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S07.E12: Lord Of The Manor

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I'm putting on my shallow hat (because why not). Who was the guy flirting with Sonja at LuAnn's RES(ID)ENT (because I, too, thought it was "Resent" at first) event? He was a good looking man! And it tripped me out how Ramona was acting like she needed to be a buffer between him and Sonja.

Ramona really has never done that before. She typically let's Sonja floozy herself all over the place. I couldn't figure out of if she was stopping it because Sonja's been so out of control lately or because he was black. The man certainly looked more age appropriate than Dominik, Sonja's 22 year old model. He was at a LuAnn event so it's doubtful he's some broke chisler. If he's a chisler, game recognize game. He knows there's no money coming from the Sonja train.

  • Love 3

Ramona's got fabulous skin on her body but I'm positive she has newish, post-separation implants (that rack is much higher than it used to be, and rigid), and gets laser treatments and lipo or a lipo equivalent. ' (Sonja's belly skin shows me that she's had lipo - a less dramatic version of what happened to Tara Reid.) I agree that Ramona's 'gut' is created by her cowboy-just-off-the-horse walk. She cannot rock a pair of exquisite Lucite heels, manage a door, manage her towel, manage her blood alcohol content, and walk. It's a gift she lacks, like brains and discretion and the ability to feel compassion for anyone not her or maybe her daughter.

I keep forgetting Sonja was the hostess. What an asshole! Instead of just dealing with rooms herself, she and Ramona start their campaign. I kind of hate that Ramona gets more blame - just because Sonja's chickenshit, why isn't it her fault too that these trips always begin with 'WE matter, you don't, that's the deal!' She was the host or 'host'!

I don't really understand how Sonja is viewed as having such a big heart or as Ramona's mere unwitting sidekick. She is grossly selfish, classist and competitive (at LuAnn's launch, criticizing the party and the mannequin when she was only on Diet Coke! Can't blame that bitchery on a blackout). I assume it's a pass because she's pathetic? I think that's worse not better a lot of the time.

TH of the episode was Sonja whining about her unfair treatment, where she said it was assumed by 'the girls' that 'Sonja will just marry a rich guy [again].' HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Sonja. No one assumes that but you. You think your divorce didn't send out the bat signal to every rich old dude in NYC that you aren't worth the legal fees?


I agree, especially pertaining to Sonja. Her gasping and ofttimes delicately confused demeanor helps to mask her greed, austere haughtiness, mature self-absorption, envy, and "haute ton" meanness.

Sonja is like a slightly XanaxED Ramona.

◆◆This is in response to the AbouvE post by Midnight Cheese.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 2

This quote from Brian Moylan's "Vulture" magazine recap absolutely slayed me:

It was a bland recap over all, I was surprised because it's just a recap, where is the fun and the smartass in this?

Turns out, it's not Moylan's recap but Ben Rimalower's (sorry Ben!) because he is on vacation it seems or watching Orange is the New Black because he gave a recap of it yesterday.

Pfffffff... Too bad for the timing of this, I was looking forward to his comments on this fun episode!

  • Love 1

So anybody have an leads or theories on just why the Turks & Caicos trip gets really crazy in the next few episode? Andy C said as bad as or almost like Scary Island.


What's coming up? Sheesh, what could they possibly do that hasn't already gone down on any of the HW shows?


And why has this site gotten so wonky and so slow lately?

I thought it was just my computer.  I get on this site and it's like my mouse and keypad and 10000 moves behind my fingers!

  • Love 4

I can't with people hyping up episodes before they're shown.  Andy Cohen and the NY crew hyped this episode as "making Scary Island look like child's play".  Uh...no it didn't. Not even close.  (unless it's to come in part 2 or 3)

Same with this seasons  BH reunion and "smoking gun". What?  There was no smoking gun, the reunion (part 2) was tame and frankly forgettable.


I think the classic moments that we'll never forget, and will refer to in the future, with regards to the Housewives franchise have already happened. All the franchises are on their last legs.


Edited by LNDNgirl
  • Love 6

Her basic problem is that she is a follower and not strong enough or mean enough or crazy enough to leave a mark.



The only problem I had with her was when she joined the pile on Aviva last season. It was not a good look. Now it is her turn in the barrel. She can look to her pals Heather and Carole and realize that they are weak straws in the wind. You reap what you sow. A little kindness last season might have worked out better for her.

I think you hit on something here. Though she generally comes across as way too decent to be on a reality TV show (and certainly way too normal), the way she joined the pack of smug against Aviva just always made me feel like something about her didn't add up. You summed it up perfectly for me. It's more of a follower trait in her that made her join the pack and behave like a bitch when she otherwise seems too nice for that kind of behavior.


That said, as absolutely gorgeous and stylish as I think she is, I don't find her interesting enough to be a housewife, even though she has actually given us a lot more of her life than some of the others. I just still don't care, for some reason. She would be great as a Friend Of, showing up to events with all her fabulosity, whipping out the O-face when one of the howives behaves badly, and just being the pretty background she ends up being, anyway. On the other hand, even though Heather has barely given us anything this season (or it hasn't been shown), and what we have seen has not been the most likeable side of Heather, I still find myself wanting to learn more about this woman.


To get back on topic, I LOVED this episode and it felt more reminiscent of the RHONYC that I loved than the bleh-ness it has become since season 4. Not only did I laugh my ass off thanks mostly to the old crew (the newer girls’ contribution to my laughter was only in the form of Carol’s shoes), but we had pretty house, pretty pool with pretty ocean view, and pretty food! It's about damn time, Andy!

Edited by comatoast
  • Love 7

Trooper York, I like Kristen too. Even though they treat her like a punching bag (including Ramona throwing the glass in her face last season), she still stands up for herself without lowering herself to their level.


thank you for the mind nudge - when Ramona was going in on Kristen in Luann's suite - who caught this?:  Kristen "I'm leaving....[slightly raised wine salute to Ramona] and I'm holding on to my glass"  -  I put my hand on my hip at the tv and said girl werk! you better quit bringing knives to gun fights, when it's clear you know how to slay em!  I was disappointed that Ramona, nor anyone else got it.     Speaking of not getting it.  Cyanide, pigs and bros before hoes/toes.  Look, I understand if a certain segment of pop culture escapes some people, it's generational. But, she lives in NYC and has a still teenaged daughter, she can knock it off with the I'm too blueblood-y to know what you're talking about act.   One of ya'll who has twitter, please get at Bethenny for me and tell her girls say "besties before testes" lol.


I had that same exact thought as I was watching her after she sat down I think from the bug incident!  She said something and I was all "ah ha! you are trying to show Mario you are are still all that and a bag of chips!!"


::waves:: Hi Bethy!! Lol!


I'm putting on my shallow hat (because why not). Who was the guy flirting with Sonja at LuAnn's RES(ID)ENT (because I, too, thought it was "Resent" at first) event? He was a good looking man! And it tripped me out how Ramona was acting like she needed to be a buffer between him and Sonja. 


Mr. Tall dark and yes please's name was Chuck.  Stone cold sober she couldn't remember it not 5 minutes later. 


yes, and:

He was a good looking man and Ramona's reaction made me give her the cyanide.


A HEALTHY dose of cyanide.  She's never done it before.  But yeah let's go with Ramona knows that he wasn't her type because he's "too old" for her.  Lol. 


Upthread, in characterizing how shitty Sonja and Ramona are to each other, somebody remembered Moaner's Morocco reading and I just wanted to say thank you for that.  Karma's a motherfucker (™ Heather Thomson)


eta: punctuation is helpful

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 10

Sonja as the unwitting rube - the thing is, she's not malicious, bless her heart, so the stuff she voluntarily does with Ramona looks, to me, like she's enjoying herself, not even really aware that she's volunteering for co-assholery.  I don't know, the way friendship works in my circle, my real girls would not only refuse to engage in my foolishness, they'd stop me in my tracks.  I just don't think Sonja is the type.  A flouncy floozy inappropriate drunk, sure, but she's not assertive enough to deal with the likes of Ramona.  A damn sledgehammer couldn't do that.


I believe that Sonja is malicious. She still shows how she believes she is above the masses with her "class" as she mentioned at Luann's party. The thing is, she also apparently believes that she can stomp on people she thinks are below her.


Take a look at the other side of the lawsuit here: http://www.hamricklaw.com/news-media/articles/it-takes-courage-strength-the-power-conviction-of-one-voice-to-right-a-wrong/


Some snippets:

The day before she was to transfer the money, she told us in front of her CEO and our lawyer, that it would not be a problem, that she would instruct her bank to move the money. The following day she returned to New York and basically didn’t call us back. She left us dry!! We called her repeatedly asking for the money to be put in escrow, and when we finally spoke with her, her response was that “Deals fall apart in Hollywood all the time” and laughed. She went back to New York, was in breach, and in the end laughed at us. So we initiated legal action and filed a lawsuit, which is a painstaking process, emotionally and financially. We sued her for breach of contract and fraud. The fraud was based on the fact that we found out she never had the money she said she had to finance our film, much less anyone else’s.


PRDC: On top of everything, Sonja went even further in trying to stop the litigation by using her connections. She had a high profile financier in the industry call us to make us aware of how very powerful they were, and that if we didn’t stop the litigation, they would make sure no one in Hollywood would work with us. It took us a long time to rebound, and you really don’t know if that had any effect at all.

  • Love 9

I don't think Ramona has a whole new set of tits---it just looked like she got them lifted to me. At her age, it's pretty damned popular for women to go for breast lifts as opposed to an entirely new set of breasts. It's like getting them perked up without going through the advanced process of fitting into a new set of foobs.

I dunno why anyone is snarking on her body though; she may not wear the most flattering and/or tasteful outfits and looked ridiculous stumbling around in those hooker heels, but the gal is pushing 60! I'd kill for a body that solid and fit and I'm 20 years her junior---I admire her obvious workout dedication, especially considering her mutual dedication to slugging down excessive Pinot Grigio!!

Now Sonja, I just think that gal does the odd yoga class or so and mostly just sustains a liquid diet. Ditto Bethenny. And Carole has admitted to never working out as well, so draw your own conclusions---probably the classic nibbler.

I did enjoy this episode, despite wanting to smack the shit out of Bethenny and her ridiculously pointless grandstanding to Sonja at the end. Meanwhile, all that delicious food was going to waste and all those hungry ladies were impatiently left waiting to eat it just so she could blubber away at drunk Sonja. Although I applaud Heather's amazing restraint this episode---she's smart enough to realize she's in a no-win situation with Bethenny and has officially gotten off her jock, at least. There's a new HBH, hollah!!

  • Love 6


Trooper York, I like Kristen too. Even though they treat her like a punching bag (including Ramona throwing the glass in her face last season), she still stands up for herself without lowering herself to their level.

I like Kristen also.  She looked drop dead gorgeous both in the ocean with no makeup and at dinner.  She always looks effortless but pulled together.  I love her style and yes I love her blog!  I really hope they don't get rid of her next season as the "word on the street" suggests.


Ramona looks great.  I am 35 and I do not look as good as she does in a bikini.  I agree with some other posters that she doesn't really know how to work the body/face coordination combo, but she still looks damn good.

  • Love 8

I have unwavering love for Kristen and I am not sure why. She just seems so harmless. And I love her style. I need her to do better with her blog though - it has potential, but the pics are horrible quality. She needs a new photographer.


I'm putting on my shallow hat (because why not). Who was the guy flirting with Sonja at LuAnn's RES(ID)ENT (because I, too, thought it was "Resent" at first) event? He was a good looking man! And it tripped me out how Ramona was acting like she needed to be a buffer between him and Sonja. 

He was fine as hell! I do think the fact that he was black played a big part in Ramona acting like she needed to save Sonja...but I'm sure if anyone said that to her, she'd use the typical 'What? OMG! One of my good friends is black!'.

  • Love 10

I was really confused at Bethenny telling Heather she should get into workout wear while holding Heather's Yummie workout wear in her hand, the Yummie workout wear she received in the Yummie gift bag.

That's like me eating a giant, economy sized bag of Ruffles potato ships and telling Ruffles they really need to get into giant, economy sized bags of potato ships.

I give Heather props for not saying something like, "Is your wall preventing you from seeing what you are actually holding in your hand?"

Because Bethenny is so much smarter than everyone else!

  • Love 5

I believe that Sonja is malicious. She still shows how she believes she is above the masses with her "class" as she mentioned at Luann's party. The thing is, she also apparently believes that she can stomp on people she thinks are below her.


Take a look at the other side of the lawsuit here: http://www.hamricklaw.com/news-media/articles/it-takes-courage-strength-the-power-conviction-of-one-voice-to-right-a-wrong/


Some snippets:

The day before she was to transfer the money, she told us in front of her CEO and our lawyer, that it would not be a problem, that she would instruct her bank to move the money. The following day she returned to New York and basically didn’t call us back. She left us dry!! We called her repeatedly asking for the money to be put in escrow, and when we finally spoke with her, her response was that “Deals fall apart in Hollywood all the time” and laughed. She went back to New York, was in breach, and in the end laughed at us. So we initiated legal action and filed a lawsuit, which is a painstaking process, emotionally and financially. We sued her for breach of contract and fraud. The fraud was based on the fact that we found out she never had the money she said she had to finance our film, much less anyone else’s.


PRDC: On top of everything, Sonja went even further in trying to stop the litigation by using her connections. She had a high profile financier in the industry call us to make us aware of how very powerful they were, and that if we didn’t stop the litigation, they would make sure no one in Hollywood would work with us. It took us a long time to rebound, and you really don’t know if that had any effect at all.


See I don't have any problem believing she's malicious, I just can't remember anything.  The stuff from this post is nasty as fuck, and it may not make a difference but to me this is her deep delusion.  Hell the girl could be as mean as a snake I just never catch it.


I don't think Ramona has a whole new set of tits---it just looked like she got them lifted to me. At her age, it's pretty damned popular for women to go for breast lifts as opposed to an entirely new set of breasts. It's like getting them perked up without going through the advanced process of fitting into a new set of foobs.

Now Sonja, I just think that gal does the odd yoga class or so and mostly just sustains a liquid diet. Ditto Bethenny. And Carole has admitted to never working out as well, so draw your own conclusions---probably the classic nibbler.


This is what I was trying to say about lifts.  When they're newly and properly done, there is no movement because there's no more loose skin, your shit looks like it did at 19, but it's still yours.


Chile please, if that.  Girl got rid of her kitchen.   I won't linger but from a resale point of view is just st'yupid.


He was fine as hell! I do think the fact that he was black played a big part in Ramona acting like she needed to save Sonja...but I'm sure if anyone said that to her, she'd use the typical 'What? OMG! One of my good friends is black!'.


Which one?  Lol!

  • Love 1

I can't with people hyping up episodes before they're shown.  Andy Cohen and the NY crew hyped this episode as "making Scary Island look like child's play".  Uh...no it didn't. Not even close.  (unless it's to come in part 2 or 3)

Same with this seasons  BH reunion and "smoking gun". What?  There was no smoking gun, the reunion (part 2) was tame and frankly forgettable.


I think it is still to come. Beth said in her blog that it is one for the books and that we will not believe it. They are certainly hyping it big time, so I hope they deliver.

  • Love 3

Now Sonja, I just think that gal does the odd yoga class or so and mostly just sustains a liquid diet. Ditto Bethenny. And Carole has admitted to never working out as well, so draw your own conclusions---probably the classic nibbler.


I know Beth gets a lot of flack for being so skinny and possibly unhealthy, but her body is amazing. She has to work out and take care of herself to look like this. She is currently on this vacation with Carole.


  • Love 5

Sonja has made a couple of comments about the "classes" so far this season. When Bethenny was trying to get her to listen (again) on the hooker bus to AC, Sonja said something to the effect of "oh they (the other HW) don't get it (our status), so we shouldn't talk about it?" I'm sure that Sonja was treated like royalty during her marriage to Daddy Warbucks, but she is so fucking deluded that she thinks the special treatment was because she, herself is sooooo uber up there and will always be a part of the Upper Crust and that her divorce and lack of money and power shouldn't matter. I think she believes once in the club, always in the club. And I don't for one minute think this is just Sonja's HW persona.

  • Love 12

She is beautiful but there's just something about her that irritates me even though she seems like a nice person.  I love her hair, the way she dresses.  But there's something about her facial expressions that take away from her beauty to me!

Kristen - nothing wrong in her physicality (stolen from Apollo)

I still think she should have done a makeup line with Ricky;s instead of nail polish...she'd be a walking advertisement.


Bottom line is she's boring. Coming into this season, Bravo was giving her one last chance to hold on to her apple. There was no increase in chatter about her on Facebook, Twitter, or any message boards. She had no increase in Twitter followers, no significant views on Youtube, not much in articles about her if you Google her name. Even with her manufactured drama with Bethenny  and her nail polish - no increase in chatter. If you look at her thread on this site...she had a few posts June 23rd....before that the last posts were from May 29th...3 weeks nobody posted on her thread. Leaving Bethenny and Dorinda out of this equation, just compare Kristen to Heather or Carole in any Social Media Platform. Both Heather and Carole have double or triple the interest

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 5

I don't think Ramona has a whole new set of tits---it just looked like she got them lifted to me. At her age, it's pretty damned popular for women to go for breast lifts as opposed to an entirely new set of breasts. It's like getting them perked up without going through the advanced process of fitting into a new set of foobs.

I dunno why anyone is snarking on her body though; she may not wear the most flattering and/or tasteful outfits and looked ridiculous stumbling around in those hooker heels, but the gal is pushing 60! I'd kill for a body that solid and fit and I'm 20 years her junior---I admire her obvious workout dedication, especially considering her mutual dedication to slugging down excessive Pinot Grigio!!

Now Sonja, I just think that gal does the odd yoga class or so and mostly just sustains a liquid diet. Ditto Bethenny. And Carole has admitted to never working out as well, so draw your own conclusions---probably the classic nibbler.

I did enjoy this episode, despite wanting to smack the shit out of Bethenny and her ridiculously pointless grandstanding to Sonja at the end. Meanwhile, all that delicious food was going to waste and all those hungry ladies were impatiently left waiting to eat it just so she could blubber away at drunk Sonja. Although I applaud Heather's amazing restraint this episode---she's smart enough to realize she's in a no-win situation with Bethenny and has officially gotten off her jock, at least. There's a new HBH, hollah!!

Commenting on the breast lift: Bethenny used to say she didn't have a boob job but only a breast lift but I thought with a lift they pretty much always put in an implant to give back fullness that is lost by the lift itself. So wouldn't a lift be a boob job? Semantics
  • Love 6

Commenting on the breast lift: Bethenny used to say she didn't have a boob job but only a breast lift but I thought with a lift they pretty much always put in an implant to give back fullness that is lost by the lift itself. So wouldn't a lift be a boob job? Semantics

A lift means the doctor has removed some of the skin, lifted the breast tissue, and repositioned the nipple. A breast augmentation, aka boob job, is adding an implant. Sometimes people add an implant during a lift, but not always.

  • Love 5

Commenting on the breast lift: Bethenny used to say she didn't have a boob job but only a breast lift but I thought with a lift they pretty much always put in an implant to give back fullness that is lost by the lift itself. So wouldn't a lift be a boob job? Semantics


No.  I'm saying this from personal experience, if you have a good amount of tissue, there's no reason to use an implant to achieve a full volume lift.  Because it involves the removal of breast tissue, implants are recommended when the result the woman is looking for can't be accomplished with the size of her existing breasts.  Like if she were a saggy 32A going in, she'd be a perky 32 coming out but less than an A.

  • Love 1

I know Beth gets a lot of flack for being so skinny and possibly unhealthy, but her body is amazing. She has to work out and take care of herself to look like this. She is currently on this vacation with Carole.


Beth is a jock.  It's the one thing I like about her.  When she and Lu were paddleboarding, she talked about doing a paddleboard race in the Hamptons.  On an earlier RHONY season she and Lu went surfing.  She is very very fit and takes it very seriously, and apparently grew up skiing, swimming, surfing and kept up with all of it throughout her life.  She is the opposite of the yoga once a year woman (like Sonja.)

  • Love 11

Sonja has made a couple of comments about the "classes" so far this season. When Bethenny was trying to get her to listen (again) on the hooker bus to AC, Sonja said something to the effect of "oh they (the other HW) don't get it (our status), so we shouldn't talk about it?" I'm sure that Sonja was treated like royalty during her marriage to Daddy Warbucks, but she is so fucking deluded that she thinks the special treatment was because she, herself is sooooo uber up there and will always be a part of the Upper Crust and that her divorce and lack of money and power shouldn't matter. I think she believes once in the club, always in the club. And I don't for one minute think this is just Sonja's HW persona.



The hooker bus should be cast as a "friend" of HW.

OC - Lizzie's birthday party

Shahs - weekly basis

NJ - Florida trip and AC trip


Or at least in the same category as the other props that make their round around the different cities...like the mechanical bull.


Sonja is living in the past (the glory days of her marriage) You're right it isn't just her HW persona.


Can we make a wish circle?

I wish, I wish, I wish, Sonja's tooth falls out in T&C, this is an annual event and the season would not be complete without it.

  • Love 3

Beth is a jock. It's the one thing I like about her. When she and Lu were paddleboarding, she talked about doing a paddleboard race in the Hamptons. On an earlier RHONY season she and Lu went surfing. She is very very fit and takes it very seriously, and apparently grew up skiing, swimming, surfing and kept up with all of it throughout her life. She is the opposite of the yoga once a year woman (like Sonja.)

She ice-danced on TV, right? Skating with the stars or something? She was great on that paddleboard. I gotta admit, I dig Bethenny. I like watching her and LuAnn.

  • Love 7

Sonja has made a couple of comments about the "classes" so far this season. When Bethenny was trying to get her to listen (again) on the hooker bus to AC, Sonja said something to the effect of "oh they (the other HW) don't get it (our status), so we shouldn't talk about it?" I'm sure that Sonja was treated like royalty during her marriage to Daddy Warbucks, but she is so fucking deluded that she thinks the special treatment was because she, herself is sooooo uber up there and will always be a part of the Upper Crust and that her divorce and lack of money and power shouldn't matter. I think she believes once in the club, always in the club. And I don't for one minute think this is just Sonja's HW persona.



Every time she starts this mess I want someone - just a regular person - to pop in or apparate a la Harry Potter and ask about the silver set Sonja must have grown up with, how her own folks decided between Dalton versus Miss Porter's, and the age of her current set of panties (assuming she's not having her crotch up against 10-year old pants she's planning to return to Bendel's, only she can't find the receipt).  Then, it would be wonderful to drop her off at the Met Opera and have her face to face with legendary mercenary bitch Mercedes Bass, and just watch Sexy J talk about her favorite opera memories and her favorite performances.  Keep the camera on the other jerk's face, just for fun.  Let's see for once how game might recognize (failed) game.

  • Love 9

I really like Dorinda. When one of the housewives can tell Ramona that she's mean without creating a firestorm of hysterics, then that's the one woman that is smart and not greedy for camera time. Dorinda is like the voice of reason in the group. If I had to rank each one by degree of sanity, Dorinda would be first on the list.


When Dorinda was first introduced into the NY Housewives, I thought Bravo had made a mistake by casting her. She was too different from the others. She's not as glamorous or narcissistic as the others. She knows how to approach someone like Ramona who has their defenses up and defuse them to a state where they actually pay attention to what she's telling them. This is beginning to sound like a girl-crush but Dorinda has class. I hope she can maintain that integrity throughout this season with the other biotches, it will be a challenge for her.

  • Love 10

Can we make a wish circle?

I wish, I wish, I wish, Sonja's tooth falls out in T&C, this is an annual event and the season would not be complete without it.


Ooooh, can I go?  Um, I wish we find out Mario's sidepiece is a former luggage valet with an amazing collection of stripper shoes.




Every time she starts this mess I want someone - just a regular person - to pop in or apparate a la Harry Potter and ask about the silver set Sonja must have grown up with, how her own folks decided between Dalton versus Miss Porter's, and the age of her current set of panties (assuming she's not having her crotch up against 10-year old pants she's planning to return to Bendel's, only she can't find the receipt).  Then, it would be wonderful to drop her off at the Met Opera and have her face to face with legendary mercenary bitch Mercedes Bass, and just watch Sexy J talk about her favorite opera memories and her favorite performances.  Keep the camera on the other jerk's face, just for fun.  Let's see for once how game might recognize (failed) game.


Midnight stop it, you know she doesn't wear drawz.

  • Love 9

From the link Sampson posted above, this is right on the money:


"People come into this business and other businesses who are the wife, son, daughter, or cousin of a high net worth individual. People like this want to be in the limelight, so they make up fabricated stories, and in actuality commit fraud by signing binding documents guaranteeing financing while in reality they cannot deliver what they are guaranteeing."


This is the same as everything else Sonja-related - the toaster oven, the Nigerian football team,the yacht, Saudi Royal Family, P Diddy, etc, etc, - she lives in a fantasy world and lacks any insight into both how others perceive her and how her actions impact on those around her.

  • Love 9

Mr. Tall dark and yes please's name was Chuck.  Stone cold sober she couldn't remember it not 5 minutes later. 



He was fine as hell! I do think the fact that he was black played a big part in Ramona acting like she needed to save Sonja...but I'm sure if anyone said that to her, she'd use the typical 'What? OMG! One of my good friends is black!'.



Ramona really has never done that before. She typically let's Sonja floozy herself all over the place. I couldn't figure out of if she was stopping it because Sonja's been so out of control lately or because he was black. The man certainly looked more age appropriate than Dominik, Sonja's 22 year old model. He was at a LuAnn event so it's doubtful he's some broke chisler. If he's a chisler, game recognize game. He knows there's no money coming from the Sonja train.


Thank you all for indulging my *insert emoji eyes* appreciation of that man, Chuck (thanks, Zaldamo!). Mr. tall, dark, and fine was just...tall, dark, fahn


Ramona just annoys me on that end. I had to wonder if her "concern" was more about Chuck being black than anything else. He looks older than Sonja's boy toy, and Ramona doesn't like that boy toy because he's 24, so...what gives? (I already know the answer. Ramona's made enough slick comments over the years--saying to Heather two seasons ago that they weren't on 125th Street when Heather was upset with her; her "She's not some, ya know, black rapper" when commenting on Heather's use of "mama"; now he cockblocking while Chuck flirted with Sonja--for me to constantly give her the cyanide.)

  • Love 13



 Can we make a wish circle?

I wish, I wish, I wish, Sonja's tooth falls out in T&C, this is an annual event and the season would not be complete without it.

Oh I'm all in on that! Geez talk about fucked up priorities, you'd think she'd opt for a bronze facial instead and throw a few bucks at a dentist. I can't believe she can't find a dentist that accepts pirate booty for payment.
  • Love 5

Ramona stealing Carole's awful stripper shoes, exiting the house ass first, getting her towel caught in the door, then lumbering around in her tiny bikini and lifting weights, was the highlight of the episode for me. I watched it twice and giggled right along with Bethenny and LuAnn. I get a kick out of vacation Ramona and her physical comedy.


This can only be topped by Lu getting her groove back, and Heather having a conniption over it.


If there's a New York HW whose off-camera life is likely more entertaining than the "reality" version, it's the Countess. I bet The Days and Nights of LuAnn de Lesseps are the stuff of steamy, nighttime soaps. She has really bounced back from divorce in an admirable way. She dealt with the loss of status and income like an adult, and she seems truly happy to be independent.


And if there's a New York HW whose real life is likely a sadder, more horrifying mess, it's Sonja. The stories about drunken escapades and other reckless behavior are rather disturbing, even as she continues to downplay it. Her off-camera life seems like it's careening toward a Looking for Mr. Goodbar scenario, unfortunately.

  • Love 22

Oh I'm all in on that! Geez talk about fucked up priorities, you'd think she'd opt for a bronze facial instead and throw a few bucks at a dentist. I can't believe she can't find a dentist that accepts pirate booty for payment.

That's just it...all of the interns, facialists, trainers, and groups of people who supposedly work for Sonja....are just people who want to be on TV to promote their own businesses..i.e. interns - are wannabe actors, facialist wants to promote her business. - they must disappear when the filming ends. I don't think she really pays any of them - the exchange is camera time for their services.


As for finding a dentist that would accept pirate booty - maybe for one cleaning or one cavity

Sonja should be able to find a dentist that will redo her mouth if she can get them on the show for the free advertising - the way a lot of the ladies do to get free boob jobs.


That group in charge of Sonja's lifestyle brand - I highly doubt Sonja invested any money into. She sold her "name" to them and thinks she is going to make bank. I would believe she hasn't read the fine print of their contract..she'll make a penny off every dress that sells. For all their talk about talking to all of the top retailers across the world...where are her dresses being sold? Only on her website

  • Love 4

Ramona stealing Carole's awful stripper shoes, exiting the house ass first, getting her towel caught in the door, then lumbering around in her tiny bikini and lifting weights, was the highlight of the episode for me. I watched it twice and giggled right along with Bethenny and LuAnn. I get a kick out of vacation Ramona and her physical comedy.


This can only be topped by Lu getting her groove back, and Heather having a conniption over it.


If there's a New York HW whose off-camera life is likely more entertaining than the "reality" version, it's the Countess. I bet The Days and Nights of LuAnn de Lesseps are the stuff of steamy, nighttime soaps. She has really bounced back from divorce in an admirable way. She dealt with the loss of status and income like an adult, and she seems truly happy to be independent.


And if there's a New York HW whose real life is likely a sadder, more horrifying mess, it's Sonja. The stories about drunken escapades and other reckless behavior are rather disturbing, even as she continues to downplay it. Her off-camera life seems like it's careening toward a Looking for Mr. Goodbar scenario, unfortunately.

Did you imagine for a minute, a trip to the T&C emergency room?


Doctor: What seems to be the issue?

Heather: My friend here lost her balance while swinging a barbell which is now wedged in her buttock

Ramona: Botox? I don't need botox, can I have a glass of Pinot Grigio and ice?

  • Love 7


Did you imagine for a minute, a trip to the T&C emergency room?


Doctor: What seems to be the issue?

Heather: My friend here lost her balance while swinging a barbell which is now wedged in her buttock

Ramona: Botox? I don't need botox, can I have a glass of Pinot Grigio and ice?


Dr:  What seems to be the problem?

Crikey:  KungFuWabbit posted something and I cannot get the image out of my head, it's giving me headaches.

Dr:  Take two glasses of pinot and......

Crikey:  Not you, also!


Edited by Crikey
  • Love 5
And if there's a New York HW whose real life is likely a sadder, more horrifying mess, it's Sonja. The stories about drunken escapades and other reckless behavior are rather disturbing, even as she continues to downplay it.



Completely. I mean, forget the questions about "where's your toaster oven?" and "when's your clothing line coming out?" When someone's blacking out and can't remember what they did the night before - and this doesn't seem to be an exaggeration, since several HWs have matter-of-factly mentioned it - THAT's something to seriously be concerned about. I don't know if it's just too dark to go there, especially on TV, and thus the women just talk about it behind Sonja's back. I mean, I get that this isn't "Intervention" on A&E, and it's impossible to have any kind of linear conversation with Sonja. Ramona's tried to talk to her about downsizing and selling the townhouse and Sonja's response was "you must remain positive! …I'm going to go light my abundance candle."


Sonja is beginning to remind me of Joan Bennett Kennedy, Ted Kennedy's first wife. She never remarried and became an alcoholic, complete with DWIs and stories of her wandering around Boston in a drunken state (she even passed out on a street once). It reached a point where her children went to court for legal guardianship. It was sad, because the woman was clearly not well and had had plenty of heartache in her life.


There's a difference between being a good-time girl and "the straw that serves the drink," and a hot mess who's headed for trouble. I can only imagine what her interns see and do when she comes home plastered. I wonder if any of them have to help her get undressed and into bed. I wonder if they've become de facto "minders" and if so, that's just very uncool.

  • Love 8

That's just it...all of the interns, facialists, trainers, and groups of people who supposedly work for Sonja....are just people who want to be on TV to promote their own businesses..i.e. interns - are wannabe actors, facialist wants to promote her business. - they must disappear when the filming ends. I don't think she really pays any of them - the exchange is camera time for their services.


As for finding a dentist that would accept pirate booty - maybe for one cleaning or one cavity

Sonja should be able to find a dentist that will redo her mouth if she can get them on the show for the free advertising - the way a lot of the ladies do to get free boob jobs.


That group in charge of Sonja's lifestyle brand - I highly doubt Sonja invested any money into. She sold her "name" to them and thinks she is going to make bank. I would believe she hasn't read the fine print of their contract..she'll make a penny off every dress that sells. For all their talk about talking to all of the top retailers across the world...where are her dresses being sold? Only on her website

Yeah I forget the only thing she is paying for is the sharpies. I still think a few blowies (black card or not) and a back door greeting might get her one crown. Or at least a better temporary. The hell with TV exposure.
  • Love 3

Yeah I forget the only thing she is paying for is the sharpies. I still think a few blowies (black card or not) and a back door greeting might get her one crown. Or at least a better temporary. The hell with TV exposure.

Since her teeth fall out every season...I don't think it's worked with her on the dentists.


In the real world, Sonja is better off with a few blowies at the hardware store...this way she gets the economy sized tube of superglue (maybe they'll upgrade her to some epoxy) AND a couple of sharpies

  • Love 2

Since her teeth fall out every season...I don't think it's worked with her on the dentists.


In the real world, Sonja is better off with a few blowies at the hardware store...this way she gets the economy sized tube of superglue (maybe they'll upgrade her to some epoxy) AND a couple of sharpies

I vote  on some epoxy and a box of Chiclets, that would save on whitening, also.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 3



Dr:  What seems to be the problem?

Crikey:  KungFuWabbit posted something and I cannot get the image out of my head, it's giving me headaches.

Dr:  Take two glasses of pinot and......

Crikey:  Not you, also!



I guess it was just me then, I'm a girl, and when Ramona started swinging that barbell, I crossed my legs, muttering oh no, oh no.

I was looking at her and the vicinity of the closest person, she had no spotter.

That was not a 5 pound barbell, even the glass doors were in danger

Why is it wrong to say somebody is too fat but it's ok to rag on skinny people? I'll never understand that. We skinny people have our weight issues too. I've been trying to put on 20 pounds just so I can get up to my ideal weight.

People make fun of thin people all day but somebody says Ramona had a gut and that's wrong.

Makes no sense.


AMEN!!!  I struggled with being super skinny most of my childhood and up until my late 20s.  I can not begin to tell you how much it annoyed me that people (including some friends and family) though I was suffered from either anorexia or bulimia.  I got told so many times to go eat some bread or pasta that I wanted to scream.  Anyone who really knew me would have laughed at the suggestion that I was anorexic or bulimic.  But nevertheless, I was accused of both frequently. It constantly amazed me that people felt they could tell me to my face that I had an eating disorder.  I mean, there was NO holding back.  I even had a teacher in high school that would send me to the nurse to get weighed once a week.  If I'd lost any weight at all, I would come in to class the next day and find a sandwich or something similar at my desk.  And this was right after lunch so I was already full from eating.  It was insane.  I did not stay in his class for very long.

  • Love 2

One thing I thought was funny was that in a TH about her discussion with Kristen at Luann' s party Bethenny stated she would never give unsolicited advice to someone about their business to someone she doesn't know well, then later in the episode she is giving unsolicited advice to Heather.

Hehehe. That was funny all around. 1. That Bethanny was giving the same sort of unnecessary advise that she said she doesn't do. 2. That Heather had such a bitchy reaction to the same sort of "helpful" advise she doles out all the time. If any of these ladies managed to develop even an pinch of self-awareness I'd have to find something else to watch on TV. I think I'm safe.

  • Love 9

Hehehe. That was funny all around. 1. That Bethanny was giving the same sort of unnecessary advise that she said she doesn't do. 2. That Heather had such a bitchy reaction to the same sort of "helpful" advise she doles out all the time. If any of these ladies managed to develop even an pinch of self-awareness I'd have to find something else to watch on TV. I think I'm safe.

I thought it was hilarious that Bethenny was suggesting that Heather just concentrate on one thing. Like someone else up thread mentioned, Bethenny slaps that SkinnyGirl logo on any low fat cardboard item she can find.

  • Love 16

OK, hoping someone more "in the know" with fashion can answer this. Since I routinely see Michael Kors in Macy's…and heck, even TJ Maxx at times…I'm not sure that talking about wearing a Michael Kors dress is all that impressive. Is it? I think Ramona knows that it isn't particularly so and that's why she threw "high end" in there. She's so gauche.

There are two MK lines. The one produced for the mass market that you can buy in all the Macy's around town, and his high end line. Being the snoot that Ramona is she wanted to make sure we knew she was shopping with the classes, not the masses.

  • Love 7

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