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S07.E18: Rumble On The Runway

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Just re watched I admittedly fell asleep during the original airing .

I had not seen the scene where Bethenny flips her wig at Ramona earlier and really says some insulting things and goes out of her way to be completely negative about Moaners new beginnings. I'd expect more from Bethenny a newly single parent who is starting over and has gone on and on this season about the hell she is in thru her divorce. Bethenny is being a BIG FAT hypocrite going after Ramona about her old habits. Next week's preview Heather tells her she can choose to be a bitch or choose not to. I love it. She goes after Ramona again. Did Bethenny forget she is also having new beginnings? Maybe this was filmed when the bloom was off the rose with the new b f post Jason because she is really angry and out for someone.

Bethennys whole existence are the old habits of her upbringing and damage who the hell is she to go after Ramona for the very thing she exhibits?

And the stupid dresses. At one point they are sitting and Ramona says your assistant gave me the first dress (Bethenny disputes that) and Ramona said I have the second dress ...and Bethenny says to Ramona AND YOU ARE WELCOME TO IT. !!!! So which is it seriously? Bethenny said MANY times Ramona stole TWO dresses. So did she steal two or is she welcome to one? Very confused.

I love Sonjas clothes. Luann's are very Mrs Roper and cheap looking.

I just noticed that Carson Kressley is sitting next to Kristen at the fashion show. I have known Carson a long time from way before Queer Eye for the Straight Guy / Bravo and he is a good person. If he likes Sonja that says a lot to me that Sonja is a good girl.

  • Love 3

I tend to lean more towards "insecurity."  Doing something like he did speaks to me of somebody who is insecure in their relationship. 


So funny how people are about phones.  In my house growing up, the phone was OFF limits from 10 pm to 7 am. My dad would get SO pissed if one of my friends (or even my mom's friends!) called during those hours (that wasn't a health-related crisis, of course.). I used to get SO mad at him for that. Because duh.  Teenagers have a lot to say to each other even after 10 PM.


But I guess he rubbed off on me because, now as an adult, I am so NOT available to people 24/7.  I put my phone on silent from 10 pm to 7 am.  Now, if I had grown children or children living away from home, I'm sure I'd feel differently and manage the phone accordingly.  But as it stands, nope--to me, there are just certain times you don't call people unless its an emergency. 

I was raised the same way.  Even to this day when my landline phone rings after 9 p.m. or before 6 a.m. I am anticipating the worst.


Good point about insecurity.  Both of them seem insecure at times.  It's hard to know what the expectations are that those two operate under.  If she had said she would call him when she landed, or when she got to her hotel, or when she got back from dinner and she didn't - it's understandable.

  • Love 3

I was dying at Sonja's  "business partner" being asked where her "brand" would fit in stores. I think he lapsed into gobbleygook to cover up the fact that he doesn't actually KNOW any designer names. Fashion expert, my ass. And where did these clothes come from? They just miraculously materialized?  Who designed them? They looked like something the interns pulled them the back of Sonja's closet. They weren't horrible, but they weren't memorable either. Sonja's toaster oven was more cutting edge, and that was imaginary.  

  • Love 8

I have cousin that worked in the garment industry in NY, he worked for a coat manufacturer that would sell to the designers and stores who used them as a "house brand" etc...to which they put their own labels in the merchandise...I wonder if that is how Sonja's clothing line situation is. The merchandise is made overseas and she picks the looks from a catalogue, fronts the money to get those already in place designs made and shipped with her label in it.  It sounds plausible, we never saw her with a sketch book, ya' know?

Edited by ParkCirclegirl
  • Love 3

omg. John was worried about Dorinda and wanted to check on her. He loves her and was worried. He's a macho guy that feels very protective of women that he loves and responsible for their well being. It's maybe macho, but Dorinda likes it, and Dorinda is a little fragile. My husband is always worried about me when he is at work, especially if I've had a bad day. I think John is fine. Why do people not like him? 


Because he's a fat, rich, Armenian with a big d**k?  I know girl, I can't figure it out either, 3 out of 4 of those things are awesome.


I'm only sorry she didn't also take a bat, a crowbar and a candlestick.


Lol.  Ask and ye shall be given. It might still be on the way.  According to the WWHL scuttlebut, Ro does something crazy at the reunion.  All I can hope is that it's B who finally ear flicks her right into her next level of madness.


Thank you! All the rest is noise 'cause this was the thing, period. That's like your "friend" asking you to help pick out furniture for her new house, and you ask to see a photo. Nope, no photo. Mmkay ... well, what style is it? Nooo ... can't tell you that either. It's like no other house. Well, bitch, how the hell am I supposed to help you pick furniture for a style of house that doesn't exist??! Are we getting an Eames, a wingback or that chair that looks like a baseball glove??  


I hatechu for this Doug Heffernan.  LMAO!!!!!


That right there is just bordering on insane levels of finding ways to blame Heather for something, anything. Now it's if you couldn't figure something out on your own, then STFU and don't ask questions? Wooow...


You mean you don't have a way to conceptualize that thing I'm totally incapable of articulating?  But I said Versace and Armani and Gstaad and smokey eye.  What is wrong with you? 


It doesn't seem like Ramona deliberately sets out to hurt someone when she blurts out something inane or inappropriate.  She honestly appears to have her head too firmly implanted up her own butt to even consider how her words can be taken by others.  Bethenny on the other hand appears to intentionally lunge for the jugular if she is annoyed or pissed off. 


Another difference I've noticed is that Ramona has been shown several times speaking one-on-one with the other housewives she has had issues with.  Bethenny on the other hand seems to prefer an audience while she wields her words like weapons.


Yeah I used to give her the benefit of the doubt too.  But if her problem were really (only) a lack of self awareness, she'd be okay owning up to and possibly correcting her shitty behavior once made aware.  What she does instead is this weird combo kanyeshrug/deflection/giggle/flyswat thing that has somehow managed to massage a bunch of grown women into accepting what they wouldn't take from a toddler.    Beth has approached Ramona one on one before - the start of the season has them talking outside the (hamptons?) house in an early episode.  Point is, one on one or in a crowd, between the shrugging and punting and so-what'ing, Bethenny shouldn't be blamed for Ramona's commitment to remain an unaccountable asshole. 


I enjoyed all you guys' early phone call stories.  Head nodded about how much experiences shape our reactions.  I'm in the weird group of people who'd be dually affected if my dude was trying that hard to track me down.  Flattered by the semi-chivalrous nature of it (I still watch Disney) and pissed because you know, it's a little passive aggressive to wake me up to tell me sorry you forgot to call.   Get him back with an in bed serving of the ice bucket challenge.  Gotta find your relationship balance lol.


eta: un.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 14

I love Sonjas clothes. Luann's are very Mrs Roper and cheap looking.


I agree.  Don't know if they will ever make it to market but what I saw I liked.  Fluid, classic.  The shorts on one of the models weren't well fitted but I saw some pieces I'd wear if I wanted to spend that kind of dough.  Love this, with jeans or a pencil skirt:


  • Love 2

If someone I love is worried about me and hearing my voice will set their mind at ease, they can call me any time day or night.  Cuz I love 'em and don't want to cause them one second of worry if I can help it.  Under the circumstances - transatlantic flight, Dorito not checking in when she said she would, dead cell...I think that's all John's call was about.  Dorito didn't seem bothered by it. 

  • Love 15

Just re watched I admittedly fell asleep during the original airing .

I had not seen the scene where Bethenny flips her wig at Ramona earlier and really says some insulting things and goes out of her way to be completely negative about Moaners new beginnings. I'd expect more from Bethenny a newly single parent who is starting over and has gone on and on this season about the hell she is in thru her divorce. Bethenny is being a BIG FAT hypocrite going after Ramona about her old habits. Next week's preview Heather tells her she can choose to be a bitch or choose not to. I love it. She goes after Ramona again. Did Bethenny forget she is also having new beginnings? Maybe this was filmed when the bloom was off the rose with the new b f post Jason because she is really angry and out for.

In the preview for next week, for some reason I get the impression that Heather and Beth are talking about Ramona when Heather says the thing about "you can choose to be a bitch or not".

  • Love 9

Ramona is not in control of her actions al the time. She seems to be on the bi-polar spectrum, either hypomanic or depressed.  Unfortunately, people like this, 60 years old, are usually diagnosed as having ADHD.  The walk on the Brooklyn Bridge with Bethenny in Season 3 is a good example:  the pressured speech, the inability to stop once she started her hurtful statement.  

If she is never made aware of her condition, or won't accept it, she will continue on this way.  Hopefully, she won't lose her relationship with Avery or any grandchildren in the process. 

  • Love 4

I had not seen the scene where Bethenny flips her wig at Ramona earlier and really says some insulting things and goes out of her way to be completely negative about Moaners new beginnings. I'd expect more from Bethenny a newly single parent who is starting over and has gone on and on this season about the hell she is in thru her divorce. Bethenny is being a BIG FAT hypocrite going after Ramona about her old habits. Next week's preview Heather tells her she can choose to be a bitch or choose not to. I love it. She goes after Ramona again. Did Bethenny forget she is also having new beginnings? Maybe this was filmed when the bloom was off the rose with the new b f post Jason because she is really angry and out for someone.


I'm not entirely convinced that Heather is referring to Bethenny in the preview.  She could be -- that's the obvious inference to draw.  However, it could also be that Bethenny (who seems to have warmed up to Heather by this point, at least a little), might have been relaying some information about something that Ramona's done that's bitchy and Heather, in agreement says, "yeah, you* can choose to be a bitch or choose not to."  


* You meaning "a person generally can" not "you, Bethenny can."


It wouldn't be the first time the Bravo editing monkeys carved out a single piece of dialogue that -- on it's own -- gives a different impression.

But, then again, Heather might have been talking directly to Bethenny.  Neither of them really has a problem speaking her mind.

  • Love 9

But I guess he rubbed off on me because, now as an adult, I am so NOT available to people 24/7.  I put my phone on silent from 10 pm to 7 am.  Now, if I had grown children or children living away from home, I'm sure I'd feel differently and manage the phone accordingly.  But as it stands, nope--to me, there are just certain times you don't call people unless its an emergency. 


The thing is, he didn't know she was even there, or was afraid she wasn't there.  He was worried something happened to her, which I get-- she was supposed to call, she didn't call; it had been several hours since the time Dorinda said she'd call; when he tried to call, she didn't pick up/ the calls went straight through.  My man and I, when we're apart, we set up calls, and each of us gets worried if the other doesn't show or is delayed, it's just how it is.  You're sure it's probably fine, but you still worry, and the longer the delay/ silence, the louder the worries get in your head.  So I get his concern.  


The one thing I don't get is why he couldn't just ring the land line in her hotel room.  But I do get the basic fear, especially when your loved one is so far away.  


And I know, I know, she was there with production, but they don't all sleep together.  Production goes to its cheaper hotel rooms when they're done filming for the night, and shows up on schedule when it's time to start the next day.  They're not like bodyguards or something.  

  • Love 7

[snip] it's a little passive aggressive to wake me up to tell me sorry you forgot to call.  


Doris said she forgot to call him.  For me, that makes it a-otay.   Maybe their standard practice, when traveling separately, is to call when safely reaching their destination.  He didn't get her call, got worried and then called her. 


Moaner saying he's insecure? She's a little jelly there isn't anybody checking in on her whereabouts.

  • Love 12

Doris said she forgot to call him.  For me, that makes it a-otay.   Maybe their standard practice, when traveling separately, is to call when safely reaching their destination.  He didn't get her call, got worried and then called her. 


Moaner saying he's insecure? She's a little jelly there isn't anybody checking in on her whereabouts.

The only time and reason Mario ever called Ramona to check up on her was to make sure the coast was clear for his side piece to join him at some hook up spot!

  • Love 18

The thing is, he didn't know she was even there, or was afraid she wasn't there.



Wasn't there? Like, got kidnapped from her room or... ?  I don't understand where else she would be. 


She was in London to film a show.  Yes, she was also there to accompany Carole on her urn pickup and see old friends. But, more than anything, she was there to film a show.  Chances of "something bad" happening to her --- and him not hearing about it from production or whoever was there with Bravo--were slim to none.  


Moaner saying he's insecure? She's a little jelly there isn't anybody checking in on her whereabouts



Goddammit I agree with Ramona. Hell hath frozen over. I'm not sure where jealousy fits into the equation...?  Like, not everybody finds it endearing to have a significant other freaking the eff out because they don't know where you are every second of every day.  I'd have hit the bricks loooong ago if Mr. Duke ever displayed those tendencies.   

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 3

Doris said she forgot to call him.  For me, that makes it a-otay.   Maybe their standard practice, when traveling separately, is to call when safely reaching their destination.  He didn't get her call, got worried and then called her. 


Moaner saying he's insecure? She's a little jelly there isn't anybody checking in on her whereabouts.


Ah ok.  Got it now.  ;)


If ya'll don't stop calling her Doris, we(I)'ll start to think that's her name.  

  • Love 4

Goddammit I agree with Ramona. Hell hath frozen over. I'm not sure where jealousy fits into the equation...?  Like, not everybody finds it endearing to have a significant other freaking the eff out because they don't know where you are every second of every day.  I'd have hit the bricks loooong ago if Mr. Duke ever displayed those tendencies.   


I'm pretty sure Moaner would freak the eff out if Mario told her he would call her when he got to the corner grocery and didn't. LOL 


Dorito said John is insecure.  If that's the case so am I.  When my Mr. travels internationally, maybe it's irrational that I worry about him going through those airports where police carry machine guns on the regular.  They do it for a reason.  My husband travels with a group, too.  If he didn't call like he always does once he gets settled, maybe I'd not 'freak the eff out' but I'd certainly be worried.  It's what we've done since we've met.  Could be the same for Doris and John.

  • Love 8

I have cousin that worked in the garment industry in NY, he worked for a coat manufacturer that would sell to the designers and stores who used them as a "house brand" etc...to which they put their own labels in the merchandise...I wonder if that is how Sonja's clothing line situation is. The merchandise is made overseas and she picks the looks from a catalogue, fronts the money to get those already in place designs made and shipped with her label in it.  It sounds plausible, we never saw her with a sketch book, ya' know?

Well, she has claimed the clothes are made in NYC, not that we should believe her.  I seem to recall her saying she picked the looks based on items she already owned, so it's not so much she "designed" anything as she said "I love this Ralph Lauren dress, make that" and some poor anonymous seamstress made the sample.  I started thinking of Sheree in RHOA who couldn't sew at all, and I forget her name in RHOC who had someone else who really designed and sewed the clothes. 


One thing that amused me was when Sonja walked into the meeting she said "it's a shame we can't use our conference room," trying to make it seem like she has actual dedicated offices.

But didn't she also say something about there was an office, but the conference room space was somewhere else?  Like not even a shared conf room in the office building but they someone loaned them one?


My clothes represent an international fashion lifestyle brand, because they can be bought and worn in any country and still be stylish and appropriate. Sonja Morgan New York is a heritage brand, because the clothing and jewelry are of such high quality they can be passed down through generations.  Each piece is classic with a sexy twist and will always be in style. In fact, my daughter wears Sonja Morgan New York!

This is from Sonja's most recent blog.  So apparently the only thing required for an "international fashion lifestyle brand" is that you can ship to Canada and you can drive over the border wearing the clothes.  Ok then.


Ok, you do need to be "stylish and appropriate."  Maybe I'm a prude, but the red jumpsuit is not "appropriate" anywhere public.  Not a fan of boobs hanging out and waiting for nip-slips.


And "heritage brand" now means that they are high quality and you pass them down to your daughter?  .Or because you and your daughter can both wear the clothes?  Sure hope Sonja's daughter isn't wearing the red jumpsuit.  Or she seriously thinks her stuff is couture vintage Chanel?  Ah, NO.

  • Love 13
My clothes represent an international fashion lifestyle brand...Sonja Morgan New York!



I can't help but crack up between the gap between being an "international brand" yet have a geographically-specific location in your company name. I guess what's "international" about the brand is the involvement with businessmen from India…which is likely where the clothes are manufactured. 


I did agree with the women with the clothes were lovely. But something's not sitting right. I've never seen Sonja as much as sew a button on a shirt. We've seen her put time and energy into the toaster oven thing - she invited people over and specifically made them a meal utilizing the toaster oven, she talked about it, etc. In comparison, the clothing line seems to have come out of nowhere. Last season she was all all about some home furnishings line, accesories, perfume for a football team or Saudi family…and now she's suddenly a fashion designer? I've also followed Sonja on FB until fairly recently and her news is all about her traveling to glamorous places or going to fundraisers…she's never mentioned anything about working on a clothing line. 


And I can't even with her management team (none of whom seem interested in listing Sonja on their LinkedIn profiles), but that's already been covered.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 10


No.  If a customer cares about a certain brand, that person is buying that particular brand.  You don't buy Balenciaga just because it is next to Valentino. 

But you very well might.  If I go shopping for a dress and know I like Valentino I'll most likely head right to the section of the store where Valentino is to start looking.  While I'm there I'm also going to look at the other brands that are hanging in that section. I think that kind of normal unless you're someone that's married to a particular brand and will only buy that brand.  

  • Love 8

Good for Sonja that she pulled off a decent show in the end, because everything leading up to that point was a cluster of cringe.

The first time I saw a pic of Sonja in that garment, I couldn't believe how bad it was. That look was not a good endorsement for her collection, to say the least.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Kristen showcasing her nail polish during fashion week. That was very cool of Heather to help hook Kristen up with Elie Tahari, being that Heather is such an unsupportive, awful person and all.

And to make it even more MP-y, Patti Stanger said that she was there when Mario first met his mistress, at a party thrown by a mutual friend of hers and Andy's (and I believe it was said that the friend owns the yacht that Beth and Carole vacay'd on together).

It's always a pleasure to watch Ramona squirm, but Heather made it happen as a rookie, so Beth doing it as a seasoned vet isn't that impressive, to me.

I laughed so hard when that happened, because it's all just so fucking farcical. It's as if blaming Heather for anything, everything, and nothing at all is completely involuntary at this point, like a spasm. I will be totally surprised if Heather doesn't catch some kind of hell next week for telling Beth what Ramona said.

Alex, too. ​Andy loves a "gingy" like LuAnn loves pirate cock and Marlboro Reds. He's shallow enough, too, that he would probably put more worth in what Michael Rappaport and Julie Klausner say about the cast/show over the general audience, just because they both have red hair.

Beth and Ramona are front and center in the opening credits, were the only two wearing red in the promo pic, and they began the season fighting with each other. So, I'm fully expecting the finale to be The Beth/Ramona Hour. Yay.

jaync, totally on point! I shall award to you the "Triple Gold Star".

  • Love 4

Because he's a fat, rich, Armenian with a big d**k? I know girl, I can't figure it out either, 3 out of 4 of those things are awesome.

Lol. Ask and ye shall be given. It might still be on the way. According to the WWHL scuttlebut, Ro does something crazy at the reunion. All I can hope is that it's B who finally ear flicks her right into her next level of madness.

I hatechu for this Doug Heffernan. LMAO!!!!!

You mean you don't have a way to conceptualize that thing I'm totally incapable of articulating? But I said Versace and Armani and Gstaad and smokey eye. What is wrong with you?

Yeah I used to give her the benefit of the doubt too. But if her problem were really (only) a lack of self awareness, she'd be okay owning up to and possibly correcting her shitty behavior once made aware. What she does instead is this weird combo kanyeshrug/deflection/giggle/flyswat thing that has somehow managed to massage a bunch of grown women into accepting what they wouldn't take from a toddler. Beth has approached Ramona one on one before - the start of the season has them talking outside the (hamptons?) house in an early episode. Point is, one on one or in a crowd, between the shrugging and punting and so-what'ing, Bethenny shouldn't be blamed for Ramona's commitment to remain an unaccountable asshole.

I enjoyed all you guys' early phone call stories. Head nodded about how much experiences shape our reactions. I'm in the weird group of people who'd be dually affected if my dude was trying that hard to track me down. Flattered by the semi-chivalrous nature of it (I still watch Disney) and pissed because you know, it's a little passive aggressive to wake me up to tell me sorry you forgot to call. Get him back with an in bed serving of the ice bucket challenge. Gotta find your relationship balance lol.

eta: un.

Okay, ZaldamoWilder, you, also, receive the "Triple Gold Star".

  • Love 6

Just re watched I admittedly fell asleep during the original airing .

I had not seen the scene where Bethenny flips her wig at Ramona earlier and really says some insulting things and goes out of her way to be completely negative about Moaners new beginnings. I'd expect more from Bethenny a newly single parent who is starting over and has gone on and on this season about the hell she is in thru her divorce. Bethenny is being a BIG FAT hypocrite going after Ramona about her old habits. Next week's preview Heather tells her she can choose to be a bitch or choose not to. I love it. She goes after Ramona again. Did Bethenny forget she is also having new beginnings? Maybe this was filmed when the bloom was off the rose with the new b f post Jason because she is really angry and out for someone.

Bethennys whole existence are the old habits of her upbringing and damage who the hell is she to go after Ramona for the very thing she exhibits?

Let me start by saying I do not like Bethenny.  At all.  So it kind of pains me to defend her, but the difference there is Bethenny isn't going around trumpeting about how she's a changed person and throwing parties so people can celebrate it.  Ramona is.  And Bethenny is right, Ramona has not changed at all except her adding dog in heat to her list of bad behaviors.


It doesn't seem like Ramona deliberately sets out to hurt someone when she blurts out something inane or inappropriate.  She honestly appears to have her head too firmly implanted up her own butt to even consider how her words can be taken by others.  


That's something you should outgrow/be taught not to do around 3 years old.  There's nothing okay or excusable about going through life like an overgrown toddler.


I'm pretty sure Moaner would freak the eff out if Mario told her he would call her when he got to the corner grocery and didn't. LOL 


Dorito said John is insecure.  If that's the case so am I.  When my Mr. travels internationally, maybe it's irrational that I worry about him going through those airports where police carry machine guns on the regular.  They do it for a reason.  My husband travels with a group, too.  If he didn't call like he always does once he gets settled, maybe I'd not 'freak the eff out' but I'd certainly be worried.  It's what we've done since we've met.  Could be the same for Doris and John.

I've never seen a gun in LHR (I'm assuming that's where Carole and Dorinda flew into).  I've seen plenty of National Guard soldiers carrying giant guns at airports in the US.  I feel much more likely to get shot at LAX (my usual airport) than any airport I've been to in Western Europe, and honestly, I'm more concerned with catching a disease than a bullet at LAX.  It isn't like they were travelling somewhere crazy, it was London, a place that both Carole and Dorinda had lived in the past.

  • Love 3

I've never seen a gun in LHR (I'm assuming that's where Carole and Dorinda flew into).  I've seen plenty of National Guard soldiers carrying giant guns at airports in the US.  I feel much more likely to get shot at LAX (my usual airport) than any airport I've been to in Western Europe, and honestly, I'm more concerned with catching a disease than a bullet at LAX.  It isn't like they were travelling somewhere crazy, it was London, a place that both Carole and Dorinda had lived in the past.


I lived in NYC for years.  If I went there now without my husband, flew into LaGuardia and didn't call him before I turned in for the night and he couldn't reach my cell, I'm sure he'd call the hotel to see if I'd checked in or not. 


Just because someone used to live somewhere years ago and is familiar with the area doesn't mean you can't get a shady cab driver from the airport to the hotel.  Or have an accident. 


There were patrol men with machine guns at LHR and at the train station last fall.


ETA:  My husband just told me that they are submachine guns that the guards carry.  Not machine guns.  He also confirmed that they were present at LHR when he was there in April.  (China, Germany and Mexico, too!)

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 10

I guess I'm part of your minority. 


It doesn't seem like Ramona deliberately sets out to hurt someone when she blurts out something inane or inappropriate.  She honestly appears to have her head too firmly implanted up her own butt to even consider how her words can be taken by others.  Bethenny on the other hand appears to intentionally lunge for the jugular if she is annoyed or pissed off. 


At this point, I don't even know if Ramona can hide behind the excuse of "I just blurted it out" anymore. Her apologies after-the-fact are ALWAYS the same (and Bethenny was spot on when she called it out), it's always some variation of, "In allllll sincerity..." "You know, honestly, I'm just reallllly sorry..."


I think she's actually way more calculated than she gets credit for. She saves up the ugliest, most venomous barbs and launches them at the other person when backed into a corner. It's like she stores up facts to use as insults, and that shows intent to me. I can think back as far as her going after the jugular with Luann about Lu's kids and parenting. Ro knows how to play dirty.


She's lashed out enough times at the other HWs that I think she knows full well what she's doing, and then she backpedals with these overly dramatic apologies to weasel out of being held accountable for her actions in the first place. It's a common HW fighting technique: Say the meanest shit possible to deflect, then made a grandiose apology after to make everyone forget just how mean you were in the first place.

  • Love 14
Heather hooked her up?

I thought Kristen thanked Heather for introducing her to Elie, but I must've misheard. My bad.


Bethenny is being a BIG FAT hypocrite going after Ramona about her old habits.

Probably, and it appears Beth does go to Ramona's party, so she can't be all that put off by the theme.

Beth and Ramona are a whole lot alike, imo. They're both overdramatic, manic, rude, and are seemingly desperate for others to know that they're smart and rich. Also, for all the talk of the Singer Stinger, Beth can be pretty sting-y herself.


Because he's a fat, rich, Armenian with a big d**k?  I know girl, I can't figure it out either, 3 out of 4 of those things are awesome.

And he can always lose weight. I think John has a nice smile.

  • Love 4

If Dorinda was supposed to call John and forgot and then let her cell run down, I have to blame her for getting woken up at 5AM. John's more off the hook for that.


That said, if I was in John's placeI can't imagine myself doing that--I'd just assume the person forgot and wait until a reasonable hour to make sure they checked in or try to talk to them. They're not married and don't seem to have that much of a pattern of always calling the point where something must be wrong if they're not. Obviously Dorinda herself didn't think anything of it since it never occurred to her that she ought to text the guy or something. Or phone him using the hotel phone if her phone ran down.


So I'm definitely one of the people who thinks you don't call somebody at that hour unless it's really horrific news, but I have to admit Dorinda was getting punished for breaking her own promise. T


This also makes me think of a coworker this week whose husband forgot his phone at home one day. Apparently they always talk to each other at a certain time of day and wherever he was working he wouldn't be able to have a phone to call her. He was frantically suggesting finding a way to Skype with her at the appointed time and she was like...WTF? I'll talk to you when we get home from work. I's not a crisis!

  • Love 2

Can someone, anyone tell me why she's been dubbed Doris? Bueller? Anyone, Bueller?

I'm not going to bother to rewatch to confirm or get the specifics (at this point the only reason I'm tuning in is inertia; oy, but this has been a long season), but I think it's nothing more than in one of their talking heads another cast member said that she liked to call Dorinda, Doris.  Or something to that effect.


I was pleasantly surprised to see Kristen showcasing her nail polish during fashion week. That was very cool of Heather to help hook Kristen up with Elie Tahari, being that Heather is such an unsupportive, awful person and all.







I'm enough of a cynic/skeptic/asshole/student of Reality Television that I think Kristen just ponied up whatever the product placement fee is on this show.

Regardless (and someone correct me if I missed something), it looked like all the models were wearing the same shade. It seems to me that Kristen would have wanted to change it up to show how versatile/attractive the various colors are, no? That neutral off-white shade was pretty boring.


Did anyone like Bethenny's hair straight? I think every friggin' one of them told her that at the fashion show. Couldn't the writers come up with a different opening line for the other HW's to greet her with?

  • Love 3

My husband and I flew into  Gatwick and out of Hethrow over 34 years ago  and there were armed uniformed  men with what looked like machine guns and I was so alarmed/bewildered. That being said I thought the  early morning wake up by security odd especially when I had a terminal case of jet lag upon arriving.

To each their own, they are probably a good match.


  • Love 2

This is my take on the model casting scene, and Heather's questions. Heather's used to working with professionals who know their stuff. So out of habit, she rattled off some basic terms that any legitimate fashion folk would know. I'll compare it to my career as an RN.

"Mrs. Morgan, you're BP is elevated and you're tachycardic because you're having an MI." (Ok, she didn't understand those terms, and I'm talking over her head. Bring it down to an eighth grade level.)

"Mrs. Morgan, you're having a heart attack, and it's causing your heart to beat too fast, and elevating your blood pressure." (She still doesn't understand. Aim for fifth grade level).

"Mrs. Morgan, you're having a problem with your heart, and you're body is stressed out". (Wow, this moron still has no idea what I'm talking about. Pretend she's five years old.)

"Mrs. Morgan, remember when you watched The Wizzard of Oz? Remember that tin man and what he was looking for?"

So where some may see condescension, I see Heather's realization that Sonja and her "team" are morons, and she's dumbing it down as low as it goes. Sonja is unable to describe her "line" in even the simplest of terms, and asking where she sees her line placed in a store, allows her to identify her line at the simplest level. But somehow Heather, that nasty bitch, is stumping Sonja with elitist and intellectual questions like, "what do you read?" Perhaps Sonja can call up Sarah Palin and they can commiserate with one another.

You win in my book for one of the funniest and cleverest posts ever. :D Thank you RZ!


Edited by talula
  • Love 8

Not gonna touch on the department store question,  because that horse is dead and has gone to heaven.


But regarding that meeting, I will say that not only was it odd that they didn't have any clothes for the models to try on (Because if the casting people like you, you might get to try on a piece or two from the collection to see how it fits on you).  I also found it odd by how tiny that room was for a model casting.  The models were just at the doorway, there was barely enough room to see their walk.  I wanted to see a walk-off dammit!


I was surprised there was no room for them to walk, too, and it's too bad they didn't because I thought the models were terrible at walking down the runway.  They seemed dull, and did not liven up the room.  And I must have missed the sexy and the "not like any other clothes" in her clothes.  Maybe I was too focused on the terribly unsexy, badly-fitting, and horrid jumpsuit of Sonja's.  She really needs to stop wearing that.  It's not flattering on her at all.

  • Love 8

This is my take on the model casting scene, and Heather's questions. Heather's used to working with professionals who know their stuff. So out of habit, she rattled off some basic terms that any legitimate fashion folk would know. I'll compare it to my career as an RN.

"Mrs. Morgan, you're BP is elevated and you're tachycardic because you're having an MI." (Ok, she didn't understand those terms, and I'm talking over her head. Bring it down to an eighth grade level.)

"Mrs. Morgan, you're having a heart attack, and it's causing your heart to beat too fast, and elevating your blood pressure." (She still doesn't understand. Aim for fifth grade level).

"Mrs. Morgan, you're having a problem with your heart, and you're body is stressed out". (Wow, this moron still has no idea what I'm talking about. Pretend she's five years old.)

"Mrs. Morgan, remember when you watched The Wizzard of Oz? Remember that tin man and what he was looking for?"

So where some may see condescension, I see Heather's realization that Sonja and her "team" are morons, and she's dumbing it down as low as it goes. Sonja is unable to describe her "line" in even the simplest of terms, and asking where she sees her line placed in a store, allows her to identify her line at the simplest level. But somehow Heather, that nasty bitch, is stumping Sonja with elitist and intellectual questions like, "what do you read?" Perhaps Sonja can call up Sarah Palin and they can commiserate with one another.

It's as if Heather conducting herself in a BRIGHT(delusional for Ramona), brisk, intellectually sharp, and business savvy manner with a SUPPOSED businesswoman(sorry, "Sexy j") is wrong.

☆I must add this thought. I don't believe that Sonja nor Ramona truly comprehend/understand the level of Heather's success and strength in the business realm. Sonja doesn't quite grasp that the actual creation of and "running" a business is difficult, time consuming, and constant HARD work. Though no mogul (yet), Heather is not a (business) dilettante.

I wonder whether Sonja would view a SUCCESS(ful) in BUSINESS MALE "friend" as unsupportive if he asked those same questions?

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 13

Not to mention it's the perfect man bait.  They just loooooooove to be able to tell the world they are dating a model (or former model).



After reading this, I immediately had an imagination flashback to the 80s. Sonja had just watched Wall Street. She was feeling Daryl Hannah's character in every way. So Sonja got herself an original selfie, too; just like Darien Taylor! Complete with Chanel bottle. She probably thought  something like, "Well, if wealthy men associate me with luxury, they'll see that I can be a good society wife!"



As for the other half of that east-side-or-die friendship, Ramona? Ya know, at this point, I just feel sorry for her. She can have tons of impressive homes and expensive things, but she really is just an insecure mess. I got to thinking about the 1st season reunion where she walked off because they were talking about nude photos ("GASP!").Yet, cut to now, and here's Ramona blatantly shaking -- and checking out -- her (new?) boobs in the front row of an also-ran runway show. Yes, Ramona is as rude as Croesus was rich, but I think it stems from crippling insecurity. And it's very common for people who deal with exceptionally low self esteem to come across as conceited. I know some people have zero patience for insecurity, but as someone who has dealt (deals) with it, I have a tremendous amount of compassion. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that next season, if she admits she's got some issues to work through, and gets help with that, she'll actually have a redemptive arc -- a true one.



I really enjoy Luann. I'm not a die-hard RHNY watcher anymore (Got out of reality show addiction rehab about 1 year ago, or so...), but I watch semi-regularly, comment occasionally, but don't follow the "outside" drama anymore. And for the life of me I can't remember Lu doing anything that terrible on the show. Sure, she starts her petty fights, but that is what this show is about. It's a soap opera, in a tweaked format. That's the job. And yes, in the first couple of seasons, she was really feeling her own "Countess" title. But, I think that was insecurity, too. She's totally chilled out on that front. I hardly remember that Luann. But yeah, I enjoy her. She's mature, but silly -- and stylish. Hope they keep her around.


Heather (& Beth)

Fundamentally, I like what she stands for. Smart, hard-working, no-nonsense. Personally, I probably wouldn't ever be friends with Heather (or Beth), because she is too Type-A for my liking, but I also understand and respect the link between being Type-A and success. I do wonder if the negative reaction to her is in part related to lingering, and largely subconscious, old-fashion ideas of "powerful women." She and Beth are the two on the show who are portrayed as being high-powered businesspeople. Ramona occasionally mentions her businesses, when she's trying to bolster her self esteem, but ultimately all we ever see Ramona doing is self-medicating and whooping it up. But for Heather and Beth, the show is PART of their marketing plans, not the entire basis on which their brands are built.


Carole & Dorrinda & Kristen

Dorrinda is fine. Egh. Whether she stays or goes doesn't matter to me. And even though Kristen and Carole are also boring, I hope they both stay. I want Kristin to stay because I feel like she needs this job. It's just a gut instinct. And I hope Carole stays because she does represent a certain type of New Yorker -- hipster-4-life; which, I think, is something very characteristic of NY City, and has a place on a soap opera about NYC. Plus, she can throw down some good TH zingers.

Edited by Lady Grump
  • Love 9


After reading this, I immediately had an imagination flashback to the 80s. Sonja had just watched Wall Street. She was feeling Daryl Hannah's character in every way. So Sonja got herself an original selfie, too; just like Darien Taylor! Complete with Chanel bottle. And I can see her thinking something like, "Well, if wealthy men associate me with luxury, they'll see that I can be a good society wife!"



As for the other half of that east-side-or-die friendship, Ramona? Ya know, at this point, I just feel sorry for her. She can have tons of impressive homes and expensive things, but she really is just an insecure mess. I got to thinking about the 1st season reunion where she walked off because they were talking about nude photos ("GASP!").Yet, cut to now, and here's Ramona blatantly shaking -- and checking out -- her (new?) boobs in the front row of a also-ran runway show. Yes, Ramona is rude as Croesus was rich, but I think it stems from crippling insecurity. And it is very common for people who deal with exceptionally low self esteem to come across as conceited. I know some people have zero patience for insecurity, but as someone who has dealt (deals) with it, I have a tremendous amount of compassion. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that next season, if she admits she's got some issues to work through, and gets helps with that, she'll actually have a redemptive arc -- a true one.



Ya know, just in general, I really enjoy Luann. I'm not a die-hard RHNY watcher anymore (Got out of reality show addiction rehab about 1 year ago, or so...), but I watch and comment occasionally. But I don't follow the "outside" drama anymore, and for the life of me can't remember her doing anything that terrible on the show. Sure, she starts her petty fights, but that is what this show is about. It's a soap opera, in a tweaked format. That's the job. And yes, in the first couple of seasons, she was really feeling her own "Countess" title. But, I think that was insecurity, too. She's totally chilled out on that front. I hardly remember that Luann. But yeah, I enjoy her. She's mature, but silly. I like her sense of style. Hope they keep her around.


Heather (& Beth)

Fundamentally, I like what she stands for. Smart, hard-working, no-nonsense. Personally, I probably wouldn't ever be friends with her, because she is too Type-A for my liking, but I also understand and respect the fact that success is often linked to being Type-A. But I do wonder if the negative reaction to her has to do with lingering, and largely subconscious, old-fashion ideas of "powerful women." She and Beth are the two on the show who are portrayed as being high-powered businesspeople. Ramona occasionally mentions her businesses, when she's trying to bolster her self esteem, but ultimately all we ever see Ramona doing is self-medicating and whooping it up. But for Heather and Beth, the show is PART of their marketing plans, not the entire basis on which their brands are built.


Carole & Dorrinda & Kristen

Dorrinda is fine. Egh. Whether she stays or goes doesn't matter to me. And even though Kristen and Carole are also boring, I hope they both stay. I want Kristin to stay because I feel like she needs this job. It's just a gut instinct. And I hope Carole stays because she does represent a certain type of New Yorker -- hipster till death; which, I think, is something very characteristic of NY City, and has a place on a soap opera about NYC. And she can throw down some good TH zingers.


Great post!

  • Love 2

This is my take on the model casting scene, and Heather's questions....................  [sNIP]


....... But somehow Heather, that nasty bitch, is stumping Sonja with elitist and intellectual questions like, "what do you read?"  Perhaps Sonja can call up Sarah Palin and they can commiserate with one another.


Thank you!   You made my day!



Edited by AnnA
  • Love 3

Just caught the beginning of the epi:


Watching Heather's reaction to Carole re-telling the urn through security story, reminds me of Heather listening to Carole about her gummy bear acid trip. 


Both times it was like Heather humoring a child whose story is too long.  Big, semi-glazed eyes. Clenched toothy grin.  Lots of nodding/smiling.  A long sip from her drink. Raised, animated eyebrows. More clench-y smiling.  So polite but dying a little inside. lol


And then at the 'punchline':  too long, too loud laughter and clapping her hands together.  You can almost see behind Heather's clenched toothy grin and eyes, that she's thinking, "Allllllrighty then."


I might not like Heather but I don't think she's stupid. And I'm not saying Carole's urn story was dumb or untrue.  But methinks Heather hears a lot of Carole's 'funny' stories and I wonder if she ever gets tired of indulging the child.

  • Love 6

I'm not going to bother to rewatch to confirm or get the specifics (at this point the only reason I'm tuning in is inertia; oy, but this has been a long season), but I think it's nothing more than in one of their talking heads another cast member said that she liked to call Dorinda, Doris.  Or something to that effect.


I'm enough of a cynic/skeptic/asshole/student of Reality Television that I think Kristen just ponied up whatever the product placement fee is on this show.

Regardless (and someone correct me if I missed something), it looked like all the models were wearing the same shade. It seems to me that Kristen would have wanted to change it up to show how versatile/attractive the various colors are, no? That neutral off-white shade was pretty boring.


Did anyone like Bethenny's hair straight? I think every friggin' one of them told her that at the fashion show. Couldn't the writers come up with a different opening line for the other HW's to greet her with?

I imagine that K didn't have a say, the designer did and he wanted it to be white and not have the nail polish distract from the clothes.

  • Love 4

I imagine that K didn't have a say, the designer did and he wanted it to be white and not have the nail polish distract from the clothes.

I think this is probably true.  But her print advertising, even the colors displayed aren't very pop-y.  Lots of pale pink, beige, white, black.  On WWHL she displayed pale khaki nails. When you say Pop of Color, girl, give me color.  Cuz black, white and grey aren't really 'colors'.  That said, I kind of like the lilac purple on the end there and go look for a similar shade today.  If PoC were in my area, I'd try the real thing because I don't mind Kristen and would support her brand if it was a good product.


  • Love 5


The lettering (font) on the bottles seems so squished together. It feels like a lot squished onto a teeny bottle. I wonder if this was a rushed project put together by her husband, who's always pinged my cynicism bone and often elicited a squint-eye. Heck, I've never seen an e-boost anything, anywhere.

Edited by Lady Grump
  • Love 3

I understand the criticism of the use "Pop of Color"  but I really like and prefer wearing more muted neutral colors.   They don't clash with whatever I'm wearing and most of all don't show chips as much..  The problem I see with Kristen's polish is the tall thin bottle.  I gave up manicures at the salon a while back and only go for pedicures in the warm weather.  Since I do my nails myself, tipping over a bottle of polish is a concern and those bottles don't look too stable to me.  That's one of the reasons I like Opi and Sally Hansen polish.  The bottles are wide.


Kristen may want to look into including a gel polish.  I haven't tried them yet but plan to do it since it allegedly lasts longer.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 4

The lettering (font) on the bottles seems so squished together. It feels like a lot squished onto a teeny bottle. I wonder if this was a rushed project put together by her husband, who's always pinged my cynicism bone and often elicited a squint-eye. Heck, I've never seen an e-boost anything, anywhere.

You know, all these years later, I still don't really know what the hell eBoost is. Is it a nutritional supplement? A turbo engine? A cyber enema?

All I know is that their logo is some shade of orange.

  • Love 6

You know, all these years later, I still don't really know what the hell eBoost is. Is it a nutritional supplement? A turbo engine? A cyber enema?

All I know is that their logo is some shade of orange.

You are so right! I guess I just always assumed it was like "Red Bull" or "Monster" -- one of those caffeinated energy drinks. But come to think of it, you're right, that is just an assumption. I guess that's not very effective marketing...unless, of course, it is a Red Bull clone.

  • Love 2

Like I have written before...eerie antipathy...toward Heather.


And vice versa! Heather is the most divisive person on the show apparently! Little screen time, yet capable of shutting down entire threads for days. I don't know what it is about Heather, but she fuels intense emotions. Substitute any HW name for her's during any disagreement, and the posts would be cut by more than half! If I were to post, "Bethany/Carole/Ramona asked where the clothes should hang because she wanted to make Sonya look dumb" I doubt anyone would care, and I would be shocked to find a flurry of messages defending their character over such a small charge. In the HWs world, asking someone a question to make them look dumb is child's play! This is hardly a crime rising to the level of telling someone their marriage was going to fail and that they'd be alone forever! Or say telling someone their whole career was a lie and they used a ghostwritter. Or telling someone that, "it must be horrible to be with a man who cheats on you all the time."


Heather is not a perfect goddess exempt from snark, nor is she a heartless terrible piece of trash. She's a normal flawed reality TV character/ person.


For the record, if anyone cares- I went shopping in the Free People section of Nordstrom's today. Once I picked out my clothes I moved over to the section that was closest to me to buy accessories, which ended up being Brass Plum or something like that. I'm one consumer on one day. However, does it matter where Sonya Morgan NY would sit in a dept. store if its only an online retailer? I mean yes, it gives you a good idea of the brand- but in realistic terms, we all knew the brand wouldn't make it into stores!


ETA: And BTW I am not saying or not saying that Heather asked a question intended to throw Sonya off of her game. That is one dispute I do not want to get involved in!

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 3

You know, all these years later, I still don't really know what the hell eBoost is. Is it a nutritional supplement? A turbo engine? A cyber enema?

All I know is that their logo is some shade of orange.


Neither did I so I finally looked it up online.  There are a few different kinds but it's basically an energy drink.   Some have vegetables and/or fruit and who knows what else.  Can you tell that I didn't spend a lot of time reading about the different products?   LOL


Here's the website:



Edited by AnnA

I understand the criticism of the use "Pop of Color" but I really like and prefer wearing more muted neutral colors. They don't clash with whatever I'm wearing and most of all don't show chips as much.. The problem I see with Kristen's polish is the tall thin bottle. I gave up manicures at the salon a while back and only go for pedicures in the warm weather. Since I do my nails myself, tipping over a bottle of polish is a concern and those bottles don't look too stable to me. That's one of the reasons I like Opi and Sally Hansen polish. The bottles are wide.

Kristen may want to look into including a gel polish. I haven't tried them yet but plan to do it since it allegedly lasts longer.

Be warned about gel polish. It lasts forever, but it's very difficult to remove. My mom even went to Sally's and bought special remover, but still couldn't get it off. She had to go to the salon.

  • Love 2

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