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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)

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Is that what happened? I meant to post about it that night, but forgot by the time I sat down at the computer. I noticed her hesitation and looking over at the other contestants, and thought perhaps Alex had given first selection to the wrong contestant, but couldn't remember (heh, this seems to be a theme for me) where they'd left off at the commercial break.

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I got Gethsemane but mispronounced it -  GETHsemane instead of GethSEMane - would it have been accepted?

Mispronunciations aren't penalized unless you add or omit a syllable or a letter. Were you pronouncing "GETHsemane" to rhyme with "rain?"

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That was a pretty unimpressive game by the end of the Jeopardy round.

That O Canada DD was ridiculously easy -- there's only 3 territories in Canada, and two of them start with 'N', so alphabetically last was a piece of cake.

As for that Avengers category, you basically had a 1 in 6 shot of getting it right, but when that one clue mentioned 'her' there was only one option.

For TSs I got thrive and Finland.

What was so vague about that clue that Jen was credited for after the first break ? Was that the 'Less than Zero' clue ? It didn't make a difference in the long run.

Was Mike standing in a hole behind the podium -- because he was so much taller than Amelia or Jen ?

The part that threw me in FJ was the bible on the flag part -- I've vacationed in the Dominican Republic and I never noticed that the flag had a bible on it.

Sorry to see Amelia go.

Jenn is a really cute vet.

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Congrats to Mike on his win. I liked Amelia but I didn't really see her going much longer.

My TS's: Thrive, St. Valentine's Day Massacre - a real surprise that it was a TS, Joe Cocker and Finland. I don't know why Amelia didn't guess Finland since Norway and Sweden were already eliminated.

Almost instaget FJ, based on the religious order since I don't recall ever seeing a Dominican Republic flag - I'll go look it up as soon as I'm done here:)

eta: The bible is part of their coat of arms which is a fairly small part of the flag; the bible itself is very small; so I probably have seen their flag sometime,, I just didn't remember seeing a flag with a great big bible on it.

Edited by Trey
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I don't like Mike. His exciting interview - he has a cat. Kinda boring.

I call B.S. on giving Jenn credit on that Avengers clue. It must not have been too vague since Amelia figured it out.

I wonder if they'd have accepted "Mounties" for that Canadian clue they were nit picky about.

When I saw the Avengers category, I was hoping it was about Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg. I'm old.

I ruled the Woodstock category and wish they'd finished it.

I got oranges, St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Blue Mosque (missed DD), and Joe Cocker.

I was absolutely clueless on FJ. I was too focused on thinking about a Bible on a flag.

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I wonder if they'd have accepted "Mounties" for that Canadian clue they were nit picky about.

I think the clue had something about a 4 word phrase, so nope, Mounties probably wouldn't have been accepted. Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I guess none of them watched The Wonder Years (back in the day, since I believe now it's a replacement song). Joe Cocker's was the first version of the song I ever heard.

Dominican Republic was a wrong answer earlier in the show, so it was easy for my brain to figure out FJ.

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I wonder if they'd have accepted "Mounties" for that Canadian clue they were nit picky about.

They weren't "nit picky" about it - she got the answer wrong, plain and simple. They're the RCMP, not the "CRMP". That's like calling the FBI the "Bureau of Federal Investigation".

But yeah, as was mentioned earlier, I think the clue made some reference to the answer being four words, so I don't think "Mounties" would have been accepted. They might have said "be more specific", though.

That whole Canadian category was kids tournament easy, though. The capital of Canada? The guy who has been Prime Minister for the past 10 years? Picking the one of *three* territories that is alphabetically last? I can't actually remember the last clue in the category, but on the whole, the category was ridiculous. Although I am glad that this time, one of the contestants DID actually get Stephen Harper. On one of the Teachers Tournaments in the past few years, a similar question was a TS even with a picture of Harper.

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I guess none of them watched The Wonder Years (back in the day, since I believe now it's a replacement song). Joe Cocker's was the first version of the song I ever heard.

What? It's a Beatles' song from Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. You never heard their version?

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What was up with the other day when Alex was too busy chitchatting and gave the next clue to the wrong person? The champ was all flustered and was waiting for him to correct himself, but then just went ahead and picked next.

Which day was this? I think I still have all this week's recorded except for when the SOTU was on.

That was a pretty unimpressive game by the end of the Jeopardy round.

What was so vague about that clue that Jen was credited for after the first break ? Was that the 'Less than Zero' clue ? It didn't make a difference in the long run.

I think what Alex was referring to was category, Avengers and Other Roles. It wasn't clear if they were asking for the actor or the role. Although the clue, was "His armor was stripped bare as Julian in 'Less Than Zero'", could really only be referring to Robert Downey Jr, I think it was a good call to give Jenn the credit.

I got Dominican Republic pretty quickly. I didn't have any idea about the flag so I wasn't dwelling a bible in a flag. I just quickly got to the religious order in the country's name.

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Joe Cocker's was the first version of the song I ever heard.

What? It's a Beatles' song from Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. You never heard their version?
Sorry, I'm sick and maybe my writing and comprehension aren't the best right now. Of course I know the original. I think I heard the Cocker version first, is all. I don't think it's that weird. His cover was very popular, and both came out in the late '60s (before I was born).
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Sorry, I'm sick and maybe my writing and comprehension aren't the best right now. Of course I know the original. I think I heard the Cocker version first, is all. I don't think it's that weird. His cover was very popular, and both came out in the late '60s (before I was born).

Aw, that makes sense. Get well soon!

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Sorry, I'm sick and maybe my writing and comprehension aren't the best right now. Of course I know the original. I think I heard the Cocker version first, is all. I don't think it's that weird. His cover was very popular, and both came out in the late '60s (before I was born).

Haven't you learned from this board that if you have the audacity not to know something someone else knows you must be an idiot? :)

Honestly, these "I can't believe someone didn't know such and such" posts are really annoying. Can we just accept that we all have different knowledge bases?

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I think it was after the arm wrestle thing.

Thanks. I rewatched. After the arm wrestling, Alex said, "I don't like you as much anymore. OK. Pick up your signaling device and go ahead and make a selection and we will continue." I don't know why Amelia seemed a little confused. Maybe she thought he said "Megan" instead of "make a." Maybe she expected him to use her name, while he figured he was still talking to her and didn't need to use her name.

Edited by peeayebee
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Honestly, these "I can't believe someone didn't know such and such" posts are really annoying. Can we just accept that we all have different knowledge bases?


I think most viewers comprehend that, and there's a difference between "Please, doesn't everyone know that?" and "I thought that would be something at least one of three people qualified to compete on Jeopardy! would know."

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I think what Alex was referring to was category, Avengers and Other Roles. It wasn't clear if they were asking for the actor or the role. Although the clue, was "His armor was stripped bare as Julian in 'Less Than Zero'", could really only be referring to Robert Downey Jr, I think it was a good call to give Jenn the credit.

I disagree, exactly for the reason you state. While the armor part of the clue could be literal (referring to Iron Man) or figurative (referring to Downey), the Less Than Zero part could only be Downey. They wimped out in giving her the correction.

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I disagree, exactly for the reason you state. While the armor part of the clue could be literal (referring to Iron Man) or figurative (referring to Downey), the Less Than Zero part could only be Downey. They wimped out in giving her the correction.


I was kind of hoping someone guessed James Spader -- sure, he played the bad guy in Avengers: Age of Ultron (and had a metallic body of sorts), but he was also in 'Less Than Zero'.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I think they gave the Iron Man clue money back to her because that question didn't make clear whether they wanted the actor's name or which Avenger he was. Since it was the first clue opened in that category, it was an easy misunderstanding to make. The category was "Avengers in other roles". That can easily sound like it's asking for the avenger name.

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   I'm with Teebax.  Just because you passed the test and got on the show, that doesn't mean you education or memory will give you the answer to all the questions they ask.


The part that amazes me about certain contestants is when you get someone who has demonstrated the ability to guess answers to esoteric clues out of thin air, but then have no clue when it comes to core categories that frequently pop up on this show -- potent potables, the Bible, American History, world geography, philosophers, opera, literature, Broadway plays, etc..  Stuff that while they may not have inherently known as part of their every day life/career/education, but should have studied specifically for this show because history has shown that these categories DO occur frequently.


I'll give you an example from this past Tuesday's show -- the name of the current White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, was a triple stumper.  They all should have known that.

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Holy crap! I know it's happened before, but this is the first time I've actually seen it.  I don't know why the woman in third bet it all...she could have slid into the win.  I worked out FJ - had to go through the Presidents since 1957 and figured it had to be Little Rock.

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I have no clue why the lady on the end bet everything. Her only hope of winning was the other two getting it wrong so why bet anything? I really hate when people don't think strategically about what they need to bet.

Im a little sad that no one knew all things must pass was a George Harrison album.

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Can't believe I didn't remember Little Rock; based on the era I guessed Birmingham.


What a strange ending. I do feel it's inherently unfair to have 2 experienced players vs. a newbie. Even one day of using the buzzer shouldn't be underestimated.


And continuing on my unfair theme, I don't think champs should be able to go away and come back. Being on Jeopardy is a privilege, not a right. If you decide (as I would) that a job is more important, leave the show to work, but you shouldn't be guaranteed another shot. Try out again like everyone else.


edited because grammar matters

Edited by YoureSoUrban
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I thought she hadn't been able to return because Trebek messed with the schedule by having surgery, so it wasn't really her fault, but today's explanation was different.


I was hoping for the sudden-death tiebreaker to come up. Oh, Randi, why did you bet anything?

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They showed a photo of Al Capone.  Al Capone !!  And then added that he served in Alcatraz in the 30s.  I'm surprised they didn't give his initials in the clue.


Claudia must remember Evel Knievel's famous jump over the Snake River differently than I do -- because it wasn't in Arizona.


That water bear clue demanded a BMS.


That detente DD was way too easy.


Seriously, an accounting firm that rhymes with Beloit ?  Come on.


Why in the hell did the 3rd contestant bet it all ???  Seriously, WTF was she thinking ?

I'm kind of glad none of them are returning tomorrow.


What the hell was Claudia wearing ? That outfit had more wrinkles than a rumpled raincoat.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I didn't know what the heck was going on at the introductions because I had forgotten about Claudia returning and thought I was watching an old show that aired before they banned tie games. 


I didn't bother writing down any TS's I got so maybe I didn't get any of them.


That's the first time in a very long time that everyone ended up with zero.  It used to happen relatively often in the olden days.


Instaget FJ.  I guess it helps that it was not before my time.

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I think this is the first time that there were two co-champions at the beginning and no champions at the end. Either scenario is fairly uncommon, so I'm hard pressed to remember if that ever happened.  

Edited by DrScottie
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I haven't seen anything like that before. I feel like they should get a rematch. That was crazy.

They all got FJ wrong and bet it all - they lost.  They don't deserve a rematch.

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So crazy! 


I'm glad for you people to explain how what's her name was back -- I knew she seemed familiar! But I missed the beginning of the episode and all of Friday's, so I had no context.

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Why did one lady get $1000 while the other two got $2000 if they all got it wrong?

When they have ties like that, the contestant with more money going into FJ gets the higher dollar amount (and the two champs had the same amount of money going into FJ).  I don't think I've ever seen where they all end up at zero.  We had two champs when the game started and no champs when it ended.  Kind of funny.  I did get a kick out of Alex at the end.  Sorry folks.  See ya!  


I couldn't get over what Claudia was wearing either.  It wasn't just that it was wrinkled.  It seemed like it just didn't fit her.


The lady on the end really wagered badly.  Not that I wanted her to win.

Edited by SierraMist
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I didn't get FJ. For some reason I thought of Brown vs Board of Education, though I didn't really think that was an "event." Anyway, I just couldn't think of anything else.


For TSs I got The Good Earth and lobster.

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Why did one lady get $1000 while the other two got $2000 if they all got it wrong?

They use the scores at the end of DJ to figure out prize levels for tied nonwinners. If those scores are also tied, then they go back to the end of the J round. I remember that happening once!

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Well, that was a surprise! I didn't have a clue as to FJ, as it involved the year of my birth, which, even though I consider it significant, did not occur in the U.S., so would not affect a State Capital. LOVED the 70s album category! Tomorrow should be fun, with everyone starting at the same level.

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Can't believe I didn't remember Little Rock; based on the era I guessed Birmingham.

But Montgomery's the capital of Alabama. 


That was a weird game. I don't wanna see another one like it. Nor do I want to see another picture of Al Capone.  Yeesh. I've seen better selfies taken by dogs.

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