

They’ve really tried to have it both ways with this. I agree it would be faulty planning to risk losing the only thing that’s really tying her to Michael, but there have been multiple scenes with Nelle smirking like she did just that. I don’t think the show’s actually decided which way they want to go.  Same with Michael distrusting and snooping on her one day, then defending her honor the next.  It’s like Choose Your Own Adventure, PC edition.

I think Michael is playing Nelle still. Not really defending her honor, just faking it. YMMV. 

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5 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:

Speaking of "good mobster" Sonny, I gagged when Chase pissed all over himself to grovel and prop up Sonny today. He's a criminal. You're a cop, dummy. You're supposed to be nailing him for his crimes not trying to be buddies. Jasus Christ. 

Unfortunately he is supposed to be buddies with his partner Dante, son of mobster Sonny. As Margaux commented to Jordan, the police force is too entwined with the mob in Port Charles. It makes the logic of the show ridiculous.

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5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I wish SBu had never come back. 

If SBu insisted on coming back why didn't they at least pretend to try for a twist and make him Drew and keep BM Jason? Carly/Sonny believed SBu was Jason since the literal second he returned to Port Charles and not one thing has changed about Jason Morgan or his relationships with the people around him. Except his relationship with Sam, which just might be because Sam had the privilege of loving and being married to Drew, or a Jason Morgan that actually put her and their children first.

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It's nice of Ferncliff to arrange a blow out for Caroline's hair everyday. And I'm sorry but NO WAY would Marypat (where do they come up with these names) let Caroline have an unapproved visitor. WTF 

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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I cringe at those "My child" bumper stickers. I like the idea of giving kids awards for accomplishments but displaying it to the world, no thanks.

Aren't Oscar and Joss in high school? Isn't that a little old for bumper stickers? I'd have been mortified if my parents put one on a car.

Also, shut up, Joss. It's not Oscar's fault your family is a mess at the moment. He's not deliberately rubbing your nose in it. 

LOL that Sonny says he'll always make time for Joss and then says he has something to do.

2 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

I think Michael is playing Nelle still. Not really defending her honor, just faking it. YMMV. 

Same here, because she mentioned that T-shirt Chase supposedly sent her, and Michael knows Nelle sent it to herself. Also, Michael and Jason discussed that Michael is playing her.

I wonder if the Dante/Sonny hug was because it was DZ and MB's last scene together.

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Please, if it's Ryan, let it be resolved before Laura returns home and sleeps with him.  Laura has had enough non-con to last a lifetime.

Sonny's probably there for a conjugal visit.  

Edited by ciarra
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I thought I heard Oscar say that Joss is a freshman which would make them in grade 9.  Kim really shouldn't be acting like it's such a big deal for him to win a writing prize, unless this is the first prize he's ever won in his school life.

I almost felt sorry for Joss as she listed why the men in her life are too busy to have time for her but then I remembered that she turned down spending the summer with her father so that she could be with Oscar. Not surprising Sonny doesn't have time for her, he didn't have time for Christina or Avery either.

I'm not on Nelle's side because she's such an incompetent plotter but I'm getting such creepy baby-stealing lives from Michael and Carly that I don't want them to win. If this baby has any chance of moving beyond it's genetic inheritance, it's got to be kept far away from Sonny and Carly and their minions Michael and Jason.

I've never disliked Carly as little as I do now.  I think it's because for a change, she can't hurt or lord it over anyone else now that she's in Ferncliffe.  That's says quite a lot about the character.

Edited by statsgirl
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Oscar is one of the characters with whom I have a hard time without closed captions. What did he say the name of the cologne is -- "Nope"? I know that's wrong, but I want to call it that anyway, for board purposes. That would be a hilarious name for a men's cologne. I can imagine the commercial, with a guy spraying it on and then turning down one hot girl after another. "Nope!" 

For some reason while I was watching this episode, I thought of Mad Men, which I haven't seen in years, and specifically of the Draper daughter, Sally. Then it hit me. Nurse Mary Pat is played by Patricia Bethune, who was "Dr. Edna," the child psychologist Sally was going to see. It took me weeks to make that connection. She's a really good actress. She isn't doing anything very different in terms of the tone of voice she uses, and she doesn't look much different, but the two characters are not alike at all. It's a cliché,, but she "disappears into roles." She could be going a lot bigger with Mary Pat, but she's making her scary in a real-life way. Every line has that understated, almost bland malice to it.

I actually hope she sticks around and starts working at General Hospital. Hey, they kept Obrecht, and she's done worse things.  

12 hours ago, nilyank said:

I didn't realize that when GH decided to do their own version of Misery, that they were going to really do Misery. Now Peter has to write a sequel with Liesl making sure it is written the way she likes it.

LWB is a cockadoodie brat. He came to town and made things all oogy.  

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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Unfortunately he is supposed to be buddies with his partner Dante, son of mobster Sonny. As Margaux commented to Jordan, the police force is too entwined with the mob in Port Charles. It makes the logic of the show ridiculous.

I'm wondering if Dante getting Sonny into Ferncliff is DZ's exit story line. Nurse Ratched tells DA Margot, who tells Jordan that, hey maybe having the son of the Most Powerful Mobster in the Alpha Quadrant under your command is a conflict, or should maybe go away for a while.


Oh, I say PHM is either Real Jason, or the Last Awesome Writer on staff 

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9 hours ago, LexieLily said:

If SBu insisted on coming back why didn't they at least pretend to try for a twist and make him Drew and keep BM Jason? Carly/Sonny believed SBu was Jason since the literal second he returned to Port Charles and not one thing has changed about Jason Morgan or his relationships with the people around him. Except his relationship with Sam, which just might be because Sam had the privilege of loving and being married to Drew, or a Jason Morgan that actually put her and their children first.

Sbu didn't insist on coming back.  He was ASKED back, and I hear he took a paycut to do it.  It was very clear that BM as Jason Morgan was NOT working out, and when SBu left Y&R, and he became available, FV and TPTB asked him back.  It is SO nice to have the real Jason Morgan back on screen, and I actually can enjoy BM scenes again because he's playing Drew Cain.  It was painful watching him try to be Jason Morgan.

As for Jason putting Sam and kids first, please.  Drew didn't put Sam first AT ALL during the entire fiasco of Jason returning.  It was all about him and his pain and his "loss," and correct me if I'm wrong, but has Drew had a SINGLE scene yet with Scout?  So why does Jason get all the grief for not putting his kids first?  Drew and Sam were as boring as all get out, and I'm fine that none of the characters - Sam, Jason or Drew - are in each other's orbits.  I do wish the writers would do more with Jason than just being in every Sonny and Carly storyline.  The writers have the exact same writing issue when it comes to Michael.  It's like they can't write Jason or Michael without Carly and Sonny.  It's stupid, but it's a WRITING issue, and one that will hopefully be corrected.  All that being said, the last two storylines for Jason have not involved the mob, even though I wouldn't care at all if they did.  I love the mob aspect of GH.  Jason, however, spent the first part of his return hunting Peter and now he's trying to get Carly out of Ferncliff.  His "enforcer" duties have been considerably curtailed as of late.

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9 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Marypat (where do they come up with these names)

I think it's an historical in-joke. There was a similar character on the show years ago named "Nurse Fletcher," and the actress who played her was Mary-Pat Green. She terrorized Robin.  

Nurse Fletcher was an in-joke herself, after Louise Fletcher, who played the most famous of all the battle-ax psychiatric nurses (One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest). So if the pattern holds and the show goes on a few more years, we should next be getting a scary Nurse Bethune.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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1 hour ago, Bishop said:

It was all about him and his pain and his "loss," and correct me if I'm wrong, but has Drew had a SINGLE scene yet with Scout?

No, but at least he lives at the Q mansion which seems to be Dany and Scouts permanent home. I guess he gets to see those two every day.

Also, Marypat comes off as a total psycho. Maybe she should be locked into one of those rooms.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Oscar is one of the characters with whom I have a hard time without closed captions. What did he say the name of the cologne is -- "Nope"?

I think it's actually called Eu de Plot Point.

So dumb.  Who gives an opened, half-used bottle of cologne as a gift?  

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I'm really hoping the guy at Ferncliff turns out to be Morgan, so that I never have to hear anyone yell "You killed my son!" to Ava ever again. Although...if it is a facility for the criminally insane, shouldn't whoever it is have been found guilty of a crime?  Which would imply it can't be Morgan. And I thought Kevin's twin had died, so it can't be a twin switch.  Although that could explain Laura's absence - the call about Spencer's two broken legs was faked and she was kidnapped as Ryan didn't want her to figure out that he and switched places with Kevin.  Maybe I'm thinking about this too much. Or maybe it's Mikos - we've seen Alexis hold photos of him recently.  I'm really overthinking this, aren't I?

I am also starting to think that the biological mother of Lucas & Brad's baby might be Nelle.  Because as much as Nelle wants the baby to hold on to Michael, I'm pretty sure doesn't actually want a baby itself - she'd have to spend time with it rather than Michael himself and a baby would curtail whatever diabolical scheming she's up to at the moment.  I could see a baby switch between her baby and a dead baby, and then she and Michael could bond over their dead child.  Not sure where she'd find a dead baby for the switch, but she's resourceful.

Did Jocelyn steal the clothes with the security tags that were shown at the end of Tuesday's episode?  Did I miss something? I guess we're leading into a story about teen shoplifting as a cry for attention?

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1 hour ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Jocelyn steal the clothes with the security tags that were shown at the end of Tuesday's episode?  Did I miss something? I guess we're leading into a story about teen shoplifting as a cry for attention?

I think she shoplifted. But Joss can cry a damn river over her parents. She took Nelle's side at every turn. Jax would have been there had Sonny not had him deported. So no, he wasn't away because he was building some green energy thingy. He wasn't there because he can't enter the country (unless they undid that which I don't remember).

And her railing about Kim and Drew having nothing else to do was effin' rude. Kim is a damn doctor. Maybe she cleared her schedule because her son comes first? And maybe Drew decided that he wanted to be there for his son as well. Refreshing. People on this show who care about their children.

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4 hours ago, Bishop said:

and when SBu left Y&R,

Correction, when Y&R chose not to resign him, ergo, fired him. 



Drew didn't put Sam first AT ALL during the entire fiasco of Jason returning.  It was all about him and his pain and his "loss," and correct me if I'm wrong, but has Drew had a SINGLE scene yet with Scout?  

Do you mean since he and Sam have broken up because I'm pretty sure he had plenty of scenes with her when he and Sam were together. And seems to me no one's having scenes with Scout since Sam sure isn't either. She's been shuffled off to the closet where they keep most soap opera babies until they're needed for plot reasons. 

And far as I remember, Drew didn't put Sam first when he still had no memory of being Jason. No question, he was an insensitive ass to her when the truth first came out because he still had no memories of being Jason and being with her, so his only memories was with being with Elizabeth. 

But the writers wrapped that up very quickly and it was barely two months after the reveal where Drew was all up on Sam and seems to me the minute they went full speed ahead with the relationship, he very much did put her and his family with her first. After all, we were told by Sonny and Carly that that's how they should have known he wasn't the real Jason because real Jason would have never walked away from them and that life like Drew did. 

And the reason Jason is often called out for his shitty parenting is not for just one thing. Dude signed his rights to his kid away to another man because that was better than trying to not be a criminal. Oh but the writers will have us believe that this was him being noble. Then he lost years of his other kid's life getting shot doing a job for Sonny and he's since just gone right back to the same thing like nothing happened. He has no relationship with any kid that's actually his and has only shown some level of parental interest in the one that's not his, Michael. 

Yeah Scout's been shuttled off so we're not seeing much of Drew with her but he's been more of a parent to Oscar in the few months he's known the kid is his than Jason's ever been to any of his children. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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4 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

LWB is a cockadoodie brat. He came to town and made things all oogy.  

This is a thing of beauty. I can't stop laughing.

Too bad the writers probably wouldn't get it.

ASP BURGER, please write all scripts from now on. 

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4 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

I'm wondering if Dante getting Sonny into Ferncliff is DZ's exit story line. Nurse Ratched tells DA Margot, who tells Jordan that, hey maybe having the son of the Most Powerful Mobster in the Alpha Quadrant under your command is a conflict, or should maybe go away for a while.

There's an exit story for DZ -- he leaves through the wormhole.

4 hours ago, Bishop said:

 correct me if I'm wrong, but has Drew had a SINGLE scene yet with Scout?  So why does Jason get all the grief for not putting his kids first?

Drew hasn't had any scenes with Scout, probably because they don't want to pay for the kids to appear onscreen. But he has referenced her several times, he went over to Alexis' to see her when Alexis brought home the kids after Sam dumped them in Switzerland to play with Jason, and I believe Drew mentioned Scout as one of his reasons for not going through with the dangerous memory retrieval procedure. He's also apparently spending regular time with Jake so that Jason can bring out the manpain that Jake knows Drew better without actually spending time with Jake himself.

I feel sorry for Danny, who got his bio-dad back and lost the man who was does all the dad-work.

2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I think it's actually called Eu de Plot Point.

So dumb.  Who gives an opened, half-used bottle of cologne as a gift?  

Joss, daughter of Carly and Sonny.  Just because you're rich doesn't mean  you're not cheap.

2 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

 Although that could explain Laura's absence - the call about Spencer's two broken legs was faked and she was kidnapped as Ryan didn't want her to figure out that he and switched places with Kevin.  Maybe I'm thinking about this too much. Or maybe it's Mikos - we've seen Alexis hold photos of him recently.  I'm really overthinking this, aren't I?

It would be awesome if it were Laura and we could have her back in  one of the OTT GH summer stories.

I'd like Mikos too, but John Colicos died a few  years ago and it's his picture they've been showing us.

19 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Jax would have been there had Sonny not had him deported. So no, he wasn't away because he was building some green energy thingy. He wasn't there because he can't enter the country (unless they undid that which I don't remember).

And her railing about Kim and Drew having nothing else to do was effin' rude. Kim is a damn doctor. Maybe she cleared her schedule because her son comes first? And maybe Drew decided that he wanted to be there for his son as well. Refreshing. People on this show who care about their children.

Maybe, having grown up with Carly, Joss can't recognize parents putting their kids first or good parenting when she sees it. Or maybe she's just Carly's daughter and if it's not about her, it doesn't exist.

Sonny may have undone the 'can't enter the country' thing because he's such a great guy but I remember that Joss was given the chance to spend the summer with her father in Dubai but turned it down because it would mean she was separated from Oscar..  The offer is probably still open but I guess she's rather wail and have a pity party.  Other kids have lost more not to mention Grandma Bobbie is still around as well as numerous female relatives.

I did a double-take when Joss said her brother was too busy running a huge company to have time for her because I'd forgotten who and what.  Michael spends far more time babysitting Sonny and Carly than he does running ELQ.

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Sbu was not asked to come back by GH.  He was fishing around for well over a year to get back on the show after YR dumped Jill and he knew he would be dumped as well.  

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4 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Jocelyn steal the clothes with the security tags that were shown at the end of Tuesday's episode?  Did I miss something? I guess we're leading into a story about teen shoplifting as a cry for attention?

Which, zzzzzz. Carly has been shown to be pretty involved in Joss's life (for a soap parent), and we know Joss sees Jax on a regular basis (current plot point notwithstanding). So Joss can shove it with her poor-little-neglected-me routine. Gah. And: Carly has been in Ferncliffe for less than a week. Can we please not go to Defcon 1 just yet? It's absurd.

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It's so heartwarming that Sonny and Carly are looking forward to Nelle having the baby, not because they're eager to meet their grandchild, but because it will mean open season on seeking revenge. And by heartwarming I mean disturbing as hell, because we all know the lengths Sonny and Carly will go to make someone "pay," especially if there's a child involved that they can use as leverage.

Also gross: Ava and Franco wistfully talking about the good ol' murderous days, and insinuating that they'd revisit their criminal past to bring Dr. Bensch to justice. Stop the glorification of violence and disregard for the law, show. Dr. Bensch is a creep of the highest order but it's not okay for him to be the target of two known killers.

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Franco: Why is he still working here?

Me: Why are you still working here? People in glass houses and all.

I'm sure Michael and Sam remember what was done to them. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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7 minutes ago, Linny said:

It's so heartwarming that Sonny and Carly are looking forward to Nelle having the baby, not because they're eager to meet their grandchild, but because it will mean open season on seeking revenge. And by heartwarming I mean disturbing as hell, because we all know the lengths Sonny and Carly will go to make someone "pay," especially if there's a child involved that they can use as leverage.

I hope Nell puts Michael through a custody battle and wins.  Ava could testify that while she was pregnant with Avery, Sonny kidnapped her and threatened to kill her before she delivered the placenta.  Michael would have to testify that Sonny was attempting to make good on his threat to kill Ava just minutes after she had Avery and that he showed up just as Sonny was about to pull the trigger.  It would be even better if the awesome southern judge, who sentence Michael to prison, was presiding over the custody case.


The "good" part starts at around 3 minutes.  I think this judge would give Nell or Monica custody to save the child from  horrible influences of Sonny, Carly and Jason.

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6 hours ago, ciarra said:

How did Joss steal a swimsuit with a security tag?  Not that's it's much good to her, since she can't remove the tag.

Joss should reconsider icing out Nelle because I'm pretty sure Florida has a magnetic security tag remover somewhere in her dresser. 

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I really like how they're writing Alexis during the #MeToo story and how NLG is playing her: super supportive, totally willing to go to the mat for Lauren (and now [the other one; I forgot her name]), but also super realistic about what the lawsuit can/will do. There's none of the stridency in this story that the idiotic breast-feeding lawsuit had.

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Is it me or did this swim suit thing come totally out of left field? I sometimes doze off during most of this show the boring parts. Also, couldn’t Bobbie have gone to Joss’s ceremony? Whenever I get locked up in an institution for the criminally insane, my mom always steps in to be there for my kid. 

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I can't stand Sam. Her mouth doesn't move when she talks and she mumbles all her lines. I have seriously considered putting on closed captioning for her, but then I decided I just don't care enough to do so. I fast forward all her scenes. 

Carly is the wimpiest woman on the show, yet she is constantly being held up as being "so strong". No, no she isn't. Ferncliff would be shut down for human rights violations, it certainly wouldn't be passing regulatory inspections in any way. Way to demean those with legit mental illness, and possibly deter someone from seeking help. They see Ferncliff and "nope" out of their appointments for fear of ending up there. Jason is a waste of a character. I mean seriously. Just show up at Ferncliff, start immediately, no background checks. He doesn't have a storyline of his own. 

I like Kim with Drew but not with Julian. When Dante leaves, can he take LuLu and Maxie with him? And Sam too, she is nosy, nasty, mumbling, and annoying. I miss Franco and Nina, they made me laugh every time. 

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6 hours ago, BlueberryJane23 said:

Is it me or did this swim suit thing come totally out of left field? I sometimes doze off during most of this show the boring parts. Also, couldn’t Bobbie have gone to Joss’s ceremony? Whenever I get locked up in an institution for the criminally insane, my mom always steps in to be there for my kid. 

Again I have to complain: Carly hasn't been in Ferncliffe for even a week! There's been no buildup for Joss to be falling apart like this. The writers love to hammer home how much like Carly Joss is—oh, wait, Carly is falling apart already, so never mind. So much for her being the "strongest woman [Jason knows]."

And a big yes to why Bobbie couldn't have gone to the ceremony.

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