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I am not fluent in French but even to me Luanne expresses the words without the correct pronunciation and inflections. I know enough to hear how clunky she is. No diss though. It's not always easy to speak a foreign language. As an English speaker, I feel the pain for non English speakers trying to master my language. As an English speaker I can tell the country of origin a non English speaker is. I can tell if they are French, German, Italian etc. French and French Canadians will know where Luanne is from!

The thing is, though, there's no reason for Luanne to be speaking French in the first place. She seems to think by throwing in some poorly pronounced French she somehow is above the rest of them. Excusez-moi, even I took French in 7th grade.

  • Love 7

I stated very early that Dorinda was not the voice of reason,...

Her dismissive, peevish, and curt behavior towards John was illustrative of this condescending aspect. I remained bewildered at the great number of extremely positive remarks towards Dorinda when Kristen--although a bit childish but not mean or harsh--garnered such a collective slap.

I think Moaner's boob job looked kinda obvious this ep, but still pretty good.

I'm lost with Dorinda's Twitter. The woman has gone full-on nuts with Twitter. WTF? Is Miss Eyebrows helping her or is she doing this nutty shit all on her own? She musta posted at least a hundred tweets in the last couple of hours. I'm really not interested enough in her or this show to read all that shit. I just can't keep up with all these silly petty fights -- who's fighting with who & who's made up with who. This is losing me quick. Some may get off on this crapola. Not me.

Anyone catch Kristen say all Joshie-poo cares about is gettin' a blow job? Yeah, big huge surprise there, Kristen. You married the dickhead, hun. Just cuz he's silent this season, we still know he's a dickhead. Dive off the boat & swim away, Kristen, cuz you ain't needed here.

I'm really liking Carole. Now that she isn't trying to be Carrie Bradshaw or Samantha Jones or a giggling idiot teenager, she's OK.

This ep kinda seemed like they were taking turns as to who was gonna scream or yell or cry. Me no likey.

But I did like Moaner getting the bucket of water & ice dumped on her. Man, that blood-curdling scream she let out made me jump. And it only deepens the mystery of why she's sooooo terrified of getting her hair wet. Is it merely cuz the natural texture of her hair is something she prefers not to be publicly seen? Or is she using Rogaine & is her hair thinning & she doesn't want it to be seen wet, when it would be more obvious to notice? Hmmmm. What are you hiding from us, Moaner? Beware, Moaner -- Satan Andy has a definite (evil) talent for fishing out secrets.

Ramona has a weave and needs a stylist to maintain the "look".

  • Love 4

OK…this is the second time Dorinda has said "back that up" or "back that shit up" in a moment of anger. I've never heard that expression before and usually UrbanDictionary.com helps this old lady with new lingo, but not in this case. 


So…what does it mean?

As in physically back up... Like back off... literally moving backwards.

  • Love 3
Ramona has a weave and needs a stylist to maintain the "look".


You state this as a fact.  Is this known for sure?  I'm not saying that it's not true, but I'm curious, cuz if it is a weave, it looks very natural & really good.  But it does make sense.  Something is definitely goin' on with her hair, that she goes so crazy if it even gets the slightest, teeny tiniest bit wet.  Notice how she covered it quickly with a hat, after they dumped the bucket of ice & water on her.  But she didn't seem to get completely soaked.  It only seemed to get a bit wet.  And I wonder if she woulda been so good-humored afterward if she didn't have a hat to quickly cover up her wet hair.


Hmmmm, the deep mystery of Moaner's hair.  C'mon, Satan Andy, get on this & out her about it at the reunion.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

OK…this is the second time Dorinda has said "back that up" or "back that shit up" in a moment of anger. I've never heard that expression before and usually UrbanDictionary.com helps this old lady with new lingo, but not in this case. 


So…what does it mean?


Depending on the context, either to provide evidence / bona fides ("I am good friends with P.Diddy and the Premiere of Turks & Caicos." "I hope you can back that shit up."), to ask someone to revisit an earlier moment in the conversation ("we all think your boyfriend John is terrible and gropey." "Whoa, back that shit up -- who all thinks that?"), or to encourage someone to retreat from a conversation by implying that you will get mean with them ("When they talk about your drinking, you just tell them to back that shit up unless they want you to start in on what you know about them.")


Probably the last one. Secretly, I hope she's misquoting 2Pac -- "you better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up".

  • Love 14
Kristin provides nothing to this show other than her 100 looks of disgust and revolt.


Everything Kristin does bothers me irrationally (when she should really just be irrelevant to me), but her reaction to Luann's naked vulva made my eyes roll alllll the way back into my head.  She was acting like she had just been forced to watch a donkey show.  Just what is soooo revolting about another woman's cooter?  Ugh.  I just don't like her, you guys.  I just don't like her.

  • Love 14

Luann is taking this whole South of France thing way too seriously for me. She's clinging to her Euro past like Sonja is clinging to her townhouse and old man Morgan. The speaking French, going topless, the eggs a la francaise, all of it. Sounds like she's going to keep up its the act next week perhaps with a ménage ! :-)

I read the twitters this AM a and Carole reveals a spoiler about the Countess that I'm not skilled enough to spoil her in the proper required way.

Also on the Countess she shut up tout de suite in English and in French when Sonja threatened to spill Luanns past antics!

Dorinda really showed her ass freaking out over absolutely nothing. Apparently she's got a hair trigger sheesh.

I like Bethenny getting along with Heather and Kristen.

Big fan of the oboe music scenes. I miss Silex.


And, what the hell are scrambled eggs a la Francaise, anyway??  

  • Love 11

I am a monster, but I have to say:  that Ramona/Bethenny scene crying on the patio did NOT convince me.  Ramona was ACTING!  She was making full on soap opera faces, reciting really bad lines, screwing up her face to cry, clutching Bethenny in a hug with her face very carefully positioned for maximum camera exposure.  It was ALL PRETEND.


"He's part of me.  He may not be good for me, but he really is" - clutching her hands to her heart - "PART OF ME."  And closing her eyes in a hug.  


My other favorite part of the scene, "People say, Ramona, you've never looked better, you're so pretty, you're so smart, you're so independent."  Even in her breakdown  she has to talk herself up.


The final whispered close, 'I wish I knew how to fix him."


IT WAS ALL ACTING.  With really bad writing.  I wish Carole had fulfilled her publishing contract, maybe then she'd be released to write some better dialogue for Ramona in these dramatic scenes.

YES--a thousand times yes! I despise this white trash ape so much, and this new affectation she is putting on is too much. The real Moaner I can take: delusionally slurring that she is the "luckiest woman in the world," criticizing poor LuAnn about her humiliating ordeal, shaming LuAnn about "open relationships," putting everyone down, nastily coming after everyone at every turn, and never missing an opportunity to show herself as the vile and despicable creature that she is. This new incarnation of being so sensitive?--Please. You're disgusting,  and apparently, your gross, fame-whoring huzzbin, MA-RIOOOOOO really WAS in an open-relationship, Crazy Eyes.


And, if you keep kissing Bethenny's ass as hard as you have been, she's going to have rectal lesions.

  • Love 7

OK…this is the second time Dorinda has said "back that up" or "back that shit up" in a moment of anger. I've never heard that expression before and usually UrbanDictionary.com helps this old lady with new lingo, but not in this case.

So…what does it mean?

I assume she is trying to say back off with that attitude or basically stop coming for me.

Now I was young in the 90's, so to me it becomes a song in my head "when you back that thang up" or dancing in a club with a guy trying to get you back your ass in to him, lol, hey I was young. :)

Yeah my like of Dorinda has disapated.

That was hilarious when Ramona screamed, "I know that!" regarding how fabulous people say she is.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

That is my burning question too!! Google gives many alternate explanations so it does not fix the problem.

Creamy soft scrambled eggs. Constantly stirred.

Very delicious. My husband hated them. We ordered them when went to Montreal, I loved them but he hated the softness of the scramble.

I'm sure someone has a better explanation.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 1

That's an interesting point.  I was thinking the opposite this morning - remembering the Slutty Pirate trip, which is when Ramona finally warmed to Heather, after disliking her quite a bit in the early days, as well as when Heather and Carole really cemented their friendship.  And thinking that Bethenny seems to be coming around to Heather too.  I thought, hm, maybe Heather is someone you need to warm up to, she comes on too strong at first.


But you're right also.  The Kristen/Heather fight seemed to be a short-term fight - if anything, they were closer afterwards, and they're closer than ever now - but it certainly seems to be the unraveling of Dorinda and Heather.  And Luann and Heather blow up here too.


In her blog for this week, Kristen sheds a tiny bit more light on the Dorinda/Heather fight. She said that her car - which seemed to include her, Ramonja and Dorinda - thought that the other car - Heather, Carole, Luann, Bethenny - was ignoring them, and they all got upset.  She said it was a huge misunderstanding that for some reason escalated with Dorinda towards Heather.  She also said that Dorinda clearly has rising issues with Heather in general.


I've noted that as well.  Dorinda has been coming for Heather all season on Twitter, for minor offenses, but always the same theme - she thinks Heather is bossy and controlling.  In Heather's first scene of the season, you see her and Carole walking towards the door of a restaurant, and Heather says "This way, Razzy," and on twitter, Dorinda said "Heather bossing Carole around as usual."  I remember noticing that in the moment, thinking, wow, you REALLY have to work to take offense at one friend pointing out to another friend which way the door is.  It's been that way all season - Dorinda is jumping all over Heather for being bossy or controlling.  Which she can be - but Dorinda is being kind of crazy about it.


Meanwhile, Heather truly seems to think that she and Dorinda are friends.  My guess is that Heather grates on Dorinda's nerves, but doesn't know it, isn't picking up the signals, and when Dorinda blows, it will make no sense to Heather at all, but Dorinda will think it's entirely justified.  I get that.  


But I still can't co-sign on the twitter wars.  That just makes me think way less of Dorinda all the way around.  

I think Dorinda is 2 faced and a coward. She has expressed that she believes Sonja is drinking too much and out of control on camera, then lies to Sonja's face, she has talked smack about Sonja as much as the others have. She is now going after Heather, IMO, because she believes that Heather has no fan base and by siding with both Bethenny and LuAnn in her blogs and on twitter she is securing her apple for next season. Dorinda is all about the fan base IMO and not true friendship. She was not close to any of the women other than Heather before joining the show. She may have known Ramona and LuAnn longer but had never been to eithers homes or socialized with them on a private/personal level, whereas she has been to both of Heathers homes and visa versa over the years they have known each other.

I've watched the episode 3 times and the Villa has grown on me. It's stunning, to die for and on my bucket list. My fantasy bucket list.

Ramona has a nice body but her clothing invariably fits poorly.

I am shocked no one has tried to sleep with the villa chef, yet. (He must be married but he doesn't have a ring)

I can't decide if I like Carole's swimsuit top.

Sonja has issues but I was rooting for her when she defended herself. Secretly I was hoping she would out all of them on some huge secret. (if she has a drinking problem, I pray she has an awaking moment and gets professional help. Alcoholism is hell for for everyone involved, including the person who has the problem)

For as much as I dislike Bethany, she earned some points on humility when she admitted (? In her blog) she should never tell someone to 'shut the fuck up'. (although I am not sure if my ex deserves that same credit... :)

One of the best quotes of this episode was by Dorinda. "They are record keepers..these women"

Yet, if you read Dorinda's tweets, she is the biggest "record keeper" of them all! LOL

  • Love 8


Luann is taking this whole South of France thing way too seriously for me. She's clinging to her Euro past like Sonja is clinging to her townhouse and old man Morgan. The speaking French, going topless, the eggs a la francaise, all of it.


Just chiming in to agree with all of this! ^^^ I've never been a Lu fan like the rest of ya's, I think she's common and plain, but likes to stunt with the snootiness all the damn time. She's more tolerable (to me) when she's just being her real, oft times raunchy self. She loves to publicly shade the hell out of SonJa, but when SonJa balked that "Lu needed help getting home just the other night!" - she shut up real quick. 


And as far as Luann being some great beauty, I just don't see it. Different strokes? I think she's attractive and has a great body. And she's tall. But her hair styling is dated and stale, though in her mind, it no doubt screams Euro chic.


Thank you for letting me get that out.


That said, this episode was phenomenal for all the right/wrong reasons, and these comments are GOLD!


SonJa had one of the best lines: "I don't feel attacked, I'M ATTACKING ALL YOU BITCHES." Oh, Sonja, you sweet, delusional bird. You tell 'em.

  • Love 14

Over the weekend Bravo ran some old RHONY episodes, including the Scary Island episodes from 2010. As I watched that, I was really struck by the difference 5 years have made in Sonja. In 2010 she seemed pretty, funny, smart, kind, and supremely reasonable. Flash forward 5 years to today's Sonja, the Sonja of Sonja Island. It's the saddest devolution I've seen on any RH show, which is really saying something. The juxtaposition of those two Sonjas just made me feel profoundly sad.

  • Love 8

Everything Kristin does bothers me irrationally (when she should really just be irrelevant to me), but her reaction to Luann's naked vulva made my eyes roll alllll the way back into my head.  She was acting like she had just been forced to watch a donkey show.  Just what is soooo revolting about another woman's cooter?  Ugh.  I just don't like her, you guys.  I just don't like her.

Remember when Kelly got so upset when Sonja was doing a photo-shoot?

Sonja was on her dining room table and somehow Kelly got flashed.

For both of these "models", they sure seem to freak out about naked lady parts.

  • Love 1


Also, over Pride weekend I walked by a group of about 12 gays and they all randomly yelled at each other, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITHOUT DORINDA?!" God bless this show.


I laughed more in this episode than in any current scripted network TV sitcom with its corny canned laughter.   It was hysterical watching the women plan the ice bucket dunk on Ramona.

  • Love 6

I didn't think Kristen was upset or went on about it, she just said why did you have to call my attention to it right when I was literally standing underneath you so I reflexively looked up and than she just talked about how she was all waxed down there and someone said she was a different generation and than Dorinda said a doctor told her she should keep a little something down there. Why Lu wasn't wearing a swim suit is the weird thing to me.

I noticed that once again Sonja is trying to peddle the story that all these women 're just believing Lu' s friend story about her behavior at the party we didn't see when all the women who were there which was most of them except for Bethenny told her that they saw the incident with their own eyes.

A friend of mine got a picture with Dorinda at Pride because they were at a party together.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 5

I like that more of Dorinda's douchy side has come out.  Finally, on camera and not just in her over-the-top descriptions in her blogs.


Apparently Heather is not the only one to have commandments, Dorinda. 


One must never drop the F-bomb (especially in Europe, heaven forbid!) because the children might pick it up (as opposed to Lu's children finding out she banged a pirate stranger and that Dorinda's child will see her dropping more F-bombs than Kristen has given blowies to Joshie)

Howevahhhh, it is  proper manners to flail ones arms around in a restaurant while dropping the F-bomb in a loud voice.


Who knew.


As I have said before, she fits in nicely with this group.  Another douchy HW doing/saying douchy HW things.  I can see why she has been Ramoaner's friend for so long. 

Boozy, douchy broads.  Dorinda,  Ramoaner and Sonja (Lu seems to be there, also)

I await Dorinda's  blog.  For a chick who claims not to like drama, her tweets are full of drama.


  • Love 10

In the bucket of crazy that is Sonja, this is probably just a mere, insignificant drop, but I was confused by her comment that Bethenny, "Doesn't have the education."  Did Sexy-J turn around and get a PhD while I wasn't watching?

Assuming PhD stands for "Phuck'Dup," then that would be a yes.


I almost forgot about Luann and the eggs.  Why did she make eggs when there was a chef making individual omelettes?  Did she even really make them, or did she just place the order and carry them out? 

If I heard (and remember) correctly, she didn't say she made them, she said, "I brought you some eggs.  Scrambled.  À la française."  I think what made them "à la française" is that LuAnn brought them.

  • Love 12

Remember when Kelly got so upset when Sonja was doing a photo-shoot?

Sonja was on her dining room table and somehow Kelly got flashed.

For both of these "models", they sure seem to freak out about naked lady parts.


To be fair, I would be a little scared seeing  Sonja's and/or Lu's lady parts.  Who knows what might fall out of them.

I don't know if the cupcake shop owners did an inventory or if  that cupcake/dildo thingy went home with Sonja and, as I have mentioned before, a pirate's eye patch might still be lodged in an unnamed European royalty's front (or back) door.

I prefer not seeing evidence ;)

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 10

I think Dorinda is 2 faced and a coward. She has expressed that she believes Sonja is drinking too much and out of control on camera, then lies to Sonja's face, she has talked smack about Sonja as much as the others have. She is now going after Heather, IMO, because she believes that Heather has no fan base and by siding with both Bethenny and LuAnn in her blogs and on twitter she is securing her apple for next season. Dorinda is all about the fan base IMO and not true friendship. She was not close to any of the women other than Heather before joining the show. She may have known Ramona and LuAnn longer but had never been to eithers homes or socialized with them on a private/personal level, whereas she has been to both of Heathers homes and visa versa over the years they have known each other.

Yet, if you read Dorinda's tweets, she is the biggest "record keeper" of them all! LOL

 Dorinda and Ramona were friends for years.  They met when Avery was 4 years old as Ramona said it in the birthday speech.  I though she just met Heather this season but had the "Berkshires connection."

  • Love 2

I think Ramona's PTSD self-diagnosis is laying the groundwork for excusing the entire season of behavior at the reunion.  She’s grieving a broken marriage that she thought would last forever, brought about by her true love’s betrayal, and the social embarrassment of it.  That’s horrible, and sad, and worthy of tears and sleepless nights and bitchy behavior (to an extent).

But it’s not PTSD. 


Carol, now I can buy that SHE had PTSD, because right in the middle of the extended heartbreak of watching her husband die, the support system she was counting on to see her through after his death died suddenly, and the media scrutiny had to have made things that much more excruciating.    Her husband died slowly and painfully -- her friends died suddenly and mysteriously, and she had to wonder what their last moments were like.


Not saying losing a spouse to illness (Dorinda) or betrayal (Ramona) isn’t tragic or traumatic – just that PTSD isn’t a catch all phrase for “my life went to hell.”


I suspect Dorinda’s behavior is the result of a reminder from the production team about what happens to housewives who accept wonderful vacations on the show’s dime, but think they can stay above the fray, with the suggestion that taking Sonja’s side against the evil witches would go a long way to restoring balance, ensuring airtime, and helping her keep that apple.

And she took some liquid (or powder) courage to ensure she could deliver. 


And, what the hell are scrambled eggs a la Francaise, anyway?? 



You separate the whites and the yolks and then cook them together in such a way that the end result is gloopy with clumps in it, as opposed to individual rubbery pieces (a la Dennys).

  • Love 12

Dorinda and Ramona were friends for years. They met when Avery was 4 years old as Ramona said it in the birthday speech. I though she just met Heather this season but had the "Berkshires connection."

She has known Ramona and Lu the longest but both mentioned that her and Heather were also friends and socialized before she joined and that they had hung out together in the Berkshires for a few years.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 3

 Dorinda and Ramona were friends for years.  They met when Avery was 4 years old as Ramona said it in the birthday speech.  I though she just met Heather this season but had the "Berkshires connection."

Knowing someone and being friends are vastly different. Heather and Dorinda grew up not far from each other and became friends when Heather/Jon built their vacation home. They have both said that they have been to each others homes since meeting. Ramona has never been to either of Dorinda's homes, ever and visa versa, the same holds true for Dorinda/LuAnn as well. They all knew each other but were not "friends" in the way most people describe friendship.

  • Love 4

Just my humble and completely shallow observation: Does Ramona not own a swimsuit cover up? For as classy as she thinks she is, I would think she'd use one, especially as all the other ladies do. Whether I'm at our local pool or a resort, I wear one when I walk around except, of course, to get in the water or sunbathe. I guess she likes letting it all hang out.

Our Moaner is like a kid with a newly tricked-out ride: she wants to show off those custom rims.

  • Love 19

Oh that LuAnn, she is laying the ground work for her/Dorinda's going at Heather next week in her blog today! LOL From LuAnn's blog........"Going out at night in the Turks and Cock-ohs…hah…loved that line..is so much fun but we couldn’t get from the cars to the door without a fight! Dorinda isn’t used to hanging out with eight girls, and she was feeling exhausted, so when Heather yelled at her for walking ahead, Dorinda’s reaction was uncharacteristically dramatic. She’s learning that a Housewives’ trip requires physical and emotional endurance, and I’ve learned to take naps when I start feeling tired, but I’m not as good at it."


Heather did not yell at Dorinda it was the other way around!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

Oh that LuAnn, she is laying the ground work for her/Dorinda's going at Heather next week in her blog today! LOL From LuAnn's blog........"Going out at night in the Turks and Cock-ohs…hah…loved that line..is so much fun but we couldn’t get from the cars to the door without a fight! Dorinda isn’t used to hanging out with eight girls, and she was feeling exhausted, so when Heather yelled at her for walking ahead, Dorinda’s reaction was uncharacteristically dramatic. She’s learning that a Housewives’ trip requires physical and emotional endurance, and I’ve learned to take naps when I start feeling tired, but I’m not as good at it."

Heather did not yell at Dorinda it was the other way around!

That's especially rich given that Lu was the one who actually heard Dorinda and sarcastically replied that they were ignoring them. Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 11

Although egotism and narcissism may be the lingua franca for the 'Ho'wives, Ramona nor Avery deserved Mario's ignoble behavior. The potency of his actions were breathtaking -- publicly prancing about with a woman akin in age to his daughter. The utter humiliation. Mario could have filed for divorce at any time, yet chose the most childish and hurtful avenue. Yes, Ramona is ridiculous but her personality,... do(es) not provide for mitigation of Mario's MISbehavior.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 20

On my 5th time to watch the episode. That means I'm going to have to clean like hell around 4pm to cover my time for the day before everyone gets home! :)

I've added cruising on the yacht for a day to my fantasy bucket list. (who am I kidding, I'd like just an hour)

I'm entertained by all their jewelry choices. I love the timeless diamond earrings Bethany wears, that I believe were a gift from Jason. (Gosh was that an awkward episode of BEA) The gold with orange earrings that Ramona wore looked um cheapish. The orange center piece looked plastic. After doing a search I found a website with the goods they wear.


Do you think the employee filming Sonja doing the lunges in her wedges was dying laughing inside?!?

Breaking News for Heather...Bethany was still insulting her by saying she was born annoying. Bethany followed up by calling herself a bitch but I think she considers that a complement.

LuAnn's 'drinking necklace' reminded me of when she made a comment to Alex "even Louis Vuitton can make a mistake now and then".

Loved the "don't go against the family...no one goes against the family!" That remark had me rolling out of my chair.

  • Love 13

I loved last nights episode their was yacht porn, the ladies having fun, delusions of grandeur, and a little drama.


Comments that sood out to me are 

Dorinda- I would put the nanny in that room. (i love that her elist b**ch way are shinning through now I can see how you and Romona are friends)


Heather telling her she was ganster and dorinda laughs then drops the smile and shakes her head. She was looking at someone when she did it, I think it might have been Betheny.


I love that is someone tries to be rational with Romona she scream and plumps up like a chicken, but if any crazy is thrown her way she makes a "idontknowwhatIdid"face


I find it hilarious that Lulu and Dorinda look to criticize how Heather speaks. I curse like a sailor on leave so I guess i overlook how some people hate cursing. However your precious children are adults and Lulu we all have seen your daughter say the N word, I think that is much worse that an Eff you. Different strokes, i also found it funny Dorinda explaining to Heather that you cant walk into a meeting like that..... coming from someone that married her money vs Heather who has worked for it.

  • Love 8

Oh that LuAnn, she is laying the ground work for her/Dorinda's going at Heather next week in her blog today! LOL From LuAnn's blog........"Going out at night in the Turks and Cock-ohs…hah…loved that line..is so much fun but we couldn’t get from the cars to the door without a fight! Dorinda isn’t used to hanging out with eight girls, and she was feeling exhausted, so when Heather yelled at her for walking ahead, Dorinda’s reaction was uncharacteristically dramatic. She’s learning that a Housewives’ trip requires physical and emotional endurance, and I’ve learned to take naps when I start feeling tired, but I’m not as good at it."


Heather did not yell at Dorinda it was the other way around!

Lu and Dorinda need to be better friends so they can make sure their stories are straight. On Twitter last night Dorinda's big beef against Heather was that "umm, politeness dictates we walk in as a group". According to Dorinda, it was Heather who wasn't waiting for her.  But Lu is saying that Heather was the one yelling at Dorinda for walking ahead?  C'mon girls. This was filmed months ago. You've had lots of time to get your stories straight. 

  • Love 7

Assuming PhD stands for "Phuck'Dup," then that would be a yes.


If I heard (and remember) correctly, she didn't say she made them, she said, "I brought you some eggs.  Scrambled.  À la française."  I think what made them "à la française" is that LuAnn brought them.

Lu said she made them, but I think for people with "help" they think it's the same thing.
  • Love 7

I think Ramona's PTSD self-diagnosis is laying the groundwork for excusing the entire season of behavior at the reunion.  She’s grieving a broken marriage that she thought would last forever, brought about by her true love’s betrayal, and the social embarrassment of it.  That’s horrible, and sad, and worthy of tears and sleepless nights and bitchy behavior (to an extent).

But it’s not PTSD. 


Carol, now I can buy that SHE had PTSD, because right in the middle of the extended heartbreak of watching her husband die, the support system she was counting on to see her through after his death died suddenly, and the media scrutiny had to have made things that much more excruciating.    Her husband died slowly and painfully -- her friends died suddenly and mysteriously, and she had to wonder what their last moments were like.


Not saying losing a spouse to illness (Dorinda) or betrayal (Ramona) isn’t tragic or traumatic – just that PTSD isn’t a catch all phrase for “my life went to hell.”


I suspect Dorinda’s behavior is the result of a reminder from the production team about what happens to housewives who accept wonderful vacations on the show’s dime, but think they can stay above the fray, with the suggestion that taking Sonja’s side against the evil witches would go a long way to restoring balance, ensuring airtime, and helping her keep that apple.

And she took some liquid (or powder) courage to ensure she could deliver. 



You separate the whites and the yolks and then cook them together in such a way that the end result is gloopy with clumps in it, as opposed to individual rubbery pieces (a la Dennys).

Please be advised that you have been nominated for a Peabody Award for ALL of this.

  • Love 3

Knowing someone and being friends are vastly different. Heather and Dorinda grew up not far from each other and became friends when Heather/Jon built their vacation home. They have both said that they have been to each others homes since meeting. Ramona has never been to either of Dorinda's homes, ever and visa versa, the same holds true for Dorinda/LuAnn as well. They all knew each other but were not "friends" in the way most people describe friendship.

I didn't know that Heather and Dorinda knew each other like that!  I totally missed that!!  It makes Dorinda's Twitter rant and then next week's correction of Heather even more odd! 

  • Love 4
Sonja flipping out on Bethenny and Bethenny confronting Ramona? Understandable. Sonja then extending that to flip out at everyone? "You are having a disproportionate response." 


Those uncharacteristically disproportionate responses from Sonja and Dorinda are undoubtedly fueled by behind-the-scenes producer instigation. Perhaps most of her insightful talking heads had not yet been filmed, so Dorinda was under pressure to bring some outrageous element of drama?


I really hate all this artificial producer intervention. Don't these people understand their viewers are savvy enough to pick up on it?


Meanwhile, Heather truly seems to think that she and Dorinda are friends.  My guess is that Heather grates on Dorinda's nerves, but doesn't know it, isn't picking up the signals, and when Dorinda blows, it will make no sense to Heather at all, but Dorinda will think it's entirely justified.  I get that. 



Heather never picks up on cues and signals. That is precisely why she accosted Bethenny at the dinner table in the Berkshires despite being told in no uncertain terms that B no longer wanted to engage her.


Sonja may consider herself Lady of the manor, but in what world does she hold a superior education to Bethenny? Didn't she do 2 years at some fashion trade school and get an associates degree or something?

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I didn't know that Heather and Dorinda knew each other like that!  I totally missed that!!  It makes Dorinda's Twitter rant and then next week's correction of Heather even more odd! 

Yea, they both said that they spent all last summer together around the pool. They joked that they had a love affair at the pool.  In an early interview that Dorinda gave right before the show started, she talked about getting along with most everyone, but said that the big surprise was that she and Heather didn't always gel. She said that the dynamics were off from what she was use to when they were together with their families just hanging out or cooking out on the grill. It sounded like they had grown pretty close before filming started, although I've found it interesting that Bravo played their relationship down. You would have had to read their early blogs or interviews to really know they had been close, because they are playing up the Ramona/Dorinda friendship much more, when it has been pointed out that Ramona and Dorinda had never even been to each others homes before now.  Heather said in her blog that she has been to Dorinda's home many times, and has met her father as well. 


One interesting tidbit....When Sonja first really met Dorinda, which was at Ramona's house in the Hamptons on the 2nd episode, she said to Dorinda "oh yea, Heather has told me a lot about you". I thought it was so strange that Heather would be the one telling Sonja about Dorinda instead of Ramona. 

  • Love 8

Those uncharacteristically disproportionate responses from Sonja and Dorinda are undoubtedly fueled by behind-the-scenes producer instigation. Perhaps most of her insightful talking heads had not yet been filmed, so Dorinda was under pressure to bring some outrageous element of drama?


I really hate all this artificial producer intervention. Don't these people understand their viewers are savvy enough to pick up on it?



Heather never picks up on cues and signals. That is precisely why she accosted Bethenny at the dinner table in the Berkshires despite being told in no uncertain terms that B no longer wanted to engage her.


Sonja may consider herself Lady of the manor, but in what world does she hold a superior education to Bethenny? Didn't she do 2 years at some fashion trade school and get an associates degree or something?

It has been nice to see that Heather, while taking her time picking up on Bethy's cues, finally has so I cannot agree that 'Heather never picks up on cues and signals'  Some take more than a few times, IMO. 

It appeared that Bethy did not pick up on the signals, bells and horns that surrounded Sonja.  She finally got it, just took some time.

They have that in common.  Might be part of their new understanding.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 10

Which I also think partly accounts for her love of a younger man (this season). In her mind she probably is still stuck at age 35. That is some heavy shit. I'm 30, celebrated 11 years of marriage last week. I couldn't imagine being in her shoes and can't imagine how I would come out on the other end, more than a decade later. No wonder she likes younger men and strives so hard to be the "young, hip one" I guess I kind of get it now.

Everyone was on edge tonight. Dorinda came completely out of left field. I was glad to see some unity between Beth and Heather and Kristen. Definitely shows improvement but the preview for next week is very misleading with who all seems to be fighting.

The boat looked like a ton of fun!

I thought Beth in the kitchen was a nice moment. She offered to make lunch the night before and then Ramona came in being "Ramona" and changed plans. I was surprised that Sonja was the one that called her out on her behavior and suggested they speak to Beth about it. I was also surprised the other gals seemed so ready to take Ramona on her word that Beth was ok with the whole thing.

I liked Carole season 1 not so much now but regarding her early widowhood. I read her first book and it was very good and quite moving. Not only was she a widow far too young ( like her late husbands Aunt, Jackie), they fought the good fight against that horrid disease throughout their 5 year marriage. I dont doubt it was horrible for her and she probably does carry emotional scars.
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