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I'm really loving the recent string of episodes.  The Cruz Your Own Adventure stuff is doing a nice two-fold job of both picking up the mantle from Colbert to highlight how utterly absurd the role of SuperPACs are in our political system and showing us up close and personal how awful even Cruz's own family and "friends" really seem to think he is.  He fairly oozes that creepy uncle you don't want to get cornered with at the family gathering because he's just awful and misogynistic and probably going to tell you all about his bunker and you'd rather be anywhere else vibe in the raw footage.  My initial amusement at the clown car has since given way to dumbfoundedness that it's now the December before an election year and they're still all resoundingly terrible and not one seemingly viable candidate or even one who could probably pass a mental health wellness check has emerged.


It was good to see Jon again.  I'm not sure if he has other pet issues besides the first reponders, but I could see a role for him making the occasional appearance to harness all his outrage at our messed up system, kind of like a much less aneurysm about to happen at any moment Lewis Black.  The interplay between him and Trevor with Trevor playing the wide-eyed outsider thinking this is clearly a no-brainer kind of issue (which he does well) to Jon's weary "you're still new here" wasn't unexpected but still nice nonetheless.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 6

Oh, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor -- you know the answer to the question of why calling someone a pussy is considered an insult despite how strong and indestructible the vagina is.  It's because it's attached to the female or the philosophical/theological trashcan of patriarchy, just so the male can posit himself "superior."  I'm disappointed in you, Dimples.  

  • Love 3


The best defense against the bullshit is vigilance. So if you smell something, say something.


Good to know Jon doesn't just talk the talk.  He walks the walk too.  Not that I ever doubted that.


I knew as Trevor was saying that maybe Jon could reconvene his panel of first responders from 2010 that we  were about to see a bunch of empty chairs (hey, Clint Eastwood, what do you have to say to those empty chairs by the way?).  Still, knowing what we were about to see didn't stop me from snorfling through the interview and well beyond. 


On a slightly happier note: "Roll 212"!    As instantly iconic as that phrase became to TDS viewers, I'm not sure I ever heard it used on TDS except for the original use in the Cramer interview.  So, truly, this was a special occasion.

  • Love 7

Oh, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor -- you know the answer to the question of why calling someone a pussy is considered an insult despite how strong and indestructible the vagina is.  It's because it's attached to the female or the philosophical/theological trashcan of patriarchy, just so the male can posit himself "superior."  I'm disappointed in you, Dimples.  

I couldn't help but wonder if Trevor (or, more likely, one of his writers) is a listener to Dan Savage's podcast. That was something that used to come up on his show a lot -- he tried to get people to start using "scrotum" as an insult instead of "pussy."


I was kind of hoping we'd get one last McConnell "turtle" impression from Jon, but I guess this was too serious an issue for that. In any case, it was so great to see him back on the show.

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I was kind of hoping we'd get one last McConnell "turtle" impression from Jon


Me, too, especially when the lead in to his comments about Mitch was a note that Ryan is 'actually human.' The MOST obvious follow up is that McConnell isn't human, he's a turtle! And he left it hanging there! Augh! [/small nitpick]


Trevor's "Papa???"  slayed me.


ITA. Excellent line delivery. Something about putting the stress on the second syllable made it even funnier.

Edited by attica
  • Love 5

I burst into tears when they cut to the almost-empty table.

So did I. When he was walking over there, I said, are they still with us? When they showed the table empty I had the same reaction. Sadness and anger at the reason-less reason for their suffering. Six years ago a friend and I tried to make a documentary about this, because she had ties to a lot of people going through this. When Jon got this going the first time, we thought the problem had been taken care of and they would finally have what they needed. I can't believe it's back here again. With the same hypocrisy and callousness. Fucking bastards.

Edited by LADreamr
  • Love 9
brgjoe, on 08 Dec 2015 - 02:45 AM, said:

Personally, I wish Jon would be invited back each and every night to rant about this until the Zadroga bill gets passed.


That Mitch McConnell is one piece of work.  It's bad enough that he is stonewalling this thing, but to use it as a bargaining chip for some oil bill is truly heartless.  How many people have to die before this idiot decides to bring it up for a vote?  He is truly heartless.  Maybe that's being too generous.  I guess he only cares about sick people in his own state (you know, who vote for him and stuff).  What a truly vile human being.   Maybe that's too generous as well.


I don't how those people sleep at night when they play politics with people's lives like that.  Truly heinous.


Puts "off with their heads" in a whole new light, for me.

I liked Trevor complaining about the illogic of calling someone a pussy.  Although, instead of bringing up the word "dick," I probably would've questioned the validity of  "have the balls/stones/cojones," "grow a pair," etc. denoting toughness by showing any fight scene from a comedy that features a guy getting hit in the balls.


And there's something so charmingly stupid about "In the reptile kingdom, the Iguana...", the fake intro TN used, that is still tickling me.

That killed me - it was just so off-the-wall and goofy.  Loved it.


Glad that the show gave plenty of breathing space to Jon and the Zadroga Act.  The field piece was excellent on its own, but that image of the nearly-empty table was so stark and powerful.  Spending two segments on it gave Jon time to lay out the situation in detail and let it have the gravity it deserved, but still left them a bit of extra time to play around with Jon's return, the Leno/Conan reference, and so on.  Obviously, they had to say SOMETHING about Jon being back, and if they'd done that and tried to give the Zadroga Act its due in a single segment, it would've felt cramped.


I liked the back-and-forth between Trevor and Jon, with Trevor playing the naive role and Jon continually schooling him with the truth of the situation.  It was a bit like a reversal of their dynamic from when Trevor was a correspondent.

  • Love 6

I liked Trevor complaining about the illogic of calling someone a pussy.  Although, instead of bringing up the word "dick," I probably would've questioned the validity of  "have the balls/stones/cojones," "grow a pair," etc. denoting toughness by showing any fight scene from a comedy that features a guy getting hit in the balls.

Or perhaps a clip from one of my all time favorite TDS segments, Ed Helms' All Star Salute to Getting Hit in the Nuts.

Great show all around!! Of course enough cannot be said about Jon appearing and spreading the info about the Zadroga Act and the people in Congress who have not sponsored it  (and love that he was able to persuade Senator Portman from my state!)


Laughed a lot in Trevor's opening segment, but especially at how President Obama's address delayed the start of the NFL game and impersonating Ben Roethlisberger, "No! 8:00 smash time!!"

Edited by Mamiesan3
  • Love 1

Oh how I missed ya Jon (no disrespect, Trev). But I can see why he returned. Extending the Zadroga Bill is far too big an issue to let slip by, considering it was TDS and Jon's voice that gave it the passage it deserved. And when Jon and Trevor talked about reconvening the panel from five years ago, I had a bad feeling it was going to be much smaller. Sadly, it was true. Perhaps this would be a good way to shame and humiliate sociopaths like McConnell and Ryan to pass the bill. But with the influence of the Tea Party in Congress and the Senate, who knows what will happen.


I recorded the show last night. Did I miss anything after thirty minutes, like the MoZ? because it stopped recording after that.

  • Love 2

I recorded the show last night. Did I miss anything after thirty minutes, like the MoZ? because it stopped recording after that.

The show ran about 5 minutes long. Not sure if you can watch stuff on the CC web site in Canada [link], but if so, it's worth fast-forwarding to the Moment of Zen, 'cause it was pretty cute to watch Trevor & Jon's interaction.

This might be heresy to some and way too soon for many.  But while it was not the first or even the immediate lingering response to Jon's appearance, it did help illustrate to me how much he was past his due date as host for the show.  I was really glad to see him and his piece was profound and tragically necessary.  But for me it was Trevor's show already.  And that kind of surprised me considering how many years Jon was the one single go to television moment no matter what four nights a week.  It underscored for me how despite still really rough moments Trevor and the show stumble a bit through in these months, how fresh and energetic he is and how the show is something I no longer feel a bit strained with.  A bit old hat and tuning in out of habit.


That said, it also defined for me what was the best of Jon as a host and what I really really hope he can go forward with post TDS.  I know he still likes movies and I suspect he will return in some capacity.  Maybe documentaries over scripted film.  But what I would love for him to do is to take up public advocacy on these other issues that he always was the one voice to clearly define the sheer idiocy and horror that was self inflicted by society.  First that comes to mind is gun violence.  I would love to see Jon apply the articulate passion we so often saw and I certainly embraced as comfort following one shooting after another.  Jon as host I don't miss anywhere as much as I thought his appearance might stir.  Jon's voice though is something I think we need more of.  Just unbound by the constraints he might have felt working in such a capacity day in day out. 

  • Love 9



I liked Trevor complaining about the illogic of calling someone a pussy.  Although, instead of bringing up the word "dick," I probably would've questioned the validity of  "have the balls/stones/cojones," "grow a pair," etc. denoting toughness by showing any fight scene from a comedy that features a guy getting hit in the balls.


Thank you! The balls v. pussy concept is one of the most purely sexist dichotomies in the English language, because there is exactly zero correspondence to the actual organs. For example, I just started doing martial arts in a new dojo with mostly men, although I came of age in an all women's dojo in the 2000s. So imagine my amazement when the sensei says put on sparring gear, and all the guys emerge in these big plastic diapers! It cracks my shit up every time, as I walk out in my shin guards.


See also:

https://youtu.be/D_kt7Q6jmqM?t=1m21s (Unsurprisingly, the real, unedited version is not on YouTube.)

Edited by Sesquipedalia
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RE: Pussy as an insult.


I was once standing in line for a concert and the guy in front me was talking to his friends about how tough he was and how if "that pussy. even looked at him wrong he couldn't be held responsible for his actions".  To which a loud clear voice, wearied beyond belief of the guy's loud braggadcio said "pussy?  you mean the one thing you want to fuck the most?  Maybe you should just give the guy your number and go from there?"  Dead silence.  Followed by several people also annoyed by the loud creep giving a nice little round of applause.


I had missed the Idris interview and went back to watch it.  Someone needs to tell Idris that it isn't just the "ladies" responding to that level of hotness.  I'd do it myself but I'm too busy bathing in his smile. 

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I thought the show was on fire last night.  The first segment was everything I wanted it to be, and I love that Trevor got to what is, for me, the heart of the problem.  As much as what Trump said is ugly, racist, and crazy, what scares me is that he wouldn't say crap like that if he didn't know that it worked.  One lunatic spewing hate is bad, but enough people rallying around that hate that he's the Republican frontrunner?  That's the real worry for me.


I was a little surprised at how visibly worked up Trevor was.  Although he obviously hates many of the issues that come up on the show (racism, gun violence, police brutality, terrorism,) he usually maintains that more disarming delivery style where the anger is sort of hidden in the sarcasm, biting remarks masked by a charming smile.  Here, though, you could see that he'd had it up to HERE with this BS.


Hasan and Trevor were just awesomely on-point.  Everything about their exchange was wonderful.  Interpreting Trump's words to mean that Muslims should stay out of America for their own safety, the White ISIS comparisons, and at the end, calling for conservatives to step up and take care of the extremists in their party before deciding that it was easiest to just hate/fear the whole group indiscriminately - perfect from start to finish.

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Trump isn't an idiot. If he thought that this strategy wouldn't work, he wouldn't do it. He knows quite well that there's plenty of people who think like that, and that's what he's going with. I go back and forth whether he actually believes what he's saying or whether this is a tactic. 

I mean, how many times have people said, "ok, this is too much, no one is going to support this." And he's still around. There's tons of people who actually believe this garbage. It's not like he's worried about donors dropping out. He can afford to roll straight up to the convention. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the nomination was still up for grabs by then. Typically, people run out of money and quit. That's not going to happen.

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At every step of the way, every time Trump has said something that should have been completely over the line of acceptable public rhetoric, people have either dismissed him as an idiot or dismissed it as surely this would be the final straw that would end his campaign.  That's how we got where we are.  Because there is a sizable segment of our population that does think this way and haven't really had a public voice for it before now.  Other candidates have skirted around it and tried to dog whistle it but he's the one outright saying it. I think Trump is shrewd enough to know exactly what he's doing and because he's not beholden to donors deciding they'd rather not be associated with it, he can just keep going and going and going.  I'm not sure it even matters anymore whether he truly believes what he's saying or not because the followers he's stirred up obviously do.


Trevor absolutely nailed every aspect of this.  I liked that he dropped just enough of the smoother veneer to let us know that he gets that this really isn't funny anymore.  I sometimes find some of the exchanges with correspondents belaboring the point to the point of tedium but the segment with Hasan was truly spot on that the party has lost control of this to where they all risk being tarred with the same brush.

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I feel somewhat vindicated because Mark Cuban said he doesn't think Trump seriously believes what he's saying either. Of course, that's only part of it. All these people who do, are beating up middle eastern people, etc. So the damage is real. 


The other problem is that the rest of the field is horribly horribly weak and rather than holding actual debates, where some of them might be able to refute Trump, they're just staging media events where Trump excels, and they're all complaining about the questions, etc. So instead, they're just ripping off the most outrageous things they can to get some coverage over the next few news cycles. Well, you complained last time, and this is the forum you got. So it's your fault too, RNC.

  • Love 2

Trump isn't an idiot. If he thought that this strategy wouldn't work, he wouldn't do it. He knows quite well that there's plenty of people who think like that, and that's what he's going with. I go back and forth whether he actually believes what he's saying or whether this is a tactic. 

I went back and forth on this for a while too, until I realized I don't care. If he doesn't really believe it, he's sold his soul to say it and still sleeps at night. Just as bad.


I truly hadn't heard the extent of his revolting comments about his daughter before. I'd heard one of them, but seeing them all back to back like that -- yikes. But I was relieved Trevor took time to basically apologize to Ivanka for dragging her into this. I don't know anything about her, but she surely cannot deserve that.

  • Love 5

The other problem is that the rest of the field is horribly horribly weak and rather than holding actual debates, where some of them might be able to refute Trump, they're just staging media events where Trump excels, and they're all complaining about the questions, etc. So instead, they're just ripping off the most outrageous things they can to get some coverage over the next few news cycles. Well, you complained last time, and this is the forum you got. So it's your fault too, RNC.


There's this too.  Trump is no dummy when it comes to media attention.  He knows it makes headlines every time he says something completely over the line and it makes more headlines as everyone scrambles to express outrage and condemn him for it.  The rest of the field is mostly a bunch of extremists who are surprisingly weak for being extremists who are then forced into the position of either reacting to him or trying to outcrazy each other to pull headlines of their own.  I mean, Jeb Bush is an asshole, but he's a pretty run of the mill asshole which doesn't get much attention.


On topic and in the shallow end?  It absolutely tickled me that Trevor took half a second to acknowledge people cheering for the again lovely accent work he did on Muslims being asked to name Santa's reindeer as part of their profiling.  I continue to adore his accents.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 4

Trevor's "Papa???"  slayed me.  That's how i felt when I saw Jon.  Sniff.  I do love Trevor tho.  


I loved that too and when Trevor asked if he was taking back the show because he heard "that happens on American TV".  One thing that seemed odd to me was how much bigger Jon looked than Trevor when they were sitting at the table.  It was weird.  I don't know if it was the camera angle or Jon has a bigger head.

  • Love 3

The other problem is that the rest of the field is horribly horribly weak and rather than holding actual debates, where some of them might be able to refute Trump, they're just staging media events where Trump excels, and they're all complaining about the questions, etc. So instead, they're just ripping off the most outrageous things they can to get some coverage over the next few news cycles. Well, you complained last time, and this is the forum you got. So it's your fault too, RNC.

I lay this almost 100% at the feet of the RNC (I'd say is 98.999% on the RNC/1.001% on the cable networks).  They acquiesced to FNC and the other cable networks.  Right at the start they should've said "here's the deal: we're doing X debates and that's that."  Let the candidates revolt if they don't like the RNC's rules.


I'm looking forward to seeing last night's ep, but to satisfy some curiosity: was the comment about Ivanka the one where Daddy dearest said he'd date her if she weren't his daughter?

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On topic and in the shallow end?  It absolutely tickled me that Trevor took half a second to acknowledge people cheering for the again lovely accent work he did on Muslims being asked to name Santa's reindeer as part of their profiling.  I continue to adore his accents.


It tickles me how good Trevor is with accents. It makes me realize how bad Jon - whom I love - was at them. Other than the Queen (Hellooooooo!) and his stereotypical Jersey guy, he didn't have a very deep bench. Trevor seems to be able to pick up any accent pretty quickly.


Last night is the first time I've really started to see some of that outrage that we were so used to from Jon start infecting Trevor. Just a flash here and there where you can see him saying to himself, "Really? This is the kind of bullshit I have to sort through?" Trump has become a TDS heirloom handed down from host to host.

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The rest of the field is mostly a bunch of extremists who are surprisingly weak for being extremists who are then forced into the position of either reacting to him or trying to outcrazy each other to pull headlines of their own.


In a way Trump is almost doing them a favor. Fiorina is a fraud, the senators have horrible legislative records, Carson is delusional, and all the rest. Bush really just has to wait it out. If they actually all got together and put their foot down to not give in to Trump, and either flat out ignore him or try to challenge him, all together they could show him up. The current debate format doesn't allow for that, and, they're all actually quite hateful people. It's like the Sith before the Rule of Two. 

I thought Trevor handled Trump and his racism and his pervyness in a way that Jon would never have done. It really feels like Trevor has made the show his in the past couple of weeks.

As for Trump and whether he means what he says or not, I think it is even more repulsive if he doesn't mean it. I felt the exact same way about Bill and Hillary's racist campaign against Obama in 2008. That Hillary was so desperate to win that she'd resort to race-baiting just shows she doesn't have the character to be President. Same with Trump. But, after watching his show the first season, I think he means every word of it. He was racist and sexist during that show on an appalling level.

If the Republicans want to stop Trump, then they need like 5 candidates to drop out and let the establishment candidate conslidate their base and go head-to-head with Trump. If Bush, Paul, Christie, Fiorina and Kasich all dropped out and let Cruz and Rubio (who are polling the highest of the establishment candidates) take on Trump and Carson, one of them would prevail. Bush doesn't stand a chance at the nomination. He's spent the most money and his polling keeps dropping. Unfortunately, a Cruz vs. Hillary race is as terrifying as a Trump vs. Hillary race as I am not sure Hillary could beat either candidate. She isn't 1/100th the politician Obama or her husband is.

Let's please stick to the topics covered in the show's episodes. In general, political conversation is not allowed here at Previously.tv; although obviously we cannot avoid ALL political discussion when talking about this show. I know it's easy to veer off into conversation on the Presidential Race in general when discussing segments on particular candidates, but we do need to stay aware of what we're discussing.


There are no plans to get heavy handed in here about it, but thought this was a good chance to remind everyone. Thanks for posting at Previously.TV!

Last night's episode just highlighted for me everything I have been feeling about Donald Trump lately. 


He is such a clown and his antics were so easy to laugh at.  I don't know whether he believes a word of what he spews or is playing to the masses, but it doesn't even matter.  What alarms me is that he has a large following of people who do support him unreservedly.   While I still find his theatrics laughable, the fact that all these people are eating up his every word is so disturbing that I really can't laugh anymore, I can barely even muster a smile.  In fact, I just want to throw my hands up in despair. 


I loved the field piece by Hasan.  Brilliantly done and summed up quite succinctly.

Edited by Fable
  • Love 3

What angora said, about last night's show. Trevor was hitting it out. And Hasan had a big, big assist. Trevor looks as if he's gone from innocent, wide eyed newcomer who thinks it's funny the way in which America does its politics to a Jon-esque "Jesus Christ, are you people out of your fucking minds?" mentality in a little over two months.


And speaking of Jon, I know it was never going to happen the other night, what with the importance of the Zadroga Bill needing to be extended. But for years, Jon has always wanted to see Donald Trump put his money where his big mouth was and run for president - just for the comic material Trump would provide. Well, just before Jon leaves, Trump finally enters the race, much to Jon's squeezing delight - and sorrow because Trump decides to do this as Jon has one foot out the door. But given how Trump's racist, narcissistic, obnoxious, toxic campaign have completely transformed the presidential race to an ugly and horrific nightmare that the United States may never recover from and have put Trump solidly in the Republican lead for most of his time on the campaign - and may even win him the nomination and, God forbid, the presidency - it might have been interesting if Trevor had asked Jon if he sorrowfully regrets wanting Donald Trump to run for president.

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Thanks.  I think I'll probably want a shower after watching.


After I watched the show this morning, I told my husband "I'm going to go take one of those Silkwood showers now. I may never be clean again."  


The worst one, to me, was when they were being interviewed and were asked (paraphrasing) "What is the thing the two of you have in common that you enjoy the most?"  Ivanka answered "real estate and golf."  Then it was Donald's turn.  His response started with "Well, I was going to say sex, but..."  No one should ever have to have the "Please stop telling people how much you want to bang me" conversation with their father, but, I think Ivanka REALLY needs to have that conversation. 

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Or ask Jon if he thinks Trump even cares about what Jon Stewart said / says...


I doubt that matters at this point - mostly because Trump has shown he doesn't care what anybody thinks of him. Perhaps asking comedians who wanted Trump to run for the comedy material he'd provide, only to see him turn the entire presidential campaign on its ear to his advantage as he puts the country at embarrassing risk, is the classic case of be careful what you wish for!

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I also have felt sorry for those clip pullers and those who sit and watch Trump and or Fox News all day.  Don't see how they keep their sanity.  Btw, I did see in the latest Fox News polling that Trump has *increased* his lead in South Carolina after those "Ban all Muslims from our shores" stuff.  So, at least in one state, it is actually *helping* him.


Has anyone heard any more on the Zadroga Bill?  Turtleboy (aka Mitch McConnell) promised to bring it up for a vote this week.  So far, I have heard nothing about it.  I hope they keep holding his feet to the proverbial fire to get these heroes the benefits they need to stay alive.


Oh and agreed on Trevor and his accents -- he positively nails them most of the ttime.

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