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S07.E16: Awfully Charitable

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Okay the whole Ramona thing is just ridiculous and I have some other angles that are just even more over the top crazy than what we've touched on.


-Have we seen Ramona actually host or coordinate ANY charity event? And if so it must have been donkey's years ago and now she just wants to "appear" on signage instead of "oh I don't know" actually participating in a fashion that rates advertising.


-Honestly though her going on about it was so weird to me cause yeah, I know, it's Ramona but just the technical aspects of it all seemed so bizarre. She knows how a charity function is organized, how it works, getting sponsors, getting volunteers how those people are recognized with signage throughout the event, how much donation and participation is required before officially being considered a sponser etc. etc.


-Again, I know it's Ramona but it was just so cuku for coco puffs that Ramona would even come up with that. Organizations go through certain steps and fulfill certain details before they are able to apply Logo's and self promotion when it comes to a charity event. Even if Ramona had brought her desire to be mentioned up to Kristen a week or so before due to the necklaces she donated that still wouldn't have been enough for Kristen to justify including Ramona's logo in the official signage for the event. You don't just request that your name is added and the charity just automatically complies. That really was very bizarre, even for Ramona.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 8

Me neither and god willing, I never will! The day I purchase anything shilled by these women--be it a book or a bottle of wine--is the day I want to be put out of my misery.

LOL, aww the books. I always forget how many of the HW have books.

I have always wanted to meet a person who bought a HW book.

Sorry, not trying to offend anyone here who has bought one.

  • Love 3

Those ugly grey leggings?  LOL.  Switch the color to black or sapphire and the price pops up to $48 and up.

Another excellent recap at The Vulture I agree about the leggings.  If one is a fan of Ramona you might want to skip reading this one:  http://www.vulture.com/2015/07/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-recap-season-7-episode-16.html

  • Love 4

Those ugly grey leggings? LOL. Switch the color to black or sapphire and the price pops up to $48 and up.

Which actually brings me back to my original comment, that Ramona was not far off in her assessment that the jeans would go for about $40. (I know she said retail) When Heather started talking about doing denim, I was interested to see what market she would go for and if she was going to compete with the big dogs (because seriously, I am a denim girl) and I didn't think Yummie was a big enough presence to compete with the higher end brands. It seems like she went mid-market. I think the $98 is a fair price, and you can easily find them for half that, so not the fabulous $250 denim that Kristen referenced. Which I think is smart.

As far as the True Faith necklaces, I wouldn't wear them if you paid me $80! Sorry Ramona!

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

Ramona seems to always be otherwise distracted during toasts or speeches which is so rude and what was going on with the food served in a "jeans" bowl, Ramona was picking thru it and it was gross.  She seemed to be very concerned that her somewhat defunct line of jewelry did not get a mention at the event, did she even have a conversation with Kristin before she decided to use some of her necklaces for trim on the jeans about sponsorship?  I bet there was no Ramona pinot grigio at the bar either!


The medium (or median for all you Vicki lovers!), seemed on point with her coffee grounds reading or am I just being gullible?


At first I was giving the Carole/Adam relationship the big ole' cougar eye roll but last night I saw it in a whole new light, I get it. I like him.

  • Love 4

All of this!!! She really is a vile snob, who should not be. She is classless.

What was Ramona doing to the hors d' oeuvres? I couldn't figure out what she was doing.

I loved seeing the dinner (Kristen, Heather and Carole) and Heather's children are cute , I loved how excited Jax was about wrestling lol.

Jonathan seems to be a nice man. I loved that he offered to do dishes.


What I hate with the heat of a thousand burning suns.  Running her grubby little paws over the platter and contents before making a choice. 

a.  They're fucking identical, pick one

b.  If they're unrecognizable skip it.  Or not, it's not a huge investment

c.  In the meantime get your gottdam fingerprints off snacks I have access to but don't even know you've touched.   Oooh my, I just noticed the resemblance between nakedmangate and *oars de vors*


A quick google search has them showing up as low as $30. http://www.6pm.com/yummie-jeans


Thank you for telling me where to find my next pair of jeans. 


I just noticed how 80's Ramona's style really is.  It reminds me of something she said to (Luann?) when they were shopping in the Berkshires.  Something about how cute a shirt was because it was a call back to when they were in high school and Lu looked at her like girl, bye, we were not in high school at the same time. 

Did I mess that up? It's my first time trying to quote someone.


Yeah barb, but it's fixable ;)


1. click the button on the right that looks like an open left sided quotation mark.  If that's the only quote you're replying to then

2. click on the thing that says "reply to (1) quoted post"


when you do, it'll bring your cursor down to the "reply to this topic" box where you type what you wanted to say.   If you'd like to respond to more than one quote, just keep clicking on the quotation mark, it'll rack up all your quotes until you're ready to start snarking.  Good luck :D

  • Love 6

Okay the whole Ramona thing is just ridiculous and I have some other angles that are just even more over the top crazy than what we've touched on.

-Have we seen Ramona actually host or coordinate ANY charity event? And if so it must have been donkey's years ago and now she just wants to "appear" on signage instead of "oh I don't know" actually participating in a fashion that rates advertising.

-Honestly though her going on about it was so weird to me cause yeah, I know, it's Ramona but just the technical aspects of it all seemed so bizarre. She knows how a charity function is organized, how it works, getting sponsors, getting volunteers how those people are recognized with signage throughout the event, how much donation and participation is required before officially being considered a sponser etc. etc.

-Again, I know it's Ramona but it was just so cuku for coco puffs that Ramona would even come up with that. Organizations go through certain steps and fulfill certain details before they are able to apply Logo's and self promotion when it comes to a charity event. Even if Ramona had brought her desire to be mentioned up to Kristen a week or so before due to the necklaces she donated that still wouldn't have been enough for Kristen to justify including Ramona's logo in the official signage for the event. You don't just request that your name is added and the charity just automatically complies. That really was very bizarre, even for Ramona.

I think the event when Aviva's father grabbed Ramona's arm was a charity event for domestic violence. I think Ramona was hosting it. It looked like a cocktail party so imo probably wasn't as much work as Kristen's. Still good thing to raise money for.

I can't really remember anything else.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6
Have we seen Ramona actually host or coordinate ANY charity event?



In Season 5 she hosted that fashion show for a domestic violence charity. She is a lousy guest though and has yapped through other HW's event speeches (Jill's Kodak event, Heather's fashion show, etc.) I cringe that next week she dismisses someone as "just a bartender." A lot of the people that Ramona looks down upon have more class than she ever will. But don't despair…elegance is learned, my friend.


As for HW products, I admit that I've actually toyed with looking into Ramona's skin care line. But maybe Ramona's great skin is less about products and more about Dr. Sharon Giese?

  • Love 6

Which actually brings me back to my original comment, that Ramona was not far off in her assessment that the jeans would go for about $40. (I know she said retail) When Heather started talking about doing denim, I was interested to see what market she would go for and if she was going to compete with the big dogs (because seriously, I am a denim girl) and I didn't think Yummie was a big enough presence to compete with the higher end brands. It seems like she went mid-market. I think the $98 is a fair price, and you can easily find them for half that, so not the fabulous $250 denim that Kristen referenced. Which I think is smart.

As far as the True Faith necklaces, I wouldn't wear them if you paid me $80! Sorry Ramona!

Here is the link to her site..... http://www.truefaithjewelry.com/diamond-like-chains3.html All the long necklaces that can be used on jeans are "plated" base metal and use cheap "cz's". I make jewelry, design it myself and hand make Wire Wrap jewelry, and I could make these for around $5 bucks a piece, although I would never sell them for more than $15 each! LOL

  • Love 9

Apology accepted. I'm quite sarcastic myself but the way this forum has been so polarized around Heather as of late, feelings and sensitives seem to be heightened. 



Although the balloon incident was unbeknownst to us until now, I'm certain Dorinda shared that story with a line producer or someone else at Bravo. When they learned she still had footage of the incident, it was a no brainer to feed that story to the psychic and have Dorinda release the video to editing.

At this point I'm ready for her to go, since I enjoy giving my comments on all of the HWs equally.


I'm curious as to what you mean regarding the balloon incident. Do you think that Dorinda mentioned it to her line producer, and the producer fed the info to the "psychic"? If that's the case, then that makes me believe that all the HWs were just playing along/ acting during this scene. I mean surely Dorinda remembers telling whoever at Bravo. And then the psychic just happens to bring it up? Makes me think that Dorina was just acting out the whole thing.


Yeah Dorinda can take several seats with Heather not accepting her apology to her standards. Who thinks like that?

  • Love 1

Here is the link to her site..... http://www.truefaithjewelry.com/diamond-like-chains3.html All the long necklaces that can be used on jeans are "plated" base metal and use cheap "cz's". I make jewelry, design it myself and hand make Wire Wrap jewelry, and I could make these for around $5 bucks a piece, although I would never sell them for more than $15 each! LOL

That's great! WireWrap , name makes sense lol.

  • Love 8

Here is the link to her site..... http://www.truefaithjewelry.com/diamond-like-chains3.html All the long necklaces that can be used on jeans are "plated" base metal and use cheap "cz's". I make jewelry, design it myself and hand make Wire Wrap jewelry, and I could make these for around $5 bucks a piece, although I would never sell them for more than $15 each! LOL


Ohhhh...do you have a website where I could see your pieces?

  • Love 7

Here is the link to her site..... http://www.truefaithjewelry.com/diamond-like-chains3.html All the long necklaces that can be used on jeans are "plated" base metal and use cheap "cz's". I make jewelry, design it myself and hand make Wire Wrap jewelry, and I could make these for around $5 bucks a piece, although I would never sell them for more than $15 each! LOL

Let's face it Ramona's stuff is crap and this event was planned by Heather and Kristen. They didn't ask Luann for tops. Was there any signage for Pop of Color or E-Boost?   Bethenny almost took the high road but then she had to mention what she and Skinny Girl contributed and it was of course uncredited-except the attendees took it home and she mentioned it in her blog. I don't know how well attended the event was but it certainly got some exposure for Smile Train.  This is no offense to Kristen but usually one has a charity event because there is a connection,  This sounds like a branding moment designed by Josh.  Whatever the reasons it did not elevate Ramona to even a mention.  Someone should have told her minimum buy in for sponsor is $1,500.00 or $3,500.00 in kind contribution.  That would shut her up.

  • Love 9

The quoted post completely disappeared from my post. Formatting issues.


I'm curious as to what you mean regarding the balloon incident. Do you think that Dorinda mentioned it to her line producer, and the producer fed the info to the "psychic"? If that's the case, then that makes me believe that all the HWs were just playing along/ acting during this scene. I mean surely Dorinda remembers telling whoever at Bravo. And then the psychic just happens to bring it up? Makes me think that Dorina was just acting out the whole thing.


Yeah Dorinda can take several seats with Heather not accepting her apology to her standards. Who thinks like that?


ETA: IMO- I enjoy snarking on ALL the HWs equally. Heather, Dorinda, Ramona- all fair game!

Edited by Granimal
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I thought Kristen looked great...from the waist up. I understood why she did the formal gown over the jeans, but something about the dress and jeans she chose didn't work for me, especially because they were basically the same color. Maybe a darker wash could have worked? But her event looked fabulous, the charity made some money and she seemed genuinely thrilled be to doing it. Thumbs up to her and Heather!

P.S. Shut up, Ramona!

  • Love 10

Ohhhh...do you have a website where I could see your pieces?

No, taking good/top photos of jewelry requires a professional photographer and I refuse to pay their prices! LOL. Its more than a "hobby" to me but I don't consider it a business either, I guess passion is the best term, I am a rock hound at heart. I do know that Ramona's line is cheap, and that she does not really design it herself, someone else does that for her. She sees a drawing then makes a few changes and slaps her name on it like a lot of "celebs" do. Nothing new, nothing really different other than the labels with Ramona's or Sonja's jewelry lines. LOL When she first started selling it on HSN, I watched a few times and laughed myself silly, she knew nothing about the "gems", the "CZs", the "metals" or how anything was made, I really believe that Mario did it all for her or paid his employees to do it for her. LOL

  • Love 7

I feel as if I'm turning into a HW-by-osmosis because I just can't be fussed to get upset about Ramona being an asshole yet again.


It's pointless getting upset about her because either you can't deal with crazy or she's playing a part for the cameras. In either case, her being inconsiderate, insensitive and out of line is nothing new so as far as I'm concerned, you can cue the Vicki Gunvalson snooze gif right about now.

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Here is the link to her site..... http://www.truefaithjewelry.com/diamond-like-chains3.html All the long necklaces that can be used on jeans are "plated" base metal and use cheap "cz's". I make jewelry, design it myself and hand make Wire Wrap jewelry, and I could make these for around $5 bucks a piece, although I would never sell them for more than $15 each! LOL

There is a 1-800 number listed atop the True Faith page. Since the TF brand seems to be in the crapper with no signs of being staffed by a multitude of peons, I wonder if you called the number on any given day Ramona Singer might just be on the end of the line! That would be a hoot.

At this point I'm ready for her to go, since I enjoy giving my comments on all of the HWs equally.

I'm curious as to what you mean regarding the balloon incident. Do you think that Dorinda mentioned it to her line producer, and the producer fed the info to the "psychic"? If that's the case, then that makes me believe that all the HWs were just playing along/ acting during this scene. I mean surely Dorinda remembers telling whoever at Bravo. And then the psychic just happens to bring it up? Makes me think that Dorina was just acting out the whole thing.

I'm torn about Heather. Snarking on her used to be fun, until this place became so divisive that had to step away for a while. God forbid Heather be subjected to the same scrutiny and judgment as we heap upon the other women.

And yes, that is precisely what I meant about the balloon incident. I don't think the producers told the women specifically what the psychic would share ahead of time in the interest of coaxing out as genuine reaction of surprise as possible. However, when the balloon footage was shown, it crossed my mind that what we saw may have been a video re-enactment and not the original incident. I wouldn't put anything past RH producers. Their trade is all manipulation and fabrication.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 4

Midnight Cheese, on 22 Jul 2015 - 10:03 AM, said:

    I hate Ramona so much.  I truly could not hate her more.  The display at the charity was disgusting.  She has - fuck (motherfuck?), I need a thesaurus to find words beyond 'repellant, disgusting, despicable.'  She is so cheap, tacky, dishonest, such a user.  At an event where Heather straight-up donated high-value items and womanpower for something benefitting children with cleft palates who could not otherwise afford surgery, she contaminates hors d'oeuvres, tries to attack Heather because of her fit of pique, then Carole, just on and on and on.  She is fundamentally an intellectually empty, soul-free narcissist snatchy user.


    I am again thrilled that she's going to end up a miserable bundle of Adderall/whatever legal form of coke and fundamentally alone but for when her daughter visits.  Well-earned.  Well motherfucking earned.

Ramona talks about suicidal thoughts and medications:  http://www.allaboutt...-marios-affair/


zoeysmom, I just don't care about Ramona and putting that in as the lone, direct response to my post earns a solid "good day, Felicia!" from me!  I looked at the link, and Ramona apparently claims in her memoir to practically want to jump before a subway because of Mario's 'one' affair.  If I run into her I'll make sure she keeps the East Side line schedules in mind, since I take that with the same amount of seriousness I took her tearless "I can't change him!" dramallamery in Turks and Caicos and her "It looks like where I grew up, where's my private plane!" Emmy attempt in the Berkshires.


She is cruel, classist, disgusting and flaunted her marriage where it was evident Mario was serially unfaithful in order to belittle other women, and she is not so crazy that she didn't understand that that was what she was doing.  I don't care about her suffering.  At all.  Fuck that noise, I don't give two figs or one good goddamn what happens to her.  I'm on the Hell Express, there's little traffic, it's an awesome drive.


Oh, and she also says "“I still believe in love. I was very fortunate. I was married for more than 20 years — most marriages last 10! I’m on a new journey now and I have no doubt I’ll find someone who will be a better fit for me today.”  See?  She is better than most married people, she stuck it out while Mario stuck it in everyone he could for a super long time! 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 21

There is a 1-800 number listed atop the True Faith page. Since the TF brand seems to be in the crapper with no signs of being staffed by a multitude of peons, I wonder if you called the number on any given day Ramona Singer might just be on the end of the line! That would be a hoot.

I'm torn about Heather. Snarking on her used to be fun, until this place became so divisive that had to step away for a while. God forbid Heather be subjected to the same scrutiny and judgment as we heap upon the other women.

And yes, that is precisely what I meant about the balloon incident. I don't think the producers told the women specifically what the psychic would share ahead of time in the interest of coaxing out as genuine reaction of surprise as possible. However, when the balloon footage was shown, it crossed my mind that what we saw may have been a video re-enactment and not the original incident. I wouldn't put anything past RH producers. Their trade is all manipulation and fabrication.


I don't know. I've seen it get quite heated in the Bethenny thread. Outside of Bethenny's thread, it would get heated in some of the episode threads about her as well. This thing isn't unique to Heather or solely about Heather, either.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 14

I give Bethenny a slight pass for mentioning the SG gift bag items in the blog because she's right, she could have requested that her logo appear prominently for the event, but she didn't. Now we know she did because of the blog, but we wouldn't have if Ramona hadn't attacked another donor for not making sure True Crap Jewelry's logo was featured prominently.

  • Love 7

^^ {{leans over station wagon seat}}  don't make me come back there.   In the see why we can't have nice things column, I swear if ya'll get us locked out of another thread, I will go Martini Dorinda up in this bitch.

There is simply no way to imagine a post from you that doesn't crack my ass horizontal. They just always make my day.

  • Love 10

Which actually brings me back to my original comment, that Ramona was not far off in her assessment that the jeans would go for about $40. (I know she said retail) When Heather started talking about doing denim, I was interested to see what market she would go for and if she was going to compete with the big dogs (because seriously, I am a denim girl) and I didn't think Yummie was a big enough presence to compete with the higher end brands. It seems like she went mid-market. I think the $98 is a fair price, and you can easily find them for half that, so not the fabulous $250 denim that Kristen referenced. Which I think is smart.

As far as the True Faith necklaces, I wouldn't wear them if you paid me $80! Sorry Ramona!


I don't agree you can "easily" find them for half that. 

Those deeply discounted sites where they do show up have an incredibly small selection --and the ones that are available are for the under 5'4 petites and size 4 and under.

I'm looking on Amazon and pretty much the cheapest I'm finding them for is $75.  With most in the $80 to $100 range. 


So Ramona was not even close by guess-timating them to be $40.  It was just a dig on her part. 

  • Love 16

I thought the jewelry business was Mario's family business?  Doesn't his business make religious and other cheap jewelry and trophies and medals?  Why would Ramona be so hot on promoting Mario's business these days?

Ramona added "fashion" jewelry to the line.  But yeah, it's mainly Mario's family business.  I wonder if the real reason she has "True Faith" and "TruRenewal" is that the True Faith name was there before.  She acted (several seasons ago) like she created the name, and was very annoyed with Bethenny rightly told her she should stick with one spelling for the brand.

  • Love 4

Genuine moments between Dorinda and Carole, and Kristen and Heather!  Got so absorbed I almost forgot what show I was watching!

I am wondering what Lee (Carole’s mother in law) did with Anthony’s father (buried in the same place).  She doesn’t have an interest in where her son ends up?  I’m not saying it shouldn’t be Carole’s call, but it’s weird that she kept Anthony’s ashes for a while, finally buried them where his father was buried, and now she’s back where she started, wondering WTF to do with them. If it’s that stressful, let his mother decide where the family goes. 


Interesting that Adam is reading her first book - am I right in remembering her saying she had not really talked about that part of her life with him?



He must be a slow reader.  As I recall it wasn’t that long a book, and I didn’t have the built-in incentive of banging the author.


I just don't get why Carole is perceived to be Heather's puppet. Is the concept of genuine friendship foreign to Ramona? If my best friend was the recipient of a non-sensical attack, I'd take up for her in a heartbeat.



It’s a way of undercutting the opposition when you’re outnumbered.  Two people can’t simply AGREE on things that you disagree with – there must be an ulterior motive to their not seeing things your way. Condo board politics taught me that -- men who tend to vote over and over in the same bloc are just making sensible decisions; women who tend to vote similarly on issues are devious and working some as-yet-unidentified agenda.


I hope I can say this respectfully because I know some people believe in mediums and psychics, but I've done my fair share of research on psychics and a lot of them are experts at cold-reading.



Like “your husband and your father are both around you” “My father’s alive” “That doesn’t matter, he’s around you, too!” ?!

  • Love 9

Another excellent recap at The Vulture I agree about the leggings.  If one is a fan of Ramona you might want to skip reading this one:  http://www.vulture.com/2015/07/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-recap-season-7-episode-16.html


DEAD at "Jesus and Mary Chain" and "Yummerz Tummerz"!  I wish I could be even  half as witty as this man!


(from the Vulture recap)

The only other remarkable thing about the party is that Ramona thought that her Jesus and Mary Chains should get equal billing to Yummerz Tummerz denim because she donated several chains for the pairs of jeans and thought it was, and I quote, “a slap against womanhood” that she didn’t get credit for donating these baubles. First of all, no one wanted those dumb chains. Second, if you wanted billing, you should have asked for it. No one who is going through the hectic ordeal of organizing a charity fund-raiser is thinking about this detail unless it is brought up. No one has ever said, “Oh, gee, I might help Ramona sell more of her stupid blinged-out rosary beads if I add her to this placard at a charity event.”


  • Love 5
At first I was giving the Carole/Adam relationship the big ole' cougar eye roll but last night I saw it in a whole new light, I get it. I like him.



I do too. I was thinking last night at how, when Carole was involved with Russ, she talked about other men, and her criteria of unemotionally available/physically undesirable men. But she seems happy with Adam and isn't flirting with other guys at consignment shops or making light of their relationship. Despite their age difference, they seem to have a similar temperament and I hope people like Ramona stop thinking of him as "some kid Carole's f*cking." They're still together so obviously there's some depth there. I hope even LuAnn gets over the ax she was grinding over her niece.


And can I just say that I LOVED that their dinner conversation had nothing to do with the other HWs? After St. Barth's, it seemed like every single get-together the women had was rehashing Aviva vs. Ramonja, ad nauseum.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 10

I thought I had dreamed that Heather had a daughter since the first few seasons I had just heard about Jax so I thought maybe I misunderstood. It's been nice hearing and seeing more about Ella.

If we didn't know that Carole was 50 would it still be uncool for her to be cool? Is it the number we're hung up on?

Ella has been on the show before but Jax's health issues were/are a big part of the philanthropic/charity work that she promotes on the show and in her blog. She is very active in the organ donor, specifically liver, awareness campaign.

  • Love 2

I think Carole's mother--in-law Lee was divorced from Anthony's father before his death...so maybe Anthony's sister had to decide what to do with his remains?  I wondered about that too. 

I read Carole's book way before she showed up on RHONY, and loved it.  I can't even imagine what going through the double tragedy of JFK Jr and Carolyn's sudden, violent death and then her husband succumbing to cancer so soon after must have been like for her.  She was prepared to lose Anthony, and I'm sure she though John and Carolyn would be right by her side through that loss. 

  • Love 15

I love their chemistry too but I want to lightweight shade her for what I think is her own ageism.  My sister came in while I was watching that scene so I was explaining Carole's dating *history* such as it were.  I described the date she'd been set up on by Luann and Jacques when she was acting all weird and stupid.  This was also set off by Carole's comment to Dorinda that it's hard to imagine that if Anthony had lived he'd be 57, like she'd be married to a 57 year old.  And that that seemed remarkable to Carole.  Ya'll? Really? How old is this broad, 50?  So anyway, I was telling my sister how much of a nutbag she was on this date saying stuff (to Luann) like this guy's so ooollddddd.  I said he didn't act old, but he is older than the dudes she normally goes out with and he had white hair.  My sister goes well was he cute?  I said girl he was from that silver fox, drop and gimme 20, Anderson Cooper/John Slattery tribe, so hells yeah, she was really trippin about a dude 3 or 4 years her senior.  I say all that to say I like them as a couple, she's entitled to her preferences and all but I sideye the hell out of her for the discrimination. 

  • Love 14

I love their chemistry too but I want to lightweight shade her for what I think is her own ageism.  My sister came in while I was watching that scene so I was explaining Carole's dating *history* such as it were.  I described the date she'd been set up on by Luann and Jacques when she was acting all weird and stupid.  This was also set off by Carole's comment to Dorinda that it's hard to imagine that if Anthony had lived he'd be 57, like she'd be married to a 57 year old.  And that that seemed remarkable to Carole.  Ya'll? Really? How old is this broad, 50?  So anyway, I was telling my sister how much of a nutbag she was on this date saying stuff (to Luann) like this guy's so ooollddddd.  I said he didn't act old, but he is older than the dudes she normally goes out with and he had white hair.  My sister goes well was he cute?  I said girl he was from that silver fox, drop and gimme 20, Anderson Cooper/John Slattery tribe, so hells yeah, she was really trippin about a dude 3 or 4 years her senior.  I say all that to say I like them as a couple, she's entitled to her preferences and all but I sideye the hell out of her for the discrimination. 

Good point about the age thing. I wonder if her dating someone close to the age her late husband would be had he not died makes her think/compare/wonder about him and thereby causes her pain and renews her grief? Maybe that is why she is attracted to younger men.  Just a thought.

  • Love 6

I thought Anthony was really handsome in a quieter, intense-faced kind of way in the photo shown.  What a sad story.  And I am over, over Dorinda but I teared up at the balloon story (this is why I can't see a psychic because I fear a susceptibility to cold reading, she types defensively...) and her simple declaration that Richard was the love of her life, when she may have as many years in front of her as behind her and he's gone.  Man, this show could actually get me and in an episode when I start fantasizing about Ramona accidentally drowning in a vat of pinot....


#IamhereforAdam #cutie!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 10

I love their chemistry too but I want to lightweight shade her for what I think is her own ageism.  My sister came in while I was watching that scene so I was explaining Carole's dating *history* such as it were.  I described the date she'd been set up on by Luann and Jacques when she was acting all weird and stupid.  This was also set off by Carole's comment to Dorinda that it's hard to imagine that if Anthony had lived he'd be 57, like she'd be married to a 57 year old.  And that that seemed remarkable to Carole.  Ya'll? Really? How old is this broad, 50? 


Yeah, I hated that.  You got all up Veevs' grill for age shamin' ya, Carole -- and now you're age-shaming us guys??  Really, hun?  Now you can only hook up with dudes 30 years younger than you?  OK then.


This is the guy who wasn't interested in you, Carole-




Way, way, way hotter than Chef Shaggy -- to me, anyway.  She shouldn't be making these kinda comments & then getting on the case of Lu, Moaner & Sonja for being ridiculous cougars.  OK, they are, but she shouldn't be the one to point it out cuz she sounded pretty cougarific there herself.  Who's being a hypocrite now, Carole?

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There is a 1-800 number listed atop the True Faith page. Since the TF brand seems to be in the crapper with no signs of being staffed by a multitude of peons, I wonder if you called the number on any given day Ramona Singer might just be on the end of the line! That would be a hoot.

I'm torn about Heather. Snarking on her used to be fun, until this place became so divisive that had to step away for a while. God forbid Heather be subjected to the same scrutiny and judgment as we heap upon the other women.


Heather has a lot of fans here.  As I was watching last night I was secretly hoping Ella would drop an f-bomb-just so we could get a reaction out of Heather.   I just know there were producers at the filming that were hoping for the same thing.  Ella is a cute kid who looks a lot like her dad. 

  • Love 2

So um, has anyone  bought Heather's Yummie  Tummy jeans? I Sort of want some.

Yes, I have her boot cut leggings and just got my order today with her undies/tank top shape wear. The leggings are wonderful but the other stuff I bought in 2 sizes smaller size than I now wear because I am loosing weight and will need them in about a month. (The panties fit but are still a bit snug while the tank tops will not go over my "girls" yet!) LOL

Heather has a lot of fans here.  As I was watching last night I was secretly hoping Ella would drop an f-bomb-just so we could get a reaction out of Heather.   I just know there were producers at the filming that were hoping for the same thing.  Ella is a cute kid who looks a lot like her dad. 

In her blog, Heather makes it sound like production filmed Jax's party but only showed that small blip of it. 10 years is a big hurdle for a transplant patient., BIG!

  • Love 6

Yes, I have her boot cut leggings and just got my order today with her undies/tank top shape wear. The leggings are wonderful but the other stuff I bought in 2 sizes smaller size than I now wear because I am loosing weight and will need them in about a month. (The panties fit but are still a bit snug while the tank tops will not go over my "girls" yet!) LOL

In her blog, Heather makes it sound like production filmed Jax's party but only showed that small blip of it. 10 years is a big hurdle for a transplant patient., BIG!

I'm going to Europe for 6 weeks in October and so, I'm willing to spend a bit more on jeans than usual.   It's the leggings I want.. I'll check out the tank tops too.

 I like Heather. Always have, but I'm easy and there are only  a few HW I really can't stand. People have character flaws, every single one of them have flaws. 

Edited by JennyMominFL
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