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"The View": Week of 07/06/15


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What I find interesting in all of this, is that Raven Symone and everybody else who worked with Bill Cosby on his iconic show have not been defending  him as strongly as Whoopie...She is clearly overcompensating for the Bush comment all of those years ago...This irrational defense of Cosby might backfire on her...I hate the fact that she is conflating what happened with the guys on the Lacrosse team at Duke and UVA with Bill Cosby. It shows how manipulative that she can be, by constantly invoking that our sons can be falsely accused of rape. People like Whoopie make it hard for victims of rape and abuse to come forward and speak out against their perpetrators.. Whoopie is destroying her brand and legacy as an apologist for a rapist.....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 12

Whoopi shouldn't be fired because of her View on Bill Cosby. That's the point of the show - five different women with five DIFFERENT Views.


Now, they can get rid of her because she's a terrible moderator. But I'm sorry, there is such thing as group think. Not everyone has to agree about Bill Cosby.

Miss Slay, I understand and I agree that we are all entitled to our opinions, what is so off-putting about Whoopie is her arrogance and contempt for anybody who dares to offer another point of view that is different from hers..Look at how she treats her co-hosts, she is very dismissive and condescending....Notice how they always back down, when she begins to preach and give us lowly people her sage advice....Whoopie Goldberg is not Maya Angelou..I can listen to her all day long...Whoopie can have several seats off my television..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 20

What I find interesting in all of this, is that Raven Symone and everybody else who worked with Bill Cosby on his iconic show have not been defending  him as strongly as Whoopie...She is clearly overcompensating for the Bush comment all of those years ago...This irrational defense of Cosby might backfire on her...




 I don't have a psychology degree but it seems like Whoopi likes to be contradictory.  To me it seems like she wants to be able to blame someone else when things don't work out for her.  When she lost the Slim Fast endorsement she says its because she was wrongfully accused.  No, it's because she made a joke about the president at the time and it wasn't well received.  And now if she there is a price to pay for her unwavering support of Cosby she will say it's because she was/is defending a friend.    Whoopi never takes responsibility for her fuck ups.

  • Love 8

Does anyone remember the lady who married some serial killer (can't remember who) after he was in prison, and went on all the talk shows saying she had absolute proof of his innocence?  I believe she actually believed he was innocent, that he had successfully conned her.  All I could think was how sad and pathetic she was to believe someone who was clearly manipulating her.  She was a one-person freak show and it got to the point where I was angry at talk shows for having her on.


Well, I'm starting to feel the same way about Whoopi, whose defense of Cosby is even more baffling, since he testified to his own guilt under oath.


As I said earlier, she's doing a great job of destroying her brand.

  • Love 9

That was all kinds of awkward.  Especially the presumably fired, if not fired, pushed out, Rosie, bawling away about leaving a show she just joined five minutes ago in front of the newly hired Raven and I guess Bangs?


And I really hate Whoopi now. Her tirade against the viewers was bullshit and offensive.  And she keeps going on about how Cosby hasn't been arrested, but isn't that because the statute of limitations?  I seem to recall that he cannot be charged all these years later.

  • Love 14

Whoopi shouldn't be fired because of her View on Bill Cosby. That's the point of the show - five different women with five DIFFERENT Views.


Now, they can get rid of her because she's a terrible moderator. But I'm sorry, there is such thing as group think. Not everyone has to agree about Bill Cosby.

No not everyone has to agree...... but if you are going to be responsible in your position.. you should acknowledge all the facts..... The Duke Lacrosse case was different because people jumped to judgement before all the facts were known and before the investigation.

Whoopi can share her opinion even when it is factually baseless..... the reason she should be removed from a national platform is her constant blaming of victims..... this kind of attitude not only harms victims.... but teaches future victims that there is no reason to come forward because they wont be believed anyway.

If Whoopi doesnt want to look at the facts that is her privileged.... but spewing her irresponsible views on a national TV show could have consequences.

  • Love 14

Getting tired of hearing the criticism of NOW for not speaking out on the Cosby rape accusations.  Perhaps they haven't directly replied to Whoopi's idiot support of Cosby, but as far back as last November - when there were "only" 13 accusers, NOW supported the women.



Edited by buckboard
  • Love 11

I was just cleaning my bathroom and as I had my hand stuck down the toilet bowl I remembered this other bizarre little nugget from Rosie this morning  -- her proudly proclaiming 'but now the boxing world gets me back!'  Huh?  I have nothing against the woman but man, she is one strange bird.  I am still giggling about this morning's show 2 hours later .... good times.

  • Love 3

"The captain of the ship" is free to tell her audience to !!BACK OFF ME!! but I'm thinking she's digging her own grave.

Yeah, what's weird is that it's not just us lowly viewers who are criticizing Whoopi.  The Jezebel website, known for feminist views, the progressive site Huffington post, have criticized her.  So when she says BACK OFF, is she talking to them?  or us?  

To me, it seems like when there's a controversy between a man and a woman, Whoopi is on the man's side.  


I haven't even watched today's show, I DVR and watch late at night.   But I will look up my log in to an old twitter account i made, JUST to tweet her.   Every time Whoopi says "don't tweet me, i don't care",  I will tweet her.  and retweet others' views.   Because I'm like that. 


Yeah, Disney studios park has busts of TV legends.  There's an empty pedestal today.  That makes me happy to hear.  

  • Love 11

Getting tired of hearing the criticism of NOW for not speaking out on the Cosby rape accusations.  Perhaps they haven't directly replied to Whoopi's idiot support of Cosby, but as far back as last November - when there were "only" 13 accusers, NOW supported the women.



It is good that they put out a statement almost a year ago...... but it takes more than just 1 statement to challenge an entire culture

Yeah, what's weird is that it's not just us lowly viewers who are criticizing Whoopi.  The Jezebel website, known for feminist views, the progressive site Huffington post, have criticized her.  So when she says BACK OFF, is she talking to them?  or us?  

To me, it seems like when there's a controversy between a man and a woman, Whoopi is on the man's side.  


I haven't even watched today's show, I DVR and watch late at night.   But I will look up my log in to an old twitter account i made, JUST to tweet her.   Every time Whoopi says "don't tweet me, i don't care",  I will tweet her.  and retweet others' views.   Because I'm like that. 


Yeah, Disney studios park has busts of TV legends.  There's an empty pedestal today.  That makes me happy to hear.  

I sent her a tweet asking if she will mention this on the show tomorrow.... Im sure it will be ignored

  • Love 5
The Duke Lacrosse case was different because people jumped to judgement before all the facts were known and before the investigation.



...and there weren't several women over decades with the same story. (ETA: FORTY women...because I couldn't recall the number--just like Bill).


Now she has to deal with the fallout of her staunch defense of a serial rapist....



Apprentice79, are you saying these were RAPE rapes?

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 12

Yeah, what's weird is that it's not just us lowly viewers who are criticizing Whoopi.  The Jezebel website, known for feminist views, the progressive site Huffington post, have criticized her.  So when she says BACK OFF, is she talking to them?  or us?  

To me, it seems like when there's a controversy between a man and a woman, Whoopi is on the man's side.  


I haven't even watched today's show, I DVR and watch late at night.   But I will look up my log in to an old twitter account i made, JUST to tweet her.   Every time Whoopi says "don't tweet me, i don't care",  I will tweet her.  and retweet others' views.   Because I'm like that. 


Yeah, Disney studios park has busts of TV legends.  There's an empty pedestal today.  That makes me happy to hear.  

So gangsta :)

  • Love 8

Some of the best suggestions for the future of The View from the Jezebel story about Rosie Perez leaving:


"Let’s also get Whoopi Goldberg replaced by a broken garbage chute."


'"They replace the cast with a gigantic billboard ad for reverse mortgages, and occasionally cut back to the audience nodding thoughtfully, applauding, and whispering agreeable phrases to the women sitting next to them.'


And my favorite:

"Or just cancel the show completely and replace it with a burning Christmas yule log."

  • Love 10
There's a certain generation of women - more of my late mother's age than mine and Whoopi's, who simply believe that men are better than women, that women who claim to have been assaulted or attacked have brought it on themselves.



Cousin Amy, I hope this generalization is off base.  I was born in 1940--my mother in 1916.  I can tell you that we/they and peers never believed that men were better than women...quite the opposite in some cases.  There may have been a belief that men got and made the opportunities, that men were in charge--that men even held women down (figuratively)...but that they were better?  I hope not.  

  • Love 8

  As much as I used to like Whoopi way back in the day, that's how much I hate her now. Her picking the fight with Rosie O'Donnell a few months ago by telling Rosie that Black people can't be racist was bad enough, not to mention her defense of Roman Polanski, but her defending Cosby time and time again is a whole new level of crazy. Cosby admitted his guilt re drugging women for sexual reasons (aka rape) under oath years ago, but even that's not enough proof for her!? Does Cosby actually have to rape women in front of Whoopi for her to see him once and for all for the world-class scumbag that he is?


  As for Whoopi's wondering why Cosby's accusers didn't come forward sooner, well, gee, Whoopi, maybe it's because they didn't want to be blamed and slut-shamed by ignorant, loudmouth assholes like you. Whoopi's telling viewers not to criticize her for supporting Cosby proves that she can dish it out, but can't take it. I would ask if Whoopi still defend Cosby if one of the accusers was her daughter, sister or mother, but knowing her, chances are she would, in a heartbeat, unfortunately.


  The wrong co-host is leaving this week, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 24

Because I'm 10, the first part of this sentence made me laugh...

I was just cleaning my bathroom and as I had my hand stuck down the toilet bowl I remembered this other bizarre little nugget



On to serious matters. Whoopie is entitled to her opinion. What she's not entitled to is using false equivalences to sell her opinion while rudely chastising all those who disagree. The Duke lacrosse team incident (one accuser, many accused) in no way resembles Cosby's long-time serial rapist scenario w/ numerous victim accounts. Plus, his partial confession to guilt under oath.


Despite info to the contrary, W's unwavering stance for Cosby being "innocent until proven guilty"  essentially denies the same for several dozen "alleged" victims. To her they are all liars until proven otherwise. As several here have said, this is why too many women remain silent. A number which far exceeds examples of false rape accusations, btw. Whoopie is being irresponsible.


Short and sweet: Shut up Whoopie.



  • Love 16

You know Whoopi can choose to ignore all of us nobodies that tweet her our displeasure at her ridiculous refusal to acknowledge that yes in fact Bill Cosby most likely did what he is accused of doing.  But can she ignore a casting director or producer or director who is displeased with her?  Whoopi is free to believe and spout off whatever she wants but that doesn't mean there isn't consequences for doing just that.


I think a lot of Whoopi's defense of celebs misdoings was she didn't want to burn any bridges in show business.  Well this is an instance where show business is way ahead of her.  Once Disney turns it's back on you I'm thinking you're already toast.  Whoopi might want to start treading carefully.

  • Love 8

No not everyone has to agree...... but if you are going to be responsible in your position.. you should acknowledge all the facts..... The Duke Lacrosse case was different because people jumped to judgement before all the facts were known and before the investigation.

Whoopi can share her opinion even when it is factually baseless..... the reason she should be removed from a national platform is her constant blaming of victims..... this kind of attitude not only harms victims.... but teaches future victims that there is no reason to come forward because they wont be believed anyway.

If Whoopi doesnt want to look at the facts that is her privileged.... but spewing her irresponsible views on a national TV show could have consequences.

THIS. It's not about her continued defense of Cosby per se. It's a cumulative effect. Whoopi is a longtime rape/abuse denier and apologist and a victim blamer. She is certainly welcome to voice her opinion, as are we all, but she does not deserve a national television platform to do it. It's not unlike the uproar that exploded when they hired Jenny McCarthy - another one who is free to express her dangerous and irresponsible anti-vax views but who did not deserve a national television platform to do it. It's long passed time for Whoopi to go and/or for them to finally stick a fork in this show for good.

Edited by TribbleTrouble
  • Love 18

I'm resigned to the fact that YET ANOTHER wrong choice for a co-host for this show is a foregone conclusion.  Bangless seems like a perfectly nice person--not a very good comedian from what I've seen.  Her pathetic joke today was completely offbase and bizarre.  Guess we can look forward to more gobbledegook.  Oh well, this is mostly a fast-forward for me anyway.  The only I watch even tiny portions is so I can come here and visit with you guys, my REAL fambly.

  • Love 10

Another thing that the Whoopster fails to realize is that there could be other victims out there who  have yet to speak out..Some could even be some A-list celebrities who were too ashamed to come forward until now..Whoopie just needs to keep quiet about this, she does not know who she could be offending with her nonsensical rants...

  • Love 21


Another thing that the Whoopster fails to realize is that there could be other victims out there who  have yet to speak out..Some could even be some A-list celebrities who were too ashamed to come forward until now..Whoopie just needs to keep quiet about this, she does not know who she could be offending with her nonsensical rants...


That is a great point! Shit! That thought had not even occurred to me for some reason.

  • Love 3

I used to be a fan of Whoopie's and Bill Cosby and sadly we have learned too many times in life that people are not who they present themselves to be..When People show you who they are the first time, you believe them....Those of us who watch the show already know who she is...I think the rest of the world is finally finding out...

  • Love 10

Rose Perez's mini-rant this morning, in my opinion, was off base.  Does she believe that people (celebrities or not) dressing like other celebrities is grossly insulting and (maybe) racist?   Why should "Ricky Ricardo" be any less of a costume icon than Lucy Ricardo. I didn't hear any outrage on behalf of Lucy.   These are characters...fictional. I didn't get any sense from that old photo that Desi Arnaz OR Ricky Ricardo was being ridiculed by the Deens. Where's the outrage toward all the Lucy Ricardo lookalikes...professional and amateur all over Hollywood?   Fred Munster. Flintstones characters.  Superman (he's definitely an alien).


It's almost as if Whoopi is deliberately pissing people off so that TPTB will have no choice but to let her go.  If that happens would Whoopi be entitled to a huge payout? Assuming that's the case, that would be Whoopi's dream deal - get paid lots of money for doing absolutely nothing. Seems like there's someone who posts here who is familiar with the contracts the hosts sign. My opinion -  she should be fired for cause without any big bucks coming her way. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 4
Another thing that the Whoopster fails to realize is that there could be other victims out there who  have yet to speak out..Some could even be some A-list celebrities who were too ashamed to come forward until now..Whoopie just needs to keep quiet about this, she does not know who she could be offending with her nonsensical rants...




I would bet a lot of money Whoopi has already offended someone who was or knows someone who was victimized by Bill Cosby.  I'm wondering if in 5 or 10 years will we hear Whoopi complaining about being blackballed once again for being "wrongfully accused" of something .

  • Love 6

Rose Perez's mini-rant this morning, in my opinion, was off base.  Does she believe that people (celebrities or not) dressing like other celebrities is grossly insulting and (maybe) racist?   Why should "Ricky Ricardo" be any less of a costume icon than Lucy Ricardo. I didn't hear any outrage on behalf of Lucy.   These are characters...fictional. I didn't get any sense from that old photo that Desi Arnaz OR Ricky Ricardo was being ridiculed by the Deens. Where's the outrage toward all the Lucy Ricardo lookalikes...professional and amateur all over Hollywood?   Fred Munster. Flintstones characters.  Superman (he's definitely an alien).

The outrage is over the brown make up Deen was wearing to look Latino.
  • Love 4

Rose Perez's mini-rant this morning, in my opinion, was off base.  Does she believe that people (celebrities or not) dressing like other celebrities is grossly insulting and (maybe) racist?   Why should "Ricky Ricardo" be any less of a costume icon than Lucy Ricardo. I didn't hear any outrage on behalf of Lucy.   These are characters...fictional. I didn't get any sense from that old photo that Desi Arnaz OR Ricky Ricardo was being ridiculed by the Deens. Where's the outrage toward all the Lucy Ricardo lookalikes...professional and amateur all over Hollywood?   Fred Munster. Flintstones characters.  Superman (he's definitely an alien).

I don't think it was offensive at all.  People need to get a grip.  It was a silly Halloween photo of an iconic couple.  Nothing racist or degrading, IMHO.  My daughter was a flying monkey in a production of Wizard of Oz, completely painted in full-body blue (along with costume).  Is that anti-flying monkey :)  I was the first one to secretly point-and-laugh.  

  • Love 2

It's almost as if Whoopi is deliberately pissing people off so that TPTB will have no choice but to let her go.  If that happens would Whoopi be entitled to a huge payout? Assuming that's the case, that would be Whoopi's dream deal - get paid lots of money for doing absolutely nothing. Seems like there's someone who posts here who is familiar with the contracts the hosts sign. My opinion -  she should be fired for cause without any big bucks coming her way. 

I wouldn't doubt that she has that "Pay or Play" clause in her contract.  



Rose Perez's mini-rant this morning, in my opinion, was off base.  Does she believe that people (celebrities or not) dressing like other celebrities is grossly insulting and (maybe) racist?   Why should "Ricky Ricardo" be any less of a costume icon than Lucy Ricardo. I didn't hear any outrage on behalf of Lucy.   These are characters...fictional. I didn't get any sense from that old photo that Desi Arnaz OR Ricky Ricardo was being ridiculed by the Deens. Where's the outrage toward all the Lucy Ricardo lookalikes...professional and amateur all over Hollywood?   Fred Munster. Flintstones characters.  Superman (he's definitely an alien).

I don't think it was offensive at all.  People need to get a grip.  It was a silly Halloween photo of an iconic couple.  Nothing racist or degrading, IMHO.  My daughter was a flying monkey in a production of Wizard of Oz, completely painted in full-body blue (along with costume).  Is that anti-flying monkey :)  I was the first one to secretly point-and-laugh.

The outrage about blackface (and brownface, in this case) stems from the history of minstrel shows in America. Here's an excerpt from an article that describes minstrel shows better than I can:


Minstrel shows developed in the 1840’s, peaked after the Civil War and remained popular into the early 1900s. Minstrelsy was a product of its time, the only entertainment form born out of blind bigotry. In these shows, white men blackened their faces with burnt cork to lampoon Negroes, performing songs and skits that sentimentalized the nightmare of slave life on Southern plantations. Blacks were shown as naive buffoons who sang and danced the days away, gobbling "chitlins," stealing the occasional watermelon, and expressing their inexplicable love for "ol' massuh."*


And that's the difference. There is no tradition of people expressing racist ideas by making themselves up to look like Fred Flintstone, Superman, or flying monkeys. And while there's no tradition of "brownface" or misntrel shows involving Latinos, the Latino community has faced and continues to face racism in America.


--So even if a person means no harm when using makeup to look like a person of color, it has the potential to offend many people. So should actors (e.g. Eddie Murphy, the Wayans brothers) stop putting on whiteface make-up? Possibly, but there isn't the same history of racism and minstrel shows aimed towards the white community.


*Here's the link to the article: http://www.musicals101.com/minstrel.htm

  • Love 22

Rosie's outrage started over the Ricky Ricardo make-up and continued about the ethnicity of the actor. That's why I commented.  Whoopi tried to smooth it over.  I'm not disputing her/our right to be insulted about blackface/brownface, but she took it farther. 


One thing missing from the referenced article on minstrel shows that white AND black actors also worked in "blackface."


"Like their white counterparts before them, they “blackened up,” sang, danced, and discussed provocative issues like sex in their shows. The structure of their performances and their removal of 19th century Victorian conventions was typical for all minstrel shows at the time. However, black minstrel performers felt the added responsibility to counter the stereotypes of black identity as laughable, primitive and overly sensual, leading them to develop a self-presentation on stage that balanced racist stereotypes and political commentary. African American blackface performers were also very aware of their off-stage public presentation and conducted themselves in a way to oppose the fictional representations of blacks they performed onstage. Their performances appealed to white audiences but also catered to the black middle class primarily because of the performers’ connection with activist organizations, publications and presentations. Black performers’ association with these groups and their popularization with white audiences allowed them to “transcend local vaudeville stages to bring their art to Broadway and beyond."


Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 1

I'm resigned to the fact that YET ANOTHER wrong choice for a co-host for this show is a foregone conclusion.  Bangless seems like a perfectly nice person--not a very good comedian from what I've seen.  Her pathetic joke today was completely offbase and bizarre.  Guess we can look forward to more gobbledegook.  Oh well, this is mostly a fast-forward for me anyway.  The only I watch even tiny portions is so I can come here and visit with you guys, my REAL fambly.

With a panel of Whoopi, Raven, and Bangless? All they need now is the shark (that they are perpetually jumping over). 

  • Love 6

I agree with almost all of the postings here about Whoopi. She believes she is invincible because of her star status, but she's gone too far this time and I think she will suffer for it, especially when non-viewers of The View see clips of her angry tirades.


I thought that Rosie was still scheduled to be on the show until  August 6. This was certainly an over the top goodbye. I like her, but come on, it's not that big of a deal to leave this dumb show, and does this mean she won't be back now, because what will they do on August 6 to top this tearfest?


I'm no fan of Paula Deen, but I think the reaction to an 2011 Halloween costume photo ( they dressed like that on their show for Halloween) is pretty extreme. Rosie acted like that was the most degrading thing that a Latino could ever face. I understand the aversion to black minstrel shows, but this didn't seem to be the same issue to me.

Edited by Kenz
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