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Shannon and David are pushed to new limits on the last day of couples retreat; the piñata isn't the only thing that gets bashed at Vicki's party; Shannon realizes she has a history with Heather's friend Meghan; Vicki and Tamra come face to face.
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I was sure there had to be one but this First Looks thread was pushed way back on Page 2.

After watching this week's First Looks for the OC, I can't help but wonder if I'll actually be able to stick with this show all season. The Shannon and David eulogies were too creepy for my taste. It's difficult for me to understand why they would go through those exercises on TV.

Heather's new house is way over the top but if she loves it and can afford it, who am I to judge?

I couldn't care less about Tamara's boobs but I did think she's slightly mellowed than in the past.

I can't stand Vicki or Brooke so their story is wasted on me.

And finally....the baseball couple. He's too full of himself and she's an idiot IMHO.

Edited by AnnA
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I was sure there had to be one but this First Looks thread was pushed way back on Page 2.

After watching this week's First Looks for the OC, I can't help but wonder if I'll actually be able to stick with this show all season. The Shannon and David eulogies were too creepy for my taste. It's difficult for me to understand why they would go through those exercises on TV.

Heather's new house is way over the top but if she loves it and can afford it, who am I to judge?

I couldn't care less about Tamara's boobs but I did think she's slightly mellowed than in the past.

I can't stand Vicki or Brooke so their story is wasted on me.

And finally....the baseball couple. He's too full of himself and she's an idiot IMHO.

Co-sign literally every word of it.

I will keep watching, as my hope is the Shannon/David shit won't last that long. I am very interested to see how Shannon and Heather become friends, as I am sure they will. Per usual, nothing about Tamra looks interesting to me.

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I'm not usually taken by Heather's face, because it's so drawn and gaunt. But in the first look, there was a flashback with Heather and Tamra talking (Heather is wearing a link choker), and I did a double take. She was very pretty. Her face seemed fuller and her hair wasn't flat ironed.

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I'm not usually taken by Heather's face, because it's so drawn and gaunt. But in the first look, there was a flashback with Heather and Tamra talking (Heather is wearing a link choker), and I did a double take. She was very pretty. Her face seemed fuller and her hair wasn't flat ironed.

I agree. That was just last season, probably about half-way through the season, and she looked great. She always looks much better when her hair is fuller and not straight. The straight hair seems to make her look so harsh. She is one of the HW's that I think should keep her hair longer (shoulder length like in that scene). Unlike most of the others, her hair is healthy and shiny and IMO doesn't look over-processed. I hated what she did to it at the reunion.

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Well I see I'm not alone in hating the hard-to-watch TV-ready couples therapy scenes. Headstones? Pretend eulogies? Really? It's especially ridiculous since the timeline suggests they're re-enacting stuff for the cameras. Suspending disbelief is fine for movies and TV dramas, but for reality shows? IDK, it kind of makes me mad to be made a fool of...

Quick question about Tamra - In the intro, she's shown with Eddie, Ryan and his new wife (did they get married?), and three kids. Are those Tamra's kids? I only ask because I thought her ex Simon wouldn't let the younger kids go on camera, so even showing them in her intro might be taboo. Or does Ryan's wife have kids from a prior marriage? (I know she's older than Ryan). TIA.

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Well I see I'm not alone in hating the hard-to-watch TV-ready couples therapy scenes. Headstones? Pretend eulogies? Really? It's especially ridiculous since the timeline suggests they're re-enacting stuff for the cameras. Suspending disbelief is fine for movies and TV dramas, but for reality shows? IDK, it kind of makes me mad to be made a fool of...

Quick question about Tamra - In the intro, she's shown with Eddie, Ryan and his new wife (did they get married?), and three kids. Are those Tamra's kids? I only ask because I thought her ex Simon wouldn't let the younger kids go on camera, so even showing them in her intro might be taboo. Or does Ryan's wife have kids from a prior marriage? (I know she's older than Ryan). TIA.

Those are the unfortunate kids that now call Ryan Step-daddy. I believe she had 3 from her prior marriage.

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Those are the unfortunate kids that now call Ryan Step-daddy. I believe she had 3 from her prior marriage.

Oh wow - three kids! I thought that might be the case, because I couldn't imagine Simon allowing the kids to be filmed. Especially after the nasty custody fight over the eldest daughter last year.

Thanks for the answer! I knew somebody would know.

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Quick question about Tamra - In the intro, she's shown with Eddie, Ryan and his new wife (did they get married?), and three kids. Are those Tamra's kids? I only ask because I thought her ex Simon wouldn't let the younger kids go on camera, so even showing them in her intro might be taboo. Or does Ryan's wife have kids from a prior marriage? (I know she's older than Ryan). TIA.

I may be mistaken, but I remember seeing Tamra's children, along with Ryan, in her establishing shot bumper from last season.

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I wish the Shannon/David marriage had talking heads, or interviews , with David as well as Shannon. If they were cast in season 1 through 6...we would be hearing his side as well as an interview with the counselor at the retreat. It feels too one sided and incomplete.

If I were to fix one thing about the franchise, I'd interview the women, spouses, children and anyone else more doing filming interspersed with some talking heads filmed later.

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Thankfully, I now have more hope for this season than I did after watching the first episode. Why? Because this afternoon I got to see the last three episodes from last season (which I did not watch). The biggest surprise for me was that I didn't find Vicki to be as awful as I remember her from previous seasons.

Watching them also reinforced my belief that Heather will probably remain my favorite and that I don't find Tamara to be as bitchy as she used to be. I am glad the other two (Lizzie and what's her name) are no longer HWs.

I'm looking forward to see if they pick up the pace tonight.

Edited by AnnA
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Maybe I'm the only one, but Meghan reminds me of a cross between Kristen Stewart (Bella, Twilight) and Ally Sheedy...because of the way she talks, moves her mouth, chin & lips...I think Meghan is more attractive but that's who she reminds me of. Ugh, the over annunciation thing is annoying.

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Okay I love Shannon


But this therapy with the tombstones and one of them on the floor under a black blanket while the other hovers over them eulogizing them.


This is too morbid for me...is being creeped out therapeutic???????



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I really hope Shannon and David make it - they need to laugh and play more.

Wonder if something from their past keeps them from being joyful - looked like they might have talked about that in the workshop.

Edited by nexxie
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If they are going to have the Bedore's marriage problems every episode it's going to be a buzzkill. And I thought the eulogy therapy was a good idea but laying there like you're dead with your tombstone was really morbid.

Shannon does not seem happy to me. Both her and David acting lovey dovey and happy seems forced.

I don't think Tamra and Vicky are going to be great friends again. They are both toxic bitches.

Meghan has only been married for four months? Her and her husband sure don't act like they are still in the honeymoon stage. They don't seem happy to me either. Maybe they should go to Shannon and David's marriage counselor.

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How many times will we have to hear Shannon say "I've forgiven him" or "I'm over it" with an expression and tone indicating she really hasn't, before David snaps and runs away screaming? Holy crap. Tense.

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Great season. 15 minutes of ads with a break so Brooks and Tamra can discuss farts. Terrific.

I know! I gave up counting how many commercials there were.

I didn't see all of last season so if anyone can shed some light on Shannon, I would appreciate it. Something is very wrong with that woman.

In the First Looks thread I commented I was glad that Lizzie wasn't back this season. Apparently, I jumped the gun. I just didn't notice (or remember) her from last week. That episode was a snore fest anyway so maybe I blacked out while she was on my TV screen.

Edited by AnnA
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All I know is that I seriously can not watch Shannon and David and I used to like her. She's such a wet blanket. A truly miserable person. I can't. It's not entertaining to watch someone's marriage fall apart in such a raw manner. I did FF through most of their stuff. Why bother being on this season if all you are going to do is sit in the corner and stew?

Tamara and Vickie are the same. Love/hate relationship we see every season.

All the God talk at dinner tonight and the cameras made a pan to Tamara who looked really in "awe" and "wonderment", so we are already getting her devil turns angel story arc complete with baptism at the end.

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It's so funny Vicki is going to Florida to get an award.  Of all the states, Florida would definitely be the one to honor Vicki.  She could probably be elected Governor.

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So, I'm really digging Heather this season so far and not so keen on Shannon. What is wrong with me?! And although I am hopeful (unpopular opinion, party of one) for Tamra's spiritual awakening (she was able to specifically delineate her misconceptions about Christianity and correctly attribute them to ignorance in a recent interview), how is it that *she* was victimized last year (and by everyone in the cast except for the Dubrows apparently)? . . . Meghan is just stunning. The blue shirtdress she wore to the party was fab. For that matter, everyone is looking well - Jeana in her svelter form and Vicks in her talking head in the white dress . . . It actually doesn't seem like the twins begrudged David for anything at all; they very clearly adore him. I kind of have to wonder, why was the older daughter going through her dad's phone anyway? And Shannon, although she appears to be making an effort, couldn't stop herself from complaining about him walking out of the bathroom briefly to go retrieve whatever he needed. I wonder how often she criticizes him in the span of an average day.

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Meghan is stunning, I agree. When I think she's about to say something ditzy I end up completely seeing her point. For example, her talking head about being nervous to meet new people and how she'd be nervous to meet her if she wasn't her. Made me laugh.

So, did she and Jimmy show up for pre party drinks at Heather and Terry's place and then she arrived at the party with the other baseball wife? And the party bus was a bit overkill, right?

Edited by Mountainair
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I think Katie has use of the Crystal Cove home and either one or two of the Texas mansions per the temporary court order that was issued in the spring. I would just take a stab that she's already moved back to Texas since her children spent most of their lives there . . . Last season didn't really shed any light on Shannon's neuroses, in my opinion. Her propensity to nag and complain to David was always there but it eventually receded into the background once she had Tamra and Heather to take on. I do recall her somewhat troublingly sobbing as she drove away from her confrontation with Heather at the Dubrows in a rather emotionally disturbed state.

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It's so funny Vicki is going to Florida to get an award.  Of all the states, Florida would definitely be the one to honor Vicki.  She could probably be elected Governor.

Floridians love anything boat/yacht, water, and sports related.


Vicki is getting the Favorite OC Memory Award for being bopped on the head with a football while on Bass Lake.

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I swear that Tombstone exercise in Shannon/David's therapy session reminds me of something Marriage Boot Camp would do. I do respect that David and Shannon taking ownership to their individual faults. It is the first step to try and work on the marriage. Shannon does need to understand that since she is forgiving David's infidelity she cant throw it in his face. David also maned up and apologized to his daughters. Because in their minds they feel cheated on too. The kids are so pretty.

I also liked all the flashbacks they had in the episode. It felt lik a daytime soap opera how they reopened the vault of all the great moments. Lizzie's face looks more youthful and now I kind of believe shes 34. Jeana is a hot mama! She lost a lot of weight it was nice to see her again. Wasnt anyone else surprised Katie was kept in. Hope shes a better friend of than that dull ass Danielle from last year though.

Jim and Meghan they are already boring in front of the camera! Jim doesnt seem into it at all where of course Meghan does. He is also no question the controller in their relationship especially when they went shopping for new furniture. Watching those coins since probably ex wife no.2 is taking him to the cleaners.

The party brought some life back in the episode. Then they started talking about anal at the dinner table. Nasty. LOL. Tamra just cant help herself. Shannon was being a party pooper but I understand what she was doing. The very people who made her marriage woes the source of gossip shes trying to play it safe this season. Yet she cant expect to keep avoiding people without the others not starting to wonder why she and David are isolating themselves. Shannon does seem threatened by Meghan and not because of last year's hoedown. I bet the female David cheated on her with was 20 years younger and favored Meghan. And Tamra and Vicki are back being friends but I doubt it will last long.

Overall liking this season why better than last season. The cast seems adjusted and the stories/lives are less calculated thusfar.

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So Shannon and David want to dissect the shit show that is their marriage on camera. Fine. Do they really have to line their kids up on the couch so David can do his apology tour on camera? Great parenting you assholes.

Looks like Shannon has a jealousy problem. She won't be happy to have her new BFF Vicki reignite her love affair with Tamra.

Heather might have her issues, but she is such a good friend to Tamra and Vicki. Much better than either of them deserve. She is always rooting for them to be happy and get whatever they need to make that happen.

Shannon has problems too numerous to review. She truly is a miserable person and unbelievably passive aggressive."of course I am ready to move on." Right. Moving on is completely foreign to her.
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I swear that Tombstone exercise in Shannon/David's therapy session reminds me of something Marriage Boot Camp would do. I do respect that David and Shannon taking ownership to their individual faults. It 

Marriage boot camp did do that...Um.. Not that I watch it. I would never watch trash like that. You believe me, right?

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I think Katie has use of the Crystal Cove home and either one or two of the Texas mansions per the temporary court order that was issued in the spring. I would just take a stab that she's already moved back to Texas since her children spent most of their lives there . . . Last season didn't really shed any light on Shannon's neuroses, in my opinion. Her propensity to nag and complain to David was always there but it eventually receded into the background once she had Tamra and Heather to take on. I do recall her somewhat troublingly sobbing as she drove away from her confrontation with Heather at the Dubrows in a rather emotionally disturbed state.

I think her neuroses was there, but the others were behaving so poorly is just wasn't noticed, or was made to look understandable. Her freak-out at Lizzie's deal was so over the top, but again, if it were just that one time it could be brushed aside because of Tamra and Heather. I remember she said that it was so unlike her to lose control like that and I had no idea what she was talking about or who she was kidding. She was a loony-toon during their first dinner party, yelling at David so loudly in the kitchen that everyone could hear her, and of course she went crazy at that restaurant in Mexico when everyone was at dinner and she angrily stomped away from the table. Acting crazy and dramatic in social situations just seems to be her normal. Looks like more of the same next week.

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Oh, I concur that Shannon's peculiarity was always there (and I'm not even referring to her cosmology, which some people find quirky), although I don't think it was ever really explained or explored in depth. I agree that the freak out over the gaslighting was basically understandable and, to me, even reasonable (I'm sure anyone would lose it with Tamra Barney grabbing their face; the only wonder is that Shannon didn't throw Tamra off of that balcony). But the histrionics have indeed always crowded the edges - I remember Shannon describing Heather throwing her out as "one of the hardest nights of her life." And while I am more sympathetic to that now that we have an even fuller understanding of the Beador trials, I do still think that it's a hyperbolic statement. And although Heather was not the polite, measured aggrieved party that she portrayed herself to be, she had every right to tell Shannon to get out of her house so the hysterical phone call to David afterward was really weird . . . I don't know if "ex-wife number 2" aka Allison took Jim to the cleaners (though she may have); I think she was and is preoccupied with graver concerns. I do find it ironic that Meghan referred to her as "ex wife number 2" rather than "Allison" or even "Hailey's mom" at any point during her talking head taping since she's evidently the one who confers expertise by proxy on Meghan vis-a-vis Brooks.

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Eta: oh, I can't believe I forgot about the Mexico tantrum where she accused David of trying to "make her look like a bitch" to everyone. Yeah, that was where my perception of her shifted and I even started to think there must be more to that ancient domestic violence charge than initially appeared.

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Vicki's backyard continues to shit on all other housewive properties across the franchises. It is GORGEOUS!! When she and Tamra were sitting by the grotto re-hashing their bullshit, it legit look like some 5 star resort and I kept thinking I can't believe this is someone's personal backyard. Again, STUNNING!!!!

Vicki that is your hair and your optimal hair cut. Stick with it!!

Tamra, maybe Vicki could move past it if you weren't doing fresh shit to her every damn season. She acted like all her transgressions were from decades again. No Bitch! This was just last year. Funny how her memory is like Dory the fish from Nemo when her ass is in the wrong. Plus why does she think Vicki owes her an apology?

Tamra during the religious discussion at the table looking like 'what is this thing called God and Church." Just wait til the Devil finds out one of his head minions is about to break right.

I must need to get my ass to a Lens Crafter because I just do not see the great beauty and stunningness of Meghan. She ain't ugly but she is just kinda pretty/attractive to me because none of her features offend. Just pretty in a very basic generic way.

Lizzie's feature seems even more pronounced this season, especially her eyes in her TH. It is like her whole face is screaming at me. Nice to see her husband somewhat tamed his hair.

Shannon looked like David's aunt sitting next to him at dinner. Sorry not sorry.

Shannon, divorce may not be an option ............... but yeah, it is! What a joyless union. Shannon is just a joyless, miserabe and David seems patently unhappy, just going through the motions and counting down the clock until the youngest hits 18. I really want a timeline of the affair and if Shannon every suspected and more importantly if this was David's first affair. So glad they showed the clip of last season of the rodeo and David acting a little shifty flirty and Shannon swooping down and acting all salty. That was the action of a woman in the know if you ask me. Shannon seemed to be punishing David for something last season.

I'm finding Meghan and her husband just as hard to watch as DavidShannon mainly because at least Dave/Shannon had been married for almost 20 years. Jimmy and Meghan have only been married for 4 months and he is acting like that? They are basically newlyweds and he seems completely over her and it. He almost seems to have no respect for her. Why even get married? And don't even get me started about signing up to do a reality show when your marriage is still so fresh.

Didn't realize Meghan had also been married before so this is #2 for her.

Wow, when Meghan mentioned Jimmy being on Fox sports in the Midwest and they showed a pic of Jimmy during his hosting duty, he looked creepily just like Ronald Regan in it. Semi-freaked me out.

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How old is Katie? I assumed she would be in her mid 30s based on her husband's age, but I thought she looked really rough tonight.

Shes been married to Josh for over a decade. I was surprised. She looks quite young and adorable too. Again I like how more engaging she is with Tamra and Shannon then the waste of space Danielle.

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Terry's prodding of Collette (or is it actually the proper "Colette"?) stood out to me as well. If Jim Edmonds is "a really great friend," wouldn't he have had some manner of exchange with their kids - even in passing - sometime since their youngest was an infant? . . . With respect to Shannon's beauty: her aesthetics are at once athletic and refined, which is a more unusual balance than one might imagine. Additionally, she's very natural and effortlessly polished (again, I'm referring only to surface rather than elocution or anything). She reminds me of Slim Keith - quite elegant. She might register as milquetoast (she is, after all, a pretty blonde white girl), but she recalls Diane Kruger or Kate Bosworth in terms of sophistication yet is very all-American and sportsy at the same time. It's actually rather rare, in my opinion, to encounter that combination (as opposed to "hotness") . . . I wonder if Katie actually leads Tamra on her discovery of faith since she's the daughter of a minister if I'm not mistaken.

Correction: *Meghan's* beauty

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