Granimal July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) Regarding being an addict (that was me)....I'm actually a drug and alcohol counselor now :-). Of course I'm still an addict, but you also gotta kind of gauge your audience when discussing your past and how to phrase things. If this was an AA board, sure....a Teen Mom board? Probably not. To each their own :-). Good for you! Nice to see someone take a negative experience and make it into a positive one. I have seen (more than) two schools of thought on the issue. The AA/NA more established take, of "once an addict always an addict". And other newer addiction-recovery groups that tend to stay away from labeling people for life. So many school of thought and evolving theories in psychology. ETA: Redacted rest of paragraph as it was irrelevant. Back to the show- Janelle with a baby is terrifying. At this point, the giant pair of flip flops would make a better parent. Unfortunately, they seem to have gone MIA. Have we seen the dogs as of late? Do not like how the camera is zeroing in on all the pets. The cat with Nipples looked new(?) Leah's cat infuriated me. After what happened to the last little kitten, and seeing this cat with blue marker all over its face, its clear how this "family" sees their pets. It's really scary how pets filter in and out of these people's lives at rapid speeds. (In Janelle's case we can add children to that list.) Edited July 26, 2015 by Granimal 7 Link to comment
Shelby July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Good for you! Nice to see someone take a negative experience and make it into a positive one. I have seen (more than) two schools of thought on the issue. The AA/NA more established take, of "once an addict always an addict". And other newer addiction-recovery groups that tend to stay away from labeling people for life. So many school of thought and evolving theories in psychology. ETA: Redacted rest of paragraph as it was irrelevant. Back to the show- Janelle with a baby is terrifying. At this point, the giant pair of flip flops would make a better parent. Unfortunately, they seem to have gone MIA. Have we seen the dogs as of late? Do not like how the camera is zeroing in on all the pets. The cat with Nipples looked new(?) Leah's cat infuriated me. After what happened to the last little kitten, and seeing this cat with blue marker all over its face, its clear how this "family" sees their pets. It's really scary how pets filter in and out of these people's lives at rapid speeds. (In Janelle's case we can add children to that list.) ITA with all, Granimal. Hugs to little Graham! Link to comment
CourtneyCourt July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Kail, Kail ,kail, there is just no pleasing you is there. Both you and Leah need to thank every deity you can think of for the fact that the fathers of your children are as involved as they are. I know some single mothers who would absolutely kill for 1/16th of the attention that Corey and Jo give their kids. If you are feeling that overwhelmed and the father is asking to take the kids, let him take the kids for a bit. Dont sit there, tell the dads "no" and then sit around a complain that you are overwhelmed (Sorry, but I have no patience for those who complain like that, turn down perfectly reasonable solutions and continue to complain about their lot) Jenelle: I cant look at her segments most of the time without getting highly irritated. Just further evidence that the fling of the day will always be more important than her kids. Ive no doubt that Kaiser will eventually end up in Barb's care. Makes me even more mad that when I think about me trying everything I can to have kids and she has two that she doesnt appreciate. Makes me spit fire Chelsea: So far doing the best of the bunch. To me she should have put her foot down alot sooner, but all things considered she is handling things well. As far as Adam and his folks go, its not hard to see where he gets his sense of entitlement from and I bet they make all the excuses in the world for his behavior. My money is still on him deserting aubree completely when the MTV money runs out. I feel for her, she doesnt deserve this Right there with you about Jenelle! Couldn't agree more especially with the part about trying everything to have kids and there's Jenelle arguing with Nathan while Kaiser is ditched in a car seat. I'd shower that baby with love! I enjoy how they always show Babs playing with Jace, it just really shows how little Jenelle cares. 4 Link to comment
BitterApple July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I was glad to see Barb not engaging Jenelle by answering her calls, instead choosing to focus on Jace. At this point Barb has to know that Jenelle is just making empty threats and there's no real desire to win back custody. It's only a matter of time before Nathan bails, Kaiser is dumped and Jenelle finds a new man to piss away her MTV money. Barb has nothing to worry about. 7 Link to comment
NikSac July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Good for you! Nice to see someone take a negative experience and make it into a positive one. I have seen (more than) two schools of thought on the issue. The AA/NA more established take, of "once an addict always an addict". And other newer addiction-recovery groups that tend to stay away from labeling people for life. So many school of thought and evolving theories in psychology. ETA: Redacted rest of paragraph as it was irrelevant. Back to the show- Janelle with a baby is terrifying. At this point, the giant pair of flip flops would make a better parent. Unfortunately, they seem to have gone MIA. Have we seen the dogs as of late? Do not like how the camera is zeroing in on all the pets. The cat with Nipples looked new(?) Leah's cat infuriated me. After what happened to the last little kitten, and seeing this cat with blue marker all over its face, its clear how this "family" sees their pets. It's really scary how pets filter in and out of these people's lives at rapid speeds. (In Janelle's case we can add children to that list.) I was wondering about Jenelle and Nathan's dogs too. Hopefully they weren't locked up in their mini-cages in the garage. I like Chelsea's new dog (or is it Cole's?) - he's huge but cute! And I feel like he's probably the only pet on this show that may survive to live a semi-normal life span. I don't necessarily mind the camera showing the pets but it does make me sad for them. The cats in both Jenelle's and Leah's houses looked scared. 2 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) LEAH: Dear MTV, This season's unseen moments better include the WHY & HOW of what happened that led to Leah's cat's blue face. WTF. Poor cat. Too bad Corey & Miranda can't petition for custody of the cat as well. Leah, Leah, Leah....getting your kids into bed at a reasonable time not only means they'll be more alert & pleasant at school, but it also means that you can have a few hours to yourself between when the girlses go to bed and you to go bed. Also, Leah doesn't work. The twins have school. Addie was somewhere during her lunch with Dawn (I assume some family member), so Leah has a place to drop Addie during the day if needed. Leah, if you're so tired, wake up & get the girlses ready, drop them off at school (and wherever Addie goes), then go back home and go back to sleep for a few hours if you're so exhausted. I get it, I'm not a morning person either. I'm exhausted by one kid, let alone three. But if I didn't have a full-time job (and didn't care about washing clothes, cleaning out my car, etc) you'd better believe I'd be taking a nap after I got the kids dropped off in the morning. And I wouldn't care what the people of Leah'sTown, West Virginia thought about it - I'd be splitting time equally with my kids' dad if getting them ready for school and in bed at a decent time meant I could have a couple of mornings a week to relax if I was that stressed out. Of course, the only life skill Leah has taught the girlses is how to blow dry their own hair. Is it even safe for a six year old to dry her own hair unsupervised? (I have a boy and he's an infant, so it's not something I've thought about....but I wouldn't be cool with my six year old doing that alone.) That poor cat has probably been blow dried by Gracie a time or two as well. Maybe I'm giving Leah too much credit for teaching Gracie to dry her hair. Maybe Gracie is pretty smart and just learned how to dry her own hair because her mama wasn't gonna do it. Poor Addie! That kid was getting slammed with that bag/suitcase and almost suffocating back there. She was screaming for her mama but Leah didn't acknowledge her at all! WTH! I get that sometimes you can zone out when your kid is crying/fussing non-stop, but when she's screaming "Mama!!! Mama!!" & you can hear the bag hitting her? How, as a mom (or a human being) can you ignore that?! Jeremy at least realized & made the point that if they got into an accident that the girls could die with all that crap back there. Of course, that didn't mean he pulled over and tried to get Addie out from the bag that was hitting her in the face. I hope Ali wasn't back there cause if she was, she was so deep under bags and stuff that she couldn't be seen or heard. I saw a couple of big cardboard boxes in the rear trunk/hatch area...$10 says they were boxes of Mary Kay stuff. If I was Jeremy, I would have pulled over, thrown those boxes out and thrown the piles of stuff from on top of the girls back there. CHELSEA: I used to hate how Adam would manipulate and emotionally abuse Chelsea in the early years of TM & her 16&P episode. Once Chelsea got some self esteem & realized how she doesn't need Adam's manipulative behind, Adam moved on to manipulating and emotionally abusing Aubree. Because that's exactly what was happening in that scene at the restaurant where he was asking Aubree all of those questions. Asshole. At least Chelsea was a young woman who could hypothetically take care of herself, but Aubree is a child. YOUR child, Adam. He makes me sick. I am glad that Chelsea has a career (and also that Randylicious has money) so that someone can pay for all the therapy Aubree is going to need from what Adam has and will put her through. I hope Paislee has someone with the financial means to pay for her therapy as well. When Adam said Taylor hadn't let him see Paislee for two months, my respect for Taylor went up 200%. JENELLE: Jenelle is an asshole to Barb, Jace, and most people in general. I almost feel like Nathan is who she deserves. They're both terrible people. I *almost* felt sorry for Jenelle when they were at the restaurant and Nathan made some snide remark about Jenelle eating carbs (it read to me as a douchey, fat/chubby shaming comment that some fit, abusive douche like Nathan would make), then I remembered it's Jenelle and all the shit she has said to Barb and the way she's treated Jace. Kind of hard to feel sorry for her. Poor Kaiser. It's like he's just a prop in the background - sitting in his car seat and being carried around in said car seat, but never really interacted with (even feeding himself his own bottle in the car). I know we are all worried about Jace's future, but I'm actually more worried about Kaiser from having to be around these two yelling psychopaths so much. KAIL: Contrary to Kail's opinion, everyone does not have to bow down to her commands 24/7. I hope Jo & Vee move within walking distance from Kail. Javi needs to grow up but I still maintain there's a reason Kail is locking her phone and it's not just about her need for privacy, it's because she's a shady bitch and is doing something she's not supposed to. Edited July 26, 2015 by MyPeopleAreNordic 12 Link to comment
crazychicken July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I can't with Leah. It is so obviously the something is seriously "off" with her. She's never been particularly sharp or anything but she used to have some life to her in previous seasons, 5 pounds of makeup and all. Know she is some pale shadow of her former self. Keeping those kids out of the house and up till midnight is ridiculous, yet Mama Dawn has the nerve to bitch about Cory working and not being there for the girlses enough? Dumb bitch, I'll bet they'd still be fed and in bed by a reasonable hour with the Sims, something her precious Leah can't do. The scene in Leah's car would have been almost funny if this was a sitcom and a real baby wasn't being drownded under all that crap. Delta Dawn should have shut up long ago imagine how much extra time Corey could have regardless of him working if he kept the girlses up to midnight. To me it says a lot about his concerns that he is willing to swap weekend days which is all day for school time which do have limited hours due to work/school commitments. He is putting his girlses first by trying to ensure they get a good education by not only actually attending but being rested and feed well enough to learn. He has stated from the first split that he misses the girlses and would like to be a full time dad but has only gone for the change of custody now. I also wonder if he was willing to swap weekend time to Leah since Jeremy would be home so there will be sober adult supervision. Not that I put a lot of faith in Jeremy who knew and saw first hand the crap that must go on in that home and still left for work each week leaving mini Jeremy alone with her and seems to have washed his hands of the situation, he sure talked a lot of crap about Corey but now he is stepping back and the issue of the girlses welfare is only between Leah & Corey. Just remembered that Corey originally offered to take a lower paid job so that he could take the girlses during the week, it seems to me that he is willing to do a lot to ensure his girlses are looked after including protecting their mothers reputation. 6 Link to comment
Nire July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 CHELSEA-I think the scene at the end with Aubree and Adam making promises was one of the most heartbreaking in the series. The look on Chelsea's face... KAIL-I think Kail does a pretty decent job meeting her kids physical needs but emotionally they're screwed. I don't understand why she couldn't have waited to tell ber friend about Javi. Poor Isaac another really sad scene. LEAH-I'm honestly amazed her children are alive. A backpack in a car seat?! The mound of crap! The independent hair drying! This makes their horrible diet look so insignificant by comparison. I am concerned what will appear in her unseen moments. JANELLE-I wonder how Nathan's mother feels about Janelle wishing her son died. I can't imagine having to interact with someone after that being said. 4 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) Each episode depresses me more than the last. Leah is making over $100k from Mtv, Jeremy makes a decent living and they get child support plus Leah gets paid for some of the magazine articles. The minimum coming in is $150k from what I can roughly estimate. She does not have the kids full time, in every single episode it seems she gets to go out to eat without her children because she has so many people to watch her kids. Somehow with her considerable financial means in a ow cost of living area the best she can pull off is processed junk like she is living on a budget. I cannot imagine what it must be like for Corey and his family to watch the show after the fact to see what she is doing to them. None of the Teen Moms on either show have any idea what to do with a car seat, but Leah is consistently 3/3 on issues. No backpacks, no puffy coats. Car seats only work if you use the straps and those are tight, at chest level for the clip, Adderalll should be rear facing and all the crap in the car including the unrestrained adults will fly in an accident most likely killing the kids. Thankfully Jeremy seems to understand some of the danger she puts them in. The hairdryer scene and that ridiculous 12 pm bedtime would keep me up at night if I were Corey. Seriously. $150k is damn near "rich" in many parts of the South, especially in states like Mississippi, Louisiana, and Leah's state of West Virginia. A recent study in Louisiana said that if you are making $80k plus, you're considered to be in the state's "upper class." So Leah & Jeremy are (or were when they were together) probably making almost double what counts as upper class here and likely in WV. So stop spending money on Mary Kay and get yourself a part-time housekeeper & some nannies, Leah! I bet you can find some neighborhood ladies to help out for like $30-40/day as long as you pay cash. Then you can get high, sleep with Robbie, or do whatever it is that keeps you so exhausted. Edited July 26, 2015 by MyPeopleAreNordic 5 Link to comment
Mkay July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) This has probably been said but I have been out of State and haven't gotten to read all the posts yet. I thought the new pink 10,000 wheelchair was broken quickly after they got it. I remember reading more than one story saying that. Mostly because they let little evil twin use it as a play toy. Did anyone else giggle when they saw the Mary Kay boxes in the back of Leah's ride. I swear every episode it is a different car. Last week it was either a Chevy or Ford, this week a Jeep. Edited July 26, 2015 by Mkay 4 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Kali has abandonment issues and other childhood issues going on. I bet she feels jealous that Jo is actually a good father to Isaac. She never had a father or mother who was there for her. Darknight, I think you just hit the nail on the head in regards to Kail's issues. I believe she is jealous of her kids' relationships with their dads. I don't know why I didn't see that before. I also think she'd prefer to make them codependent on/with her. I almost thought she derived a small bit of joy out of seeing Isaac's clear hurt that he couldn't tell his beloved stepdad goodnight, not so much because she liked seeing Isaac upset but she liked that he was the bad guy who left & she was the one there with Isaac (hope what I'm trying to say here makes sense). Unfortunately I see more of this cycle in Kail's sons' futures. I hope Kail and Javi don't have to pay too much of a co-pay for their marriage counseling, because Kail clearly isn't interested in doing anything they learn in therapy so it's a waste of money. I just remembered something else about Leah's segments. When she told Mama Dawn she was going to put the girlses on birth control at 13, I almost laughed out loud and said "girl, shouldn't you figure out how & when to use birth control and not procreate before you're in charge of someone else's birth control?!" I mean, this is the girl who took out her own IUD when she and Jeremy thought it would be a good idea to have another kid the first time they got pregnant together (the miscarriage before Adalynn) and who knowingly went and had unprotected sex a month past the window during which her Depo shot would be effective (which resulted in the twins). I'm not yet convinced she should be in charge of making sure her kids get their shots/pills/IUDs (and don't take the IUDS out themselves!). Maybe if she makes it to the girlses' 13th birthday without another oops or trap baby I'll reverse my position. But I'm thinking maybe Miranda or Jeff's wife Joetta should be the ones to "put the girls on birth control" or at least reinforce to them about how to use it effectively as well as how one should wait before they're stable and have known a guy for a good while before reproducing with him. 6 Link to comment
NikSac July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 KAIL: Contrary to Kail's opinion, everyone does not have to bow down to her commands 24/7. I hope Jo & Vee move within walking distance from Kail. Javi needs to grow up but I still maintain there's a reason Kail is locking her phone and it's not just about her need for privacy,it's because she's a shady bitch and is doing something she's not supposed to. I have a feeling Kail's in for a rude awakening once it really hits her that she can't control everything. I would LOVE it if Jo moved right next door. I don't remember hearing what happened in 'real time' - do we know? Also re: the phone, I completely agree. I DO also think Javi's insecure, so they've both got issues, but come on. She's lying and hiding something, at least in my opinion (and apparently in Javi's as well). 7 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) I assumed a drug run was why Leah was out so late with the girls but props to those of you who suggested she was out having sex with Robbie or some rando. Her hair sure did look like some "sex hair" to me. My guess is it was a combination of the two- Leah probably took the poor girls on a trip to get some drugs and some sex. I'm pretty sure Robbie has had a relatively recent drug (I think heroin?) charge/arrest. And if not Robbie, it could be some other guy she does drugs with and hooks up with. She could have been getting high and getting laid and that's why she was out late. I hope for the girlses' sakes, neither of those two things were going on. However, it would make sense that Leah would be MIA from the film crew while she did either (or both) and that's also why the editors were throwing her so much shade (and rightfully so) about what was going on so late at night at her house. Also, Leah didn't really have an explanation for where the heck they were. Edited July 26, 2015 by MyPeopleAreNordic 3 Link to comment
Mkay July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) This may be too much of my business but I will share. I've been married ten yrs. My husband cheats in one way or another on line or by phone at least once a yr. Has he been with another female? I'm not positive but I wouldn't doubt it. I can always tell when it's coming on by the way he starts to guard his phone even more or turn his computer when he's on it. He's attitude becomes completely different. Access to his phone is rare because he doesn't leave it laying around for me to see. At times, there are passwords. Mine? It's laid out in the open for anyone. I never delete messages, I don't do anything I'm not supposed to, my facebook, phone, and computer are available to him at all times because I have nothing to hide.And in my mind I know when I'm able to divorce him, I'll be able to look my lawyer or judge in the eye and be truthful when I say I haven't cheated, emotionally or physically. I was knocked to the floor once for him to get his phone away from me because sure enough he was chatting with girls on a hidden app. Kail and Javi get on my nerves! Either he is looking because she's done it before or she gave him a reason. You aren't that defensive over your phone if you have nothing to hide! (Now I'm going to go hide from the fallout) I was wondering about Jenelle and Nathan's dogs too. Hopefully they weren't locked up in their mini-cages in the garage. I like Chelsea's new dog (or is it Cole's?) - he's huge but cute! And I feel like he's probably the only pet on this show that may survive to live a semi-normal life span. I don't necessarily mind the camera showing the pets but it does make me sad for them. The cats in both Jenelle's and Leah's houses looked scared. It's definitely Chelsea's. I remember the twitter pics when she got him as a baby. KAIL: Contrary to Kail's opinion, everyone does not have to bow down to her commands 24/7. I hope Jo & Vee move within walking distance from Kail. Javi needs to grow up but I still maintain there's a reason Kail is locking her phone and it's not just about her need for privacy, it's because she's a shady bitch and is doing something she's not supposed to. Maybe that's really why Kail moved to a new house. Not because of fans, but because Jo moved down the street. HAHAHAHAHA That would be great! Edited July 26, 2015 by Mkay 10 Link to comment
lidarose9 July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Who is stupid enough to do infidelity while a reality TV show crew is following you around making a show about you? Sheesh. Jenelle is the best argument I've run across in favor of involuntary sterilization. She really should not be allowed to reproduce. That baby needs to be adopted out to a nice family. And Jace has a CHANCE at a normal life if he stays with Barbara and away from Jenelle. That moment when Aubree was stubbornly insisting Adam will keep his word to her, the look on Chelsea's face when she suddenly realizes what it was like for her dad when she said those same words to him. Truly sad. 4 Link to comment
Ffiferoo July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I know that Kail has done shady things in the past, so of course she might be defensive about her phone because she's doing something wrong, but some people do not have the mentality of "why worry about privacy if you have nothing to hide?", myself included. Kail also has two small children who could potentially buy things (on purpose or by accident) surprisingly quickly if her phone is without any security. I know that many people in relationships share their passwords with their partners, and if that's a mutual decision, that's fine, but you don't have to be hiding something to want to keep your phone private. I think it's just as or more likely that she has texts with friends saying things about Javi that she wouldn't want him to see, if anything. 4 Link to comment
MissMel July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Cyber hugs, Mkay. No fallout from me. I say take care of yourself, put you first, and make sure you hit that legal ten year mark and bolt just as soon as you can. You already seem to know you are worth more than what you have right now. Good luck and best wishes for your future. 8 Link to comment
crazychicken July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 So watching the sneak peak for the next episode the girls are tardy about 50% (10 tardies a month yikes) and Gracie is 'crazy' and it is not a 'big deal' that she makes herself toast for breakfast as mum is a 'sleepyhead'. Now I have no issue with a 5 year old making toast mine did it, they felt grown up but I was right there with them. It saddens me that at the age of 5 those girls are looking after themselves and missing vital schooling and Leah sees it as no big deal and no matter how reasonable Corey is she still thinks that he is just trying to plot against her (paranoid much). I did laugh when she says she has trust issues with feeling like Corey is a threat, seriously he has supported her skanky arse even when she cheated, has been reasonable with custody but since it is 'her kids her life' I guess he has to trust her even with the overwhelming evidence that she is a crap parent due to drugs. Kail is so done, she just doesn't want to be the one that ends it. I am not a marriage counselor but my first suggestion would be to actually spend time together, it seems the more needy Javi gets the more Kail pushes him away and then Javi gets more needy yet Kail can't see the link and thinks the solution is to spend all weekend with her friends. I laughed at Javi can't imagine waking up without Lincoln and Issac, umm I think you forgot your wife there buddy. Lincoln seriously is the most gorgeous child I just want to squish him. Chelsea I see still does not have the discipline down she needs to follow through Aubree has her number and knows that there will not be consequences and she should not apologise 'for mum' she needs to understand what she did was wrong and actually mean it. I know kids can be feral especially after a long day in childcare but I did not like that Chelsea told Aubree to 'be happy' instead of asking why she did what she did and help guide her emotions if a similar situation arises. Janelle I really have no words at the level of delusion she has, she hasn't seen Jace for a month and after once again being told he acts up after returning from her house she dismisses it, even Barb trying to keep the disagreement away from Jace's ears went over her head. Barb really does seem to be making an effort at biting her tongue. Good to see that Kaiser has the jolly jumper and play center next to Janelle's bed so that he can entertain himself while she and Nipps lay around. 2 Link to comment
Tatum July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Nathan's sister-in-law was videotaping Janelle. MTV wasn't filming at that moment. I doubt they would have shown it anyhow, but I also don't think she would have said it if they were still there, and she knew she was being taped. The SIL was kind of hiding in the kitchen, which was why the video was so poor. You could barely see Janelle, but her voice was clear. Thanks for pointing that out. Since Jenelle was fine to paint a completely misleading picture of the fight since she believed there would be no evidence to the contrary, that must have burned her up when the additional footage was published. Not that she ever had any credibility, but that little stunt should make anyone doubt anything she ever claims again. 1 Link to comment
SPLAIN July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Just wanted to point out, it was Ali, not Aleeah, who wet her pants in the car AKA not the evil twin. Poor girl :/ Also wanted to add that she said in the voiceover that the girls got back from Corey's the DAY before, so it was her and only her who had the girls up and out past 10pm the day after and in bed after 12am. No fucking excuse. I was just going to post the same thing after reading the last two pages. That scene really explains why it is that Leah can't get the girls to school on time. Her late night escapades on school nights. Leah can't get the girls up early because she can't get herself up on time, likely due to drug use, on top of trying to get the girls to get up who are just dead tire from lack of sleep. Nathan's sister-in-law was videotaping Janelle. MTV wasn't filming at that moment. I doubt they would have shown it anyhow, but I also don't think she would have said it if they were still there, and she knew she was being taped Oh, something tells me Jenelle would have said it. The girl has said some pretty shitty things on camera over the seasons including doing some pretty horrible things on camera. She has no care in the world. This is the same girl who lit fire crackers in her dog's face. Nothing fazes Jenelle. The only reason she apologized for that hateful comment about Nathan's brother was simply because of the backlash she received when that video hit the internet. 3 Link to comment
purplemonkey July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Besides the obvious parade of horribles that have been posted, was anyone else disturbed by the specially installed camera in Janelle's car pointed straight at Kaiser (to capture all of his rear-facing car time). That's just creepy, MTV. Leah, how about putting that suitcase in the front seat with you. Sacrifice some of your legroom instead of your child's head and face room. 2 Link to comment
SPLAIN July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Besides the obvious parade of horribles that have been posted, was anyone else disturbed by the specially installed camera in Janelle's car pointed straight at Kaiser (to capture all of his rear-facing car time). That's just creepy, MTV. Leah, how about putting that suitcase in the front seat with you. Sacrifice some of your legroom instead of your child's head and face room. Leah had no leg room. Jermy pointed to the floor board area where her feet were, and mentioned how much junk was there as well. 3 Link to comment
purplemonkey July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Ok, my bad. It's been a few days since I watched. Unreal. Link to comment
SPLAIN July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Imagine how Leah's life will be now trying to get her three girls on time for drop-offs with Jermy (or his parents' home) and Cory. Kail better watch closely because she will likely end up being in the same exact boat as Leah. Running around trying to get the boys to each daddy's drop-off spot. 3 Link to comment
toodywoody July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 After watching the episode twice it still chaps me about Dawn's comment about Corey. The kids are at school. And speaking of, if the kids are at school and she only has one at home, why is she so exhausted. I'm not saying the one isn't a handful but she is getting a reprieve from the twins and should have more time to do whatever and instead of going out why not have someone watch the littlest one and Leah go home and rest. I just think she wants to be a martyr 4 Link to comment
SPLAIN July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 After watching the episode twice it still chaps me about Dawn's comment about Corey. The kids are at school. And speaking of, if the kids are at school and she only has one at home, why is she so exhausted. I'm not saying the one isn't a handful but she is getting a reprieve from the twins and should have more time to do whatever and instead of going out why not have someone watch the littlest one and Leah go home and rest. I just think she wants to be a martyr Not to mention, Cory has the twins at least four days out of the week. Leah doesn't have the girls 24/7. I fail to see what exactly is exhausting. Leah should try to be a working mom while still tending to children. Plenty of women do this every single day, and have been doing it for years. 6 Link to comment
Shelby July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 The creepiest, scariest thing about this episode was when Nathan popped out over the railing of the stairs hissing, "STOP THAT!" I screamed. 9 Link to comment
GreatKazu July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Shelby, Nips didn't even bat an eye that the cameras were focused on him as he said that. Very scary. McKay, (((((hugs))))) to you. Just watched the sneak peeks linked above. Tor those who watched Jenelle's scene, did you all notice how Jace quickly referred to Barb as "Meme" right after he called her "mom"? Poor Jace. Obviously, Jenelle has yelled at him, and Nips has likely scared the hell out of him and threatened him in some way for having referred to Barb as "mom". I swear to god, I seriously want to kick the shit outta Jenelle. As for Nips, I wish someone would harm him. Harm him real bad. Leah's sneak peek. I see she is wearing that 80s-looking style jacket again. I suppose they filmed with her friend in that one scene and then brought in Cory. Or, the girl thinks she looks pretty damn good in that look. TEN FUCKING TARDIES IN A MONTH!?? Holy moly. My kids never had more than 3 tardies in an entire school year. 8 Link to comment
MyPeopleAreNordic July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 TEN FUCKING TARDIES IN A MONTH!?? Holy moly. My kids never had more than 3 tardies in an entire school year. Right?!! Holy cow. Ten tardies a month is a huge red flag to school administration that something is not right at Leah's home. She may as well be sending the girlses to school with a note pinned on their clothes that says "My mom is probably on drugses and you may want to call social services." One of the elementary schools I attended as a kid started at 7:15 am and was about a 20 minute drive away (no bus). Leah would be SOL if the girlses' school started REALLY early like that. 7 Link to comment
lezlers July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Not to mention, Cory has the twins at least four days out of the week. Leah doesn't have the girls 24/7. I fail to see what exactly is exhausting. Leah should try to be a working mom while still tending to children. Plenty of women do this every single day, and have been doing it for years. Exactly. Leah was saying she was so exhausted after waking up at SEVEN. I haven't slept in until seven since I've had kids. I wake up at 5:30 (usually after having gotten up 2-3 times during the night to tend to my infant) every morning, get both kids ready for daycare, then go and work all day. Pick up the baby (fortunately I have a husband who does his share) rush home, cook dinner, do bath and bedtime routine, get everything ready for the next day, crash out then wake up and do it all again. Am I tired? Sure. But I'm not slugging around with my hair all fucked up, my eye makeup running and my car looking like something out of hoarders. Get it together, woman. 6 Link to comment
missy jo July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I really hate it when people on this show keep springing questions on the kids. Leave them the fuck alone already. Stop trying to get the answers you want from them. Leave them be. IMO, those leading questions are practically a form of child abuse. I hate those "yes or no" questions. 6 Link to comment
GreatKazu July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Right?!! Holy cow. Ten tardies a month is a huge red flag to school administration that something is not right at Leah's home. She may as well be sending the girlses to school with a note pinned on their clothes that says "My mom is probably on drugses and you may want to call social services." One of the elementary schools I attended as a kid started at 7:15 am and was about a 20 minute drive away (no bus). Leah would be SOL if the girlses' school started REALLY early like that. This doesn't even count the therapy appointments Ali missed because of Leah, who claimed maybe only one missed appointment due to illness. Imagine how many therapy appointments were missed? A whole shitload of them. 3 Link to comment
Mkay July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Thanks for the support. I was a little scared to share. I'm working and slowing moving up at work and yes, hit that ten yr mark. I'm planning my get a way. It won't be this way forever. ;) I missed the preview for next week. My DVR didn't catch it. Grrr After rewatching this episode I'm convinced Adam's comment about "My dad is in the parking lot waiting to get Aubrey." is a voice over done after the fact, to try and protect his butt. The audio is different than the rest in the scene. IMO, those leading questions are practically a form of child abuse. I hate those "yes or no" questions. I noticed Kail did it too, right in front of Jo. "Do you want Daddy to move?" Stop! This is so wrong to do to your kids. 7 Link to comment
GreatKazu July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Thanks for the support. I was a little scared to share. I'm working and slowing moving up at work and yes, hit that ten yr mark. I'm planning my get a way. It won't be this way forever. ;) I missed the preview for next week. My DVR didn't catch it. Grrr After rewatching this episode I'm convinced Adam's comment about "My dad is in the parking lot waiting to get Aubrey." is a voice over done after the fact, to try and protect his butt. The audio is different than the rest in the scene. I noticed Kail did it too, right in front of Jo. "Do you want Daddy to move?" Stop! This is so wrong to do to your kids. You do what you need to do. It may take time, but in the end, you will be happy. Praying for you. You are right about Kail, she is always asking Isaac questions. Remember her asking him if she should marry Javi? Who does that shit? Kail has done that far too many times. This chick doesn't need couple's counseling. She needs intensive therapy for herself and a child's therapist who can educate her on the proper way of dealing with children. McKay, if you look above, someone has kindly posted links to the sneak previews for us. You can watch what we are referring to. 3 Link to comment
missy jo July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Have we seen the dogs as of late? Do not like how the camera is zeroing in on all the pets. The cat with Nipples looked new(?) Leah's cat infuriated me. After what happened to the last little kitten, and seeing this cat with blue marker all over its face, its clear how this "family" sees their pets. It's really scary how pets filter in and out of these people's lives at rapid speeds. When they show the pets, it terrifies and infuriates me. Then I remember these people have children, too. I was shocked that Jenelle even bothered to get Kaiser out of the car when she went back inside. All the best to you, Mkay. 4 Link to comment
BitterApple July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 (edited) I agree it's infuriating when they interrogate kids. It's awful to put five year-olds in the spot and ask them heavily loaded questions. Watching Aubree squirm in her seat while Adam manipulated her was just painful. Same goes for Kail. I'm sure Isaac would love for Jo to move closer but he was clearly giving the answer he knew his mother wanted to hear. I'm sure Isaac has seen what happens when Javi dares to contradict Kail and he didn't want to unleash the she-beast. Edited July 26, 2015 by BitterApple 7 Link to comment
missy jo July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I had a great mother and upbringing, but we ate Chef Boyardee and other canned food on the regular. Then again, I'm old and there was no Whole Foods and health food movement back then. What was galling and inexcusable was the time of night. No possible excuses for that chaos, even on a weekend, let alone a school night. I'm glad the editors shamed her by continually showing the clock. They probably wanted to hurry up and finish filming already! The cat was blue because it is depressed being around all that clusterfuck. Literal LOL. 9 Link to comment
TeenMom69 July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I agree that Isaac read the room before giving that answer. He loves his dad and fears his mom. I think Javi has been doing most of the 6 hour drives. Leaving Kail free to do....whatever while he's gone. And that's why she doesn't want Jo to move. 7 Link to comment
cheatincheetos July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 Poor Addie! That kid was getting slammed with that bag/suitcase and almost suffocating back there. She was screaming for her mama but Leah didn't acknowledge her at all! WTH! I get that sometimes you can zone out when your kid is crying/fussing non-stop, but when she's screaming "Mama!!! Mama!!" & you can hear the bag hitting her? How, as a mom (or a human being) can you ignore that?! Addy would have to take the screaming to the level of the kid in "The Babadook" to get through to Leah. Maybe she can practice for that and her future metal career now that it's on Netflix Instant. If Leah doesn't care that they are up until midnight then she's probably lax on what they can view too. 2 Link to comment
poopchute July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 What was Leah doing in the last episode where she had that same ugly bedazzled blue shirt? It had to be the same day as the late night "ravioli" so I'm sure she had dumped her kids off with Dawn while she went out with her friend for drinks or whatever it was she was doing. I can't remember what she was shown doing in that shirt, I just remember the shirt itself. Anyone remember? 1 Link to comment
monagatuna July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 What was Leah doing in the last episode where she had that same ugly bedazzled blue shirt? It had to be the same day as the late night "ravioli" so I'm sure she had dumped her kids off with Dawn while she went out with her friend for drinks or whatever it was she was doing. I can't remember what she was shown doing in that shirt, I just remember the shirt itself. Anyone remember? She was yapping on the couch about what A Good Mom she is while another kid (some say Adderall, I think it was the friend's kid because he looked like an older boy, but it's anyone's guess) headbanged on the couch with a cat who's Seen Some Shit looking shell-shocked in his/her arms. 7 Link to comment
ChristmasJones July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 This was a tough episode to watch. For 99% of the population, when we end up in therapy in our 20's or 30's to deal with our effed-up childhoods, we are unlike these kids... who will bring DVDs of this show for the therapist to watch - it will be no mystery to any of them why they have the problems they have. The rest of us have fuzzy memories and photo albums filled mostly with pictures of happy times. These kids have a video record of the things that they experienced even before they are old enough to have clear memories about them. I feel pretty safe saying that every single one of these kids is going to have some significant issues when they get older, with Aubrey being the least affected due to the stability of Randy and Chelsea off-setting the damage from Adam. Ranking these folks from worst to least worst, here is my list: 1. Adam 2. Janelle 3. Nathan 4. Leah 5. Kail 6. Javi 7. Jeremy 8. Jo 9. Chelsea 10. Corey I find myself wondering how all of the folks on this show and their various family members and other associates feel when they sat in their living rooms and watched this episode. I felt like this episode painted one of the worst pictures of all of these people, all edited together, which made the dysfunction even more jarring to watch. Janelle, in my mind, is like a mixture of Diane Downs and Aileen Wuornos (minus the serial killing of course). That sounds horrible, but that is what I see in terms of her core personality. In terms of the Javi/Kail trust issue- I cannot make a judgment because I am certain there is a lot that never makes it onto the show. I find myself feeling slightly more swayed to the idea that Kail has acted shady and that is triggering Javi's desire to check her phone - just based on what has been shown of Kail on this series. But, again, I would need to know more about what else has happened. Same with all the Leah stuff. Maybe some of it will come out in an unseen moments episode at the end. 4 Link to comment
NoirDetective July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 I caught this episode after skipping all of last season. What a fall off a cliff a season makes! I've always hated Leah the most, but she now looks like a person on "Intervention," pre-intervention. That poor blue-faced cat! That poor Corey! That poor everybody in her and her dimwit mothers orbit! Except Germy, who also sucks. Chelsea has really gotten her shit together, I have to say. Kail seems to have changed not one inch since I last watched. Still living in misery, in perpetuity. Jenelle is an insufficient human being in many ways that are apparent and need not be listed here. Nathan is disgusting. 5 Link to comment
cheatincheetos July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 She was yapping on the couch about what A Good Mom she is while another kid (some say Adderall, I think it was the friend's kid because he looked like an older boy, but it's anyone's guess) headbanged on the couch with a cat who's Seen Some Shit looking shell-shocked in his/her arms. It was Addy. She looks boyish because the hair hasn't grown much yet. Cat that's Seen Some Shit made me think of the Espurr memes (Espurr was in Vietnam, etc) from a few years ago and chuckle. 4 Link to comment
Shelby July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 She was yapping on the couch about what A Good Mom she is while another kid (some say Adderall, I think it was the friend's kid because he looked like an older boy, but it's anyone's guess) headbanged on the couch with a cat who's Seen Some Shit looking shell-shocked in his/her arms. That was Adderall, the poor little boy-girl. It doesn't help that Leah dresses her like a farmer. Plus she has that dumb Jermy face. That poor cat, too. In this week's episode, it didn't get to eat until 11pm, and only because sweet Ali fed it. 3 Link to comment
cheatincheetos July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 That was Adderall, the poor little boy-girl. It doesn't help that Leah dresses her like a farmer. Plus she has that dumb Jermy face. That poor cat, too. In this week's episode, it didn't get to eat until 11pm, and only because sweet Ali fed it. Hope the food didn't have blue dye in it too. 2 Link to comment
Darknight July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 This was a tough episode to watch. For 99% of the population, when we end up in therapy in our 20's or 30's to deal with our effed-up childhoods, we are unlike these kids... who will bring DVDs of this show for the therapist to watch - it will be no mystery to any of them why they have the problems they have. The rest of us have fuzzy memories and photo albums filled mostly with pictures of happy times. These kids have a video record of the things that they experienced even before they are old enough to have clear memories about them. I feel pretty safe saying that every single one of these kids is going to have some significant issues when they get older, with Aubrey being the least affected due to the stability of Randy and Chelsea off-setting the damage from Adam. Ranking these folks from worst to least worst, here is my list: 1. Adam 2. Janelle 3. Nathan 4. Leah 5. Kail 6. Javi 7. Jeremy 8. Jo 9. Chelsea 10. Corey I find myself wondering how all of the folks on this show and their various family members and other associates feel when they sat in their living rooms and watched this episode. I felt like this episode painted one of the worst pictures of all of these people, all edited together, which made the dysfunction even more jarring to watch. Janelle, in my mind, is like a mixture of Diane Downs and Aileen Wuornos (minus the serial killing of course). That sounds horrible, but that is what I see in terms of her core personality. In terms of the Javi/Kail trust issue- I cannot make a judgment because I am certain there is a lot that never makes it onto the show. I find myself feeling slightly more swayed to the idea that Kail has acted shady and that is triggering Javi's desire to check her phone - just based on what has been shown of Kail on this series. But, again, I would need to know more about what else has happened. Same with all the Leah stuff. Maybe some of it will come out in an unseen moments episode at the end. Aubrey might be the least affected or she might be just as affected as the others. What Adam is doing can take years of therapy to undo. She doesn't understand because she's still young. But as she gets older that stuff might affect her 1 Link to comment
ghoulina July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 (edited) I was glad to see Barb not engaging Jenelle by answering her calls, instead choosing to focus on Jace. At this point Barb has to know that Jenelle is just making empty threats and there's no real desire to win back custody. It's only a matter of time before Nathan bails, Kaiser is dumped and Jenelle finds a new man to piss away her MTV money. Barb has nothing to worry about. You know, you're right. At first I was thought Barb was acting like a petty teenager by not taking Jenelle's calls. I know Jenelle is immature and petty all the time, but no need to stoop to her level. But who am I kidding? When Barb and Jenelle DO talk, 95% of the time they're screaming and cursing at each other. Which is scary as hell for a kid. And that's not solely on Jenelle, Barb has trouble keeping her cool as well. So it's probably best to keep the contact minimal. If those two are ever going to have a healthy relationship, they need some serious counseling on how to communicate properly. Of course, the only life skill Leah has taught the girlses is how to blow dry their own hair. Is it even safe for a six year old to dry her own hair unsupervised? (I have a boy and he's an infant, so it's not something I've thought about....but I wouldn't be cool with my six year old doing that alone.) I say - absolutely not! Those things are hot, she could burn herself, or little Adderall who was toddling around. Also, she was doing it in the bedroom. What if she set it down, still going, on the bed or carpet and started a fire? Ugh, watching Leah's scens is like watching a PSA on what NOT to do with kids. After watching the episode twice it still chaps me about Dawn's comment about Corey. The kids are at school. And speaking of, if the kids are at school and she only has one at home, why is she so exhausted. I'm not saying the one isn't a handful but she is getting a reprieve from the twins and should have more time to do whatever and instead of going out why not have someone watch the littlest one and Leah go home and rest. I just think she wants to be a martyr You really hit the nail on the head. She wants people to feel sorry for her, period. There is no reason for her to be THAT exhausted. I have 3 kids at home. All day, every day. Because we homeschool, which was a choice, and I'm happy about it - but it's mentally draining. I don't have twins, but they are all 18-19 months apart, so that's a challenge as well. I don't have a child with physical problems, but my youngest daughter has had some developmental and behavioral issues that have been quite a struggle for me at times. She sees a therapist and things have gotten better, but she is just very "high maintence", to put it mildly. We live out in the country and my husband has a 2 hour commute every day, in addition to working 8-10 hours. The nearest babysitter is an hour away. The only time I get to myself is the hour after the kids go to bed before I go to bed, and my bi-monthly big shopping trip when mom watches my kids. I haven't had a "date night" since last January (and that was cut short because of a big snow storm, it was also the first time alone together in 3 years). But I don't complain. I don't sit around moping about how hard my life is. Our lives, mostly, are a series of choices. Sometimes things turn out to be harder than we expected, and of course things can happen that are in no way our fault. But most of it is choice. Leah already knew life was hard when she had the twins. Why she thought it would be a good idea to go get knocked up again is beyond me. I'm not saying you have multiples and stop. But one has special needs, financial demands, etc. A little forethought would have been nice. Leah has more help than anyone I know. Every week it's someone different - Her parents, Cory's dad, Germy's mom, grandma, Oreo, etc. Just calm the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Edited July 27, 2015 by ghoulina 14 Link to comment
Darknight July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 Darknight, I think you just hit the nail on the head in regards to Kail's issues. I believe she is jealous of her kids' relationships with their dads. I don't know why I didn't see that before. I also think she'd prefer to make them codependent on/with her. I almost thought she derived a small bit of joy out of seeing Isaac's clear hurt that he couldn't tell his beloved stepdad goodnight, not so much because she liked seeing Isaac upset but she liked that he was the bad guy who left & she was the one there with Isaac (hope what I'm trying to say here makes sense). Unfortunately I see more of this cycle in Kail's sons' futures. I hope Kail and Javi don't have to pay too much of a co-pay for their marriage counseling, because Kail clearly isn't interested in doing anything they learn in therapy so it's a waste of money. I just remembered something else about Leah's segments. When she told Mama Dawn she was going to put the girlses on birth control at 13, I almost laughed out loud and said "girl, shouldn't you figure out how & when to use birth control and not procreate before you're in charge of someone else's birth control?!" I mean, this is the girl who took out her own IUD when she and Jeremy thought it would be a good idea to have another kid the first time they got pregnant together (the miscarriage before Adalynn) and who knowingly went and had unprotected sex a month past the window during which her Depo shot would be effective (which resulted in the twins). I'm not yet convinced she should be in charge of making sure her kids get their shots/pills/IUDs (and don't take the IUDS out themselves!). Maybe if she makes it to the girlses' 13th birthday without another oops or trap baby I'll reverse my position. But I'm thinking maybe Miranda or Jeff's wife Joetta should be the ones to "put the girls on birth control" or at least reinforce to them about how to use it effectively as well as how one should wait before they're stable and have known a guy for a good while before reproducing with him. Unfortunately she's going to turn her kids against her. Now imagine if Joe was like Adam or wasn't in her life at all. I bet she would complain how sad it is that she grew up without a dad and now Issac has no dad too. Or would think all men are the same and how she's a strong woman for raising a son on her own without a dad. It gives her an ego boost. It's like a cycle. She wants her kids to be dependent on her and nobody else. When she was at the beach on vacation she told Javi some stuff about not having Isaac there and he must feel left out when he was spending time with Jo. Another thing she bitched about. I really do think she's jealous. Just like some mothers might be jealous their daughters might be pretty or more beautiful than they are, kali is jealous because Issac has a dad in his life. As well as Lincoln. I bet she sees how happy Issac is with Joe and it probably stings that she never had any of this growing up. So she's trying to control every thing. Even asking for her kids opinion on stuff that kids shouldn't really have an opinion on, like do you think it's a good idea for daddy to move closer? What parent ask their kid this. Kali sees Joe as a threat. I know plenty of parents who co parent. Even some who live across the street from each other. But kali is being selfish and wants to make things difficult. Girl better get some professional help. 8 Link to comment
Tatum July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 Aubrey might be the least affected or she might be just as affected as the others. What Adam is doing can take years of therapy to undo. She doesn't understand because she's still young. But as she gets older that stuff might affect her Agree. From a mental health standpoint, all these kids might be hosed due to their parents' shitty, selfish behavior. That said, I don't see any way Jenelle's kids are making it out of adolescence as well adjusted adults without a whole lot of therapy. And I am deeply concerned about the physical safety of all of Leah's girls, and Kaiser, and possibly Jace if Barbara is ever unable to continue caring for him. I would be very curious to watch Dawn and Leah's reactions to viewing the last episode. It's one thing to brush off being late and missing school, or leaving the house when your kids have messy hair and unmatched outfits. It's quite another to watch a child's safety being compromised, and the mother just shrugging it off with an, it happens. Jeremy, you're a douche. I get that Leah made the mess and you're tired of cleaning up after her, but when an avalanche of crap is falling on your BABY DAUGHTER and your wife shrugs it off, good god, get out and get rid of it. Pull over to the nearest dumpster and toss it if you must. On a funnier note- were Leah and Jeremy wearing coordinated "Sparkle Motion" cheer shirts in the car with Addy and Gracie? I could swear they were. 6 Link to comment
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