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S06.E01: A Secret Marriage and Sister Wives Unseen

Galloway Cave
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This adoption story is a big, steaming pile of crap. All of this happen a year ago. I live in Vegas and this is a strong Mormon community. Those kids are Jessops. The Jessop wagon will circle around the kids. They are part of their dad's circle of heaven. I'm not Mormon, but I have friends that are. This is rambling, the point I'm trying to make is the Mormon faith is all about family and the after life. The Jessops will not give these kids up because it makes good television. And the browns are famous polygamist. That is strongly against the Mormon faith. Kody can stomp his feet all he wants, but this adoption is an extreme long shot at best.

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I remember reading about that case, and thinking how messed up it was that the murdered mother's family had no claim to the child. Seemed really unfair.

In the Brown's situation, if Kody adopts Robyn's kids and she dies, who actually would do the heavy lifting of caring for them? Which house would they live in, and who would be in charge while Kody goes to the other sister wives' homes for their time? Meri might be a likely candidate, but would she be willing?

It was a story on dateline, and it's been on investigation discovery.

I don't think meri would be willing at this point... She wanted more kids but I think with Mariah going to college I doubt she would want to start over at this point. Janelle doesn't generally ever seem like she wants to deal with anyone else's kids so I would guess Christine.

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He doesn't take full financial or emotional responsibility for his own biological children.

I think this is what annoys me the most. For all of this plan, act whatever he's claiming to get custody of Robyn's

kids. He has fourteen he couldn't careless about. I'm sure they know its just another lie their dad is telling to once

again get what he wants like he always does and like he always gets. But its too bad he can't be bother to generate

any interest in his own kids.

Edited by andromeda331
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I think this is what annoys me the most. For all of this plan, act whatever he's claiming to get custody of Robyn's

kids. He has fourteen he couldn't careless about. I'm sure they know its just another lie their dad is telling to once

again get what he wants like he always does and like he always gets. But its too bad he can't be bother to generate

any interest in his own kids.

This is all about sticking it Robyn's ex.  That's it.  The kids' welfare is way low on the priority list.

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I bet if Robyn's ex was paying child support (that's if he is even supposed to) there would be no issue with the adoption and they would happily allow him to continue paying. I am completely speculating because I have no experience with ex husbands or child support, but I have a feeling that Robyn's ex no longer has to pay child support because she makes substantially more than him (not that it's a lot, but my understanding is that Jessop to some degree lives off the grid so I can't imagine that he has a substantial amount of money), so now she's sticking it to him by losing contact with him and having Kody adopt the kids.

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If Kody dies first, Robyn will get his benefits. If Meri doesn't remarry, she and Robyn will get Kody's social security benefits. Janelle has worked so she should be getting something. What about Christine? She hasn't worked outside of the home. The "trio team" of Kody, Robyn, and Meri will be ok. Their team kinda goes against the wonderful plural family.

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One thing I started to see in the long term care business (nursing homes) was the emergence of "kept" women. They weren't married to a qualified worker long enough, nor were they ever employed long enough, to qualify for Social Security benefits. They have nothing, and when the men who have been supporting them are gone, they have nothing.

The nursing homes don't want them either.

Additionally, I saw what happened to a much younger woman whose boyfriend died. Hardly had Rigor Mortis set in, and his parents and siblings showed up at the house they shared and cleaned it out, taking EVERYTHING of value, his truck, the TV, the couch, etc. She was beside herself with grief to begin with, so when the vultures showed up she wasn't on top of things enough to stop them or call the cops or anything.

Legal marriage matters, and Kristine may find herself out on the street.

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If Kody dies first, Robyn will get his benefits. If Meri doesn't remarry, she and Robyn will get Kody's social security benefits. Janelle has worked so she should be getting something. What about Christine? She hasn't worked outside of the home. The "trio team" of Kody, Robyn, and Meri will be ok. Their team kinda goes against the wonderful plural family.

Christine will have nothing and will end up the dependent of one of her own children --- much like how her mother now resides with her.

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I would love it if instead of just ignoring the Browns, David Jessop would come back at them with guns blazing. I wish he would stand up in court and say that due to their public remarks, the Browns are unhealthy for his children. I wish that he would sue them for physical custody.


All he needs to do is sit the judge down and have him watch Sister Wives from the beginning. If the judge survives the torture, he'll probably take all the kids, even the ones not related to Jessop, away from Kody and give them to David Jessop just to save them from the idiocy.

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If Jessop WANTS to terminate parental rights, of course, he can do that, and should be able to do so without the entire country watching it happen on television. 


Actually, I am not so sure it would be that easy for Jessop to just sign away his parental rights, especially in a situation like this.  The courts are loathe to terminate parental rights - you have to have really seriously screwed up big time to have your rights terminated against your will.   And even if one agrees (assuming they could even GET Jessop to agree, which I think is unlikely) the court still has to approve it.  


I can't imagine any court would look at this clusterfuck and think it was in the best interests of Robyn's children to sever ties with their (supposedly neglectful, but non-abusive) blood father so they could become children # ?  15, 16, 17, 18? in this teetering-on-the-brink-of-financial-ruin family, so they can be parented by a man with four wives whose only means of supporting his brood is appearing on a mediocrely rated reality show.   And throw in the fact that the primary plot of the show is the discord in the family and the difficulties they experience in every facet of their lives due to the fact that they are a pack of plygs ....  


It's not happening, and it is an insult to the intelligence of the viewers to foist this off as a big theme for the season.


On that note, I don't believe for a minute that Meri really came up with this divorce/adoption thing either.  She has to know the adoptions are not even in the realm of possibility.  She is dumb, but not that dumb.  I think this is some nonsense Kody and Robyn cooked up to use on the show/secure their relationship,  and somehow Meri has been bought off in order to get her to agree.  I am guessing that somehow she has worked out a deal concerning her house that benefits her greatly, and that is why she agreed to divorce and play this farce out on TV. 

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On that note, I don't believe for a minute that Meri really came up with this divorce/adoption thing either.

My theory is that Meri went to this extreme for exactly the same reason she helped orchestrate the Robyn/Kody hookup: it is ingrained in her from being raised in polygamy that the way to get the attention you crave from your man is to make yourself the most specialist bestest wife of all, and the bigger a martyr you can make yourself, the greater the chance your husband will look at you with big googly lover eyes. I don't think she hooked up with Robyn to stick it to Janelle and Christine, I just think they were inconsequential collateral damage. With Mariah gone and no more Kody babies in Meri's future, she looked around at where Kody's interest lay, and instinct kicked in: Kody really loves Robyn and he wants to claim her kids as HIS; if I pull off this huge sacrifice, he'll remember that I'm the very best wife of all. *cue melodramatic music


The trouble is, of course, that Kody takes everything as his due. Every emotional arrow they take on behalf of "this lifestyle" is just a ho-hum day-in-the-life for Kody. They think if they hold out their bleeding hearts in their hands they win brownie points with him, but their pain really means no more to him than if they described a stubbed toe.

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Every single person involved with this show knows the adoption is just a plot device 


Except for Robyn's younger girls.  :(    They are going to be crushed (I can only imagine, as many of you already have, the gaslighting that is going on behind the cameras).  But the adult Browns\TLC don't really care that this will hurt them.

Edited by Xena
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The trouble is, of course, that Kody takes everything as his due.


Of course he does.  After all he is the King and Spiritual Leader and is solely responsible for that golden afterlife on the Kodoofus Planet for eternity.  Excellent reason for a full life on earth of being treated like sexual slaves.


What passes for religion these days.....

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(I can only imagine, as many of you already have, the gaslighting that is going on behind the cameras

So can I. I remember in one of the early episodes one of the girls saying his name when he came into

the house and Robyn was very quick to correct her "Dad". I really hope those girls can find a good

therapist when they get older. That goes for nearly everyone in the Brown family.

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Omg I hadn't even considered that as an option... But I can totally see that happening and them proclaiming that they weren't raised together as siblings their whole life and the heart wants what it wants blah, blah, blah. Of course it would be another example of rewriting history as they want because if you asked today they would say 100% they are just like full siblings. The only saving grace is that the boys in an age range to "date" (I feel weird even speculating that) Robyn's oldest is janelles and I don't think she'd allow that in 100 years... Oh wait except Paedon is Christine's (right? I'm assuming because of the name).

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Tamron Hall used to be a morning news anchor here in Chicago and I couldn't stand her then (or now). This whole business was cooked up because Robyn wanted to be numero uno and she is letting her kids bear the brunt of it. Taking away their father's name and presence is a big deal and I really hope the kids are on board with this. Sadly, I have seen other women try to get back at their ex-s by pulling crap with their kids. 


I have a soft spot for Meri and I hope she wises up and finds a life away from Robyn and Kody. I believe both she and Janelle could support themselves outside of the home, Christine probably couldn't. And I still need to see proof before I believe Janelle is working full time or bringing in a substantial amount of money. She seems very low energy to me and I keep hearing she is the only bread winner in the family, but I don't see anything on the show to support that. My dream would be for Robyn and Kody to return from their Hawaii honeymoon and find the other wives have moved on. 

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I was kind of excited the show finally came back, almost completely for the snark here! I wish I was as witty as some of you with your hilarious remarks on Kody and company. 


During that Tell All "Raw" thing, I just could not handle Sobbin' Robyn with her comments on how incomprehensible it is for anyone else to possibly fathom the special sister wife bond she is such an alleged expert on. Yet in another one of those tell-all sessions (can't figure it if it was earlier or later), I swear you can hear crickets chirping when Tamron asks her if she spends quality time with her sister wives. Oh, and speaking of Robyn in the Tell-All, I had a great laugh when Tamron called My Sister-Wife's Closet her "brain-child".  I also found it hilarious when one of the kids said how awesome it is that their dad has time for them even though he "works".


It goes without saying these people are beyond ridiculous for thinking they should do this wife swap before determining that Jessop will relinquish parental rights. Either they are ignorant or delusional. I agree it is not right to pull the kids into these TV shenanigans. I feel for Meri. I just don't think she is happy, but I don't think she will admit it. I think Janelle seems the most content, and Christine is in her own world these days. Robyn is stealthy. 

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I'm not sure if she's stealthy or not. She definitely had a plan and made it happen. She's gotten everything she

wants. I still can't figure out how that happened. She lies all of the time about everything and its never once

blown up in her face. I realize the other wives aren't that smart but everything she did was middle school

level smarts. How can the rest of the wives stay? Kody and Robyn just proved the "spiritual" marriage

means nothing. How can they not be angry? Do they not care? 

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The whole thing was boring.  If Robin and Kody went to Hawaii, no matter who paid, I feel that is totally inappropriate.  How could she save that much money?  It would make it seem like they are celebrating their "legal" marriage.  I am not a big fan of Meri, but in this case, she is the one who should be going to Hawaii with Kody for making the sacrifice.  

Edited by LucyEth
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How about taking some of that Hawaiian honeymoon money and taking the kids on a decent vacation.  Only the adults get to gallivant to exotic places.  The kids are crammed into motor homes and forced to visit other screwed up polygamist families. 


Not that Janelle gets much - didn't she get to go camping or some stupid thing?

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Janelle seems to be one of those individuals. But, for example, you could go camping in Hawaii.

Their financial situation is different now vs. then, obviously. But I'm betting they didn't stray far from wherever they were living at the time, whether because they couldn't afford it or Meri wouldn't let them get too far away.

BTW, the notion that the new legal Mrs. was actually hoarding money for a tropical vacation for two rather than tending to the financial responsibilities of her family (either her own household or the larger ship of fools she claims to love so much) - hell, even saving for the inevitable rainy-day tsunami - really burns me up.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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They're just not very religious. At all. During the "Tell Nothing," one of them (Robyn?) said she'd be into polygamy regardless, and Tamron Hall had to *remind* her that it was supposed to be because of their faith. During the convo, neither Kody nor the wives seemed to be able to explain this supposed faith and they didn't seem to have much interest in or knowledge of it. At least *pretend* to be into it!

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I was kind of excited the show finally came back, almost completely for the snark here! I wish I was as witty as some of you with your hilarious remarks on Kody and company. 


During that Tell All "Raw" thing, I just could not handle Sobbin' Robyn with her comments on how incomprehensible it is for anyone else to possibly fathom the special sister wife bond she is such an alleged expert on. Yet in another one of those tell-all sessions (can't figure it if it was earlier or later), I swear you can hear crickets chirping when Tamron asks her if she spends quality time with her sister wives. Oh, and speaking of Robyn in the Tell-All, I had a great laugh when Tamron called My Sister-Wife's Closet her "brain-child".  I also found it hilarious when one of the kids said how awesome it is that their dad has time for them even though he "works".


It goes without saying these people are beyond ridiculous for thinking they should do this wife swap before determining that Jessop will relinquish parental rights. Either they are ignorant or delusional. I agree it is not right to pull the kids into these TV shenanigans. I feel for Meri. I just don't think she is happy, but I don't think she will admit it. I think Janelle seems the most content, and Christine is in her own world these days. Robyn is stealthy. 

A couple of days ago I watched the tell-nothing from the end of last season, finally. After they watched part of the...bum-bum-BUUUUM!!--divorce episode, Sobbyn launched into her bullshit about how Meri's sacrifice was the kind of thing that someone in a monogamous relationship can't possibly understand. I've been watching these asshats from the start, and still I thought the top of my head would blow off.


Robyn: Women in monogamous relationships DON'T HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THAT SORT OF SACRIFICE because they don't have to share their husband with three other women in the first place!!


LOL...it's so utterly, laughably ludicrous. No, I will never experience watching the wife of the man I sleep with (and make babies with and call my "husband") signing divorce papers as a sacrifice for me. That's because I am ALREADY THE WIFE. My husband and his first wife had a divorce that was none of my business, and it didn't happen because his first wife wanted to show how much she loved him and how willing she was to lay down and let the emotional bus run her over. We monogamous wives simply don't put up with that sort of emotional bullshit. But that's something you polygamous women will never be able to fully understand.

Edited by SometimesBites
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A couple of days ago I watched the tell-nothing from the end of last season, finally. After they watched part of the...bum-bum-BUUUUM!!--divorce episode, Sobbyn launched into her bullshit about how Meri's sacrifice was the kind of thing that someone in a monogamous relationship can't possibly understand. I've been watching these asshats from the start, and still I thought the top of my head would blow off.


Robyn: Women in monogamous relationships DON'T HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THAT SORT OF SACRIFICE because they don't have to share their husband with three other women in the first place!!


LOL...it's so utterly, laughably ludicrous. No, I will never experience watching the wife of the man I sleep with (and make babies with and call my "husband") signing divorce papers as a sacrifice for me. That's because I am ALREADY THE WIFE. My husband and his first wife had a divorce that was none of my business, and it didn't happen because his first wife wanted to show how much she loved him and how willing she was to lay down and let the emotional bus run her over. We monogamous wives simply don't put up with that sort of emotional bullshit. But that's something you polygamous women will never be able to fully understand.

Hear, hear!!  You nailed it with this comment, but -- indubitably -- if they were to read it, those brainwashed "sister wives" would never let themselves understand what you mean...  

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If the other wives had any brains, I decided, they would have gone on strike the day Kody told Robyn "you're so beautiful you don't need to cook!"

No woman in her right mind would fix him a sandwich after that. He can cook his own meals.

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The hospital lien is hysterical because of all the debt out in the world, hospital debt is usually the easiest to manage. $25/month usually keeps the hospital happy. As long as you discuss the debt with them, they're usually very receptive to receive whatever they can. Robyn couldn't even manage that?

Again, I'm very interested to see what happens with these four half-million dollar houses in the next few months.


I'm not excusing Robyn for not paying a hospital bill, but I just want to remind people that self-payers are charged significantly higher rates than the insured.  Insurance companies negotiate rates.  Unless a self-payer gets an advocate to negotiate for them, they can easily pay twice what an insurance company pays, or even higher.  It's a racket, and I've often attempted to educate my self-pay patients, and encourage them to find non-profit advocacy.  Although I've worked in hospitals my entire adult life, I find it unethical to charge higher rates to the most disadvantaged patients, and find myself less than sympathetic when they're not paid.

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I have known hospitals which will turn you over to a collection agency within 30 days if you haven't paid them.

Most of the people who don't have insurance simply haven't bothered to buy it. This would come up over and over, patient had insurance available through his employer but didn't bother to sign up.

Under Obamacare, though, if you don't have insurance the IRS will fine you, and if you don't pay the fine you are guilty of tax evasion and can be sent to prison, (because the SCOTUS has declared health insurance to be a tax) so if you don't have insurance you are a criminal.

Charging criminals more than people who abide by the law doesn't bother me a bit. There's nothing unethical about it. They are criminals. You can stop feeling sorry for them now.

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This chick couldn't or wouldn't be bothered to pay her financial obligations to medical providers in a timely manner (however they defined "timely"), yet she claims she made her real priority happen: that Hawaiian honeymoon. Even if timing was such that trip funds were pooled after bill was paid, it speaks volumes to me about her selfishness and short-sightedness.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I really don't want to get too far afield here, but one of the exemptions that will get someone out of paying that tax penalty is if you may be facing foreclosure or may be filing for bankruptcy.

That's got Kody's kind of loophole written all over it, especially as the mortgages are going to come due on the Maisons du Fool De Sac.

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I may be wrong (for the first time EVER . . . LOL), but I think the hospital bill was incurred before Obamacare went into effect.


Regardless . . . these yahoos are paid a LOT of money (compared to what the rest of us make) to allow themselves to be filmed.  So we know that they have money.  They just have no clue about responsibility.  When she was broke, Robyn ran up a bill with Victoria's Secret of over $1,000.  The other three "wives" and Kody have all run up a lot of bills, and then walked away via bankruptcy.  They have been on welfare.


So when they get a few dollars, they plop down some of the money they DO have on interest-only mortgages and move into big houses.  They bought furniture.


But they did NOT pay a legitimate hospital bill for one of these kids that Kody loves so much that he wants to adopt them.  They are used to ignoring their bills.  The difference is, this time they have property where a lien can be placed.  Welcome to reality, folks.  REAL reality . . . not the "reality" of your TV show.

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I really don't want to get too far afield here, but one of the exemptions that will get someone out of paying that tax penalty is if you may be facing foreclosure or may be filing for bankruptcy.

That's got Kody's kind of loophole written all over it, especially as the mortgages are going to come due on the Maisons du Fool De Sac.

It will be interesting to find out if the kids go to college on student loans. Bet you anything Kody doesn't want them taking out loans they can't discharge in bankruptcy court.

Another thing, about the Browns hiring a lawyer to get Jessop to give up his parental rights.

Has anybody told them lawyers like to be paid?

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I have known hospitals which will turn you over to a collection agency within 30 days if you haven't paid them.

Most of the people who don't have insurance simply haven't bothered to buy it. This would come up over and over, patient had insurance available through his employer but didn't bother to sign up.

This is a complete fallacy. I've been in healthcare for twenty years. The majority of uninsured (prior to Obamacare) didn't simply "not bother" to sign up. A large percentage of that population worked for employers who deliberately limited workers' hours to prevent insurance coverage, were young adults who aged out of their parents' coverage, were unable to find coverage due to pre-existing conditions, were unemployed, or were full time students.

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It will be interesting to find out if the kids go to college on student loans. Bet you anything Kody doesn't want them taking out loans they can't discharge in bankruptcy court.

Another thing, about the Browns hiring a lawyer to get Jessop to give up his parental rights.

Has anybody told them lawyers like to be paid?

He probably doesn't care about his children's debt as long as he isn't on the hook for any payments.  My kids had great scholarships and worked throughout their college years and still couldn't make it without taking out student loans.  (Fortunately theirs were relatively small and they had them paid off within three years after they graduated.)    We had two kids in college at the same time and couldn't afford to help them out much, so I can't imagine that the Brown's can help out much with several kids at university at the same time.

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He probably doesn't care about his children's debt as long as he isn't on the hook for any payments.

I agree. As long as he gets money to do what he wants, he can go on his trips, I don't think

Kody cares where his kids get money for college or anything. As long as he gets

his "due".

Edited by andromeda331
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Charging criminals more than people who abide by the law doesn't bother me a bit. There's nothing unethical about it. They are criminals. You can stop feeling sorry for them now.


We're talking about what occurred prior to Obamacare.  The uninsured were not "criminals".  Charging different rates for the same service is unethical.  I will continue to have empathy and compassion as I choose, but thanks.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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OK folks, we've strayed off the point a bit. Let's not have a political discussion about Obamacare, and let's please not call those without insurance 'criminals' or characterize them all as lazy. It's unnecessary and inaccurate. Further posts in this vein will be removed.

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Janelle has a facebook page for the realtor group she is working with. It's https://www.facebook.com/Team-Brown-Vegas-496733087051263/timeline/

An example of a post: Looking for a home to purchase? Real Estate Services with Reality show Sister Wives Janelle Brown 702-354-1888


This is an odd fb page. Granted, I didn't spend too much time looking, but what do the letters TMI stand for? Why did they capitalize the word "Reality" in that sentence? Do you think Janelle knew about and okayed that particular bit of lackluster promotion? One positive: at least there is a trace of evidence that one adult member of this herd is making some attempt to have a marketable-ish skill for when the camera crew packs up for good. (Not that the real estate market in Vegas is anything to hang your hat on...)

Edited by SometimesBites
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I'm sure that there is an ambulance-chaser lawyer type out there that will take this on for the publicity and the chance for 15 minutes of fame on TV. 

You better believe it.  Since I live in Vegas I know of what I speak.  Sleazy fame whore lawyers are a dime a dozen here.  So they should be right up the Brown's alley.  Birds of a feather and all that.   


Just as an aside, these lawyers have many, many appalling bad commercials that run about 50 times an hour.

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I didn't catch it the first time last week (and not catching much of it now to be honest) but I am AGHAST at this whole episode.  1.  The strain on Robyn's face to MAKE herself cry when Meri states she's going for the divorce.  2.  They didn't discuss it with Christine or Janelle?  So much for the one big happy family myth. 3.  The kids haven't seen their bio dad too much for the past couple of years?  Would those be the same years that you MOVED away and "married" another man in another state?  4.  Robyn WANTS another kid but her workload is simply too much, there's no possible way, and she WANTS Janelle involved in the play-jewelry business and is so hurt that Janelle hasn't had her share of the Kool-Aid?  Cue the tears.  5.  Meri doesn't want to attend the "wedding," (because, duh) but Robyn WANTS it....and so shall it be!!!   6.  Either we're being played for fools and once/if those kids are adopted Kody divorces Robyn and remarries Meri or MERI IS THE BIGGEST, MINDWASHED SAD SACK ON THE PLANET.  

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