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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Ew at Dr. Griffin feeling the need to apology to Carly and then lauding her greatness.  He's already ruined.


What . . . are you . . . talking . . . about  . . . don't you just love . . . the way he says everything . . . super slow . . . spaced . . . out


Wow, why not just have Ava, Nina, Franco, Obrecht, and Sonny to form a choir. At least Ava's singing wasn't dreadfully embarrassing. Obrecht, your son is fine, well-built, and 30. Please stop singing at his bedside. Her telling Nina paying for security was the first sensible thing she ever did was funny though.


Maxie, there's no working on Nathan's name. It's Nathan West. He shed all the retcon names already.


other second hand embarrassment moment of the day:


Maddox: You weren't able to get aroused?


Me and Morgan: No!


Like many others, I wish Melchior had just followed Wendla off the roof.


Poor Michael just probably wished his girlfriend hadn't run away with her greasy boyfriend so he could go and have his own life.


Not enough eyerolls in the world for Carly's handwashing of angst. Also, shouldn't've Dr Munro been asking her what the hell she was doing in the employee bathroom?


I wish Jordan had shot Paul in the back. If he's really not in this for himself, that was the rudest way of shutting her down. She's doing her damn job. Good for her for telling Anna their friendship has their limits though. I only wish she told Anna time was up.

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I wish Paul had shot Ava. 



She IS the female Sonny and WILL be with us until the end. What a cheerful thought as we go into our weekend. :)

I need Paul back in Tracy's orbit more. He's just more tolerable with her  so far, than with anyone else. For whatever reason, he doesn't come across half as sleazy as he does with other women.

I have no idea if I'd ever want them to even hint at "romantic" again with those two, but I just enjoy their bantering.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Rolling the eyes at Carly's melodramatic shout-out to Lady MacBeth (scrubbing her hands).


Too bad Sonny didn't slip in those Bruno Magli's ($500.00 plus, retail) and accidentally drag Bry-dawg over the side with himself. UCG!


The lack of security at the hospital is just a huge embarrassing oversight for these writers. Shame shame shame!!! WTF with Obrecht having such sang-froid shrugging and saying "somebody reported moving on the roof..."


The half-nude doctor rattled Carly a little, i think.


Jordan gets no respect and is the last to know. Paul and Anna both keep trying to pull fast ones over on her. It's a shame because Jordan is patient and conscientious.


"Claudette"??? Show continues its slippery slope of adding several new characters while not dumping others (i.e., everyone survived sweeps week dangers, but we are getting newbies like the new doc and mystery woman Claudette).

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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 I think he's slept with three women since then.


Michael has slept with 3 women since Kiki? Damn I can't remember anyone but Sabrina.


I did, however, like Hallucination!Kiki encouraging Morgan to jump and end their suffering. The actress did a good job with that scene; it was the first time IMO the character was genuinely interesting.


That was the best acting HE has ever done on this show. They should've killed Kiki but kept HE on as Morgan's ghostly bad influence tbh.


I can't at Carly washing the blood off her hands having a breakdown and NuDoc coming in shirtless to praise her. Honestly what the flying fuck was all that?


NuDoc is SO bad I can't deal with it. So much second hand embarrassment. And wtf is up with him watching Anna and then he's looking at some newspaper article on her in the promo. NGL though I'm vaguely interested in what the connection is there.


I am so over Jordan. I mean she's kinda right with the Paul/Anna situation but she's so smug and bitchy I just can't deal with her anymore. 


I think my fave part of this ep was Nina talking about not understanding German and really all the Dr. O/Nina scenes. Sigh. I'm so ashamed.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Broken record here but Carly, Kiki's blood is too much for you? Not you getting shot in the head, your kids being kidnapped or Michael being in a coma but KIKI?! Insanity. And I don't actually hate all the mob stuff as much as some but Carly is a few years too late.

I really want to like Maxie scenes but Nathan is so boring. And Claudette? More newbies on GH. DOOL writers need to be borrowed for about 3 months to weed out and kill some characters.

  • Love 5

Some girl named Claudette is about to appear on my screen soon and I don't want it. Kill it with fire. Shoot it in the head, face, neck, chest, stomach, ribs, liver, kidney's, and the other organs that I didn't mention.


Michael humped that girl who used to be married to that boy who is engaged to Lucas. I believe he also humped some other random irrelevant girl who deserved to die. 

  • Love 2

So, Carly hadn't washed the blood off of her hands in the twelve hours since the shooting?  Really?   Not when she used the bathroom or changed her clothes?  


I was so excited for Griffin in the beginning, but now, just ugh.  


Sonny threatening to jump with Morgan, seriously show, why are you teasing me.  


As much as both Obrecht and Nina annoy me, I didn laugh when Nina said "I still dont' understand German" and KSt giggled like it was an ad lib.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 4

Oh, look. The show both began and ended with mothers singing to their adult children who were gunshot victims. It's like "love in wartime." General Hospital is so artistic. I'm sure when the crew put this one together, they were thinking, "Now that's a Friday show." 


Yeah, Carly's totally going to be sleeping with the new doctor for a while. He'll be the latest Sonny/Carly tenpin for her couple months of thinking that The Life is too dangerous. They tried this story with Steven Lars (the curly-haired one) about 11-12 years ago and it didn't really get off the ground.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 2

Some girl named Claudette is about to appear on my screen soon and I don't want it. Kill it with fire. Shoot it in the head, face, neck, chest, stomach, ribs, liver, kidney's, and the other organs that I didn't mention.


You forgot the shoulder.  As a GH watcher that SHOULD have been your first thought....


Ok ya'll I am going to branch out here....and say that BC actually did a pretty decent job today.  I surprised myself by thinking it, but there it is. 

  • Love 5

Oh, look. The show both began and ended with mothers singing to their adult children who were gunshot victims. It's like "love in wartime." General Hospital is so artistic. I'm sure when the crew put this one together, they were thinking, "Now that's a Friday show." 


Yeah, Carly's totally going to be sleeping with the new doctor for a while. He'll be the latest Sonny/Carly tenpin for her couple months of thinking that The Life is too dangerous. They tried this story with Steven Lars (the curly-haired one) about 11-12 years ago and it didn't really get off the ground.  



Isn't it the law that every new man of a certain age has to bed Snarly in PC?

  • Love 1

What an odd show.


Lady MacBeth, Carly, REALLY?? This ain't your first rodeo. Quit acting like you're new to bullets and blood. I just cannot. And wash your damn hands already, woman. You're in a freaking hospital. The unsanitary aspect of it had me reaching for the Purell.


Hallucination Kiki was actually pretty awesome. I'm only sorry that she didn't convince Morgan to follow through. And what a giant tease with both him and Sonny up there. I will spare you guys my rant on how disgusting it was to have Sonny yet again be the Savior. But then, when your show puts out stuff like this, what can you expect? https://twitter.com/GeneralHospital/status/703390959585927168


BC wasn't bad today, even good, but seeing him on Twitter talking about it just makes me want to trash him anyway.


Maxie/Tree/Claudette - STUPID. Boring, lame, insulting intelligence, and did I mention STUPID?


I kind of laughed when Paul ripped up the warrant, only because Jordan was so flustered she didn't know what to do.


Maura's brave.

  • Love 3

I really liked the Morgan roof stuff and the end shot with Michael, Sonny and Carly was well done.


The show is really missing the mark getting sidetracked with Carly and the guns. Sonny walking or not walking has nothing to do with the guns or Kiki being shot. Sonny didn't bring in the guns and saying Sonny walking would have kept the guns from being brought in is ridiculous. The real issue at hand is her son and his new mental health issue. By sidetracking her with the guns she is taken out of the real story. He is her son and she had barely participated in his breakdown. She's more worried about Kiki? She should be more mad at Ava and her son's mental illness than Sonny.


On top of that the whole handwashing thing was weird and uncomfortable. First she wouldn't have hurt her hands enough to that many bandages in one washing. Second even if nupatrickdoc was shirtless when he first came upon her, he had to go get all those bandage supplies any normal person would have put a shirt on first. It was totally odd to be shirtless the whole time.


Jordan being so smug and bitchy is very disappointing. Plus I seem to remember her being undercover and doing wrong and NOT telling the PCPD too. So hypocrite much? I think Anna graciously covered for her murdering that guy and she had no heads up . I don't even like Paul but I liked her being taken down a peg or two.


I thought Maxie and my det Special Kitty were adorable but really show another interloper? ugh


Loved Nina's sweater.


Ava being Ava did not move me. She is so two-faced, I'm sure she'll be back to bad bitch screwing even her own child over to get ahead soon enough.

Who else was waiting for Ava to bust into "Soft Kitty" while she was climbing onto the bed?


That's about all I've got.


::raises hand::  That was exactly my thought there.


About that gun deal on the docks, didn't Sonny's crew have some plan in place to interfere with that?  What ever happened with that?  I mean, I can see them holding back if they noticed the ATF guys lurking about, but when Morgan appeared on the scene, they just left him swinging in the wind?


About that gun deal on the docks, didn't Sonny's crew have some plan in place to interfere with that?

Max' intel was that it was happening at midnight, which is when Sonny was planning on surprising them.  Dixon told Raj he was moving up the timetable to 6pm because, reasons/Helena/plot point.


Do we know if Raj was caught?  Paul said everyone inlcuding the ring leader was caught, but Raj would have had a head start after he dumped Lulu in the water.



Sonny walking or not walking has nothing to do with the guns or Kiki being shot

I think I understand Carly's point (or what the show is trying to convey), that if Sonny hadn't kept quiet about his abilities, the gun stuff would have been stopped sooner rather than later and therefore what happened on the docks, Kiki being shot, would not have happened.  But because Sonny wanted to play the hero and suprise his enemies, Kiki ended up shot.  



econd even if nupatrickdoc was shirtless when he first came upon her, he had to go get all those bandage supplies any normal person would have put a shirt on first

Not only that, but when he first walks up to her, he's in a towel, because he was either about to shower or had just showered, but when he's bandaging her hands, he has pants on.  So he had time to put on a pair of pants, but didn't bother with the shirt.  



You're in a freaking hospital. The unsanitary aspect of it had me reaching for the Purell.

Plus she was wearing different clothes than the day before, so she went home to change her bloody clothes, but didn't wash her hands?  Plus, it was at least 12 hours since the shooting but she hadn't used the toilet in all that time, or she did but didn't wash her hands?



You forgot the shoulder.  As a GH watcher that SHOULD have been your first thought....

And we all know, in order to repair the shot shoulder, you have to go in from the brain stem and then wear a bandaid for three days.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 4


On top of that the whole handwashing thing was weird and uncomfortable. First she wouldn't have hurt her hands enough to that many bandages in one washing. Second even if nupatrickdoc was shirtless when he first came upon her, he had to go get all those bandage supplies any normal person would have put a shirt on first. It was totally odd to be shirtless the whole time.


I saw lots of steam coming up from the sink, so I thought Carly had probably burned her hands. But it was also meant as a shout-out to Lady MacBeth's trancelike hand-washing (she doesn't burn HER hands). Carly was lost in thought as she washed her hands, and subconsciously she burned them to punish herself for Morgan's pain.


The doc had been planning to take a shower when they ran into one another. So he at least put on pants before treating her. But then he had to go back into surgery, so he never got to take his shower.


The breastfeeding story seems to have been dropped, like the Cassadine will.


Would Nina know who Claudette is?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Poor day-player nurse. She deserves better than being a part of Daytime Emmy nominee™ Bryan Craig's story. (I hope so much he loses. Please, voters, ignore him again.)

I went from "She got natural hair!" "She's dang cute!" "She can act!" To "UGH! She fell for Morgan's charms. Get her out of here" Faster than I could process it all. 



I can't at Carly washing the blood off her hands having a breakdown and NuDoc coming in shirtless to praise her. Honestly what the flying fuck was all that?


I am so over Jordan. I mean she's kinda right with the Paul/Anna situation but she's so smug and bitchy I just can't deal with her anymore. 

I was confused; was Carly in the doctors lounge/shower room? (Do mob wives have those privileges?Just Sonny's wives?) Was the doctor trying to shower in the ladies room? 


Anna is every bit as smug and bitchy as Jordan. They both need to have a seat. 

(Anna actually grates a little more the way she goes on and on over Julian/Carlos killing Duke; what about the fact that Duke put a hit on Jordan? Huh? What about them apples? It's okay that your mobbed up soulmate wanted to kill your friend? Does Jordan know about the hit?) 



So, Carly hadn't washed the blood off of her hands in the twelve hours since the shooting?  Really?   Not when she used the bathroom or changed her clothes?  

That was pretty gross. She changed. Probably peed. And didn't wash her hands? 



Lady MacBeth, Carly, REALLY?? This ain't your first rodeo. 


I kind of laughed when Paul ripped up the warrant, only because Jordan was so flustered she didn't know what to do.

Also, Carly is no Lady Mac. The show can knock that shit off right now. 


All the animosity between Paul and Jordan tell me that they are gonna do it so hard. It'd better be spectacular. 

  • Love 7

::raises hand::  That was exactly my thought there.


About that gun deal on the docks, didn't Sonny's crew have some plan in place to interfere with that?  What ever happened with that?  I mean, I can see them holding back if they noticed the ATF guys lurking about, but when Morgan appeared on the scene, they just left him swinging in the wind?


Well, you know, they know Morgan.  They would probably be sitting at a distance, whispering "oh, no, dumbshit, don't anger the arms dealers.  You might get killed. We mustn't have that. Oh no, not that.  Then, when Kiki showed up, they said "it's gonna be a two-fer!" and high-fived.   

  • Love 11

Anna is every bit as smug and bitchy as Jordan. They both need to have a seat. 

(Anna actually grates a little more the way she goes on and on over Julian/Carlos killing Duke; what about the fact that Duke put a hit on Jordan? Huh? What about them apples? It's okay that your mobbed up soulmate wanted to kill your friend? Does Jordan know about the hit?) 


I'm over this Anna/Carlos/Duke stuff. Anna, stop acting like Duke was some innocent and that Carlos is some big bad super evildoer. Carlos is just some mob goon who killed another mobster. The only reason she's so desperate for Carlos to pay is because he killed her lover. 

  • Love 9

Ok ya'll I am going to branch out here....and say that BC actually did a pretty decent job today.  I surprised myself by thinking it, but there it is.


I agree tbh. I think he's been pretty decent since Kiki got shot actually. But I still really hope he loses the Emmy just for the twitter breakdown he and KT will have.


Anna is every bit as smug and bitchy as Jordan. They both need to have a seat. 

(Anna actually grates a little more the way she goes on and on over Julian/Carlos killing Duke; what about the fact that Duke put a hit on Jordan? Huh? What about them apples? It's okay that your mobbed up soulmate wanted to kill your friend? Does Jordan know about the hit?)

I gotta agree with you there. To be perfectly honest I find Anna insufferable now and I am not a fan of how FH is playing her.

Apparently, Claudette is Nathan's childhood French poodle. This was a spoiler from elsewhere and I probably shouldn't have shared it openly, but I had to because of the sheer ridiculous of it. It is how Nathan will cover his tracks. What's frightening is that Maxie will buy it hook, line, and sinker being the ditz that she is.

Edited by OnceSane
Spoilers need to be tagged in this thread
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I was confused; was Carly in the doctors lounge/shower room? (Do mob wives have those privileges?Just Sonny's wives?) Was the doctor trying to shower in the ladies room?


They haven't shown this set much since I've been back, but I think it was some kind of...hospital-personnel (maybe just doctors) locker room that has traditionally been unisex. Someone else can verify or shoot this down, but I think we've seen sexy fun times there involving Patrick, Lisa, Steven, and other medical types who are all off the show now. Carly got to go there to clean up because (1) Carly does whatever she pleases, and everyone will goddamned well like it, and (2) they wanted to throw the shirtless doctor up against her like a paint sample to see how he looks on her walls, and that wouldn't have been possible if she'd just used any old sink.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 7

Why did Anna ask Jordan to give her "a few weeks"? I get that it has to do with Carlos. Is that the reason Show has given for Robert leaving town, to pursue Carlos and Sabrina as a favor to Anna? Does that mean Tristan is coming back for a stint? I recall that Robert and Anna busted in on the room that Carlos and Sabrina had just abandoned, and then Mac and Felicia bailed R&A out of jail. 


I don't think nuDocGriffin is meant to be Carly's next affair; more like TPTB are chem testing him with Carly,Liz, possibly Ava. I'd be okay with him wanting to date Liz, as it would be nice to see her with a doctor who's just an old friend of Lucas Jones instead of someone tied to the Qs, Mob, Spencers or Cassadines. That flirtation with Matt was a missed opportunity.

  • Love 2


Would Nina know who Claudette is?

Nina was in a coma for twenty years (didn't cha know?!) so I doubt it.  Also Lulu had an abortion, Valerie's mother died and Helena was an evil doer.  True story.



I was confused; was Carly in the doctors lounge/shower room?

Whenver I'm at the hospital, waiting for my idiot son to jump off the building and for hi's ex girlfriend to come out of surgery, that I'm blaming on my no longer paralized husband, and I need to wash day old blood of my hands, I always head to the doctor's lounge.  I mean, I'm way too good for the simple bathroom that other peasants are forced to use.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 9

I'm over this Anna/Carlos/Duke stuff. Anna, stop acting like Duke was some innocent and that Carlos is some big bad super evildoer. Carlos is just some mob goon who killed another mobster. The only reason she's so desperate for Carlos to pay is because he killed her lover. 



Maybe they should chem test new doctor with Lulu, Rebecca, Jordan, Valerie, Maxie, Kiki, Sam, heck, even Nina instead of going for the default setting of Carly. 

  • Love 2

Whenver I'm at the hospital, waiting for my idiot son to jump off the building and for hi's ex girlfriend to come out of surgery, that I'm blaming on my no longer paralized husband, and I need to wash day old blood of my hands, I always head to the doctor's lounge.  I mean, I'm way too good for the simple bathroom that other peasants are forced to use.  


In the interests of fairness, I should point out that there are only 3 or 4 doctors at GH. So maybe Carly thought she'd happened upon an extra nice bathroom designated for extra special snowflakes? (which, of course, she believes she is)

[/ ;-) ]

  • Love 1

Whenver I'm at the hospital, waiting for my idiot son to jump off the building and for hi's ex girlfriend to come out of surgery, that I'm blaming on my no longer paralized husband, and I need to wash day old blood of my hands, I always head to the doctor's lounge.  I mean, I'm way too good for the simple bathroom that other peasants are forced to use.  


Carly used to work at GH, her mother was head nurse, her brother is currently a doctor. Her current husband donated a wing, did Jax donate one too? Have they said lately who is on the board?

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