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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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When Felicia left In 03 it was for there ailing grandma. When she died a couple yrs later instead of coming home she went to be with Frisco. That's what I was referring to the 2 times she left the 1st cause of Luke the 2nd for there grandma. Frisco wasn't a factor either time she left.

I know its splitting hairs but the way its presented is Inaccurate & irks because its presented as why she walked out on them in 03 cause it was the only other time she left. Levi wouldn't know that since its not common knowledge & find a hard time believing Maxie would've mention that.

I'm aware of what Felicia told Maxie when she came back because I believe that is what set Maxie off & I know it was a rewrite but from I read a couple yrs back KW added that in not Guza to make sense of what the hell Felicia was doing for 2 yrs instead of being with her girls. Jsbt might know more about rather that was true or not being a huge KW Fan.

Edited by NiqueAlexis

I'm pretty sure Levi was specifically brought on as a villain, and nothing he's done so far has contradicted that, IMO. We're finding out why he's a villain, that's all.

Which is my point. It don't make any more sense before we found out what he was doing, its just as stupid before the reveal or even stupider. Ron just writing this out of his ass, granted he writes everything out of his ass but this reeks on surface of like Cujo coming get revenge on Bobbie for the stupidest reason known to man.

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He was upset that she seemed to be saying she didn't want him because he also feels something for Britt, when she chose to date AJ despite knowing Nikolas had feelings for her.



Which makes no sense (not your post,but what Nik is arguing).  Yes, Liz was dating AJ (and slept with him), but she wasn't sleeping with AJ while claiming she wanted to be with Nik.  She may have had feelings for Nik then, but she had no intention of acting on them and did not want to be in a relationship with him at that point in time. She didn't owe it to Nik to be with him (or not be with anyone else) just because he had feelings for her and was pursuing her. I'd think it was equally shitty on Liz's part if, when she slept with AJ, she had first decided that she was going to go for a relationship with Nik, then showed up on his doorstep the next day saying "I choose you, but I threw AJ a goodbye boink last night, because I have feelings for him, too, and didn't want to turn down the chance to have sex with him before committing to you."  


And, hey, Nik doesn't owe it to her now to be in a relationship with her (or not sleep with Britt) just because Liz has feelings for him.  But, at the same time, he has to accept that his actions have consequences.  And, if he truly wanted to start a relationship with Liz, he should have turned down Britt's pathetic "hey, one for the road?" proposition.  


It's such a dick move on Nik's part to be like "you just want to find reasons not to be with me," like this is some tiny little annoying habit Nik has that she's nitpicking him about.  But, hey, what can we expect from the guy who cheated on the "love of his life" because she didn't get over being sexually assaulted by his doppelganger fast enough for his liking?  Honestly, Nik's not much better than Sonny when it comes to women.   


Regardless of who the two characters are in the story, in general, I would say that, if a guy can't say "no" to another woman when he's practically on his way out the door to tell you he wants to be in a relationship with you, then the odds aren't great that you're going to get a guy who remains faithful when you're in a relationship with him.   What woman wouldn't be pissed off at that?  

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 9

One thing about many that made me dislike Liz was during the height of Niz, Nic tried to leave PC twice and do the right thing. Once Liz stopped him and the second time she had Lucky stop him when he was on his plane ready to go to France to be with Laura. In my opinion, she should have let him leave the first time. I thought sending Lucky after him the second time was despicable. At that time, Liz wasn't being honest with Lucky who sensed that something was wrong, and gave Liz many opportunities to get out of their engagement.

I think Liz played brothers to get what she wanted which was hot sex with Nik.

  • Love 2
Elizabeth really should have some serious therapy


I enjoy watching Elizabeth on the soap and she is one of the more saner residents of PC.  I'd rather watch her as the female lead instead of Sam (despite Sam's recent ability to crack a smile)..  After having to do a year of solid Sabrina boosting, I was excited to see the potential blossoming of having a Webber/Quartermaine super couple but alas Ron hates Quartermaines and loves the Corinthos so she has been stuck in this NiK crap plot. since then.  It looks like raising Spenser has taken a toll on Nik .  Nik is the one in this relationship who needs some counseling.  Then again, the resident psychiatrist at GH has been replaced by a serial killer - so therapy probably wouldn't be a good choice for anyone on the show at this point in time..

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 2

 Nic tried to leave PC twice and do the right thing. Once Liz stopped him and the second time she had Lucky stop him when he was on his plane ready to go to France to be with Laura. In my opinion, she should have let him leave the first time. I thought sending Lucky after him the second time was despicable. At that time, Liz wasn't being honest with Lucky who sensed that something was wrong, and gave Liz many opportunities to get out of their engagement.

I think Liz played brothers to get what she wanted which was hot sex with Nik.

Question - Are you saying that Lucky stopped Nikolas from leaving twice? I remember Lucky seeing them together, then barely containing his rage and hurt as he basically ordered Nikolas to stay (to buy himself time to decide how he wanted to deal with them.)  


I thought Becky did a good job of showing how twisted up inside Elizabeth was. My impression was that Elizabeth wanted a loving/sweet day-to-day relationship with a man who was also a great father, but also wanted hot, maybe even naughty sex (which she wasn't having with Lucky). JJ's Lucky himself finally acknowledged that he never stopped seeing her as that fragile, sweet young girl and treated her as such. (Liz said he was "sweet" re: sex, in a conversation with Robin when they were talking about Lucky v. Nikolas.) Elizabeth still had that mind-set that she was supposed to be a family with Lucky and her boys, and felt guilty that she wasn't happy with him. I remember her words to him on NYE - that she would never let him down again, the joy about being his "girl". More than anything she wanted them to be in love together like they'd been as teenagers. Problem is, she had stopped being a "girl" a long time ago. I think she hated herself for wanting more for (deep down) in a relationship than she had with Lucky. I remember her telling him - trying to convince herself - that he was the perfect man for her. It was a Christmas tree choosing scene, including Cam and Jake.  The writers really screwed up in the Nikolas and Elizabeth affair, because their friendship just stopped existing and their connection was all about hot sex - it was written like Liz had a sex addiction roughly equivalent to Lucky's drug addiction. The ONLY thing handled correctly in that affair was to make it crystal clear Nikolas saw her as a sexy woman, not a girl on a pedestal. 

  • Love 2

I enjoy watching Elizabeth on the soap and she is one of the more saner residents of PC.  I'd rather watch her as the female lead instead of Sam (despite Sam's recent ability to crack a smile)..  After having to do a year of solid Sabrina boosting, I was excited to see the potential blossoming of having a Webber/Quartermaine super couple but alas Ron hates Quartermaines and loves the Corinthos so she has been stuck in this NiK crap plot. since then.  It looks like raising Spenser has taken a toll on Nik .  Nik is the one in this relationship who needs some counseling.  Then again, the resident psychiatrist at GH has been replaced by a serial killer - so therapy probably wouldn't be a good choice for anyone on the show at this point in time..

Yes, Liz is one of the saner residents, but she's been written as a woman who perpetually thinks she's a terrible person for ever having caused Lucky pain, and for thinking that she, Lucky, and the boys were supposed to be together as a family no matter what - her sons deserved that. She thought she was supposed to be happy with Lucky, period, and she ruined it. AJ and Ric weren't/aren't emotionally healthy and secure men, so that couldn't work. 


Elizabeth conceived Cam and Jake during one-night stands, yes - when she felt her marriages were dead (for good reasons). Nikolas will hook up with a woman regardless of her marital status, and as one of you pointed out, cheat because his wife didn't get over being raped fast enough. This is a guy who claims he loves Elizabeth, but truly cannot be trusted/responsible. Pretty much everything he said to Liz on Friday proves that. 


I don't even think raising Spencer has anything to do with that - it's been clearly written that the majority of Spencer's life he's been raised by servants or Grandma Leslie.

  • Love 3

My thoughts:


 Al things baby Rocco were adorable. I call him Rocco because that's the name his real parents Dante and Lulu gave him. Maybe he'll call himself "Rock" or "Rocky" when he's older, but I like Rocco. Besides, it's not like Lante named him "Pilot Inspektor" (Jason Lee's son) or anything like that. I don't call Rocco Ben because he's not Dante and Britt's child and he never was, so calling Rocco "Ben" doesn't change that IMO. Re Niz, Rocco's nodding off during one of their conversations said it all. Even he finds Niz boring. From my perspective, the main problem with Niz isn't a timing issue, it's about decisiveness, especially on Nik's part. If a man tells me that he still loves me soon after he admits that he was on the verge of screwing another woman, I'd have my doubts too just like Liz, which was one of the few things she was right about, along with smacking Nik and calling him a "royal jackass" after he kissed her. That being said, I'm not letting Liz off the hook either. She does have a tendency to get with the wrong men in general and Nik in particular at the wrong times and for the wrong reasons. Liz's not giving in to her feelings for Nik this time would be admirable if I believed that she wouldn't change her mind the first chance she got, especially at Britt's expense. Speaking of Britt, her moral support of Nik during Lulu's kidnapping would be admirable if she hadn't faked a hostage crisis with Spencer or if Nik was actually worthy of her. On the bright side, at least Britt has two great guys in her life-one's her brother and the other's her gay BFF. Speaking of the latter, all things Brad were amazing. The Brucas reunion was even better than I expected. They are a couple who hooked up for the right reasons, unlike, say, Nina/Silas, Shawn/Jordan, Carly/Franco and/or Carly/Sonny. The touching, the snuggling and the kissing were as hot to me as the sex must've been because this couple has things that the others lack, such as chemistry, charisma and sex appeal. They even make binging on Chinese food and Knots Landing DVDs for two days sexy. The Br2 scenes were great too, whether it was Britt's barging in on Brucas, her happiness for Brad or her confiding in Brad about Nik. Br2 is no Koxy (Kyle & Roxy from OLTL), but it's no Sabrina and Felix, either. Sabrina's investigation into finding Gabriel's killer could-and, knowing her, probably will-backfire, but if it means she'll spend more time with Carlos, the only person who makes her bearable, then so be it.  


  Re Silas/Nina, while Silas should be way more suspicious of Nina, her tendency to play the victim made him feel bad enough for her to sleep with her, which was a big mistake, because she wants another baby. That Nina can not only not get pregnant anymore, she's starting menopause is karma, plain and simple. Like I've said before, Lulu's baby rabies may be chronic, but Nina's is terminal. That Nina's batshit crazy enough to think that a baby will "fix" her and her marriage to Silas says much worse about her than it does about Silas. Nina shouldn't be trusted to raise a plant, let alone a child. About Ava, her saving Michael's life because he told her about Fluke's harassment of Kiki doesn't impress me because she was willing to kill Michael for Fluke in the first place. As the saying goes, "Lie down with dogs, etc" and Fluke's an SOB, to put it mildly. Now that Ava has run into Nina at the hospital, if Nina at the very least tries to steal Ava's baby, I wouldn't be surprised. On the Franco front, now that Scott has inadvertently helped Franco catch Carly in a lie, things are slowly starting to unravel for Carly and Sonny, which is the only good thing about it, I just wish that Franco has nothing to do with it. I appreciate Franco's potential involvement in Sonny and Carly's downfall as much as Silas appreciates Franco's marital advice or Scotty appreciates Franco period, which, in all cases, is not at all.


  When it comes to Levi-or rather, Peter Harold Jr.'s -kidnapping Maxie and Lulu, it, like Levi, was a bad idea. For one thing, it's not Maxie nor Lulu's first time getting kidnapped, nor their second, their third, nor even their fourth, so by the time all this is over, I'm guessing that if anyone's going to be begging for mercy, it won't be them. Levi's plan was a mistake from the start, but it really went South when he betrayed and shot his partner. Maxie and Lulu's taunting Levi not only didn't help, it was hilarious. If Maxie had said that she was thinking of Nathan the whole time she slept with Levi, that would've been even better. Dante and Nathan's tracking Levi down was his own fault. A professional would have total control of their emotions, but Levi couldn't even manage that. If he hadn't let Maxie and Lulu get to him, he wouldn't have thrown his phone, Lulu wouldn't have been able to call Dante and Dante and Nathan wouldn't have found them.  Then there was what's-his-name's attempt to put Maxie and Lulu on blast for the sins of their parents, like his own dad's a prize. Instead of being any semblance of a decent father to his son, Peter Harold Sr. raised him to do his dirty work, proving that Felicia not only dumped his sorry ass for a reason, his son's just as worthless as he is, therefore neither of them have the right to judge Maxie's parents, Lulu's parents, nor anyone else, for that matter. A good parent not only wouldn't plot revenge against an ex who dumped them decades ago, they wouldn't use their own child to do it. As for Maxie, while I'm glad that she' finally seen the light where Nathan's concerned, Nathan shouldn't make it easy for her because if she had listened to Nathan among others, then she, Lulu, Nathan, Dante, Felicia nor Mac (especially Mac) would have been in this mess in the first place. Loved the "Dannathan" scenes because Ron actually let them be good cops for a change. He might let them do the same where Sonny's killing AJ is concerned, but then again, knowing Ron, Nina will get pregnant again first.  

Edited by DollEyes
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More than anything she wanted them to be in love together like they'd been as teenagers.


As did Lucky, I think, and that was the biggest problem with their relationship. Neither of them were teenagers anymore. I thought the show did a good job with how they couldn't figure out how to adapt to a more mature level within their relationship. That was done right. What was done wrong was putting Nik and Liz together and making it all about sex.


Menopause babies can and do happen so I wouldn't slam the door on Neener's dusty old uterus just yet. (Spec not spoiler)


Additional spec: Ron's not going to want to wait nine months for Nina to give birth, so I think we're in for a baby stealin'. It tortures Ava, which Nina certainly wants to do; it involves Sonny, which is GH law; it involves people like Britt (as Nina's doctor and a fellow baby-stealer, she'll no doubt be blamed for being in cahoots with Nina), Morgan (is it his baby?), Michael and Lauren (sigh), etc.  And it's a baby-in-peril story, one of Ron's favorite go-tos.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Personally I call the baby "Ben" because regardless of what Dante and Lulu named him, I think Rocco is an awful name for a baby. I like "Ben" and the baby also looks like a "Ben" to me, it has nothing to do with changing the outcome of his true paternity, though if I could swap Lulu out as his biological mum for Britt I would in a heartbeat.


I still find it in such bad taste that Nik and Liz are both well aware that Lulu is still missing and Ben is two feet away in that teeny tiny Hobbit apartment but they still picked that moment to hash out their non-relationship.


I know Nik finds it oh so hard to not make everything about life in general about him, but seriously dude get over yourself and your damn penis.


Liz has always been "that" girl that this show loves to put into crappy ass triangles of "love" so I really have nothing to say about her, it's all typical typical.

  • Love 2

I've been fast forwarding a lot and may have missed something...has Jason gotten out of the tub yet? 


Now that his hair is cut, Dunkleman looks an awful lot like Frisco, and I was convinced he was Maxie's half brother come for revenge, and then I remembered they'd had a sexual relationship, so I guess they're not going there.  Unless the show wants to rewrite Maxie's paternity, which I suppose they could do. 


Wasn't watching when the whole Felicia/Luke thing was going on, but maybe that's where Luke comes in and hence Lulu.

I've been away for a little while, because let's face it college football provides far greater drama than this show. But I'm caught up on the show and now the board too (which took a few hours, you guys really need to stop posting so much!). Just a few random and general thoughts:


1) I am in the extreme minority, but I don't think Ben/Rocco/whatever is cute or an attractive baby. I never think boy babies are as cute as girl babies. I did make an exception for Danny, because of his facial expressions. Sad we won't get to see that version anymore. So even though I think Lante's kid is no big deal, how much of an ass and a crap uncle is Nik for waking up his nephew?


2) Glad to see I wasn't the only one who enjoyed Samtrick. About damn time both of them got to laugh and smile. Good for them. Plus, I can't help but see part of it as Jason and Kelly just having a blast hanging out and getting to do scenes together, they've both been wanting to.


3) I liked Maxie and Lulu annoying the hell out of notLevi, because that's the least he deserves. And at least Lulu pretended to be interested in Maxie's feelings for Nathan instead of her uterus. Her delivery of, "you never told me that!" was great. I enjoy the friendship between the foursome too.


4) The Silas/Nina scenes were painful. Between his non-acting and her over-acting, it's just a big mess. If we have to endure her, at least put her with Franco.




I really loved Ava's dress.


So did I. It's so complimentary of her coloring. Really, that's about 3 or 4 outfits of hers in a row that I've loved. They've really done a great job with her maternity wear, she just looks so fabulous. Praying she doesn't get sacrificed for the likes of Nina, but if she does I'm so out of here. No one else is nearly compelling enough for me to stick around.

On OLTL, wasn't Nora in menopause when she got pregnant w/Matthew?


Yes, I forget exactly how it went down, but I do remember Nora being declared peri-menopausal - It was their "issue" storyline for awhile. - then having Matthew sometime after that.  I have no doubt Nina's gonna get a baby, at least temporarily.  My thought was the baby/embryo stealin' route, especially after Britt shared her birthin' experience, and, of course, we'll see coma baby someday. 


So even though I think Lante's kid is no big deal, how much of an ass and a crap uncle is Nik for waking up his nephew?


I can't stand Nicholas, and can't for the life of me figure out why either Elizabeth or Britt wants him, if not for his money - I don't even think he's attractive, physically. - but starting to call his nephew, his almost step-son, a "damn baby"  because his "I haven't had sex since March so just get over it already" talk with Elizabeth was so important just made me dislike him even more.  Go back to Europe, Your HIghness, and take the Princeling with you.


Praying she doesn't get sacrificed for the likes of Nina, but if she does I'm so out of here.


Ava barely had a day off her first year on the show and was entwined with so many storylines and characters, it's rather dismaying how little she's on now in comparison.    I guess the bloom has worn off that rose in Ron's eyes, which makes me worry for her duration on the show too, given the probable direction of her storyline.  The new shiny seems to be Nina, but I'll take MW over MSt any day, and they'd both best watch out when nuJason arrives.  ::dreading the day::

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 4

I'm done with these weird Nina fantasy sequences. Like, its starting to get weird.


Nina "I'll pretend showing up at your girlfriend's child's party my first appearance after a coma was a coincidence" Clay has been weird from Day 1. I was so relieved to find out her being pregnant was a fantasy. I'm slightly sad all of her "BABY!" yelling will be over now.


I haven't been privey to the Niz merry-go-round so I really enjoyed their fight. It was entertaining, they were both shouting I wasn't surprised when Rocco finally woke-up, I do think they have chemistry......going to hide in my corner now......


I was privy to the first go-round, and I still like this one. I didn't buy it then, but now enough time has passed that I believe these two friends & in-laws really could have grown into love. They're the only ones left of their 4 Musketeers, so the ick factor is gone for me at this point.


 There is no one - No. One. - who wrecked General Hospital as thoroughly, completely, and with such speed as Bob Guza.  [spits on ground].




1) I am in the extreme minority, but I don't think Ben/Rocco/whatever is cute or an attractive baby. I never think boy babies are as cute as girl babies. 


I don't think any babies are cute, so...


That said, I do think adults working with babies can be cute, and Nik/Liz/Dante all were this week.


I'm enjoying the friendships right now a lot. Maxie and Lulu have been cracking me up, and Britt and Brad, worst BFFs ever, are really meant for each other. I'm sad Jordan slept with Shawn, though. I thought she was smarter than that, though if we're going on sheer hotness, I guess she's displaying A++ effort. 

Hey, all, let's remember this is the CURRENT episode topic. If you want to talk in further depth about relationships, characters, events, history, that time Ruby did that thing we still don't talk about...there is a PLACE to do it. So thank you to the posters who are taking posts to the right place, and a gentle nudge to those who forgot. Thanks!

  • Love 1
She thought she was supposed to be happy with Lucky, period, and she ruined it.



I came off of a decade or two barge trip around the time that Lucky was staring at a pill underneath a couch for seemingly around a month's worth of episodes.  I enjoy watching Liz as a nurse and as a mother.  But yeah, she cheated with Lucky's brother and that's a bad thing.  Considering that most of the worst actors currently on the show are the medical professionals at the hospital (Felix, Sabrina, Brad, Britt, Silas), she is a breath of fresh air considering that I would love the mob to be erased from PC and am satisfied that the police department (with Anna, Dante, and cute guy) along with an occasional WSB/Cassadine plot can cater towards those that need a modicum of adventure/violence for entertainment.  Liz doesn't screw up most of her lines, is pleasant looking (although could stand to raise her caloric intake), and brings a ray of sunshine to this viewer whenever she is on.  She's a delightful antidote for the heaps of excessive servings of the disgusting trials and tribulations of the Corinthos family.  YMMV.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 7

Well hooray for shooting Levi! Well . . . non hooray for not running the fuck out of there. Idiots.


Aw, Dante's unconscious hand on Lulu's was sweet.


Does Nathan need 911 written down on a cue card for him or something?


Ugh, of course. Kiki knows. Why does everyone I want to have no truck in this taking part? 


If Ava must die . . . she'd better die in Morgan's arms in the rain with Morgan's shirt open and his crying out "Aaaavaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"


I would welcome the return of Spinelli if it actually turned out he was behind it all. "See, that's what you guys get for thinking I was annoying before!"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

Sabrina and Carlooooos were pretty good today, TeCa does better with camp or scenery chewing and with an acting partner who is acting, she had all three today. Not sure she can bring the heat in scenes against Ava, but I am kind of pulling for her.


If Ron is tryng to force me to dislike Carly in favor of the serial killer, well done Ron. Honestly, well played.


Silas/Nina/Ava stuff. I really hope this is going somewhere soon, because the chair thing is way overlong and soap opera crazy scheming requires a scheme of some sort, not just crazy.


Sonny is so slimy/swarmy. The character, I mean. I suspect the actor is much different. Glad to see the standard soap opera open door device is going to move this plot along, but not sure why all the women love him so because even a college freshman girl would get the yucky vibe off him even if he pulled up in a Range Rover


Just as I really really was tired of the hostage nonsense dragging on, it got super campy today, with a painful shooting drama followed by the breaking bad silly ass gas scenes. 


This is not Casey the Alien (and Earth Twin used for Anna breeding scenes) bad. It is not Weather Control Diamond bad. However, it is not good.


I say this as someone who watched all three episodes it took Anna to climb a mooring line from the dock to the deck of a 125 foot long boat back when they could afford location shots. Stop dragging this silly action along. Piggy back on a Castle or Rookie Blue shoot to make the action seem less silly. Work better scenes to comply with the budget restrictions. Do something.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 4

Ava's "get away from me" attitude toward The Nina amuses me. Guess she's afraid of getting infected by the crazy.


Good to see Lulu isn't helpless. Also, nice shot Dante. Daddy's hitman could learn from you. I laughed that Dante and Lulu went right to each other and seemed to forget hostage Maxie. The mystery person, the team in protective suits and those gas bombs really made me roll my eyes though.  I'm sure Ron wants us begging to know "Who is it?!?" I .... just don't care. But I'll say thanks if he takes Levi/Peter off-screen. Get this Aztec jewels story sequel done already.


Sonny can always be counted on to be a dick. And please, there's no "making love" where you two are concerned. Blech.


Also amused by the utter lack of anything that could pass as a smile or joy in Silas' expression when The Nina said Britt said "no reason" they can't start trying to have a baby.  

  • Love 4

Uh oh...all Levi's talk about how Lulu has value and whoever he's working for has plans for her...is Victor behind this, as a "Welcome Back From The Dead!" gift for Stavros? 


It makes me vomit, so yes.


I've been a big advocate of Lante staying together, and of course the recast helps me change my stance, but at this point I'll take a normal cheating story over constant victimization by a ridiculous villain, please.

  • Love 1

Random thoughts after today:


I always enjoy seeing Carlos. I think the actor who portrays him has talent, and the character, even though he's mobbed up, has pretty much always been portrayed as having both a heart and a conscience. I guess one of the things that happened offscreen was his trial, since Pentonville is a prison, not a city jail or a holding cell. (Thanks, Ron.)


Sabrina, however, is on the road to crazy IMO. I know losing a child is terrible, and I don't want to minimize the experience of anyone who has suffered that misfortune. However, her "the baby was my life" comment made my eyes roll. I can't muster up a lot of concern for baby shamwow, since I'm willing to bet it's just  going to make her go to pieces. (I'm not a Sabrina shipper, but, as has been said many times before, can't a woman have a pregnancy under this regime without having it affecting her brain somehow? )


Are there any parents in Port Charles who do NOT discuss their sex lives with their children? Silas, to the best of my knowledge, barely knows Kiki, but he has no trouble telling her that he and Nina did the deed?  PC should be full of 20- and 30- somethings running down the sidewalks with their hands over their ears either loudly singing La-la-la or going Ewwww. 



Kiki must be thrilled she overheard Sonny and Carly talking about their tryst because it gives her the perfect excuse to stick herself in the midst of a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with her.  Hate.


Is this the job that Silas got her at the hospital? Official busybody/snoop? 


I did love Ava's "get over it" attitude toward Nina today. 


Edited to change Ava to Nina re: doing the deed. Everyone already knows Silas and Ava did.

Edited by rur
  • Love 6

Yes, but in the rest of the United States it's still necessary to  have some steps between confessing and going to prison. We saw him at the PC police dept., then we saw him being taken to Pentonville. At least a line about him going to trial or having gone before a judge to allocute  would have been nice. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 2


How delicious would it be if Sabrina killed Ava...only to find out that Ava wasn't the one who killed Gabriel as her whiny ass was carted off to the slammer.


I don't care about Sabrina either way so if she has to be sacrificed to get Ava off my screen I'll take it. Besides, I think Ron might be over Sabrina and I'd be surprised if she's still around this time next year. 

  • Love 1

Not nice things happened today, so many not nice things...


Kiki certainly slung around the "dad" and "father" words a lot in her scenes with Silas, like she wanted to remind him before he completely shut down and stopped listening to her.


The Sonny and "his boys" scenes...of course Ron would still give us a threesome from hell.


Damn it, Levi, less talking next time and more shooting Lulu.


I do have to say, whoever is Levi's "boss" at least they came prepared for once, knowing how the PCPD works. .

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