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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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"Waiting until one of the key actors is half ass out the door is for emphasis, m'kay?"- Ron as he blocks you on twitter.


If there isn't a parody account of Ron's Twitter already, we need to create one. (Though his actual account is already surreal.)


Anna is going crazy and about to be off-screen, probably in a mental ward, for three months


At least it's because FH has something else going on. I'd rather an absence be actor-dictated than Ron simply losing interest.

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Isn't that how we ended up with not!Kevin? Because the real!Kevin, Jon, was actually daring enough to pursue other acting opportunities because Kevin was getting maybe one scene every three months.


I am beginning to think that Ron might just be one incredibly petty little shitball. And Frank is his enabler, or just a fellow little shitball, maybe both.

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- I'm actually going to put the Liz part of the secret here. I'm not saying that I buy the motivation for Liz to complete lose her mind, but BH is completely selling it. This isn't playing, to me, like they are trying to make her a standard soap schemer. It's playing much more as she lost her damn mind after losing Jake, having the relationship with Ric blow up publicly and then realizing that she was going to lose Jake/Jason yet again. It doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense, but I'm enjoying watching the downward spiral and the actress is playing the desperation well.


I agree. I actually had Liz/this story cross my mind while working graduations recently because I heard the names "Elizabeth Weber" and "Elizabeth Spencer" read (different colleges, different days btw).  The "lost her damn mind" bit seemed to be put out there in a scene where Liz confessed to Steve Burton's Jason that she had lied about baby Danny's DNA test results. She wanted to be with him, hoping that their connection would make her pain and sadness (and I think loneliness, too) go away. We saw her despair about Lucky walking away from her and the boys when she clung to him in her door frame when JJ left the show. I still remember her line to Lucky that she wanted Aiden to be his son more than anything, but didn't realize she'd have to pay for it with Jake's life.  Internally, she still blames herself for the death of her son. Recently there were moments she wanted to believe she and Ric could really be in love and he could be a father to her sons ... while being in denial about having feelings for Jake. After everything that's happened, she desperately wants to believe she can be happy and in love with Jason - anything that interferes with that fantasy gets ignored or destroyed. She knows Jason's entire background and has always believed he's an "honest man" for the most part - unlike Ric, Nikolas, that shrink she dated briefly (before Jason shot him), and AJ and Lucky with their substance abuse issues. She knows that this version of Jason (at this point) wants to be with her,  believes he will be devoted to her and not the Mob, and has said Sam is not his type.


I feel for the Liz character because in addition to having no-onscreen family to support her despite being a member of a legacy family, one son died tragically before he reached his 4th b-day, Lucky abandoned their other two sons, the boss at GH is a nutso criminal (who shot her at one point) instead of a real doctor like Liz's late grandfather , and she has no girl friendships since NL and KMc left the show/Ron doesn't think friendships are important on GH.  The only friendships Liz has at the moment are the douches Patrick and Nic.  That's not even touching the love/romance angst in her life. 

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Isn't that how we ended up with not!Kevin? Because the real!Kevin, Jon, was actually daring enough to pursue other acting opportunities because Kevin was getting maybe one scene every three months.


I am beginning to think that Ron might just be one incredibly petty little shitball. And Frank is his enabler, or just a fellow little shitball, maybe both.



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Isn't that how we ended up with not!Kevin? Because the real!Kevin, Jon, was actually daring enough to pursue other acting opportunities because Kevin was getting maybe one scene every three months.


Yep. The circumstances with FH are a bit different, because I assume she'll return to GH when her movie is done. Anna actually has a story, whereas Kevin was trotted out only to support someone else.


Ron tried to make JL the bad guy when he said Kevin had a great story coming up if only JL would have stuck around. He's not doing that with FH. Everything seems amicable with her leave of absence.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Yep. The circumstances with FH are a bit different, because I assume she'll return to GH when her movie is done. Anna actually has a story, whereas Kevin was trotted out only to support someone else.


Ron tried to make JL the bad guy when he said Kevin had a great story coming up if only JL would have stuck around. He's not doing that with FH. Everything seems amicable with her leave of absence.

I didnt know he said that about JL? I knew he said it about TR.

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I hate the story, but I can kind of see why Anna finally snapped and killed Carlos after all the other shit that's been done to her and her loved ones with nobody paying for it. Story still sucks rocks, though, and depresses the fuck out of this die hard Anna fan. What is the point - so we embrace the "romance" of a relationship built on covering up a killing? ew.

I am also not entirely clear why Liz has been reduced to molesting a brain damaged man, why Nik is now full on evil, why Luke had to be completely retcon-ed and ruined ... or why most of this shit is happening.

And Ron can say "well, s/he did this because x". But the question is why he's created a universe so desperate and joyless that once ok characters are reduced to acting desperate and awful?

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 desperate and joyless


This is a fitting description of this show over the past year, year and a half. Ron has no one to blame but himself. If only he'd simply take responsibility for his failure and reach out for help to fix this sinking ship. If only the ABC executives weren't asleep at the wheel and think that a ten minute appearance by Genie Francis will fix everything (it won't uniless the past year or two has been comaLaura's dream... which I'd be totally OK about as long as we re-set to at some point around late 2013/early 2014 before the Fluke stuff started.. which really triggered some mean, cruel and truly sick shit).

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What cracks me up is Ron repeatedly complaining to the press that he has only 10 weeks to tell Luke's exit story. After the year-plus he blew on a deeply haphazard, sloppy rewrite of the terrible Fluke saga, the non-events of Duke and Lucy's affair and Shawn/Jordan/T.J., with her interminable undercover operation and the forgotten secret of T.J.'s paternity dropped in at the last possible moment, RC needs to start thinking about brisker stories.

I don't remember RC ever making a comment about Jon Lindstrom leaving before his big story. It's what he usually does and we expected it of him when JL booked True Detective, but I don't recall him ever actually saying so. I do think they recast the role for that one day just to make a petty point.


I still can't believe they thought that after only hinting at T.J.'s paternity once or twice over the last year and a half, now was the perfect moment to deal with it - simply because Ron forgot, and because he can't adequately manage his gigantic canvas and is throwing it in at the last second. He's done that more and more with departing stories or characters over the years; throw something he forgot to address on the pyre as it burns and calling that coherent storytelling.

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If only the ABC executives weren't asleep at the wheel and think that a ten minute appearance by Genie Francis will fix everything (it won't uniless the past year or two has been comaLaura's dream... which I'd be totally OK about as long as we re-set to at some point around late 2013/early 2014 before the Fluke stuff started.. which really triggered some mean, cruel and truly sick shit).

The show needs to be re-set to Feb 2014, just before Victor revealed that Jatan was alive. Sure the show had problems before then, but ever since the unholy hit man was revealed to be alive, its been one slow ride to hell.

This would erase all the Fluke stuff, Jatan wouldn't be alive, AJ would be alive, Ava/Morgan would still be together, and so many characters and pairing wouldn't be ruined wholesale.

The only things I'd want to keep is Michael & Sabrina, Ric being back, and Jordan and Valerie in town.

ETA: the best part of a reset back to Feb 2014? No WENEVERCARED!

Edited by Tiger
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What cracks me up is Ron repeatedly complaining to the press that he has only 10 weeks to tell Luke's exit story. After the year-plus he blew on a deeply haphazard, sloppy rewrite of the terrible Fluke saga, the non-events of Duke and Lucy's affair and Shawn/Jordan/T.J., with her interminable undercover operation and the forgotten secret of T.J.'s paternity dropped in at the last possible moment, RC needs to start thinking about brisker stories.


Ron really had longer than 10 weeks to plan Luke's exit story. Tony Geary was planning to leave, like what, a year and a half ago, but then Ron convinced him to stay by creating the idea that eventually turned into the Fluke fiasco. If Ron weren't so silly he would have considered the very real possibility that Geary would actually leave once the Fluke crap was over and would have planned accordingly.

ETA: the best part of a reset back to Feb 2014? No WENEVERCARED!


The show needs to be reset to sometime before Franco came back. Franco is and always will be far worse than Nina and his presence on this show is disgusting.

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ETA: the best part of a reset back to Feb 2014? No WENEVERCARED!


A reset like that is like sounds like Christmas and my birthday all wrapped in one.  Best present of all. I still don't understand why she is on this show.


ETA. I am still reeling from the bitch besmirching my name grrr

Edited by Aprilshowers
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What cracks me up is Ron repeatedly complaining to the press that he has only 10 weeks to tell Luke's exit story.


Yes, a measly 10 weeks. That's two and a half months! Ron wrote Luke's previous exits in two and a half days. It's total bullshit the longer time isn't enough.


he can't adequately manage his gigantic canvas


He's an idiot not to make the connection between too many characters and not enough time to write for them.

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I am wondering why Ron bothered hinting at a Lucy/Kevin reunion - with Lucy telling Duke that her heart was really still with Kevin - with Kevin still completely MIA and Jon Lindstrom busier than ever (I just read he got another guest, possibly recurring role).

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I am wondering why Ron bothered hinting at a Lucy/Kevin reunion - with Lucy telling Duke that her heart was really still with Kevin - with Kevin still completely MIA and Jon Lindstrom busier than ever (I just read he got another guest, possibly recurring role).


That's the thing, though - they (allegedly) kept putting off/rewriting/scrapping stories for Lucy, Kevin and their kids over the last year or two, and instead have told all of Lucy's little subplots offscreen. It didn't have to be that way, it still doesn't.


Fine, so you didn't get to do what you wanted with these kids or their parents at this time with all these people, and now Jon Lindstrom is temporarily available. So what? It would not take much to alter course and take direct action, and instead introduce one daughter or two to bounce off Lynn Herring and actively engage her in new, prominent story for that young heroine.


Instead, more and more it seems that if Ron can't have the exact story he wants, he shoves it and all of its relevant characters into a drawer and sits on them, or trashes them entirely in the meantime, until such time as he can deliver on his genius original idea (see: Liz lying to Jason, again, as part of a delayed quadrangle from 2012).


I am sure that sooner or later, Jon Lindstrom will return and Ron will eventually reunite Kevin and Lucy and let them be happy ever after. That's always been his intention. The problem is that 99% of her 'story' is offscreen, and they'll probably kludge that actual denouement into a bunch of rushed shows sometime between now and 2017. They've failed to commit to using Lucy, Kevin or Scott substantively in story, failed to introduce their children, and instead settled for having Lynn Herring wander on and off the show every few months, having catfights at age 50+ and crying about missing Doc. That to me indicates they'll continue to do that sort of lackadaisical approach, with Lucy's bi-monthly appearances serving as the 'build-up.' They'll tell an ending, but they won't tell a story. There's so many characters on the show in that position. Shawn and the Black Folks are just the latest. But to Ron, Lucy harping about Kevin to Duke, etc. all year long is just his version of 'telling her story,' while not bothering to tell any story.

Edited by jsbt
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I don't understand why Ron digs in his heels this way. He won't write for the soap he has because it's not the soap he wants. (Who does he think he is, Donald Rumsfeld?) If he has a story he wants to tell with specific characters, how about putting those actors on contract so that he knows they'll be around? I know the actor has to want to be on contract, but why not give yourself a fighting chance? 


Ultimately, though, it's ABCD's fault for not caring more. If TPTB wanted GH to thrive, they'd pay closer attention to what Ron and Frank are doing and hold them more accountable for the state of the show. But I guess since they're keeping GH alive until they find a program that works and that the affiliates like, we're stuck with a head writer who's too wrapped up with his own ego to take a pragmatic look at the show he's writing.

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In fairness, there have been claims for years that ABC will not allow them to put X amount of castmembers over a certain age on a long-term contract.


I don't know if I believe that. I do believe their funds are extremely tight and that they are trying to put on a sprawling soap opera for very little, and I believe that they are constantly under the gun to make certain numbers, especially in the fall when their future renewal will again be determined. FV has worked overtime to keep this show alive, and gave it a lot more years when most of the cast (and certainly myself in the audience) were convinced it would go off the air in 2012.


I think they absolutely want to keep the show alive and are working like fiends to do so. My problem is that, IMO, they are consistently mismanaging their resources and prioritizing all the wrong things. You want to keep Genie Francis around, you want to secure Tristan Rogers, or this veteran or that one - so why not fire Roger Howarth? Michelle Stafford? Michael Easton? A score of other people? They don't do that. Instead, they double down on their pride hires that aren't working out, double down on stories and couples that aren't working out, and then they still have the nerve to cry poverty when their veterans get other jobs or can't be used. "We're just the little show that could!" Sure, you are, but you choose to spend the wrong money and effort on so many of the wrong things.


GH could not expect to get by on goodwill forever. They implicitly expected recurring vets like Rogers or Lindstrom to either have no other prospects and be desperate, or simply be loyal and out of work until such time as the show could be bothered to turn away from Howarth/Stafford/Easton/whoever and give them some story.


IMO, GH is both strapped and struggling and foolish and wasteful. It's a bad combination.

Edited by jsbt
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The very fact that ABC doesn't rein Ron in on Twitter or do anything to direct RC/FV to change what isn't working tells me the show is just still existing as a placeholder. If and when ABC ever finds something cheap that sticks, GH goes buh-bye! So the network is ambivalent about making improvements, because it isn't about GH surviving for the fans. It stays to plug a hole ABC badly wants to fill.


Sad as it is, I think that's where ABC's priorities regarding GH are these days.

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Best present of all. I still don't understand why she is on this show.



Besides the close-up of the chinese take-out plastic toys, I think the scene I have enjoyed most over the past two years was the shot when Silas was able to let loose one (1) single TEAR after the build-up to Nina's arrival.  Silas, Kiki, Franco and Nina - thanks but no thanks.  They all were given ample time to gell with the cast and they failed.  Julian and Ava have done a better job of meshing in - but I would rather be rooting for Robert Scorpio and having Scottie, Mac. Felicia for filler.  Of course, getting DR. stephen lars and patrick's DR. brother Matt out of jail and bringing some doctors back on the show should be at the forefront of these idiot writers' minds.  

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In fairness, there have been claims for years that ABC will not allow them to put X amount of castmembers over a certain age on a long-term contract.


I wonder what that age is, if it's true. It's disgusting, especially since the older characters are the ones who give any soap its continuity. I also have to laugh, since most of the new characters aren't exactly teenagers, and Ron doesn't write much for the younger set the way it is.


I know they're under the gun budget-wise—you just need to look at the production values to realize that. I have some sympathy on that front, and in some ways, they're doing an amazing job with what little they're given. But as you pointed out, jsbt


they double down on their pride hires that aren't working out, double down on stories and couples that aren't working out, and then they still have the nerve to cry poverty when their veterans get other jobs or can't be used.


GH is both strapped and struggling and foolish and wasteful.


Heavy, heavy sigh.

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I wonder what that age is, if it's true. It's disgusting, especially since the older characters are the ones who give any soap its continuity. I also have to laugh, since most of the new characters aren't exactly teenagers, and Ron doesn't write much for the younger set the way it is.


Which is why they (allegedly) had to bring some outside consultant in to help Ron actively begin to focus on the youth set this year, but we'll see if that materializes. The dynamic I recall dating back to OLTL is that Ron has never been a big fan of teen stories and is more preoccupied with older females, whereas Frank considers the youth demographics their bread and butter in terms of ammunition for survival with the network. And sometimes it has been.


Part of the problem, IMO, was that they spent years trying to make Kristen Alderson into the young queen of GH just as she'd been for them at OLTL. Starr's stories at OLTL were saccharine and mind-numbing but they often pulled young numbers which helped keep that show alive when Brian Frons wanted it dead. That was because OLTL viewers had a built-in, long-standing fondness for Kristen the way GH fans do for, say, Kimberly McCullough (or, for some people, Becky Herbst). But I think at GH, they thought Kristen would come with them and be a continued smash success. Even after Starr got wished into the cornfield they hoped Kiki Jerome would happen. They gave Kiki no friends, no job, no social scene on the show, no real character, and seemed to just expect Kristen's "star power" and rapport with past costars to put her over. And for the duration of her second run at GH as Kiki, Kristen was basically the only really active, single young female in her age range, with the exception of, say, Teresa Castillo as Sabrina, who IMO skews differently and had an on-off period.


Lucy and Scott's daughters were never actually brought onscreen, Anna Donely either. It was just KA and Kiki between Michael and Morgan, for years. Molly and T.J. have no story since Frank's latest cute white kid flopped. Even in a highly charged moment in our culture where you could and should play a young male of color in major story and really reach out to hearts and minds, they don't care about using T.J. I think they've completely neglected the youth set for a long time in favor of older stars or tiny kids, and I have no idea how Frank let that happen. Unless he was that determined to somehow make Kristen the lynchpin.

Edited by jsbt
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If there isn't a parody account of Ron's Twitter already, we need to create one. (Though his actual account is already surreal.)



There was one, but the person running it changed it, at some point, from a parody of Ron to just an account that rips on the show.  I kind of wonder if Ron threw a stink over it or if the change was for some other reason. 

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There was one, but the person running it changed it, at some point, from a parody of Ron to just an account that rips on the show.  I kind of wonder if Ron threw a stink over it or if the change was for some other reason. 


Pretty sure he made a stink about it and tried to get the parody account suspended. 

Edited by Box305
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I remember at one point one of the other writers told him to stop reading it after he said he was like "I know I shouldn't be reading this but I can't help it" and the other writer you could tell was like "jesus let it go".

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Pretty sure he made a stink about it and tried to get the parody account suspended.


Of course he would. He's the definition of "can dish it out but can't take it."


I think they've completely neglected the youth set for a long time in favor of older stars or tiny kids, and I have no idea how Frank let that happen. Unless he was that determined to somehow make Kristen the lynchpin.


I think they figured KA's popularity on OLTL would automatically transfer to GH, which of course it didn't. I didn't like her on OLTL, but I understand why others did. But just because she was successful on one soap doesn't mean she would be on another. It's like any other actor. You need the chemistry and tone to be right, and I don't think KA could get either right on GH. It didn't help that Lauren is a terrible character no matter who plays her (as the recast proves). It also didn't help that she was shoved down GH viewers' throats as the New Great Ingenue, a role I'll never think fits KA.


I don't know why Ron and Frank neglect the younger set, but if it means we're spared more pregnancies, neglect away. Ron can't write compelling stories for the adults, so I don't know why he should write them for the teens. Look at what we're getting with Spencer. *shudder*

Edited by dubbel zout
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Which is why they (allegedly) had to bring some outside consultant in to help Ron actively begin to focus on the youth set this year, but we'll see if that materializes.


Hmmm interesting.  The neglect he has shown to that age group is pretty bizarre, especially since it's clear how much time and creative energy he's been giving Spencer and the other kiddies.


But I'm sure, in Ron's mind, it's the viewers' fault, because we didn't take to Trey and Rafe, who were straight off the Robert Ford Memorial assembly line.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Hmmm interesting.  The neglect he has shown to that age group is pretty bizarre, especially since it's clear how much time and creative energy he's been giving Spencer and the other kiddies.

THe weird thing is hes giving spencer and the kiddies something that teens or early 20s group would have weird.

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THe weird thing is hes giving spencer and the kiddies something that teens or early 20s group would have weird.


Don't forget that the exact same story - two people pretend to be a couple to make their respective love interests jealous - started with Molly/TJ/Rafe/Taylor, then got used with the kiddies, and then got bounced up to Maxie/Spinelli/Nathan/Ellie.

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If there isn't a parody account of Ron's Twitter already, we need to create one. (Though his actual account is already surreal.)





There was a parody account called Not Ron Carlivati, but I don't think it exists anymore. 


ETA: You guys beat me to it! :)

Edited by UYI
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Lucy and Scott's daughters were never actually brought onscreen, Anna Donely either.

Scott and Lucy's daughters have been off-screen, yes, but Anna Donely came on briefly back in 2013 during Luke's polonium poisoning storyline.  He and Tracy visited Sean and met his and Tiffany's daughter, Anna, who was now a teenager.

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TJ hated Jordan when she was an illegal drug dealer, now he still hates her knowing she wasn't a drug dealer but a cop? Instead he's stand by your man to the illegal career killer? 

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Scott and Lucy's daughters have been off-screen, yes, but Anna Donely came on briefly back in 2013 during Luke's polonium poisoning storyline.  He and Tracy visited Sean and met his and Tiffany's daughter, Anna, who was now a teenager.


You're right. That being said, they had planned to bring Anna Jr. on as a regular more than once, and they've always pulled the plug.

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The very fact that ABC doesn't rein Ron in on Twitter or do anything to direct RC/FV to change what isn't working tells me the show is just still existing as a placeholder. If and when ABC ever finds something cheap that sticks, GH goes buh-bye! So the network is ambivalent about making improvements, because it isn't about GH surviving for the fans. It stays to plug a hole ABC badly wants to fill.


Sad as it is, I think that's where ABC's priorities regarding GH are these days.

Thank you for summarizing what I also believe to be  what's really going on behind the scenes. Although none of us can know for sure, this makes sense given what we're seeing on screen. ABC cares about a show a LOT when it's a show they see as a gold mine.. they are definitely treating GH as a placeholder and that unfortunately gives Ron free reign, I don't think Ron has ever been in a writing situation where he was managed. Certainly OLTL was being directed to fail by Frons, so  now GH too. And, worse, I think Ron thinks what he's writing is saving the show. He's so blind.


We hoped it wouldn't be that way with this our General Hospital, but it's time we simply accepted that this show will never return to it's former glory, it will not succeed in creative terms, .... because it is against network policy for it to do so. And that is really something to accept so that we can at least marginally enjoy what scraps we are given, but man, there ain't much.  Anything to do with Michael/AJ or even really Michael/Sabrina and pretty much anytime Anna or Ava (or whomever she is now playing) and Evil!Ghost!Carlos! appear.. Dante too. you can bet on some good acting even if the writing is just shit. The actors in these scenes can turn it into gold or at least gold plated, which, is still not a terrible deal.  But while that has been keeping this fan hooked, my patience and interest level is waning.


And lately,. well, there just aren't enough explosions in basements to really keep me hooked.

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I am wondering why Ron bothered hinting at a Lucy/Kevin reunion - with Lucy telling Duke that her heart was really still with Kevin - with Kevin still completely MIA and Jon Lindstrom busier than ever (I just read he got another guest, possibly recurring role).



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Ron was managed quite a bit at OLTL - ABC and Frons killed a number of stories, from the gays to other things. That being said, OLTL was also seen by the management as the black sheep and the most disposable show, so Frons's oversight was allegedly less than it was elsewhere. Even then, it always seemed like he had a heavy hand. And Frons revered Bob Guza, which gave GH a lot more rope.


I know the network occasionally tells Ron to cool it with stuff at GH, but I don't think the oversight is nearly what it was. That's both good and bad. The problem is the network clearly doesn't care about GH, so Frank and Ron are mostly running unchecked.


Incidentally, while Finola Hughes is playing the fuck out of it, I can't describe how disgusted I am with the "Anna is going crazy after shooting a man in cold blood" storyline. Give me a fucking break. Anna was a black ops agent for decades, she has killed a lot of fucking people. Carlos was in the game and he knew what was coming to him. That's the job, they both knew it. And don't get me started on the paternalistic 'romance' shit with Sloane again, or how the show's moral scale is so dogged about presenting Anna and Jordan as 'hypocrites' for their actions. That's the kind of skewed scale that allows them to keep pushing Nina, Franco, etc. as true heroes. The mob I can handle, but lecturing me about Anna Devane while Obrecht, Franco and Nina keep romping around as people we're expecting to root for drives me up the fucking wall.


At least Chad Duell looks really, really hot as a wheeler and dealer with his shirt half undone.

Edited by jsbt
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If Anna is going to be tormented by anything related to the Carlos shooting, it should be that Carlos's death was wasted. Julian's freedom should be gnawing at her but WdV's casting makes it difficult to buy that there's a personal history there. I really wish this role had been cast with someone like Vincent Irizarry

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TJ hated Jordan when she was an illegal drug dealer, now he still hates her knowing she wasn't a drug dealer but a cop? Instead he's stand by your man to the illegal career killer?


He's standing by the guy who was there for him. I get it on that level. I wish TJ would have been as hard on Shawn for working for Sonny as he's been on Jordan. It's just another absurd example of the "good" mob mentality the show has to continue. There's something misogynistic about it that's really ugly. The wimmins are always the ones who are in the wrong.


this show will never return to it's former glory, it will not succeed in creative terms, .... because it is against network policy for it to do so.

I think the show could return to some semblance of creative success. Ron needs to stop thinking of himself as the savior of soaps and start writing honest, decent stories. He can do it—we've seen it. But he's too wrapped up in ego to make that the norm instead of constantly trying to one-up the other soaps. 


No matter what eventually replaces it, ABCD is not going to yank GH off the air without giving it a chance to have one last hurrah.

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The wimmins are always the ones who are in the wrong.

When you quote directly from the Gospel of Jasus, it's only fair to give the proper citation for any newbies and/or actors' mothers that may be lurking.

As we all know, that particular sentence is the last sentence of every paragraph in the good book, and I believe according to MLA rules you only have to cite to one of the places it appears.

No matter what eventually replaces it, ABCD is not going to yank GH off the air

Given the problems with "The View" and the low success rate of new daytime fare, I actually think GH is safe for at least a few more years. I believe the afffiliate board of governors meets again in July, and I believe it was this group (and the affiliates at large) that got GH guaranteed/renewed through at least Sep 2016 already. Edited by Tiger
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If Anna is going to be tormented by anything related to the Carlos shooting, it should be that Carlos's death was wasted. Julian's freedom should be gnawing at her but WdV's casting makes it difficult to buy that there's a personal history there. I really wish this role had been cast with someone like Vincent Irizarry


I like this Julian, but that would have been cool.  Or better yet, Dr. David Hayward.  Anna was on AMC so that's an acceptable crossover.


Oooh, Anna and David. Some of that relationship was stellar soap.


And Alexis/David would happen too.

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At least, Maura West could have done is dyed her hair. I know Meryl Steep would have gone all in and done that. LOL!!! Obviously, Ava was given a transfusion of baby AJ's blood (or, whatever it is) and lived.....does Silas know? Oh brother!!!!! Of course, Fava could be a new unheard relative......which is totally dumb! I had asked a few days earlier unthread where Maura West was and now I have my answer. Well, I really don't have my answer but I saw her on my screen. Until Tuesday........

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TJ hated Jordan when she was an illegal drug dealer, now he still hates her knowing she wasn't a drug dealer but a cop? Instead he's stand by your man to the illegal career killer? 


And this is why I can not stand TJ. And I can't with TeRi's acting, I'm sorry, but no!


At least Chad Duell looks really, really hot as a wheeler and dealer with his shirt half undone.


I hate to agree with this, but it's where I am now. Michael/CD's weird ascent into sexy is what's keeping me watching honestly.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It does seem since Chad hasn't been working with KA he's become more comfortable. it might have been the best thing for Chad & Michael for her to leave. He is so more mature and the budding romance with Sabrina is starting off nicely. Which is odd since both characters are nice and sort of boring characters. Somehow, it's working. I guess he's going to have to get more spray tanning done because I'm sure Michael & Sabrina will be heating up during the summer. I have one question. Whatever happen to Rosalie? Did Michael know she was spying on him for Nicholas? It seems like she was on for a week and then the storyline was dropped. Another RC débâcle.

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At least, Maura West could have done is dyed her hair. I know Meryl Steep would have gone all in and done that. LOL!!! Obviously, Ava was given a transfusion of baby AJ's blood (or, whatever it is) and lived.....does Silas know? Oh brother!!!!! Of course, Fava could be a new unheard relative......which is totally dumb! I had asked a few days earlier unthread where Maura West was and now I have my answer. Well, I really don't have my answer but I saw her on my screen. Until Tuesday........

Wow. I realized reading your post that I had totally forgotten about the dropped "where did Avery/AJ go?".... and I guess no one much cared anyway as there was zero followup. You'd think Dumb and Dumber would have tried to figure out where she'd been or asked, you know, Silas, how the baby ended up there... but that would wreck the plot pointy writing and the Big Reveal via flashbacks of who took her.


So I guess we'll be getting some flashbacks soon of how Silas kidnapped AJ, took her NYC, took her blood and revived Ava from a coma (it'll be nice to know that he didn't euthanize her) and then cured her of cancer.


No one's mentioned it, so I will - this whole past couple weeks, the weird "15 minutes later" flash forward after Duke had been shot has been bothering me. I'm assuming that this is his way of providing himself (or, hopefully soon a better writer) a way out of Duke's death via clone, impersonator whatever. Maybe I shouldn't mention it. Ron will build an entire show flashing back to those missing minutes showing how he was shot, took ten DNA tests to confirm that he was actually the real Duke and then limped out on to Pier 54 to be discovered by Anna.

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