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"The View": Week of 09/08/15


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Is anyone going to watch? I've been pretty blah about the show for a few months now. Does anyone think that Joy is going to even out this talk fest mess? I can't even imagine her wanting to be at the same table as Bure and Simone. It might strike some viewers as a good knock down to dumb opinions that are sure to come... Joy must have excellent blood pressure readings as well as a good working heart. Otherwise I would be afraid that she would have to bow out ala Rosie O to protect her health. We know that she and Whoopi have had a good working relationship before. Her first cousin used to be the secretary for a friend of mine but she no longer works for him. They grew up in the same building and she thinks the world of Joy. For one of Joy's birthdays on the show, she specifically asked - when they said they were going to feature fashions on the show that day - that her cousin and other family members model the clothing. She said that everyone was so nice to the family members and it was a really fun experience. They are really a very close family. I never asked any personal questions about Joy and working at the View; I loved hearing that she was a nice person to her family.

Edited by maryis1
  • Love 6

oh good lord... The reason Kim Davis is in jail is because she defied a judge's order..... this is not a power trip.... it is not a way to teach her a lesson..... a judge told her to do her job and she said no.

When the Mayor of San Francisco was giving marriage certificates.... he was not breaking the law..... those marriages were not recognized by the state or the federal government.

I missed the beginning.... I think Whoopi took that time to explain the new season.... but I didnt see it.... Ill have to go back and watch

  • Love 1

If only they could only have more people at the table.....

So, CCB didn't walk out at the beginning. She's getting her own special introduction after the break.


So glad  to see Joy back.


Whoopi only really mentioned Joy's return at the beginning. I missed the Paula Faris welcome, if there was one.

Edited by Fisher King
  • Love 1

I'm watching this mess, and I told myself I wouldn't but i'm bored at home today.


What was it....5 min before Whoopi decided she should introduce/welcome Paula Farris?!  That was just rude.  Then Farris talked about her family and started to get weepy and Joy called her out for it.


Candace Cameron-Creme Brûlée didn't even show up for the first episode of the new season?  That was odd...


The biggest slam was Whoopi talking about nobody ever sticks around on this show anymore by equating it to ABC just giving them cheap mugs, and not the fancy ones w/the faces from seasons past.  


Joy's humor is so dated and schticky....I do think she is smart, but her comedy is so cringeworthy.  


This season's panel isn't going to work out from the fact that panel all seems to despise one another in some way.  Joy seemingly dislikes Michelle Collins ( over calling the KY clerk ugly ), Raven and CCB have strong opinions of each other, and it seemed like Farris/Whoopi/Joy were arguing w/ each other as to who knows more than the other.  I will say I was impressed w/ Farris making sure she got what she wanted to say out, instead of just backing down when she gets interrupted during her thought.


Why is Michelle Collins there since they brought Joy back, there just seems to be no reason for Collins to continue on...but of course she sold her baby and uprooted her life for this show.


The fact that two of these panelists uprooted their lives and sold their home for this gig is stupid considering how they might not make it to the end of the season.


I'm out and I didn't even make it 15 min into this show.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 3

They keep asking Elisabeth Warren.... what is Donald Trump doing to make him so popular.... 3 times she asked her..... she is a politician so she cant be honest with her answer.... but I can.... the reason Trump is doing so well in the polls is he is entertaining.... He has not got 1 vote yet...... he is just a media darling and they can not keep his name out of their collective mouths.

Once the voting starts...... reality will set in... remember he is only getting about 25% support.

  • Love 6

I'm so glad that Whoopie adopted the blind, deaf dog. The chances of that dog being adopted were pretty low. As someone who professionally has to attempt to deal with the Consumer Financial Protection Board on a regular basis, if I was Elizabeth Warren, I'd stop touting her role in creating that agency. Never dealt with such a non-cooperative agency in my life. And, I'm dealing with the higher ups in that agency. They accept responsibility for nothing and as basically seen as an obstacle to get around. The look on Raven's face when she tried to avoid Candace hugging her, was priceless. Why the Queen's entrance for Candace?

  • Love 2

It looked to me, just as they went to break, that Joy was giving Michelle shit about what she said about that woman's looks. Michelle needs to know that she's not in a comedy club anymore. She's on national TV and TV these days is uber liberal and very restricted as to what you can and can't say. Every now and then, I do find something Michelle says amusing but mostly I find her annoying but not as annoying as Raven. 


Now I know that I am of a totally different generation but even I have seen enough girls of her age and they aren't running around with half-shaved heads, weird coloured hair and bizarre clothes. But that pales in comparison with her reactions to what someone else says that she doesn't agree with. The eye-rolling, pursed lips and generally stupid expressions are so immature and rude. Grow up, honey. This aint high school. 


Did we really need to hear about Whoopi's vibrator? <Shudder> I certainly didn't. 


Nice to see Joy back. She can teach Michelle a thing or two about comedy and maybe teach Raven some manners.


At least now there are no horrible, nasally, whiny voices. That's a relief!!!

  • Love 11

It looked to me, just as they went to break, that Joy was giving Michelle shit about what she said about that woman's looks. Michelle needs to know that she's not in a comedy club anymore. She's on national TV and TV these days is uber liberal and very restricted as to what you can and can't say. Every now and then, I do find something Michelle says amusing but mostly I find her annoying but not as annoying as Raven. 


Now I know that I am of a totally different generation but even I have seen enough girls of her age and they aren't running around with half-shaved heads, weird coloured hair and bizarre clothes. But that pales in comparison with her reactions to what someone else says that she doesn't agree with. The eye-rolling, pursed lips and generally stupid expressions are so immature and rude. Grow up, honey. This aint high school. 


Did we really need to hear about Whoopi's vibrator? <Shudder> I certainly didn't. 


Nice to see Joy back. She can teach Michelle a thing or two about comedy and maybe teach Raven some manners.


At least now there are no horrible, nasally, whiny voices. That's a relief!!!

Someone should mention to her that even though she is the "young one" on The View..... it does not make her the "young one" in society.... she is not a teenager any more.... she is in her 30s.

I remember a few months ago they were praising the younger generation.... the actual teens and early 20s.... and Raven said.... thank you so much... as if she was in the group that was being praised.... sorry honey... but you aged out of being "the young one"

  • Love 6

There's been a huge shift though in what is young in this country though. I am 32, about Raven's age. I am constantly asked what school I go to (#brag!). Not only do people in their 30s look physically younger nowaways because of healthier lifestyles, but they dress much more current and achieve life goals like steady career, own home, marriage, kids, at a much slower pace. I wouldn't consider myself a teenager or 23 at all though or like I understand completely with people those age though (I definitely know less slang and popculture stuff than them), I am much smarter and more wise than a 23 year old (hopefully!) so that's weird of Raven, but she still technically is considered a millennial just on the older end. I don't like Raven though, she really is an idiot, but she seems fun at least. I know two girls my age with the shaved head thing, and I think it looks awful, and so does everyone else I know. haha

I am so happy the show is back actually, mostly to make fun of it with you people. I thought today was actually pretty good, for this show's standards, but I haven't watched the whole thing yet. It's nice to have Joy back.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 8

I enjoyed the premiere for the most part. Of course, they were in "Hello, we're the new crew" mode for most of the show today.


Whoopi seemed a little calmer. Who knows how long that'll last. Even though I don't think I'll agree with her on much, I was impressed Paula Faris didn't back down from her point. I was worried she would be one of those co-hosts who sit off to the side and smile, but never say anything.


Raven and Michelle sure do have this cliquey thing going on. Whenever one of them talks, they direct their attention to the other one and ignore most of the others unless interrupted, as if they're in on a joke that nobody else understands. I'm glad they put Joy right between them. Hopefully that'll break it up eventually.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned in regards to the Davis story that she was put in jail when she refused to allow the people under her to issue the licenses instead. She had the opportunity to allow other people to do something she was against and refused. I agree with Joy that I'd hoped she wouldn't go to jail, but it's not like the judge didn't try to keep it from going that far.


The clip of Whoopi with the dog was so sweet--I guess I didn't see that show. I would've adopted him, too.

  • Love 5

I missed the first 15 minutes & could barely watch until Elizabeth Warren showed up.  That was okay, but I checked out & only listened for the rest of the show.  NOT impressed.  The "special entrance & introduction" of that Bure woman was idiotic.


The Whoopster could adopt 100 blind/deaf puppies & all of the world's orphans & it wouldn't change my (negative) opinion of her!!!

  • Love 11

Nice to see that Raven's "look" has been toned down - for once she didn't look like a clown.  I'm hoping that it's a permanent change, and not just a one day deal.


Great to see Joy again, but I have to agree with CMH1981 that Michelle is unnecessary and irrelevant with Joy in place.


Can't stand CCB - never have, never will, so hope she's limited even once she's finished with her other obligations.


Paula Faris just seemed meh - jury still out on her.


I missed Nicolle today.


Who is their new announcer?  Her voice was rather weak and dull, and really didn't stir up any interest.

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 4

Whoopi said she was too damn old for a puppy so we'll see how long he lasts. Or not since she'll probably never mention him again.

I don't get the point of the grand entrance for CCB. She only popped in to plug her show? I would have thought she'd want to contribute to the Davis story or Warren conversation. (Not that I'm sorry she didn't, just surprised.)

Glad to have Joy back to boost the median IQ of the panel. I think the large number of permanent and rotating hosts is so when TPTB find one or more aren't working out they won't have to scramble for a replacement. They'll just bring in the next one on the list.

The announcer has that annoying vocal fry adopted by so many millenials.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 5

It was nice to see Joy back.  To me, Whoopi appeared a little intimidated by Joy….the audience's warm welcome and I'm sure she's read a lot of the really positive press about Joy's big return.  And I think the little jab about the mugs no longer bearing their images was directly related to whispers about her lousy audience appeal, and the network blaming her directly for the show tanking.   She truly needs to be "the Legend" at all times.  Sort of pathetic.


And I'm going bluntly say that she needs to just SFU about her skilled use of vibrators.  How does she always make that tricky u-turn on any subject back to herself, her body or her sexuality?  


I've always liked Elizabeth Warren and if you lined up every single person running right now (both Repub. & Dem), she stands out to me as the most equipped and least corrupt.  This was a light daytime situation, but watching her on more serious news programs is pretty solid and impressive.   I agree with hounding her for a Trump soundbite.  What was she going to say? "Well Paula, for every smart, informed, hardworking American, there is a banjo-picking, cousin-marrying, racist and they are largely the ones who hang on his deranged words."  

Edited by MatchaLove
  • Love 16

I think they had a dramatic entrance for Candace to remind people that she's going to be on the show because she'll be absent the next three months. The one good thing about Candace being on the show is it means they knocked Raven's name off The View's listing on my TV guide. They only list three names, and now they're Whoopi, Joy, and Candace.


I've always heard people talk about how pretty Candace is, but today might be the first time I was really struck by her. She is very nice-looking--not that it matters much on a talkshow.

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I had to laugh at the intro -- Whoopi is apparently in no need of a last name anymore. She's introduced as just "Whoopi."  The EGOT. The Stah. The Legend.


I am glad for a new announcer. A female! She may not have the most memorable voice, but she doesn't grate and it's nice to have a show that is purportedly about women to have a female announcer.


Joy makes all the difference for me, in that I can watch if there's one person I like at the table. Couldn't watch the Jenny season, couldn't watch last year after Rosie O left. Just one person I like and can relate to, that's all I need. Thank you, show, for giving me back Joy (pun intended).

  • Love 11

Who on the panel has a laugh that sounds like Woody Woodpecker?  I had the show on in the background, and I couldn't tell who it was, but all I could think of was Woody.


I have to ask, why so many here are so against Bure?  Is it just because she's conservative?  If so, that's blatantly unfair.  She's allowed her views and opinions just as much as anyone else.  While I will admit that her voice is not pleasant to the ear, I refuse to constantly condemn a person for their views, be they liberal or conservative, and will allow them to voice those opinions even if I vehemently disagree.  All opinions deserve to be heard, regardless of political affiliation.  I may not have agreed with what Hasselbeck said, or even what Behar feels, but they all have a right to speak without my slamming them for their beliefs.  I mean, heck, they're not personally hurting me in any way.  

  • Love 4

I didn't hate it.  It was great having Joy back.  I've always enjoyed Paula on GMA and thought she did well on the View.  I've only seen Michelle a few times, but she didn't annoy me.  I have mixed feelings on Candace.  There are times where I like her and there are times she gets on my last nerve.  I was glad that she didn't get involved in the marriage certificate discussion, although I'm wondering if that was her choice or the producer's choice (not wanting major controversy on the first day back).  I liked Elizabeth Warren.  I hope that we will see her again or that we get more guests like her on the show.

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I'm glad to see Joy back and so happy she is not holding back - like her last year on The View when she saved the "good stuff" for her HLN show.

I guess I hope Whoopi is happy with her new puppy....but is this her 4th or 5th dog that never lasts long or even happens? Actually I HOPE the puppy is happy/ier. And she was right there with her vibrator joke and comparing everything to being Black vs White

Michelle is soooo boring imo. Not funny, never says anything important, endless self-involved chit-chat that derails a conversation and leaves me thinking WTF?

Raven is an idiot.

Good grief - now we have an actual co-host (Candace) that will be part time and will take months off this year for her netflex. Time for me to call her widdle Candace for not being able to bring herself to the table because Kim Davis was going to be discussed. Just what the show needs. And I don't believe there will be anyone's lap she can crumble into like widdle Elisabeth did with Walters.

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Interesting premiere--glad they got rid of the annoying announcer and spruced up the set a bit. They also had somewhat relevant hot topics.


Whoopi seems completely checked out, calling out the blue background and "hot topics" logo and the cheap mugs as well. And it did seem at times she was not as warm to Joy as one would think. There was also some tension between her and Paula (her name is Paula right?) when she brought up MLK. 


Michelle/Joy also seemed like they cancel each other out as someone mentioned (they both step on each others jokes and race to see who can derail the conversation faster with them)--as well as the fact that Michelle and Raven are a clique. Candace and Paula also seem to be one--they kept throwing each other looks and smiling when the others were dissing Palin.


Should be an interesting change.



  • Love 1

I started watching.  Enjoyed seeing Joy.  Even softened a bit towards Whoopi when she said she adopted the puppy which was born the same day her brother died.


Candice Cameron Bure sure has a super young, bubbly voice.  She must be older than Raven but she seems younger.


Raven's hair looked... better.    The other 2 were nothing special, either good or bad.  But I liked Paula(?) better.


Thought the heights at the table looked weird.  Maybe they should shorten some of the chair legs like they did for Rosie.


Started to wander in and out of the room when the guests came on.  Wasn't interested in Elizabeth Warren.  And the other guests - didn't know who they were. I left the room for a minute and came back and the interview was over.  What was it, like 2 minutes?


Then the show went to commercial, and then went right into the Ellen show, without coming back to The View.  That happened a lot in the past, and not sure if it's a CTV or ABC thing.  Not sure if I'll tune in again tomorrow. May wait for Friday with Joy moderating.

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Haven't watched yet but it's good to know the announcer has been replaced.


A bright spot perhaps; apparently those named "contributors" won't be part of not so "hot topics". Sherri herself broke this good news, lol!!

Sherri ShepherdVerified account
‏@SherriEShepherd   I am only a contributor to @TheView … unfortunately won’t be doing #hottopics w the ladies


(Bold is mine. When one describes their own title this way, it doesn't say this is a good job, imo.)

  • Love 4

Ok, I think I enjoyed the first show. I haven't really watched since Ro left. So I had no real concept of what to expect from Raven, Michelle or Candice, of course I've heard things but everyone seemed ok, for now. Joy is enough for me to watch, for now. WG, seemed a little snippy with Paula(?)but not too bad.

I didn't realize Nicole Wallace wasn't coming back. I knew Rosie Perez was gone. I'm not complaining just didn't realize NW was let go. I can't believe it was only a year ago that Rosie was returning, man it seems like it was a couple years ago. The View was a real bust last season.

I admit, I did chuckle at the mugs. After last season I wouldn't put anyone's face on a mug either.

I want add, that while I'm sure WG likes joy, I don't think she's thrilled she's back. Joy has people tuning in just to see her. I'm sure the star WG is annoyed with that.

Im sure we won't see WG going after Joy the way she did RO, I just don't think she's that happy to have Joy back.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 3

Who on the panel has a laugh that sounds like Woody Woodpecker?  I had the show on in the background, and I couldn't tell who it was, but all I could think of was Woody.


I have to ask, why so many here are so against Bure?  Is it just because she's conservative?  If so, that's blatantly unfair.  She's allowed her views and opinions just as much as anyone else.  While I will admit that her voice is not pleasant to the ear, I refuse to constantly condemn a person for their views, be they liberal or conservative, and will allow them to voice those opinions even if I vehemently disagree.  All opinions deserve to be heard, regardless of political affiliation.  I may not have agreed with what Hasselbeck said, or even what Behar feels, but they all have a right to speak without my slamming them for their beliefs.  I mean, heck, they're not personally hurting me in any way.  

I don't like her because she's a modern version of The Stepford Wife, with ultra-Christianity thrown in for good measure. 

  • Love 5

Who on the panel has a laugh that sounds like Woody Woodpecker?  I had the show on in the background, and I couldn't tell who it was, but all I could think of was Woody.


I have to ask, why so many here are so against Bure?  Is it just because she's conservative?  If so, that's blatantly unfair.  She's allowed her views and opinions just as much as anyone else.  While I will admit that her voice is not pleasant to the ear, I refuse to constantly condemn a person for their views, be they liberal or conservative, and will allow them to voice those opinions even if I vehemently disagree.  All opinions deserve to be heard, regardless of political affiliation.  I may not have agreed with what Hasselbeck said, or even what Behar feels, but they all have a right to speak without my slamming them for their beliefs.  I mean, heck, they're not personally hurting me in any way.  

I have to disagree with you... Yes they have a Right to speak and share their opinions on all subjects..... but the rest of us also have Rights... we have the Right to disagree with the views of others.... and we have the Right to speak out against those opinions if we disagree. Disagreeing is not infringing on someone's Right to speak

  • Love 9

Really Michelle for a show supporting women she needs to stop making fun of women's looks. She couldn't make it through the first segment without making fun of the lady in prisons looks. really ?

I totally agree with this. She's done a similar routine before about a woman who had a man and she couldn't believe she had one with her looks and she, Michelle, couldn't get a man. I suppose she thinks that's funny, but she called the Kentucky woman a "monster" because of her looks, and that's really mean. I don't like the Kentucky woman one bit because of her actions, but I wouldn't degrade her looks on national TV. I'm glad that Joy countered that remark. Michelle is useless on this show. She interjects constantly with some fast talking remark that's unfunny. Why is she there?


Whoopi seemed as if she may be counting the days until the end of her contract with her low energy and grimacing.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 8


I was glad that she didn't get involved in the marriage certificate discussion, although I'm wondering if that was her choice or the producer's choice (not wanting major controversy on the first day back).


I was thinking the same thing about CCB.  I wonder if during their pre-show discussion of topics it became heated backstage, i'm guessing b/t Joy, Raven, and CCB about this topic and they decided that it would be better to have CCB come out after that discussion.  I know they like to make headlines, but this topic is such a fresh wound for everyone involved that it could have turned bad really quickly on air.


I mean if they just had CCB there to say i'm a part of the show but won't be around that much b/c i'm back in Hollywood filming my show, couldn't they have done a pre-taped segment or have her live from Calif to do this?  I just think it's fishy that she is one of the draws to the show this year based on her views and yet they don't have her out there at the start of the show for the season premier?!

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In all reality, I wasn't questioning whether someone's rights are violated in terms of their opinion, but what I was wondering is why all the vitriol against CC Bure?   For that matter, the same vitriol against any of the conservatives that have been on the View. There has been a history of people bashing her for what I assume are her views, and I was wondering why the total dislike ?  Is it just because you don't like her conservative positions or because you just don't like HER?  

  • Love 1

Seriously, who does have the Woody Woodpecker laugh?  Not as bad as Cristela, but annoying nonetheless.  It was happening before CCB came out to join her colleagues, so she's the only one who's exempt from my rancour at the moment.


I have a neighbor who has that Cristela laugh, and I swear, when they sit out on their deck and talk and laugh at night, I start Googling long-range super soakers.

  • Love 7

KJLovestoShop, I don't have anything personally against CC Bure, but I think she brings the baggage of her brother Kirk Cameron along with her, and he's quite extreme. I don't know her views well enough to know if she's as extreme as he is, but I think quite a few of the people on this board are liberal, and so am I, so there are naturally going to be disagreements with her political and religious comments if she's anything like her brother.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 4

Seriously, who does have the Woody Woodpecker laugh?  Not as bad as Cristela, but annoying nonetheless.  It was happening before CCB came out to join her colleagues, so she's the only one who's exempt from my rancour at the moment.


I have a neighbor who has that Cristela laugh, and I swear, when they sit out on their deck and talk and laugh at night, I start Googling long-range super soakers.


  • Love 2

Is it just because you don't like her conservative positions or because you just don't like HER?

For me it is CCB (not that I like her views) but her way of presenting them. On a talk show called "The View."

Oh wait....she didn't today did she? Instead she cowered in her dressing room. Even if was a decision made by the producers she could have asked to be part of the opening show. I can only think of one other time a co-host was "barred" from appearing and was Sherri. IIRC it was because some politician was on? Anyway, Sherri tweeting she was just wandering the streets of NYC. Huh?

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