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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I also thought Joyce's guess of noble gases for salt producing elements was pretty far off (but maybe it wasn't, chemistry isn't a strong suit for me).


Joyce was off by one column -- the Noble gases are to the right of the Halogens in the Periodic Table.


Here's a link to try if you're curious -- http://www.ptable.com/

  • Love 2

What a bunch of underwhelming players! I'm not even going to list the 12 (that's right - 12!) TS I got and I even missed a couple. FJ was an instaget.

Thanks for reminding people about the time. ;-)

They should have accepted Doe a Deer since they accepted Song of Ice and Fire. It's Fire and Ice.

I've always known the song title as "Do-Re-Mi," and I don't think I've ever heard of "Doe, a Deer" as a secondary title. I thought the epic was "A Song of Ice and Fire" also.


Yeah, that game was pretty sad, but I loved the shot of Kelly's grandfather at the end. Of course, tomorrow, the first words out of Alex's mouth after the greetings will be snark about how badly everyone played and how low Kelly's total was.

  • Love 1

Boy, either the population as a whole has gotten a lot dumber very suddenly or whoever is in charge of choosing the contestants from the pool of qualifiers has totally checked out. (And how did some of these people qualify?) It's gotten embarrassing.


In Jarrett's defense, my friend who does the turkey every Thanksgiving used Bubble Wrap (it's a trademark, believe it or not) instead of Stove Top this year, and it was delicious.  Very light, with such an otherwise heavy meal.


Kelly's granddad should take the test.  And Alex might want to stop editorializing.  That's our job.

  • Love 5

Boy, either the population as a whole has gotten a lot dumber very suddenly or whoever is in charge of choosing the contestants from the pool of qualifiers has totally checked out. (And how did some of these people qualify?) It's gotten embarrassing.


Seriously, none of them had heard of Skylab.  That's baffling.

  • Love 3

That's what I came up with too; I hope they would have accepted it


I wouldn't be surprised if that game set a record fot TS's.  I didn't get all of them but I got more than the contestants did. 


When Joyce and the guy in the middle were both in the red I hoped they would stay there and not get to play FJ.  It was pretty close.  The bubble wrap answer for Stove Top Stuffing was totally ridiculous; I also thought Joyce's guess of noble gases for salt producing elements was pretty far off (but maybe it wasn't, chemistry isn't a strong suit for me).


Congrats to Kelly on her win - she seems like a great person.



Joyce was off by one column -- the Noble gases are to the right of the Halogens in the Periodic Table.


Here's a link to try if you're curious -- http://www.ptable.com/

I also thought noble gases was horribly off, because noble gases by definition are not reactive and therefore are pretty much the last elements you would expect to form salts.


It never even occurred to me that it might be considered close because they are in close physical proximity on the periodic table :P

  • Love 2

My God that was excruciating. Except for Kelly's Grandpa. He was adorable.

Thank you for reminding me of him, the only good part of the show!


In Jarrett's defense, my friend who does the turkey every Thanksgiving used Bubble Wrap (it's a trademark, believe it or not) instead of Stove Top this year, and it was delicious.  Very light, with such an otherwise heavy meal.

Wait, Bubble Wrap is a brand of boxed stuffing?


ETA: It's hard to get jokes online sometimes. I got it now, though!

Edited by dcalley
  • Love 3

Wait, Bubble Wrap is a brand of boxed stuffing?


No, no--I was kidding.  Please don't try this at home!


Crushed Styrofoam, however, makes a great low-calorie substitute for mashed potatoes.  (I'm kidding again.  I'll stop now.  Even though I'm privately envisioning an entire menu made of packing materials.  Thanks, Jarrett.)

  • Love 9

I'm a day behind, due to pre-emption on Wednesday, so I just saw Wednesday's show tonight.  In that episode, however, did Brad ever say "What is" before his answer to the first clue in Double Jeopardy (the white-tailed deer one)?  I replayed it half a dozen times, and I absolutely did not hear him say it. 


Not gameplay related, but I did like Nicole's necklace.  It was a diagram of a chemical molecule--with some online picture matching, I think it was serotonin.  Whatever the chemical, it seemed appropriate for a med student. 

Oh dear god, that game was painful!  How did these people even get on Jeopardy?!?!?!?!


Regarding the previous game's Korea answer, here's the clue:

"The Oscar was the largest container ship in the world when built by Daewoo in this country"  Given that Daewoo didn't exist before 1967, "Korea" should not have been accepted as an answer; this was absolutely a 'be more specific' situation.

  • Love 2

I'm starting to think that Jeopardy plans to increase (VERY VERY) gradually in difficulty all year, finally ending in a crazy-hard ToC. I mean come on. This last week has basically been a Kid's Tournament. Such a weak week that Joyce, bless her heart, was a two-day champion.


The only thing that could have made FJ even slightly challenging is if they'd removed "Rodgers and Hammerstein" from the clue. And it still would have been pretty dang easy.

I do have to say the way Alex read the clue for the "monotony" answer was so irritating and I had no idea what they were going for there.


Agree, repetition and monotony aren't the same thing. I didn't get it either.

  • Love 4

I don't like to get Bubble Wrap unless I'm eating at home, because everybody makes it different and you never know what you're going to get.


As that game just kept getting worse and worse, I couldn't help but think how lively this board would be today! The most pathetic game I can ever remember watching. The number of TS's I got quite possibly reached double figures; I stopped counting at five, they were just mounting up too quickly. More proof of how bad a match that was. 

  • Love 5

As that game just kept getting worse and worse, I couldn't help but think how lively this board would be today! The most pathetic game I can ever remember watching. The number of TS's I got quite possibly reached double figures; I stopped counting at five, they were just mounting up too quickly. More proof of how bad a match that was. 


It's actually worse than you thought @DXD626 -- the game has finally been posted on J-Archive.  Here's the stats.


Jeopardy round

TS count: 6 


Including the fact that an entire category went untouched, that 6 clues out of 25 were TS  (that's 24%)


Double Jeopardy round

TS count: 12


Including the fact that 2 clues went untouched, that 12 clues out of 28 were TS  (that's a whopping 43%)


Which totals up to 18 (18 !!!) out of 53 clues that were triple stumpers -- approx. 34%.  More than 1/3 of all the clues.  That is truly really embarrassing.


Let's hope that Kelly can somehow break out in tonight's game, but it's not looking promising based on her performance yesterday's performance.

  • Love 5

I thought the clues were a bit more challenging than the last couple of games, but the Canadian landmarks category was ridiculously easy (except for the last one, which I am fairly certain I would never in a million years have been able to come up with). I mean, really, knowing the CN Tower?? And the province Edmonton is in??



Quakers?! QUAKERS?!

Please don't post about the day's game until after 7pm eastern time.

This really messed me up for FJ.

  • Love 2


Please don't post about the day's game until after 7pm eastern time.

This really messed me up for FJ.


I guess I was 7 minutes early. Oops.


It was an instaget for me. I guess the two ladies never listened to or read Garrison Keillor. It was a much better game than yesterday's, though, and AT barely alluded to yesterday's fiasco. So I was wrong about that. Nice come from behind win by John.


Yeah, she basically must have had no idea what the word "denomination" meant, and missed that the category was "Religion in America." LOL.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but is Kelly a boy or a girl? I wasn't sure.

Kelly's a female, which I only knew because Alex referred to her as "she" yesterday. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was a bit confused.

Much better game today with somewhat more difficult clues with the exception of Gilligan's Island as a $1,000 clue.

Jon seems okay, but it may take me awhile to forgive him for answering Paul Shaffer instead of Guy Lombardo. Although he must be the only one who remembers A Prairie Home Companion.

  • Love 2

I don't mean to offend anyone, but is Kelly a boy or a girl? I wasn't sure.



I know what you mean. At first I thought she was a man with long hair. But her voice is a woman's, and Alex used female pronouns telling the story about watching the show with grandpa.


On yesterday's game at the interview portion, Alex made a real point of saying "SHE"...... 


Instaget FJ for me even though I have never listened to or read Garrison Keillor.  I just figured all those Scandinavians would be Lutherans.


I really like the new champion.



Jon seems okay, but it may take me awhile to forgive him for answering Paul Shaffer instead of Guy Lombardo.

Yeah, that was really wrong but I'll let it go:)


Thanks, ottoDbusdriver, for getting the stats for us.  It truly was a very pathetic game.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 2

I'm also betting strategy deficient so I wonder whether the woman in the middle had a mathematical chance of winning even though she was wrong.

To win, she had to get it right (with a proper bet) or both other players had to get it wrong. She bet $1000 more than she should have, which was weird, but that didn't make any difference. Actual bets: 7100, 2001, 6800

  • Love 1
To say nothing of today's Jamaican accent.

Alex, don't ever do that again.  Thanks.


In the colorful expressions category, they didn't even have to get the entire phrase, just the color.  "Red" was accepted for "red flag" and Alex called the guy's "green.." correct before he even finished "green belt."  Is "green belt" a term for urban "green space?" I've never heard of a green belt.

  • Love 1

In the colorful expressions category, they didn't even have to get the entire phrase, just the color.  "Red" was accepted for "red flag" and Alex called the guy's "green.." correct before he even finished "green belt."  Is "green belt" a term for urban "green space?" I've never heard of a green belt.


That was just weird about Alex ruling the answer correct before the contestant had even finished saying it.  WTF Trebek ?

  • Love 1

Is "green belt" a term for urban "green space?" I've never heard of a green belt.


Green belts, green wedges, greenways, etc. are all land use concepts (the difference is in their shape - do they go around the populated area, through, etc.) to retain undeveloped areas for agriculture or wildlife.  This organization is specific to the San Francisco Bay Area, but shows you the goals and strategies.


I missed the whole freakin' week of shows, and was rather irritated about that, until I saw all the complaining about what easy questions they featured.  I feel better now; thanks, pTV peeps!

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 4

  Ha.........yeah, she was a little like Pat from SNL in her somewhat androgenous appearance, unfortunately.  Seemed like a very smart and nice gal, but she could sure use a make-over,

  I suggest she talk to Alexandra, the gal in the middle from the Friday show,  with the really gorgeous dress.

  Enjoyed the new champ's enthusiasm too.  He livened things up a bit in what has, otherwise, been a very dull and unchallenging week.

  • Love 1

I cracked up every time I looked at her, because all I could think was: It's Pat!

I thought Kelly looked great. She has such shiny hair! I did like Alexandra's top, too (I didn't see if it was a dress).

As someone who's been called sir, usually when someone only sees me from behind, I got a kick out of Kelly.

When they first showed her, I asked my parents if she was male or female. Then they said her name, and I said, "it still could go either way!"

That being said, I don't think she needs a makeover. I think we need to accept people as they are and not expect them to conform to anyone's ideas about what someone should look like. That's the kind of stuff that leads to eating disorders, plastic surgery, and sometimes even suicide. If she's happy, and it seems like she is, then who cares?

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