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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 9:33 PM, Asp Burger said:

Tracy never would have gotten brainworms if she hadn't been sucking on the pot. 

I'm glad she got brainworms, at least they wrote something for her. Probably not the first time she and Ashton did something like that together, either. TeeHee. Yes, I am a child.

Today sounds horrible if you hate or don't care about Jason. I read some of what was going on and I just...LOL I just can't.  I can't even say it's rage inducing. I just don't care.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

Ya'll are being too hard on poor Nathan.  He's in the forest with his own people, let him get reacquainted with them first and then he can go save his partner.  Unless he decides to live among the other tree people, I mean.

I actually think maybe Carlos has/had him at gunpoint somewhere, that would be the only thing that makes sense as to why he wasn't helping Dante.

Ok.  I adored today's episode.  But I LOVE Jason and Sam so....I guess it's a given, right?   I am so so happy he told her he loved her (even if it was just in his head).  It was lovely dialogue and the chemistry between the 2 was "killer".  He never meant to leave her....Sob.

But my highlight was Sam/Mikey and Sam/Danny.  He finally called her mommy, and she (terribly) sang him a bedtime story.  I had a huge ass grin on my face picturing Kelly being told she had to sing solo in an episode.

  • Love 17

Yes: When Jake died, Carly badgered Liz and Lucky (first she asked Jason, who had the grace to say it wasn't his decision) to donate his kidney to Joss, who was in renal failure or something. Now that it's been a year or whatever since Jake returned and everyone knows he's not dead, Carly suddenly has decided to figure out where the kidney actually came from. Finn is helping, even if it's by telling her that it was probably a black-market organ.

Edited by dubbel zout

I actually liked all of the Sam scenes - Sam/Michael, Sam/Danny and Sam/Jason. The rest, no thanks. Poor KMc. And there's another new Danny? Eventually he'll be older than Cam. But I like this Danny the best since Baby Danny, who I just loved. They might have finally gotten the casting right, for me anyway.

Was it just me, or did Carly seem almost giddy about Dante being injured and then possibly dying?


Did Nathan go flying over a freaking cliff or something? Or did he just blend in with the other trees?

Hee, kudos! I just love this line.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I thought Sam's line about Danny being the only one happy to hear her voice was cute/non-generic. I know Korte loves her some Carly but I'll take it if it means more dialogue that sounds specific to each of the characters and more knowledge of history,

It was actually a nice call back, because when Sam was pregnant with baby girl McCall, Jason teased her about her singing to her and the baby wouldn't mind her awful voice (or something like that).  I'll have to find the scene.

  • Love 10

Jesus, that was a painful episode.  I guess the only saving grace was that if it was Steve Burton still playing the role it would've been stretched out over THREE episodes.  I did get a chuckle that Sonny, aka Jason's tru luv, was saved for last.  The UCG was off the charts.

And LOL at Jason's hands.  Did I miss a scene when his bike skidded through a coal mine before coming to a stop? 

  • Love 6

So, I hunkered down with pizza rolls and lemonade (#Beyoncé ) to watch this festival of emotional joy.  Does Mo realize that Sonny is supposed to a friend or something to these people?   He plays Sonny as an absolute douche.   I wanted Billy Miller to break character and run over him with the van, the motorcycle,  his fists.  Anything.   Even my cat barfed when Sonny started stutterbarking.  Sure, it was a hairball, but well timed King Casper, well timed.   I will say that Billy Miller has made me feel sympathy for Jason, which I have never felt while watching an episode.   The dude does have a shit life.  He's got Robin all being this cheerful and overly happy cheerleader "You can do it, Jason!  Up with people!".  Carly is all "Me, me, me!  I'm a liar, you're so great!  Do this!"  Sam whispering "Do it, Jason.  Don't leave me."  Sonny stutterbarking stuff.  God.   I'd want to lose my mind too.   No wonder why AJ drinks and eats, and Jason shuts down emotionally and kills.  Everyone around them is annoying.    But new Danny is really awesome though.   Stay with Grandma Monica, kid.   

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, ulkis said:

Did Nathan go flying over a freaking cliff or something? Or did he just blend in with the other trees?

ROFL This! A score, Ulkis!!

9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

How exactly was Dante thrown out of the van in the first place? Did someone forget to shut the door properly? And Nathan and Carlos are fine?

Dante prolly didn't wear his seat belt.

  • Love 1

 I guess the only saving grace was that if it was Steve Burton still playing the role it would've been stretched out over THREE episodes.

If Burton were playing the role, especially if this story had taken place in the Guza years, Jason's heroism and incredible endurance and fortitude would have been much more sick-making. He probably would have been able to overturn the van with his bare hands. At least in this they acknowledged that some things were beyond him.  


Sonny will try to make the whole accident Julian's fault.

See, I was thinking it would be another excuse for him to wallow in his "pain." Eventually, he's going to make the connection that Carlos got jumpy and made his escape attempt right after Sonny needlessly went to the cell and taunted him that he was a dead man no matter what. More hospital-chapel spiritual self-indulgence is sure to follow. "Dear God, I know I haven't always been a good man..." Maybe we'll even get Griffin telling him it's all because he didn't forgive Carlos.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, dubbelzout said:

I'm okay with Danny staying overnight at his grandmother's house for no reason. It's nice to know he and Monica have a relationship. It's more than Bobbie gets with her grandkids.

Bobbie made Carly, and likes her/thinks she's a good mother. She should not be allowed too much interaction with children. 

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Was it just me, or did Carly seem almost giddy about Dante being injured and then possibly dying?

LOL really though. The Carly inside Jason's head was super bizarre.

8 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Does Mo realize that Sonny is supposed to a friend or something to these people?   He plays Sonny as an absolute douche.


  • Love 4

Jason's imagination kinda scares me and bores me and makes me sad.  I also want to eat and drink alcohol.   Then my cat barfs.  It's everything I feared it would be.  Luckily,  Spinelli wasn't there.  "Stone Cold, thou arest the fiercest of the heroes.  Slay this van with your mighty pythons.  Flex your glutteous maxiumus."  

  • Love 7

I have said this multiple times but what can I tell ya it bugs the crap out of me - Alexis you ARE NOT a victim! Your husband is a MOBSTER! You DO NOT get to be shocked and awed when he commits crimes!! Ugh. I mean fine, if she loves him, she loves him. But frickin own it! Don't act all morally outraged by his choices. I loved last week when she asked him if he had the witness guy killed and he almost literally said "Really? You're asking me this?!" No sympathy for this woman. Grow a backbone and own your choices for once. (rant over. for now.)

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 9

You guys lied to me!!

I've been enjoying my time on the Scorpio deck on the barge and came back to see my girl Robin. Ya'll said GH was doing longer scenes,  the hell they are. What in the world was up with tge horrible fast paced splicing they did between JnR and Michael/Sam. I had to use my expertise with my finger in order to FF.

Helena saying that Jason's conditioning would take over and he would lose his memory again didn't make sense to me. I thought it was the chip that controlled his actions, not brainwashing, and that it was Ava hitting him with her car that made him lose his memory. When he and Robin were escaping from Crichton Clark, he knew who she was. Of course, this was all just Jason's most recent head injury making him hallucinate these conversations, but even so, they could have at least tried for a little consistency.

  • Love 6

Alexis you ARE NOT a victim! Your husband is a MOBSTER! You DO NOT get to be shocked and awed when he commits crimes!! Ugh. I mean fine, if she loves him, she loves him. But frickin own it! Don't act all morally outraged by his choices. I loved last week when she asked him if he had the witness guy killed and he almost literally said "Really? You're asking me this?!" No sympathy for this woman. Grow a backbone and own your choices for once.

Yeah, but Jules is really good in bed.  If she kicked him to the curb, who would she sleep with?

I liked this episode, then again, I much prefer this Jason to SBu's version.  And I don't see that changing now that he has (some of?) his memories back.  I wasn't thrilled about the Sonny, but the rest was fine.  I definitely enjoyed Helena taunting Jason and the Jasam stuff (of course).  It was nice to see him tell Sam he loved her before the memories returned, even though he knew she was just a hallucination.

I also liked the Sam/Michael conversation (I could ship them HARD).  But the Sam/Danny parts were the best for me.  Loved Danny being the only one who likes her singing and him FINALLY calling her mommy on-screen.

  • Love 5

Sonny whining about how the justice system lets him down never fails to annoy me. Except for his brief periods in jail (not to mention being pardoned for FIRST DEGREE MURDER), he's been given every advantage by it.

LOL at Carlos hiding in the bushes three feet away from Nathan.

Does LW still drink her wine on the show? Since you can't really see the labels, that sort of thing doesn't bother me.

  • Love 8

It's episodes like the last two days that make me wish, yet again, that ABC had kept OLTL and cancelled GH instead.  I had an eye appointment last week, and the doctor told me I have a hemorrhage in one of my eyes.  I firmly believe I popped a blood vessel while watching this show.

Seriously, has something happened behind the scenes regarding Julian/WdV?  It just seems like they've turned on a dime on his character.  He's now the shadiest, evilest evil to ever evil (but yet no where near as skilled a mobster as Sonny, natch, Michael).  Even his daughter seems to no longer care about him.  Is WdV on his way out?

  • Love 6

And I CANNOT with this return to "[Insert Mobster's Name] and Sonny do the same things, but Sonny is a GOOD mobster and [Insert Mobster's Name] is a BAD mobster" storytelling

This.  This.  And more This.  

The problem with the "good" versus "bad" mobster is you end up with a town full of hypocrites.  Alexis can't defend Carlos because he's a bad mobster, but she can defend Sonny.  Sam declares that Jason is not as bad as Julian because he worked for the good mobster.  Carly decides she's better than Alexis because she's married to the good mobster.    Ya'll need to own up to your hypocritic selves and shut the frack up.  

That pen was shoved so deep into Dante's chest, I'm pretty sure it would have perforated his heart and he would have needed surgery, if this were real life.  

How did tiny Carlos get the best of big Nathan enough to crack his head open with the rock.  

I'm so pissed that Anna Freakin' Devane wasn't able to take out stupid, injured Carlos.  Shut up show.  

  • Love 6

Did you hear that everyone? Sam has decreed that

-Julian has not changed

-even if he did it wouldn't matter because it didn't redeem his past sins

-for some reasons statute of limitations doesn't apply to Jason's past murders because Helena

I don't care about Julian so I don't care but it's just amusing

oh, also, did everyone know Carlos shot Kristina's father?!?!

Lulu is right for the wrong reasons about Maxie digging into the past. Maxie shouldn't dig because it's not of her business and Nathan obviously has nothing to do with her, unlike Dante who Lulu saw with Valerie all the friggin' time. Their situations aren't the same.

The Carlos/Anna fight was not bad for this show. I was all "why doesn't she kick him in his wound!" and not in the "duh, why don't they just do that" way.

Carly has been in that dress for decades now.

Griffin needs to lend Dante some of his guilt for having an affair. Nathan shot him, it's okay to be angry buddy[/Jason]

lol at Carlos hitting Nathan with a rock. They didn't even let us see it on-screen, they robbed us of joy. They shoulda just had Nathan hit his head in the accident instead of Carlos hopping around the woods like a rabbit.

46 minutes ago, Perkie said:

That pen was shoved so deep into Dante's chest, I'm pretty sure it would have perforated his heart and he would have needed surgery, if this were real life.

Seemed too high up to hit his heart.

That reminds me, shouldn't've Maxie's reply have been, since she didn't know Tree was injured, "hey, I'll baby-sit Rocco so Olivia can go see her son." What a shitty friend.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

It's episodes like the last two days that make me wish, yet again, that ABC had kept OLTL and cancelled GH instead.  I had an eye appointment last week, and the doctor told me I have a hemorrhage in one of my eyes.  I firmly believe I popped a blood vessel while watching this show.

Seriously, has something happened behind the scenes regarding Julian/WdV?  It just seems like they've turned on a dime on his character.  He's now the shadiest, evilest evil to ever evil (but yet no where near as skilled a mobster as Sonny, natch, Michael).  Even his daughter seems to no longer care about him.  Is WdV on his way out?

I don't think so. This is GH where you can murder and be awful and still stroll around, even if you're not Sonny.




there are rumors to that effect, yes. People are speculating that this is him (this was a blind item from Daytime Confidential last month):

Another cost saver might be to gut the male half of yet another of this soap's most popular current couples. Fans will go ape poop if this guy is fired. Like seriously, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Twitter for at least two weeks. The thing is, the dude's boss simply cannot stand him. 


I have my doubts. This is GH, where even if you murder and are awful, you walk around scott free, even when your name ISN'T sonny! 



1 hour ago, Lillybee said:

I don't remember Alexis wanting Sonny at all. How in the name of holy hell did Carrrlos manage to get from that deserted road to the docks so quickly.

Seriously, they weren't even trying with a lot of the stuff today. I mean, more so than usual.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Lulu is right for the wrong reasons about Maxie digging into the past. Maxie shouldn't dig because it's not of her business and Nathan obviously has nothing to do with her, unlike Dante who Lulu saw with Valerie all the friggin' time. Their situations aren't the same.

This made me shake my head in disbelief. The situations aren't at all the same. Not even close. Yet idiot Maxie has to track down Claudette why, exactly? To hear for herself how Nathan got hurt? Who cares? He's done with Claudette. Is Maxie going to stalk all of his exes? SO DUMB. 

It's amazing that this show can continue to get worse. It's creatively bankrupt on so many levels.

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