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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads

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I think it's a perfectly legit excuse if someone tries to get them in trouble for not having enough ethnic names.  "We didn't choose to omit 'ethnic' names, but in an effort to actually sell some Coke, we decided to stick to names that plenty of people have, so we decided to use the top names."

It's a can't-win situation now that some brain-dead judges have bought the disparity of effect argument. In this case, I've heard that African names have more variation in how they're spelled here, so they don't tally as high (since the counts are split). So if a name is not on the list, is it the fault of parents not getting on the same page for how to spell a particular name, or the company's fault for using the list that they "should have known was biased"?

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Given that coke is offering 4 different spellings of Allison, Alison, Alyson, Allyson it would be hard for them to defend based on multiple spellings.  Looking through the list they have a fair number of hispanic names.  However, they seem to do a much better job of using both the name with multiple spellings and including nicknames for English-based names.  So you can get Francisco but no Franco or Paco. 

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Just when I thought the Yoplait ads couldn't be more ridiculous, along comes the Gallic cow! Correct me if I'm wrong, but the cow had a male voice. If it was intended to be a bull, the Yoplait people don't know much about animal husbandry. Bulls don't give milk!

I know I'm overthinking this nonissue way too much.

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Just when I thought the Yoplait ads couldn't be more ridiculous, along comes the Gallic cow! Correct me if I'm wrong, but the cow had a male voice. If it was intended to be a bull, the Yoplait people don't know much about animal husbandry. Bulls don't give milk!


You'd think the funny looking udder would clue them in...oh my god...Yoplait isn't made from milk!

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However, they seem to do a much better job of using both the name with multiple spellings and including nicknames for English-based names.  So you can get Francisco but no Franco or Paco.

Names coming from any group in the minority are going to have more trouble reaching the cutoff. I used to know a Polish fellow named Piotr; no surprise it's not listed.

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In the (admittedly unlikely) event that aliens in the form of video games invade earth, why would you want a bunch of middle age dudes as the planet's defenders? 


Personally, I would want some 16 year old kids that are all quick twitch fiber with Mountain Dew running through their veins.

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the car guys agree with you and mock all Camry buyers as driving "appliances"

Usually when a Camry is in front of me (often going 5-10 mph below the speed limit), they're on their way to the retirement community down a ways.  ;-)

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Hey, I just bought a Camry because it's reliable. My last two cars died within the past two years, so I've hopefully nicknamed this one "Bulletproof". And I was booking 80 mph the other day, so I'm not ready for the retirement home yet, thanks.

Edited by riley702
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Hey, I just bought a Camry because it's reliable. My last two cars died with the past two years, so I've hopefully nicknamed this one "Bulletproof". And I was booking 80 mph the other day, so I'm not ready for the retirement home yet, thanks.

Well, in all honesty, I drive a Prius, but then again, I really am old.  But I regularly do 80 in it on the 5 in the Central Valley.  More than that on some of the back roads.  And I never drive below the speed limit voluntarily.  :-)

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Just saw a new Papa John's commercial.   I know it is about the deal Papa John's has with Live Nation, but the implications have me laughing my ass off.    Papa is wearing some weird jacket.   He asks the guy in the commercial (no clue who it is) if he likes it.   The guy says very emphatically "I do."   O. M.G.   Almost fell off the couch laughing.

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Just saw a Polydent commercial which shows a man holding his newborn grandchild for the first time while the voice-over says "Pressure dentures; for the best first impression." Because you know that your one day old grandkid who can't even focus their eyes yet is going to hate you and think you're a gross old poopy-pants if you don't look like you have all your teeth.

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Just saw a Polydent commercial which shows a man holding his newborn grandchild for the first time while the voice-over says "Pressure dentures; for the best first impression." Because you know that your one day old grandkid who can't even focus their eyes yet is going to hate you and think you're a gross old poopy-pants if you don't look like you have all your teeth.


"FRESHER dentures"

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There's a Tums ad that makes me scratch my head... a couple is walking along when a giant sandwich pushes the woman. She turns to attack it yada, yada, yada. Tums voice over. Yup. With you so far. Then it shows the couple driving off with the giant sandwich in the car. Why? Souvenir of heartburn, bloating and, gas? I don't get it. <insert perplexed look here>

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Just saw a Polydent commercial which shows a man holding his newborn grandchild for the first time while the voice-over says "Pressure dentures; for the best first impression." Because you know that your one day old grandkid who can't even focus their eyes yet is going to hate you and think you're a gross old poopy-pants if you don't look like you have all your teeth.



The majority of denture-related commercials seem to be for products that ensure the dentures stay in your mouth.   So, the first time I saw the commercial, when grandpa was leaning his face in toward the baby's, I imagined he was going to bite the baby and leave a bad impression when his dentures fell out.

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There's a Tums ad that makes me scratch my head... a couple is walking along when a giant sandwich pushes the woman. She turns to attack it yada, yada, yada. Tums voice over. Yup. With you so far. Then it shows the couple driving off with the giant sandwich in the car. Why? Souvenir of heartburn, bloating and, gas? I don't get it. <insert perplexed look here>


She has tamed the heartburn.

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Or maybe she's surrendered to it, and it's kidnapping them.



The majority of denture-related commercials seem to be for products that ensure the dentures stay in your mouth.   So, the first time I saw the commercial, when grandpa was leaning his face in toward the baby's, I imagined he was going to bite the baby and leave a bad impression when his dentures fell out.

 "Polydent: Because baby-eating cannibals need dentures too!"

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I'm tired of seeing firefighters and fire trucks used in commercials for antacids. Wow, using the fire department as a metaphor to fight your indigestion. Way to go, Madison Avenue! The "model" with plaque psoriasis smirking and twirling her way through photo shoots needs to take a looong sabbatical from my tv!

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She reminds me of all the cash-handling jobs I've had; coins and bills are filthy.   I wouldn't want to smell like them.

When I work bargain night at the movie theater the money smells like weed.  I always think of this when I see that commercial.

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An ad for a local attorney claims that "(He) is recognized as one of California's Super Lawyers!" So many questions: Is this the guy that Doctor Octopus and Bane call when they get arrested? Does Superman have him on retainer for those occasions when some ungrateful citizen sues him for throwing their car at Darkseid? Or is he maybe a member of secret cadre of lawyers flying around in tights and serving papers at The Speed of Justice? Did he have to pass a Super Bar Exam to be certified as a Super Lawyer? Do his interns count as sidekicks? Are his cases heard by Super Judges? I want to know!

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Ugh.  They have a warehouse full of bad mascara and some junior ad exec says, "Hey, I know!  We'll make it a thing!"  Um, no thanks.

Edited by Haleth
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