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S06.E06: Walk Out

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I wonder if Chelsea learns Taylor is still banging Adam. That would put a crimp in her court case.


Given the announcement that Taylor conceded to split custody with Adam, I am afraid Taylor is either back with Adam or at least entertaining the notion of getting back with him. If so, I have to wonder if her perfectly reasonable reservations about him taking their baby daughter were more related to sour grapes than a concern for her baby's welfare. I don't know her though so can't say this is the case.


I see nothing in Adam that would explain how he gets any action. Yeah, he's d-list famous, but I'd actually consider that a detraction, as I wouldn't want to be known publicly as the girl as who willingly banged Adam.

  • Love 8

Omigoodness. What? Does Adam have some kind of ginormous and crave-worthy schlong, and we don't know it? I hope Taylor is not back to sleeping with Adam. Gross.

Much like with Kail, the only reason for why Adan can keep attracting new partners, that I can think, of is that they both must be amazing in bed. Neither of them really have many other redeeming qualities.

Is it the one where Nathan cries in the cop car yet?

Edited by truelovekiss

Is it just me or did almost everyone but Chelsea's segments start out with "since our last fight..". For once I agreed with Jenelle, Nipples did seem high. Too happy and smiley and still with that dopey smirk on his face. Ugh.


Finally some of Leah's dirty laundry is coming out. Tell us all, Germy!!! Don't keep taking her manipulative bullshit! And again, Leah is out and about without the girlses. And woot for the pink chair's cameo! Corey and Miranda seem to really enjoy doing activities with the twins. Thank jeebus for them cos with Leah they don't have a chance. At her house it seems they mostly fend for themselves.


Kail and Javi going on yet another trip? Are they ever home?? This further convinces me of my thinking that he does not work. And of course, Kail has to ruin their good time before they even get outta state. Gaaahd she's a miserable wretch. I don't even want to watch their (NEXT!!!) upcoming trip.


Does Adumb ever do anything without his friend/chauffer? That is so weird. I hope Taylor doesn't settle with him out of court, but I'm assuming she probably does since there hasn't been any articles about him getting less visitation. Did they ever get back together? Anyone know his current arrangement with Aubree?

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 8

Kail is absolutley insufferable. She is just a miserable, miserable person who seeks only to pull everyone around her into her miserable black hole of suck. I can not imagine how miserable she will treat her sons the second they try to exert any sense of self. Kail employes a scorched earth policy on anyone and everyone who is not all Kail all the time. I may actually feel more sorry for her kids then Jenelle simply because she's very unlikely to ever loose custody of her boys and they will be subjected to her emotional abuse for far more periods of time then Jace.

  • Love 15

Ok MTV. I follow the girls in real time so I know way more than I should, and even I am confused. So Jeremy is divorcing Leah because she had low self-esteem? That's the story line they are going with?

Why can't they show what is really going on? Leah saying the word issues 1000 times is obviously code for whatever she is dealing with (dick, pills, depression, money problems. Pick one!)

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 10

The first Jenelle scene of the episode was perfection.

1) Nipples calling Nelle out on how she's trash that won the lottery. Halle-fricking-lujah, someone said it.

2) "you're not on my calliber" was a good one.

3) I couldn't breathe when he imitated her saying "leave me alone."

Well done, Nathan you won that scene. Then you went on got high high high.

  • Love 21

I don't know why anyone would ever question the amount of stability that Janelle's home could provide for Jace. And isn't it sweet that Janel's only concern is that her two kids will make her a burden to her future druggie boyfriends? Seriously, why does every doubt that she's a good mother?


I'm a cold hearted bitch, because all I could do is laugh when Leah was sobbing about her sad life to her pack of Marlboros. Poor girl, it's like being a serial cheater doesn't get you anywhere these days.


Kail is a miserable hag. The only drama came from Kail, who for some reason, felt compelled to tell her friend all about every. single. text. that Javi was sending her. I was hoping the loud boom we heard in the car was Javi pushing Kail out the door.


But really, the best part of this episode was the preview of Nipples getting arrested.

  • Love 20

I'm not sure. But I did see a Jonathan, too. Let me go check.

There is a Jonathan. Same street as Jose. hahaha I've been trying to google what his legal name is. Thanks for that info!!

I was pretty sure I heard Janet call him Jonathan before. It always did confuse me that they called him Jo instead of Jon. But I'm maintaining my theory because Jo still sounds like Jose kind of. I'm just going out of my way to say Kailyn is a controlling bitch.

Javi went by a different name before he met Kail?

His first name is Jose, I don't know if he always went by Javier.

  • Love 1

Astounding the amount of denial on display this week, and the lack of responsibility any of them take for their mistakes (Chelsea excluded, as usual).  Sad to see Taylor sucked back in to whatever it is Adam does to get any woman to give him the time of day.  


Nathan had his one moment of saying something reasonable to Jenelle last week, so of course now he comes back with extra crazy this week!  He definitely did seem high, or in the midst of some kind of manic episode when he came back from his "business trip".  The fact that she doesn't seem at all fazed by his belittling her during every argument is just sad.


Jeremy was pretty mature in the way he was talking about Leah, despite the smirking when he was talking to his friend.  He could certainly be approaching it more maliciously and instead he's still showing genuine regret and concern over what's happened to Leah and their relationship.  

  • Love 7

Why was Jeremy smirking so much?

Also Kail is a miserable, passive aggressive bitch. She picks at Javi and when he reacts, she acts like he's the one behaving like an asshole. The look on her face when Javi told her to not talk to him was amazing. Really bitch you're gonna act shocked that he's mad? Like you haven't been acting like mega douche this whole time?

Nathan is trash. So is Jenelle but he obviously hates her and has issues.

  • Love 8

Even Chelsea got on my nerves this episode. For a playdate they take the girls to a painting place? Paisley is maybe two. The girls just want to play together, not sit still and paint separately for an hour! I was just waiting for her to ask Taylor straight up if she was involved with Adam. She seemed hesitant to speak up.

Next time, meet at a playscape so you can make a quick escape. And ask what you want because you are splitting legal bills with her, so make sure Aubree's best interests are being represented!

Leah's friend gets my vote for being an MTV hired sober coach. She is now in almost every scene with Leah. Maybe she was hired to get Leah through the end of taping? That's the first time I've noticed them showing one of them actually smoking on camera.

  • Love 8

Even Chelsea got on my nerves this episode. For a playdate they take the girls to a painting place? Paisley is maybe two. The girls just want to play together, not sit still and paint separately for an hour! I was just waiting for her to ask Taylor straight up if she was involved with Adam. She seemed hesitant to speak up.

Next time, meet at a playscape so you can make a quick escape. And ask what you want because you are splitting legal bills with her, so make sure Aubree's best interests are being represented!

Leah's friend gets my vote for being an MTV hired sober coach. She is now in almost every scene with Leah. Maybe she was hired to get Leah through the end of taping? That's the first time I've noticed them showing one of them actually smoking on camera.

I didn't really get the painting place either. It seemed like a 4-5 year old like Aubree but not really for Paislee. Maybe it's just because we know what's happened in real time, but I felt like Taylor seemed much more hesitant to try to give Adam as few rights as possible.

I seriously can't stand Adam's sober coach/friend. I don't know what it is, but I wouldn't want my dog around him much less my kid. I don't know, he just weirds me out.

  • Love 2
I was pretty sure I heard Janet call him Jonathan before. It always did confuse me that they called him Jo instead of Jon.

You're right. Jo's mom always called him Jonathan. So Kail moved? I mean, I can understand not wanting to live next door or even across the street from your ex, but what the hell is wrong with living in the same neighborhood? Your son can have both of his parents nearby and could possibly even walk from one house to the other, when he gets older. Jo ain't worried about your ass, Kail. He's probably thanking his lucky stars that he no longer has to deal with your shit, like Javi does. Javi is a bit of a jerk, but for real, it's like Kail doesn't believe that anyone but her has a right to be angry/upset about anything. My goodness, Javi ought to want to get away from her every now and then.


I hope that compensate Javi's sister for all the babysitting she does. And she looks to be expecting a baby herself. She needs to stay far away from that toxicity that is Kail and Javi's house.


I really hate Janelle. Trying to bribe Jace into moving in with her and Nathan with the promise of karate classes. And now what? She's no longer pursuing custody and I'm guessing Jace isn't in Karate unless Barb signed him up. I see a lifetime of disappointment in that poor boy's life dealing with Janelle. She's too wrapped up in her own drama and bullshit to ever put her children first. It is so sad to watch.


Adam's sober-partner/sponsor really creeps me out. I'm going to feel like shit if he's the nicest guy in the world, but the fact that he's hanging out with Adumb doesn't indicate that.

  • Love 8

Ok, let me say that I don't condone violence, but if Javi had bitch slapped Kail at the drive thru I wouldn't have minded. God, she is insufferable. And why is everything about Sterling? FFS, Kail just went on a trip with her and now she wants Sterling to tag along to Florida? No sane husband would be okay with that.

Regarding Chelsea, she should have known Taylor was going to waver. Taylor doesn't have enough distance yet to be objective about Adam. Several posters mentioned on the other thread that they thought it was a bad idea to use the same lawyer and I have to agree. I'm surprised Randylicious didn't advise against it.

Loved how Jenelle was more concerned about having too much baggage to snag a new guy rather than the fact that neither of her children would have a father figure in their lives. It's good to know she has her priorities in order.

Adam's rapey friend scares me.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 14

It must be really be exhausting to be any of the "friends" on these shows. I've thought that of both Teen Mom original recipe and this one. You have to sit there and be all understanding and go along with whatever story they are telling for the show. And just dealing with them.


Oh Chelsea, my fave. Well that sucks that Taylor is clearly falling for Adam's crap. I wish Chelsea would be able to say to her, "Taylor, please, check out this show and my segments from seasons 1-3. He pulls this crap every time,and also hey remember how he's always getting in car accidents, you want your child around that?"


Oh Nathan, you are seriously the same as Janelle. You won the lottery too meeting her and getting to be on TV. That is clearly why you are with her and why you put on a show getting engaged to her on TV. Whatever. I feel for Kaiser and Jace in this situation. 


Kail... ugh. What can I say? I did laugh however at Jo getting a house in Kail's town. YES! That was the best thing ever. Also why would Kail's friend be going on a trip to Florida? That seems odd, if it's a family vacation thing. 


I have nothing new to say about Leah. Only that I wish I felt bad for her when she was crying in the car because I do believe she has stuff going on but I do think a lot of it is of her own making and she also likes to place the blame on others.

  • Love 9

So it looks like Taylors getting back with Adam, but it's nothing that Chelsea hasn't done a bunch of times. Remember she slept with Adam back when Taylor and Adam broke up previously.

I laughed my ass off when Nathan was emotionally abusing Jenelle. Sorry, but my only sympathy is for the children. She pretends to play with Jace for just a few minutes, but it's really just a set-up for her to whine to her friend.

I think Jeremy was smiling during the talk with his friend because he was trying to dance around the issues and they both knew it.

Leah slipped up once and said to her friend, "Nothing even happened." Viewers who don't follow them IRL must be so confused about what's going on.

  • Love 10
Adam's sober-partner/sponsor really creeps me out. I'm going to feel like shit if he's the nicest guy in the world, but the fact that he's hanging out with Adumb doesn't indicate that.

They must have replaced the semi-cute Adam hire-a-friend in the season's first episode with Smokestack because Adam thought the other guy made him look uglier.

  • Love 8

For about 15 minutes, Janelle/Nathan lived in my neighborhood. It just so happened to be the 15 minutes in which Nathan got arrested by the good ol' Horry County PD. I am reallllly looking forward to seeing how true MTV sticks to what really happened. Most of us in town have seen footage/pics of the entire arrest. Including MTV crew members standing awkwardly in the driveway with their boom mic as Nathan is put in the car, sobbing.

I loved him giving it to her in this episode. Give me stoned Nathan every episode, please.

  • Love 18

Are Javi's mother and sis raising the kids because those two are always going somewhere? Must be nice because I have to move heaven and earth just to be able to go to Target without having to drag my 7 year-old along!

I don't want to imagine how much it cost to repair that Mercedes.

It probably takes everything in Lydia not to choke the shit out of Kail!

  • Love 14

Well these ladies sure know how to pick 'em (eye roll).


Jenelle: What made her segment so uncomfortable to watch was the blase demeanor she maintained through out Nathan's roid rage of demeaning name calling and sarcastic barbs. Obviously this was not the first time he's gone after her in such a way, especially considering the fact that she felt comfortable enough to keep her eyes trained on her cell phone while he insulted her merrily. (It was a weird moment)


Chelsea: Aubree is adorable but she needs some serious disciplinary direction STAT! I'm not sure why Chelsea was so surprised by Taylor's hesitant stance on the Adam front-Chelsea herself has only stopped hooking up with the man in the last year. 


Kail: This girl is a box of contradictions. She doesn't want to be with Jo because he's too controlling...but she won't let the man decide where his family get's to live even though she herself has complained about how far away he lives. She doesn't want to be with Javi because he's too clingy and subservient to her personality but the one time he's honest (from the get go) about how he feels...she complains because it's not what she wants to hear. She makes herself miserable and then insists that her unhappiness stems from everyone else.


Leah: Leah has never been my favorite Mom but I have to admit I did feel bad for her when Jeremy admitted that her insecurities were part of the reason he no longer wanted to be with her. From my understanding Jeremy's silence at Addy's elation was due to the paper in his mouth? (Or perhaps the tension?) Regardless, I do think Leah should really consider going with Corey's week split plan. She's said herself that she is extremely dispirited and stressed by her life so I'm unsure why she's so against having Corey and Miranda take some of the pressure off her shoulders.

  • Love 11

Kail is absolutley insufferable. She is just a miserable, miserable person who seeks only to pull everyone around her into her miserable black hole of suck. I can not imagine how miserable she will treat her sons the second they try to exert any sense of self. Kail employes a scorched earth policy on anyone and everyone who is not all Kail all the time. I may actually feel more sorry for her kids then Jenelle simply because she's very unlikely to ever loose custody of her boys and they will be subjected to her emotional abuse for far more periods of time then Jace.

I agree completely. She kept saying shit like "after Javi ruined my trip" and it pissed me off. No asshole, you ruined your trip and everybody else's.

She can never admit fault or take responsibility for anything! It drives me crazy. She's going to end up a bitter, lonely, miserable old woman and she'll have nobody to blame but herself.

Another one who never takes any responsibility is Leah. I couldn't believe the bullshit coming out of her mouth. I couldn't believe her idiot friend asked her why she stays with Jeremy.

Manipulative bitch Jenelle can't do anything alone with her son can she? Who was this new rent a friend? She's still messing with Jace's head by asking if he wants to live with them.

Damn I love Chelsea.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 11

Adam's sober-partner/sponsor really creeps me out. I'm going to feel like shit if he's the nicest guy in the world, but the fact that he's hanging out with Adumb doesn't indicate that.

Has it ever been confirmed that the guy is a sober partner or whatever or is that a rumor? I don't remember reading or hearing that he's anything more than a friend.

  • Love 2

In past Seasons, this was watchable. I just wanted to kick Jenelle in her evil face & mostly liked everyone else. Now I want to do bodily harm to 3/4 most of the time. 

•• As far as Kailyn, she just surprises me every time I see her. She's had a hell of an advantage over every Teen Mom. SHE'S HAD GREAT GUYS! I know Javi is insecure- but she's not giving him a reason TO BE secure. She wants everything HER way. She asked for his opinion on Sterling & he told her. Then her eyes got red and her head started spinning around. I'll have both Jo & Javi's 2nd kid! They're great guys.


•• Hate is a strong word.... But I HATE Jenelle. I hate everything about her. It's so funny to me that Jenelle acts like a kid all the time, but she has no idea how to talk to Jace!! Heeeeeyyyy Buudddddyyy! He's not deaf & dumb- HE'S A KID! I want to know what happened to Nathan! Did he find a way to make his brain bigger at the gym? In the past 2 episodes, he's actually been able to string some words together and make sense! It's impressive. I laughed when he called her a sociopath & called her a bitch. He's not the best guy- but he's surprised me too. In a good way. He's actually a good Dad too. 1 thing Jenelle said really bothered me tonight. When Jenelle was laying there talking to her friend, she said something about it she & Nathan break up, she'd have 2 kids by 2 guys. Instead of worrying about how she's going to take care of her kids... She complained that no guy would want her. Ugh. She doesn't deserve those kids at all. 


•• I don't know whether to punch Leah or give her a big hug. BOTH Jeremy & Leah have issues with communication. If they'd just tell each other how they really feel & listen to each other every once in a while, things may have worked out. She does need to get some help & there's no shame in that. She's been through so much and she's very young. She has called out for help- to Jeremy. But she did it the wrong way. He told his friend his house is a mess, that Leah has no goals, & that she's changed. Instead of seeing that as all her fault, maybe he should be thinking about it as her mental illness. Not that there's an excuse for some of the things she's done/ she does... But there could be a medical reason. She could have bipolar. Ever since I realized how overwhelmed she is, I see it pretty much every time I see her. He doesn't understand that Leah needs him there/ needs help & Leah doesn't understand that Jeremy needs to work. It's a cluster & I feel bad for her. I can't help it. 


Ugh, I always mean to say a few things about each Mom- and end up typing a short story on each. Sorry!




  • Love 4

This one felt like 85% filler to me, and they have so much content that I hate that they're dragging it out! Like the Janelle/Nathan arrest clearly happened in this exact time period, but MTV just stuffed a bunch of junk footage in so that they could wait until next week. Goddammit, is Andy Cohen running MTV now?!


Kail & Javi: MTV honestly could have saved a bunch of time, money and energy and just filmed one of the fights/vacations/divorce talks/abusive threats and played it on a damned loop all season. It was so strange to see the car "wreck" clip episode finally, yet MTV cuts out whatever actually happened during the apparent accident. I really wish they'd at least split Kail's time with Jo since he's not in a murderous rage 24/7 and occasionally says something funny. I'm sure Kail is hysterical over the notion that Jo would open his door daily and see that she and Javi are talking divorce 7 days a week, and for Jo to see how often the kid/s are being taken of by anyone other than Kail. Plus, there's that whole issue of the Jo's happier and more stable relationship being on display at all times (and the birth of a new baby) all happening just down the block.


Nathan is trash. So is Jenelle but he obviously hates her and has issues.


The most disturbing bit of this episode for me was the the fake out where Nathan texted that he was returning to the hotel and would call Jenelle, and then walked through the door 30 seconds later laughing about how he'd been back for hours/a day(?). That is some really bizarre, diabolical, manipulative mind-fucking right there. And the fact that he thought it was cool to gaslight her with her friend there to witness it says to me that he really is dangerous. Nathan is that "partner" who walks in, murders his ex or gf/wife/whatever, and drives 1/2 a mile away to the nearest gym, works out, shoots the shit, all smiles -- and then goes home to take care of the body. And he's definitely fucking someone else, Jenelle.


Chelsea herself has only stopped hooking up with the man in the last year.


I had the same thought as soon as she yapped about enough years passing to see through him. It took her about 7 or so, and I'm pretty sure it only truly died when she met Cole. A testament to the power of abuse and what happens when the abuse leads to a pregnancy laced with further abusive trauma; you just keep trying for a different outcome no matter what.


It does give me the giggles though that not all that much time could have passed between when their lawyer made the statement that the case was very solid and the only thing that could possibly happen to throw things off is if one of the girls suddenly decided Adumb was a great catch and just had to be with him no matter what -- he must have head-desked hard after hearing word of how quickly that happened.


Adumb's friend is like "walker of the week" from AMC who just keeps returning. Or something that hatched from the biohazard container from the back of a CDC building. Dude just looks like he's carrying too many bloodborne pathogens to risk having kids and babies around, since they're always touching everything and generally inserting their little fingers up their noses, into their ears and eyes and such.  

  • Love 13

I laughed when he called her a sociopath & called her a bitch. He's not the best guy- but he's surprised me too. In a good way. He's actually a good Dad too.

Whaaaat??? Nathan a good dad?

Nathan AND Jenelle are both sociopaths, bitches, and assholes.

As for Leah in need of help? Please! That girl ALWAYS has help from relatives on a weekly basis. That does not even count the days the kids are with Cory and Miranda for almost four days out of the week.

Javi's Mercedes could no longer endure the weight of Kail's fat ass, which is why the tire on the passenger side finally gave out.

  • Love 9

Nathan is that "partner" who walks in, murders his ex or gf/wife/whatever, and drives 1/2 a mile away to the nearest gym, works out, shoots the shit, all smiles -- and then goes home to take care of the body.

It's kind of like a white trash version of Aaron Hernandez. Murder a man in cold blood and show up to the stadium the next day to work out like nothing happened. Kaiser has the worst genetics on the planet.

The best part of this episode for me was the pure glee on Jo's face after Kail's head damn near exploded when he told her the move was official. No matter how many roadblocks she threw up he remained calm and unflappable. There's no plausible excuse now to prevent Jo from having more time with his son.

As much as Javi annoys me, I felt bad for him this episode. He tried to extend the olive branch by planning a weekend for just him and Kail, then the second Kail doesn't get what she wants, she pitches a tantrum and demands to be taken home. I mean how frigging childish can you be?

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

Fliptopbox yes I thought every segment pretty much started with "since our last fight" or "we've been fighting," or of course the ever popular "since our big fight."


Jenelle - haha... Nathan saying "you have problems! you do!" to Jenelle. Same calber as he is? Um no, sadly, she might be one of the few people on the planet above your caliber.  But it's a tough call. I'm not a fan of her friend, or of how Jenelle acts in front of said friend (the one who had to introduce herself to Barb because they'd apparently never even met). Yuck.


Leah - as far as the being out without the girlses, I kind of prefer it that way. It freaks me out to think they might be in the car when she's nodding off from whatever she's (not) taking. I am way more anxious when I see her driving the kids around. I can't even imagine being one of the camera people.  Boy do they keep emphasizing how it's "only prescription medication" - in previous episodes and this one.


Whaaat? Done everything he's ever wanted you to do? Including, say, the laundry and cleaning out the car?  I mean I'm not saying those are reasons for divorce but unless she's talking about stuff not seen on the show, she hasn't done a whole lot of what he asked of her.


Kail - what a whiny bitch. Sorry. I hate, hate, hate using that word but I can't think of a better word for her. Jo cracked me up when he was like yep, we might be neighbors, try to stop it.  It probably drives her nuts she can't force him to live in a certain place. And then she and Javi can't even manage to get fast food without a flip out?  Shut up Kail.


Chelsea - oh no, Adam and Taylor are maybe back together?  I swear is that guy just magical in bed or what because on the surface, ewww.


(edited for typo fixes)

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 8

Ok MTV. I follow the girls in real time so I know way more than I should, and even I am confused. So Jeremy is divorcing Leah because she had low self-esteem? That's the story line they are going with?

Why can't they show what is really going on? Leah saying the word issues 1000 times is obviously code for whatever she is dealing with (dick, pills, depression, money problems. Pick one!)

I have no idea what is going on with these girls in real time and yes, it looked like Jeremy is divorcing Leah because she's having a really tough time raising three kids alone - one with special needs.  Sounds like some rough anxiety and probable misuse of medication too but it's called a rough patch.  Leah blows through money and can't seem to keep up with the laundry so he divorces her?  Leah has alot of issues but Jeremy certainly isn't any prize.  She's clearly struggling and her husband only wants healthy happy Leah.  I felt bad for her - she needs support and Jeremy doesn't seem up to it. 


The first Jenelle scene of the episode was perfection.

1) Nipples calling Nelle out on how she's trash that won the lottery. Halle-fricking-lujah, someone said it.

2) "you're not on my calliber" was a good one.

3) I couldn't breathe when he imitated her saying "leave me alone."

Well done, Nathan you won that scene. Then you went on got high high high.

The most disturbing bit of this episode for me was the the fake out where Nathan texted that he was returning to the hotel and would call Jenelle, and then walked through the door 30 seconds later laughing about how he'd been back for hours/a day(?). That is some really bizarre, diabolical, manipulative mind-fucking right there. And the fact that he thought it was cool to gaslight her with her friend there to witness it says to me that he really is dangerous. Nathan is that "partner" who walks in, murders his ex or gf/wife/whatever, and drives 1/2 a mile away to the nearest gym, works out, shoots the shit, all smiles -- and then goes home to take care of the body




I find Nathan terrifying.  I could totally see him murdering someone.   I hope that Barb never lets Jace live in the same house as Nathan.   He's abusive plain and simple and abusing something in addition to booze.    I don't care what Jenelle has done, no one deserves to be treated like that, much less the mother of his child. That she wants to "work it out" with him just shows me  how low her self-esteem must be; when she basically said she needed to stay with Nathan because no one else would want her I almost hear those same words coming out of Nathan's mouth.   

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7

Adam is so fucking delusional.  Just because Taylor is stupid enough to fall for whatever shit he feeds her, doesn't mean the judge is.  


OMG - Kail would drive me up the wall.  You cannot please that woman.


WTF is Nathan on?  That dude creeped me out.  All Jenelle worries about is what other guy would want her because she has kids from two different dads. Um....THAT'S what she worries about?

  • Love 5

I just noticed that Javi cannot pronounce his Ps or Ms with his mouth closed. Poor thing. Kail is perpetually miserable and like Javi said,an asshole. I don't understand where they were going. When they waved goodbye to Lincoln, I thought they were on their way to Florida, but they went to Chik Fil-a, had an accident, and went home? I'm confused.

Adam's friend looks like a 65 year old Perry Farrell. And speaking of geriatric friends, Jenelle's friend looked 25 from a distance, but 50 up close.

Adam's pseudo law degree musings are hilarious. "The judge won't split them up because they're sisters." They're half sisters, stupid. Just because Paislee's mother trusts her child with you, doesn't mean Chelsea has to follow suit.

And once again in the saga of Jenelle: Trailer Trash Who Hit the Lottery, Jenelle continues to harass Jace about coming to live with her and Nathan. Damn let him breathe.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 7

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