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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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On 9/7/2017 at 1:39 PM, iwasish said:

Kim climbing a tree, naked of course, wearing her army boots... Just how is this empowering to her or to women in general?  Do we all secretly crave the freedom to climb about in trees, naked, without disapproving looks from onlookers?

You mean you don't? :)

4 hours ago, iwasish said:

She just spent a week dying her hair platinum blonde. Does it make her feel empowered that she can spend that much time on her hair when she has two small kids? Why not just wear a wig? 

Pretty soon her hair is going to be so damaged she's going to need to wear a wig.

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15 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Kim goes blonde = had work done. 


3 hours ago, iwasish said:

Kim goes blonde= someone's  getting more publicity than she . 

Of course, it's no coincidence that she went blonde right before Kendall got her "Fashion Icon of the Decade" (still having trouble saying that with a straight face) award, Kim must be spitting nails that it's Kendall who got it & not her. Also, I saw pictures of Kris & Scott going to the ceremony, but not Kim. Did she even bother to attend?

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18 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Kim goes blonde = had work done. 

I thought her face looked really hard and masculine in the recent Fashion Week pictures. I don't know what she had done, but it does not look good at all.

I'm guessing the baby news didn't bring her the attention she wanted, so she's back to walking around naked.

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44 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I thought her face looked really hard and masculine in the recent Fashion Week pictures. I don't know what she had done, but it does not look good at all.

I'm guessing the baby news didn't bring her the attention she wanted, so she's back to walking around naked.

It has gotten to the point where I only notice Kim if she has pretty clothes on and it has been a LONG time since that's happened.

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4 hours ago, GaT said:


Of course, it's no coincidence that she went blonde right before Kendall got her "Fashion Icon of the Decade" (still having trouble saying that with a straight face) award, Kim must be spitting nails that it's Kendall who got it & not her. Also, I saw pictures of Kris & Scott going to the ceremony, but not Kim. Did she even bother to attend?

Scott escorting Kris. What is it with Kris and her daughters exes? She was all mushy for Lamar despite the shit  he put Khloe thru and she hated Scott for years, now that Kourtney and Scott are allegedly dunzo, Kris can't stay away from him?  

Is Kim attending Fashion Week? Kanye yanked his show at the last minute, did he have a moment of rational thinking and realize torn, stained oversized camo sweats and flesh colored body suits just aren't going to happen, or did someone else have to pull the plug? 

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Is Kim attending Fashion Week? 

Is Kim attending? Do you think there is anything in this world that would stop her? That's where she debuted her new blond hair, & got to wear outfits like these. Silly Kendall & her stupid award, I'll show her!



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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I can't believe Kim's hair hasn't fallen out from all that bleaching and re-dyeing. She's going to be bald by 50 if she doesn't cut that shit out.

Most of it is extensions, they'll just sew 'em back in.

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16 minutes ago, iwasish said:

She already has 1 inch of dark roots. After a week of getting her hair bleached, do roots grow that fast?

Not an inch. Either they didn't bleach down to the roots, or I guess it's possibly a really good wig.

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Lately, every thing she does screams of a desperate desire to stay relevant. 

Nude tree climbing in her mothers army boots. Going platinum blonde, wearing panty hose and a thong in public.  Sorry Kim, but those things reek of desperation. 

And after teasing the public with her chatter about hiring a surrogate, she's bothered by the speculation about gender, due date, alleged info about the surrogate etc. 

My suggestion? Stop talking bout you business in public... 

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On 9/8/2017 at 10:40 PM, Kokapetl said:

Kim goes blonde = had work done. 

I think so too. Look at her face in this picture -- it looks really odd. I could hardly recognize her. Exactly what image is she going for with the endless facial surgery? Space alien? Maybe Space Alien from Planet No Smell? Her nose has almost disappeared.



Kim Kardashian-blonde-hair Face looks odd Sept 2017.jpg

Edited by Coffeecup
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9 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

I think so too. Look at her face in this picture -- it looks really odd. I could hardly recognize her. Exactly what image is she going for with the endless facial surgery? Space alien? Maybe Space Alien from Planet No Smell? Her nose has almost disappeared.



Kim Kardashian-blonde-hair Face looks odd Sept 2017.jpg

Tmz calls her best expectant mom? WTF, she's hired a woman to do the dirty work of expecting so she can strut around naked.

I for one will never believe she had any real medical reason for not having a third on her own. Don't care what her paid to appear Doctor and fertility expert claim. They collected a check to give credence to the family spin. Paid shills for Kim and Kris.

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20 hours ago, GaT said:


Of course, it's no coincidence that she went blonde right before Kendall got her "Fashion Icon of the Decade" (still having trouble saying that with a straight face) award, Kim must be spitting nails that it's Kendall who got it & not her. Also, I saw pictures of Kris & Scott going to the ceremony, but not Kim. Did she even bother to attend?

Yes she attended Kendall's ceremony.

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Kim is starting to look like a lizard. Her face is tight and pulled in really weird places and the nose and lips are off. Kendall looks really pretty. 

I'm also one who doesn't believe Kim had all these medical complications with pregnancy. She just didn't want to ruin her latest tuck-and-lipo job, so she went the surrogate route. I honestly don't care how people choose to have children, provided that the baby is wanted for the right reasons, but my heart already feels pity for little NewProp West.

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She does look weirder above, there is too much more space between her nose and her upper lip. The ratio was already off, but it's more pronounced now.

She was such a lovely woman with her original face. I wonder where she's going to end up. Not that looks are everything, the personality was always lacking.

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On 9/8/2017 at 10:42 AM, Veronique Bette said:

But then again, maybe North will be glad to let her little sister take her place in the intrusive glare of the spotlight, while she can finally enjoy a more private and normal childhood, something she has never experienced since the day she was born to her narcissistic famewhore mother.

I think it’s sad that it’s only Kim’s version of events that has now cast North as some kind of bad seed who hates her little brother and so might actually “hurt” her younger siblings. This is the same Kim who pretended that it was then 3-year-old North who “accidentally” posted sexy pictures of Kim while playing with mommy’s phone. Nor do I believe that Kim stopped breastfeeding Saint because of North’s jealousy. What then was the reason Kim was in Paris for fashion shows 3 months after North’s birth? I guess it was Kanye who was jealous since there were no siblings to blame for why she was not breastfeeding her only child at the time. It’s not that I think every woman can or wants to breastfeed; that’s a personal choice. What’s unforgivable is that Kim uses her own small daughter as a scapegoat or storyline when it suits her purpose.

If Kim actually has narcissistic personality disorder, she most likely will have a scapegoat - so true that she could be lying about North to cover for actions of her own. I really feel for all of her children. 

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5 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Yes she attended Kendall's ceremony.

The top pic... she couldn't even crack a smile for her sister's achievement?

What is the deal with the "I smell a fart" look she always has on in public now? Does she think it makes her look mysterious?  

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3 hours ago, iwasish said:

Does she think it makes her look mysterious?

She probably thinks it makes her face look more narrow/skinnier.   Can't wait until she figures out how to get her fat arms to make the same expression.

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3 hours ago, OnceSane said:

She probably thinks it makes her face look more narrow/skinnier.   Can't wait until she figures out how to get her fat arms to make the same expression.

Arms?  What about that ass? 

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6 hours ago, Shangrilala said:

Ugh, she looks so hard.  And old.  And weird. 

And for fuck's sake, these girls have gorgeous hair.  Can they please just let it do it's natural gorgeous thing?  

But looking cold and hard and weird empowers her. Like walking around nearly naked. 

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On 2017-09-08 at 11:42 AM, Veronique Bette said:

But then again, maybe North will be glad to let her little sister take her place in the intrusive glare of the spotlight, while she can finally enjoy a more private and normal childhood, something she has never experienced since the day she was born to her narcissistic famewhore mother.

I think it’s sad that it’s only Kim’s version of events that has now cast North as some kind of bad seed who hates her little brother and so might actually “hurt” her younger siblings. This is the same Kim who pretended that it was then 3-year-old North who “accidentally” posted sexy pictures of Kim while playing with mommy’s phone. Nor do I believe that Kim stopped breastfeeding Saint because of North’s jealousy. What then was the reason Kim was in Paris for fashion shows 3 months after North’s birth? I guess it was Kanye who was jealous since there were no siblings to blame for why she was not breastfeeding her only child at the time. It’s not that I think every woman can or wants to breastfeed; that’s a personal choice. What’s unforgivable is that Kim uses her own small daughter as a scapegoat or storyline when it suits her purpose.

Why would any mother who wanted to breastfeed their child stop because their other child had not yet learned how to cope with sharing the spotlight with a younger baby? Is this a confirmed story straight out of her mouth or was this reported? Because this makes no sense to me that you would alienate the needs of one child because in some twisted way, you thought that was the better option than guiding your child through an important life lesson. Even at such an early age, this is the time when you can not only encourage the importance of sharing, kindness and being a good older sibling, but you can do all of that while still doing what you can to make sure that the older sibling knows they are still a priority to mom and dad as well. I really hope that isn't a true story :/

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On 9/10/2017 at 2:42 PM, Jellybeans said:

I think the lizard is wearing a wig.

Yeah, it's a wig.  I can tell with my new found wig expertise by the way it's lying.  

Miss a little and you miss a lot.  Are there any Kardashian Jenners who aren't pregnant, or paying other women to be pregnant on their behalf?   Kim has a surrogate and the little dumb one is pregnant?  

Kim doesn't even look remotely like herself anymore.  She was blessed with everything physically, but had it all altered.  Why does Kim hate Kim so much?

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Watching the marathon... Anyone think Kim even remembers the name of the little girl from Thailand?

That's like asking if the Jets will win a Super Bowl in the next 5 years. That little girl should count her blessings right now.

Has Kim done anything yet to outshine Kylie & her pregnancy? Deep down inside, she is not happy about this situation. Now, everyone (except for the wretched Daily Mail & Radar Online) will pay even more to Kylie & her poor future baby than Kim & her fat ass. 

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Kim is in a bind. Her husband isn't and maybe will never again be accompanying her to Red Carpet events and public events. She's left to attend alone, with family or with Jonathan( who  seems to be MIA lately). She isn't a part of the  power couple that demands attention at events any longer. 

The younger members of her family are taking center stage and she's nearing 40. 

I don't think there's huge interest in the arrival of her 3rd child. 

Shes routinely mocked when a new nude photo is released, there's nothing shocking or vaguely interesting about her climbing a tree, naked, in army boots. It's just bizarre.

Time  for her to fade away and become a PTA mom.

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She looks SO BAD in the photos from last night with the long fried platinum hair and snatched bitch face. She looks like Morgan Fairchild now!

Kim please stop SWF-ing older campy stars! 

Her nose is like a carrot peeler now and she's so nipped and tucked she can't make an expression anymore. Yikes. Also check out the hips and booty, almost a shelf on her sides and the back, it's like those old Marie Antoinette gowns expect instead of fabric it's filler. 

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In case people were wondering (and I know that you are) the Allure cover story with Kim is one of the most boring articles I've ever read in a national magazine. They also listed her contour sticks as the  "best contour" in their much coveted "Best of Beauty" awards. Which is total nonsense as it's been pretty much established that it's total overpriced trash. 



Edited by Pogojoco
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That's total bullshit about the contour sticks, because they were universally panned as a rip-off by every beauty guru on YouTube. The only ones who loved it were conveniently invited to the launch party (minus Jackie Aina). From my understanding, the only good thing about them is she had a wide shade range for women of color, but aside from that the quality was garbage. 

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Has any reliable source besides the ultimate bullshit known as Radar Online (who has a rep for blatantly posting made up stories for hits) posted about Kim being disgusted by Kanye's weight gain? I saw a story on In Touch about how the family is worried but it was way different than what Radar posted.

Interestingly enough, Kanye was photographed a couple of times last week and he didn't look remotely as "fat" as these reports are making him to be. After that photo of him surfaced in the baggy sweats all the fatshaming started. IMO he doesn't even look that bad here. Certainly not as bad as Rob who is just dangerously obese.

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26 minutes ago, Pogojoco said:

That's a very sweet picture of him and North. 

Imagine actually enjoying time with your children instead of using them as props for photo ops.

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