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S07.E09: Birthday In The Berks

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Ramona waxing poetic about the universal tragedies we all face? My my. It must've been high tide and a full moon, or maybe she really has turned a new leaf.



Does anyone else notice that when Ramona tries to say something meaningful and profound, her voice completely changes, the tone and timbre gets quieter and she tries to sound all "zen" and peaceful-like?


I kin of felt badly for her after she said all that, because I think she was expecting people to compliment her on her thoughtful words, but instead, she didn't get the response she was expecting.  She looked kind of hurt about that. 

  • Love 5

Word on the street is she's now having to shop in the Juniors' department.

We need a catch-phrase and malapropism thread for the Housewives series! 


Heck, according to Andy, himself, Porsha (Atl) was demoted because she would not share her personal life on the show yet he allowed Kenya to do that. Andy seems to pick and chose which HW's have to share their personal lives and which do not, Bethenny seems to be in the Kenya league where the rules he sets for the rest do not apply. I can understand if Bethenny's then BF did not want to film but all she had to say was that she had a bf, that they wanted to keep things private for now. This denying she even has a bf is ridiculous IMO, and is only being used to soften/explain her caustic behavior.  JMO

True 'dat.  I can see how it would rankle some of the HWs though.


I had no idea she even had a boyfriend.  Weird.

I think 18 months they lasted.  He kinda looks like a younger douchier version of Dorinda's John.


While the TV show undoubtedly helped Bethenny, it was only one factor. Otherwise, all these women would be equally successful.

Free advertising is a gift and B reaped the rewards of it.

  • Love 4

Ah, see, I thought it was HORRIBLE.  Steal a dress, ehh, they all have a hundred dresses--get a screen catch of your friend wearing the dress she stole and you can have more fun with that than you'd ever get out of the dress itself.


But if I dreamed up with a thoughtful, clever idea for a friend to whom it will be permanently significant and then someone stole the credit--I'd murder her.


Intellectual property, baby!


But I guess that's just me because Carole was laughing even though she was exasperated.

I thought it was funny.


It's just that Heather has an A type personality. You know the kid at school who just had to be perfect and follow all the rules? And everyone else should too? Authority is her middle name. Couple that with good intentions equals Heather trying to 'help' Bethenny. As an aside, the need to control can often manifest in those who are raised in situations where there are difficulties that they cannot control. So the need to control something becomes a personality trait. No idea of Heathers upbringing so I can't correlate anything here.

Bethenny has a 'victim but I'm tough now' personality so authority completely rubs her the wrong way. Bethenny sees the authority assertions from Heather but cannot see the good intentions behind it all.

I have some leanings toward the A type need to control, be in charge, or sort everyone out (I'd self diagnose my childhood for that). But I'm also very sensitive, caring, will do anything for others. So I can see where Heather is coming from. One thing that drives me NUTS is being misunderstood. I think that might explain Heathers reactions during dinner and how she tried to take Beth away to sort it all out away from the others. It especially explains her tears when she sat back down after Beth didn't want to go away and talk.

Heather, in her own way (right or wrong) is trying with Beth with good intentions. Beth isn't reading Heather in the way Heather is expecting/hoping she will. Frustrations from both ensue. I just wish Beth would hear Heather out.

Oh, and another example of Beth getting a TH about the dinner but Heather didn't.

I think Heather should have had some advice for her older friend, Carole, about accepting candy from a stranger. She thought that was so funny and cute. She could have helped" her friend avoid future unplanned trips.

  • Love 3

Kristen was correct, she was fine dancing with John until he turned to her and started grabbing her and grinding on her with his groin. She did run away at that point but she did not make a big fuss about it. IMO, this was Ramona trying to take the heat off of herself by first throwing LuAnn then Kristen under the bus.

Thank you!!! I think you are correct. There is a big difference between a sandwich when your pelvis is against a guy's tushie vs. a sandwich when a guy's pelvis is against your tushie. (And I wouldn't be shocked to learn that Kristen eventually sensed that John's body was reacting to Kristen's...)
  • Love 6

How has Bethenny not "given Kristen a chance"? She was perfectly polite and friendly to her when they played blackjack together in Atlantic City; she didn't stampede back to Kristen (as some Housewives would) in order to aggressively demand why Kristen was talking about her to Heather after Heather attempted to spin InvitationGate out of whole cloth. Per the preview, it appears that Kristen is the one who instigates the tete-a-tete with Bethenny . . . And irrespective of Ramona's efforts to promote tension, Kristen elected to disparage John behind Dorinda's back in Dorinda's own home. When Dorinda walked in, Kristen revisited her contentions that John was "touchy feely" after Dorinda had spoken with Ramona. So what's the confusion over why Dorinda read Kristen the riot act? Sonja didn't essentially accuse John of sexual assault, either to Dorinda's face or behind her back, both of which Kristen did. Thus, the propriety of Kristen's behavior is germane to the discourse and Dorinda rightly brought it up - apropos of Kristen's revisionism, not spontaneously. It blows my mind that Heather (with her 'separate you two' jab) and Kristen think they can feign shock and befuddlement (in Kristen's case to the point of literally dropping her jaw) a brief few minutes after they initiated disagreements in front of cameras. Heather's blog is a pat example of this; in the way Heather frames the dinner, she and Bethenny are suddenly just going out it again - no, Heather didn't directly create round two by trying to lecture Sonja and Bethenny on their laughing. And all eye rolls notwithstanding, Heather was actually attempting to sympathize with Bethenny when she referenced her nanny. Um, okay.

  • Love 4

Heather is busier than a bedroom in a whorehouse.  It's not just this thing with Bethenny.  She always has to get involved and always has to take charge and always has to put people right and always has to have her girls' backs and always has to find a solution and on and on and on.  It was obvious to me--and apparently a lot of other people--that Bethenny had come to the house to be part of the show and interact with the other women etc.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if she'd been called out on her non-attendance of stuff by the Bravo PTB.  I don't think she turned up looking for a fight and I don't think she wanted to be anyone's special little snowflake especially not Heather's.  I mean seriously!  Bethenny's basically wearing a button that says 'Leave Me The Fuck Alone' and Heather doesn't care.  Well OK then Heather.  I guess you should be prepared for what comes next.  And tearful or not, my money is always on Bethenny in this kind of situation,

Edited by quaintirene
  • Love 15

I have to wonder if Bethenny set her sights on Kristen because of Kyle/Brandi. Bethenny has known Kyle for decades and Kristen is friends with Kyle's tormenter. LOL Cross country HW battles!

Kristen is dull as dirt and when she does attempt to be relevant she has the Brandi book of MOs stamped all over her.  I think Andy regretted keeping Kristen on and did it as a favor to Brandi.  She just has zero in the way of a personality and burned her husband last year in her attempt to stay relevant. 


My guess is Bethenny, had she wanted ould have friended Kristen and she didn't see an upside.  Also, Brandi laims that Josh "dated" Bethenny and that Bethenny's old shoulder is surprising. 

  • Love 3

But this is Bethenny trying desperately to be Season 1 Bethenny and it doesn't work anymore.


Thank you for hitting the nail on the head.


Back in the day, the early seasons before poor, raised by  wolves, can't give away her health food in a health food store Bethenny left to become mega-mogul Bethenny she was a different person filling a different roll in the show. She was the kid sister in the small apartment who needed a leg up, a place to stay with her rich friends when they went to the Hamptons, the young woman who couldn't hang on to a boyfriend but desperately wanted a relationship, baby and the whole happily ever after. She was the underdog longing to be the alpha.


Now she's been around a few blocks, is finishing up a seriously nasty divorce, sharing custody, has more money than she'll likely ever spend and so wired she seems incapable of having a normal conversation. Now she is the alpha (most of the time) and has lost whatever appeal she once had. Strident, sarcastic, impatient, superior, unpleasant--simply not someone most people would want to spend time with, either in real life or watched on a TV show.

  • Love 13

I hate to use this word for Kristen, I am sure she's been labeled that most of her life and it has played a major role in her lack of self confidence, but bringing up John's inappropriate to Dorinda in home was just that. Stupid.


Kristen wasn't wrong that the guy was inappropriate. The collective "STFU" suggests that a person can't have a change of heart if they realize they've put themselves in a situation in which they want to put an end to. Yes, all three where rubbing off on each other during the dance. It was fun for all until until Kristen turned around and he started groping her.  She has a right to feel icky about that despite how the dancing started . Going from dancing up against someone and them reaching out to grab you in a place you don't want is not okay. Kristen did the right thing by walking. That, IMO, should have been the end of that. It probably would have been if she wasn't asked about it in her TH.


Where she further goes wrong was bring it up at Dorinda's home where she was a guest. I get that whew as trying to fill the awkward silence and Ramona was as silent as a lamp but she should have followed Ramona's example and kept her mouth shut. Or start talking about the weather or something. Think, girl.


It would be much better if she acknowledges her role in how it got to the point it did. But I also haven't heard her put all the blame of John now accused him of anything akin to sexual assault. 


Moving on. I like Heather and have been on her side through this "winning" of Bethenny Frankel. I admire her persistence but at some point, she ought to concede that Bethenny simply doesn't care to be her friend or whatever she's shooting for. She should try to keep a distance and only acknowledge her when it is absolutely necessary ; Their work require them to interact after all. I do agree with her about the others making excuses for Bethenny. She's being treated like a sacred cow for whatever reason and I am with Heather in that I am not here for that.


I want to add to the admiration of Luann's clothing choices in the last two episodes. I especially loved the place dress she wore for the caviar dinner party for Dorinda. I rewound the part where she was in the doorway talking to one of the serves to admire the view. The dress fit her perfectly.

  • Love 2

How has Bethenny not "given Kristen a chance"? She was perfectly polite and friendly to her when they played blackjack together in Atlantic City; she didn't stampede back to Kristen (as some Housewives would) in order to aggressively demand why Kristen was talking about her to Heather after Heather attempted to spin InvitationGate out of whole cloth. Per the preview, it appears that Kristen is the one who instigates the tete-a-tete with Bethenny . . . And irrespective of Ramona's efforts to promote tension, Kristen elected to disparage John behind Dorinda's back in Dorinda's own home. When Dorinda walked in, Kristen revisited her contentions that John was "touchy feely" after Dorinda had spoken with Ramona. So what's the confusion over why Dorinda read Kristen the riot act? Sonja didn't essentially accuse John of sexual assault, either to Dorinda's face or behind her back, both of which Kristen did. Thus, the propriety of Kristen's behavior is germane to the discourse and Dorinda rightly brought it up - apropos of Kristen's revisionism, not spontaneously. It blows my mind that Heather (with her 'separate you two' jab) and Kristen think they can feign shock and befuddlement (in Kristen's case to the point of literally dropping her jaw) a brief few minutes after they initiated disagreements in front of cameras. Heather's blog is a pat example of this; in the way Heather frames the dinner, she and Bethenny are suddenly just going out it again - no, Heather didn't directly create round two by trying to lecture Sonja and Bethenny on their laughing. And all eye rolls notwithstanding, Heather was actually attempting to sympathize with Bethenny when she referenced her nanny. Um, okay.


I meant to say this in episode thread from last week or the week before.  I regularly don't understand your posts, like guh they're hincty enough that I need my pocket thesaurus lol.  I think the theme of this one is Heather and Kristen stay full of shit.  In any case, damn I love the way you use your words!

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 1

Okay girls.




So Heather has a Bethenny crush and B is all messed up about that because she makes a shitty love-object and now Heather is all sad because B is all NO, and that's kind of a dick-move on B's part because Heather is so clearly looking for B to be like "Yeah girl, I know you.  You're the other alpha who Made Her Own Way.  Can we just go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW?" and B is a bit of a sadist so H is going to have to work her shit out in the company of Carole WHO DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK


So, I'm not  Heather fan but I can totally see why she's all broken-hearted.






I always get a little choked up when a realz housewife reconsiders her aesthetic according to whatever she thinks is an appropriate standard. Watching her aim in all good faith and then miss makes me want to die.  


For more, see fabulous Ramona bum and then that bad-idea wrapped around her waist.

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 4

I am glad we finally got o see more of Dorinda! I love her house and she seems pretty easy-going. 

  I did not like Kristen talking crap about Dorinda's boyfriend in Dorinda's home. Not cool!   Dorinda's response  was very touching and I hope the women do give John a chance.  I also thought it was crappy of Kristen to give Ramona a jab during dinner at The Red Lion. It was unnecessary and petty.

  Carole really disappointed me with the googling of Ramona's business partner. Wrong time and place..who does that?!  Now for sure there is going to be tension at the Birthday dinner.

  I don't know if it's editing with Heather this episode, but boy she came off really pushy and too high energy!  It was Dorinda's home and birthday weekend and Heather took over.  I think she needs to just relax and let Dorinda entertain her guests and take care of the daily agenda. Also, lay off the interrogation of Ramona's date and don't swear at the dinner table! FFS!!! lol

  How could Bethenny tell Dorinda that she is not coming and then just shows up? It's a dinner party and the host would need to know the head count. She was rude from the get go.  I think she was trying to piss Heather off by being loud and obnoxious.  She was just being snarky and rude. Nothing new coming from B.

  • Love 3

I really enjoyed this episode.


If Kristin hadn't been on the receiving end of that top-notch read, courtesy of Dorinda, there would be no point to Kristin. Again.


Heather was foolish to think she could strong-arm Bethenny into a friendship. Her approach was all wrong from minute one.


This thing with bossy-pants Heather versus prickly Bethenny is not going to be a season-long war. I believe, as someone posted upthread, that it will dissipate, in the face of bigger conflicts. Things will shake up between the factions during the cast trip, which should make things very interesting. Can't wait!

  • Love 3

I thought it was strange Beth would not eat regular fish but shellfish were okay, because you hear so much about shellfish being contaminated.  Turns out being allergic to finned fish but not shellfish is a real thing.  I had no idea. 


Finned fish and shellfish do not come from related families of foods, so being allergic to one does not necessarily mean that you must avoid both.



  • Love 2
Carol, Sex in the City was a show, it should not be a lifestyle choice or aspiration. The only resemblance between Peter & Chris Noth is probably on the soles of his feet because I sure can't see it. Also, was I the only one distracted by his overly dark hair and brows. It is like he used shoe polish to color it.


Lu looked more like Chris Noth in drag than Peter.  And yeah, I couldn't take my eyes off his bad dye job.  Dude looks mighty smarmy, slimy & smug to me.  Er, um, do those traits seem familiar?  Ya think?  Oh that Moaner.  She's got a type & she's stickin' to it -- like freakin' glue.

  • Love 6

I don't see any jealousy on Heather's part. Imo Heather is coming from a good place in regards to Beth. I don't think she understands why Beth is reacting so negatively. And that is frustrating to her . I don't that makes her a bad person. I haven't seen Heather do anything mean or cruel to Beth.

I think Heather is trying to get along with Beth but Beth isn't interested because she is not interested in this show. She wanted her own show.

Heather is more curious and engaging than Kristen so we see her actively trying with Beth.

Dorinda seems to have a what ever attitude. If you notice when Beth starts to protest at the table and waves her hands around, D just says ok fine and takes a bite of whatever she is eating. She pretty much did the same thing about not being invited to B's birthday it bothered her but after Beth made it clear that it was ridiculous for Dorinda to be upset, she was like ok whatever.

  • Love 5
She has no nanny. Interviews outside of RHONY that she wants to simply have every minute with her daughter.

The only way B doesn’t have a “nanny” is if it’s because the person’s title is “assistant.”  And as someone else mentioned, someone had to be staying with the child at the hotel. 

And she really didn't need this show to promote her SG products. Her books, tweets, instagram and personal appearances would be enough to fulfill her Jim Beam contractual obligations to promote SG. Nobody is guaranteed a tv show in perpetuity

She doesn’t need it for Jim Beam probably, but she certainly seems to want it for her other products.  That’s why she had enough Skinnygirl product to have everyone leave the brunch with blenders, etc.  And why she walked into a store with a drink (label properly placed in full view).

Also, Heather can quit trying to act like Bethenny is just such a "harsh" and "mean" person, because I've seen Heather be plenty mean herself. For instance, she just can't seem to wait for Sonja to fall flat on her ass, and seems to get true glee out of imagining the downfall

Well, then I’m a pretty mean girl too, because I kinda want to see that.  I really do want to see the moment reality hits Sonja.

I still don't understand how or why Dorinda was fine with Sonja walking into her bedroom with her bathrobe almost completely open, in front of John and the fact that Sonja made no attempt to close it until she was looking at the dress with Dorinda! I swear, Sonja wants John. JMO

Sadly, Sonja seems to want attention from any/every man.


Anyone else notice how ill-fitting Ramona's dinner dress was?  I was actually distracted by it.  Maybe that's why she always used to wear those dresses with all the rouching (not sure that's the right word) in them.


Finally, I’m yet another person who grew up with one of the ceramic Christmas trees.  We loved it, though the lights weren’t glued in and we kept losing one of them.

  • Love 7
It is like she needs the others husbands/bfs to want her as much if not more than they want their wife/gf. She really needs to be the focus of all male attention/desire in the room and it comes off as desperate IMO.


I completely agree. And I think that since her little boy toy didn't come for the weekend, it's going to be even worse.

  • Love 5

The other thing that I don't get is the Beth is dealing with the end of her marriage and divorce.  This stuff was filmed almost two years after she filed for divorce.  It ain't that raw.




I sympathize with Bethenny here because it took me nearly two years after my separation to get my divorce finalized and it's emotionally BRUTAL.   It's the constant rollercoaster, not knowing what's happening and when it's going to happen and be done -- that's the kicker.  It's difficult to completely and fully put absolute closure on the marriage when it is still legally alive and when there is still some form of disagreement/discord going on.


I liked Heather last season but she really needs to learn when to back off and STFU.  B isn't a child and doesn't need for Heather to run interference. 


Whatever poster said it's two alphas colliding was dead on.

  • Love 12

Heather is naturally pleasant and agreeable and Bethenny is naturally sarcastic and combative. They will never be the best of friends, and that's okay.

I never realized until I read this just how violently I could disagree with something. I can think of a lot of words to describe Heather, but neither "pleasant" nor "agreeable" would be among them. Heather has to be in charge of everyone and everything at all times. Heather wasn't the hostess of this dinner, nor was it her house, nor is Bethenny a friend of hers. Bethenny is a grown woman and knows how to tend to herself, and she even told Heather, multiple times, that she was fine and didn't want any special attention. Yet Heather, who thinks she always knows best about everything and everyone, couldn't stop pestering Bethenny, drawing attention to her, and making a big fucking deal out of something that was not even remotely her concern. Combative? By the time this all dissolved into tears, I commend Bethenny for not having launched herself at Heather's throat with a shrimp fork to pry out her voice box -- anything to just get her to shut the fuck up and leave Bethenny alone already.

Edited by pbutler111
  • Love 23

I am glad we finally got o see more of Dorinda! I love her house and she seems pretty easy-going. 

  I did not like Kristen talking crap about Dorinda's boyfriend in Dorinda's home. Not cool!   Dorinda's response  was very touching and I hope the women do give John a chance.  I also thought it was crappy of Kristen to give Ramona a jab during dinner at The Red Lion. It was unnecessary and petty.

  Carole really disappointed me with the googling of Ramona's business partner. Wrong time and place..who does that?!  Now for sure there is going to be tension at the Birthday dinner.

  I don't know if it's editing with Heather this episode, but boy she came off really pushy and too high energy!  It was Dorinda's home and birthday weekend and Heather took over.  I think she needs to just relax and let Dorinda entertain her guests and take care of the daily agenda. Also, lay off the interrogation of Ramona's date and don't swear at the dinner table! FFS!!! lol

  How could Bethenny tell Dorinda that she is not coming and then just shows up? It's a dinner party and the host would need to know the head count. She was rude from the get go.  I think she was trying to piss Heather off by being loud and obnoxious.  She was just being snarky and rude. Nothing new coming from B.

I can't fault Kristen for talking about John in Dorinda's house, Ramona started that whole conversation and then let Kristen take the fall for it. I wonder if Dorinda now understands that Ramona is the one that keeps stirring the HW's up about John after seeing how that conversation got started to begin with in her home. JMO

  • Love 2


I've always thought Lu was so very beautiful.  She looks as good as she did in season 1- maybe even better!  However, for the first time in a long time, I was not feeling her look for the birthday dinner!  I didn't like the dress, the earrings or the hair.  I still covet the other 99% of her wardrobe though (and about 60% of her accessories!)


I too think LuAnn is gorgeous, she always looks effortlessly put together and dresses appropriately, but I also wasn't a fan of the dinner outfit.  Loved the dress and hair, but hated the boots and gloves.


Even with the somewhat logical and rational musings she spews every once in a while, Ramona will never change in my opinion.  She's still a shit-stirrer and then bails when things that she started get heavy.  And what's with the need to always bring a date to these events?  I guess she needs to show the other women (and Mario) that she's still got it going on.  

  • Love 7

While the TV show undoubtedly helped Bethenny, it was only one factor. Otherwise, all these women would be equally successful.


Absolutely. They all have had equal exposure, Ramona and Luann have been in the show the longest, Where are their millions, where is their Beam deal?  Bethenny was on the show for two seasons and by season 3 she was sealing a deal with Beam, does that mean that Carole's deal is coming? how about Sonja? She wouldn't be broke, she would have had enough money to pay off her debts and then some.


Let's not even talk about the other franchises, Bethenny is a unique phenomenon when it comes to her economic success.

Edited by Wendy
  • Love 7

It is like she needs the others husbands/bfs to want her as much if not more than they want their wife/gf. She really needs to be the focus of all male attention/desire in the room and it comes off as desperate IMO.

Gawwwwwddddd! I hate women that do this. They are out there. My husbands sister is like this. Has the very Spanish look. Long curly hair, dark eyes and features (so do I by the way minus the curly hair, we all Puerto Rican LOL) very curvy figure and junk in the trunk. She does turn heads I have to admit but it's the glances, the looks, the giggling and laughing. Sometimes she's a bit subtle and sometimes it's "all in good fun" like Sonja giving a hug depending on how available or non available the man or men in the room are. All while her man is in the room too. It's this need to have that validation that she could have your man if she wanted to have him and it just drips off of her. I find it very distasteful and that's something that I just can't stand in women. It's such a disrespectful, arrogant, trashy and vain way to validate yourself. Also, the attitude is that basically you're the hottest, sexiest best looking woman in the room and honestly it really pisses me off when some women have this attitude EVEN THOUGH they are in the company of some seriously stunning women. Nothing wrong with self appreciation but Sonja's way doesn't doesn't say "I'm confident and I'm fabulous" it screams "I'm sexier and more beautiful than any women here and you should feel honored that I'm showing you attention". Yuck!


Also, Bethenny, "I don't want attention"? Then stop being a loud mouth, rude, obnoxious and disruptive at the dinner table. Look, I think Heather saying she needed to separate them was right on the money I just wished Heather followed through and didn't find the need to soften it up with "it was a joke". I would have been like. "Well actually I was half joking but um Bethenny sweetie, you must have noticed that your over the top giggling and antics was a bit disruptive to the table. Come on now hun, that's all I was referring too. Sorry if you don't like the behavior pointed out but I'm not coming out of left field here babe." And yes I would have purposely packed as many nicknames in that exchange just to piss Bethenny off. LOL!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

She even said upon learning that Bryn was staying at the hotel with Bethenny that she'd wished she'd known that Bryn and Bethenny were at the Red Lion Inn because her own kids were there and maybe they could have played together. 



When Heather said that they could have gotten their kids together if she had know Bethenny/Bryn was staying at the same hotel, Bethenny's reacted as if Heather was suggesting something mean, she basically said "No" to that idea.


I had to LOL when Heather suggested the kiddies could have been playing together at the hotel.  Her ability to NOT GET IT continues to amaze me.


Bethenny clearly does not want to be friends with Heather.  What on earth would make Heather think Bethenny would want their kids playing together?  That was a dumb ass idea and felt like an attempt by Heather to use her kids to gain an "in" with Bethenny.  What a bad idea all the way around, especially given the notion that Bethenny has trouble trusting other women.  Being willing to use your kids to shoehorn your way into someone's life is not going to do much to overcome someone's trust issues.  It's actually pretty slimy.


As lame as that whole thing was, and as bad as Heather acted toward Bethenny at dinner, I still think the worst thing Heather did in this episode was go and bring up that ROL story Carole found about Ramona's date/business partner.  What a nasty little thing to do to some poor guy who isn't even a member of the cast.  She was totally sucking up to production with this, just trying to stir some drama up on camera.  And she just had to point out that the story was found by the show "journalist," Carole.  Way to lob your pal under the bus, asshole.  

  • Love 17

Full credit to Beth with coming up will product that has a niche in the spirits category.  Was her exposure and popularity on RHNY a very significant key to the product's success and her deal with Beam?  Absolutely.  Without it, I don't think the brand would have had the success it had in the first few years nor would Beam have paid the money it did for it.


Interesting that in 2013 Skinnygirl sales dropped dramatically.  Was it because similar products were being introduced into the market or that Beth was certainly losing a lot of popularity?  Probably a bit of both.  Beam was bought out by Suntory and it's now Beam Suntory.  The company put plans to expand Skinnygirl into the European market on hold and they don't even mention the sales of Skinnygirl in their reports. 

  • Love 5

It appeared to me that Heather, having been the recipient of Bethenny's overt rudeness in the previous weeks, had decided that she wasn't going to let it slide anymore.  I think she feels that the other women ignore Bethenny's brashness and don't bother to call her on it as to not wreak the Bethenny wrath.   So, Heather pushed and probed and gave tit for tat.  Until Bethenny cried.  When Bethenny cried, she won.


I thought the yellow roses on the table may have come from the bouquet brought by Ramona?   

  • Love 7

Right?  Our Mona might still be a lightweight asshole, but she is finally growing up.  Time was she'd be plotting and planning a way to snap the hell out on Lu in repayment for their champagney dinner at that restaurant a few weeks back as opposed to laughing it off with "you pulled a Ramona"  -  yes girl, she was a tourettesy bitch to you for absolutely no reason whatsoever and seemingly without provocation.  I love that you called that a Ramona.  Lol.






::toddlergiggles::   One of the myriad things I love about Dorinda is, circumstance be damned, this chick will read your ass from hair follicle to toe nail if you have it coming.   She was perfectly happy to leave Kristen alone until her excerpt from a Margaret Mitchell novel bullshit.  I promise all that was missing at the end was a *fiddle dee dee*



I think she can but the point is not to spend the limited time she has with Bryn, away from Bryn.  She took the baby with her to the Berkshires, whereas the boxing match and post fight bar scene is 5 hours out of a one/two day a week (pure guess) custody arrangement. 


Lu's look - it's not for me, but bish, werk!  Nobody else could've pulled that off and made it look not ridiculous.   They all need to find out what her moisturizer is called and get that in a hurry.  


People may mean well with that overbearing mess but the only way to shut down their relentlessness is by being abrupt.  I agree with what was said about B's patience upthread.  I was rocking back and forth thinking any minute now she is gonna have a thought bubble blowout that looks like:  bitch I SAID I don't want a damn meatball.    Once, ok, twice, I'm getting annoyed.  You ask me a different version of the same question 3 times in a row, your feelings are about to get bashed in.

LuAnn tweeted awhile back that she used Clarins. If I'm misremembering it was something mainstream and found at department stores.
  • Love 2

Yes, Heather's motives were purely altruistic. Because, when you "mean well," you start shit with a person at a sit-down dinner who wasn't even talking to you. The way in Heather managed to create a scene this episode with herself at the center reminds me of the manner in which she ended up howling and cursing at Aviva in the Hamptons. It's irreconcilable for me, as well, that Heather sincerely wants to be a genuine friend to Bethenny and only acted out her motherly instincts at the dinner when she was just groaning about Lu's sympathy for Bethenny's personality foibles the day prior.

  • Love 9

I had to LOL when Heather suggested the kiddies could have been playing together at the hotel.  Her ability to NOT GET IT continues to amaze me.

Why?  I don't think Heather knew when Beth got up there and what's wrong with their kids playing together?  And I doubt Heather's kids were at the hotel.  They probably were staying at their house up there.

  • Love 3

Dorinda is going through that great first season period, before she's had a chance to see herself on TV.  The women are at once more and less themselves during the first season: more themselves because they haven't yet had a chance to see reflected in the viewers' eyes the things about themselves that they will try to change before the next season, and less themselves because they're trying very hard to remain neutral and reasonable and make friends with everyone.  You can't really know a Housewife until season 2, at best.

  • Love 4
I can't fault Kristen for talking about John in Dorinda's house, Ramona started that whole conversation and then let Kristen take the fall for it. I wonder if Dorinda now understands that Ramona is the one that keeps stirring the HW's up about John after seeing how that conversation got started to begin with in her home. JMO


I thought Dorinda already had Ramona's number, given that she understood the Moaner was throwing Lu under the bus at the caviar dinner. But maybe that was something she said in her TH, and only realized after watching it all unfold? I'd really like to see Dorinda take Moaner to task. 

  • Love 1

I had to LOL when Heather suggested the kiddies could have been playing together at the hotel. Her ability to NOT GET IT continues to amaze me.

Bethenny clearly does not want to be friends with Heather. What on earth would make Heather think Bethenny would want their kids playing together? That was a dumb ass idea and felt like an attempt by Heather to use her kids to gain an "in" with Bethenny. What a bad idea all the way around, especially given the notion that Bethenny has trouble trusting other women. Being willing to use your kids to shoehorn your way into someone's life is not going to do much to overcome someone's trust issues. It's actually pretty slimy.

As lame as that whole thing was, and as bad as Heather acted toward Bethenny at dinner, I still think the worst thing Heather did in this episode was go and bring up that ROL story Carole found about Ramona's date/business partner. What a nasty little thing to do to some poor guy who isn't even a member of the cast. She was totally sucking up to production with this, just trying to stir some drama up on camera. And she just had to point out that the story was found by the show "journalist," Carole. Way to lob your pal under the bus, asshole.

I think it's pretty standard to suggest play dates between children of women in a similar group. I actually think it was much more disgusting of Bethenny to take out her issues on Heather's children, and somewhat on her own, because she doesn't like Heather and has admitted not really having a real reason to dislike her.

  • Love 4

And I doubt Heather's kids were at the hotel.  They probably were staying at their house up there.


Hmmm ... so then I guess maybe Heather meant the kids could play together at her house.  That's an even worse idea than them playing together at the hotel, quite frankly. 


Hey, I have an idea.  Why not ask Bethenny stay at her house, too, lol!   Heather just can't help being helpful.  I'm surprised she didn't offer.  


Why?  I don't think Heather knew when Beth got up there and what's wrong with their kids playing together?



If Heather was completely oblivious to the fact that there was an issue between her and Bethenny, then why was she speaking so negatively about Bethenny at the Red Lion dinner?  She obviously has a problem with Bethenny, and I think she knows Bethenny has a problem with her.  All that stuff at the birthday dinner didn't just come out of nowhere.  


Re: kids playing together, maybe when your kids get older and can manage socializing by themselves it would be different, but we are talking about little kids whose socialization necessarily involves their parents.  And I am not personally interested in setting up playdates with kids whose parents I don't care for, especially when our kids are total strangers to each other.  There is just no reason.  And there are plenty of things to keep them busy in the Berkshires, I would guess.  It is not likely they were bored senseless and starved for the company of other kids. 

  • Love 4

Word on the street is she's now having to shop in the Juniors' department.

Word on the street! Hehe. I can only imagine the level of drama that would have ensued had Aviva been a guest at Dorinda's birthday dinner party.

I don't think John is bad at all and it really touched me when Dorinda said that the times she's cried about her deceased husband, John has cried with her. I notice every time he's around her that he wants to kiss her. I think he genuinely loves her and tries to treat her well.

It's nice that John is in touch with his emotions and able to empathize with Dorinda, but that doesn't stop him from being gross when it comes to openly ogling other women. He's proven himself to be every bit the greasy, lascivious meatball he appears to be.

I love how Heather loves to jump to the F bomb in the middle of a dinner party at someones home. Classy with a capital "K."

But hey that's keeping it real like they did in Rikers ...right Mama....Holla!

Heather has recently taken to calling the other women "Ma," which I find even worse. I just hope someday she uses all this ill-fitting slang around some ethnic minority who isn't okay with her misappropriation and snaps back at the bitch.

Luanne looked ridiculous in her dinner party getup replete with $2 choker. It was as if she had walked right off the box of Clue. Beth was right on the money with her costume-y comment.

Edited by Rahul
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