persianprincess June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I thought I would make this topic since I didn't see one already made and I do have a few unpopular opinions! No offense to those who disagree, of course. Here goes: - I don't give a shit about racist, crazy-ass Morello. Whenever I see her, I think about how she terrorizes poor Christopher. - Natasha Lyonne is not a very good actress, and her character is one of the least compelling. I honestly didn't even notice that she was gone. I'm also not quite sure why, but her character reminds me of a broom. - Sophia is one of my least favorite characters. Cox is by far the worst actress in the main cast, and this is probably why she isn't featured more. She has an incredibly false affect and only one facial expression. Her character is also just not that likable, imo. When she told her son to find an insecure girl to "practice on", I thought she sounded just like a creepy man. I also REALLY didn't like it when she said that the worst part of becoming a woman was having to deal with backstabbing/gossiping women (or something along those lines). It's one of my pet peeves when people act like women are more petty than men. I was like, well fuck you too Sophia!!! She also displayed some of her bigotry when she said that Benny's bad behavior was due to his "culture" or where he grew up, and I definitely thought she was more at fault in that situation than Gloria was. Her wife seems like a wonderful woman though, and the actress conveys such strength and warmth, even in her brief scenes. - I was not at all comfortable with the portrayal of Islam/Muslims in this season. Between all that weird Qur'an business and that strange, random scene with Watson's parents, I couldn't help but think they were trying to say something. It left a bad taste in my mouth. -He's a bastard, but Cesar is SUCH a fun character. He's so entertaining and I find his devotion(in his own way lol) to the kids touching. Also, he's really hot and has a hot accent. - With the exception of a few excellent performances, there is nothing Emmy-worthy about this show. I still really enjoy it though!! 9 Link to comment
Rahul June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 What weird Quran business? Alex was only reading it because it was the one book the prison was afraid to burn, probably because they didn't want to incite the ire of any radical Islamic groups if word got out. As for Watson, her family was shown to be part of the Nation of Islam which has more to do wits black unity and elevating African American status in the U.S. than actual Muslim ideology. Speaking of Watson, I think her portrayer is the weakest actress by far. I'm glad she was mostly shelved this season. Maybe she can get an early release next year and be gone for good. 2 Link to comment
ciprus June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I have to agree about Laverne's acting. She works in small doses, but when they gave her a really meaty storyline this season, she was not able to sell it. Ruby Rose is a terrible addition to the show and I hope they don't bring her back next season. All the hype about her is based on her looks and nothing else. I really enjoy the MCC storyline and how it affects the CO's, I enjoy them almost as much as the inmates in S3. I kind of ship Caputo and Fig now. :S 4 Link to comment
Captanne June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Great idea for a topic -- this show is complicated enough for praise and UOs. I think Morello is a deeply, deeply sick person but she's so cute on the outside that she can function in a tightly controlled environment. Once away from Litchfield, the marriage may be a good replacement. That story hasn't been written yet. I don't mind the Piper/Alex dynamic. I like that they can tell each other to fuck off and/or come here. It's a dynamic relationship and I can respect that. I had no use for Fashion Model/Aussie/BoyGirl. Was she neutral? Was she a transgender? I'm not clear on what minority du jour she was supposed to represent in a metaphysical way. It matters because I can't find any other reason for her existence in the cast, other than as a foil for the Alex/Piper pairing. I have liked Suzanne, Poussey, and Tastee since the beginning and continue to. They are just the neatest characters -- well realized, well performed, and well written for. Link to comment
kathe5133 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Binged watched this weekend. I'm halfway through season 2. I don't often binge watch shows, so maybe this is what binge watching lends itselt to, but It quickly went from a good, well acted show about a woman, (a kind of dumb woman imho) who found herself in prison, to gratutitous violence and sex. And really, I know, it's cable, but do we really need to see and hear every woman's orgasm? The stories of the other inmates told through flashbacks were extremely interesting and learning where they all came from made me look forward to the next episode. Now, midway through season 2. Vee and Red are vying and plotting and smuggling and stabbing and really? Enough already. Vee and Red. Criminal masterminds who can outthink and outwit all of the prison officials. Really. If they were so criminally astute, how did they end up incarcerated in the first place? I know, it's a show, susbend belief, but....... My question is, does it get better? I'm really considering cancelling the Netflix after my 30 day trial. Link to comment
admiralrodcocker June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I like Piper/Alex as a pairing. At least I like them better than Larry/Piper. I also liked Larry/Polly and thought it made sense. I do not like Red and never have, though I did find her more tolerable this season. I don't like Norma. A lot of people seem to like Leanne after he Amish tale, but I hate her more than ever. Nothing but a bully. 6 Link to comment
Captanne June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Oh, Leanne is just awful on all accounts. I don't consider that an unpopular opinion. LOL kathee5133, I'm not sure I would cancel my entire Netflix account over one series that disappoints you. They have a lot of other things that are wonderful, depending on your tastes. I cancelled the cable two years ago and rely almost exclusively on Netflix and AmazonPrime -- I'm very satisfied. I don't always like the original programming but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. Frex, I like Happy Valley (original Netflix for BBC) which is something I didn't expect. I haven't watched it but I hear House of Cards (US), (original Netflix) is outstanding. I found Vee very annoying and a huge drag on the show. HUGE. I was just as glad to see her go. I am a fan of Kate Mulgrew -- since she was Mrs. Columbo -- and liked her (mostly) as Captain Janeway. I think Red is a great stretch for her both physically and character-wise. So, I enjoy her immensely. She's (Red's) by no means a "favourite" but I do like the character because I enjoy watching Mulgrew chew the scenery. Red and Healy? Disgusting. Mainly because he's shit and she's cool. She doesn't deserve that awful blob. 5 Link to comment
DrSpaceman June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 1:28 AM, persianprincess said: I thought I would make this topic since I didn't see one already made and I do have a few unpopular opinions! No offense to those who disagree, of course. Here goes: - I don't give a shit about racist, crazy-ass Morello. Whenever I see her, I think about how she terrorizes poor Christopher. - Natasha Lyonne is not a very good actress, and her character is one of the least compelling. I honestly didn't even notice that she was gone. I'm also not quite sure why, but her character reminds me of a broom. - Sophia is one of my least favorite characters. Cox is by far the worst actress in the main cast, and this is probably why she isn't featured more. She has an incredibly false affect and only one facial expression. Her character is also just not that likable, imo. When she told her son to find an insecure girl to "practice on", I thought she sounded just like a creepy man. I also REALLY didn't like it when she said that the worst part of becoming a woman was having to deal with backstabbing/gossiping women (or something along those lines). It's one of my pet peeves when people act like women are more petty than men. I was like, well fuck you too Sophia!!! She also displayed some of her bigotry when she said that Benny's bad behavior was due to his "culture" or where he grew up, and I definitely thought she was more at fault in that situation than Gloria was. Her wife seems like a wonderful woman though, and the actress conveys such strength and warmth, even in her brief scenes. - I was not at all comfortable with the portrayal of Islam/Muslims in this season. Between all that weird Qur'an business and that strange, random scene with Watson's parents, I couldn't help but think they were trying to say something. It left a bad taste in my mouth. -He's a bastard, but Cesar is SUCH a fun character. He's so entertaining and I find his devotion(in his own way lol) to the kids touching. Also, he's really hot and has a hot accent. - With the exception of a few excellent performances, there is nothing Emmy-worthy about this show. I still really enjoy it though!! I completely agree about Cesar. I was hoping to see more of him as a character. Looks like he is headed to jail as well, whether that means more or less of him next season I don't know. He was interesting and compelling to watch, if nothing else. Never knew what he was going to do next or what he would say 3 Link to comment
MBJ June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Right, I'm not sure about the Cesar love being unpopular because I've only seen positive opinions :) 1 Link to comment
ganesh June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I actually don't like most of the characters, but it doesn't really bother me. They're in jail. For some, they did get kind of screwed, but for the others, they were criminals and terrible people. From what I've read on the boards, the prison guards/privatization plot doesn't seem so popular. It's my favorite. I think it was smart of the show to get into the guards stories too. I don't think Caputo is that great of a person either, but I look forward to his scenes. 1 Link to comment
ciprus June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I thought of something else. Many seem to feel sorry for Healy because his wife is such a bitch, and that she should be grateful she got to come to America. Well, the wife IS a bitch, but Healy deserves it IMHO. He apparently decieved her in the beginning. And she's a freaking MAIL ORDER BRIDE! What was he expecting? True love? He's such a misogynist. He "buys" a wife and is surprised she doesn't love him... When Red defended him to Katya I was shaking my head. Healy is the opposite of a good man! 1 12 Link to comment
Febgirl June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I am glad it's not just me who finds Laverne Cox to be a terrible actress. Sophia's big speech to Caputo at the end of the season was just so awful. After hating her last season, I found that I really really liked what they did with Soso's character this year. Lori Petty reminds me of a female Michael Rappaport. Everytime Lolly showed up this year, that's who immediately came to mind. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 6:09 PM, ciprus said: I thought of something else. Many seem to feel sorry for Healy because his wife is such a bitch, and that she should be grateful she got to come to America. Well, the wife IS a bitch, but Healy deserves it IMHO. He apparently decieved her in the beginning. And she's a freaking MAIL ORDER BRIDE! What was he expecting? True love? He's such a misogynist. He "buys" a wife and is surprised she doesn't love him... When Red defended him to Katya I was shaking my head. Healy is the opposite of a good man! My god, this. A thousand times this. I don't feel sorry for Healy. Sure, he's trying to find true love, but by 'buying' a bride, it just seems to be because he knows he can't get a wife any other way. It's actually really pathetic. Sure, he may have some family issues, but that should never excuse his atrocious behaviour toward women, and especially women of colour. Sure, he's mentored a few women but it seems like he treats the white women better than any other. I love to hate this guy, because he's truly something, but in the worst way possible. I don't see how he can, or should, be working in a women's prison. I can't even imagine how he treats men who are better than him. He's also extremely immature and hope his wife leaves him. She may be pathetic for becoming a mail order bride, but he's worse. I'm also fine with Sophia in small doses, but Gloria's a much better character and though I felt for Sophia when those women were ripping off her hair and bullying her in her own salon, Laverne Cox can't sell it as well as the actress who plays Gloria. I honestly don't see the hype with Ruby Rose, besides the fact that she looks hot. The material they gave her showed very little of her acting chops and I hated her storyline with Piper. Is it just because Ruby's hot or is there some other reason that I've missed? Soso's storyline was extremely well done and one of the best. But I don't really ship her and Poussey (yet). I hate Black Cindy, Janae and I'm not even fond of Taystee or Suzanne. The only girl out of the 'black group' I like is Poussey and this season didn't even have Poussey in a compelling storyline. It started off interesting but faltered. Thank god for less Morello this season. She looks like a cutie pie but she's probably the worst of the lot, only because she acts innocent and naive and good but she's a stalker, bigot and compulsive liar. She also constantly treats herself like a victim and I'm not entirely sure if she's 100% aware of it or if she's that mentally ill. I still like Bennett, way more than I like Daya, and that's because I feel like Matt McGorry is a better actor and I know he only left because of his other show. If he didn't have HTGAWM, he would have most likely stuck around. I kind of wish we saw at least two prisoners escape in the finale. I can't imagine all of them sticking around, and thought they would at least try to find their way around the lake. I don't care about the Alex cliffhanger. I would be just fine if we find out that she was actually killed next season. Both Alex and Piper are too toxic for one another, anyway. 1 Link to comment
JayInChicago June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 by the way, someone said "Was she a transgender?" and um, it's just 'transgender'. Or a transgender person. Also while i haven't gotten there in the season yet, let's hope to fucking god that Ruby Rose's character is not a trans man. While the show has superficially been ok with depicting Sophia, I don't trust TPTB with a FTM story line. I imagine it would turn out like Max in the L Word. ugh. also, my UO is that I don't find this season compelling at all. I was all set to binge it and then was like, nah. Link to comment
ganesh June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Quote Lori Petty reminds me of a female Michael Rappaport. Mind blown. Whoa. #keanuvoice Link to comment
ThatsDarling June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 1:00 PM, Chattygal said: Mine is that Uzo Aduba is incredibly, embarrassingly overrated. Aduba's default mechanism every single time is excessive physical theatrics, more suited to a silent film than a spoken word series. That her most moving character moment was when her mannerisms were obscured behind the frosted glass of the broom closet speaks volumes as to how unnecessarily distracting her acting is; it's embarrassing that she's the holder of the show's only acting Emmy and until Lorraine Toussaint won the Critics' Choice Award, the only individual singled out for a major accolade (Emmys, SAG). I agree that Aduba is not the best representation of the work the actresses on Orange are doing. Her physical theatrics have probably helped her get awards recognition; it seems many voters equate best acting with most acting. 5 Link to comment
mercfan3 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I love Piper. She's complex. She's overall a good person, but she goes down dark paths on occasion because she can be selfish. I think some of the hatred of her comes from the fact that she's blonde and pretty...and those people (unlike the rest of the girls in the prison) aren't allowed to do things for themselves. Poussey is wonderful when she's happy. When she's sad, she's annoying as all hell. I think though, as far as human beings go, she's probably the best one in that prison. Alex is similar in a way, she's really annoying when she's moody and making herself into a victim. She's an awesome character though, when she isn't. (Although not that great of a person.) Stella was a really flat generic character. She's so hot that I don't care though. Season 3 was my favorite season. 4 Link to comment
Thog June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I love Morello. Adore her. It's not that I sympathize with her or excuse any of her crimes - I get that she's a psycho stalker and probably the worst of the bunch because she's so unrepentant - but I do think the system has failed her terribly. She desperately needs mental help and nobody around her seems to see that. I find it refreshing that her storylines (unlike several others) don't try to excuse or explain anything she's doing or saying - she is racist and deluded, but also disarmingly funny at times when a scene desperately needs comic relief. I also found her very sympathetic after Nicky left, because she was so distraught and rudderless. I don't believe for a second that she was conning those guys for commissary money; she craved companionship and found a way to get it. Her toilet paper prison wedding cracked me up after she spent a year poring over bridal magazines, and I about died when I heard her "vows." Yael Stone sells her character so well that I just can't hate her like I probably should. (It helps that the actress was in one of my favorite rom-com movies, an Australian film called _Me Myself I_ starring Rachel Griffiths). 4 Link to comment
Chaos Theory June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 (edited) I love Morello. She may be my favorite character on the show. I loved her backstory last season. It just might be my favorite backstory the show has ever done. I think Healy has grown on me. I think I have finally figured him out. He is that guy who has never had anything go his way. He's a sexist and a racist but this is TV and that's not enough for me to not like a character and I HATED Healy season one but over the last couple of seasons he has grown on me. I don't like Black Cindy at all. I find her annoying, actually she is probably the only character on the show that I don't like. Edited June 23, 2015 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment
DianeDobbler June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 (edited) I recently binged-watched select episodes of Seasons 1-3, which constitutes watching this show for the first time. My unpopular opinions: I understand Larry/Polly, especially Polly. I've never particularly bought Larry/Piper, and I think Piper's righteous fit when they apologized for falling in love was pretty rich, considering this is exactly something Piper herself would do, and exactly how she herself would have handled it all - earnest, wishing everybody could stay friends. I don't usually want to slap characters but wanted to slap her. I'm not particularly interested in the Larry end of things, and sleeping with someone's best friend is usually unforgiveable, but since it's Piper we're talking about, I had no sympathy. I enjoyed the "Vee" plot but the resolution felt pretty soap opera to me - I guess in a good way - where all the characters we were supposed to root for unambivalently had her number at the end, turned the tables, and stood up to her. Not sure that would really happen. Overall, I try not to be distracted by the fact that this prison appears to be a hodgepodge situation with no correlation in life. Do minimum security prisons have guard towers and fences topped by barbed wire, such as those we see in the opening credits? The images of FCI Danbury (where I believe the real Piper served her time) look nothing like OITNB and Litchfield. It's like the show borrows from whatever strata of the prison system is the most dramatic, even if it's a stretch for minimum security. Edited June 23, 2015 by DianeDobbler 1 Link to comment
ganesh June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 I don't think we're supposed to like Black Cindy. In her flashback, she was a terrible, terrible person. Link to comment
hkit June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 9:42 PM, mercfan3 said: I love Piper. She's complex. She's overall a good person, but she goes down dark paths on occasion because she can be selfish. I think some of the hatred of her comes from the fact that she's blonde and pretty...and those people (unlike the rest of the girls in the prison) aren't allowed to do things for themselves. Agree with Piper. She's still one of my favorites. I do not find Suzanne lovable or fun. I enjoyed her arc this season, but she is a very dangerous individual who needs to be in a facility with more care for her (and protection for those around her). While I love Gloria, I hate hate HATED her storyline with Sophia. There was such an air of entitlement, that Sophia was keeping her son from her. Uh, no. Your friend who is caring for your son is keeping him from you by not bringing him to visit as often as you would like. I completely understand two parents blaming the other one for negative influences, and if the anger had been indignation like, "How dare you blame my son for teaching yours a bad word", I would be OK. But Sophia's wife is not obligated to bring Gloria's kid with her. In fact, she's doing a pretty big favor for someone she doesn't even know. I would have liked to see Gloria acknowledge that and respect that. I sort of want to be Red. Minus the felony conviction(s?) and slocking of course. 6 Link to comment
Sakura12 June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 Unpopular opinion, I liked this season better than last season. Some characters that I couldn't stand or generally didn't care for I ended up loving this season. Soso, Tucky, and Big Boo. I loved Piper tilting sharply bitchward with her dirty panties scheme. She's not a badass like Red, but she knows how to be cruel better than most being a wasp and all. Not a fan of Black Cindy. She's just a loud mouth that thinks the world owes her for doing nothing and blames everyone else for her problems. I can't stand that. I guess I was supposed to find sympathy with her Jewish conversion, but I still think she did it for the perks, like she does everything else. 6 Link to comment
gemini22 June 24, 2015 Share June 24, 2015 Quote - Natasha Lyonne is not a very good actress, and her character is one of the least compelling. I honestly didn't even notice that she was gone. I'm also not quite sure why, but her character reminds me of a broom. I totally agree. I like the idea of this character, but when it is required for Nikki to have an intense/emotional scene, Lyonne just....isn't very good. It rings kind of hollow. I like it when she's acerbic and witty, but the emotional scenes are really unconvincing. 1 Link to comment
DianeDobbler June 24, 2015 Share June 24, 2015 (edited) I just find Schilling really unconvincing as a badass or even sharper-than-she-used-to-be operator, and I simply don't believe the other girls wouldn't be able to play her somehow in this whole business. Sure I believe a pretty girl from a privileged background would have the wiring to take that step and make it happen; I just don't believe it of Schilling as Piper, and while I can sort of see what the actress is going for/choices she's making, her performance this season, in these circumstances, isn't working for me. It's not as if all of her employees are so incredibly convincingly street smart either - the writing was so on the nose this season, Piper's minions are low hanging fruit telegraphing their every passing thought - easy pickings. Not sure that's intentional, though. I can actually see what Schilling's trying to do with her acting - make this true to Piper, use what's already in her, working a little comedy in there as well as showing Piper made a conscious, self-aware choice to do what she's doing and handle it the way she's handling it. She's not riding some transitory emotional or psychological train. But I'm not feeling it. I think the story isn't supporting her very well, either. I thought Natasha Lyonne was great in her last episode of S3 - she was pretty much a dry junkie even if she wasn't using. Nicky is glib even when she's stable; Lyonne IMO did a really good job doing the hollow glib, and the self-disgust of someone who doesn't think she's got the right to cry or be upset at what's happening to her - I'm talking about her being escorted out as Red and Morello cried at her. The dialogue this season was a little too pat for me, but I did like Nicky's mom telling her she's no match for Nicky, and Nicky has to confront herself, deal with herself, herself. The only one who can do it, but I can see that being an exhausting job for Nicky. Nicky knows this is her own fault, but she's probably too much for herself to handle. It's ironic that this whole spiral started when she went after Vee's heroin because of what Vee did to Red, but once that happened, Nicky was in this hustling, conspiratorial mode that, along with the goods, probably activated the wiring that's still there. It also fired up her natural intensity which could be her worst enemy at the wrong times, always ready to turn inward. I'm glad she fought it and didn't use, but her problem isn't using, but the wiring that drives her to do it. In the van you could see her hit that place of self-loathing where she's not even allowed to have affect. Edited June 24, 2015 by DianeDobbler 4 Link to comment
peggy06 June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 My unpopular opinion is that I don't like Norma, I don't find her interesting, and her plotline in S3 was silly, eye-rolling, and went on too long. Her backstory was mildly interesting, but after that, I got nothing. She did seem to pick up some lessons from her ex. 13 Link to comment
Brn2bwild June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 On 6/25/2015 at 3:54 AM, peggy06 said: My unpopular opinion is that I don't like Norma, I don't find her interesting, and her plotline in S3 was silly, eye-rolling, and went on too long. Her backstory was mildly interesting, but after that, I got nothing. She did seem to pick up some lessons from her ex. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. She's like Chang to me, interesting in small doses, good for the occasional surprise (such as when she burst out singing at the end of Season One). 1 Link to comment
citychic June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 On 6/24/2015 at 1:48 AM, DianeDobbler said: I just find Schilling really unconvincing as a badass or even sharper-than-she-used-to-be operator, and I simply don't believe the other girls wouldn't be able to play her somehow in this whole business. Sure I believe a pretty girl from a privileged background would have the wiring to take that step and make it happen; I just don't believe it of Schilling as Piper, and while I can sort of see what the actress is going for/choices she's making, her performance this season, in these circumstances, isn't working for me. It's not as if all of her employees are so incredibly convincingly street smart either - the writing was so on the nose this season, Piper's minions are low hanging fruit telegraphing their every passing thought - easy pickings. Not sure that's intentional, though. I can actually see what Schilling's trying to do with her acting - make this true to Piper, use what's already in her, working a little comedy in there as well as showing Piper made a conscious, self-aware choice to do what she's doing and handle it the way she's handling it. She's not riding some transitory emotional or psychological train. But I'm not feeling it. I think the story isn't supporting her very well, either. I thought Natasha Lyonne was great in her last episode of S3 - she was pretty much a dry junkie even if she wasn't using. Nicky is glib even when she's stable; Lyonne IMO did a really good job doing the hollow glib, and the self-disgust of someone who doesn't think she's got the right to cry or be upset at what's happening to her - I'm talking about her being escorted out as Red and Morello cried at her. The dialogue this season was a little too pat for me, but I did like Nicky's mom telling her she's no match for Nicky, and Nicky has to confront herself, deal with herself, herself. The only one who can do it, but I can see that being an exhausting job for Nicky. Nicky knows this is her own fault, but she's probably too much for herself to handle. It's ironic that this whole spiral started when she went after Vee's heroin because of what Vee did to Red, but once that happened, Nicky was in this hustling, conspiratorial mode that, along with the goods, probably activated the wiring that's still there. It also fired up her natural intensity which could be her worst enemy at the wrong times, always ready to turn inward. I'm glad she fought it and didn't use, but her problem isn't using, but the wiring that drives her to do it. In the van you could see her hit that place of self-loathing where she's not even allowed to have affect. Remember, she's a dry junkie in real life too. She's had a rough go at life, the wild hair really is an expression of who she is inside. 1 Link to comment
Captanne June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 (edited) How do you know she's a "dry" junkie in real life? Is she in recovery or is she really "dry"? That's awfully personal. I can only speak for drunks, though: Quote What is a dry drunk, and the ‘dry drunk syndrome’ as it is sometimes called? It can best be described as someone who fits one of two conditions.The first is someone who has given up drinking and drugging and not made any internal or emotional changes, they stay the same but the substance is gone. Or in the second case what was once someone abstinent and on a progressive path of recovery has slowly returned to chaotic and unrealistic thinking. Quote What Is a Dry Drunk?"Dry Drunk" has been described as "A condition of returning to one's old alcoholic thinking and behavior without actually having taken a drink." Or as one wise old drunk put it, if a horse thief goes into A.A. what you can end up with is a sober horse thief. Or a personal favorite: you can take the rum out of the fruit cake, but you've still got a fruit cake! Those who quit drinking but are still angry about it, wind up living miserable lives and usually make everyone else around them miserable too. If it has been said once in an Al-Anon meeting, it has been whispered thousands of times, "I almost wish he would go back to drinking." Edited June 25, 2015 by Captanne 1 Link to comment
DianeDobbler June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 I don't believe Natasha Lyonne is a "dry junkie" in real life. Link to comment
Thog June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 On reflection, I didn't hate the Red/Healey storyline. At the time all I could think was "No, no, don't go there!", but then they didn't. We don't need another guard/inmate romance, and Red is certainly better than that, but the little dance they did around each other brought out interesting elements to each character. She outlined nicely what their "special relationship" meant to her (besides extra corn), and he seemed to want to be a better person when she was around. Even when he blatantly asked her to stroke his ego ("Do you think I'm bad at my job?"), he seemed to at least sort of take in her nuanced answer. As long as they don't cross a line into actual romance, I look forward to seeing where this goes. 3 Link to comment
Kerrey92 June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 I really disliked the mute guru storyline. It definitely went on too long and I just wasn't invested. The staff story lines were definitely more appealing. Piper was almost an after thought. I had a hard time believing Suzanne was a virgin after the way she pursued Piper. She seemed very hot to trot that first season. Natasha Lyonne looked hella messed up to me in some of her scenes. So much so that I couldn't figure out if the character was supposed to be stoned. This was a "meh" season for me. I enjoyed it and flew through it but wasn't blown away. Next season with all the new inmates will hopefully bring lots of new drama! Link to comment
citychic June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 I think she is, it is personal but I didn't mean it in a negative way. I truly think she's a wonderful person but she struggles, she always has as far as I can tell and probably always will. I've followed her for years, the hair and the mannerisms are always the same to me whether she's relapsed or in a good place. Kind of like it takes one to know one. I love her acting on here because she's really been there, messed up, in need, tempted and messed up out of her mind. She may not be the best actress but she's real and she acknowledges that she draws on personal experiences to play Nicky. To completely change the subject, I hated Vee and her acting was the worst I have ever seen. Also, the marketing of Ruby Rose is sickening. 2 Link to comment
DianeDobbler June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 (edited) citychic, I was saying that earlier. I had just read an interview with Lea Delaria,and she and the interviewer were talking about the differences between the L Word and OITNB. OITNB isn't "hot lesbians get it on!" even though there's a lot of sex on the show, it's not the conventional sort of "sex on cable TV!" Then came the marketing of Ruby Rose, straight out of the "sex on cable TV!" playbook. Hot lesbians! It was so annoying because the people on the show were congratulating themselves for what OITNB isn't, then came this marketing campaign that was exactly that. It almost doesn't matter that the Stella character was pretty blah, mostly because Ruby Rose is a meh actress. The casting screams fantasy. It doesn't matter that none of it was actually hot or interesting. I am going to assume it was Netflix behind the campaign and the casting. I believe Piper and Alex have some kind of fan following that puts them, as a couple, into a sort of romantic, shipper kind of category, and I, personally, think that despite the show's desire to cultivate that support, the show and the relationship on the show can benefit from less isolation and more integration into prison life and with the other characters (they need a non-relationship story that lets them talk about stuff OTHER than the relationship, the way noromantic Boo/Doggett have, and the black crew has.). IOW, give them more real stuff to deal with and talk about than the relationship while they have or don't have the relationship. One of the reviewers said the Red/Healy flirtation threatened to take OITNB into Grey's Anatomy territory, but Alex/Piper is pretty much already there. Instead the show appears to have just decided to write a triangle, and Piper's kingpin wannabe story arc was just a device to create conflict with Alex and open the door for Stella. Edited June 26, 2015 by DianeDobbler 2 Link to comment
CleoCaesar June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 Quote Also, the marketing of Ruby Rose is sickening. And utterly inexplicable. I'd never heard of her until I saw her on the show, and I still have no idea what is so appealing about her. She's a meh actress and doesn't have much energy or charisma. Stella remained an undefined character with no real purpose. And since this is the unpopular opinion thread, I'll state for the record that I think her tattoos are completely gross and her haircut is really, really bad. So basically I don't get Ruby Rose/Stella's appeal on any level. Okay, I guess her accent is cool. /American 11 Link to comment
citychic June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 In my opinion Lea is 1,000 + sexier than Ruby. A true example of carrying yourself with confidence versus having nice eyes but nothing underneath. I also think Netflix is trying to market this with a lesbian angle but they're trying way to hard and ruining what could be a good thing. This season was just a jumbled mess of to many story lines that didn't tie together. They could have replaced half of the lake scene, including that turtle mess and used that time to add to some other scenes. They've got to have another season planned for Sophia and Nicky. 1 Link to comment
DianeDobbler June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) Yeah was not a fan of the lake scene. Talk about rip offs, that was almost a rip off of "Cocoon" (had to look the title up) - a 1980s movie about senior citizens who end up rejuvenated, culminating in the same sort of abandoned rush into a swimming pool. I hate hate hate scenes like that. HATE. And hated the whole "Suzanne is so innocent so of course is the one who has the most primal connection with the water and the experience" way it was launched. Just stop that, show. Another thing I disliked is that, while the actresses are very strong, there were a few "Here's your acting showcase" moment that were too self-conscious. Black Cindy's speech about finding her people in Judaism was more than well-handled by Adrienne Moore, but did come off as - and now we pause for her audition monologue. Boo's speech in the hospital had a little of the same. In general, while I liked S3, it had more "we've just shown you, and now we're on the nose TELLING you" stuff, to make sure we GOT it, that can get really annoying. Poussey's speech telling off Norma's worshippers was another one of those. We already got it show, about the toast, the bigotry, the rejection. We really don't need the soapbox to be this literal. Without knowing anything about Natasha Lyonne but hoping her sobriety is maintained and genuine, even in interviews she does have that relentless quality, that hit and run charm that can be so so exhausting, that can be a hallmark of people with her issues. Not every situation requires a comment, a self-deprecating self-disclosure, or some sort of instant intimacy with someone you've just met. So I could see it. OTOH Lea Delaria is about 20 years older and has some of the same tendencies, in print, at least, of constantly wise cracking and never being not "on". I know she's said she likes her beer and has told stories of being loaded in certain situations, but I can see a difference between the two of them, just not sure what the difference is. Maybe I should say "sense" a difference in the kinds of chattiness, being on and wisecracking, but haven't pinned it down. Edited June 26, 2015 by DianeDobbler 2 Link to comment
islandgal140 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) I know Alex/Piper hate isn't unpopular but lawd I hate these two like a disease. Actually, it is Alex that I hate the most. I mostly dislike Piper for being fool enough to be with a vortex of suck that is Alex. I would just find it unforgivable that Alex would have dropped dime on Piper to begin with. That is a totally shankable offense. Plus she didn't even stop there. Am I supposed to forget that Alex was a manipulative bitch that played Piper during that whole do/don't testify against the drug dealer maniac clusterfuck that gained her her freedom. to begin with? I feel like Alex knew exactly what was happening and kept Piper in the dark & off kilter while she was working with her attorney and the prosecutor to get a deal to get her freedom. The fact that she could fix her lips to call Piper manipulative is mega rich coming from her. Piper was already freaking the fuck out because she was ripped out of her familiar surroundings (which were fucked up enough but it was a fucked up she was used to) and placed in an even more fucked up co-ed environment and Alex knew why. She clung to Alex and Alex lied and manipulated her to gain her freedom after taking Piper's away to being with. I will never like that bitch! Never! Caution: Incredibly shallow and mean-spirited statement ahead. I find the actress who plays Daya to be just the most physically unattractive people on tv right now. Every time I see someone refer to her as beautiful. I do the Michael Bluth Her? I loved Daya and Bennett S1 but jeez did it go down hill S2 and S3. With the exception of Gloria, I don't find the Latin crew all that interesting. I hate those muck mouthed meth heads. Although I didn't like her I did find S1 Pennsatucky far more compelling & interesting. I hate neutered Red with the Old Lady Gang. I loved her one she was ruling the kitchen and the prison. I don't give a fuck about Healy, his past, his mommy issues or his domestic problems. White men tears are covered everywhere else on every network, every movie, every book, comic, etc., This is a show by women and for women. Not only that but for women whose stories are not often seen nor heard. So again - FUCK HEALY!!! Edited June 26, 2015 by islandgal140 3 Link to comment
kelslamu June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 My UO is that I don't think Piper is pretty at all. My son says he can't unsee Eric from That Seventie's Show whenever Piper and Alex are in a scene together. 3 Link to comment
ganesh June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 Quote I do the Michael Bluth Her? *Really*? I'm unspoiled with shows and don't watch commercials and trailers, so I'm not aware of all this heavy marketing of RR. Therefore, I found her just to be another supporting character. She's fine, but nbd. I'm really sorry, but Fig? Yes, I would. I'm not proud. 1 Link to comment
Sheenieb June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 Quote This was a "meh" season for me. I enjoyed it and flew through it but wasn't blown away. Next season with all the new inmates will hopefully bring lots of new drama! Agreed. This season felt like filler. I'm looking forward to how next season plays out. My UO: I preferred season 2. I can take or leave Red. She's never been a favorite. Same goes for Nicky. I got tired of the overuse of 'retarded.' It didn't stop me from enjoying the show, but it was still annoying the hear. Especially that silly ass joke from season one. 1 Link to comment
woodscommaelle June 28, 2015 Share June 28, 2015 Cannot stand the Lolly character. 4 Link to comment
Janet Snakehole June 28, 2015 Share June 28, 2015 I'm ok with the characters being sympathetic, or even overly nice, even if they are in prison. To me, the main appeal of this show is that it is a diverse cast primarily composed of women and the storytelling is engaging. And in general I dislike the trend in tv shows of the unlikeable main characters. So I am ok with the characters having sympathetic back stories. I like that I am mostly rooting for the prisoners. I like the fact that the guards were focused upon. I have always liked Bennet even if he is dim as hell, and I sympathize with Caputo even if he is not perfect. O'Neill and his gf are great comic relief. Healy works for me as the closest thing this show has a villain. And finally, I don't get the media obsession with Ruby Rose. Granted, I am a straight lady, so I may be missing some of the appeal; but she does not even rank in the top five of attractive/appealing women on this show for me. 3 Link to comment
woodscommaelle June 28, 2015 Share June 28, 2015 On 6/28/2015 at 4:59 AM, Janet Snakehole said: O'Neill and his gf are great comic relief. And finally, I don't get the media obsession with Ruby Rose. Granted, I am a straight lady, so I may be missing some of the appeal; but she does not even rank in the top five of attractive/appealing women on this show for me. Love Wanda and O'Neill. And couldn't agree more about Ruby Rose. Most attractive on this show? I think I'd go with Maritza, who doesn't get nearly enough screen time. Would love to know what she's in for. She has some great, subtle one-liners. 1 Link to comment
kdm07 June 28, 2015 Share June 28, 2015 On 6/28/2015 at 5:01 AM, woodscommaelle said: And couldn't agree more about Ruby Rose. Most attractive on this show? I think I'd go with Maritza, who doesn't get nearly enough screen time. Would love to know what she's in for. She has some great, subtle one-liners. Said it before but I don't get her appeal either. And I definitely agree with Maritza being the most attractive on the show. Hope to see more of her next season. Link to comment
April Bloodgate June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 On 6/26/2015 at 3:46 PM, islandgal140 said: I don't give a fuck about Healy, his past, his mommy issues or his domestic problems. White men tears are covered everywhere else on every network, every movie, every book, comic, etc., This is a show by women and for women. Not only that but for women whose stories are not often seen nor heard. So again - FUCK HEALY!!! Agreed. I don't find him at all sympathetic, and I don't understand why Red doesn't see right through him. On 6/26/2015 at 4:17 PM, kelslamu said: My UO is that I don't think Piper is pretty at all. Also agreed. I find Schilling to be VERY plain. I was so surprised to see her cast as Adam Scott's wife in an upcoming movie. I find him extremely attractive, so it's a serious disconnect for me. Link to comment
heckkitty June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 I feel like they're trying to sell me on Joe Caputo, nice guy, but I'm not buying. Isn't this the guy that would jack off the second a weeping inmate left his office during season 1? 2 Link to comment
Chaos Theory June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 I loved loved loved Piper and Alex season 1but I think maybe the show should have let it die. Season 2 watching Piper reel after Alex's betrayal was great stuff but this season there was just something missing between Piper and Alex. I have said this before Piper is my favorite character on the show but I am starting to think Alex is dragging her down. 1 Link to comment
woodscommaelle June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 On 6/29/2015 at 6:12 PM, heckkitty said: I feel like they're trying to sell me on Joe Caputo, nice guy, but I'm not buying. Isn't this the guy that would jack off the second a weeping inmate left his office during season 1? I was sold in season 2/You Also Have a Pizza (Valentine's episode) when Sideboob sang You Slay Me. 3 Link to comment
myname2use4now June 30, 2015 Share June 30, 2015 (edited) On 6/22/2015 at 1:28 AM, persianprincess said: *snip - I was not at all comfortable with the portrayal of Islam/Muslims in this season. Between all that weird Qur'an business and that strange, random scene with Watson's parents, I couldn't help but think they were trying to say something. It left a bad taste in my mouth. *snip Thank you for posting this, I totally agree. I thought it was a pretty heavy handed attempt at, "Islam is bad, Judaism is good and anything that believes in prayer miracles (i.e., Christianity) is flaky." Just my opinion, of course, but I thought it was in poor taste and I thought if they were going to go into the subject of faith, they should have treated it with just as much time and sensitivity as they treat the relationships among the characters. It felt rushed and careless to me. Edited June 30, 2015 by myname2use4now 1 Link to comment
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