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I agree with you, jsm1125. Melanie has a good heart and would help someone she loathes. I kind of liked her when she started looking into Clint's background because she did seem to be concerned about Theresa. I've been turned off since Melanie wouldn't explain why she was looking into Clint and Mandrake and keeps accusing Theresa of faking the pregnancy.  Also, she's too cutesy in the majority of her scenes. The only time I've liked Melanie this go around is in her detective mode scenes with Nicole.    

Edited by Lilytiger
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Melanie needs to get away from Abifail and racoon Jen. Every single person who comes into contact with one of those creatures is worse for wear. Or dead, in Jack's case. Maybe Dan wouldn't be so bad if he had never been a part of one of the worst, most overly propped, disgusting pairings in the history of ever.

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I hate the Horton family (save lucas). Always will. None of them are likable (I count CIara as a Brady). I also hate the Jonas family (I hate Melanie more than Daniel, and that's only a little more than I hate Maggie in Jonas mode). I hate those families like I hate the fiery pits of hell. The Kiriakis family is my favorite family. There's not a real Kiriakis (excludes you Maggie) that I don't love- Vic, Philip, Brady, Justin, Adrienne, Sonny- best family on DOOL. Bradys are my second favorites (excluding you, Will. no soup for you! And Carrie, the olympic cheater). Sami and Stephanie were my favorites. Also, Belle and Shawn bored me to tears. There. I said it. Don't ever bring them back. I have like no opinion at all on Dimeras. Until EJ came, I didn't care at all that they were on the show, couldn't care less about the Bradys vs. the Dimeras. I like Theo, was indifferent to Lexie, crushed on EJ, indifferent to Chad, roll my eyes at Stefano. I just don't care what happens to them. OOOhhhh, except little Johnny! I like him!


Current storylines:

1. Die, Melanie. Please.

2. Die, Serena. Please.

3. Sonny, go back to Paul. Please.

4. Will just..... I can't wish death on Lumily so do me a favor and just go away, kay? Seek help and maybe find love somewhere else.

5. JJ is trash. There. I said it. I didn't think one could be worse than Will, but I stand corrected.

6. Nick was amazing and Nick and Chelsea forever, doggone it!

7. Probably the most controversial..... I prefer Guy's Will to Chandler's Will. I always wanted to punch Chandler's Will's smirking face. There. I said it.

8. Paul is the most beautiful thing to happen to DOOL since Sonny.

9. I am so against Wilson at this point that Paul could say he brainwashed Will and I still would be anti Wilson. #freesonny

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I hate Dark Roast, even a shaved one, as much as the next person (Chelsea and Kate around the dinner table at Vic's, groping Chloe) but he's right that Harpy Jenn has no clue what she's about to explode.  No, he shouldn't be inserting himself and manhandling women AT ALL but what Jenn is doing is really, really stupid.  I can only hope it will end in an epic blowout.  Thank dog for CM.  If they'd have a GW type in that role how detestable would that story be.  Those kids should have run off to Stanford months ago.  Mommies would give their honeys lots of money regardless.  Speaking of honeys, if I insisted on pet names for my adult child he would either have said WTF you haven't called me honey since I was 3.  Or, STFU you've been calling me honey since I was 3. 


More unpopular is that Sparkle was right, he did pressure, threaten and seduce young-ish dumb Will.  I'm not sure what his angle is in admitting it but I'm sure there is one. Maybe just in getting Jackson alone so a snorting Will could show up.  Funny how everyone ditched TBD today.  As someone who cleans cap and espresso machines lmfao. 


T is the gift that gives and gives.  Give me some, T.  I don't mind the Aussie guy either if he sweeps Nicky off her feet.


Jackson can't adopt Ari or scoop her away to CA.  She has two living parents on her birth certificate, neither of whom would ever sign away their parental rights.  He's been a better parent until the club started taking more time but the adoption thing is just silly. 

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Just me but what Eve and JJ did he is just as much to blame as she was.  He is a man and could have said no.  People JJ's age are not babies.  They are sent to fight wars at that age.

If they can be sent to war JJ could have said NO>

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Yes! JJ is as much to blame.  He could have avoided Eve and simply not gone to her apartment.  There was no seducing or manipulation, in terms of getting someone into bed, in the storyline. I liked that when Jen found out JJ placed equal responsibility on his shoulders. I think as time goes on he's placing more blame on Eve since he has Paige back.

What I don't understand is Jennifer continually threatening Eve about the affair.  It's mutually assured destruction - JJ and Eve both lose if the secret gets out.  It doesn't really work for Jen's plan for JJ and Paige to tell. If Paige and JJ broke it off naturally, would Jennifer then tell Paige to hurt Eve?

Edited by Lilytiger
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Jennifer believes that JJ and Paige love each other and deserve a chance to be a couple without interference from the outside. She saw how miserable JJ was without Paige and that Paige wanted to make the relationship work. 


I do agree a major motivation is to piss off Eve. I think that one of the reasons why she was such a JJ/Paige proponent was that Eve didn't want JJ/Paige together pre-affair.  IDK why Jen would want anything to do with her or to be around her.  Instead of keeping her distance, Jen's now seeking Eve out, creeping next to her at the park and ripping out Eve's earbuds to threaten her.


Jen's inner voice is telling her that this whole thing is a bad idea but her hate of Eve and wanting JJ to be happy is what's driving her.  

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Jennifer's just obsessed with besting Eve.  They have a mutual obsession with each other. I would say that Jennifer's is slightly worse because she thinks that Eve slept with JJ to get back at her.  I don't think that Eve had any intention of using JJ for revenge. I also think that the book royalties fight had little to do with Jennifer and really what was driving Eve is the money. Jennifer's annoyance was just a bonus. 


JJ has hooked up with Paige's aunt and mother, I would think that Jennifer would want him away from the Donovan women's orbit. 

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I do agree a major motivation is to piss off Eve. I think that one of the reasons why she was such a JJ/Paige proponent was that Eve didn't want JJ/Paige together pre-affair.  IDK why Jen would want anything to do with her or to be around her.  Instead of keeping her distance, Jen's now seeking Eve out, creeping next to her at the park and ripping out Eve's earbuds to threaten her.


Jen's inner voice is telling her that this whole thing is a bad idea but her hate of Eve and wanting JJ to be happy is what's driving her.  


I don't really believe Jenn's motivations truly has much to do with JJ and Paige being happy together, as much as it's second nature for her to interfere in all the intimate areas of both her offspring.  Most mothers wouldn't be too thrilled her any of her kids getting that serious that young, nor would they give those emotions the weight you'd give to adults involved with each other.  Jenn is more than slightly looney, and mean as a rattlesnake under her Mary Kay persona.  

She's been a bit of a nutjob with Eve ever since she showed back up in town.  Jenn could have taken the high road - you know, the one she's always excoriating everyone else for NOT taking - but instead she is, as you say, obsessed with this feud.  JJ sleeping with Eve just added fuel to her crazy fire.


As for what Jenn's inner voice tells her, I devoutly wish it would tell her to go stick her head in the toilet and flush repeatedly.  

Edited by boes
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Kate Roberts I have a bone to pick with you.  EJ and Chad did not hurt the side piece.  She hurt herself.


The stupid sack of shit wasn't even hurt. Getting fired for two weeks from the job she never went to just gave her another excuse to stay home and fantasize about EJ's penis.

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Yeah, my eyes rolled when Kate said that about Chad and EJ.  EJ was always honest with her and let her know it was just sex.

The whole Chad is an evil Dimera thing is ridiculous. He is at the children's table of the Dimera family and has only really known he was one for 4ish years. Abigail and her scheming to trick Austin and get EJ into bed has more Dimera qualities than him.


I liked Melanie today and Friday, I realized that she is threatened by Theresa even though she knows that Brady is dedicated to her. I just wish Melanie would tell someone, Maggie, Victor, Nicole, Hope or Brady, that Theresa also had her blood drawn or that she saw Clint with the vials of blood. She let him get away.  I don't think Theresa even knows she had blood drawn. Theresa was out of it so I can see why Melanie would think that she was drunk rather than drugged by Clint. Even for Theresa's health it would have been good.  I just go back and forth on Melanie because she is smart but withholds pertinent information. 

Edited by Lilytiger
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I kind of like Adrienne and Lucas. Even if she plays slightly older, he isn't some innocent boy toy like with Eve/JJ and even if they have a lot of familial connections it's not that much more than several other couples.

The skeevy reporter is no skeevier than Will who did sleep with his subject for a story. In fact I liked the actor and kind of wish that he was in a story with Nicole where they're in a tabloid reporter competition with each other but start to fall for each other. They could be a kind of dark mirror to the Jen and Jack reporter duo.

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Although I still think his portrayer is good, I don't think Chad is compelling or all that interesting. As a matter of fact, I find him to be a bit of a douchebag who needs his daddy to help him manipulate a woman with the IQ of toenail fungus. This is the next big bad DiMera? He is committing all these petty nuisance acts that just make little sense too. Why was he messing with Sonny? Just for shits and giggles? Why was that dropped? What Chad said about Jordan vs. Abby was pretty gross. Still not a reason for Ben to break the law and continuing to put his hands on Chad though. I just found that comment pretty distasteful. 

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Although I still think his portrayer is good, I don't think Chad is compelling or all that interesting. As a matter of fact, I find him to be a bit of a douchebag who needs his daddy to help him manipulate a woman with the IQ of toenail fungus. This is the next big bad DiMera? He is committing all these petty nuisance acts that just make little sense too. Why was he messing with Sonny? Just for shits and giggles? Why was that dropped? What Chad said about Jordan vs. Abby was pretty gross. Still not a reason for Ben to break the law and continuing to put his hands on Chad though. I just found that comment pretty distasteful. 

The problem is the writing of the show..They have Kassie Depaiva in the cast and look at the pile of shit that they have her doing as Eve..Eve is such a complex character with a dark past and she is connected to the Brady's via Kim and Shane...Kassie could do the role justice...She should be locking horns with Kate or going toe to toe with Victor..Instead they have her in the kiddie pool fucking JJ....Yuck...She was practically having an orgasm today sniffing JJ's jacket...Unbelievable....Kassie deserves better than this...

Edited by Apprentice79
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The problem is the writing of the show..They have Kassie Depaiva in the cast and look at the pile of shit that they have her doing as Eve..Eve is such a complex character with a dark past and she is connected to the Brady's via Kim and Shane...Kassie could do the role justice...She should be locking horns with Kate or going toe to toe with Victor..Instead they have her in the kiddie pool fucking JJ....Yuck...She was practically having an orgasm today sniffing JJ's jacket...Unbelievable....Kassie deserves better than this...

I totally agree. While I am not familiar with Kassie's previous work, I believe the actress is capable of more than what they have given her. On the character of Eve's worse day, she would not stoop as low as to nail her daughter's boyfriend. There could be several possibilities for the character of Eve as you mentioned above. Since her singing career is over, why not have her move into the corporate world in some way? Kate needs a strong female adversary. Eve could sure give her a run for her money. 

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Teresa is one of my favorite characters on the show and even I am tired of her being nasty to everyone.  It would help if we would have more scences of her being vunerable/nice to someone like she was one day with her sister and grandmother.    I kind of think I like the actor better than the character.

   Also thought Teresa not Will would be the new Sammy.  although I truley believe Marlena played those scences with Will like she has seen all this behavior before.

    I think Sonny is okay but am surprised how loved he is.

I don't dislike Will or find him ugly.   He is Lumi's child so I probably will always root for him.

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I just flat out don't care whether Brady and Theresa get their baby. I don't even think they should have one in the first place. 


I'm not gonna say I don't like Theresa, but she has just worn thin with me. Oh hell, I think I change my vote, I am at the point that I like her portrayer and think she does a great job with the crap given but I just don't care for the character right now. I just don't understand being gleefully nasty to people and then being surprised that no one likes you and going off to cry about. Own that shit. Go toast to that shit with Kate. I just don't know why the writers have done what they did with her character.  Why give her a baby? With Brady of all people Why? What was and is the point? Is she supposed to have some sort of ephipany upon seeing it? Is Brady going to propose marriage so as to raise it in a 2 parent home (barf)? Is Brady gonna cut Theresa completely out of the child's life? Are they gonna genuinely fall in love? Will they both just grow up and decide to co-parent? Will John/Marlena or Victor/Maggie decide they are both incompetent dumb ass crack head asses and seek custody? With the exception of the last option, it all sounds equally horrible. So yeah the story is one big fail and I don't care.


You know Hope, Kayla & Caroline (both of whom we never really see) and even Marlena to some extent are the women that make this show tolerable, otherwise every woman is pretty much kinda terrible. At one point, I would have said Kate was cool but being with that hillbilly has lowered her value considerably. 

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You know Hope, Kayla & Caroline (both of whom we never really see) and even Marlena to some extent are the women that make this show tolerable, otherwise every woman is pretty much kinda terrible. At one point, I would have said Kate was cool but being with that hillbilly has lowered her value considerably. 

Most of the women currently on this show make me miss for characters like Carly, Vivian, Chloe, Chelsea and even Nicole during her scheming and gold-digging days.

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Wow Lily6, you are one of the few people that likes Guy Wilson..I like him because he seems like such a cool person based on tweeter and I feel so bad for him due to the way that people go after him with such vitriol online..There are people who blame him for Chandler leaving the show...They even went after Freddie for cheating on Chandler with Guy...lol...Do you know that there were people who tweeted his sister and told her horrible things about him..They told her that he was ugly, untalented and that he must be sleeping with some producer to have landed the role of Will Horton...


I don't like Paul, but I like Christopher Sean, he seems like a cool guy as well, plus, he is so beautiful...That hair of his is so beautiful...

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I don't feel the least bit bad for Melanie she put herself in this situation by throwing herself at Brady knowing damn well he was still in love with Theresa. Part of me wishes she was staying so she could suffer while watching Brady reunite with Theresa & raise their baby together. Theresa is a bad bitch & Melanie can't compete. Also I don't care about Bo or Patch's return because Patch means more Kayla on screen & that is never a good thing.

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I never saw Melanie throwing herself at Brady, and even if she did he definitely didn't seem to have any problems with it. As for Theresa, I like her, but I wouldn't call her a 'bad bitch', more like a 'hateful bitch.'

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I don't remember Brady ever saying he was in love with Theresa or acting as if he was. When they got married, he didn't even consider seeing how the marriage might go first before ending it.


I don't care about Melanie one way or the other, but I hate the thought that Theresa is going to be saddled with boring Brady. She's too interesting a character (although I hope that they tone down her constant attacking of others) and Jen Lilley is far too good an actress.

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I  hate the baby for Theresa. I want Theresa to be free causing mayhem in Salem.She should be a schemer dating different men. She should be bff with her cousin Stefanie. It would be a nod to history because Kayla and kim were very close. Their daughters should be as well...If it pisses off Abigail, even better..

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Glad Teresa & Brady have a baby together.  Hopefully it will give her more screen time.  Still think the baby won't stop her from scheming.  Sammi had a baby at 16 & it didn't slow her down LOL  

   Teresa & Brady's families also have a lot of history.  Just wish she would have found out differently about the baby.  She wasn't involved in the story at all.

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I like the character of Melanie. Yes, the actress had weird ticks and cutesy issues but I like that she's not simpering and needy for a man. She's allowed to have a brain and seems to have some moral compass. I feel like the show wants me to like Theresa...and there are times when I do, but her gold digging, even with the baby on the plane, is so offputting to me. I liked the mystery reveal of the baby napping, but I don't look forward to this baby story line with Brady and Theresa. So, now I'm down to the sparkle spectacular as the only one I don't completely ffwd through.

I watch parts of the jj/eve mess, just so I can enjoy the fireworks when it Is totally revealed.When those two storylines are Done, I might be out!

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I like the character of Melanie. Yes, the actress had weird ticks and cutesy issues but I like that she's not simpering and needy for a man. She's allowed to have a brain and seems to have some moral compass.

On paper Melanie is exactly the type of character I usually root to. But I cannot stand the actresses' tics. When Molly Burnett plays it straight, I think she's a good actress. So I don't understand why she uses those tics. They were especially egregious last week when she played being captive in a dungeon as if she was on a multi-cam sitcom circa 1987.

I believe she has cited Lucille Ball as her idol/inspiration. But I believe she is misremembering what Lucy's physical comedy actually was.

Edited by Tiger
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Theresa gets on my damn nerves. I want to like her, and I do at times, but 24/7 rabid bitch routine got stale a long time ago. I completely understand why everyone hates her, including Dan and Jen.

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I like Jen Lilley, but Theresa like so many other characters on this show is one note, and that gets old quick.


Lucille Ball was fun to watch and a good comedienne.  However, I think if she was being held hostage she would kick the guys ass, not do a comedy routine.

Edited by TigerLynx
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I don't even know why they have the Emmy awards for soaps anymore. I guess it is nice to keep the tradition and celebrate the actors (and there are categories outside of soaps) but ugh seeing Corday on stage with a trophy in his hands makes me feel that Daytime Emmy wins for soaps don't mean shit nowadays!  Outside of actor wins (congrats Freddie) Days winning anything for writing or best soap is some old bullshit.  The one and only reason that Days gets any of the bigger awards is because there are only 4 soaps left on the air. Days isn't a better soap than it was a mere 2,3 or even 4 years ago. It just has less competition. Odds are just better. It is like a two legged man running in the para-olympics, of course Days is bound to win something. If the landscape were the same as it was 10-20 years ago, Days would be completely locked out! 


Days and Y&R tied for Best soap. I don't watch any other soap, but damn how the hell half the shows on the air qualify as outstanding drama series. Just sounds stupid to type it. GH and B&B must be eye bleedingly bad. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I still need to look up the award clips on you tube.  I was being lazy and hoping someone would post them here.  Hee hee. The thing is I was off that day and definitely would have watched had it been aired on network tv.  OTOH I remember years and years (and years) of Days getting skunked because it was always GH or whoever paid the most money.  Or whatever it takes. 


ETA Oops I didn't realise I was in Unpopular Opinions but since I'm here...


I hate Bo.  I'm glad he's gone.  I don't know how I'm going to tolerate him on screen again.  And I remember the days with teenaged Hope on the back of his bike with Doug running behind trying to stop it.  Now I'm hearing his annoying voice in my head. And I see that stupid beard he uses to hide his strange mouth. He was always so...bored or something and I couldn't stand how he would let women casually move in and out of his house. Like he would sigh and remind himself he was put on earth to rescue the wimminfolk.   Especially when I saw Hope feel guilty as hell for six months over whether to date Aiden. Can't soap see how much more attractive a happy Hope is?

Edited by QuelleC
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I hate the nickname Fancy Face. 


I am not all that excited about all the vet returns. I think it is good for a short storyline in honor of Days 50th but any longer and I fear it will be disastrous and only serve to ruin my former warm feelings for them. I feel that damn near ever vet return has been poorly executed and written for the last decade or so. 

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Days and Y&R tied for Best soap. I don't watch any other soap, but damn how the hell half the shows on the air qualify as outstanding drama series. Just sounds stupid to type it. GH and B&B must be eye bleedingly bad. 


Oddly, B&B won for best writing and best directing, but not for best show.

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I'm torn between being excited and fearful about the vets returning, but excitement is winning right now. I'm just that desperate.


RE: Fancy Face.  One of the few times I made my husband sit through the show with me, he misheard it as Fancy Feast. To this day, Hope is Fancy Feast to me.

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I can't speak for B&B, but I think Days is better than GH and Y&R, which isn't really saying much.

B&B is actually good right now and had been for months. A viewer has to adjust cuz it's completely different than the other 3 soaps. It's a half hour and minus commercials and exterior shots about 17 minutes an episode. The budget is amazingly bigger than any other soap. Like 10x their size. A lot less characters and its much more fluffy. Less dark than any soap on but still has drama. Bit more jokes. It's been the #1 soap in the world for many years. It's maybe closest to Days and I'm not sure why I think so.

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Although I come from a family of CBS girls none of us could get into B&B.   What I liked about GL & ATWT was the long friendships (even when they took breaks). JMHO Days is really missing that.  

   It was really  made evident with the nice scene of Hope/Rafe  than scenes of Nicole having no one but herself to talk to.

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I would love Nicole to bond with Wilson individually and as a couple..I want Theresa to be close to Sami, Stefanie, Will and Paul...I want JJ to be close to Joey and Joseph Kiriakis.. Victor Jr and Paul to be close...Chad and Alex to be close as well as Wilson..Friendships are missing from the show....

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Although I come from a family of CBS girls none of us could get into B&B.   What I liked about GL & ATWT was the long friendships (even when they took breaks). JMHO Days is really missing that.  

   It was really  made evident with the nice scene of Hope/Rafe  than scenes of Nicole having no one but herself to talk to.

Agreed as another CBS girl. The friendships and long-time relationships made even plot-driven things richer. I knew the ATWT and GL characters better than some members of my own family. That's what kept me invested. I'm relatively new to Days but even I can see that such things may have been important in the past -- but aren't now. 

PS: Please someone give Nicole a friend. It would benefit everyone.

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See, I think Guy Wilson sucks. I don't think he can act, and his skin looks kind of...slimy? I would take Chandler back in a heartbeat.

He'd make a good live action Chucky doll. *shudder

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