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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads


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Those Jimmy Dean commercials seem to be derailing. I thought they were funnier early on with the orbiting "solar system." Now, they are losing their momentum with trying to "humanize" the Sun. Ugh...


Oh they've totally derailed. The first few were cute, but then they gave Sun a house, and wife, and kids... now he's just a guy in a sun costume shilling microwave food.

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Is Jimmy Dean also the one that tries to convince you that some pre-packaged microwavable "food", you have no idea is really what is in it, where it was made or how long ago, is somehow so much more tastier than the salad or sandwich that was just prepared for you a few minutes ago?  Yeah.   Probably deserves more comment in the annoy/irritate/outrage thread.  But I have to laugh as if those pathetic examples of what you should toss for a Jimmy Dean processed microwave piece of crap for are always going to be your only option. 


It would make more sense to market them as the quick alternative when you don't have time for anything else and it is more the equivalent of fast food than fresh made food.  Speaking of which I love salads JD.  So stop with acting like a salad can't be filling.  You do know that salads often come with stuff on them.  Meat. Cheese.  Eggs.  Seafood.  Stuff that hasn't been run through a factory the size of a military aircraft testing hanger outside of Omaha.


To the JD Sun ads.  The one where the husband laughs as his wife concedes the staring contest.  Wouldn't deliberately engaging your wife in a staring contest, if you are The Sun, constitute spousal abuse?  How about an ad with the blackened eyed spouse bleating she loves him as the cops perp walk the Sun into the local pokey.  The cops can be munching on some JD of course.

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It's a kind of entryway, with tile or similar floors, a place to sit down and take off wet boots, coats, etc. and storage space for all that wet/dirty outerwear.  We don't have them in my area, because there's no need for them, but in places where coming directly into the house's main living spaces from outside would make a big mess many months out of the year, they're more common.

Edited by Bastet
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I suspect people peeling off outerwear in freezing temperatures would prefer to do so indoors, and would prefer to leave those items indoors - where they can dry and warm up - without having to drag them through the house or drip on the nice carpet or wood floors inside the door, so I can see why a mud room would be preferable to a porch in certain climates.   

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You know when Jennifer Garner had her "Elektra" body and Hillary Swank had her "Million Dollar Baby body". I wish they would have did a remake of the movie "Personal Best."  Can you visualize it.

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I just saw this new Nationwide commercial, and I think it is cute....but confusing.  I think the gist is that they're saying some insurance agencies make clients feel ignored.  So, are we supposed to think that children are ignored, and that's why they are portraying the clients??  I don't get it.



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I just saw this new Nationwide commercial, and I think it is cute....but confusing.  I think the gist is that they're saying some insurance agencies make clients feel ignored.  So, are we supposed to think that children are ignored, and that's why they are portraying the clients??  I don't get it.



My interpretation is not that they make clients feel ignored, but that they treat clients like children.

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Just saw an ad that implies that a family has been buying take-home chicken (from the grocery?) too many times, so the solution is ... to buy take-out chicken from KFC. Okay....

is that why the children are behaving bizarrely?

Their ad agency probably should do a little research.  That "American Gothic" painting is a father and daughter, not a husband and wife.  I'm pretty sure they didn't meet at farmersonly.com.

I did not know that!
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Commercials have always used straw horses to sell a product  But the KFC ad about fried food versus grocery store rotesserie is a sub genre of its own.  It tries to sell its product  a better alternative   Yet health wise I really think it does not even come close  And what about price?  I'm showing my own form of paranoia there.  I was never a huge consumer for KFC but I did sometimes have a craving (usually post respiratory flu for some reason) for their chicken and mash and gravy.  But then they started no trans fat and the flavor for me changed.  I simply loathe the taste completely now.  Not sure if it is just my mind or it really tastes different now.


Anyway I don't get the idea that one form of chicken (possibly healthier, certainly much more versatile and I suspect rather cheaper) is tiresome versus a form that is singular  in taste and arrangement.  In fact, I know more than one person who loves a certain roast chicken carcass for soup.  Not my cup of tea but they swear by Wegman's chicken to make a nice bowl or two of chicken based soup once they initially pick the carcass over.  Let's see you do that with a bucket of bones.


I just saw an ad for Nauzene (sp?)  Really?  Is that what I want in my medicine cabinet?  First the name, sucks.  Secondly it shows people eating stuff that just seems like it is a patch for stupidity  I'm all for sweets, savories and snacks  But if I am eating to the point of being nauseated?  Maybe I should simply avoid or eat less of that item?  No?  No?  I guess that is so unAmerican.  Instead I should be popping the tablets from my Hoverround as I gun it from my huge gas guzzling SVU i am able to park in the handicapped spot even though it sits five feet off the ground as I go fill the storage side compartments with more sweets, snacks and savories.  (belch).

I just saw this new Nationwide commercial, and I think it is cute....but confusing.  I think the gist is that they're saying some insurance agencies make clients feel ignored.  So, are we supposed to think that children are ignored, and that's why they are portraying the clients??  I don't get it.




The voiceover (gah I loathe even the sound of Julia Roberts, how she manages to sound so smug and delighted with herself shakes my bones with annoyance), seems to suggest the idea that you are not being heard.  So that means as noted, children aren't given the right amount of respect or that being treated in such a manner makes you revert to childish behavior.  So I'm not sure if it means poor widdle kiddies aren't treated with teh accord they should or that kids are dicks and the rude manner company service treats you outside of our company and makes you one too

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 But then they started no trans fat and the flavor for me changed.  I simply loathe the taste completely now.  Not sure if it is just my mind or it really tastes different now.

I just bought some boneless chicken from there last night because I worked too late to feel like cooking. It was like vaguely chicken-flavored leather, and nowhere near enough food for what I paid. I remember the chain for having really great-tasting food in generous amounts when I was younger, so something has definitely changed.

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The Budweiser ad where people call Lyft/Uber and the Clydesdales show up makes me laugh.


It looks like two of those couples were picked up around dawn. In my experience, following Bud's admonishment to "Drink Responsibly" and staying out until dawn are mutually exclusive. 


But then again, maybe it's The Walk of Shame.

It looks like two of those couples were picked up around dawn. In my experience, following Bud's admonishment to "Drink Responsibly" and staying out until dawn are mutually exclusive. 


I think "Drink Responsibly" means drink all you want, just don't drive if you do, so I can see being out until dawn as "responsible" as long as you call the Clydesdales for a ride home.

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Yeah, my understanding of "please drink responsibly" has been that it is code for "please be of legal age and do not drive", but not intended to extend to any amount of actual care for people's general health or well-being as relates to their drinking.

Edited by theatremouse
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There's a new McDonald's ad that I saw tonight on the Golden Globes.  It's called Signs and features, you get, McDonald's signs.





Published on Jan 11, 2015

For years, McDonald's signs across the country have been used to spread messages of love, hope and respect. This is a collection of some of those signs.


So I'm gonna guess that they are trying to show that even though they are global, they are also local.  I really hate shared sentiment.  I don't think anyone should capitalize on tragedies and seeing signs for 9/11 and Columbine really make me shake my head.

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Carl's Junior is advertising their new "all natural grass-fed burger." You learn something new every day: I didn't even know that burgers could eat, let alone that they'd eat grass.

I saw an ad for this for the first time tonight. So what I get from it is that there's just this one burger that has this "all-natural" burger.  So all the rest of their burgers have the shitty beef and you can't get the "all-natural" patty one one of the other burgers?

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I just bought some boneless chicken from there last night because I worked too late to feel like cooking. It was like vaguely chicken-flavored leather, and nowhere near enough food for what I paid. I remember the chain for having really great-tasting food in generous amounts when I was younger, so something has definitely changed.

I've observed that restaurants tend to decline in quality once the owner/founder has died.

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It looks like two of those couples were picked up around dawn. In my experience, following Bud's admonishment to "Drink Responsibly" and staying out until dawn are mutually exclusive.

Maybe they stopped drinking earlier on and the point of staying up until dawn was to have time to sober up a bit.

Skittles has weird commercials.


Just saw a commercial that began by talking about family and changes after a divorce. It went on to portray exes, new spouses, and kids all playing together in perfect harmony.

Turns out it's a Honeymaid commercial. As in Honeymaid graham crackers. Total wtf?? moment.

I haven't seen that, but several months ago (a year?) they had a terrific commercial with two gay dads and their kids. The commercial you describe sounds kind of similar thematically.

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I miss the old school "Taste the rainbow" Skittles ads instead of these bizarre commercials they have now.  I think the cloud thing is stupid and makes no sense, but it's leagues better than the disgusting teenager-themed ads they had a few years ago. 





I saw one tonight that had me head-scratching. It's an old lady walking a cloud on a leash. Some random dude approaches her and touches the cloud. The cloud turns black and zaps him with lightning. The woman replies, "He doesn't like to be touched there." The product is rainbow Skittles. The hell?

That commercial makes no sense and I love it.  Right before the guy comes up she's popping Skittles in her mouth.  I like the weird Skittles ads, but I agree the ones from a few years ago were better.

There's one sign in that commercial that shows a flooded parking lot/McDonalds and the sign says something like "We'll be back soon."  So...either they made some poor sap go out there in knee-deep water to change the sign, which is totally shitty, or else the store was already closed for remodeling or something before the flood, which means it's dumb that they implied that it's supposed to signal perseverance.

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I hate Skittles commercials, but I kind of got the cloud one, I think - the old lady is taking her pet cloud on it's evening poop walk but it's taking forever so she stops and gives it a little pat to encourage it to go. Which it does, dropping a load of Skittles (because rainbows come from clouds?). The old lady calmly eating what amounts to cloud feces while the idiot gets zapped is just more of the patented Skittles gross-out insanity, though.

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Well it could be the weather man was right, predicted the effect of the oncoming hurricane/storm to the region and they put up the sign before closing doors and evacuating as suggested?  The flooding photo op being, er, fortuitous?

I'm sure that's possible, but it's very different from every manager I've ever had in customer service.  We always had to wait until the dangerous weather was actually happening before closing up shop.

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I just saw a Pampers ad that says they protect for 12 hours. WTF? Who only changes their baby's diapers twice a day? Why would Pampers advocate that?



I wondered about that myself.  12 hours?  Isn't that kinda yucky and kinda like CHILD ABUSE?

To be fair we have entered an new era. It is only abuse or abusive if the action is systematic and the effects of such actions is permanent in a physical way. Operant conditioning via wet pants, mal odorous pants with the occasional side of diaper rash could at best, only be considered harsh. After all it is the child's fault for pooping or wee weeing in his beneficiary supplied garments.

Edited by Watcher0363
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I just saw a Pampers ad that says they protect for 12 hours. WTF? Who only changes their baby's diapers twice a day? Why would Pampers advocate that?

Same people who only scoop their cat litter box every 2 weeks.


This ad isn't so much Scratch worthy as it is kinda stupid.  But the fact that someone is suing the product makers because they aren't getting orgasms from wearing their tights... well... that's special!


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I'm sure that's possible, but it's very different from every manager I've ever had in customer service.  We always had to wait until the dangerous weather was actually happening before closing up shop.



God that sucks.  Talk about rotten employment luck   Next time you interview for a job you might want to counter their questions with a simple "do you follow state and federal evacuation orders".  if the answer was no and you still want a job I'd pay close attention to all those 'Sue 'em" ads lawyers put out there and make sure you have some numbers.  People have made quite a bit of money off of idiots who don't follow the common sense laws most do.  Heck my cousin right out of college spent three weeks being bounced from one Home depot to another and back again as the threat of hurricanes along the gulf sent him and the rest of the regional managerial staff scurrying with stores opening and closing.  Not to mention two years back's camping trip and driving through two huge ghost town shopping strips before it occurred to us that maybe there was a reason everything was closed.


Again nothing person but you have really bad luck in a post Katrina world. 

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I'll put on my abusive mother hat and admit that there were times when I would have let my kid stay in the same diaper for 12 hours simply because they didn't wake up from it being wet. If it meant I got to have a full night's sleep for the first time since 1997, I'd be all over that 12-hour reprieve from diaper changing duty.

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