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S10.E14: A Storm Is Coming

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I just find beating "her" up unacceptable. I think the tape was clear enough to draw the conclusion he was advocating violence against a woman, drunk or not. I'm no fan of Brianna but Brooks skeeves me out big time.


Can you imagine Ryan Culberson's answers to Brooks, if he didn't know that he was recording Brooks? I highly doubt that Ryan would have been as vocal about standing up for the abuse of women, had his tape recorder not been on to catch Brooks in a lie. I'm sorry but Ryan is scary as hell! Briana you're just like your mother- you both pick shitty men.

  • Love 9

I have to disagree with the assertion that being drunk exposes peoples' true thoughts. Sure, it does some of the time with some people. But part of the reason I quit drinking was because I became that crying girl in the bar bathroom. And I cried over shit I didn't care about at all. OH GOD I WAS CLEANING TODAY AND I RAN OUT OF WINDEX WAAHHHHH. For real. I did not actually have a deep rooted fear of living in filth, or anything. I was just a drunk idiot. It was not that deep.

I think Brooks is also a drunk idiot. The people you have to worry about, IMO, are the Russell Armstrongs of the world who stay silent and go home to beat their wives.

  • Love 10

My son goes to the University of Oklahoma in Norman (Boomer Sooner!) which is right by OKC. They had one tornado warning in May where he texted me that the campus had to take shelter. That was kind of freaky when he texted me that he was. So, I'm not sure how often Brianna is hanging out in her shelter.

I've been to Mickey Mantle's Steakhouse. Great restaurant!

ETA, I wonder if they live in Moore. Moore does not have good luck with twisters

Edited by Cranky One
  • Love 4

Ummm...ok, native Texan here so maybe a little jaded regarding tornado safety, but I have no idea what Brianna was talking about. They were gonna sit in their shelter for the entire time there was a tornado warning? Or else, go out to eat downtown? What?!? We will either be excessively safe or just go out and say, eff it?

Alabamian here. Yeah. This makes 0 sense. Tornado warnings aren't for 6 hours. That's a watch. Warnings come when one is actually spotted and tracking. You'd think she'd know that after a year.

  • Love 18

Vicki said Brooks was not going to be in the home when Briana was going to visit...that should have ended the discussion. Briana has said her piece repeatedly about Brooks and her mom likely made a decision to have Brooks stay elsewhere during the visit to keep everyone calm. I think Briana should have just said 'okay' and let it go.


I do think that the car gift was a little odd, but I think the car was a misguided attempt to cheer Briana up. Based on what she said on WWHL, Briana really hates OK and is lonely there.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 14

Oh my, looking at that tornado shelter made me so claustrophobic!  I can't even imagine getting in one to ride out a storm!

It looks like they have a fair amount of land, seems like they (the builder, I'm assuming Brianna didn't have the house built) could have built a bigger shelter somewhere besides in the garage.

Three cheers for Eddie!! Calmly calling Tamra on her bs about giving money to her son without discussing it with him, and saying what we're all thinking about them not being able to make rent.

  • Love 16

How considerate was it to put all the "Shut up, Meghan!" stuff first and get it out of the way before the first commercial break?

Way to stick your foot in your mouth in front of your "runner up" 'pasture', Tamra! Her dry crying about her family never being religious reminded me of something... Wasn't there a scene with her mother and her sitting on the back porch and engaged in deep thinking as they looked at the church's cross visible in the distance?

Why does Briana's house had a spiderhole for a tornado shelter? Why not a more roomy basement?

Just as we predicted, Eddie was not happy about Tamra bailing Ryan out. Yeah, right, he's going to pay you back. I see big trohble in that marriage.

  • Love 12

Illinois here and live in tornado alley. There's a difference between a watch and a warning. Either way it's a no brainer, shelter or steak house with Vicki. Choose steak house.

I don't get the problem with Brianna and Brooks, he's not going to be present at the house when she stays there. That doesn't make him or her 'look bad'.

There much be more to Brianna's problems with Brooks than there're telling us.

I'd be pissed at Tamra too if I was Eddie. They will never get that money back. Loan my ass! Does Ryan even have a job?

I thought the dinner the Beador kids were having for their parents was both cute and sad. Kids shouldn't have to worry about their parents relationship and try to make it better. Shame on Shannon and David for dumping their marriage problems on those girls. .

  • Love 24

Ryan can start paying Tamra back out of the Bravo paycheck he and the family will be getting for appearing on the show.   Remember him posting online how fake the whole show is and how it's all scripted when he moved away.....didn't take him long to come home to that money.

After seeing Vicki and Brianna and Tamra together in NY, all lovey dovey--with Brianna's kids with them, I have to assume they were all aware of Brooks not being with Vicki any more at that point.

Nice car, Brianna.

  • Love 7

That would be best for her but then we would never again be able to view her house and her gorgeous backyard.  I love her house!!!! 

I know, I love her backyard. But she is seriously lonely there. Briana withholds herself and her kids to get Vicky to conform to what she wants. As much as I am looking forward to grandchildren, I don't think I would bend to that kind of manipulation. Ultimately, it is Briana who is living in OK away from everyone and everything she knows and her charisma doesn't seem to be working to attract friends after a year there. I thought her husband was in the military? 


I thought it was weird that her husband wasn't included in looking at the new cars. I think my husband would want to be consulted on accepting a gift like that.

Edited by Lucelu
  • Love 10

Vicki said Brooks was not going to be in the home when Briana was going to visit...that should have ended the discussion. Briana has said her piece repeatedly about Brooks and her mom likely made a decision to have Brooks stay elsewhere during the visit to keep everyone calm. I think Briana should have just said 'okay' and let it go.

The conversation was pretty choppy, but Vicki said that Brooks was going to be "traveling" when Brianna et al. were visiting, which led to talk of Brooks' cancer, with Brianna questioning how someone with stage three cancer and undergoing chemo could travel. That's why Vicki went crazy and tried to shut down filming (when has Vicki the Drama Queen ever done that?) - not because of the ongoing Brianna/Brooks feud, but because the discussion was getting too close to the Brooks cancer scam.

  • Love 21

Illinois here and live in tornado alley. There's a difference between a watch and a warning. Either way it's a no brainer, shelter or steak house with Vicki. Choose steak house.

I don't get the problem with Brianna and Brooks, he's not going to be present at the house when she stays there. That doesn't make him or her 'look bad'.

There much be more to Brianna's problems with Brooks than there're telling us.

I'd be pissed at Tamra too if I was Eddie. They will never get that money back. Loan my ass! Does Ryan even have a job?

I thought the dinner the Beador kids were having for their parents was both cute and sad. Kids shouldn't have to worry about their parents relationship and try to make it better. Shame on Shannon and David for dumping their marriage problems on those girls. .

I agree that there is something we do not know about Briana and Brooks relationship. That said, Briana and Ryan were made to look like controlling a$$holes last season for not wanting Brooks at Vicki's house when they lived there even though that was Vicki's suggestion/decision, not theirs and IMO, Briana fears the same backlash once again. I think she just wanted it on record that they were willing to stay at a hotel so that Brooks could stay in Vicki's house and they were not demanding he leave so they could stay there and I don't think Vicki liked that Briana wanted that to be known.

  • Love 21

The conversation was pretty choppy, but Vicki said that Brooks was going to be "traveling" when Brianna et al. were visiting, which led to talk of Brooks' cancer, with Brianna questioning how someone with stage three cancer and undergoing chemo could travel. That's why Vicki went crazy and tried to shut down filming (when has Vicki the Drama Queen ever done that?) - not because of the ongoing Brianna/Brooks feud, but because the discussion was getting too close to the Brooks cancer scam.

... which comes up again next week, if the teasers are correct.
  • Love 3

How considerate was it to put all the "Shut up, Meghan!" stuff first and get it out of the way before the first commercial break?

Way to stick your foot in your mouth in front of your "runner up" 'pasture', Tamra! Her dry crying about her family never being religious reminded me of something... Wasn't there a scene with her mother and her sitting on the back porch and engaged in deep thinking as they looked at the church's cross visible in the distance?

Why does Briana's house had a spiderhole for a tornado shelter? Why not a more roomy basement?

Just as we predicted, Eddie was not happy about Tamra bailing Ryan out. Yeah, right, he's going to pay you back. I see big trohble in that marriage.

There don't have basements in Oklahoma (or in Texas). In my 20 plus years there I never even knew anyone who had a Tornado Shelter, but understand they have become more common. We always just got in the bathtub or a closet when the sirens sounded. Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4

With family in Jonesboro, Arkansas, I witnessed tornadoes every visit.  I never got used to it.  Being from the Midwest, I've experienced a lifetime of warnings, but never to the extent of when I moved to Atlanta eight years ago.  The siren went of every Sunday afternoon for months.  My dog still freaks out when she hears it.


Why does Briana's house had a spiderhole for a tornado shelter? Why not a more roomy basement?


Since they have a storm shelter, they probably don't have a basement.  Or if they do have one, it may not be completely underground.  My family's in AR was an underground concrete shelter, and it was always filled with spiders and other creatures.

  • Love 4

Vicki made it all about her as usual.

I'm on my phone so can't multi quote:

Trimthefat, the house they live in on OK, would be way more.expensive in OC. My $250K TX house would be at least $800k ormore in OC. I used to live there and have family that still does, and my bigger house cost way less than theirs!

Ubiquitous, don't have basements in the southern part of the U.S. I've lived in CA, AZ, currently TX, and will be moving to MS. I wish we had basements. I think OK is like TX, too much limestone

  • Love 8

I know, I love her backyard. But she is seriously lonely there. Briana withholds herself and her kids to get Vicky to conform to what she wants. As much as I am looking forward to grandchildren, I don't think I would bend to that kind of manipulation. Ultimately, it is Briana who is living in OK away from everyone and everything she knows and her charisma doesn't seem to be working to attract friends after a year there. I thought her husband was in the military? 


I thought it was weird that her husband wasn't included in looking at the new cars. I think my husband would want to be consulted on accepting a gift like that.

Ryan IS in the Marines and he is stationed in OK. How is she, Briana, withholding anything from Vicki? Briana/Ryan are living where the Marines sent him, it is not like they get to pick and chose where he is stationed. IMO, it is Vicki that is trying to bribe/control/guilt Briana, not the other way around.

  • Love 24

So, what level of hell are OC hotels located on?

Vicki's reaction was akin to Brianna telling her they were going to stay in a sewer when they visit.

My mother would be furious if I told her I'd stay in a hotel rather than in her home. In my culture, that would be extremely offensive. I think Vicki enjoys when her children and grandchildren are staying with her.


I still think Briana should let the situation go. I am a big believer in that people get what's coming to them, so if Brooks is lying and mistreating Vicki, it will come back to him ten-fold in this lifetime. I just find that storyline so annoying...it's gone on for a few seasons now and I'm ready for it end.

The conversation was pretty choppy, but Vicki said that Brooks was going to be "traveling" when Brianna et al. were visiting, which led to talk of Brooks' cancer, with Brianna questioning how someone with stage three cancer and undergoing chemo could travel. That's why Vicki went crazy and tried to shut down filming (when has Vicki the Drama Queen ever done that?) - not because of the ongoing Brianna/Brooks feud, but because the discussion was getting too close to the Brooks cancer scam.

I thought the hotel discussion came up before the stage three cancer discussion. It's possible something was edited out, but that seemed to be the order of the conversation. Oh well, nevermind. I will be glad when the 'does he or doesn't he' have cancer storyline is finally resolved. I am finding this season more and more irritating with its repetitiveness.

  • Love 9

I thought Megs said she had a lump in the arm while eating with Jim. Then in the TH she said it could be breast cancer? Hey what?


She said it was arm, but she seemed to be referring to her armpit.  With such an extensive familial history of Breast Cancer, I hope she and her sister have already been tested for the BRCA gene.


And I'm not doubting there was a lump, but I question her eagerness to mention it on camera.  Maybe she saw this as part of her SL.

  • Love 12

Ryan IS in the Marines and he is stationed in OK. How is she, Briana, withholding anything from Vicki? Briana/Ryan are living where the Marines sent him, it is not like they get to pick and chose where he is stationed. IMO, it is Vicki that is trying to bribe/control/guilt Briana, not the other way around.

He should have some say. We got to pick 3 places, in the order we wanted them and they tried to do that. I got my second choice a lot.  

  • Love 5

The storylines with Tamra are so contrived. Finding Jesus? Wanting to be baptized? It's as fake and scripted as Gretchen and Slade's "engagement." Supporting Ryan financially? As much as I'm behind everything Eddie said, that whole scene was well-rehearsed. Ryan and his family of six make the big move from northern CA to the OC (which is a huge change and entails so much - from houses to money to jobs to the wife's gun store to schools for the kids, etc...), and this is the first conversation they're having about it?

  • Love 21

Ryan IS in the Marines and he is stationed in OK. How is she, Briana, withholding anything from Vicki? Briana/Ryan are living where the Marines sent him, it is not like they get to pick and chose where he is stationed. IMO, it is Vicki that is trying to bribe/control/guilt Briana, not the other way around.

Well Brianna could have stayed in the OC while Ryan stayed on base at OKC. My mom did that a few times when my dad was in the Air Force.

He should have some say. We got to pick 3 places, in the order we wanted them and they tried to do that. I got my second choice a lot.  

If they got to pick, OK may have been the closest to Vicki or the best fit for his Military career. My nephew was a Marine and he did not get to pick where he was stationed and neither did my other nephew (Navy) or niece (Navy) get to pick either.


Well Brianna could have stayed in the OC while Ryan stayed on base at OKC. My mom did that a few times when my dad was in the Air Force.

Was your Dad stationed in country or out of country at the time and did your mom chose to live separate from him for 3 years just to please her mom?

  • Love 10

Ryan IS in the Marines and he is stationed in OK. How is she, Briana, withholding anything from Vicki? Briana/Ryan are living where the Marines sent him, it is not like they get to pick and chose where he is stationed. IMO, it is Vicki that is trying to bribe/control/guilt Briana, not the other way around.

I don't mean withholding in their location/domicile, but where they choose to stay when they visit the OC. Obviously, Ryan must go where the Marines send him. And then her comments about allowing her children around Brooks. That is control and manipulation right there.

  • Love 7

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