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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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Poor Ryan, having to live in a house with gleaming dark wood floors.  I mean the poor guy already has to deal with those four brats that play with their toys and then expect breakfast.  And that selfish little Ava - she actually expects to be fed and changed.  Of course, why do they care?  They don't have to drive for nine hours!

The struggle is real, ya'll. 

  • Love 11



    Vicki just can't shake her jealousy that Meghan is young - and probably jealous that she is thin too, lol! How many times is she going to bring up the fact tat Meg is 30? That must really stick in her craw. That's what made is especially tasty when Meg called her out as"old and bitter." Much as I loathe Meg that was a great moment.




That was such a weird thing to throw in with that comment.  Would Vicki think what Meghan was doing would be okay if Meghan was in her 50's?  Absolutely not. Also, she's 30, not 16. She's not THAT young.



I don't think it's a weird thing to throw in. Vicki constantly brings up Meghans age. It obviously bothers her or she wouldn't harp on it. Three things I feel Vicki covets and cannot/will not ever have are #1 youth, #2 beauty, and #3 a slim figure. Her jealousy of younger women has been obvious since the show began.  When your fifty years old thirty IS young, it's almost half your life ago and thirty year olds for the most part don't have signs of aging yet. To me it seems Vicki is always trying to be young - she dresses inappropriately for her age, she act like a fool with the Whoo-Hoo stuff and drunken college co-ed behavior, shows up uninvited to her college age son's house and proceeds to drink and do keg stands with his friends and when he shows he's horrified by this she cries and tries to make HIM feel guilty. She refuses to acknowledge her true body size as evidenced by her failure to wear clothes that aren't two sizes too small. Heather has a great figure but Vicki doesn't hate on her because she is intimidated by her wealth. Meghan is a little TOO thin but I think Vicki would still trade bodies with her in a fat minute (no pun intended).


On the subject of Meghan, does she look different than she did at the beginning of the season or does she look worse to me because her ugly personality has come out since then? At the start of the season I thought she was pretty. Now, while still a helluva lot better looking than Vicki, she doesn't look as good. Her face looks harder or something. I also though she had a great body at the start of the season but now it looks thinner and more muscular in a bad way. I don't know if she could have changed that much in such a short span of time or if her clothing covered her more in the beginning and I didn't notice it before.

  • Love 1

What do you want to bet that was the only store willing to allow Production to film in? LOL I think these women and production are finding it harder and harder to find local restaurants, shops and venues that will allow them to film anymore.


I was thinking this too.  South Coast Plaza is close, but I bet none of the named designer stores want these women to step inside their stores with their RH cameras.

  • Love 2

And it's time for my daily dose of Shut the Fuck Up Shannon...SHUT UP! Ahhhhhh, that's better.

Christ on a Cracker! I don't buy anything Brooks and Vicki are saying about the cancer either, but for the love of all that is right in the world...Shut Up! How many times did Vicki ask her to drop it? But nooooooo, our passive aggressive Terminator will not be stopped! YOU WILL ALL SEE THE TRUTH! And the potatoes that she put in her mid western stew. Because Shannon is a man of the people. As long as you don't blow off her medical advise. Then she will cut a bitch. She really does not give a single fuck about anybody's boundaries but her own. I see you Shannon, its always about you.

First time ever, but I'm with Terry. I didn't like the tree either. Maybe because it was so literal? When she described it I was picturing something more abstract.

  • Love 9


I think Meghan took Hayley shopping for a dress only so she could once again regale us with the boring stories of her own prom. Talk about peaking early.


If prom was the high point of your life, I feel sorry for you. But, you are such a horrible person, Meghan, that I don't. I really don't. But puh-lease shaddup already about your prom.


Yep, there's nothing teenagers love more than when their parents (or in this case stepparent) jumps into the Wayback Machine.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 15

And he said it like, "people wanted to play with their toys and shit..." Hee! Really Ryan? People as in three little girls? Yeah I totally don't get them not grabbing their purses and drivers licenses and heading out the door. As someone who got moved around a lot as a kid, I feel sorry for those little girls. Especially the oldest. Her mother clearly has poor judgment, and she more than likely looks out for her little sisters. I noticed she took the initiative to ask Rapey if they could have breakfast first before driving back. Because two adults apparently couldn't figure out that that might be a good idea. And why was he in such a rush? Did they have to move right away?


HE IS AN IMMATURE LITTLE PRICK.  How did neither Tamra nor Eddie kick his ass and tell him to grow the fuck up and feed those children?  Uhhhh, Mom?  Any chance you might interject here? 


Eddie and Tamra are done for.  Run, Eddie, RUN!

  • Love 10

Why would you put an etching on a window that probably has million dollar views? Maybe its on the side that looks into the neighbors fence. Speaking of views, why have we never seen Shannon's? Odd all that old lady furniture in a beach house. Yolanda is the only one who honors the views.


I don't think Shannon's house is a beach house like Yolanda's is---like right on the beach or overlooking the beach as in beach-front property.  I can't remember if her house is in Newport Coast or Crystal Cove, but I think both are north of PCH and she would have an ocean view from hillside rather than an ocean view like right outside her door.

  • Love 2

My dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma while my parents were on vacation in Europe and they were delayed in Rome for a month. They continued to travel throughout his illness - except right after he'd had a round of chemo because that's when his immune system was most vulnerable. 


Until the cancer he was an extremely vibrant and young looking man. Even though he did well on chemo - didn't get horribly sick like some people, the illness still ravaged him pretty quickly. He would temporarily lose vision in one eye, would collapse easily and be unable to get back up and his handsome looks were gone. He went from looking 20 years younger than his actual age to an ancient-looking old man - which was hard for someone so proud.


Sadly the cancer took him in less than a year and a half. And I still find it hard to fathom that he's really gone. 

Your experience with your dads cancer is so sad and I'm sorry that you had to see him go through all of that. Cancer is a horrible illness and after watching someone fight it with every breath and eventually lose that fight makes it very difficult for survivors to process it all. Their looks change dramatically of course and as you said, for someone that is proud the loss of dignity is the worst pain. My brother died on Sept 1st, his funeral was last Wed. and he also changed physically very quickly. He had been going through chemotherapy and the last two rounds nearly killed him. He finally said 'no more' and was sent home with hospice care to die. People don't realize that chemotherapy has its successes and failures. It works for certain types of cancers better than it does for others. People also don't realize that there are more than 100 different types of cancer cells. The types of cancer cells are named for the particular place within the body where it originates or the type of cell that formed them.


Living through a long illness with someone makes you more sensitive to those who are diagnosed with cancer, for they may not know yet the journey they'll be taking. This is why there are some that will doubt Brooks Ayers sincerity or motives, and it's also the very reason that some will choose to believe him when he says he has stage 3 non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

  • Love 8

I know not everything gets shown, but it isn't all the inconsistencies in Brooks and Vicki's stories that makes me question him, it is Vicki's non-reaction to Brooks' cancer. 

Even if I don't believe Brooks still has cancer and I never did (I'm not a good person), I want to be fair: Vicki could be medicated to cope with it. My mother-in-law went straight to prozac when my father was diagnosed. But yeah, Vicki isn't micromanaging Brooks on this and that was part of my suspicion too. I mean, if she was ever shawn as respectful of other wills, I would have understand but it isn't the case.

Anyway, this storyline makes me sick. I resent Bravo very much for showing us a terminal illness in such a light. It could have been a raw and powerful story like the women struggles from the first two seasons of this show. It wouldn't be entertaining one of course but at least it would be real. But no, of course not, we have this fucking circus instead.... 



My dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma while my parents were on vacation in Europe and they were delayed in Rome for a month. They continued to travel throughout his illness - except right after he'd had a round of chemo because that's when his immune system was most vulnerable. 


Until the cancer he was an extremely vibrant and young looking man. Even though he did well on chemo - didn't get horribly sick like some people, the illness still ravaged him pretty quickly. He would temporarily lose vision in one eye, would collapse easily and be unable to get back up and his handsome looks were gone. He went from looking 20 years younger than his actual age to an ancient-looking old man - which was hard for someone so proud.


Sadly the cancer took him in less than a year and a half. And I still find it hard to fathom that he's really gone. 

I am really really sorry for your loss. 


Everything about Heather screams tacky and ostentatious to me.

Is this her previous house with their initials in the foyer that makes you say that? 


JennyMominFL, when you're in France, I fear you won't see the Real Housewives, it's not airing here and there is no legal way to see it to my knowledge.

Despite that, I trust you'll have the best time in the Loire Valley (and if you can ignore parisians, you'll have a good time in Paris too!) and hope you have good weather. October can be a bitch for that in France. But hey, even when it rains, we still have good food, good wine and bitchin' castles!


ETA : HumblePi, boy, you are all making me cry this morning. Sorry for your loss.

Edited by Pollock
  • Love 3

So, I picture Vicks saying to Brooks, "We have to talk about 'the cancer'.  I need a storyline."  Brooks replies, "I don't want to."  Vicks, getting upset and almost yelling, "What do you mean you don't want to?.  I need this paycheck.  You need the paycheck.  Of course you just make almost nothing compared to me but it is about me. I'm the OG of the OC.  Don't give me a hard time.  I've done everything for you.  That's what we're doing and I'm not discussing it anymore."

  • Love 9

I don't think Shannon's house is a beach house like Yolanda's is---like right on the beach or overlooking the beach as in beach-front property.  I can't remember if her house is in Newport Coast or Crystal Cove, but I think both are north of PCH and she would have an ocean view from hillside rather than an ocean view like right outside her door.

But we still have never seen her views. The reason Heather bought in the same area as Shannon was that she wanted harbor views because you can see the lights at night.

  • Love 3

First time ever, but I'm with Terry. I didn't like the tree either. Maybe because it was so literal? When she described it I was picturing something more abstract.


Yeah, and Heather's description of the tree trunk representing Terry, the branches representing her, and the four birds representing their children was quite lame.  Terry's laughter was understandable, even though he probably didn't want to hurt Heather (or his mother-in-law) with his opinion. 


HE IS AN IMMATURE LITTLE PRICK.  How did neither Tamra nor Eddie kick his ass and tell him to grow the fuck up and feed those children?  Uhhhh, Mom?  Any chance you might interject here? 


Ryan's girlfriend finally, and rudely, told him to "shut up".  Boy, Ryan has really taken his messed-up life to a whole new level.  Tamra is probably more frightened than she seems, and she likely longs for those simpler times when he was just a slacker who abused steroids.

Edited by Miss February
  • Love 9

But we still have never seen her views. The reason Heather bought in the same area as Shannon was that she wanted harbor views because you can see the lights at night.


Most houses in either Crystal Cove or Newport Coast will have some view of the water, but I don't know why they haven't shown any views from Shannon's house; it's no skin off my nose.  My point was that Shannon's house isn't a beach house and maybe her furniture may be old fashioned, but I don't think beach house furniture would go with Shannon's house either.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
  • Love 6

Most houses in either Crystal Cove or Newport Coast will have some view of the water, but I don't know why they haven't shown any views from Shannon's house; it's no skin off my nose.  My point was that Shannon's house isn't a beach house and maybe her furniture may be old fashioned, but I don't think beach house furniture would go with Shannon's house either.

And my point is, why would you built a custom house on graded bluffs with views and not have wide open spaces to take advantage of them. Shannon's choices are just stogy and odd for the lot.

(Now isn't it nice to talk about something other than cancer.)

  • Love 3

I have a chronic illness that has damaged pretty much every aspect of my health. The good news is that I still look pretty healthy for such a sick person. Once people find out I'm sick I find I get a lot of the following two reactions: 1. People just don't believe me. I look "too healthy" to be sick. 2. People insist they know my illness better than I do and that I MUST see a certain doctor or try a new treatment or apply a particualr essential oil to various parts of my body. I know that no one has a right to see any of my medical records but if there was a way showing them to people would shut either of those reactions down I would get my records printed on a t-shirt and wear it daily. Now Brooks should not be harrassed into showing his records to anyone either but there are ways he can try to shut down some of the rumors. Maybe start by keeping his story straight. "I don't drink now like I did when I had chemo but of course I couldn't drink when I was getting chemo but now I drink sometimes when it's a special event like today but not now." Dude, you changed your story five times in one sentence! No wonder no one believes the nonsense coming out of your mouth.


This whole season has just gotten so depressing. It makes me long for the early days and happy scenes like when Shannon and David played dead in a hotel room and Tamara held a baby shower in her chronically emtpy gym. (Or was that least season? I've lost all concept of the passage of time. My kids had to eat breakfast today and that just threw me off.)

  • Love 16

Just to set the record straight. Brooks actually received cancer treatment for more than 2 1/2 years at City of Hope National Medical Center which is a renowned research and treatment center for cancer. The doctor that both Shannon and Meghan were talking about was a holistic medicine doctor who practices out of Oasis of Hope, which is not affiliated in any way with City of Hope. Oasis of Hope is an alternative medicine hospital whose patient base is generally those patients with cancer that have failed traditional cancer treatment.

Editing to add some additional information about Dr. Francisco Contreras at Oasis of Hope. Dr. Francisco Contreras has been the director of Oasis of Hope for 30 years. He had been trained by his father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras who had founded Oasis of Hope which was then located in Tijuana, Mexico. His alternative cancer treatments have been controversial and at that time claimed to "treat" cancer patients with amygdalin (also called "laetrile" or, erroneously, "vitamin B17") which has been found completely ineffective. His practices have been widely condemned. I think that when a person has cancer they will do just about anything to be cured, including alternative medicine, high-load vitamins, coffee enemas or just about any experimental drug available. I'm not saying holistic medicine isn't the way to go, but initially I'd never seek any medical expertise from a holistic medicine hospital. I would possibly turn to that method of cancer treatment only if there was nothing more that conventional medicine could offer.

Thank you for clearing this up. We sure are being purposely confused and learning this makes me think Brooks has been battling cancer for more than one season and he and Vicki have been able to keep his health concerns between themselves for awhile before this season.

Don't hate me, but I'm beginning to wonder if what we may be witnessing is a couple still trying to keep certain aspects of cancer treatment quiet. And doing a lousy job under the strain of the illness, stress, etiquette mishaps, death of a parent and being shocked by the pack mentality that developed against them.

Heather, Shannon, Tamra and Lizzy joined a cock-sure over zealous Meghan to form a dastardly pack which made assumptions and drew conclusions an individual might not have. The pack mentality prevailed as each demanded that Vicki proffer Brooks' medical records to prove he has cancer. The pack, so concerned about Brooks' health, haven't reached out to him during the last 4 month RHOC hiatus and that says their minds have been made up. They believe Brooks is a culprit for lying to them and In reality this may just not be true. The pack has taken on a victim mentality instead of feeling empathy for Brooks.

Edited to add: Lizzy may not have asked Vicki for Brooks' health records and it appears Tamra may have softened her position. We'll have to wait and see!

Edited by talula
  • Love 5

And my point is, why would you built a custom house on graded bluffs with views and not have wide open spaces to take advantage of them. Shannon's choices are just stogy and odd for the lot.

(Now isn't it nice to talk about something other than cancer.)

Well, we really don't know what Shannon's 'views' are.  Not everyone wants 'modern' all white houses.  What one person considers 'stodgy' another person may find 'warm'.  But hey, I'm a person who believes one should decorate their house for what makes them happy and what they like.  

  • Love 13

And my point is, why would you built a custom house on graded bluffs with views and not have wide open spaces to take advantage of them.

Shannon's choices are just stogy and odd for the lot.

(Now isn't it nice to talk about something other than cancer.)


According to this OC Register article http://www.ocregister.com/articles/home-661248-house-beador.html, the house has "peek-a-boo" views of the ocean and a "crow's nest" office on what amounts the the fifth floor has more expansive views of the ocean and community.  This makes it sound like Shannon's lot isn't situated to have completely unobstructed views of the ocean.  I thought the Dubrow's lot is above the Beador's house (didn't Heather say it was one of the highest points in the area?), so it would make sense that she would have a wider ocean view.

  • Love 4

Is Tamra renting the OC house for Ryan, or did she outright purchase it?   I'd love to know the cost of all that, because regardless of anything, the house looked more like a tract house and definitely not custom.

Tamara told Andy on WWHL that it's a rental and she paid first, last and a deposit.     I honestly don't get why Ryan wants to be on this show; he has never ever been portrayed as anything but a big problem for Tamara since Day One.   Then last year he knocks up a woman with three young kids and announces to his mother he's quitting his job, moving and getting married much to Tamra's heartbreak.  Now, he comes crawling back with five other people in tow - including her first grandchild.   I kind of feel bad for Tamra; yes she helped create the person he is but on the other hand I can't see her ever just washing her hands of him - especially now with Ava and Ryan has so many issues I think she will be bailing him out forever. 




But as time passed, as the season has progressed, I think Vicki has slowly had to face the possibility that Brooks may have been conning her.  But she is desperate to hang onto the relationship, so she has to maintain the belief that Brooks is telling the truth.  If he doesn't have cancer, she loses him because how can she stay with such a con.  If he has cancer, she potentially loses him to his illness.  That's why she's in such a tizzy, cause she's incredibly needy, doesn't want to lose Brooks, because she is so incapable of being alone.  

This makes the most sense to me.  We know Vicks is a bottomless pit of need; Crooks knows it too, that's how he got her in the first place and felt comfortable enough to "leave" her the last time.  And by "leave" I mean continue seeing her while seeing other people and letting her pay his rent.  

  • Love 8

My dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma while my parents were on vacation in Europe and they were delayed in Rome for a month. They continued to travel throughout his illness - except right after he'd had a round of chemo because that's when his immune system was most vulnerable. 


Until the cancer he was an extremely vibrant and young looking man. Even though he did well on chemo - didn't get horribly sick like some people, the illness still ravaged him pretty quickly. He would temporarily lose vision in one eye, would collapse easily and be unable to get back up and his handsome looks were gone. He went from looking 20 years younger than his actual age to an ancient-looking old man - which was hard for someone so proud.


Sadly the cancer took him in less than a year and a half. And I still find it hard to fathom that he's really gone. 


Is it OK to say your post made me cry like a baby, because I recently lost a close friend in a very similar way?  Anyway, thanks for this heartfelt & touching post.  So sorry for your loss.  Too many of us have been touched somehow by the awfulness of cancer.  


But this makes me wonder, was it a conscious (& extremely manipulative) choice by the producers, to focus so much on this Brooks' cancer storyline because they assumed everyone who has been touched by cancer would be supremely angered and/or somehow interested/engaged by it?  If that was the assumption by producers, it ain't working on me.  Idk, maybe the Brooks' cancer storyline is having the producers' intended effect on other viewers -- given the result of the WWHL poll that Brooks should hand over his medical records (something I strenuously disagree  with).  


Look, I said it before, I don't care about Brooks, so I don't care whether he's faking cancer or not.  It doesn't make me angry & I still don't care.  I figure I'll give this show one more ep & if all they're babbling about is whether he's faking cancer, I'm out.


Sheesh, I get soooo bored by the scenes with Terry & Heather.  Terry looks uncomfortable as fuck.  He's still not good on camera.  And Heather is way too damn effusive, with her eyes always bugging out when she gets angry or when she's trying to make a point.  I was in agreement with Terry.  He should be allowed to have input in the design of his bed & breakfast inn without Heather taking a 'tude.  Mostly, I just can't with Terry.  I just find him way too annoying, whiny & unattractive.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

Vicki has been put on notice by Tamra that she doesn't want the kind of friend who  shuts down the conversation when the conversation becomes uncomfortable or leaves.  Shannon seemed to me, that she was not going to let Vicki shut the conversation down, not through tears, pleading or mild histrionics.  Shannon stuck her neck out defending Vicki and she was the one that suffered the slight by Jim, all the while Vicki's launching grenades about Jim's marriage. 


According to Shannon, Briana brings up some interesting information about Brooks' cancer past.  At what point does Vicki not invire her daughter to film.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

I don't understand all this fuss [on the show] about Brook's showing his medical records.  I don't think it would do any good.  Remember when Aviva [RHONY} said she wasn't going on some trip [Montana?] because she had asthma and no one believed her, including me.   After everyone got back she made a big production of throwing prescriptions for an inhaler into the other ho-wives faces, even going so far as pulling out a rescue inhaler and using it [wrongly btw] etc?   Maybe she had asthma, maybe not but pulling prescriptions etc. out of her bag after the fact didn't change anyone's mind, including mine.


So I think it would be similar with Crooks.  Frankly, I wouldn't believe a word he said about anything, and I never have.  We will never know for sure, but it's the perfect con because 1) no one should have to "prove" they're actually sick to a bunch of people who don't really care anyway 2) It's a violation of his privacy and 3) he knows that.    

  • Love 7

omg, that house is beautiful. My gosh they are rich. My husband remarked when he was watching one night that he thought their house was beautiful. So I guess it's just a matter of taste. The hubby is a bit old-fashioned. It's ginormous though and just gorgeous on the outside. 


Whoever said that Heather and Terry probably would enjoy a view of their house vs. the ocean--- that was funny. And probably true! I remember I dated a guy a long time ago that was wealthy and had just bought a new porshe. We were having dinner and he looked out the window and said, "It's just a beautiful, I love looking at it." Dumb ass me thought he was talking about the quaint neighborhood we were in. Oh no. He was looking at his CAR! His CAR! I was so turned off by the gross materialism. Anyhoo, I see Terry having cameras set up so at any time of day he can turn on a view of his house and just gaze at how big it is. And masturbating while he pans in and out. 


I hate to say this, but Ryan's house in the OC DID look pretty small for that many people. Plus, Ryan is moving to the OC to make his mom happy, who then got a house for him that he had no control over, and now he has to move 4 other people that he doesn't even like anymore into this house that he doesn't want to live in. Oh,, and he has to pay child support for 18 years so he can't really get out of the relationship.. Hopefully, Tamra starts taking him to church with her and Jesus will help him.

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 9

Anyhoo, I see Terry having cameras set up so at any time of day he can turn on a view of his house and just gaze at how big it is. And masturbating while he pans in and out. 


I hate to say this, but Ryan's house in the OC DID look pretty small for that many people. Plus, Ryan is moving to the OC to make his mom happy, who then got a house for him that he had no control over, and now he has to move 4 other people that he doesn't even like anymore into this house that he doesn't want to live in. Oh,, and he has to pay child support for 18 years so he can't really get out of the relationship.. Hopefully, Tamra starts taking him to church with her and Jesus will help him.

LOL about Terry!  I can totally see it.  


But Ryan, Ryan asked Tamra for help.  It was HIS idea to move back to the OC.  Yes, Tamra is happy about it but I don't think she asked him to do it.  He was whining about how he didn't like it "up there" so much anymore and was thinking about moving back to OC.     As far as the house goes, however small it is, it's clearly more than he can afford since he didn't have the move in money [first, last, deposit] to get it.  Nor does he consider it a loan.      I'm thinking Tamra will be paying Ryan's child support one way or another and hopefully he will learn to wrap it up so this is his only child.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7

I can't put my finger on it, but Shannon's face looked different at her lunch with Vicki. I love Shannon, but she was relentless and rude.

I'm sick of the cancer storyline.

What did the cashier say to Haley and Megan when they remarked on the Chanel dress? They both said, ok ok.

I can't stand to look at Megan. She's a horrible person.

Shannon wasn't wearing the dark eye makeup (black shadow in the crease & outer eyelid) as usual. She barely had any makeup on in that scene.

I don't think Shannon was wrong or rude to have that conversation with Vicki at all. She obviously cares about Vicki and what she was saying made sense to me.

I couldn't get over Vickie's remarks that they should be discussing Vicki's feelings or Vicki in general instead of Brooks. Me, me, me. Typical.

It was a boring episode. Can't wait to see Brooks' PET scans next week. I think the whole cancer thing is hinky. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  • Love 3

Ryan is scary. Is he going to have to drive for 9 hrs.? Because I got the impression he was going to drive for 9 hours. Good thing he doesn't have a job because he has to drive for 9 hours. Damn kids wanted to play with their toys! Don't they understand Ryan has to drive for 9 hours? Free housing in OC but, more importantly, Ryan has to drive for 9 hours.

Then he has to pack.  And pack some more.  Why the Hell didn't his inconsiderate mother just call North American Van Lines after she leased his house?  He has to do EVERYTHING.

  • Love 11

Forgot to add: Vicki you are SO not in the 58-60% tax bracket! Better get a better CPA if that's what he's telling you - which I doubt. Once again Vicki lying to make herself seem like a big shot to compensate for her failings in the looks and personality department.

Does Vicki live in Denmark?  Because there's no such thing in the U.S., even when California income tax is added to Federal tax.

  • Love 5

I agree with you about medical treatments, and well, so do many Dr.s.  You don't want to become stagnant and give your body time to figure out how to back end a medication or treatment, rendering it useless. But this isn't what's going on.  Brooks is saying one thing, Vickie another.....  and round and round it goes! 


When my late sister was battling her cancer (for seven years), the general idea then was that once you've done a protocol, it cannot be repeated, for exactly the reason you note here.


This whole story line is getting monotonous.  It's almost like the Obama birther stuff - what's going to be enough proof for these nincompoops?  In the previews, Brooks presents a document and then, in a later scene, Meghan  has called the provider to verify.  It's all ridiculous.

  • Love 5

I forgot to tell you all that I'm a psychic. I predict that in the finale we'll learn the Brooks has been "miraculously" cured of cancer and he and Brianna are now best friends. Tamra and Eddie will get baptized on the beach right after Ryan and Sarah's wedding ceremony. Shannon and David will have a re-commitment marriage ceremony in their backyard. Heather and Terry will be shown having dual facelifts inside a special "surgery room" in their new house, and Meghan and Jim will announce she's pregnant, with twins. Oh yeah, and Lizzie will announce that she will return next season.

  • Love 12

I think he stopped  in around January and this was filmed in  April. I get brooks choice. At it's base, treatment for HIV. Is techniacally chemotherapy. I have been on meds most of the time since 1997. I have spent countless  days puking into my toilet. I gained 30 pounds at the start. I was taking 42 pills a day for years. We won't talk about what the meds can do to your bowels. In 2002 I had mini strokes and developed Cardiomyopathy  and had congestive Heart failure.  now we know it's very likely  that, the meds that keep me alive, did major  damage to my heart.  Luckily todays meds are better. At one point, I just couldn't do it anymore. I knew the possible consequences and against medical advice. I stopped HAART(taking my meds)   I spent 8 or 9 months just doing things I thought would make me healthier. I probably would have gone for resveratrol had it been an option.

  Bottom line. It was my choice. Sometimes the treatment is just not worth it. Sometimes quality of life is better than quantity. Many many people have questioned my medical choices, and everyone is an expert.  Brooks has the right to make his own choices. None of them have a clue what he is going through. If Brooks wants to stop all treatment and die, that is his right. You can be damned sure that I would be OK with making that decision myself if I felt my treatment wasn't working or was worth the cost.

  Is Brooks lying? Maybe. But how many people watching this crapfast may now look at the next person and question their status? There are some Idiots out there.

 And if Brook IS lying I will be furious at him. But frankly, I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt to one person who is lying about cancer  then open the door to question people who are legitimately sick.  I am just not going to go there if there is even a slim chance that Brooks is sick. 

STANDING OVATION!!! No amount of side eye or doubt is worth opening that door! Only CONCRETE PROOF should extract the vitrol and repulsive behavior being exhibited by many over this situation. I'm so disgusted on so many levels.

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Concerning the nine or ten miles Ryan had to drive to OC, was he exaggerating or does it really take that long? I know it takes about eight hours to travel the length of Florida south to Miami, but I seem to recall this came up before and it was a lot less time.

it can take every bit of nine hours with traffic, fuel stops and if he ever decides to feed the children.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Most houses in either Crystal Cove or Newport Coast will have some view of the water, but I don't know why they haven't shown any views from Shannon's house; it's no skin off my nose.  My point was that Shannon's house isn't a beach house and maybe her furniture may be old fashioned, but I don't think beach house furniture would go with Shannon's house either.

Last season, this very topic came up. When it seemed as if Heather was competing with Shannon, last year, motivated by having one less bathroom than the Beadors and not enough room in her house for unplanned baby Coco. ( can you hear my eyes rolling?! ) There was some discussion (in talking heads, can't remember specifically...) that while Shannon has the bigger home, it was not at the top of the hill in the neighborhood. I remember Heather saying they wanted to be up even higher, or something like that. While Shannon had more bathrooms her views weren't as generous...

I'm not sure if Shannon and David are changing neighborhoods, were looking for a better view, were down/up sizing, were thinking of selling because of their marriage troubles? Who knows.

My almost 23 year old son is dating a girl that went to his college who's family home is in Shannon's childhood neighborhood. He was there this spring. Not many details except, he's an Engineer, and not very talkative, so...but he said it was "unbelievable" house, trip, family, etc. I've met his girlfriend, she's really pretty, sweet and very nice actually. Her father owns a business. They have family in Shannon's current neighborhood and most of their family resides in Rancho Sante Fe. They did go to Del Mar. They played golf at her parents country club, but I'm not sure which one. I wish I had more details. Most of what I know was from their FB pictures! If it was one of my daughters, I would have name, rank, serial #, blood type, addresses, specific names of all stops, ha, ha. My brother had an engineering job for 12 years, worked at a large company and lived in La Jolla, San Diego, but moved out of the area 15 years ago. I always loved San Diego and areas of the OC better than Beverly Hills. We are East Coasters though, so I would take Newport, RI over Newport, CA any day. But, that's just me, it's that old world feel I like. She's a nice girlfriend, but they are just getting out of college, so time will tell. Of course, he uses "unbelievable" to describe a good ice cream, so who knows!!

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Concerning the nine or ten miles Ryan had to drive to OC, was he exaggerating or does it really take that long? I know it takes about eight hours to travel the length of Florida south to Miami, but I seem to recall this came up before and it was a lot less time.

Yes, definitely with traffic and pit stops. Also, CA is huge. From LA to SF, it's a 7 hour drive. It's an additional 2 hours to SD (south) and several more hours north of SF to the border.

Edited to add: Rereading the original ET Online story it looks like Enstarz could have mixed up what Brooks said! He seemed to be quoting what happened to his "doctor, "NOT himself?!? Confusion as usual!!! So it's his doctor whose numbers normalised and lesion & inflammations were gone.


Ayers News: Has 'RHOC' Star Been Cured of Cancer? He Offers Exciting Health Update [VIDEO]

By Lindsay Cronin on Sep 22, 2015 02:59 PM EDT

Brooks Ayers spoke out about his cancer during a new interview earlier this week.

Amid allegations of having faked his diagnosis, the Real Housewives of Orange County star, and former boyfriend of Vicki Gunvalson, offered a positive update about his health, claiming that since he began taking supplements and doing IV therapy, his "numbers were normalized."

"My lesion, my inflammations were gone. Gone!" Ayers told Entertainment Tonight on Monday. "So I'm encouraged."

"I have cancer," Ayers explained to the entertainment news program.

And as for why there have been so many questions raised by his co-stars about his stage 3 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis and treatment, the reality star claimed it's all in the name of drama and ratings.

"I think they do it to create drama -- manufactured drama and that's sad to me," Ayers revealed. "I've distanced myself in a lot of ways from it. It's useless drama that brings on stress that quite frankly no one needs and in particular my situation. I'm not running from anything."

Also during his interview with Entertainment Tonight, Ayers revealed he would soon travel back to California from Florida, where he will undergo another round of treatments.

For more Brooks Ayers, tune into The Real Housewives of Orange County season 10 on Monday nights at 9 p.m. on Bravo, and check out more of his latest interview below.

Edited by talula

First time ever, but I'm with Terry. I didn't like the tree either. Maybe because it was so literal? When she described it I was picturing something more abstract.


I didn't like the sketch, either, but what I didn't understand was where Heather wants to put it.  She asked Terry about "the steel window in the dining room" (or something), but I cannot for the life of me figure out what a "steel window" is.  Isn't a window usually made of glass, with the purpose of looking through?  How can something made of steel be a window?  Sounded stupid to me, of course, I could have  mis-heard the words.


I assumed the meaning of the sketch was to be some sort of family tree, or something, but I still didn't get it.

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My only take-away from this episode was the fact that Shannon was cooking the family dinner in the catering kitchen. AHA! Gotcha Shannon! She obviously built two kitchens in her house so she could have one for show and one for actual, you know, cooking of potatoes and chili and other stuff.  The real question this raises is does Heather's Ramada Inn have two kitchens right next to each other too?


And another question. Why has no one asked Shannon why her house is for sale, and what their plans are? Maybe she is trying to move out of the OC now since she can't go to any of the restaurants anymore due to the affair.  

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