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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I thought "al" wouldn't be allowed to stand as an alternative to"au," but I didn't expect Matt to be the one to correct it. Is this a first for the show? All else being the same, though, I don't think it affected the final outcome. Amazing show of sportsmanship!

I know the show doesn't manipulate categories, but a FJ on landmarks should have been easy for Michael. Isn't he a travel agent? Anyway, betting small against Matt paid off for once. I did not get it either; my mind was stuck in the east.

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I think I frightened the neighbors by screaming, "Yes!" at 120 decibels. Yay for Michael! I hope he's not a one and done.

I do have to give Matt props, though, for correcting his mistake. I was looking "au" up in my dictionary that pronounces words out loud when Alex announced that because I didn't see how it could be pronounced as "awl".

I got resistance in the CDC category and Simon Bolivar.

I guessed the Superdome for FJ although I was 99.9% certain I was wrong. It opened in 1975.

ETA - While air conditioning was pretty damned dumb, it wasn't nearly as bad as Sally thinking Cape Canaveral has a roof.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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Damn, just when I perfected my mad scientist laugh when Matt did his slow, creepy smile.  I doubt if the new champ will be around long.  Usually when somebody unseats a long running champion, they last one game.  This happened to the lady who beat Ken Jennings.  I'm waiting for Alex to call Michael the giant killer.  It's kind of lame.

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I guessed the Chrysler Building because I thought there might have been a car called the "Galaxy" when it was built. I never even considered the Space Needle. I caught the problem with "al" vs. "au" when it happened, and was proud of Matt for being upstanding. Too bad he went out the way he did, but the middle guy seems OK. I wish him well. I hope when Matt does TOC he reverts to form. The all-out play worked for him, and I think as he toned it down, or mellowed, he became more and more vulnerable.

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I guessed Space Needle immediately but then also wondered if it had a roof.

I came around on my opinion about Matt after watching some of his contestant interviews. He also seemed to tone down the antics that made me I initially think he was a bad sport. I won't go so far as to say I'm sad to see him lose, but I can see myself missing him when we have a game in which the three contestants stare blankly at the board. Matt seemed off his game so I wasn't surprised when he lost. Getting the last answer correct to take the lead before final seemed good for him at the time, but it made him have to wager a lot more than the new champ did.

I liked the Compound Words category but thought it was too easy. I think word categories are my second favorite, behind sports categories.

I'm looking forward to seeing Matt in the TOC. He really has a great knowledge base, and it will be fun to see him compete against other strong contestants.

Tomorrow we'll find out if Michael will be a one-day champ, like so many giant killers are.

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I'm so glad Matt didn't surpass Julia!  I can't imagine winning that kind of money. He really can decide what he wants to do with his life now. (Not that it's enough to live on forever, but it's enough to pay for grad school and travel and whatever else for a while.) (And not that being a paralegal isn't a great thing to do with your life!)


And I'm really glad I came here to see that Matt confessed (?) to having said "al," not "au." I forgot I was only paying half-attention part of the game, so I missed that part!

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And I'm really glad I came here to see that Matt confessed (?) to having said "al," not "au." I forgot I was only paying half-attention part of the game, so I missed that part!


Yeah, I didn't pick on his having confessed. I just thought the judges had reviewed the tape and heard what he actually said. I'll have to rewatch.


I think this threw Matt off his game.


I got The A-Team, Runaway Train, and resistance. I corrected guessed Stephen King.


For FJ I immediately thought the Space Needle, but for some reason I forgot about that and went with Astrodome even though I thought it was razed after Katrina. 

Yeah, I didn't pick on his having confessed. I just thought the judges had reviewed the tape and heard what he actually said. I'll have to rewatch.


I think this threw Matt off his game.


I got The A-Team, Runaway Train, and resistance. I corrected guessed Stephen King.


For FJ I immediately thought the Space Needle, but for some reason I forgot about that and went with Astrodome even though I thought it was razed after Katrina.

I got Run to You but was surprised it was a lower-valued clue, unless I'm not remembering the board correctly. I knew it because of my love for 80s music and that Bryan Adams CD but don't remember it being a huge hit song.

I got Ai from doing crossword puzzles, and I wasn't sure how to pronounce it, either. I learned something from the show.

I had no idea they made a movie about The A Team. I must have been living in a cave when it came out. I guessed Taken, but I knew it was wrong based on the clue. Taken is just my Pavlovian response to a Liam Neeson clue.

I was also surprised they accepted pressure and was expecting a correction to come that never did. Kudos to Matt for admitting his mistake.

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I'm sad that Matt lost, I was interested to see how far he would go.


I guessed FJ was the Space Needle, only because the word "galaxy" gave me a weird stream of conscious thought process from galaxy, to space and the movie Men in Black and the movie MIB always makes me think of the Space Needle.  IDK.  The mind works in mysterious ways.

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Of the three us, one of my friends said the Space Needle.

My other friend pointed out Michael won, because he gave up trying to beat Matt and was trying to beat Sally for second place. At FJ, he had 17,600 and Matt had 17,800. He realized Matt would bet most of it try to beat him and since Matt had more money he couldn't catch Matt unless Matt got it wrong. So instead of betting it all or almost it all, he bet the most he could and still beat Sally if she bet it all (she did) and then got it right (none of them did).  Sally had 7,600, which she bet all of. If she gotten it right, she would have had 15,200. Michael's final score was 15,201, so he bet 2399.

Meanwhile Matt bet almost all of it to make sure Michael didn't try to top him and he end up with very little (I don't remember exactly, but my guess is 199.)

While I think Matt was a good sport about Au vs Al I don't think that extra 1600 could have saved him. It would still have been very close and come down to Final Jeopardy, which they all got wrong and if they kept the same betting patterns, then Matt still would have had less than Michael. 

Michael played well and he got the last Double Jeopardy which really helped him out. 

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If Matt always thinks to himself that the judges caused him to lose, I wouldn't blame him.  How distracting to his game to be wondering if he should confess, and then thinking about it afterward?  He didn't really seem focused any time after that and focus is a big part of his game.  I remember his first game when he wasn't particularly impressive at all, and then suddenly he sort of clenched his teeth and started shouting the answers like an angry robot.  Sigh.  I was ready for him to go but not under such odd circumstances. Oh well, maybe it's best this way because he did redeem his image at the last moment with the confession.

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   In the minority, I know, but I really loved watching Matt play and will miss him and his endearing smile and stories!  

   My impression from last night's game was that he was just tired. Don't they play several games a day?  Maybe I am just making excuses for him....

   Anyway, I don't expect the new guy to last more than one more day and that is fine with me.  After Matt, I expect to be bored with just average players and he strikes me as nothing special.

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I can see Matt admitting to the "al" immediately after they broke for commercials, so even if Matt didn't cop to saying "al" rather than "au", I'm sure the judges would've said something.

I wonder if Alex thought he said something more like "ow" which someone who didn't know the correct pronunciation might have said.  I was pretty sure he had said "al" so I wasn't surprised it was corrected - it was just cool that Matt himself pointed it out.

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    My impression from last night's game was that he was just tired. Don't they play several games a day?  Maybe I am just making excuses for him....

No, I think that's right. I mean, they definitely tape 5 games a day, and I feel like the general consensus on Ken Jennings is that stamina was his main edge on anyone else. I mean, of course he knows a ton of stuff, but so do a lot of contestants!

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My other friend pointed out Michael won, because he gave up trying to beat Matt and was trying to beat Sally for second place. At FJ, he had 17,600 and Matt had 17,800. He realized Matt would bet most of it try to beat him and since Matt had more money he couldn't catch Matt unless Matt got it wrong. So instead of betting it all or almost it all, he bet the most he could and still beat Sally if she bet it all (she did) and then got it right ...

j-archive has "wagering suggestions for these scores" for each game. Matt and Michael bet as suggested, and an extra $1600 for Matt wouldn't have changed things.

Edited by dcalley
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j-archive has "wagering suggestions for these scores" for each game. Matt and Michael bet as suggested, and an extra $1600 for Matt wouldn't have changed things.


Right. I did wonder at the time, amused, if losing that $1,600 might come back to bite him in the ass. But by the time we headed into FJ he was only $200 ahead. If he had been $1,800 ahead, the situation for both Matt and Michael would have still been the same - Matt would still have had to bet a huge amount to ensure a $1 victory over Michael's maximum possible total.

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I was hoping he would lose to some sort of super-charged Bizzarro-Matt version of himself, pale with a blond Jew-fro and a smile that gradually fades into a frown upon introduction.



LOL at this. Bizarro Matt would be hilarious. But isn't the new champ blond? I already cannot remember.

a FJ on landmarks should have been easy for Michael. Isn't he a travel agent?



A FJ on U.S. landmarks SHOULD have been easy for everyone, which is probably why Matt bet the farm. With the hints about sky stuff, I was thinking the Griffith Park Observatory but, of course, did not know. And I've been in the Spaceneedle, too. I just never paid attention to its roof.

They always seem to flame out the next night. Like, it was fluke that they had won to begin with.



The new champ did look like he was having a coronary when he was announced winner. It will be hard for him to focus after toppling Matt, IMO.

I guessed Cape Canaveral myself, so I wouldn't have gotten it.



I think of that as a place, not one building. So I stuck with the GP Observatory!

Tonight's close scores going into FJ was far more exciting than any other close game though.



I always wonder why the third place person bets it all when the other two are close in score and third place is not even close. If the woman hadn't bet anything in FJ, wouldn't she be the new champ? Hey! Temperance answered my question. Thanks! (I would fail every category if they were all math-related.)

I corrected guessed Stephen King.



I immediately thought King, then the NY part (instead of Maine) made me second guess myself. Which is stupid, because I even saw the freaking MOVIE for pete's sake!

Taken is just my Pavlovian response to a Liam Neeson clue.



Me too. Who knew he was in the A Team remake?


I'll really miss Matt, I enjoyed his play and his runaway games. I guess now I'm back to working during the show and listening with one ear. *sigh*

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Long ago, on a quiz show far far away, TPTB wanted Herb Stempel off. They got him off. I believe Jeopardy is a clean show, and Jeopardy PTB would not resort to category/question manipulation. One hint of that and the show would be dead in the water.


Actually, there was a hint of question manipulation about 20-25 years ago. My girlfriend is married to the person who did the accusing. Don't think anything ever came of it. And if there was. I'm sure they've fixed it by now.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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Don't be sad. You saw how far he would go. 13 games.


I hate to admit it but my annoyance level with Matt had been going down. And now he's gone...go figure. Even though he annoyed me I was always impressed with how much he knew. How does someone know so much? Y'all here are pretty impressive too.

Edited by WickedTuna
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I have a hard time picturing "Fine China" as a Jeopardy! category.  But I might do well at it.



I'm guessing today's Clue Crew would make the questions about Bejing and not Royal Doulton. It is rather insulting to make "wimen" categories like Fine China, Cross Stitch, Doily Making, Vacuuming Then And Now, to say nothing of How To Please A Man. But I am not surprised.


Can't wait to come back after everyone has seen today's game. *snidelywhiplashlaugh*

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I have a hard time picturing "Fine China" as a Jeopardy! category.  But I might do well at it.


For years I thought Those Darn Etruscans was a strange category until today's strange category, Olympic Demon-stration Sports.  That one takes the cake for originality.  I did rather well in that category though. 

It is rather insulting to make "wimen" categories like Fine China, Cross Stitch, Doily Making, Vacuuming Then And Now, to say nothing of How To Please A Man. But I am not surprised.


I would enjoy a category about different crafts because I've tried many of them.  There should be men categories such as How to Read Women, Famous Playboy Playmates, or Who Farted?  I apologize in advance to males offended by my comment, merely mirroring Jeopardy gender stereotypes.  

Edited by pandora spocks
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Josh is SO LOUD, HE SHOUTS EVERYTHING HE SAYS! When he said he was a stand-up comedian, I was like "of fucking COURSE you are." I'll bet he thinks anything can be funny if you just shout it loudly enough. He also did the celebrating crap when he won in FJ. 


All you folks bitching about Matt, you friggin' ASKED for it. You asked for it. Thanks a lot for unleashing this dingus on the world! :-P

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JOSH! is unbelievably loud.he's has a microphone he doesn't have to shout. I wasn't sure if he was for real. Of course he is a stand up comedian, he's like a caricature of every bad stand-up ever. I'm going out on a limb and guess he's not very good at it. I don't know that I can watch him.

Edited by shoregirl
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