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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Hate that Brad & Lucas' "party" was all about Sonny, and then they got relocated and it became all about Luke. UGH. I'm actually excited for this wedding even though the progression in their relationship is a bit rushed, but I was looking forward to hearing more about Brad' family today so I don't appreciate characters who are always on (Sonny) stealing the spotlight.

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Side note: I thought the party at the HS would have been a perfect time to show that Morgan does indeed have a job. When the scene opened with those three other waiters, he could have been standing with them and stayed around for the rest of the show in the background.

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When was it stated that Lucky abandoned his kids?  At no point has Elizabeth ever said that about him.  Lucky is just not mentioned at all, and RC can't seem to write a scene explaining that the boys spend time with Lucky.  I mean we haven't seen Aiden in how long?  A year?  More?  It doesn't mean that Elizabeth doesn't see him.  There is no way I would ever believe that Lucky abandoned his sons, considering he raised all of Elizabeth's boys with other men without a complaint and provided for them.  RC just sucks at writing for anyone that is off screen.  I mean does Robin even talk to Emma?  I have to assume she does on a regular basis so that Anna and Patrick don't get suspicious.  


God, I hate how they wrote of Lucky off. All because Guza/JFP were butthurt that JJ didn't want to continue crying and being trashed by various members of his ungrateful family every other scene and decided to leave. Of course they can't have Lucky in Washington D.C. with Cam and Aiden visiting on a regular basis, there by explaining away absences, instead of having a kiddie love quad. Same goes for Robin with Emma.

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In other news, Lucy exists, has a new duck, AND mentioned how Luke tried to blow up the last Haunted Star party.  That's my girl!

I thought she was living in the Metro Court?  They allow ducks?

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God, I hate how they wrote of Lucky off. All because Guza/JFP were butthurt that JJ didn't want to continue crying and being trashed by various members of his ungrateful family every other scene and decided to leave. Of course they can't have Lucky in Washington D.C. with Cam and Aiden visiting on a regular basis, there by explaining away absences, instead of having a kiddie love quad. Same goes for Robin with Emma.


Guza didn't write Lucky off, although I agree how they wrote him off sucked.


Lucy looked great. Tracy's hair was great, but that skirt. oof.


So dumb that Dante and/or Bobbie just let Sonny and Scott get in each other's faces for 5 minutes before breaking it up. It was a little weird that Valerie just stepped up all smiley to Sonny after that, I guess she and Carly were just trying to diffuse tension. 


What the heck, everyone was just magically whisked off in the middle of the show to the Haunted Star? Worst cut ever.

Edited by ulkis
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I thought she was living in the Metro Court?  They allow ducks?


I think Lucy and Kevin (who?) actually had a place, it's just been - like the characters themselves - completely off-screen.  I do think we saw them in their bedroom once.

What the heck, everyone was just magically whisked off in the middle of the show to the Haunted Star? Worst cut ever.


Ron: We only have ten weeks!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Nina's like a teenager now.

And she dresses like one, too.


eta: The Silas/Denise plot exposition was sooo long and boring, they should have gone to the bleachers behind Rydell High and sung the plot points to each other with the T-Birds and Pink Ladies backing them up.

Edited by ciarra
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...but, what the fuck, Bobbie and Scotty got back together off-screen?

I know! I thought Bobbie had rightfully kicked him to the curb. 


Brad and Lucas's "party" was so sad. Worst guests ever, save for maybe Bobbie. Ugh at Sonny bringing up Karen and then playing the victim when Scott went after him.


I loved Tracy's necklace, but WTF was she hiding under her skirt? It was terrible.


Ava was looking at Avery like she wanted to eat her. Those were some crazy eyes she was popping.


Laura's entrance was so soapy. GF looks fantastic.

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I know! I thought Bobbie had rightfully kicked him to the curb.


Rightfully?  Bobbie dumped Scotty back in the fall because he prosecuted Carly for a crime that she was 1000% guilty of.

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what the fuck, Bobbie and Scotty got back together off-screen?



In other news, Lucy exists, has a new duck, AND mentioned how Luke tried to blow up the last Haunted Star party.  That's my girl!


Unless they show me a live fuckin' duck I'm not sold. Knowing Frank they'll bring on some fuckin' taxidermy and pretend it's quacking. Let's go to the Foley bank!

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Ugh, STFU Sonny. I wish Scotty had shot him in th head right there and then. Bitch be trippin' if he thinks he has the right to EVER speak Karen's name.

Am I supposed to feel sympathy for Ava or Nina right now? Because I don't. IDGAF that crazy eyes wants to be in her daughters' lives, and not because I care about Connie. Ava just annoys me that much with this Denise bullshit and just expecting Silas to a) go along, and b) want to be in HER life. And I don't think I've ever cared less about WE NEVER CARED.

Why does Dillon think Michael would give two stinky shits about going to a party hosted by Luke? Just because you're willing to lick his ass doesn't mean everyone else is, boyo.

I hated Laura's shoes.

What a shitty (and predictable) Friday show.

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When was it stated that Lucky abandoned his kids?  At no point has Elizabeth ever said that about him.  Lucky is just not mentioned at all, and RC can't seem to write a scene explaining that the boys spend time with Lucky.  I mean we haven't seen Aiden in how long?  A year?  More? 

When Elizabeth was on a 4th of July date with AJ, and when Laura returned the last time and visited Elizabeth and the kids. Liz has never stated in an accusatory tone "Lucky abandoned our boys." She told AJ that Aiden (or maybe it was Cam? or both) were craving time with a dad/adult father figure type because Lucky left town after she hurt him so badly by betraying him. AJ had just given Aiden instructions about collecting sticks for marshmallow roasting. Liz looked sad/wistful about her boys when Laura returned the last time, visited Liz's home, and mentioned she got to spend time with Lucky a while ago. Elizabeth said she hoped Lucky would find what he needed/was searching for. It was pretty clear that Lucky was not visiting his sons, calling, etc. Whenever Liz mentions her kids being with family, it's always Gram or Grandma Lesley. Recently, Cam has gone to Ric as a father-figure and even asked both of them to get back together.   

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The mention of Karen and the accident that took her has me worried. I would love for Karen to come back, but RC is writing this show.

I'm shocked it was mentioned lol.RCs claim that PC was an hullcantion has confused me at whats real and whats not lol.

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Luke: "When I wasn't myself..."

Ron on twitter: But it wasn't DID!! It wasn't! It wasn't!! It wasn't!

I'm genuinely confused. If it wasn't DID, what the hell was it?

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I know! I thought Bobbie had rightfully kicked him to the curb.

Rightfully?  Bobbie dumped Scotty back in the fall because he prosecuted Carly for a crime that she was 1000% guilty of.


Oops, I forgot they were together then—I was referring to when Scott couldn't choose between Lucy and Bobbie and they both told him to shove it.




Am I supposed to feel sympathy for Ava or Nina right now? Because I don't. IDGAF that crazy eyes wants to be in her daughters' lives, and not because I care about Connie. Ava just annoys me that much with this Denise bullshit and just expecting Silas to a) go along, and b) want to be in HER life.


I don't know which of those stories is the worst. Nina's, probably, because it includes Franco. But my god, they are both beyond boring.

Edited by dubbel zout
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WAsn't lucy and scotty supposed to have scenes today weird they'd cut them.


I'm surprised it wasn't relegated to off-screen to begin with.


And now that we know Bobbie and Scotty are somehow back together, I'm leery we're heading back to a triangle with Lucy, which would make no sense given Lucy's recent declaration that her heart was still with Kevin.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Lucky CHOSE to raise Cam when he knew the baby was Zander's.  Lucky CHOSE to be Jake's father when he learned the truth, and could have gotten a DNA test on the baby during Alcazar's trial and CHOSE not to.  This IS all on Lucky.  Liz never once forced Lucky to raise Cam and Jake.  Lucky CHOSE to leave town at Christmas time instead of putting away his tears and snot to be f*cking parent. I don't care that big bad Liz hurt widdle bitty Lucky's feelings by cheating on a serial cheater with his asinine brother, and I found Niz to be revolting on all levels.  Lucky never adopted Cam and claimed to love the boy so much,,RME.  Bottom line, Lucky is the adult, while Aiden (who should have never been born if not for BH's pregnancy) and Cam are children that he claimed to love in spite of his hurt little feelings toward their mother.

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Gasbag Luke with his captive audience, reminding all of them sadistically that he'd hurt every one of them but yaddda yadda yadda...get the hook and get him off stage! We'd expect to see our old boy over in a corner of the club, half-snoozing, drooling, and ogling the two boys who just got married.


Daughter LooLoo is a chip off the old block, ordering people to get their butts over to daddy's party, or else...


How much do you want to bet that poor Jane Eliot is dressed up in that huge bell of a skirt with no waist to give a favorable edge to Laura, who's dressed in black and hidden in shadow to disguise any figure-revealing pooching? When Laura strode up in her boots, black leather and spandex, I couldn't help looking for the whip.


C'mon now...Wouldn't it be delicious to see her give Luke some discipline for all the transgressions he just confessed to the crowd?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I'm surprised it wasn't relegated to off-screen to begin with.


And now that we know Bobbie and Scotty are somehow back together, I'm leery we're heading back to a triangle with Lucy, which would make no sense given Lucy's recent declaration that her heart was still with Kevin.

Honestly when I first read that spoiler in SID the first thing I thought was they was going to recast Kevin since JL seems busy with other things lol.

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About the best thing about today, other than Laura's return, was Silas pointing out exactly what someone else did a few days ago -- that the DNA would've matched Ava's exactly had they done a cheek swab.


That's . . . all I can get.

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We had the anvil that Ava is back for her daughters, so cue Avery getting sick and needing her bone marrow back. Bonus (if you want to call it that): It's finally ascertained who her actual father is.

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Lucky CHOSE to raise Cam when he knew the baby was Zander's.  Lucky CHOSE to be Jake's father when he learned the truth, and could have gotten a DNA test on the baby during Alcazar's trial and CHOSE not to.  This IS all on Lucky.  Liz never once forced Lucky to raise Cam and Jake.  Lucky CHOSE to leave town at Christmas time instead of putting away his tears and snot to be f*cking parent. I don't care that big bad Liz hurt widdle bitty Lucky's feelings by cheating on a serial cheater with his asinine brother, and I found Niz to be revolting on all levels.  Lucky never adopted Cam and claimed to love the boy so much,,RME.  Bottom line, Lucky is the adult, while Aiden (who should have never been born if not for BH's pregnancy) and Cam are children that he claimed to love in spite of his hurt little feelings toward their mother.

I agree. I think Show's point was Elizabeth blames herself for Lucky abandoning their sons (and also, with all the TG worship, there's no way Show would have allowed for a blatant statement like Lucky just has to get away from Luke's attitude about having killed Jake and the you-can't-be-Elizabeth's-crutch attitude aside from the lingering pain of Elizabeth's betrayal and fear that she would break his heart again/they would be destructive if they got back together). Because she blames herself for Lucky not being there for their boys, she doesn't voice resentment about his abandonment. She talked about the state of her life while "Jake" was asleep in his hospital room last year, and recently has talked about being determined to be happy with Jake, BUT never specifically says, "It's so hard being a single parent."  I think Show's official attitude about Lucky leaving was that he just couldn't deal with Liz anymore, because little Braden's Cam yelled at her that Christmas (days? after JJ's departure) something like You're a liar, that's why Dad left.

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Ava is so ugh. After everything Silas did to save her worthless ass she could at least show some gratitude and not threaten and badger him about going along with her stupid plan. Silas is an idiot for continuing to let her drag him into her schemes.

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Can someone please explain this episode to me like I'm Morgan? Seriously, plots appearing out of nowhere and downright bizarre editing; I am genuinely confused by what I just watched.

ETA: to make matters worse, judging from what you all said my affiliate didn't just cut the previews but the last bit of the actual show. I swear my locals are all in a race to see who can start their 4pm news first. I am seriously one of them to start a 300 or at least 330 newscast soon.

Edited by Tiger
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because little Braden's Cam yelled at her that Christmas (days? after JJ's departure) something like You're a liar, that's why Dad left.


Well...Lucky isn't blameless and is a shitty father. But Cam also wasn't wrong there.

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Grrr. Lucky-As-Deadbeat-Dad makes me so angry. I don't buy for a second that Lucky Spencer would abandon those boys. It just feels so unnecessary and spiteful on the show's part. All they need to do is throw in a few lines from Liz every once in a while about Cam and Aidan visiting and/or Skyping with their father and done! Character assassination averted.

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Melgaypet - I agree, and it seems like it's a variation of Robin-as-deadbeat-mother writing. I don't believe Robin would ever just give up to Helena, say "You win" and walk away from her daughter without a fight. At the very least, she would find a way to let her mother know hey, I'm in trouble here. I do want to be an active mom to my child. For Lucky to go from "Those boys are my sons, and they are perfect just the way they are" in an angry conversation with Luke to never seeing or speaking to his sons because he's living in Africa taking care of orphans is indeed character assassination. 

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I haven't even seen today's episode but I'm already seeing red.


Tracy, you nitwit.  What's your address, I want to send you a copy of the Gift of Fear.  You do NOT get engaged to a sociopath as soon as he is inexplicably released from what should be at the minimum decades long time at a high security institute.  Your boys are right to worry about you (and way to show that spine, Dillon - not).  All abusers claim to change and none of them do.  Luke's actually bragging about being a dick to the people he was BEING A DICK TO "when I wasn't myself..." while out-woobying Franko in the sincere non-apology department.


Geez, that's a lame excuse.  Tracy, Tracy, Tracy - I've always thought you were a bitch, albeit with reasons, but I've never thought you were stupid except where Luke was concerned.  I never dreamed ANYONE would stoop so low as moronically agreeing to remarry their abuser literally within minutes of a first reunion meeting.  After repeatedly making that same mistake with this same man and being stomped into the carpet for it.  And all it cost him this time was a croissant and a little flattery wrapped up in humble.


I personally would be a damned sight more than skeptical.  


The cherry on that shitty sundae is throwing a party in the same venue where you tried to slaughter all the guests wholesale - and you invited those same guests to your party, Luke?  What the fucketty fuck?  Why?  Why would ANYONE in that town give that loser the time of day?  Everyone is all "bygones, totes" and moving on?  I just can't. 


I'm almost afraid to ask if Brad and Lucas actually had any never shown or talked about gay posse friends show up...if they have any.

Edited by Reo
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When Elizabeth was on a 4th of July date with AJ, and when Laura returned the last time and visited Elizabeth and the kids. Liz has never stated in an accusatory tone "Lucky abandoned our boys." She told AJ that Aiden (or maybe it was Cam? or both) were craving time with a dad/adult father figure type because Lucky left town after she hurt him so badly by betraying him. AJ had just given Aiden instructions about collecting sticks for marshmallow roasting. Liz looked sad/wistful about her boys when Laura returned the last time, visited Liz's home, and mentioned she got to spend time with Lucky a while ago. Elizabeth said she hoped Lucky would find what he needed/was searching for. 

I don't recall Elizabeth ever saying that Lucky abandoned the boys.  I remember Laura saying that she was in contact with him, and that Elizabeth hoped he would reach out to her, implying that he was not in contact with her.  However, I don't recall it ever being mentioned that he wasn't seeing the boys.  It's why so many posters discuss on various boards that they aren't sure if Lucky is or isn't seeing his sons - much like Robin with Emma.


Melgaypet - I agree, and it seems like it's a variation of Robin-as-deadbeat-mother writing. I don't believe Robin would ever just give up to Helena, say "You win" and walk away from her daughter without a fight. At the very least, she would find a way to let her mother know hey, I'm in trouble here. I do want to be an active mom to my child. For Lucky to go from "Those boys are my sons, and they are perfect just the way they are" in an angry conversation with Luke to never seeing or speaking to his sons because he's living in Africa taking care of orphans is indeed character assassination. 

Exactly.  Lucky has been absolutely devoted to his sons and raised them as his own since the very beginning.  To infer or imply that Lucky has abandoned them because Elizabeth couldn't stay out of Nikolas' bed is lazy writing and would be character assassination.  It's the same for Robin.  Are we suppose to believe that she would agree to never talking to or seeing her daughter to appease Helena who is locked up on Cassadine island.  RC doesn't care about a character once they leave his show, when it's a very easy fix to say that "Cam is with Lucky" and "Robin called for Emma."  I mean it's not like the kids are around anyway.  When was the last time anyone saw Aiden?  How old is he now anyway?

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Exactly.  Lucky has been absolutely devoted to his sons and raised them as his own since the very beginning.  To infer or imply that Lucky has abandoned them because Elizabeth couldn't stay out of Nikolas' bed is lazy writing and would be character assassination. 

Quote from Elizabeth, indicating that Lucky is not an involved father: "I want him so badly to have a man in his life. Lucky isn't here; I don't hold it against him - I know there are reasons he stays away." There's more... if you're curious, the entire conversation is in this clip. It is lazy writing, and character assassination, which is pretty common on the show now.

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So....Lucas' father and other sister are absent at his engagement party?  And they have no friends their own age?  I half watched the first half and missed the 2nd half completely today so please tell me that wasn't a REAL party, but more of a gathering.

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So....Lucas' father and other sister are absent at his engagement party?  And they have no friends their own age?  I half watched the first half and missed the 2nd half completely today so please tell me that wasn't a REAL party, but more of a gathering.

you got a point where was Julian maxie and lulu at and why ae they having that party the same day as Luke and tracys makes no sense lol.No matter how much they pretend I don't buy this closeness between carly and Lucas,


So....Lucas' father and other sister are absent at his engagement party?  And they have no friends their own age?  I half watched the first half and missed the 2nd half completely today so please tell me that wasn't a REAL party, but

Edited by Harmony233
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Can someone please explain this episode to me like I'm Morgan? Seriously, plots appearing out of nowhere and downright bizarre editing; I am genuinely confused by what I just watched.


LOL! This is so on point. And yet, for reasons even I can't comprehend, I enjoyed this episode.


Why was Laura shaking? It was so bizarre to me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Same thing happened to me; my television stopped just as Laura walked down the stairs, and then skipped to the previews for Monday with Laura's "I'm here for Luke." Shit, and I only wanted to see her! I'm going to have to find it online.

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Can those who are familiar with MS advise if this is how she acts in her soap roles?  Is she always so smiley in every line she delivers?  I never watched her on Y&R (or watched Y&R) and so I don't know if this is normal for her.


This is exactly how she was as Phyllis on Y&R for about the last 7 years or so of playing that role. Way in the beginning she was quite good. I thought she could act. I stopped watching the show for many years and came back to it. MS was just terrible. Repeating lines over and over, jazz hands, smiley and generally chewing scenery. I had to stop watching Y&R because of her. I can barely watch GH now for a lot of reasons, but she is one of the main ones.

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So....Lucas' father and other sister are absent at his engagement party?  And they have no friends their own age?  I half watched the first half and missed the 2nd half completely today so please tell me that wasn't a REAL party, but more of a gathering.

I'm sure Carly organized the party and invited only the people she considers part of Lucas' family, so no Sam or Julian. As for Lulu, I'm sure she rainchecked that shit as soon as dear old dad need an apologist nearby to hand wave his crap and plan his grand return all could do without.

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Why do I feel like Luke/Fluke knew precisely when to give his speech setting up Tracy as the love of his life and Guiding Star so that Laura would come walking in on cue at its apex? Somehow I get the skeevy feeling that Luke/Fluke is orchestrating the speech and Laura's appearance, and maybe Laura isn't Laura at all? Or maybe she's been hypnotized or drugged to respond on cue? Maybe the party had to be suddenly organized because that was the only night they could get Laura to be in PC and pull off whatever Luke has planned?


When are the people of PC going to realize that Luke/Fluke is only interested in manipulating them, organizing the spotlight on himself so he can hurt others or make them feel like crap? I feel so protective toward Tracy. I think she is riding for a fall.

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Genie Francis looked great. That said, I did not like her Rythym Nation outfit. I couldn't tell if she was going on tour or had become a cat burglar. Hopefully, she gets to hang around after Tony Geary leaves. I can't believe how similar looking nuDillion and Micahel look. In fact, I thought it was Michael who entered the room first since they were both wearing a suit and tie. I think they should have gone for a different look with nuDillion.

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So....Lucas' father and other sister are absent at his engagement party?  And they have no friends their own age?  I half watched the first half and missed the 2nd half completely today so please tell me that wasn't a REAL party, but more of a gathering.



Of course it was a real party because Sonny Corinthos deigned to show up.

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Melgaypet - I agree, and it seems like it's a variation of Robin-as-deadbeat-mother writing. I don't believe Robin would ever just give up to Helena, say "You win" and walk away from her daughter without a fight. At the very least, she would find a way to let her mother know hey, I'm in trouble here. I do want to be an active mom to my child. For Lucky to go from "Those boys are my sons, and they are perfect just the way they are" in an angry conversation with Luke to never seeing or speaking to his sons because he's living in Africa taking care of orphans is indeed character assassination. 


I felt like Guza spent most of JJ's second run ensuring he'd have little role with Cam or Jake (when Jake was still alive), because of the idea that Jake was Jason's son and Lucky was in awe of that, and Cam was just a big "who cares" on the part of TPTB. I felt like one of the reasons they had Aiden was so that Lucky could have a "real" (their view not mine) son of his own, instead of being whipped by wanton scheming hellbeast Liz into raising kids that weren't "his."


Then Guza was canned and JJ left soon after, so they had him dump Aiden too.


I can't imagine how they will treat Lucky and Cameron if they interact again. I wouldn't be surprised if Lucky helps Spencer win Emma back because his nephew is just so much cooler and suffers so nobly.

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