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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I think that was definitely a threat. Maybe not so much physical (though who knows; this is GH) as he'll never sign divorce papers. Can't lose that marital privilege!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only that married parties can't be forced to testify against their spouse, ie. Jordan can't subpoena her to testify in a hypothetical trial? She still could if they wanted to, couldn't she? Julian murdered Carlos during the marriage but he commissioned Carlos to kill Duke way before the marriage. Can't Alexis testify about that and surely Sabrina could provide testimony to back her up?

Edited by LexieLily
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35 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm kind of glad Andre ended things with Anna. I know technically it's okay for them to be friends/date, but he was still her therapist, and that's a weird relationship to transition into something else.

LOL that Valerie was singled out by Jordan. Most of the reasons she had to quit were of her own doing. And it's not as if Valerie graduated first in her class. 

"Yes, this is he." Bless you, Dante! (More accurately, bless you writer who understands grammar.)

Sonny added a bonus to Lulu and Dante's offer.

Sigh. Nobody here but me cares, but I still think it's a big freaking deal that Valerie had the motivation to embark on a new career - and to make her make her way in a new town after such huge changes in her life.  But I suppose that consideration is a little too real-life. 

56 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Sonny told Diane to make sure nothing would be traced back to him, so it would simply look like the second buyer backed out.  I'm sure Lante will never find out and it was all about letting the viewers know how wonderful Sonny really is.  

Hasn't this whole show become about "how wonderful Sonny really is"???

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2 hours ago, Francie said:


See, this? Is why I can't abide by any of the tongue bathing that Julexis got by the "soap press."* Julian didn't earn the "he's a good guy who gave it up for the woman he loved" then; he doesn't earn it now. He hadn't even earned it back before he committed felicide (Yep, I looked it up. It's been a long time since I've learned something new due to "watching"** GH.

*"Soap press" = soap bloggers with one or more e-mail addresses of a GH cast member

"watching" = reading about GH on social media boards and watching an occasional online clip


Thats actually one of the worst things RC did to Duke - because before RC ruined him, Duke actually was that guy. While it's possible that he might have gone back to the mob for vengeance, or whatever - that story would need to be much less idiotic with a much better Julian Jerome for it to be remotely worth telling, especially since Duke (and Anna) worked so damn hard to get him out in the first place 

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15 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Can't Alexis testify about that

No, because they talked about it while married, and that's a hair isn't split. ETA: And if spousal privilege doesn't cover it, attorney-client privilege would. So Alexis can't talk no matter what.

14 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

I still think it's a big freaking deal that Valerie had the motivation to embark on a new career - and to make her make her way in a new town after such huge changes in her life.

That is a big deal, but Jordan didn't frame it that way, IMO. The affair with Dante is what threatened her place in the program, and that was Valerie's doing (and Dante's, but she had more to lose professionally, at least).

Edited by dubbel zout
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I can't at this Valerie propping. We haven't seen her in months besides for her to dance at the NB and now this. LMAO!

Gross at Sonny making his way into a party for police academy graduates. And gross at the "Sonny is SO awesome and kind he bought Lulu/Dante's house for them but doesn't want anyone to know because he's so selfless and amazing!" Please just stop with this shit.

I legit don't remember a single other thing from this ep lol.

ETA: Wait, I remember Andre telling Anna he loves her the way someone orders their meal at McDonald's. I was rolling at how monotone and blase he was.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

And then, cripes, St. Sonny's gonna buy Dante and Lulu a house?  Doesn't it not look great for a police officer to accept a gift like that from a known criminal?

I don't think Dante and Lulu will know that Sonny intervened by promising a bonus payment with the Lante offer so that the owner gave it to the Lantes. This gesture seems to me to be illegal, but maybe in buying houses all's fair in love and war.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm kind of glad Andre ended things with Anna. I know technically it's okay for them to be friends/date, but he was still her therapist, and that's a weird relationship to transition into something else.

Lots of eye-rolling here when Andre said he had developed romantic feelings for Anna. Any therapist worth his salt--certainly all psychiatrists--would know from the get-go that counter-transference was likely manifesting. Well-trained therapists would recognize it, face it, and figure out a way to deal with it in a positive and professional way. Notifying the client about it is not required, and usually discouraged, because fragile and vulnerable clients can seize upon it to try to manipulate the doctor or the therapy. Of course the client can also develop romantic feelings for the therapist, and an intimate trust of the therapist by the client is generally encouraged as a positive support to the therapy, but counter-transference is not generally considered supportive or helpful for the therapy. If the therapist has his or her own therapist, the counter-transference can be analyzed in that venue.

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4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only that married parties can't be forced to testify against their spouse, ie. Jordan can't subpoena her to testify in a hypothetical trial? She still could if they wanted to, couldn't she? Julian murdered Carlos during the marriage but he commissioned Carlos to kill Duke way before the marriage. Can't Alexis testify about that and surely Sabrina could provide testimony to back her up?

It's the spouse who the testimony would be used against who holds the privilege. So even if Alexis wanted to testify about things she learned during the course of the marriage, like Carlos's murder, she couldn't because Julian would assert the privilege and no judge would let her testify. You're right, though, that spousal privilege doesn't apply with respect to Duke's murder because she learned about it before the marriage, but as @dubbel zout mentioned, she was also his attorney at the time, so attorney-client privilege would apply. However, since her representation of Carlos could potentially make her an accessory after the fact to Duke's murder, if she were charged with that, then she could break attorney-client privilege if it was necessary to do so as part of her own defense against criminal charges. It's actually kind of an interesting legal problem as to what she would be allowed to testify about and what she wouldn't; it would make a good law school exam question.

Of course, this is a soap opera so there will undoubtedly be a scene where Julian is on trial for Carlos's murder and Alexis is on on the witness stand and they're staring daggers at each other. About midway through, Julian will stand up and beg Alexis not to do this because, "WE LOVE EACH OTHER!" and then Alexis will say, "YOUR LOVE IS A LIE!" and the judge will pound his gavel a lot.

Edited by fishcakes
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Look, I really like Finola.  But the last two guys, Paul and Andre, that have declared their feelings for her have done so in such a robotic, flat manner.  I didn't believe either one of them.  And the dating site - what are the odds that Tender Legal is Paul?

Sigh.  I wish we had Tristan.

Congrats to Valerie for being in the top ten percent of her class.  A class which seemed to consist of six people. </sarcasm>  At least she wasn't Sabrina'd and scored the highest! score! ever! in the history of the academy.

I don't know if I can take much more of "look, Sonny is a great guy!  He really is!"  Because he really isn't.

Lulu beaming a laser bright smile at Valerie was kind of weird.  I don't need or want sniping and fighting between these two characters but it just seems too much, too soon.  It's like all of last year never happened and now it's all "see how much I love my cousin."  Because on on screen they still barely know each other - we never got to see them explore a real familial relationship.

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8 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Sonny and Snarly are such entitled idiots because they believe that they have the PCPD at their beck and call.

Let's face it:  They do.  Along with the rest of Port Chuckles.

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I'm confused as to why a psychiatrist who deals with unstable people everyday would have feelings for Anna. I guess Jordan will eventually have to compete with that Val sidepiece girl for Curtis since he's the only other black man in town. I wish they would just put Andre with that Val sidepiece girl so I can FF.

How many more times is someone going to warn Carly about investigating where the kidney came from? We get it, the person(s) responsible is super bad and evil. Given the situation and the fact that Helena is involved, it's pretty safe to assume that the kidney was probably obtained illegally and under horrific circumstances. 

LOL of course Liez is interested in knowing what happened to DNAJ just as long as someone else is doing all of the work. 

So I see Lulu is pulling a Sam and acting like everything is ok with that Val sidepiece girl.

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10 hours ago, backhometome said:

I dont know what was worse all the Valerie praise from Jordan or Sonny even being in a roomful of police officers like no big deal. 

The mob on this show is such a joke. Sonny casually walks into a room filled with cops and the police commissioner. His son is a detective. Both he and Jason were cool with Lucky. One of Sonny's baby mamas and his brother were the DA at one point. Alexis was the DA while Jason and Sam were together. Julian is married to a former DA. Rival mobsters believe Ava was working with Paul and the feds. In real life all of them would have been murdered for these connections. 

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This is a message board filled with diverse opinions. Love...and hate. People are allowed both, provided posters treat each other's POV with respect.

If a post bothers you, scroll. Or put the poster that annoys you on ignore. Or contact me, @thewhiteowl, or @OnceSane. But please quit with lecturing about opposing opinions and undermining the whole purpose of this forum.

Carry on.

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Why isn't anyone looking into Terrell (the peds MD that Lisa had seducing Robin) I believe he did both aspects of Joss's transplant.I do believe that the writers forgot about him. But in reality he should know where the kidney came from.

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4 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Why isn't anyone looking into Terrell (the peds MD that Lisa had seducing Robin) I believe he did both aspects of Joss's transplant.I do believe that the writers forgot about him. But in reality he should know where the kidney came from.

There should be a LOT of people who know where that damn kidney came from. I don't understand why they didn't set this up when they were holding Robin captive. She could have made some discoveries about NotDeadJake while she was trying to find the Fountain of Youth for Hells and then come back to PC and hand that info off to everyone involved. Even though I dislike that NotDeadJake is no longer dead, it could've easily been an umbrella story for a lot of the characters. Instead, we've got JaSam chasing Nic's triflin ass, Carly being all ADD about it ('Joss's kidney! No wait, Morgan! Hold up, Sonny! SQUIRREL!!') and Liez caring more about using a psychopathic serial killer to get dirt on Hayden instead of finding out whatever damage Helena inflicted on her son.

With all the evil we've been seeing in the news lately, I'm sick to death of the bad people on a fucking soap opera being pushed as good guys. Where can I buy a ticket to the barge? Is there a dress code? I'll need some dramamine until I've achieved an appropriate level of inebriation.

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I will say I don't think I've seen this much action and storyline at the hospital in years. It seems like someone remembered that the show is called General Hospital. It's such a novel concept but the title alone should be a good starting point for writers. It's too bad Mr. Mumbles was on yesterday and had to be the savior for Dante & Lulu. Sonny is such a saint and does good for all. If you factor all of his good will it diminishes all of the murdering he has done, right? LOL!!!

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15 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Sonny and Snarly are such entitled idiots because they believe that they have the PCPD at their beck and call.

Didn't you know they are the face of General Hosptial? <sarcasim> At least, that's what Frank Valentini said in some article. I'm not the biggest MB fan but I do like LW. So it's a lesser of two evils for me. LOL!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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5 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Why isn't anyone looking into Terrell (the peds MD that Lisa had seducing Robin) I believe he did both aspects of Joss's transplant.I do believe that the writers forgot about him. But in reality he should know where the kidney came from.

That's a character that should be recast/return temporarily instead of a useless computer hacker who shall remain nameless.   It'd be kinda interesting if Lisa, who hated Robin, was approached by Jerry Jax and convinced to "fake her death", but he had a henchman kill her.  Lisa working with Jerry Jax would explain a lot and get Matt Hunter out of prison because yes it bothers me that a doctor is still in prison.  Release him off screen.  Release Stephen Lars too.  Gah.  Which BTW there was an organ ring going on with Dr Dressed Like a Clown and Stephen Lars that Johnny was involved in.  All these organs and the show is like waaahh? Bruh.  GH had a terrorist running it for a year.  

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9 hours ago, amaranta said:

And the dating site - what are the odds that Tender Legal is Paul?

Sadly, 100 percent. As soon as I saw that name, I thought, "Uh-oh, Anna and Paul will have fun exchanges online and then meet in person and realize who they were talking to." You've Got Mail this will not be.

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Just now, TeeVee329 said:

What's wrong with this picture...


Aw come on. Sonny is wonderful! Sonny is great! Sonny  is the patriarch of GH! Besides, he probably owns most of the cadets by now, so why shouldn't he be there to congratulate them? ::RME::

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10 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I am free not to like a single thing Sonny does. Besides it is a combo of him overstepping in his grown ass children's lives and the fact that house was gotten with blood money. All of his money is blood money. I almost hope that someone petty enough discovers what Sonny did and uses it to discredit Dante. 

I don't almost hope, I definitely hope. That would be interesting.

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10 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

 I almost hope that someone petty enough discovers what Sonny did and uses it to discredit Dante. 

My biggest wish!

9 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

LOL of course Liez is interested in knowing what happened to DNAJ just as long as someone else is doing all of the work. 

When she told Carly she wanted to know what happened to DNAJ I was like, "YOU DO?!" She has done absolutely nothing to find out what happened to him. Ugh. 

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At least, that's what Frank Valentini said in some article.

He also made that proclamation in his acceptance speech when they won the Emmy last month.  Sorry, but MB & LW aren't even a blip on my GH radar, they're FF material.  Which means I lean on that FF button....a lot, when I bother to actually decide to playback.

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11 hours ago, amaranta said:

And the dating site - what are the odds that Tender Legal is Paul?

It's 100% Paul, but OMG, how funny would it be if it was Scotty!  Kin Shriner and Finola Hughes playing off each other during a disastrous blind date would be so amazing to watch!

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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It's 100% Paul, but OMG, how funny would it be if it was Scotty!  Kin Shriner and Finola Hughes playing off each other during a disastrous blind date would be so amazing to watch!

Now THAT is something I would like to see. Which of course means the writers won't even think of it..

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27 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Now THAT is something I would like to see. Which of course means the writers won't even think of it..


31 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It's 100% Paul, but OMG, how funny would it be if it was Scotty!  Kin Shriner and Finola Hughes playing off each other during a disastrous blind date would be so amazing to watch!


29 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

But, see that would be fun, this show doesn't know how to do fun.

Man, that's touching on the story that I would've loved to see back when Duke was introduced.

They did a four-month dance where Anna couldn't accept Duke back because he reminded her of Faison. Then they had dinner, and voila! Insta-couple.

What they could have done was at that dinner have Anna and Duke discuss her case, and the death of Bennie (was that his name?), the finance guy for Sonny who drew Jason to the docks for his death (good time!). Anna could've mentioned that this was a major loss to Sonny, and she wondered what he would do to replace Bennie. Duke, having been the finance/laundry guy for the mob back in 1986 could've offered what he would done. This sparks an idea from Anna -- Duke can go undercover and infiltrate Sonny's mob. They weren't back together yet, and they could keep their renewed relationship under wraps.

The hard to write part, but so worthwhile are the scenes where Duke orchestrates the situation to make it seem like it's Sonny's idea to bring in Duke. Duke, to the best of Sonny's knowledge, is a single guy. So Sonny starts setting up Duke with Olivia or some other poor soul. Scotty, meanwhile is the DA that Anna has to keep informed. They whole situation is set up for a wonderful French bedroom farce (or Frasier's ski lodge episode) where the various parties are changing rooms late night at the Hotel Metro where everyone lives.  To get out of a tight moment where Anna and Duke are almost found out to be lovers, Scotty steps in to claim that he and Anna are lovers, much to Anna's chagrin. But Anna has to keep up the façade, much to Scotty's amusement.

Of course, the right way to end things is that Sonny is caught, since that's the point. But of course, this is GH, so that could never happen.

Edited by Francie
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43 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

My biggest wish! 

Dante in a cell from something he did not do would be a) finally good karma for his awfulness last winter and b) adorable cause he'd look all sad and cute with his haircut.

But the writers would probably have Dante declare how awesome Sonny was for accidentally getting him into jail so maybe never mind. Womp womp.

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They'd never let their Princeling down, but I wish the writers would have followed through in the past year or two and made Sonny impotent when he was shot--not just in a wheelchair (presumably paralyzed). Sonny's raging at Fate could have been matched in intensity by the fights he would start having with formerly besotted Carly. Instead of their usual affectionate canoodling, reminiscent of scenes in Grease, the couple could have had steamy public arguments over their unsatisfied passion. Carly could have made plays for several resident studs, getting their girlfriends jealous and upset. She could have scandalized and insulted the moobster by suggesting a threesome to compensate for his marital lack. The story would have been a ton of fun for both actors.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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18 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Gross at Sonny making his way into a party for police academy graduates. And gross at the "Sonny is SO awesome and kind he bought Lulu/Dante's house for them but doesn't want anyone to know because he's so selfless and amazing!" Please just stop with this shit.

It reminds me of the time that he secretly got a heart for Alice. He's just like Santa Claus, y'all. Ugh, vile.

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1 hour ago, Francie said:



Man, that's touching on the story that I would've loved to see back when Duke was introduced.

They did a four-month dance where Anna couldn't accept Duke back because he reminded her of Faison. Then they had dinner, and voila! Insta-couple.

What they could have done was at that dinner have Anna and Duke discuss her case, and the death of Bennie (was that his name?), the finance guy for Sonny who drew Jason to the docks for his death (good time!). Anna could've mentioned that this was a major loss to Sonny, and she wondered what he would do to replace Bennie. Duke, having been the finance/laundry guy for the mob back in 1986 could've offered what he would done. This sparks an idea from Anna -- Duke can go undercover and infiltrate Sonny's mob. They weren't back together yet, and they could keep their renewed relationship under wraps.

The hard to write part, but so worthwhile are the scenes where Duke orchestrates the situation to make it seem like it's Sonny's idea to bring in Duke. Duke, to the best of Sonny's knowledge, is a single guy. So Sonny starts setting up Duke with Olivia or some other poor soul. Scotty, meanwhile is the DA that Anna has to keep informed. They whole situation is set up for a wonderful French bedroom farce (or Frasier's ski lodge episode) where the various parties are changing rooms late night at the Hotel Metro where everyone lives.  To get out of a tight moment where Anna and Duke are almost found out to be lovers, Scotty steps in to claim that he and Anna are lovers, much to Anna's chagrin. But Anna has to keep up the façade, much to Scotty's amusement.

Of course, the right way to end things is that Sonny is caught, since that's the point. But of course, this is GH, so that could never happen.

I love literally every. single. thing. about this.

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Well, that was weird. A mostly good episode.  The obligatory Jason/Sam embarrassment, but I liked Finn/Monica/Tracy, I liked Finn/Hayden, I liked Monica/Tracy, I liked Ava/Nikolas, I liked Curtis/Jordan a LOT, I liked Molly/TJ/Curtis, I liked Molly/TJ and even Valerie/Curtis. I even like that we are assuredly in the friend area for Hayden/Curtis.  TJ finds out Shawn is his father, Curtis wants to be a cop again, things actually moved a bit.

Minimal Jason/Sam stupidity, and more importantly, ISOLATED Jason/Sam stupidity.  That was so bad, so awkward and you can just feel the desperation of the writers to sell them as this sexy, heroic, adventure, mystery solving couple, when really they're as tedious and drab as their outfits.

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IIRC, Shawn found out, but didn't tell TJ.  And then maybe Curtis was threatening Jordan with that knowledge when he first showed up?

In any case, the pacing, my gawd.  TJ shows up for the first time in forever, drops in a bunch of exposition about getting an internship at the hospital (which is probably set-up for him to be killed, knowing this show), he and Molly talk about their off-screen sex life, and then this major family bombshell gets dropped on him, all in one hour.

Edited by TeeVee329
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5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

What's wrong with this picture...


Guy seated at the table (center of picture) looks like poor man's Zander.  His nose and chin are too pointy, though.

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39 minutes ago, backhometome said:

I was shocked Sam actually kicked that dude down and Jason didnt save her. The writers are usually incapable of writing strong women.

Sam, one of the world's worst PIs, almost always gets in a kick. But then guy she's with shows up. And somehow between the two of them not doing much the bad guy is vanquished. This, of course is after someone else, usually Spinelli, has done most of the actual heavy lifting or actual investigating. Then Sam looks at a computer for a minute or two and she and her current adventure buddy leave. 


I just can't get too excited over these two people having an "adventure." Count me in among the group who would have preferred to see Jason trying to carve out a new kind of life for himself rather than listen to the two of them wax rhapsodic over how wonderful everything Sonny let them borrow was.  As others have said, if he hasn't changed, then what was the purpose of the last couple of years? 

Edited by rur
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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

My biggest wish!

When she told Carly she wanted to know what happened to DNAJ I was like, "YOU DO?!" She has done absolutely nothing to find out what happened to him. Ugh. 

Jason has Jake's CI book and said he would look into what happened to their son back in April/May.  However, it made no sense at all for Elizabeth, Jason and Sam to end up on CI months ago and not ask Helena WTF she did to that boy.

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2 hours ago, rur said:

Sam, one of the world's worst PIs, almost always gets in a kick. But then guy she's with shows up. And somehow between the two of them not doing much the bad guy is vanquished. This, of course is after someone else, usually Spinelli, has done most of the actual heavy lifting or actual investigating. Then Sam looks at a computer for a minute or two and she and her current adventure buddy leave. 


I just can't get too excited over these two people having an "adventure." Count me in among the group who would have preferred to see Jason trying to carve out a new kind of life for himself rather than listen to the two of them wax rhapsodic over how wonderful everything Sonny let them borrow was.  As others have said, if he hasn't changed, then what was the purpose of the last couple of years? 

JaSam are so boring and the matching outfits is so lame.


Sam is always kicking some dude in the back (Ethan, etc) and then waits around for Jason's ass to back her up.

Edited by Darklazr
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47 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

can we stop with Sam being threatened with sexual assault?

Well, it hasn't happened for a while now, or else it came up on the "What Peril Should Sam Face?" wheel.

Edited by dubbel zout
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14 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Jason has Jake's CI book and said he would look into what happened to their son back in April/May.  However, it made no sense at all for Elizabeth, Jason and Sam to end up on CI months ago and not ask Helena WTF she did to that boy.

Jason has the book?  I thought Liz or Franco had it.

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If Curtis becomes a cop it's gonna be a bit crowded (even if you don't factor in Valerie).

Nik with glasses and beard, not bad. 

Hayden and Curtis' relationship is a bit too one sided, they need to show her doing something for him.

Huxley is sooo annoying. I guess he's supposed to be though.

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