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Favorite Commercials

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Are we sure that's Robert Preston in the iPhone ad?  It really doesn't sound like him, and I speak as someone who practically memorized the original cast album of Music Man in high school.


Totally sure.  I grew up with that song throughout elementary school.  


And, just to make sure, I just googled it (since I often don't trust my "totally sure" memories)


RE: the iphone ad. Tough call! In some words, it does sound like Robert Preston but in others, not so much.

I agree.  The higher notes, I'm not sure at all.  "Harold Hill" didn't sing in that register, and that's about all the singing of his that I know.  Voice doesn't match the "I like ice cream mommy. Me, too mommy" voice at all.  LOL.

Here's the full number



If you go to YouTube, Mr. Preston is credited both on this video and the commercial video.  


This is a quote from Wiki -which must mean it's true... :-)    (but it is!)

"In 1961, Preston was asked to make a recording as part of a program by the President's Council on Physical Fitness to get schoolchildren to do more daily exercise. The song, "Chicken Fat", which was written and composed by Meredith Willson and performed by Preston with full orchestral accompaniment, was distributed to schools across the nation and played for students in calisthenics every morning. The song later became a surprise novelty hit and part of many baby-boomers' childhood memories."


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Never heard or heard of this Chicken Fat until the commercial and coming to this thread.  How did this song become a hit?!  Had to be better music back then. 


I don't have any idea if it was a "hit", but it was played incessantly in my elementary school so we'd all get up off our large butts and move around.  


And I apologize if I seem a bit obsessed about giving Robert Preston due credit, but, well, I'm a bit obsessed about it...

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I don't have any idea if it was a "hit", but it was played incessantly in my elementary school so we'd all get up off our large butts and move around.  


And I apologize if I seem a bit obsessed about giving Robert Preston due credit, but, well, I'm a bit obsessed about it...

In gym class?  We didn't have music until jr high when the dreaded square dancing started.


I'd have thought the average age of the ad exec would start to be younger by now.  It's like it's all 50 year olds (nothing wrong with that except, well some diversity would be nice) all the time. 

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In gym class?  We didn't have music until jr high when the dreaded square dancing started.


I'd have thought the average age of the ad exec would start to be younger by now.  It's like it's all 50 year olds (nothing wrong with that except, well some diversity would be nice) all the time. 


I think it was in PE when I was a youngin'... but since it was 50 years ago, I don't want to swear to you where exactly it was played.  All I do know is that as soon as I heard the commercial for the first time a week or so ago, I couldn't stop smiling.

Edited by ebk57
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Current aged Luke and Bo Duke out in the General Lee shilling for Auto.com or somesuch on-line car shopping site. Just saw it today and grinned. Both gents are looking good. Too bad we don't have Waylon Jennings to narrate, even if the voice they use is perfectly fine. Mr. Jennings would've made it like mac 'n' cheese- comforting.

Haven't seen it.  There's a General auto insurance commercial that's quite cheesy.  I thought Tom Wopat had passed but I confused him with Paul Michael Glaser it seems.

The Oscar Meyer cold cuts ad, with the same people in the Thanksgiving ad from last year, only focusing on the grandparents.  I especially love the part where the daughter is looking at a painting (we only see the back of it), and her mother says, "Your father has taken up painting."  And the woman says, "Is this Mrs. Abbott from next door?"  I have a feeling that Mrs. Abbot is naked, and I wonder if she knows that Dad painted her that way.

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Ugh, the Chicken Fat song is bringing on some disturbing flashbacks to elementary school gym class.  <shudder>


yeeah. I came pretty close to breaking out in hives when I heard the song on the commercial, since I have double-plus-ungood memories of the "Chicken Fat, Alley Cat" album that my elementary school PE teacher, Mr. Farrell, used to break out during our square dance unit. Mr. Farrell was a mean, horrible man and humiliated me about my inability to climb the darned rope and I think he only did a dancing until because the county school system made him do it; the square dance unit was one of the few where I was one of the more adept students (the other unit being gymnastics/tumbling) and everyone acted as though holding each others' hands to do the dances was going to give us cooties.

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There's a new ad for a calling plan, and it has this group of women and one man in matching tan blazers talking to the representative about the various features of the plan and how it will benefit their company. The man never speaks, but when the woman who I guess is the boss of the group says, "Let's close." and they all fold their arms, he catches on a second too late and folds his arms too. It makes m laugh for what's probably a ridiculous reason.

I also love the one for this internet service where the techs are installing it at a company, and one of them starts flirting with the female employee by saying, "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" And she gets this pleased look on her face and says, "A little." Then the other guy takes Mr. Flirty by the collar and starts trying to haul him through the hole in the ceiling so they can get back to work. It's just adorable.

I love that one, too. It's for AT&T, I believe. Also like the new one where they're wiring an arena ceiling. Mr. Flirty has a name, now, it's Charlie. Other guy tosses a ball into the basket down below. Charlie  doesn't get sports, either! He's so goofy, he's "totes adorbs" (to quote James Earl Jones). I hope we get more wiring adventures with these two!

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There's a new ad for a calling plan, and it has this group of women and one man in matching tan blazers talking to the representative about the various features of the plan and how it will benefit their company. The man never speaks, but when the woman who I guess is the boss of the group says, "Let's close." and they all fold their arms, he catches on a second too late and folds his arms too. It makes m laugh for what's probably a ridiculous reason.

I like that one too. It's one in the "Lily" series and I have a bit of a girlcrush on her. I think the real estate ladies (and gentleman) one is cute, although apparently it has some men foaming at the mouth for its disrespectful portrait of the man in the group--how dare he be portrayed as the one following the women's lead?. BECAUSE MEN.

There's a new ad for a calling plan, and it has this group of women and one man in matching tan blazers talking to the representative about the various features of the plan and how it will benefit their company. The man never speaks, but when the woman who I guess is the boss of the group says, "Let's close." and they all fold their arms, he catches on a second too late and folds his arms too. It makes m laugh for what's probably a ridiculous reason.



I like that one too. It's one in the "Lily" series and I have a bit of a girlcrush on her. I think the real estate ladies (and gentleman) one is cute, although apparently it has some men foaming at the mouth for its disrespectful portrait of the man in the group--how dare he be portrayed as the one following the women's lead?. BECAUSE MEN.

Wow, I totally took that differently. I thought it was odd because of the gender reversal - the women do the macho arm fold, while the wimpy guy clasps his hands together like the stereotypical nervous little woman standing by her bad, bad man at the obligatory apology press conference (think politician or celeb caught doing something stupid and/or scandalous). 


On a shallow note:


I am digging the Nationwide Insurance Commercial with the chick in the catwoman outfit, who "breaks in" to a high rise apartment to, I guess, replace damaged/stolen items. That babe is smokin' hot! 

I must agree. She's a physically stunning woman. I thought Kate Beckinsale did that look justice, but this woman took it up a level or two.

Edited by Watcher0363
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I love the Wellness Test that Texas Health Resources has out. It's cute.


Three couples are hanging out in a house. The guys congregate in the living room, the gals in the kitchen. ( I know, but wait.) Two of the guys are talking about their Wellness scores (one was 60-something, the other 71.) Two of the women are looking on, kind of 'Guys, amirite?' to each other when the third lady exclaims that she got an 82. The ladies are excited for their friend, but one lady turns to the guys and is "She got an 82!!" The guys are all 'It's not a competition' while the lady who told the guys about the high scorer starts making boo-yah noises and generally being goofy. One man looks at his fellow couch-sitter and says, "That's your wife."


It is actually more cute than gender-infuriating, even with the gender-norm of the ladies in the kitchen, as opposed to sharing the room with their spouses/SOs. (Only one couple was confirmed married.) I think I am biased in that I probably would be the Booyah gal for my fellow ladies. I hope it isn't just regional. I will look for a link, just in case.


Thank you, Tube of You!



Edited by Actionmage

I think all elementary school PE teachers are like that.  Except for Miss Christian.  She was wonderful

Mr. Unger in the 1960s inspired me to climb the rope to the top before anyone else and jump the furthest. He was small boned like me and no doubt knew that while I'd never be a star where size mattered (I was always picked last on teams), sometimes being a lightweight was an advantage. Sadly, I never did sports after 8th grade.

Anyway, I'd never heard the chicken fat song before and think it's kind of gross, even though I visually like the commercial.

My sister and I both identify with the "That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!" in this commercial. We see the lady with the "wall" of pictures as our mother who's always asking us for technology help:


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