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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I agree, if he didn't know Liz was supposed to get something. (How could her invite be last minute if everyone else's was months ago?)


I believe Liz asked Scotty just that and he and his hair just shrugged.

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Right here! I like they're letting ME's natural dryness be a part of the character.


That's part of every/the only character he plays!


I actually think "quirky doctor with lizard" would be a fine, eccentric introduction. If this character was not played by Michael "Mr. Personality" Easton in his fourth role. Nobody has patience for a goddamn lizard at this point.

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I don't see a problem with Elizabeth not telling Jason two seconds after she received Helena's gift and leaving the book on the locker for Franco to find was just a plot point.  Franco helping Jake is just a way to keep Jason from killing him after he regains his memories.


SillasMcFinBain and Lizard are in the house!

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Yet another stupid name for this stupid Hayden story. I stopped caring about three names ago, if I ever did. We never did find out Rosalie's horrible SEEEEEEKRIT that was so terrible she broke Morgan's confidence and gave into being blackmailed by Nina. I NEVER CARED about that secret, and now it's embarrassing how poorly constructed this story is.


Way, WAY too much Franco, and too much Nina wanting a baby which you know is going to come to fruition just like Franco and Liz will eventually be hooking up.


Fuck Dr. Finn and his stupid lizard.

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Previews...looks like Carly gets to meet Dr. Michael Easton's lizard tomorrow. #dirty

I may have to get off the barge to watch this shit. I thought you guys were kidding at first with the lizard stuff then saw the screencaps and can't stop laughing. And the breastfeeding nonsense? This show has really hit rock bottom.

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I didn't mind it so much since he was dealing with Tracy and Obrecht, but I just kept thinking he was basically playing Silas Clay, just with a different specialty, which makes me wonder why he was fired in the first place.


He is EXACTLY the same as Silas Clay, except he's complete with lizard. Otherwise, I see no difference.

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Doctors in PC don't have specialties and are able to practice ALL areas of medicine. 


They also don't have offices. Every doctor practices out of the hospital. I know that's where I go for my GYN appointments.



Nobody has patience for a goddamn lizard at this point.


Actually, the lizard is all I have patience for at this point.

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This show has turned into PASSIONS! At least in part. Women flashing tits to a judge in court, lizard-toting doctors whom the doctor speaks to and imagines the lizard speaks to him in return, Tracy has brain worms from eating a nasty taco, allegedly. And so on and so on. I swear, Finn is the infamous CLAUDETTE! That's why Dr.O so did not welcome his presence today. How is he Claudette? Think PASSIONS!

Edited by Syndicate
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This show has turned into PASSIONS! At least in part. Women flashing tits to a judge in court, lizard-toting doctors whom the doctor speaks to and imagines the lizard speaks to him in return, Tracy has brain worms from eating a nasty taco, ALLEGEDLY! And so on and so on. I swear, Finn is the infamous CLAUDETTE! That's why Dr.O so did not welcome his presence today! How is he Claudette? Think PASSIONS! SADLY!

I don't know. As a Passions watcher, I don't think we've reached Portal to Hell, mermaid conjuring, zombie enchanting, twins talking through mirrors, fathers impregnating sons, sisters banging brothers, grandfather rapist, characters named Fancy getting raped every few months territory just yet.

But if Ron had stayed and teamed up with Jelly, we could have. Imagine James E Reilly's ghost, Ron, and Jelly writing a soap. Then please buy all of the alcohol.

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I don't know. As a Passions watcher, I don't think we've reached Portal to Hell, mermaid conjuring, zombie enchanting, twins talking through mirrors, fathers impregnating sons, sisters banging brothers, grandfather rapist, characters named Fancy getting raped every few months territory just yet.

But if Ron had stayed and teamed up with Jelly, we could have. Imagine James E Reilly's ghost, Ron, and Jelly writing a soap. Then please buy all of the alcohol.

Oh when all is said and done, there are no comparisons needed! GH is just.....................strange now, all on its own!

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I believe Liz asked Scotty just that and he and his hair just shrugged.

I thought that Scotty said she was sent the notice/invite, but then her house wasn't there anymore.  

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This show has turned into PASSIONS! At least in part. Women flashing tits to a judge in court, lizard-toting doctors whom the doctor speaks to and imagines the lizard speaks to him in return, Tracy has brain worms from eating a nasty taco, ALLEGEDLY! And so on and so on. I swear, Finn is the infamous CLAUDETTE! That's why Dr.O so did not welcome his presence today! How is he Claudette? Think PASSIONS! SADLY!


At least Passions entertained me.

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If Tracy has worms causing her lesions, wouldn't her Ex the false English Lord Larry also have them? They shared a meal in Mexico.


Lizard/dragon is supposed to be kept at 85 degrees F. Usually that is done with a heat lamp. Rocks are also necessary so the lizard can escape the lamp (his sun) when necessary to sleep. I didn't see rocks or lamp in his airless cage. Cage was also too small. Lazy writers again didn't bother to research.


"Roxy"name must be a puns on rocks that lizard prefers to inhabit.

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Right here! I like they're letting ME's natural dryness be a part of the character. The lizard (sorry, Roxy; how subtle) is a bit much, but it's certainly getting people talking.


I never watched OLTL but I watched a few shows on YT prior to Easton coming on as McBain and I watched some old Port Charles shows.   I liked his humor and I liked when Todd and McBain bounced off of each other.  Maybe they'll let them have some of those 15 seconds scenes together.  I did enjoy the soapy goodness with Kelly Monaco and the vampire stuff.   God did I hate the vampire crap on GH with that Eddie Munster kid, whatever.   Anyway, I watched today knowing Easton would be on.  I liked Finn, he has a pep in his step.  The only woman I like him with is Sam.   I've been on the barge for many months, but I'd come back if they actually DO something with him.


Things I've thought about..

And why not give Brandon Barash his job back? 

And what the hell is wrong with Nancy Grahn's hair?

And does Anna have a real job and home?

Give Franco and Nina a spin off show because there is no connection between them and GH.


Edited just to say that English is my first language and I was horrified at my lack of correct tenses.

Edited by TessHarding2
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I think I'm almost glad it only took me 20 minutes to watch today's show with all of the FF'ing I got to do -- anything Nanco, Tracy's worms.  The only things I did like were Liason and JaSam.  


My superficial comment is the makeup department needs to lay off of the eyeliner.  Some of these women were ridiculously raccoon-eyed.  

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I never watch OLTL but I watched a few shows on YT prior to Easton coming on as McBain and I watch some old Port Charles shows.   I liked his humor and I liked when Todd and McBain bounced off of each other.  Maybe they'll let them have some of those 15 seconds scenes together.  I did enjoy the soapy goodness with Kelly Monaco and the vampire stuff.   God did I hate the vampire crap on GH with that Eddie Munster kid, whatever.   Anyway, I watched today knowing Easton would be on.  I liked Finn, he has a pep in his step.  The only woman I like him with is Sam.   I've been on the barge for many months, but I'd come back if they actually DO something with him.


Things I've thought about..

And why not give Brandon Barash his job back? 

And what the hell is wrong with Nancy Grahn's hair?

And does Anna have a real job and home?

Give Franco and Nina a spin off show because there is no connection between them and GH.

Brandon Barash is actually getting primetime work. He comes back to spend time with the Mrs.

NLG's hair is damaged, overprocessed, and needs a new cut.

Anna has Adam Chandler's last house. She's a Special Investigator of Things and Stuff with Connections in the Reasons Department for DA Paul Hornsby.

FrancoTodd is drifting back into GH into the hospital part as a part of Liz/Jason/Sam story. Nina is in a Business story. Besides, if anyone gets a spinoff, it's Micheal and his inner thoughts of taking care of every incompetent adult in his life.

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Things I've thought about..

And why not give Brandon Barash his job back? 

And what the hell is wrong with Nancy Grahn's hair?

And does Anna have a real job and home?

Give Franco and Nina a spin off show because there is no connection between them and GH.


BB has said they've offered him a contract several times but it's him who doesn't want to stay long-term.


Anna has a home, and had a job,  but that seems to be in limbo right now. Apparently she didn't want Anna to be commissioner anymore but that one I don't know for sure.

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Franco is drifting back into GH into the hospital part as a part of Liz/Jason/Sam story. Nina is in a Business story. 


And both of those suck. They can be fired.

Edited by jsbt
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And both of those suck. They can be fired.

Lol. I didn't say they were good. Personally, I'd do a giant blood bath right about now and put Lizard in a panel, as it's my favorite character besides Liz's hair. I really want a natural disaster to wipe a bunch of useless characters out while they're doing some random dumb thing like the courtroom boob dance or the Monthly Sonny Worship. I'm not picky. I've accepted that we'll be left with Dr. Michael Easton and his Lizard, Carly and Sonny, Two Quartermaines, Morgan and a Mate, Sad Michael, Alexis and a Cricket, JaSam, Cassadine, Child, Anna, Cops, Roger Howarth as A Todd, Y&R Actors, Days Actors, Maxie, and Shirtless Guys.

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It's Helena, so I don't think it's as rude as it might otherwise be. And, Jason has had his own dealings with her, so showing some curiosity wouldn't be out of line.


Come to think of it - why wasn't Jason invited to the will reading?  Am I to believe that, after all she did to mess with his life, she didn't want to leave him some ambiguous gift to further mess with his head?  

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They also don't have offices. Every doctor practices out of the hospital. I know that's where I go for my GYN appointments.




Actually, the lizard is all I have patience for at this point.


Many doctors today work directly out of the hospital. Granted they have actual offices within the hospital and don't meet patients in the hallway, but they don't have private practices anymore. Much too expensive with managed care dictating how much they get paid and how much time they're allowed to spend with patients.

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Someone on Twitter raised a great point.  Quirky pets are obviously not new to soaps (my beloved Princess David Vickers on OLTL) or even this soap (Sigmund the duck).  But the difference is that Tina Lord and Lucy Coe's defining character trait wasn't said quirky pet, and certainly wasn't on their first days.

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I still have a hard time believing [Helena] (or any of the Cassadines) cared enough to mess with his life


That is the larger question, yes. It was good to see her branch out from the Spencers, but Jason is the last person she'd care about. 

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So who is Finn for?  I assumed he was brought on to cause havoc with Sam/Jason.  But Monica is as giddy as a schoolgirl around him, and Nina is having problems with Franco, and may become re-obsessed with "Silas".  So far I like Finn more than Silas.


Has Kelly always had those amazing cheekbones?  And was she really inches away from performing a gynecological exam without gloves before being interrupted?


I tend to FF through Sam and Jason, but saw some of their scenes at the diner.  As she giggled and shot him coy looks, he could not have looked more bored and even impatient.  Interesting acting choice.


Finn is for Tracy for a brief period, and she will ruin him for all other women in PC. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Nothing says romance like prescribing someone a worm pill. They already have angst-Dr O is trying to come between them. Tracy's already missing his presence after one meeting. It is FATE, I tell you. And I'm only half joking. ME needs to be with a high energy actor(NOT MS, pleaseandthankyou) in order to pop as a character. And their last names both start with E.

Fate. Wait and see.


Kelly is beautiful, always has been, low talking and all-but JaSam bore the ever loving stuffing out of me. I don't get their appeal. At all.

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Finn is for Tracy for a brief period, and she will ruin him for all other women in PC. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Nothing says romance like prescribing someone a worm pill. They already have angst-Dr O is trying to come between them. Tracy's already missing his presence after one meeting. It is FATE, I tell you. And I'm only half joking. ME needs to be with a high energy actor(NOT MS, pleaseandthankyou) in order to pop as a character. And their last names both start with E.

Fate. Wait and see.


Kelly is beautiful, always has been, low talking and all-but JaSam bore the ever loving stuffing out of me. I don't get their appeal. At all.

I kinda like JE and Dr Michael Easton. And I think working with Lizard is a step up from relish, BC, and TG. I dig it. They can be dicks to everyone. With Lizard in tow.

And KeMo is good when she snarks. Let her have fun. Stop making Sam cry and fall. At least this Jason hasn't threatened to kill her yet. That's a step up.

That is the larger question, yes. It was good to see her branch out from the Spencers, but Jason is the last person she'd care about.

I always thought AJ was the Quartermaine Helena would go after. Business smarts, ready to turn on the family, hates Sonny, can come back from the dead. Will do anything for what he wants. Jason literally is like a toy soldier.
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What the hell was the point of today's Dr. Michael Easton and Carly scenes, besides repeating the "Of course I'm not Silas Clay, I have a lizard!" refrain.  This is what Michael Easton meant when he said his character would debut "kicking in the front door"?  Oy.


I've really grown to loathe Rebecca Budig and her smug smiles the last few weeks.  That said, Liz, less than six months ago, you were Rebecca Budig with the secrets and the lying to the man you love.  So I found their confrontation irritating from both sides.


The Laura stuff and, surprisingly, Sonny with Kristina was pretty okay (although, of course, Carly had to throw a tickertape parade about what a great dad Sonny is, UGH). 


And hey, Parker's back, and it only took a month and a half.  Gotta love that story pacing, especially for the gays!

Edited by TeeVee329
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A service lizard?  'Mkay.  Hey, why not.  Roxy and that drop Dr. Hamilton Finn made to the floor to look under the couch were the most impressive things today.


Less impressive?  MB's acting in that scene with Carly.  Did he bother reading his script, or has he forgotten Patrick's name so quickly?


I don't know if the business between Hayden and Elizabeth was intended to make us come down on the side of Elizabeth, but, yep, no dice.  Personally, I hope Hayden puts the Prince to the test and he boots Elizabeth all the way back to PC, sans launch.

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Oh, Rebecca Budig. You don't know Spencer at all if you think he's too well-mannered to eavesdrop. That little shit will do anything to get his way.


A service lizard?


This show tries waaaaay too hard.


How many more people are going to remark on Finn's resemblance to Silas? Can it please not be every single person he comes across? (Probably not.)

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How many more people are going to remark on Finn's resemblance to Silas? Can it please not be every single person he comes across? (Probably not.)


I'm sure we're in for at least four more - Sam, Nina, Kiki, Franco.  Gawd, I'm already dreading whatever muppet arms thing Michelle Stafford comes up with to express Nina's shock.

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Nik, why are you such a buzzkill to Laura? If she wants to pursue the key, what's it to you? Stop being so condescending and help her if you can.


Liz and Rebecca Budig are so boring. Their sniping at each other is dumb and pointless.

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Today is a prime example of why I can't stand Liez. Bitch, your lying, desperate, pathetic, needy ass spent almost a year lying to the latest love of your life because you were afraid he would leave you and go back to his wife and son. And lets not even mention how you lied to, manipulated, and ignored your back-from-the-dead obviously troubled son in your efforts to hang on to a married man. Oh, and you know that your precious BFF tried to have Hayden MURDERED and you did nothing. HOW DARE you have the audacity to confront ANYONE about lying and keeping secrets. HOW DARE you act like Nik needs protecting from big bad meanie Hayden. Ugh why did this loser have to be the one to find out Hayden's secret. 


I forgot who Parker is.


STFU terrorist doctor. 


Is a service lizard a real thing?

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I hope Kristina and Parker make out before they banish her offscreen again.

Could the reflection in the Helena painting be Finn? Could Finn be Valentin? Could I sound more ridiculous?

Easton seems more lively this time. Maybe it's LW. I thought Carly and Finn had chemistry.

Hayden and Liz snarking at each other was kind of fun.

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Service lizard? Now I've heard of service animals like dogs in particular, but I'm cringing as to what context "service lizard" means where Finn is concerned. The man is a charming weirdo to say the least.

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I read a story online about American Airlines accepting a "service turtle" on one of their flights.  I don't think it was on The Onion, but I can't find it and google seems to be down.

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JFC, this lizard thing is still going.


Liez calling anyone out on lying is hilarious. These scenes of Liez getting holier than thou with Hayden is getting old. 


I had to turn it off half way I was so freaking bored. 

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Can Rebecca Budig stop calling Liz's kids "brats"? And shut up about Lucky, she doesn't know him! 


Was it just me or was everyone talking super fast and the camera right in everyone's face? Back up!


Shut up Laura, none of you HAVE to deal with what Helena gave you.


Michael Easton actually seems to be playing a different character, and it was actually kinda funny when he swooped down body length to peak under the couch. That said, I still watched it with this vague sense of embarrassment. 


I'm enjoying the Morgan/Kiki break. It's been a whole month without Kiki speaking!

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What on earth was the point of the eleventy eleven minutes of Carly and Finn discussing the stupid lizard?  I mean, it took Parker two months to return to town, but were spending six days on a lizard.  Eeesh.  


Nik honey, if your mother wants to run around the world trying to find out what her key opens, let her.  Eeesh.


Liz honey, I like you and you have fantastic hair that I covet and I don't like Hayden but lying liars who lie probably shouldn't call out other lying liars who lie.  Just saying.  And Hayden, shut up.  


Ok, who else googled Naomi Dreyfus as soon as the show as over to see who she would be?  Just me?  

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I kinda like JE and Dr Michael Easton. And I think working with Lizard is a step up from relish, BC, and TG. I dig it. They can be dicks to everyone. With Lizard in tow.

And KeMo is good when she snarks. Let her have fun. Stop making Sam cry and fall. At least this Jason hasn't threatened to kill her yet. That's a step up.

I always thought AJ was the Quartermaine Helena would go after. Business smarts, ready to turn on the family, hates Sonny, can come back from the dead. Will do anything for what he wants. Jason literally is like a toy soldier.



Personally, I think the combination of Monica, Tracy, Finn, and Hayden, could just spend the entire show as a group or in combination, going around throwing shade and making it obvious that they give no cares what others think about them. Best of all, each one would have the other's back.

 I'd watch it.

I want Tracy to get Dr O fired. I'd watch that, too.

ETA You can add KeMo in there, I like Sam and Tracy snarking. I just can't stand JaSam. Jason can stay home babysitting the lizard.


And while we will never know the answer probably, because they like to tease and not deliver-I wonder what the story is, if it is a service pet. Because they don't just do that, not in the real world. Usually only physically/mentally disabled people and those with PTSD get them. So why does Dr Finn have PTSD?

We'll find out in 2018. Stay tuned.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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