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So David's jumpoff befriended his wife and was pumping her for information about their marriage, meanwhile she is fucking Shannon's husband? Bitch really. That is some Melrose Place type shit. What a total mindfuck. No wonder Shannon is so fucked up over this. David has got a lot to answer for.


I really like Vicki and Shannon's relationship. A thought it might have taken a hit and Vicki would be feeling some kind of way when Shannon as a newbie won that most favorite HW award. Glad to see that didn't happen. 


Shut up Meg! How dumb are you to cozy up to a disloyal serpent like Tamra who thinks fidelity is just some kind of bank. Tamra is loyal to no one but Tamra. You gonna learn. You also need to learn that them headbands need to stay in the children's dance troupe costume sections.


I get that Shannon was peeved that Meg ran immediately to Tamra to dish the dirt, however, what I don't get is acting like you thought the shit would never get back to Tamra when your ass is surrounded by cameras? What the hell is wrong with saying 'yeah I said that shit and I meant that shit because Tamra is that shit!' Can't nobody put your ass on front street when you stand firm in your word. 


Vicki might as well have been at the pulpit at the First Ebenezer Church on a Sunday morning because I was giving her all kinds of Amens when she was saying that Hailey suffered from a severe lack of parenting, structure and supervision. That girl needs accountability. Not cars, prom suites at the beach and $100 a week allowance for what? Putting her own dishes in the dishwasher. I didn't really see anything conflicting with what she said, but that is just me.


There is just something so fucked up about Tamra's hairline. I don't know if it is all the botox, fillers or from actual surgery but it has such a surreal look to it sometimes that I find it mesmerizing. It is all at once crinkled, wrinkled and yet oddly smooth. It reminds me of Robocop without the helmet.




Imma need a gif of Jimmy Edmonds not giving a single fuck, eating chicken and licking his fingers and saying 'don't get your hopes up' in response to his wife tearfully wanting to spend less time apart.

Love this post...excellent!

  • Love 2

That stupid bitch having an affair with David befriended Shannon without Shannon knowing who she was. The piece of crap pumped Shannon for info about the state of her marriage.

Meghan said at the dinner table to Vicki that, "In a perfect world her step children would have come out of her!!!" Say what another ballsy bitch! Another whacko...where does Andy find these rejects? Why did Jim marry her? What the heck is going on with his kids and their relationship with Meghan. Why are we being subjected to this twisted shit?

  • Love 18

Jimmy and Meghan were on the Afterbuzz TV podcast a few weeks ago and they seemed less awkward together than on the show. That's not really saying much, though. They blamed editing and and talked about how different it is to be on TV for a sports show that you host versus being filmed at home. Jimmy said he first saw Meghan at some event and without talking to her asked his friend to let him know when she was single so he could date her, as if it were a forgone conclusion. I don't know if he was married at this point, but it really did come off like he had her on back order.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

I get that Shannon was peeved that Meg ran immediately to Tamra to dish the dirt, however, what I don't get is acting like you thought the shit would never get back to Tamra when your ass is surrounded by cameras? What the hell is wrong with saying 'yeah I said that shit and I meant that shit because Tamra is that shit!' Can't nobody put your ass on front street when you stand firm in your word. 


I know!


And then she had the nerve to say that it was "taken out of context."    


Is Shannon so delusional that she didn't think someone might tell Tamara what she said?

  • Love 3

Gosh, I wish there was a notice at the beginning of the show to have a pen and notebook so I could keep track of what people said in conversations when other people weren't there.


Vicki - you can't tell Meghan that she's not her stepkids' mom and then turn around and tell her that she needs to lay down the law with her stepdaughter.  But she's buying Brianna a Tahoe because she's cranky.


Vickie was sounding very Romanalike on WWHL.  It was kinda creeping me out with I'm not perfect speech.  I would love to see those two on vacation together....

  • Love 12

What was wrong with vicky' s face on wwhl? Did she have more surgery?


I didn't see her on WWHL, but this episode really outed her cheek implants. 


Like her or not, Vicki was absolutely correct about what she was saying about how they're raising Hailey. They're not doing that girl any favors by allowing her to coast and throwing money at her. 


Absolutely.  She hit that nail on the head.  Hayley is not held accountable for any of her actions.  I'm strict as hell, and she would have lost her car, phone, computer, and she would have been grounded.  Meghan is a "stay at home step-mother", and she couldn't make sure this kid was going to school.  And way to reward truancy - give her more freedom, $100 a week allowance for doing nothing, and require her to go to school only one day a week, which apparently Hayley can't manage to do.



The scene with Vicki and Shannon on the beach, talking about THE AFFAIR?  The mistress became friends with Shannon say WHAT?  She's right - that is fucked up.  Wow.  And as soon as Shannon thanked Vicki for being a true friend, I turned to my husband and said, "Oh gawd, I wonder how long until we see one betray the other one".  Minutes later we learn it is apparently happening next week.


That was shocking, and I hope folks around here can go a day without slamming Shannon for not getting over it.  The betrayal couldn't have been more deep, and there's no way David didn't know the mistress became Shannon's confidant.


Ima need a gif of Jimmy Edmonds not giving a single fuck, eating chicken and licking his fingers and saying 'don't get your hopes up' in response to his wife tearfully wanting to spend less time apart.


Is this close enough?



  • Love 10

I guess the fake cancer storyline starts next week. Can't wait. Meghan might be the most unpleasant person I've ever seen on TV, but I'm kinda looking forward to her exposing the fraud.

Also, re: Shannon telling Vicki, and only Vicki, details about David's affair - she forgot to include the camera crew. She did this all last season, too! All of that "how dare you repeat all this very private and personal and sensitive information that I'm revealing on camera....er, I mean confiding only to you..." She's doing it again!

  • Love 16

So David's jumpoff befriended his wife and was pumping her for information about their marriage, meanwhile she is fucking Shannon's husband? Bitch really. That is some Melrose Place type shit. What a total mindfuck. No wonder Shannon is so fucked up over this. David has got a lot to answer for.

I really like Vicki and Shannon's relationship. A thought it might have taken a hit and Vicki would be feeling some kind of way when Shannon as a newbie won that most favorite HW award. Glad to see that didn't happen.

Shut up Meg! How dumb are you to cozy up to a disloyal serpent like Tamra who thinks fidelity is just some kind of bank. Tamra is loyal to no one but Tamra. You gonna learn. You also need to learn that them headbands need to stay in the children's dance troupe costume sections.

I get that Shannon was peeved that Meg ran immediately to Tamra to dish the dirt, however, what I don't get is acting like you thought the shit would never get back to Tamra when your ass is surrounded by cameras? What the hell is wrong with saying 'yeah I said that shit and I meant that shit because Tamra is that shit!' Can't nobody put your ass on front street when you stand firm in your word.

Vicki might as well have been at the pulpit at the First Ebenezer Church on a Sunday morning because I was giving her all kinds of Amens when she was saying that Hailey suffered from a severe lack of parenting, structure and supervision. That girl needs accountability. Not cars, prom suites at the beach and $100 a week allowance for what? Putting her own dishes in the dishwasher. I didn't really see anything conflicting with what she said, but that is just me.

There is just something so fucked up about Tamra's hairline. I don't know if it is all the botox, fillers or from actual surgery but it has such a surreal look to it sometimes that I find it mesmerizing. It is all at once crinkled, wrinkled and yet oddly smooth. It reminds me of Robocop without the helmet.


Imma need a gif of Jimmy Edmonds not giving a single fuck, eating chicken and licking his fingers and saying 'don't get your hopes up' in response to his wife tearfully wanting to spend less time apart.


This post is so good that I'm "speechless", hence the initials/lettering. (Laughing out DAMN loud!)

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 3

Meghan has no relationship with Jim's second wife and the second wife is very unhappy according to Meghan.

Gee, I wonder why?

Could it be that the relationships overlapped?

Psst, Tamra, the reason Shannon called you a pot stirrer is because you didn't tell Heather what Shannon said you exaggerated it. Then Heather calls you out and you do your little weasel dancing about what you said.

I do think Shannon should have not fallen for Meghan's innocent act. Meghan knew what Shannon and Lizzy were saying. She just wanted it out there so she could tell Tamra.

Duh, Shannon, Meghan doesn't like you, why say anything to her?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 23

Meghan has no relationship with Jim's second wife and the second wife is very unhappy according to Meghan.

Gee, I wonder why?

Could it be that the relationships overlapped?


Yet she has said multiple times that she just loves both ex-wives.  Meghan manages to show her ass every week.


How delicious that Tamara shares Hayley's birthday.  So Tamara Jr. is raising her own little Tamara.

  • Love 10

Tamra is going to meet with a "pasture" so she can get (baptized) "pasterized". What a moron!

Oh please let it be so!  The pastor can baptize/pasteurize her in the pasture by rolling her in cow shit.  It's a win for everyone but Tamra.  Then again, they could probably tell her that this is how baptisms are usually done and she would be none the wiser. 

  • Love 11

Shannon's affair was basically a storyline on the Sopranos. Wow. That is fucked up.

Seriously. Fucked. Up.

People have committed murder over that shit. David had to have known, that the mistress was befriending Shannon. That being said Shannon thinking she can salvage this marriage is just real pathetic. I wouldn't be able to look into someone's eyes knowing they did that to me - let alone salvage a marriage. I was completely under the impression the affair was purely a short term fling. But come to find out David was basically leading another life ? No, just no .... What is this woman thinking ?! For the love of God Shannon count your losses & move on. And find just an ounce of self esteem along the way! Sheesh!

and Shannon? on a shallow note pleeeease try a different color nail polish, 2 seasons of black is a bit much... Mmmmmk ?

Edited by jnymph
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  • Love 18

My 16 year old doesn't have this much drama with her friends.


Tamra - POT SHIT STIRRER!  Sell my house for me.  Ya right.


Who's David's mistress?  That's some evil shit she played with Shannon.  Agree with jnymph, if David knew what the misstressho was doing, that's disgusting and sick.  I couldn't even lay down next to him let toast a bagel for him, buy chips for him, do his wash.  Later!  I'd be out with my kids and a bunch of spousal and child support - matter of fact, make him leave.  Slade would be happy to move right in ;)  


Gramballs, here's a cheat sheet for your bible study:  Memorize the 10 commandments.  And stop saying SUCK IT.  Focus on your kids - get off the show.  That will fit on an index card right there.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 19

"Girl code" is an excuse for poor behavior. I had never heard of this until Bravo. Lol, a poster here snapped at me when I asked if it were generational thing, since only these women seem to use it extensively.

The only time I've ever heard it was in High School and the only thing it meant was don't screw your friend's boyfriend. That's it. These chicks are making this shit up as they go! So, yeah, only these women use it extensively as far as I know. Edited by barbaralewis
  • Love 6

Meghan is thick headed. How in the hell does she not know that Tamra is Queen of the Shit Stirers? Tamra is always sticking a knife in someone's back, and then she drops the knife in front of someone else.

I think Meghan is auditioning to be Bret Michael's replacement. Does that woman ever look in a mirror? And who told her that wide beaded headbands were a fashion DO?

Seeing the preview, and the stuff on WWHL, it looked more like Meghan was the shit stirrer with regards to the whole Brooks doesn't have cancer crap, but Shannon is being blamed. I hope this isn't the case because I like Shannon, despite her wackiness.

  • Love 15

You know, I was just going to say it seemed like the ladies learned how to dress from their Bali trip. A lot less non-breathable materials, a lot more cotton, or some such material, dresses (Even Heather actually wore shorts and not all black!). I still don't understand giant heavy earrings while swimming, but whatever. And, thought they had to wear their heels, it was at least platforms.


But then came that final dinner. HA! Who brings crazy stiletto heels to a beach vacation? 


Tamra, you continue to annoy me. You all had conversation when you were drunk. It was going to come out on TV. Going back and talking about it makes YOU look like the pot stirrer, and manipulative. It almost seems like she faked being drunk to try to get a scoop, and then go and tattle on Shannon after. She is still conniving. 


Meghan ... I know she is my BEC, and everything she does annoys me. And this episode, she continued to as well. Also, her logic didn't make sense. To me, Vicki proved her point that she isn't "like a mom" to Hayley, because all she is doing is trying to get her to like her. Being a mom can be an ungrateful job, and sometimes you do things that makes your kid NOT like you. But you do it, because you want the best for them, not because you want to look like a cool stepmom. It isn't about bonding over Instagram, it is about doing what is best for the child. And that is after I didn't agree with Vicki going after Meghan. 

  • Love 8

What was wrong with vicky' s face on wwhl? Did she have more surgery?

I was just thinking how great Vicks looked at that final dinner - her hair was good, the facelift has settled nicely but then WWHL came on and AACK!  Bad hair, bad makeup, etc.   I don't think she had more surgery but she did get a bad hair and makeup job. 


So David's jumpoff befriended his wife and was pumping her for information about their marriage, meanwhile she is fucking Shannon's husband? Bitch really. That is some Melrose Place type shit. What a total mindfuck. No wonder Shannon is so fucked up over this. David has got a lot to answer for.

No wonder Shannon can't just get over it.  I don't think I could either. No wonder she drinks!   How humiliating.  I would need to spend 100 days humiliating him - though outing her scumbag husband on TV was a good start.  Dirtbag.  I get that it's complicated with three young daughters and Shannon's, "Divorce is not an option" but she is way to good for David.  She needs an attorney more than a therapist. 


Meghan and her Headband needs to STFU.  Comparing Vickie buying Brianna a new car to spoiling her own stepdaughter is ridiculous.  I don't think Vicki should have said anything - an eyeroll would have been sufficient but since she did I was surprised she didn't point out that Brianna 1) finished school 2) worked for a number of years before getting married and having two kids and 3) lives in her own house.  Something that I doubt Hayley will ever do.  Sure Vicks butts into everyone's business but I have to say I mostly agree with her opinions about women having their own money and raising kids. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 20

Why is Meghan such a BITCH?


Tamra knows sanctimonious Vicki well enough to know her buttons.  Tamra brought up the topic of Leann and Meghan because she knew that Vicki would be unable to resist making some judgemental statements.  Of course, Tamra couldn't wait to gleefully report those statements to Heather and Meghan.  Some things never change. 

  • Love 12

What David's mistress did to Shannon was all sorts of messed up. My mouth dropped open when she dropped the bomb that the mistress not only befriended her but then pumped her for information about her marriage. I can't imagine David didn't know which makes his betrayal so much worse. I already had sympathy for her despite the nagging, which I agree is counterproductive and irritating to watch, but now it seems much more justified. No one in their right mind would stay in that marriage, but Shannon's parents set a bad example so I think for her this kind of dysfunction is normal, which is why she tolerates it when most people would not. I don't know what David's deal is.


Meghan is so awful. First of all, a truly humble person doesn't brag about being humble. And if you feel the need to gloat about being the bigger person then you aren't one. Her apology was so disingenuous. She was awful when she was taunting Shannon about walking away as though that wasn't the right thing to do in the situation. It's not as if Shannon didn't defend herself, and when she wasn't getting anywhere and was getting frustrated she left in order to cool down, which is the appropriate action to take.


Also, Meghan's comment that in a perfect world she would have been the biological mother of her stepchildren is extremely disrespectful to their mothers who are still in the picture. It's one thing to say you love your stepchildren as if they were your own (in that scenario the children have three parents who love them immensely and it doesn't wish away their biological mother's love) but it's another thing to say that the ideal situation would be that their mother didn't exist at all and it was just you and their father. And her talking shit about Jim's second wife was horrible on so many levels but most of all because it hurts her stepchildren, whom she claims to love. 


Haley's parents and stepparents are doing her no favors by not holding her accountable for her actions. What Vicky was saying was the truth, and she was not being a hypocrite by giving her own daughter a car. It's a completely different situation. Brianna is an adult and while she is married to a douchebag, she does seem fairly responsible. As far as we know, Vicky is not giving Brianna a car because she's in a financial trouble due to frivolous spending all the while refusing to get a job. That would be an analogous situation. I guess you could say that Vicky is rewarding Brianna's pissy attitude but that's not anywhere near the irresponsibility of Haley's parents (all five of them—mother, father, stepfather, stepmother #1 and stepmother #2).


That said, Vicky should not have said what she did to Meghan. Unsolicited parenting advice is the worst, and Jim is the person that needs to hear those things. Meghan, as the stepparent of only four months, should and probably is only following his lead. Although Meghan can't really have it both ways either. She can't brag about how she's an awesome stepparent and whine about the burdens of raising a teen and then expect not to bare some of the responsibility for the parenting decisions that are made. 

Edited by glowbug
  • Love 21

For the love of all that is holy, NO MORE VOMITING VICKI! There is not enough capslock to express my disgust.

Re: a Tahoe for Briana, I feel like this was done before. Remember when Vicki "bought" (leased) a Mercedes for Briana (to pay for)?

Briana undoubtedly endeared herself to her neighbors when she said "Oklahoma is horrible" on WWHL.  There aren't enough Tahoes in the World to make her happy.  It looks like she is going to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a major boozehound.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 14


What one is capable of doing when lacking a conscience. Well, apparently, ol' Megs, as an apprentice to the overlord of evil, Tamra, has shed her humankind guise and donned her new "faux real" couture line--"Pure Evil" with clothing label: "Designs by Satan".


Wow, again!

We find out that David may not be a hen pecked nebbish. In fact, his "Tawdry Tidbit" was apparently full of David. Oops, excuse me, I mean, the Tidbitch was full of mirth and good cheer while (and, please, pardon moi francais) fucking both Shannon and David simultaneously--one metaphorically and the other quite well and quite literally.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 13

Shannon's admission that the woman that was sleeping with her husband became her friend too, AT THE SAME TIME is scary. Terrifying.  I have always felt that women that try to be friends with you who know your husband/bf, were/are/ have slept with him, and are trying to be on some power trip where they know a secret and you don't. To hear this actually happened to Shannon supports my worst fears. I actually appreciate when my husband's female coworkers stay away from me. I think that shows some sense of boundaries. Good. Stay away. Don't come up to me and tell me how much my husband talks about me and how happy he is. I don't know you. Not your business or place.


Okay, rant over. But that woman who cheated with David is such a super bitch it's not even funny. Mental even. How people can be so cruel. If you must sleep with someone's husband, have the decency to stay away from his family. Yuck all around.


Shannon should not forgive David. She should call the woman he cheated on her with and tell her she is bringing David over to her for good. Let the other woman deal with his cheating ways.


Meghan I'm forgetting exists. Her whole situation is misery and depressing.


Previews for next week. My thought is that if I had cancer or was sick, and someone told me I didn't look sick, and given I'm  telling the truth, I'd take it as a compliment. Who wants to look sick? For some reason, doubting that Brooks has cancer (if he does have cancer) would seem like a good thing, it means he looks well (from Brooks perspective). But to get angry when someone doubts you are sick does not make a lot of sense. Who gets mad about being carded except those that aren't old enough to drink? Anyway, Brooks has a problem.





Edited by bravofan27
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