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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I wish stupid Brenda would come back to collect stupid Sonny and they can live their stupid lives together someone away from PC.

I cosign this post.  I know I'm in the minority but I never could stand Brenda.  But I did think she was perfect for Sonny.

Perhaps there is an island somewhere for the tiny-brained where they could live out their lives happily - offscreen.

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Scary Luke is so....not.  With his flowing bangs, his pouty, red lips, that pre-hip replacement swagger, he's more like a reject from a day walk on part for the Golden Girls than a friend of Tony Soprano's.  The guy oozes.  Just oozes.  FAIL.  And Show trying to tell us that Julian would be afraid of, or kowtow to, this unpleasant mentally pimpled emotional prepubescent is even more ridiculous


I think I wanna marry this post and maybe have its baby......

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I want Julian to kill Ava and throw her body in the woods to be devoured by animals



And I hope the animals regurgitate her and do it all again.

How DARE she even mention Maeve Ryan and then diss her singing Danny Boy?  The woman MUST DIE, just for that.  It's maddening enough that Ron C. had the temerity to bring Ryan's Hope into this mess, but for him now to make fun of it ....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...


What a dick he is.  And what a cartoon she is.

Edited by boes
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I actually almost like Carly and NotTodd for like the first time ever.

Believe me, it wasn't easy to type those words.


Hee. It's kind of entertaining to watch them "Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew" it up. I've always enjoyed RoHo, and so if I can just block from my mind who the character is and what he's done, I can almost, ALMOST get behind them.

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I have long been of the opinion that FakeLuke is Damian Smith but after watching Wed-Fri, I am wondering if he could be Victor Jerome. The Sonny hate is still out of character but the way he just bossed Julian around makes me wonder if it could be dear old dad.


It seemed to me that Fluke said something about "Woody" at some point when he was in the office counting the money, any idea who that could be?

I have long been of the opinion that FakeLuke is Damian Smith but after watching Wed-Fri, I am wondering if he could be Victor Jerome. The Sonny hate is still out of character but the way he just bossed Julian around makes me wonder if it could be dear old dad.


It occurred to me that he could be Victor Jerome too.  Would be a nice way to beef up the Jerome family.  (Now if they could just muscle the detestable Corinthii off the canvas...).


Victor Jerome would never hit on Ava (his daughter) or Sam and KiKi (his granddaughters). He was a womanizer, but we never had a hint that he was all perverted about his relatives.


And no matter what the script said about Victor wishing Duke was his son instead of Julian, that just wasn't so. Victor Jerome thought Julian hung the moon. Julian was the favorite child. He didn't have much use for Duke and didn't want Julian to get pulled into Duke's mess when Duke asked for help after Grant kinapped Anna. Victor never, ever spoke to Julian the way Fluke has.


Ron's main problem is he doesn't realize in addtion to fans who have good memories, there are also youtube videos to back up those memories.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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Victor Jerome would never hit on Ava (his daughter) or Sam and KiKi (his granddaughters). He was a womanizer, but we never had a hint that he was all perverted about his relatives.

You are right I forgot about Fluke hitting on Kiki and Sam, and I must have FF the Ava bit. So I agree Victor is out, even Ron is not that creepy. Still thinking that somehow Deke is involved, since FakeLuke was "talking" to a 'Woody'. 


 Maybe FakeLuke is the long promised Valentine Cassaidne, who somehow befriended Deke? I always wanted Valentine to turn out to not be the illegitimate son of Mikos but of Helene's one night stand with Port Charles Dock Worker Tim Spencer, which then could explain the resemblance and FINALLY explain why Mikos targeted Port Charles of all places all those years ago with the Ice Princess.


It would be a nice tight piece of history if some how both their fathers were reaching from the grave to destroy Sonny and Luke.


I still say he's Bill Eckert. He had Luke's face. I don't think we can go by how the character is behaving or what he says because Ron doesn't give a shit about the history of GH or being true to the characters and their histories.


If it turn out it in't Bill, Jesus Christ won't be able to convince me that it didn't get changed because people figured it out and Ron had a hissy fit.


With Ben Sherwood coming in as president of ABC, they have 2, maybe 3 years before GH gets canceled. They need to start thinking how they want to wrap things up unless they can get rating up and holding steady and Sherwood can't come up with a reason to cancel.


It makes me laugh that their best ratings days over the past few months have 1 thing in common - Julexis. Characters over the age of 40.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher

General Hospital needs to get rid of the gangster theme. Back when they had the Cassadines on the Islands and what have you, it was considered more of an adventure theme, now its just bumbling second rate gangster types. Just doesn't work for me. Its just too campy and not entertaining and poorly written. The Quartermain family is all but destroyed, and the Spenser family has gone to hell. They have jumped the shark and I for one do not know if they can get back on track. I hope so because the Soap genre is about to disappear from TV.

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Does anybody know who's doing the paintings that are hanging in the gallery?  I actually like some of them.

There are a couple I like too. 


General Hospital needs to get rid of the gangster theme.



Yes, the Sopranos era is over on primetime, no idea why GH is beating this dead horse. Not that I want them to pay homage to Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon A Time, but hey, medical dramas are ever popular, so maybe they should try something about a hospital maybe? The inner workings of, the patients and the people who work there? That might be nice. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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Wasn't Victor Jerome in a wheelchair?  I mean, yeah, it's Ron, but he was pretty ancient 20 years ago, so I just don't think it's Victor Jerome.  I'd rather it be Bill Eckert, a character I never liked, but even that is problematic because Bill's priority was usually his kid, Sly.  he wasn't a monster.  Damien Smith probably makes the most sense, I guess, even though I think Luke had a good foot in heighth on that guy.  Whatever it is, it'll be stupid.


This show is overloaded right now.  I get hiring Maura West - she can act.  I get hiring Michelle Stafford - she can act.  I get hiring Donna Mills - she can act.  I do not get  hiring Ron Moss. Unless the costume department accidentally bought a gross of scarves and they need to justify the line item in the budget.  Only then does it make sense.

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Watching the May 5 show, halfway through, and I have put myself on a break.


1. Watching some really good actresses, who are in the late 40s or higher, dress and act like they are in their early 20s and brainless/helpless and in the thoes of their first love.


2. Every male is bitchy and half lost, except Sonny who is totally clueless.


3. Cliche is the sole script tool.


4. I watched the TeCa scene. Worst blocking and camera work I have ever seen on GH for an actress who is pregant while the character is not. It is obvious the director, set and camera people have given up, too.


Someone post if anything good happens over the next week or so and I will try on demand for it.

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I watched a bit. Like Julian and Ava's scene and then ugh Sabrina. Has noone told her to look at her scene partners instead of down and to the side and interact and ,move her face instead of just doing a bland line reading and tossing her head like an irritable pony. Make it stop.

Are hipster Franco and Carly pretending they're 20somethings? Her dress is awful down to the fit.

Now Sonny and Olivia to ff through. Please, more Anna.

Ron Moss? Wuuuuuuuut? Whyyyyyyyy?

Edited by jazzyscreenname
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