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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I am dreading the upcoming custody battle between Sonny and Ava.


Sonny: She's unfit, your honor.  She's in the mob.


Me: ...so are you.


Sonny: And she's a murderer.


Me: So.  Are.  You.


Sonny: And she sleeps with her children's significant others.




And to that last point, hey Carly, the kind of scum that sleeps with their child's boyfriend/girlfriend?  That's the kind of scum you're marrying, girl.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 22

I don't know the answers, I just know the writers don't care about Robin or resolving that story. It was made obvious in their interviews. If it was important to them, they would have talked about it. The only thing they managed to cover was the possibility of a recast. Which, to be honest, I wouldn't even mind because I know she's the loser out of this story. I've said this a billion times, but Patrick is the victim who deserves to be happy. Same with Sam. Pretty much same with Jason. Robin isn't going to get some vindication.


And Liz is the evil person ruining Sam, Jason and Patrick's lives...RME's.

  • Love 4

I am dreading the upcoming custody battle between Sonny and Ava. Neither of them deserve that baby. Look at how well their adult children have turned  out especially Morgan and Kiki.

At this point, I'd be fine if the judge gave the child to Spinelli.


Or give her to Anna, so she'll stop talking about the Jeromes causing her miscarriage. Seems fair.

  • Love 4

I have to say I am loving having original recipe Ava back (hated Denise).  Especially loved her making Carly miserable.  And wow is Carly a hypocrite!  Didn't she go to great lengths to keep Morgan from Sonny?  Like that worked well.


I like Ava being back, her crimes are no worse than Sonny's so it doesn't bother me that she is running around free.

  • Love 9

I watched a little of today's show, in between the grocery run and picking the kid up from school, and I have questions: 


1) When did Milo start working for Sonny again?  Didn't he de-mob a long time ago?  


2) Who the fuckety fuck is that beast, Cujo, to be ordering people escorted from the hospital?  You're not in Sonny's living room, dumbass.  You don't just get to have Milo escort anyone you don't want to see right out the door.  I just can't with that smug bitch. 


I'm not an Ava fan, by any means, but Carly crowing about how she's Avery's mother now, because Sonny says so, and it's such an honor made me want to smack my TV set with a brick and then set it in fire. I know you and Sonny seem to think this is how it works, Cujo, but you don't just get to assign people as the mother or father of your child when you're displeased with who the actual parent is.  


And Morgan?  Standing there riding shotgun on the hypocrite express with his mother, judging Ava for sleeping with him behind Kiki's back, like he was some poor innocent lamb led astray who didn't know what this "sex" thing was Ava as introducing him to?  Shut the hell up, Morgan.  


Is it remotely possible to watch Sonny Hospital without suffering a rage blackout?  I feel like I need to get my doctor to up my pain meds, now. 

  • Love 17


When did Milo start working for Sonny again?  Didn't he de-mob a long time ago

Michael called him in to stand guard at Sonny's door because Max is........I don't know that they gave a reason why Max isn't there.  


Why is Jake all of a sudden all about CarSon.  (I know, I know, he's really Jason and he's drawn to them blah blah blah), but I mean why?  He doesn't want to marry Liz "today" because Carly didn't get married "yesterday" and she's dealing with a lot,  WTF?  Then he's all, hey Michael I'll pick up the food for your family and anything else you need".  WTF?  (I know, I know, it was a plot point to run into Sam on their anniversary at their wedding spot) but still.  It annoys me.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 3

Michael called him in to stand guard at Sonny's door because Max is........I don't know that they gave a reason why Max isn't there.  


I assume Max isn't there because he's fat?  (I kid. I kid.) 


Poor, dim Milo.  Wasn't one of the reasons he got out the danger?  So, yes, jump back into duty when there's clearly a new mob war brewing, and stand guard outside the door of the mob boss who was just shot, so you're the last line of defense between him and whoever is trying to kill him.  Seems like a smart, and not at all dangerous, move. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 2

Is it remotely possible to watch Sonny Hospital without suffering a rage blackout?  I feel like I need to get my doctor to up my pain meds, now. 


Not unless you're a Maurice Benard fan (I just cannot fathom anyone actually liking Sonny for himself at this point), a Carly/LW fan, or started watching for the first time anytime after April 1 of  last year.


1) When did Milo start working for Sonny again?  Didn't he de-mob a long time ago?



Last week, he's doing a favor for Sonny or something. Look Kerleyq, just bask in the last few glimpses of Milo that we're liking going to get, the actor is moving to Michigan! Did I just write "the actor"? Shit. look at me, getting all emotional.


I'm not an Ava fan, by any means, but Carly crowing about how she's Avery's mother now, because Sonny says so, and it's such an honor made me want to smack my TV set with a brick and then set it in fire.



The flowing, loving earth mother sweater doesn't help either.

  • Love 4

Michael called him in to stand guard at Sonny's door because Max is........I don't know that they gave a reason why Max isn't there.  


Don't quote me on this, but I think one of the Corinthii said that Max went to NYC to see the Five Families or something.


In other news, where did Kristina disappear to?  Is she done already?


Wasn't one of the reasons he got out the danger?

Yes, but the bestest boss in the history of all bosses was shot by the mean people who just won't let him run his bizness in peace, therefore, you must come out of retirement to avenge such a travesty.  



a Carly/LW fan,

I've got to admit that I've got a girl crush on Laura Wright.  Carly I can't stand, but I love Laura and think she has been knocking this stuff out of the park.  The fear on her face today as she was handing AVery over to Ava was well played.  I mean, Ava and Sonny are cut from the same cloth, so Carly's being a total hypocrite, but Laura sold that like nobody's business.  

  • Love 5


In other news, where did Kristina disappear to?  Is she done already?

I think if I'm being forced to sit through Sonny HOspital every day, I want a new crop of Corithii sitting at his bedside.  SEnd Morgan, Michael and Carly home and bring in Kristina and Dante for me to look at all the pretty.


I liked how JT played Patrick's annoyance (disgust?) at Sonny's life in their conversation and when he told Carly she could bring Avery in to see her father now.  

Random question, but does Michael still have stock in ELQ? Or has he been pushed out altogether?



I liked how JT played Patrick's annoyance (disgust?) at Sonny's life in their conversation and when he told Carly she could bring Avery in to see her father now.  


In the three seconds I saw Patrick/Sonny I did feel like there was a sense of contempt from Patrick. Glad I wasn't just imagining it.

  • Love 3

Random question, but does Michael still have stock in ELQ? Or has he been pushed out altogether?


I...think he still does?  Thanks to (totally out of character) Lucy, Nikolas became CEO, but I don't think that vote stripped anyone of their shares.


Of course, Michael will probably be disavowing ELQ and the Q's en masse any second now.

  • Love 3

Sonny so fiercely "whispering" at Patrick about Jason like he was reciting some kind of love poem turned my stomach. The way everyone lauds that killer disgusts me entirely. Jason was a murdering twerp, gah.


So I guess someone is determined to make up for Michael not calling Sonny "Pa" for all these months because holy paternal complex batman he has been throwing around the words "dad" and "father" like they're going out of style. And just to make sure no one is confused I must presume he has to put the word "my" in front of them nearly every single time: "my dad" or "my father". How about the remorselessness monster who slaughtered your actual father, you pathetic worm.


Just listening to him wax poetic about his killer uncle and Sonny being "like brothers" was nauseating. No, you traitorous little ass-wipe, your "real father" was Jason's real brother. You know? A.J., the guy your adoptive kidnapper gunned down in cold blood? Remember? The man you declared you'd get justice for and all that jazz?


I want Michael to choke on some Pickle Lila relish.


And for the love of god show we get it, Jake is Jason but until "he" knows it can't the man wear some color? He doesn't have to dress like some sketchy cheap-ass summer camp counselor who probably wouldn't pass a background check. At least give him something made of fabric that has a name other than "Hanes" printed on it.


I had no horse in the race off between Carly, Morgan and Ava to see who would first burst into flames due to their utter lack of self-awareness and complete and total bullshit while playing some sort of victim of circumstances beyond their control. But my word baby Avery is just a doll.


I loved her munching on those biscuits and babbling to her handler/mummy off screen, happily gnawing away. I also like how even she got fed up with the stupid scenes and started trying to shove Laura off and make a break for it. 


I wanted to enjoy the scenes between Julian and Sam but of course they were really just opportunities to keep cutting from Julian to Paul while discussing who's framing him, and then of course they were book ended by Sam going on, yet again, about Jason and Patrick and her "problems" and of course she's carting around those goddamn figurines because she just can't help herself and then they started playing that reprehensible song from old and...I just couldn't take it.


Those figurines might just beat out Rafe for my most hated inanimate objects that have ever appeared on the show.

  • Love 12
And wow is Carly a hypocrite!  Didn't she go to great lengths to keep Morgan from Sonny?  Like that worked well.


At some point in her kids' lives, Carly has tried to shut out the fathers of all three of them. 


I liked how JT played Patrick's annoyance (disgust?) at Sonny's life in their conversation


I also liked that Sonny had the grace to be somewhat ashamed, or at least know that he couldn't say anything defensible.


Random question, but does Michael still have stock in ELQ? Or has he been pushed out altogether?

I...think he still does? Thanks to (totally out of character) Lucy, Nikolas became CEO, but I don't think that vote stripped anyone of their shares.


Correct. Anyone who didn't sell shares to Nik still has them. Nik has 51 percent of the shares.

  • Love 3

I watched a little of today's show, in between the grocery run and picking the kid up from school, and I have questions: 


1) When did Milo start working for Sonny again?  Didn't he de-mob a long time ago?  


2) Who the fuckety fuck is that beast, Cujo, to be ordering people escorted from the hospital?  You're not in Sonny's living room, dumbass.  You don't just get to have Milo escort anyone you don't want to see right out the door.  I just can't with that smug bitch. 


I'm not an Ava fan, by any means, but Carly crowing about how she's Avery's mother now, because Sonny says so, and it's such an honor made me want to smack my TV set with a brick and then set it in fire. I know you and Sonny seem to think this is how it works, Cujo, but you don't just get to assign people as the mother or father of your child when you're displeased with who the actual parent is.  


And Morgan?  Standing there riding shotgun on the hypocrite express with his mother, judging Ava for sleeping with him behind Kiki's back, like he was some poor innocent lamb led astray who didn't know what this "sex" thing was Ava as introducing him to?  Shut the hell up, Morgan.  


Is it remotely possible to watch Sonny Hospital without suffering a rage blackout?  I feel like I need to get my doctor to up my pain meds, now. 


You've pretty much encapsulated why I gave up on this show.  The deification of Sonny and Carly was back and that was what drove me away pre Cartini.  Now that the 'Car' is gone, the Sonny/Carly ass kissing is back in full force, so I'm out which really saddens me.  I've watched this show off and on for more years than I’d like to count, but I just can’t put myself through this anymore.  The only thing that would bring me back for Sonny to get what he deserves and the stories to return to, you know, the HOSPITAL!  But I’m resigned to the fact that this will never happen, so adios, GH.  Some of r time together has been really great, but those days have passed.

  • Love 10


I also liked that Sonny had the grace to be somewhat ashamed, or at least know that he couldn't say anything defensible.

Well he tried to play off that old, "once you're in you can't get out".  At which point Patrick should have said, "no, you choose not to get out because you love the power more than your children's lives"

  • Love 4
Is it remotely possible to watch Sonny Hospital without suffering a rage blackout?




So I guess someone is determined to make up for Michael not calling Sonny "Pa" for all these months because holy paternal complex batman he has been throwing around the words "dad" and "father" like they're going out of style. And just to make sure no one is confused I must presume he has to put the word "my" in front of them nearly every single time: "my dad" or "my father". How about the remorselessness monster who slaughtered your actual father, you pathetic worm.


Just listening to him wax poetic about his killer uncle and Sonny being "like brothers" was nauseating. No, you traitorous little ass-wipe, your "real father" was Jason's real brother. You know? A.J., the guy your adoptive kidnapper gunned down in cold blood? Remember? The man you declared you'd get justice for and all that jazz?


I want Michael to choke on some Pickle Lila relish.



Preach it, sistah!  PREACH IT!!!

  • Love 2

I seriously want to shake Patrick and tell him "dude, you are already getting the milk for free - there is no reason to buy the cow."


This decision for Patrick to propose on the spur of the moment, again, just shows how not invested in the relationship Patrick is. His first proposal to Robin was well thought out, planned and, even though it wasn't successful, completely heartfelt. His proposals to Sam and Sabrina came off as "you're here anyway, might as well marry you."

  • Love 5

Okay, let me get this straight. It is somehow evil that the first thing Ava decided to do after she is free is go and claim her baby Avery, but it was A-OK for Sonny to swing by Silas' apartment and take Avery away from the guardian she only knew, Kiki (who was literally at the apex of her likability) without so much as a fucking phone call after being pardon for murder. Sonny didn't even give Avery a week to ease into living with him and Carly full-time, even with his open door policy to Kiki. If there is one person that can give Ava the moral high ground, its Carly.  Avery would be better off being raised by the corpses of Annabell and Foster.


I seriously want to shake Patrick and tell him "dude, you are already getting the milk for free - there is no reason to buy the cow."


This decision for Patrick to propose on the spur of the moment, again, just shows how not invested in the relationship Patrick is. His first proposal to Robin was well thought out, planned and, even though it wasn't successful, completely heartfelt. His proposals to Sam and Sabrina came off as "you're here anyway, might as well marry you."

RC had to get Samtrick married for his big Jason reveal, because I really think both Patrick and Sam are people that could live with their lovers for a long while without even thinking about marriage. 

  • Love 5

No one but Alexis would shed a tear if Morgan had killed Julian 

Actually both Sam and Lucas have wanted to spend time with Julian, though they have conflicting feelings about the Jerome Mob and how that affects them. Sam said "ILY" to Julian over the phone when he was telling her he was innocent. Molly overheard that and then there was tension between them because of how the sisters feel about each other's dads, and Sonny. I was annoyed at Molly's so what attitude in response to Sam saying no proof.


I know some may say Ava would care too, but she's no better than Sonny so I don't care about her tears. Nothing redeeming about that character or her useless adult daughter. 

  • Love 1

His proposals to Sam and Sabrina came off as "you're here anyway, might as well marry you."

And he always says, "I don't have a ring, but...." Like, dude, you failed on arrival.

If this show gave even one fuck about delving into Patrick, the story could actually be really interesting. Why is this guy so hellbent on getting married and creating a new family? It could obviously stem from losing Robin twice and trying to cope..and even way back to losing his mom. He always said he didn't want to end up like his dad after he lost his wife. Patrick never wanted to care about someone that deeply to experience that loss and then lose his career, his life, etc.

  • Love 9

There is no one to root for on this screwed up version of (my once fave show) GH. What is this crap anyway? Left years ago because of stoopid mob stuff and here we are again right back at the altar of Sonny & all things Sonny. GAH!!!


Why? WHY? WHY???


Michael had a brain for a few months and now...pffft...gone....just like I am gonna be.


(Sorry. Had to rant. Listened to too much Morgan.He still needs to just STFU...along with his Mama & a few dozen others....)

  • Love 5

And he always says, "I don't have a ring, but...." Like, dude, you failed on arrival.

If this show gave even one fuck about delving into Patrick, the story could actually be really interesting. Why is this guy so hellbent on getting married and creating a new family? It could obviously stem from losing Robin twice and trying to cope..and even way back to losing his mom. He always said he didn't want to end up like his dad after he lost his wife. Patrick never wanted to care about someone that deeply to experience that loss and then lose his career, his life, etc.


A. The writers that crafted Patrick and his backstory are long gone.

B. The new hacks are too lazy to learn about said histories.




C. This is why we get the bullshit surrounding useless Kiki, since she is a relative newbie under these writers.


Guza and his team may have been mob obsessed, but at least they could still craft some good couples and decent backstories to offset things. I truly miss that part. A lot.

  • Love 6


Well he tried to play off that old, "once you're in you can't get out".  At which point Patrick should have said, "no, you choose not to get out because you love the power more than your children's lives"


He flat out told Brenda that the power was more important to him than her and her child.  So Sonny can say he would do anything for him family all he wants but he doesn't mean it.  He is selfish. Say what you will about Julian but his family asked him to leave the business and he did - twice.  The first time didn't take because they shot Lucas but he still tried.  And this time, it appears that he has done it.  

  • Love 7

No one but Alexis would shed a tear if Morgan had killed Julian but the horror of  Morgan actually going to jail for it was typical and in character for Michael and Carly.  


Morgan is as annoying as the spawn of Sonny & Carly, named after RoboKiller Jason, should be. I keep hoping he'll start doing meth because then every episode could feature him doing physical harm to himself without actually feeling the pain. That's a win/win right there - we could cheer him on as he, say, hacks off his hand so he can change the battery in his watch all while being spared his acting. Yes, that is how much I hate him.


Julian is much less interesting than he should be. I'm not sure why that is but I'm laying part of the blame on WdV. I liked him on AMC but some of his performances on GH are embarrassingly bad. At least once a week he gives a cringe-worthy line reading.

  • Love 1

Amidst all the inanities and the stupid, here's something that really irked me yesterday. Jakeson inviting Michael to his wedding and Michael says (paraphrasing).. "well I have no job so my calendar is open but I'll need to check with Sabrina to see if we're free."


UGH. I hate how they are now this joined-at-the-hip couple and he can't make a move without her input. I used to love Michael but lately not so much.


Also, he needs a new hairdo.

  • Love 2

Carly declaring she's Avery mother is rage enough. Having her find the "Sonny Always Wins" clause in the court order is blinding rage.


I'm surprised she didn't say, "As long as we keep Sonny isolated and never tell him you want my daughter, the 24-hour clock never starts." I would have thrown the set of Cheers at the TV at that point.

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