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Arya's Death List: The Characters You WANT To Die

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We finally got rid of Joffrey last season, but it seems like there are still plenty of characters we wish would die instead of the characters we like that are dying.  So I thought I'd start a thread/wish list for all the characters in the show we hope will die very, very soon.


I think after this week's episode, most of us are rooting for Stannis and his witch mistress to die.  Also Walder Frey and Ramsay -- we've been ready for Sansa to be a widow since we first found out about this story, though probably not as ready as Sansa is...

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Oh good grief, my list is too long there is no way I will get all the villain death I want lol.....Mel, Stannis, Roose, Ramsey, Frey, High Sparrow, Lancel (and his FM comrades), Cersei, and Littlefinger just to get started.  I think Arya is about to take care of Trant so no need to add him.  Since I'm positive there will be villains left standing at the end of the show - I'm trying to decide which ones I can deal with living.  Not sure on that front yet.


I also want Theon to die, but as a mercy, not out of vengeance anymore.  He's just suffered enough already.

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Oh, this is fun!


Let's see both Boltons for SURE, Stannis because he's extinguished his last spark of humanity, Walder and a lot of his awful progeny, Balon Greyjoy because it's past overdue, Littlefinger, and Mel sometime soon but not until AFTER she realizes her mistake with AA.


Qyborn and Frankengregor need to go too.


Cersei, can, (and will) stay around a while yet, because she's so much fun as a villain. 


And yeah, I'd like to see Theon die too at this point just to put him out of his misery. 


His uncle(s) haven't been introduced yet on the show but when they do, I know I will want them gone sooner rather than later.


And given Jorah's eventual fate it seems like it'd be more merciful, (and less hazardous to everyone he could infect,) if someone put the blade in his heart now. 

Edited by Winnief
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Just Ramsey.  He's the only cartoonish, unrealistic villain in the show now that Joffrey's gone.  The others have some kind of reason for their villainy and the show needs them.


But Ramsey -- even if flaying is what your family's known for, he went too far -- terrorizing women, then what he did to Theon.  He's a liability to the Boltons, and a real-life Roose would have had him put down long ago. 


I feel the same about Joffrey.  It wasn't realistic for him to be allowed to do what he did.  He should have been taken care of after killing Ned. 


But Kim Jung Un is still alive, so what do I know?

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I want things to get more interesting not less. Letting all the villains die at this point would be boring.


So who's deaths will excite things a bit?


Roose Bolton, but not Ramsay. I'd like to see him be crazy in charge for a while before dying.


Robin Arryn, but I suspect we might just be done with him in this show. But getting rid of Sweetrobin would dent Baelish's power considerably, which would be interesting.


Loras Tyrell, he's a caricature, worse he's a boring stupid caricature, so just get rid of him.


Tommen Baratheon, I am bored of this kid. Let's see what Myrcella does in charge, especially since she's obviously under Trystane's sway. The Dornish need to get relevant here and get relevant quick.


One of the dragons, not Drogon. Let's say... Rhaegal. Dany seriously needs something to not go her way. Even the mini collapse of Meereen is furthering her eventual goal of getting to Westeros. She needs a seriously debilitating blow, if one of the dragons dies, that'll be a shock to the system.


Stannis. We're pretty much done with him. He's crossed his moral event horizon, he's no longer morally grey, he's just morally black, and he's not the threatening sort of morally black like Joffrey or Ramsay, so he has no purpose. He just needs to find out he's not the Lord's Chosen, and die.


Jon Snow. I know it won't happen. But it would be a shock. I need a shock.

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At the start of Season 5, it was prophesied


Young Cersei: But I will be queen?


Witch: Oh, yes. You'll be queen. For a time. Then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear.


The Wars To Come, Season 5, Episode 1

To my knowledge, only one character has specifically be described as meeting that requirement, in contrast to just being described as beautiful or pretty without reference to Cersei


Lannister soldier: Loras Tyrell. He's prettier than the queen.

Garden of Bones, Season 2, Episode 4

They say "Out of the mouths of redshirts" for a reason, so


Loras Tyrell

ain't gonna happen.

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The disgusting, like Walder Frey and a good sized chunk of his progeny, are my first priority. Under this category I would also list Ramsey Bolton, whose sadism gets old fast, and Qyburn, the Victor Frankenstein of the Seven Kingdoms without Dr. F's glimmers of humanity. He can take FrankenMountain with him, too. Myranda can accompany Ramsey into whatever circle of hell will accept him.


I would list the High Sparrow but I love Jonathan Pryce too much to want him to leave the show.Lancel's slide into religious fanaticism, on the other hand, even though it improved his looks, turned him into a smug, humorless piece of judgment on a stick. I look forward to his face to face meeting with the Father.


I'm torn between wanting Cersei to die and wanting her to live and suffer. Either way, though, Jaime stands to suffer, so... I'm uncommitted.


Mace Tyrell is too stupid to live. Mortgaging Highgarden???


We could thin out the Sand Snakes even more than the showrunners already have.


I agree with those of you who feel Theon's death would bring him blessed release. I don't know if it's possible to make him whole psychologically, let alone physically.


To my surprise, Ser Alliser Thorne does not make the list. He's turned into a fascinating character; dislikes Jon Snow but respects the fact that he is their duly elected Lord Commander, and gives him the best advice he can (which is often wrong, but given honestly and from a consistent point of view) and even the occasional back handed compliment.

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Ramsay and Melisandre.  After the burning of Shireen, I don't want Stannis to die yet.  I want Stannis to achieve a Pyrrhic victory with the defeat of the Boltons only to find out that he can't hold the North because of his actions and inflexible nature.  I don't see Stannis as someone who could achieve an accommodation with Littlefinger and Sansa.  His decision to burn Shireen won't inspire the loyalty of the people, especially the former Stark bannermen.  The White Walkers will be coming south sooner rather than later and no one is prepared for that.  I want Stannis to be broken and defeated as he sees his cherished dream of sitting on the Iron Throne ended with the rebellion of the North and the White Walkers coming south.   

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I agree with those of you who feel Theon's death would bring him blessed release. I don't know if it's possible to make him whole psychologically, let alone physically.

Is it weird that I want him to find a way to bid good bye to Robb? I almost want him to live to give one final farewell to Robb's casket before he is laid to rest in the crypts of Winterfell. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Someone who hasn't been mentioned: Ellaria needs to go, and fast! I liked her last season, but she's just being extremely reckless and stupid all year and she might have another ace (well, more like a deuce, actually...) in her sleeve.

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I love the idea of Loras Tyrell being the YMB. He may have taken Joffrey, in a way. And although he certainly didn't set out to do it, he's more or less taken Tommen, by just being the unfortunate target of Cersei's plot.


To die as brutally as possible:






Littlefinger (take your time)




The High Sparrow

Balon Greyjoy

As many Ironborn as may be wished.


Die but more nicely:



Robin Arryn

Maybe Theon as long as it's redemptively

Possibly Tommen and Myrcella, since it's been prophesied anyway.

All the Sand Snakes--they're awful people.

Jamie if it's redemptive and Cersei dies first.


Never, never die:







Jon Snow

Stompy the Giant






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Hecate7, why did you leave Rhaegal off of your do not die list? Just curious. 


The main people on my can't die soon enough list are Ramsay and Stannis. People like Melisandre, Roose, Cersei, have it coming too but I feel like it's too early for any of these characters to depart yet. I definitely disagree that Ramsay is worth keeping over Roose. 


The Sand Snakes can go any time now. They don't have to die but if they do I doubt I'll so much as blink. I'm still kind of stunned that they've been so poorly written.

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I need those characters to die unless the end game won't be satisfying for me:

Rapist Ramsay -thrown in a dark pit with his dogs, his dad Rapist Roose and no food.

Littlefinger - as the rabbit in a hunt, courtesy of the surviving Stark direwolves.

Melisandre -by Needle through the eyes, after she knows her god is shit.

Stannis, as others said after he lost everything, and by Davos' sword after he spits on him.

Cersei - what the prophecy promises her is fine and dandy with me because it will hurt her most (sorry, Tommen and Myrcella).

(I'm bloodthirsty today).

The High Sparrow and his crew of fanatic fuckers, the cult of the Seven, of R'hllor and of the Many-Faced God (Arya destroying the HoBW with Ice and Steel before she leaves would be my fairytale middle-game for her).

The Night's King, because I don't want the story to end with no human standing.


Walder Frey, Frankengregor and other big villains, I want them dead too, but I'm confident they'll meet their maker a la Janos Slynt.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Oh how could I forget the High Sparrow? This guy is definitely in my top ten.

I want Littlefinger to be scared before he dies. He's the only person apart from Ramsay, Melisandre, and Stannis where I won't be satisfied unless there's fear.

I'd be interested to see fear from Roose but it isn't necessary for me.

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Oh how could I forget the High Sparrow? This guy is definitely in my top ten.

I want Littlefinger to be scared before he dies. He's the only person apart from Ramsay, Melisandre, and Stannis where I won't be satisfied unless there's fear.

I'd be interested to see fear from Roose but it isn't necessary for me.


Agreed completely on Littlefinger.  I want him to piss his pants in fear realizing that he can't talk his way out of his current situation.  He needs to know that he's beaten and NOTHING will protect him now.

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The thing is, I can't even imagine what genuine fear from Roose would look like. You'd have to have something really ridiculous like Ramsay morphing into a giant, or him waking up tied to a flensing cross made out of ice with the ghosts of Red Wedding victims all holding knives. And even then the best you could probably get is mild to moderate annoyance.

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The thing is, I can't even imagine what genuine fear from Roose would look like. You'd have to have something really ridiculous like Ramsay morphing into a giant, or him waking up tied to a flensing cross made out of ice with the ghosts of Red Wedding victims all holding knives. And even then the best you could probably get is mild to moderate annoyance.


Heheh.  Yeah, I think when his time is up, Roose will just shrug and go "Fair enough."


The closest thing I can think of that would scare him is being on the receiving end of a flaying.

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I really don't want Littlefinger to die.  I'd much rather see him used for good, by some fairly decent ruler (if the Iron Throne even exists at the end of this.)  He's one of the few people in the books that thinks for himself, and not in the same-old same-old "taught to think this way" patterns.  I'd rather see him changed, either by finally fulfilling that life long need to be considered worthy of the high-born's notice, or by finally finding someone he could actually respect as a leader.


He has skills, and though so far, they've only been used to advance himself, if that switch was flipped?  God knows Westeros could use someone with brains, someone who can see things for what they are, and figure out how to use the various religions, or family groups to work together instead of simply dick measuring and war.  It would take something big to change him into someone who would work for the betterment of all, instead of just himself, but really, who else is there with brains enough to see what is, instead of just what they selfishly want it to be?


The White Walkers might be something big enough to push Littlefinger into using his considerable skills, if there is a leader that he actually could respect, and who would respect him back.


The others just seem to be following their 'scripts from birth.  Stannis DESERVES to be King, and he will even kill his daughter to get there.  (and on and on)


After that, I'd like Ned's remaining children to be alive at the end of this.  Also Tyrion, Jon, Sam, and perhaps Dany, depending on what she does next, and if she continues to grow.  I'd like the Children of the Forest to stay alive as well, (and to see  more of them in a big way!)  I want Sandor to be alive as well, and the priest with the donkey.  Most of the rest of the players?  Can die.

Edited by Umbelina
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I don't see that happening with Littlefinger.

Littlefinger might play for the "right" side while the Walkers are around, but if they're defeated and Littlefinger is still alive, he'll revert back to his "chaos is a ladder" crap toot suite.  Toot suiter maybe because he'll justify it on the grounds that whatever he does can't be worse than what the Walkers did or could have done.


And I think the only leader Littlefinger would respect would be the one smart enough to kill him.

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I'm hoping Stannis triumphs at Winterfell, and then in the aftermath of the battle Brienne kills him in revenge for Renly. Especially if they've just fought side by side against Ramsey and Stannis has no idea why she's suddenly turned on him. This is why they bothered to have them both camped outside the same castle, no?


I would also like to see Dany burn Mel at the stake to wake another dragon egg. The only thing that's been established to work is burning a sorceress.

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I'm hoping Stannis triumphs at Winterfell, and then in the aftermath of the battle Brienne kills him in revenge for Renly. Especially if they've just fought side by side against Ramsey and Stannis has no idea why she's suddenly turned on him. This is why they bothered to have them both camped outside the same castle, no?


I would also like to see Dany burn Mel at the stake to wake another dragon egg. The only thing that's been established to work is burning a sorceress.

I don't think the dragons hatching had anything to do with MMD being a sorceress. I think it was Drogo's kingsblood in addition to having the blood of an enemy and possibly Dany's sacrifice of herself.

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The Boltons, Melisandre, Stannis, Theon, Cersei, and Littlefinger. I don’t want Melisandre to be killed by Ramsay though. I don’t want her raped or humiliated as a woman, I just want her to be burned at the stake, beheaded, or something. I’ve wanted her and Stannis to go since season 1, although Shireen’s death was the last straw for a lot of people.

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There's something weird and creepy and wrong about Asshai, where Mel is from.  I wouldn't be surprised if Mel is a sentient wight or resurrected being of some kind, she's not alive in any normal sense.


Mel can die, I hope she's burned at the stake.

Stannis can live but only as a broken man.

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I have lots of theories and questions about Mel but the show seems like it has squashed a few of them.

I thought the whole switch with Mance and Rattleshirt (or was it the Lord of Bones?) was going to be important enough to make it into the show. Not necessarily because of the importance of that plot or those characters but because I thought it was one of the most revealing things that we've seen about her magic to date.

We learn that the magic isn't easy. We learn that she can conceal a person's identity by using a glamour by working with rubies. She can feel pain and somehow Rattleshirt's burning seemed like it was hurting her until Jon put the arrow through him. (Was Mel surprised at the pain or had she foreseen that Jon would give the guy the mercy of the arrow?)

If Mel was in control of Rattleshirt's ruby glamour could somebody else be controlling Mel's?

Then there's the whole thing with Mel not having red eyes. This isn't a complaint. I think it's totally understandable why an actor wouldn't want to have to deal with that for x amount of years. It just makes me wonder if her eye color is as significant as I initially thought it was. I mean, the White Walkers and the wights all have their blue eyes on the show and it isn't technically necessary it's just visually striking. (Admittedly though we don't have any WW characters who frequently occur so maybe it isn't a fair comparison. The NK is a big deal but he's only been seen twice in five seasons.) If Mel is some sort of fire version of a White Walker then how is this conveyed to the audience? (Just to be clear I'm not suggesting that eye color is the only way just that it seems like an easy and straightforward option.)

Also, if shadowbinders are like fire versions of the White Walkers then why aren't Quaithe's eyes mentioned? Surely Dany would have noticed a pair of red eyes. Just that they bothered to include Quaithe makes me thinkthere's still more to come with this shadowbinder stuff.

As to whether or not Mel is alive in the proper sense--I'm unsure about this. She might just be really old. Since she's always looking out for attempts on her life when she looks in the flames that suggests to me that this is something she fears.

She and Moqorro have the no food or water thing in common but Moqorro doesn't have the red eyes and doesn't appear to be under any sort of glamour unless there's a ruby mention that I didn't catch.

All this to say I agree that Mel isn't exactly human anymore. I'm also pretty sure that any man who tries to rape Mel would rue the day. Lol I'm imagining something along the lines of the attacker getting sucked in and literally becoming a shadowbaby that she controls. Whatever would happen I can't imaginethat it would be pretty but this lady candefinitely take care of herself.

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Ollie needs to be on this list post-haste. I'm so tired of that damn kid and hate him for something he hasn't done yet.

Amen. The Thenns' worst crime was sparing that little punk and not eating him with his parents. Even if he doesn't turn on Jon, that just makes the focus on him this season even more annoying and I still want him out of my sight.

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Littlefinger - it's his fault that the Starks have gone through hell



Jorah - I've never really liked him


Unless his story gets more interesting - Bran


I just want Ramsay locked up somewhere and tortured forever

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My die list is relatively short:

Melisandre: that bitch smiled smugly when Shireen screamed in agony. I want her dead in the most brutal way possible.

Stannis: I want him to die knowing it was all for nothing.

Ramsay: that sadistic fuck needs to go.


My list of who I want to live:

the dragons, especially Drogon

the remaining wolves


Jaime (I know I don't have a chance of that happening)




I don't need to wish for Tyrion to live , or Dany because they have such clear protagonist privilege.

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I agree with most people picks and I'll also add that I want Daario to die as soon as possible just to not have to see the portrayal of him on the show. He doesn't even have to die though. Just have him leave.

I hope next episode the characters are all: where did Daario go? <shrugs shoulders>

I also actually hope that Dany, Tyrion and Arya all die. Not cause I dislike them but just that it feels like it would fit their stories. I actually often enjoy deaths of beloved characters in stories when they are given propper emotional impact and are used to drive the plot and the other charterers motivations forward.

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I'll quote myself:

 Ellaria needs to go, and fast! I liked her last season, but she's just being extremely reckless and stupid all year and she might have another ace (well, more like a deuce, actually...) in her sleeve.

It wasn't her sleeve, though...

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Ramsey, Roose, and Walder for obvious Stark-fan wish fulfillment reasons. And Ramsay is awful and becoming a bore - perhaps a worse crime for a character.

Balon because Gendry did not go through those leeches for nothing!

Daario because I hated his character in the books. On the show he is just boring.

Missandei and Grey Worm because I am horrible and I think the actors are bad and I just don't care about what happens to them. They could also just get married and adopt some kids and move off screen. I am not a monster.

Cersei, her abomination, Qyburn, and Pycelle. Hopefully they can be locked in a room together and claw each other to death.

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Olly, Thorne & the rest of the traitorous NWmen. I don't care who does it...Benjen can come back from wherever he is just because they took his name in vain. Just someone do it.

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Olly, Thorne & the rest of the traitorous NWmen. I don't care who does it...Benjen can come back from wherever he is just because they took his name in vain. Just someone do it.


Yup, if Arya ever finds out, she definitely needs to add these guys to her Death List.


And hey, at least Meryn finally got his desserts, even if it cost Arya her sight for now.

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Ellaria Fucking Sand. Just die already and take those three annoying snakes with you. 


I just want Septa Ratchet to be locked in a cell for weeks where she has to drink water off of the floor and is smacked around any time she opens her mouth to speak. 

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I changed my mind; Ser Alliser can die horribly any time. Olly, too.

Ellaria can drown in her own venom. And I love Indira Varma. But really, killing Myrcella avenges Oberyn in any way? (Not to mention he signed up for a fight to the death, as Doran noted). All it does is push Doran into a likely war he never wanted - and will likely lose.

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Exactly. Ellaria can't even blame Cersei for Oberyn's death as much as it seems like she wants to. Cersei was hoping that Oberyn would vote against Tyrion in the trial but she had no way of knowing or controlling Oberyn's decision to defend Tyrion in a TBC. Cersei didn't want Oberyn to defend Tyrion. It would have suited her if no one had come to Tyrion's aid. 


I don't think for a second either that Oberyn would have wanted her to kill Myrcella. Oberyn has daughters and he's the one who made the comment about how they don't kill little girls in Dorne. 

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I want things to get more interesting not less. Letting all the villains die at this point would be boring.


So who's deaths will excite things a bit?


Jon Snow. I know it won't happen. But it would be a shock. I need a shock.


Hey I got what I wanted!


Did not expect that. That was awesome, if Jon stays dead that is.

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Hey I got what I wanted!


Did not expect that. That was awesome, if Jon stays dead that is.


  The only way Jon's "death" would be awesome for me would be if the White Walkers slaughtered all the surviving Nights Watch except for Olly, whom they let go after he pleads for his life-only to be killed by Ghost seconds later.

Edited by DollEyes
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Exactly. Ellaria can't even blame Cersei for Oberyn's death as much as it seems like she wants to. Cersei was hoping that Oberyn would vote against Tyrion in the trial but she had no way of knowing or controlling Oberyn's decision to defend Tyrion in a TBC. Cersei didn't want Oberyn to defend Tyrion. It would have suited her if no one had come to Tyrion's aid. 


I don't think for a second either that Oberyn would have wanted her to kill Myrcella. Oberyn has daughters and he's the one who made the comment about how they don't kill little girls in Dorne. 


Cersei enlisted the Mountain. That is what made the combat irresistible to Oberyn in the first place. And although it's not Myrcella's fault, Myrcella's death is one of the few things that might inflict as much pain on Cersei as Oberyn's loss inflicted on Ellaria. Destroying any last vestige of the relationship between Jaime and Cersei so that Cersei has to be as lonely as Ellaria is also a plus. Not sure why Ellaria didn't kill Jaime, but I guess there's still time.

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Olly because he sucks, and I don't want to sit through any more scenes of him sucking. He somehow manages to be boring and annoying at the same time.


Ellaria because she doesn't even seem to know she's a Game of Thrones character. I don't know what show she's doing, but she simply does not fit. Her plots are so ridiculously glaringly obvious that she might as well be cackling like a witch and talking to herself out loud while she carries them out. Actually... give me a few episodes on Ellaria. She might get kind of funny after a while. Unlike...


Littlefinger. The self-designated sneakiest man in the world, who absolutely never shuts up about being sneaky. He's tedious, and so are his accents.


Reek does not interest me and is welcome to die in that fall and stay off my screen.


I actually wouldn't mind if Stannis tuned out to be alive, although I can't see it happening. At least he's more compelling than the others that I've listed.


I'm on the fence about Ramsay. Dead, eventually? Yes. Dead horribly? Absolutely. But dead soon? I'm not sure. In Seasons 3 and 4 I hated his performance. Far too over the top, and that grinningly sadistic manchild schtick isn't really all that unique in fictional villains. But now, with the show as grim and depressing as it so often is, he almost qualifies as comedy relief. I don't love hating him the way I did Joffrey, but at least I like hating him. It's a start.


Oh, and of course Melisandre can die right now.

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Ramsey, Roose, and Walder for obvious Stark-fan wish fulfillment reasons. And Ramsay is awful and becoming a bore - perhaps a worse crime for a character.


Ramsay was never that interesting of a character to begin with.  Joffrey was, as he was written, able to turn on the personal charm when needed to.  That made his character more tolerable.  I also think that Jack Gleason was one of the better actors on the show, which helped.

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