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S07.E03: Houston Qualifying

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Mighty Kacy struck out. Can we get back to our lives now? Yeah, like I should talk . . . I couldn't ace the Quintuple Steps if I had to. I figure she'll get a wild card, even though she probably couldn't complete the course in a set amount of time.


Damn, being a ninja must entail having a Twitter feed. Lots of @'s out tonight. In other news . . .  man, how bad does it suck to be the Human Panther? Failed the fifth obstacle the same way he did it last year. Good thing the course wasn't burnt out too bad, so he made the top 30 for the next round.

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Sam Sannn's hair surprised me and I was bummed that he showboatefd a bit on the wall.

Happy that Kacey fell. Serves this show right for shoving her down our throats. Booby accountant was annoying. And I found the family plus dad, who thought he was hilarious by acting like he had a walker,to be obnoxious. Glad they didn't perform well. Sorry about your testicles, dad!

I noticed much less ______ ninja names for everyone, which I loved.

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They basically guarenteed that Mighty Kacy will get the wild card. Probably to justify shipping her to all the other qualifiers. 


The obstacles were obviously challenging, but I agree, it was somewhat dull to watch. From what I could tell, "Red is good" for most of the obstacles. You could touch anything coloured Red, but anything else (like the bungee chords of the swinging spikes) were untouchable. 

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While I do think they have promoted Kacy way too much but I don't put the blame on her (or at least not the vast majority of it.) Her body looked like she had actually invested time and effort into getting stronger but I don't know that she could have done enough mental training to deal with the pressure she had to be feeling. And there is certainly nothing she can do about her height which I think played into her falling. I won't have any issue with her getting a wild card because I have seen other people get them for less.

I actually liked this ep the best so far. I really wanted the breast cancer survivor to make it further but what she did was amazing considering where she has been in the recent past. And I also really liked the 21 year old rookie who sings opera. He might be a little cocky but he is really good and I'm looking forward to seeing him again. I was also gkad to see Mr. Kacy make it up the wall this year. He seems like a good guy and I wouldn't mind seeing him be the first to go all the way.

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I'm glad you said that, cooker30, because I thought I was the only one who really liked Kacy.  I hope she does get a wild card.


Thus far, I'm really not crazy about the disparity of the courses.  Last week's seemed to be much easier than the first week's or this week's.  I think there should be more consistency.


ETA:  Go, Jonathan Horton!  I've always rooted for him as a gymnast, especially after he was bypassed by young, stronger, healthier guys.  He still kept on trying just as hard and had such heart.  I'm glad he was the first guy to finish the course.

Edited by SophiaD
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Yeah, Kacy seemed set up to fail here.


That said, to be fair, she seemed setup to fail going into the city finals last year, so there's that to her credit.


And it WAS weird.  I expected her to maybe go on either the second obstacle or the fifth.  I never thought she'd have a problem with the net, especially that last swing (because it should have been in her wheelhouse, since it's not totally dissimilar to stuff in gymnastics on the bars).

The problem with the net swing is that it's moving as you're swinging, and you're swinging off of it in front of its rotation axis. While not impossible, you need to figure out what the rhythm is and jump at a different point than you would on a static bar, or even a normal swinging bar, which isn't trivial when your arms are burning.


I am a bit curious in how they design the courses. It's obvious a lot of thought goes into making the challenges, but at times they don't seem to think as much about how the challenges feed into eachother.  Then again, for all the years I've watched, there have always been some courses that are field burners, and others that are walks in the park. 


Does anyone know, do they film a city all at once, or do they actually break it up over two visits?


I was disappointed to see Kacey fall, to be honest I changed from the hockey game to see her go, since I figured she would be last shown. I feel that she would deserve a wild card, though I'm not sure how that really works. It's not really her fault that they over advertized her, and as a girl who is also short, I do find her an inspiration.

Edited by blueray
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It's not really her fault that they over advertized her, and as a girl who is also short, I do find her an inspiration.


Well....she could say 'NO' to going to every qualifying city and to doing every interview.  She's apparently a gym owner and I'm sure could say 'I have to work'.  She chooses not to - and she chooses to try to gain the attention/fame that goes with it and maybe the advertising for her gym.  If that's her goal - fine - but then she IS part of the overhype machine.  She's a great athlete but there are also other great athletes on these courses.  I definitely don't think she should get a wild card because there were a LOT of athletes that got farther than she did (and I think a couple women, also).  I thought Akbar's rationale was ridiculous...she did great last year and that performance should give her a wild card?  How about we allow Super Bowl teams an automatic berth into the following year's playoffs??  Sounds stupid, right? 


Also, when she interviews, besides her voice,, she said "oh, I couldn't believe so many people liked my story", or something like that.  You're a skinny, attractive woman who [minimally] grew up middle class (gymnastics is NOT cheap).  Talk to the guy who is raising all of his siblings, the guy who lost a leg, the autistic contestant, Sam Sann (etc)...and then we'll talk about a meaningful story.


Sorry - it just grates so large - I get that part of my annoyance is direct from the ANW producers and whatnot...but she also bugs.


ETA:  I don't want to make it seem like I'm giving you a hard time for liking Kacey.  I understand and respect that she can be inspiring to get up and get moving for some people.  I'm just obviously not one of them. ;) 

Edited by VartanFan
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Poor Evan Dollard. From American Gladiator champ and one of the favorites in the early seasons, to now relegated to a 2-second "oh and this guy fell too" recap.


I don't dislike Kacey or resent the attention given to her, and I can buy that she'd be inspiring to a lot of people both on and off the show. Still, it's unfortunate that she show for the most part has forgotten that while she was technically the first woman to climb the wall, two (?) other women did as well, it's just that Kacey's city happened to run the course before the others.


Glad Brett Steffensen rebounded from last year.

Kacy remains the only woman to have finished a Finals course, although they are downplaying that this season.  The only reason Meagan and Michelle got into the finals was that they received Wild Card spots.  That said, Meagan did get farther than any woman ever has in the Finals course, and, as strong as she looks this season, I would imagine she'd have a real shot at going further this year. 


I would like to see more parity between courses, though.  I know the different obstacles are part of the interest and the fun, but some courses, especially last year's Finals Course, really seemed to be targeted for taller athletes.

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first woman to climb the wall, two (?) other women did as well, it's just that Kacey's city happened to run the course before the others.

I do like Kacey, however I feel bad for the other two girls who did it also, they just happened to be in a city after her. I think it was Megan (or the other girl) last year that made it further than Kacey, she actually only went out because she ran out of time not because she fell.


I think the show has a problem with over focusing on past contestants that did well and being shocked when they don't measure up to last year. The fact that the course is different every time is the main reason for that. There are guy's too that get the same attention (Brian Arnold and his friends, the fast guys, etc). I wonder how this show would be if you only could compete once, or if you made it past cities you couldn't compete again.

Edited by blueray
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she could say 'NO' to going to every qualifying city and to doing every interview

If I were her, I would NOT say no to going to the qualifying cities because she gets to see ALL the different and new obstacles and can prepare a little better for her run, theoretically.  I would blame it on her shortness, if male gymnast Johnny (?) who was only 5'1 did not make it.  Kacy's rhythm looked off and as the host pointed on, she let go at the wrong time.  If she does get a wild card to the City finals, I could see her fixing that.


I like Kacy.  I agree about the interviews but heck the more she is out there the more chance she has to get endorsements which could make her some money so I don't blame her.  I do think the show over hypes her a little bit and I do think the pressure could be overwhelming.

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I would like to see more parity between courses, though.  I know the different obstacles are part of the interest and the fun, but some courses, especially last year's Finals Course, really seemed to be targeted for taller athletes.


Yes. Some cities' courses seem much easier than others, or not as geared to a certain weight/height body type. Afterwards I always think that so-and-so would have made it if they had tried to qualify in another city. 


And I blame NBC and their ANW promoters for my reaction to Kacy falling to being one of : "Thank goodness. Maybe now they can stop. talking. about. Kacy. for. just. one. second." 

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If I were her, I would NOT say no to going to the qualifying cities because she gets to see ALL the different and new obstacles and can prepare a little better for her run, theoretically.  I would blame it on her shortness, if male gymnast Johnny (?) who was only 5'1 did not make it.  Kacy's rhythm looked off and as the host pointed on, she let go at the wrong time.  If she does get a wild card to the City finals, I could see her fixing that.


I like Kacy.  I agree about the interviews but heck the more she is out there the more chance she has to get endorsements which could make her some money so I don't blame her.  I do think the show over hypes her a little bit and I do think the pressure could be overwhelming.

This, she gets to see and hear what the other contenders say of the new obstacles, which helps in her training. Gymnastics is tough on the body, she's not going to be 45 doing these courses like some of the guys. She's got a limited amount of time she to do things like ANW, so any advantage in the game or getting a sponsor would be great for her. Do I think she could make a ton of money? No. But she could make enough to live comfortably.

And it's not Kacy's fault she's white and privileged, it's NBC's fault that they choose to hype Kacy over Megan Martin. I appreciate that Kacy is using this opportunity to tell all women they can do anything guys can do, and I think that's a big reason about why she is going around for spots and promo. You can hate her voice, her look, that she's not poc, whatever you want, but the fact is that she did something incredible and is a role model for women and girls.

Edited by william0102
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The problem with the net swing is that it's moving as you're swinging, and you're swinging off of it in front of its rotation axis. While not impossible, you need to figure out what the rhythm is and jump at a different point than you would on a static bar, or even a normal swinging bar, which isn't trivial when your arms are burning.



The thing I noticed while Kacy was building up momentum, that I did not notice happening to other competitors, was that the apparatus was coming to a hard (jarring) stop on her backswing.  I think this threw off her timing, and she felt that she had to make a leap attempt before she burned out her arm strength.


But she was guaranteed a spot in Vegas as a Wild Card anyway.  So, a thirtieth competitor made the City Final, who wouldn't have.  (And while I doubt Panther, was that 30th, I'm glad he made it.)

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VartanFan, on 09 Jun 2015 - 09:58 AM, said:

    Well....she could say 'NO' to going to every qualifying city and to doing every interview. 

Even putting aside promoting her gym though, she's also getting paid to watch in every city.  Not just by the network when she appears on it, but also writing a column about each week.


Right - I get this.  I get all of it.  My point is...don't say it's not HER fault that she's pimped to the gills.  She feeds it for a reason - and that's fine.  It's a reason that benefits her.  Great.  But then don't say it's ALL the ANW producer fault or wonder WHY she has so much pressure on her this year. 


Again, I see that she's a great athlete; I see that she can be a role model for being active.  Fine.  She's gotten a ton of exposure and it annoys me to the point that I'm not going to call it a national tragedy that she fell in the water. 

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No one called it a national tragedy? I don't think you understand why she's a role mode.


She's not a role model for being active. She's a five foot competitor with decidedly less mass than all the other ninjas, who does amazingly difficult things that most of the guys can do with little effort. She accomplished something huge in a competition dominated and geared towards men. She became visible in a space previously only taken up by men, and is speaking about having the determination and fortitude to accomplish her goals. That's not just inspirational for people to get off their butts and get active. She's showing girls and women it's okay to go after what they want.


It's not just about fitness or gymnastics, and that's okay if you don't realize that, but you putting her down and all the people criticizing her voice or her shorts last season and the camel toe, is exactly why her getting coverage is important. Her voice, her looks, don't matter. She's an awesome competitor and you want to take that away or belittle that in anyway you can because she's a woman. That's what society does, they belittle women when they're tired of "letting" them have a spotlight, making it about a woman's attractiveness. You made it about something other than her accomplishments by trying to criticize her physicality. Newsflash, no one cares if you dislike her voice. People watch ANW because of the competition or the stories. I've never seen anyone pick on a male ninja's physical flaws, so stop hiding your disdain of Kacy's determination and accomplishments behind you're "tired of seeing her".

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I am female.  I watched Kacy last year with much of the same excitement everyone else had, not because she's female but because she was trying to do something that a person in a particular category had never done before.  There's a difference.  I felt the same way about the guy with the prosthesis this season and would have been equally impressed if he had made it through.  That said, Kacy's big story was last year, she fell this year and I'm sick of all the hype based on last season.  Certainly she deserves to be recognized for what she accomplished but the announcers are just OTT when they talk about her.  It's become annoying, at least to me.  I like her (except for her awful voice) and hope she goes on to more great things but I don't want to hear about last year over and over and over.

Edited by mlp
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No one called it a national tragedy? I don't think you understand why she's a role mode.


She's not a role model for being active. She's a five foot competitor with decidedly less mass than all the other ninjas, who does amazingly difficult things that most of the guys can do with little effort. She accomplished something huge in a competition dominated and geared towards men. She became visible in a space previously only taken up by men, and is speaking about having the determination and fortitude to accomplish her goals. That's not just inspirational for people to get off their butts and get active. She's showing girls and women it's okay to go after what they want.


It's not just about fitness or gymnastics, and that's okay if you don't realize that, but you putting her down and all the people criticizing her voice or her shorts last season and the camel toe, is exactly why her getting coverage is important. Her voice, her looks, don't matter. She's an awesome competitor and you want to take that away or belittle that in anyway you can because she's a woman. That's what society does, they belittle women when they're tired of "letting" them have a spotlight, making it about a woman's attractiveness. You made it about something other than her accomplishments by trying to criticize her physicality. Newsflash, no one cares if you dislike her voice. People watch ANW because of the competition or the stories. I've never seen anyone pick on a male ninja's physical flaws, so stop hiding your disdain of Kacy's determination and accomplishments behind you're "tired of seeing her".

I can't speak for VartanFan, but I can say that I am a woman and I don't find Kacy annoying because she is a woman I am trying to keep down, I find her annoying because she is annoying.  I guess I must be heartless, unenlightened, or I haven't put as much thought or emotional effort into a silly summer obstacle course show as I should.  Chilllax.


On another note, I was really hoping that Brett would fall.  I found Kacy annoying last year too, but not so annoying that I couldn't also be annoyed on her behalf that Brett just had to climb the tower to help her celebrate after she finished the City Finals course.  I don't like that guy.


I think that Kacy's weight was the main problem for her last night.  The net apparatus was too heavy for her to build momentum.

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I definitely see what you're saying, mlp, and I agree. Kacy didn't do well this year, and I was rooting for the football player with the prosthesis also- they didn't make it past this first set, so let it die down. But here's the thing, this show is based all around the sob stories and how it's a venue that gives people the opportunity to overcome personal tragedy or physical issues that hinder them in real life. They have to keep telling the stories and hyping them, or people will only see it as a reality competition. 

Specific to Kacy, she did well last year, they've gotten a huge media response and had more women on the show this year- so of course they're going to hype her up and cash in on that goodwill. But honestly, it's not any different than Brent or anyone else who did poorly the year before, and how they tout it as their big come back. They're selling a storyline. Kacy's storyline is the one that makes ANW better to the media. But honestly how many times did they say last night that Brent used to be the best, or he had at one point gone the farthest? They always pimp the well known ninjas. And obviously people get tired of hearing the same spiel, but some of the posts weren't specific to that when it came to Kacy. VartanFan, I got your point, you didn't get mine. 


lilabennet- I'm sorry if I offended you. Obviously people dislike others for a variety of reasons, and it is a summer tv show. We just live in a time where so many more avenues of positive female role models are open to us in the media. I get heated over stuff like this because I have 2 sisters, and luckily they're strong women, but they've faced discrimination. Neither of them watch this show, but both have called me and texted me several times about Kacy since last year. The younger one even watched with me last night because she wanted to see Kacy run the course. I see so many other guys that don't give a crap about women, so I try to say something when it seems like women are being hated on for the wrong reasons. No offence meant, and I agree Kacy's weight worked against her last night on the cargo net swing- it was her strength propelling it, but she didn't have the weight needed to counterbalance how much force she had to use.

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The thing I noticed while Kacy was building up momentum, that I did not notice happening to other competitors, was that the apparatus was coming to a hard (jarring) stop on her backswing.  I think this threw off her timing, and she felt that she had to make a leap attempt before she burned out her arm strength.



I really noticed this too, and the commentators commented (heh) on it. It was jarring her at the back of her swing instead of it being smooth. Just some poor judgement. I got the feeling she was working hard to power through it and she powered too hard. Since she ran last, i was surprised she fell.


Well, last year Brent got to watch from the sidelines. This year, Kacey does.


I like all the back stories. Makes me know a bit more about the "special" people this show has chosen. I'm also impressed that so many walk-ons make it through while the veterans fail. What's up with that?

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I am a fan of Kacy and think she deserves every bit of coverage that she's gotten.  I haven't heard anyone complain of the man who has been a stay at home husband for the last two years so that he can spend more time training.  No one's complaining about all the press Jon Stewart is getting for being the oldest man to complete a final.


I like the fact that Kacy is doing things that my generation of women didn't do/weren't exposed to.  BTW, her voice doesn't annoy me.  As a lot of what she's saying is supportive of the other female contestants, she's all right with me.


This is a sports/entertainment show and the back stories are an integral part of that.  The better the story, the better the chance to appear.  And I cried for the autistic young man, the contestant with the wife who has a terminal illness, and the amputee.  I expect there will be some more stories that will make me cry.  Bring them on!

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This isn't Queen for a Day. I don't care about backstories. You shouldn't win because one sister ran away with an escaped convict, your father has amnesia and thinks he's Gunga Din (Or possibly Gloria Swanson.), one cousin is running from the mob and your mother is a dithery airhead. And a contestant shouldn't be ignored because he or she is Bob or Susie Normal person with no sobstory background.

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Well, last year Brent got to watch from the sidelines. This year, Kacey does.


No way this will come to fruition - they'll usher her through even though she fell.  I hope that means that other athletes who made it farther on the course than she did, will also get a wild card.  I will be ripped if the idiot Moravsky gets sent through also.  Far better athletes took on the course.


You shouldn't win because one sister ran away with an escaped convict,



The people with the sob-ish backstories don't win because of their story, they win because they have completed the course. Yeah, maybe they get to do a run because of their story but it's the course that decides if they get to stay or go home.


And a contestant shouldn't be ignored because he or she is Bob or Susie Normal person with no sobstory background.



I understand some "normal" people stand in line for days or travel from city to city to wait some more to try and get a walk-on. Those that do, sometimes surprise everyone by beating a course that has defeated some of the veterans. They don't have ANY backstory other than their patience an perseverance in trying to get a chance to run the course.


Without a backstory to learn more about a person, this show would just be one person after another trying/failing/succeeding to make it to the buzzer. *yawn* I like knowing the Alaskan guy trained in -40 weather and Lance Pikus works cattle and has a course in his father-in-law's barn. 


I don't have a problem with Kacey either. I'm from the era of when girls were not allowed to cross the center line when playing basketball or we would be "ruined" for our future as wives since such "extreme athleticism"  would cause us to not be able to bear children. There were no sports for girls other than tennis in which we could compete. So yeah, GOOD ON KASEY and every other woman who has taken on this show.


Anyone who objects to her can go stand in line and run the course themselves, especially if they have a great backstory to make us root for and feel sorry for them!

Edited by saber5055
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I can't help but like Kacy and root for her, especially seeing how excited my 9 yr old daughter was watching her last year and again this year. Kacy really helps her see herself as strong and inspires her to push herself and keep trying. I'm sure Kacy will come back with a wild card and I hope she does well. 


I also enjoy the backstories. It seems like all sporting events have some sad/funny/inspiring backstories about the athletes. It helps us get to know them and care about their performances. Watching random people attempt the same 6 obstacles over and over for 2 hours would get boring. 

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Those girls would have won a lot of half court shooting contests for cars, etc...


Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of those in our day.  If there were, I don't think women were allowed to compete.


This isn't Queen for a Day. I don't care about backstories. You shouldn't win because one sister ran away with an escaped convict, your father has amnesia and thinks he's Gunga Din (Or possibly Gloria Swanson.), one cousin is running from the mob and your mother is a dithery airhead. And a contestant shouldn't be ignored because he or she is Bob or Susie Normal person with no sobstory background.


OOOH, "Queen for a Day"!!!!  The only television contest in the 50s geared to women where a woman could get good loot.  Sort of like any of the stories used in the submission videos (whether we see them or not) that all of the contestants make to be considered to be on a show that gives a million dollars to the winner.


Those girls would have won a lot of half court shooting contests for cars, etc...



Not really. Girl teams were divided in half, half on one side of the centerline, the other half on the other side. When one side dribbled the ball to the center, the girl had to then pass to a team mate on the other side of the centerline, then that girl continued to dribble to the basket to make a shot. No way would we ever been allowed to shoot for the basket from centerline. it was against the rules! Only the forwards could shoot the ball. Do a search for "six on six basketball" to learn more trivia!


Queen for a Day. Ha ha! Brings back memories of black-and-white tvs.


Thinking about backstories ... they are on every single competitive reality show: The Voice, AGT, DWTS, SYTYCD, Idol ... keep going. They all have them. It's just part of the format, like it or not.

Edited by saber5055
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Thus far, I'm really not crazy about the disparity of the courses.  Last week's seemed to be much easier than the first week's or this week's.  I think there should be more consistency.


Yeah, the disparity is kind of frustrating, but then I stop to think that at the end of the day, the city finals is a good equaliser, because it is bound to bring out some tough obstacles, and they will also make some of the original obstacles from qualifying tougher. So people who managed to squeak through because they happened to be in Kansas City instead of Venice or Houston, they'll meet their match come the city finals.



I am a fan of Kacy and think she deserves every bit of coverage that she's gotten.  I haven't heard anyone complain of the man who has been a stay at home husband for the last two years so that he can spend more time training.  No one's complaining about all the press Jon Stewart is getting for being the oldest man to complete a final.


To tell you the truth, I find the stay at home dad guy really annoying. He was an idiot last year and purposely ran down the clock at city finals - a move that came back to haunt him, because he ended up being one of the first to run Mt. Midoriyama. He had a poor showing - he got taken out by an obstacle that no one had figured out yet (because there were so few competitors who ran ahead of him). I don't think he'll be making the same mistake this year, but his arrogance last year... that was pretty annoying. I find Kacy annoying, too, but I also think she's a great competitor who's done amazing things (at "five foot nothing", no less!)

No way would we ever been allowed to shoot for the basket from centerline. it was against the rules! Only the forwards could shoot the ball. Do a search for "six on six basketball" to learn more trivia!

Oh yeah! My Gramma told me about 6-on-6 ball. She used to play as a teen, but she kept getting in foul trouble because she played so aggressively. Her coach suggested she try another sport - track. So she did! After couple of years of racking up collegiate meet wins, she tried out for the Olympics and ended up with a gold medal in the 4x100 relay. Not bad for an athletic farm girl who was too aggressive for 6-on-6 basketball. :-)

Edited by fivestone
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I really like Kaci too! She is amazing. I remember being so angry about the semi-finals because I thought that the course was so unfair. I thought it was physically impossible for someone 5ft to complete at all. She shocked me by completing it, which no other woman has done. I was again disappointed that course was rigged for tall contestants. The spider jump is 5 ft across and Kaci is only 5 ft. There was no way to stick the jump because she couldn't use her hands to stop the momentum.

Megan got a wildcard into the finals as did many other women who had not completed the prior courses, so I have no problem with Kaci getting a wild card this year. They give wild cards to men who didn't complete the course as well. IIRC Flip fell and was given a wild card to continue based on his prior performances.

Other competitors I love are Abel (guy raising his brothers) and the Panther. I wanted the Panther to get a wild card over Flip last year. The Weatherman is also completely amazing to me. I think he is one of the best competitors out there and it makes me a little sad that the Wolf Pack get so much attention and final spots on the final team.

Now the one I can't stand is Dr Noah Kaufman. He's Obnoxious. Ok I didn't like the accountant either or the Cliff bar CEO.

The truth is that there are too many people vying for a spot to compete, so they have to stand out. Even if you are "normal" it doesn't mean you aren't relatable. I really liked the trucker who saw the course on a trip and decided to give it a try.

Edited by kitticup
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I wish the primate keeper from the Tulsa zoo had made it through-just because there IS so much similarity between the ANW course obstacles and the stuff provided for captive primates for mental and physical stimulation . I tend to prefer the guys who have jobs that provide some of the training, as opposed to those for whom training is their business, or who just train and do nothing else. Although it is kind of nice to see a sport where the amateurs can beat the pros.

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Thank god for the mute and fast forward buttons, so I didn't have to listen to Matt and Akbar orgasm every time they talked about Kacy or showed a clip about her. And somehow, the show became all about her. Blech.

I thought Daniel Gill was a woman. There have been women as muscular as he competing.

The 55-year-old dad? Damn he was built. Glad he made it to the finals; I want to see him again.

I was glad that Jonathan Horton made it up the wall too. He's a hot little fireplug.

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