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S03.E08: Fear And Other Smells

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It seems so obvious that Lori Petty is the hitwoman, but maybe she's not? Like maybe she's just obsessed with Chapman and is stalking her girlfriend?


Also, remember Chapman's astrology-fan bunkie from Chicago?  I swear I saw her in the background a few times when the new batch of prisoners arrived. Does she have a lookalike or is she there and we haven't really noticed her?

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I'm loving the friendship between Donut Charlie and Pennsatucky. I'm hoping it doesn't turn creepy. After Luschek went from being my fave CO, to breaking my heart into a million pieces, I need some more chill, non-threatening friendships.

Prepare to have your heart broken again. Worse than Luschek/Nicky.

I really liked it at first too though. Until, well, you'll see.

I thought an inmate teaching a guard how to do his job was amusing. Pennsatucky has grown on me so much this season; the writers have finally made her into a real person with a personality that isn't related to her fire-and-brimstone preaching. They also showed just how vulnerable many of these women are, even the ones who aren't so likeable and are difficult to root for, like Pennsatucky.

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I demand a full posting of the Time Hump Chronicles. She had me at "squish mitten."


That board meeting felt like it was lifted from another show- hilarious, but too absurdist for OITNB. Not sure what to make of Danny; when he's with Caputo he seems like a sleazeball, but he's clearly just a pawn in the bigger picture, and although he actually tried to get some of Caputo's good ideas on the table, he lashed out at the wrong person when he was shut down. This working relationship is going sour fast.


Speaking of lashing out, Healy continues to be a huge baby. Seriously, that guy takes everything as a personal blow to his ego, and responds by either using the silent treatment (always mature) or petty name-calling. It's pathetic.


The doughnut conversation between Pennsatucky and guard was hilarious and I look forward to seeing them interact again. They've already done the romance angle and the drug mule angle, so I hope this takes a different path. 

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Crazy Eyes's story is a thing of beauty. It's funny but sometimes I think what I would do in prison, and when I'm not picturing myself completely depressed, writing porn stories for my prison friends has always been my plan. I mean, I write fan fiction, so I've got experience.


Loved Piper's speech, it was one of her best moments. But I don't understand why she's so sure Kubra wouldn't go after Alex in prison. Doesn't she know you can hire someone inside to kill the inmate you want? Everybody knows you can do that!


I'm really glad Daya told Ma Pornstache the truth. 


That food looks absolutely disgusting. 

  • Love 5

Crazy Eyes's story is a thing of beauty. It's funny but sometimes I think what I would do in prison, and when I'm not picturing myself completely depressed, writing porn stories for my prison friends has always been my plan. I mean, I write fan fiction, so I've got experience.


I think any fanfic writer has to appreciate what Suzanne's going through. You start doing something for creative expression then suddenly you've got these fans who love your stuff. They love it so much they start to demand it. It's a great feeling to be appreciated but it's a real adjustment to realize that you have an audience.


I love seeing Suzanne and Norma each find some love and power: one doing it with words and the other with silence.

Edited by marceline
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Donut guy is skeevy - when he asked Pennsatucky to take him to run the errand I was afraid things would get all Game of Throney.


Not surprised Poussey loved Suzanne's writing, I'm sure reading it drunk does a lot to enhance it- everyone Else's love of it does surprise me.


Piper's Prison Panties is going to end badly...I have a feeling she is going to be busted for theft.


Can Lolly just off Alex already - I didn't realize how much I didn't miss Alex last year,  i wish she would go away.

  • Love 3

I tuned out for pretty much all of Alex's backstory scenes. All the stuff with Lolly just reminds me of that saying, "Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you." 


Danny's storyline suddenly becomes clear. It seems like he does genuinely like and respect Caputo, but he has absolutely no idea how to do his job. 


I can understand why all the inmates are infatuated with Suzanne's story. They have no other access to books. If they want to read something, that's pretty much their only option.


I absolutely loved Piper's speech in the courtyard.


I'm really glad Daya told Mama Pornstache the truth. I would also like to see her tear down her mom for trying to scam her. I really wish we had more of Daya's backstory. I think she would actually stay good if given the chance.

  • Love 4

I see Ellen in Lori Petty, too.  


And I hated Piper's speech.  So cliche.  I too think this show has fallen a long way.  It's too bad it seems to happen to most good shows in season 2 or 3.  Do the good writers move on to newer projects or did they only have a few good ideas or just get lazy once they've achieved some success?


I hope Lolly isn't a hitman because I'm pretty sure how prison hits work is she just anonymously shivs her in a crowd scene or in a quiet corner pretty early on, without acting like she's studying her to write her biography or paint her portrait or something.  I mean, if Alex is stabbed now, who in that dorm is NOT going to immediately finger her crazy stalker? 


I do like the new girl with the accent. Less so now that I google her and see her name is Ruby Rose.  But nice that she's an actual lesbian and her tats are real. 

I absolutely loved Piper's speech in the courtyard.


I'm really glad Daya told Mama Pornstache the truth. I would also like to see her tear down her mom for trying to scam her. I really wish we had more of Daya's backstory. I think she would actually stay good if given the chance.

I liked the speech, too. Piper was being deliberately tongue-in-cheek, it's not as though we were meant to find it an amusingly inspiring speech. I can't even imagine how punch-drunk they must be, so I enjoy the variety of things they do to amuse themselves.


Daya's stepping up this season. McGorry's more time-consuming gig is the best thing to happen to her character. She really seems to be smartening up, which is incredibly refreshing. 

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While I understand Daya not being comfortable with taking money from Pornstache's mother, now that she has told the truth she has opened herself up to a lot of shit hitting the fan. Obviously it won't change the fact that Pornstache had sex with her, but now that Daya has admitted that she was already pregnant, this could lead to Daya having to admit who the real father is. Heh, Daya's mom is going to be so mad!


I found it interesting that Pennsatucky had many opportunities to screw with the new guard and is instead being very helpful. This idiot was going to leave her alone in the van with the keys and trust her not to run off, except she told him not to.

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The female exec who made the joke about turning Jews into soap and was immediately canned reminded me something my ex-wife personally witnessed: Her call center manager announced during a team meeting that he was changing the team name to "The Jungle Bunnies." No, I am not joking. There were several African-American women on the team, and when the meeting was over and everyone exiting the meeting room turned left to go back to the call floor, they turned right and went to HR en masse. This was right before the first break. The manager was fired and escorted out of the building before lunch was over.

  • Love 9

I think any fanfic writer has to appreciate what Suzanne's going through. You start doing something for creative expression then suddenly you've got these fans who love your stuff. They love it so much they start to demand it. It's a great feeling to be appreciated but it's a real adjustment to realize that you have an audience.


  Yes!  I tried my hand at writing fanfic.  I cringed when I got my first "review" notice, only to find that it was glowing.  Now, after having read other examples, I realize that these are all "easy A's", but I'll admit to loving nothing more.  And, since  I take my time, I've also been the recipient of the "update more" responses, so Suzanne's story line made me laugh out loud.  Count me in as one who would love to read  "The Time Hump Chronicles"

  Black Cindy might be my favorite character this season.  

 Can Lolly just shank Piper?  She's the worst-- that speech was so corny.   

Edited by Febgirl
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I liked the speech, too. Piper was being deliberately tongue-in-cheek, it's not as though we were meant to find it an amusingly inspiring speech.


I thought that was the point. The fact that the panties market is a legit thing is absurd so she was screwing around making an absurd speech. Also, I've lived in Tokyo and didn't see any underpants vending machines. They sell clean ones at the onsens, but that's it. I absolutely love this scheme and totally hope she gets away with it. 


I'm not so sure there's a hit on Alex. I feel like she exaggerates her importance to the drug ring. It also seems overly obvious, so I think it must be something else. Though I'm interested enough in this plot.


I think Daya is stupid and admitting that the baby wasn't George's was also stupid. And amusing to me. Who's taking the baby then?


It's too bad but entertaining that Caputo is so stuck and put upon. He actually is a decent administrator. I really enjoyed the board meeting because I think it's important to see how Danny actually fits into the structure. 


Please tell me someone else laughed at the soap joke. 

  • Love 2

Yeah, I remember when Mr. EB's company was doing the same thing. They had a little gumball machine filled with M&Ms and at one point they said they were going to stop filling it as a cost cutting measure. Meanwhile to counter the $5 they saved on the giant Cost Co sized bag of M&Ms, they were spending thousands of dollars every week on ridiculous stuff. The people that these cost savings affect are always the ones who get paid the least, and the ones who are affected the least are the ones who get paid the most. One of my old companies was so cheap that I was buying my own writing utensils and bringing them to work with me. But hey, they saved tens of dollars!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I laughed out loud at the soap joke. Not because it was funny, but because it was just so horrible and unexpected and really broke the dramatic tension. I'm glad they at least showed us that she got fired afterwards, because it was over the top even for this crew.


I laughed too, not because it wasn't terrible, but because it was. If something on TV makes me gasp and yell, "oh my god!" out loud to one*, it's likely that I'm also going to laugh.

* Unless it's a rape scene or harm to animals, real or fictitious.

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I've always disliked Daya she has the personality and intelligence of a nutraloaf.


Up until this point what I thought was going to happen was Mary Steenburgen was going to get the baby then get a paternity test. It was always surprising to me (well sort of because they are DUMB) that Daya and her Mother never considered that ever.

Edited by Megan
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As much as I want Lolly to take out Alex (because pretty please, Piper and Alex together are working my last nerve), it feels too much like a pat answer to where this entire storyline is going.  Her increasing paranoia is at least somewhat interesting if there's absolutely nothing to it and she's slowly driving herself insane.


I'm loving Suzanne finally getting respect and notice from the other inmates.  The Time Hump Chronicles sound completely and hysterically off the wall.  I'm glad she's found this outlet.


Stop, Healy, just stop.  I can accept the story of Caputo's growing frustration and impotence to do anything about it because it's part of the larger story of what's happening to the prison as a whole, but your continued manpain interests me not at all.  There's no shortage of shows I can see that on so I'd really rather not on this one.


Daya has always read very flat to me, and her storyline up to this point has been naive and ridiculous.  That said, the actress seemed invigorated somehow in realizing what Aleida had done and coming clean with Mama Porstache.  I know I'm supposed to cheer that she didn't keep the lie going, but all I can think about is what does she intend to do now?  Did that even occur to her?  Because it seems like she's now condemned her child to a lifetime in foster care.


The Stella character still does absolutely nothing for me.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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This episode did explain a bit much for me.  I couldn't figure out if Danny was deliberately blowing smoke up Caputo's ass, or he was incompetent.  It looks like a bit of the latter.  He did try at the meeting to further the agenda of the prisoners, but he's powerless in the face of the prison bureaucracy.  Plus, he works for Daddy.  The bullshit "buddy" conversation followed by Caputo's song was one of my favourite scenes of the season because it seemed so real.


I'm loving the panty scheme, even as I'm throwing up in my mouth from the idea of it.

It's become abundantly clear this show had no long-term plan.


I'm creeping up to the same conclusion, and it's really dismaying. One scene after another that sinks from quirky to just plain unbelievable (and not in a good way).


And there's a huge gap between the Piper of last season and the current Piper. Sure, prison changes people. But completely and wholly, after only incremental changes up until now? If she's suddenly going to careen down the hill, brakes off, at least some explanation would be good.

  • Love 1

Did I miss something? Not being facetious - I've not been as drawn in to this season's installments, so my attention has wandered.


Was there any explanation for why Piper is suddenly so money-hungry? It's gotta be something critically important for her to risk the SHU again, or being transferred - again - to a higher security prison. But I didn't pick up on her motivation. Her parents cut her off, or what?


Without some reason, it looks like she's just risking things for fun, which has never been in her personality before that I can remember.

  • Love 2

She claims - sorry I can't recall in what episode - that she's worried about what she's going to have to rely on when she is released. That's technically the incentive for her entire nonsense.

IIRC, the panty bit all starts after she has a visit from her parents and her father says she's failed at life or something like that.  My theory is that Piper is running this business so that she can prove to her parents that she can be a success at *something*. 

Thanks, both. I guess that makes some sense.


Unfortunately, the more I watch of this season - character arcs and choices, plot developments - it seems like "some sense" is the low bar they shoot for now. It's a real disappointment. Not that I'll stop watching, but it's disappointing after its earlier hypnotic watchability and credible storylines.

Piper's speech was the hoariest cliche I've seen on this show yet.    It's a device that goes all the way back to Animal House.   It was funny then.   Now it's just the sound of a shark jumping, set to patriotic music.



Yes, yes, yes. I actually cringed - not just inside, but with facial muscles and everything - at that moment.


I have mixed feelings about TS's acting ability, but I don't think even a Julie Harris or a Julianne Moore could've sold that moment - or that particular twist in the character we've been sold up to this point. Just a mess.


Every dramedy has moments that drag the viewer out into "Hey, that wouldn't really happen!". The measure of success is proportion: the fewer demands placed on a viewer's credibility, the more goodwill the viewer will expend when it DOES happen.


But one event/moment after another this season leaves the viewer scoffing, and this was a big one on that list. We should be seeing the characters, not the writers' fingers on the keyboard.

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The flashbacks of Alex were pretty boring after 2 fantastic episodes featuring Norma and Chang respectively. Yeah Piper's "speech" was extremely cringe-worthy and embarrassing even though I understand it was supposed to be an ironic plot device or whatever according to the writers. This season is getting to be a drag. The only thing keeping me watching so far is the mad chemistry between the members of the black girl group: Tastee, Suzanne, Poussey and black Cindy are really bringing it so far and their scenes are the best part of this season. Maybe the producers should consider making their characters the main focus of future seasons instead of the boring Piper/Alex stuff. Also, the Ruby Rose character serves no purpose so far other than as "eye candy". I just don't see a "model" like her being a prisoner, especially since it seems she is in prison with full makeup and her hair perfectly done.

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