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S02.E12: Reunion

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One minute they're screaming and talking lawyers, the next they are crying and .... please let these two go their separate ways. Besides, Thomas called his daughter Cassidy at one point. Thomas looked like a broken old man.

Kathryn was channeling Jenna with that thing on her wrist.

I wish they had filmed the reunion at Patricia's as that would have been a beautiful backdrop, with plenty of "filming drinks."

  • Love 9

Well I usually can't stand Andy Cohen, but I thought he seemed much better tonight. His straight-faced "Did you feel like you were being a degenerate?" to Craig cracked me up.

Overall though that was a real boring reunion. And awkward. How about when we are on television, we just NOT ask other people when the last time they had sex with someone was, mmk? And dear god, don't actually answer, Kathryn!

Thomas's mean side sure came out when he was talking about destroying her in court =( Poor Kensie.

  • Love 7

Shep is just not the person I initially thought he was.  He was revealed in this reunion,  just as he was in the last few episodes, to be judgmental, superior, mocking and jealous.   And, damn it, Craig and Kathryn were right: if your friend was in trouble, wouldn't you offer some good will, understanding and support, along with the "tough love"?  How many times are you going to kick someone who is down before you have to admit you enjoy kicking them? Craig is an ass, but these "charming" folks (Cameran and Giggles included) are phony and snide. 

  • Love 20

God, I can't stand Whitney.  Yeah, Mr. Innocent regarding Thomas and Kathryn relationship.  Loved that Kathryn brought up Whitney's girlfriend's age.


Thomas came off really bad.  Destroying Kathryn in court?  That's your daughter she's looking for money for.  He's not allowed by law to give more than $2500 a month?  That's a shame because no matter how anyone feels about Kathryn, he is still responsible for his daughter.  How much money did spend on his hopeless campaign?


I enjoyed the reunion.  I thought it gave additional insight into what was going on and their relationships.

  • Love 9

One minute they're screaming and talking lawyers, the next they are crying and .... please let these two go their separate ways. Besides, Thomas called his daughter Cassidy at one point. Thomas looked like a broken old man.

Kathryn was channeling Jenna with that thing on her wrist.

I wish they had filmed the reunion at Patricia's as that would have been a beautiful backdrop, with plenty of "filming drinks."

Thomas did not physically look good.  He looked like a Mr. Potato Head.  And acted like an ass.


When I saw K's cuff, I thought of Lynne Curtin.  Then I thought... my gawd girl, you watch too much damn reality tv!


The clubhouse is a lame place for a reunion.  This should have been a 2 parter, in some gorgeous historic SC location with a follow-up unaired footage episode.

  • Love 16

Kathryn, give it up. You chose wrong but have a beautiful daughter. Move along with your life. Take some child support and go back to school or get a job. This crap happens everyday to women not in some sort of stupid social circle

TRav, you are a mess. "I will destroy you in court" was just unseemly. Give Kathryn child support and set up at trust for Kensie and then stay single and date for the rest of your life.

Aw Shep, I just don't like you any more. You have shown yourself now to be a rich and condesending dufus.

Cameron and Landon, could care less about either.

Whitless, nothing to say about him except go home to mama.

Craig, good for you. Study,pass and don't look back.

  • Love 13

Shep is just not the person I initially thought he was.  He was revealed in this reunion,  just as he was in the last few episodes, to be judgmental, superior, mocking and jealous.   And, damn it, Craig and Kathryn were right: if your friend was in trouble, wouldn't you offer some good will, understanding and support, along with the "tough love"?  How many times are you going to kick someone who is down before you have to admit you enjoy kicking them? Craig is an ass, but these "charming" folks (Cameran and Giggles included) are phony and snide.



This side of Shep has almost ruined the show for me. I know I'm sounding like a southern drama queen, but they gave him an epically great edit in season one!


I am rooting for Craig all the way! I didn't like the way they *continued* to pile on during the reunion. He pulled out a "Craig's List" of transgressions (that Andy thankfully didn't read) like he was a Real Housewife with a collection of text messages?!


Shep usually knows how to read the room (in this case, social media), I'm surprised how tone-deaf both he and Cameran are to the way they came off.


Thomas showed a *really* ugly side! He'll only give her $2500/month? He'll "destroy" her? He's having her followed by private investigators? What in the ever-loving fuck?!


Whitney was virtually ignored in the reunion, whereas Landon got a whole set of questions about her who-cares divorce.


Bonus points to Andy for asking Craig about the holes he dug in the sand on Jekyll, LOL.


So this is it for the season, huh? A one part reunion? No secrets revealed or lost footage?



It feels unfinished. They should have done either a two-part reunion and/or lost footage, IMO.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 11

$2500 is the state child support guidelines based on his income, but Thomas is probably free to give much more. The way I read the guidelines those numbers are the minimums. Thomas came off terribly petty and childish.

Shep was a jerk.

I can't believe how well Whitney came out of this reunion. We think that he is creepily obsessed with what goes on with TRav and Kathryn, but Andy let him reframe it like a concerned friend who had past issues with golddiggers.

  • Love 15

Proudly - well, maybe not proudly but unapologetically - Team Kathryn here, so glad to read the prevailing sentiments upthread. Thomas telegraphed even worse than he usually does which is interesting in that one would think that he might be able to restrain himself from threatening to "destroy" the mother of his child on television since he's been so invested in vilifying her. Also, I have to wonder what the point is of all of the stalking; it doesn't seem like he's all that interested in gaining custody of Kensie, does it? The uproarious laughter from everyone when Thomas issued his "mea culpa" was disturbing and gross; I guess everyone thinks it's cute that the cinqueuagenarian finally acknowledged that the girl barely old enough to legally drink didn't, in fact, pull the wool over his eyes? Cameran has come across increasingly poorly in her readiness to defend first Shep and now Thomas. Still befuddled on why Shep thought he would be vindicated by this broadcast or how it would ever be appropriate to lean into someone like he did to Craig. I thought it was a nice reflection of improving maturity that Kathryn apologized to Landon, but, as someone who can recall what it was like to be an idiotic twenty-three-year-old, I think she needs to focus on winning her child support and not mooning over how much TRav really cares for her.

  • Love 14

And how about Thomas saying that someone made comments to him about Craig the previous night and that they were not flattering? When prodded, he says, "It's something usually said about Whitney." Ha! That's as close as they came to bringing up Whit's unrequited love.


Not a big Kathryn fan, but she came off much better tonight than did Thomas.


So, something scandalous must've happened at the reunion that they cut out, because the cast was hinting at the drama to come all day. Perhaps Andy read "Craig's List" after all.


And Shep continues to be horrible toward Craig on Twitter tonight: In reply to someone pointing out his jealousy of Craig he says, "yeah. Wish I lost my car, job, and apartment, moved home with parents, and never took the bar. A guess a man can dream."


Meanwhile, poor Craig is tweeting, "God, I love these people" and "Thanks for not reading the #craiglist @ShepRose! See I told yall he actually loves me. Can't wait to start our 4-month tolerance again buddy." This makes me sad!

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 8

I was hoping Shep would dial back the animosity for the reunion but he didn't.  Shame.  I do think there's a twinge of jealousy from Shep to Craig --- and it's the age.  Shep probably wants to be a decade younger so he can have another decade to cad about before he's called out for being a Whitney or Thomas.  The things he did call out Craig for --- well, we all have those people around us.  Shep doesn't have to hang with him off camera.  Suck it up buttercup.

  • Love 11

$2500 is the state child support guidelines based on his income, but Thomas is probably free to give much more. The way I read the guidelines those numbers are the minimums. Thomas came off terribly petty and childish.

Shep was a jerk.

I can't believe how well Whitney came out of this reunion. We think that he is creepily obsessed with what goes on with TRav and Kathryn, but Andy let him reframe it like a concerned friend who had past issues with golddiggers.

That's the same thought that I had. The state might dictate that he HAS to pay $2500 a month, but if he and Kathryn came to an agreement about a greater monthly payout or a lump sum for his daughter it's not like he isn't allowed to pay it. They could draft a legal document if he wanted to make sure it would be spent a certain way. I mean, they couldn't in actuality because they are both crazy, but in theory they could.

I didn't think Whitney came off well, though. His political ad was a joke and that comment about the "Svetlanas" who dated him for money (I assume that's a mail order bride reference?) was kind of creepy.

Shep is developing a Whitney-on-Kathryn-like fixation on Craig. He seemed to really want to hammer home that Craig's a big fuck-up while he Shep is awesome. STFU, Shep.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

I'm curious to see the ratings for tonight's reunion, because the finale last week got 1.8 million viewers, the highest yet for the show.


The state might dictate that he HAS to pay $2500 a month, but if he and Kathryn came to an agreement about a greater monthly payout or a lump sum for his daughter it's not like he isn't allowed to pay it.



He can afford to pay her anything he wants to! Paying the legal minimum is a disgrace. I can't believe he copped to that on-camera.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 9

I'm curious to see the ratings for tonight's reunion, because the finale last week got 1.8 million viewers, the highest yet for the show.



He can afford to pay her anything he wants to! Paying the legal minimum is a disgrace. I can't believe he copped to that on-camera.

I liked when Andy asked if that was $2500 a week and then scoffed when Thomas said it was per month.  Look, he doesn't have to pay baller type alimony but he'd come across better if he offered a bit more than the state minimum. 

  • Love 7

I'm curious to see the ratings for tonight's reunion, because the finale last week got 1.8 million viewers, the highest yet for the show.

He can afford to pay her anything he wants to! Paying the legal minimum is a disgrace. I can't believe he copped to that on-camera.

It sounds like he isn't even doing that if he's behind on his child support. Felon, coke addict, womanizer, deadbeat dad, drunk...what a guy.

Best part... Kathryn: "Not to mention he fucked a lesbian wrestler* while I was 9 months pregnant." Other cast person: "Wait, he fucked a lesbian?" Andy: " Thomas, did you fuck a lesbian?" Kathryn: "He did fuck a lesbian!"

*the lesbian being a wrestler makes it 100000000x funnier

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 19

Kathryn and Thomas will never be through with each other.  What a toxic relationship.


Shep had the perfect opportunity to reign in the pettiness and jealousy.  Usually when someone gets some distance from bad behavior they are forgiven if they display growth.  All Shep showed was more of the same.


I was promised drama and revelation by the cast via social media, and got boring and old.  I do not feel confident about season 3.

  • Love 5

Thomas and Kathryn are dreadful approximations of real humans but I find ol' cocaine smeller T-rav to be more tolerable than Kath. Kath is missing something emotionally, some empathy chip was left out or demaged when she was made.

I must be missing that same chip because I love Patricia, don't find Shep to be jealous of or necessarily mean to Craig, think Cameran is adorable, and find Whitney's talking heads to be really funny. There might be hope for me, though, because Landon bugs the everlasting shit out of me. She's slightly more bearable than the insufferable and Twitter-relentless Jennifer Snowden, who, thank you God, was not mentioned in the reunion.

  • Love 11

1) this reunion SHOULD have been done in Charleston......for consistency it SHOULD be a two-parter. BUT....I don't knwo if I want or need another hour of these pitiful sad, stupid people on my TV screen. Another hour of WHAT? WHY?


2) Not of fan (at all) of Patricia (Whitney's mom).  She's no better than Kathryn.

3) Landon and Cameran....whatever.... Don't care about them either way.

4) Whitney ....he and his mom can both go away.


5) Shep is just an immature rich 35 year old ass

6) Craig....he's just naive. Doesn't have a lot world experience. AND not that articulate. So he's not good at come backs and defending himself.


The best for last...Kathryn and Thomas.

Poor Kathryn....she STIL doesn't know how to play Thomas to get what she wants. And by 'play' I dont' mean use and exploit. Becasue he cares about her.SHE doesn't know how to approach him to reel him in.


And him.....Poor Thomas....because at 50-something, he's thinking with his little head, and letting Kathryn's p*^%y be his downfall. WHO admits on national TV...."Yes, I've had you followed, and I'll destroy you." I could hear T-Tav's lawyers groaning all the way from Charleston.


They actually COULD be a couple IF each one knew how to treat and speak to each other.

  • Love 4

Boy, oh boy, did we get some prestidigitation in the edits, or what?!!!!!   The most blatant, and the largest deception, was when AC asked CC if he were coming back to Charleston upon completing the bar exam.  He started some typical bluster and then blammo!  a disjointed and softly spoken, "Yes."  emerged.  I don't have me a fancy guilded calendar or nothing, but I surely could swear that July has not arrived, but there are reports the young CC already has.


It was awesome to see some genuine, old family, patriarchal power being wielded!  Folks, that is still how it's done in the fair Palmetto state.  When a man like Ravenel speaks as he did, with the laws, and more importantly the manner in which the disposition of said laws has been carefully set-up with those friendly to the old interests, you can call it over before it's begun.  She has no prayer of milking this scion of the South.  He would well and truly crush her if she follows through in open court.  


Remember the opening V/O for Cameran's former show, "What happens when it gets real..."  TPTB took a page right out of that premise, eh?


Cameran is arguably the largest hypocrite of the bunch, and that is saying something.  She is a credited producer, she was seen to be a classic feces-stirrer in the Jekyll ep, and she has surely seen all the aired eps, and the WWHL appearances.  yet, she acts all piqued and offended when Andy, and some of the cast, get crude on this ep?  She is as a shark who complains of a carnivorous reputation.  Oh, almost forgot, her husband "LOVES" the show?!!!!!  Darlin', I thank the heavens every day that I have not been charmed by the likes of you.  You best be careful lest Jason figure a few things out.


I just don't believe this was the denouement for this show.  

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 11

Looks like Cooper dressed Thomas tonight.


There always seems to be one thing during each episode that has me rewinding and giggling like a little girl.  One time it was Shep's reaction to the three-legged dog.  Last week it was Shep's reaction to Craig's 'auction hair.'  Tonight it was Thomas' reaction to Andy saying he had 'FOMO for missing King Street.' 

Edited by woodscommaelle

I know I will get crap for this but, I gotta get off my chest.


If I were Kathryn, I'd use what I have.  I'd dress sexy, date a hot guy, get pictures posted, maybe one on a picnic blanket with the new young hottie and the daughter.  Stop chasing T Rex.  Get an attorney who will hire a forensic accountant and make T Rex pay for it all.  She is just not playing her cards right.  I know, I know, that is a bad way of thinking.  I can't help it - T Rex bugs the crap out of me.  You can almost see his eyes undressing her - right there in the club house.


That clip of drunk Candace will always make me giggle.


I don't want to see Patricia ordering her butler around ever again.  I'm glad she kept her gin drinking snobby ass home.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 10

The bright lights and stage make-up did Thomas no favors.  Neither did that jacket.  

He looked tired and thin. I never realized what a big head he has. He could barely squeak out a smile the entire hour. Man is unhappy. Well, that's what happens when you get yourself involved with a 22 yr. old nut job. He better be thanking the Lord he was smart enough not to marry her. He needs to buy her a house in the city because we know that is what she really wants, a fancy car and offer a nice amount of monthly child support and send her on her way. The rest is up to her to do something with her life. Which I highly doubt she ever will. 


Landon and Cameron had absolutely nothing interesting to say. 

  • Love 4

I thought they all looked pretty terrible.

Cameron had too much makeup on, and the glossy cotton candy lips did nothing for her.

The two worst were Trav and Shep...its freakin JUNE. Ive never seen Shep pale...and its not a good look. If he is trying to appear mature and grown, he can do it without looking enemic.

TRav? Wow...Hello Joan Crawford! Why on earth would they put so much pancake makeup on him? Do they only have funhouse mirrors at the Clubhouse?

Kathryn...well Kathryn is a mess...but no more than usual...I live to see her makeup and hair everytime..lol

Whit was his usual twitchy, sweaty self, which works for him..lol

Edited by Christi

Wow has my opinion changed!  Could there be a more pretentious group of people?  I agree Kathryn should get a good attorney to get the child support straight.  State minimum.  TRav you should be ashamed of yourself!  Kensie is by far the most adorable baby on tv now.


Shep your shaggy surf dude schtick is not working especially when your snobbery jealous streak shows.


Cameron didn't you marry up?  Would you have married your Dr if he was not a Dr?  How about you Landon?  Would you have married that man if he was unemployed?


Whitney, Whitney, Whitney unrequited love is a bitch?!

  • Love 2

Between Kathryn and Thomas, I am on Kathryn's side. I think it is absolutely despicable for a man to say he will 'destroy' his ex and for a man to be gleeful about paying relatively small child support to the mother of his child. While it is true that some states have caps/maximums on child support (I believe Texas is one of them), some fathers will still go above and beyond for their children outside of the cap. Chris Bosh, the basketball player, pays his ex about $2,500 due to the cap, but he covers his daughter's educational expenses, healthcare expenses, clothing/shoes, travel expenses, etc. fully. Thomas seems like the kind of dickhead who wouldn't care enough to do the latter because he'd rather punish Kathryn. Disgusting.  Kathryn absolutely should get a lawyer and get the child support Kenzie deserves ASAP.


As if Shep couldn't sink any lower...he did. What a shitty person he is. I am glad he wasn't able to read the list - or if it was read, it was edited out.

  • Love 8

I started to watch the recording of the reunion, but turned it off before the opening credits. I just didn't need to see Kathryn standing to attack Whitney again.

That said, from what I have read here, it was a good decision.

TRav needs to remember that, for all of Kathryn's faults, he is the one with the prison record for cocaine. That trumps just about anything he could come up with against Kathryn, regardless of his money and background.

As much as I enjoyed the show this season, I think I am done with it. There are few redeeming factors in this show if it will be nothing but hyper-criticism of Kathryn and Craig from the privileged positions of the others. If Craig passes the bar in DE, he can get some pretty good positions in Wilmington that will make him some good money.

  • Love 1

As I looked at Kathryn, I was reminded of that old song "Fancy."  She appeared to be a young girl overdressed to attract and entertain older men.  What is the most disturbing to me is how unstable she appears to be.  Her anxiety and desperation can't be good for the child.  For all the whining about child support, I don't get the feeling she is that concerned with the child's needs.  I now think that what Thomas has for Kathryn is not the love that Kathryn perceives.  It seems to be a desperate attempt to hang on to a young, attractive play toy.  With his age becoming more and more evident, being able to attract that kind of woman has to worry him.  Kathryn is a sure thing.  IMO, this why he can turn her off and on so easily.  It's about his ego and not his heart.  The most worrisome thing to me is the child though and Kathryn seems so irrational, that I would too would try to build a court case against her.  Even if he doesn't get custody, he might be able to get her court ordered boundaries, mental evaluation and counseling.  


I guess I need to watch more of this cast of characters in order to grow the disdain that most viewers have for them.  I'm a native of NC, so I wonder if I can take their dastardly behavior in larger doses than most.


The venue for the reunion was let down.  I wonder who dropped the ball on that one.  

  • Love 3

I agree that TRav was not looking good.  That red jacket was doing him no favors.  He reminded me of Howard Cosell.  Or I don't know... some sportcaster-type person. 


I thought the rest of them looked fine.  Cameron looked the best.  Glad to see Kathryn not sporting those terrible extensions. 


Cameron didn't you marry up?  Would you have married your Dr if he was not a Dr?  How about you Landon?  Would you have married that man if he was unemployed?



I don't really think marrying a man who happens to be wealthier than you can really compare to trying to ensnare a man more than twice your age by having his baby out of wedlock. Of course he was a willing participant in the whole thing so it's not like she lied and said she was on birth control. But Kathryn most definitely had an agenda, and that agenda has come to bite her in the ass many times over.  I just don't think that Cam and Landon's situations with their spouses can compare to the K/T situation much at all.


I now think that what Thomas has for Kathryn is not the love that Kathryn perceives.  It seems to be a desperate attempt to hang on to a young, attractive play toy.



Oh I agree.  And he doesn't even want to "hang on" to her in the sense of being in a loving, committed relationship.  It's more of a "keep her on a shelf and trot her out when I need a date to an event but more so when I get horny" kind of way.  It's gross.  She definitely has her fair share of issues and I'm not even remotely suggesting that she's been an angel in this situation.  But for TRav to keep her dangling on a string like that is just all kinds of wrong. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 4


He reminded me of Howard Cosell.


That trumps just about anything he could come up with against Kathryn, regardless of his money and background.


Howard Cosell!! You nailed it, Duke 2801!  I had never noticed his jug ears before. 


The felony looks bad, but I'd bet his lawyers will keep the legal fight going until she's out of money to fight and he'll get his way in the end. 

  • Love 2

The most worrisome thing to me is the child though and Kathryn seems so irrational, that I would too would try to build a court case against her.  Even if he doesn't get custody, he might be able to get her court ordered boundaries, mental evaluation and counseling.  

I don't think TRav is the least bit concerned about Kathryn mental state. He is very vindictive and immature. A man who is concerned about his child's well-being will go to court to make sure their child is placed in a healthy situation - Thomas has not done that and likely won't. He enjoys the back and forth and the drama.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 7

TRav and Kathryn are both tacky,tacky, tacky. I swear I saw Andy start to salivate and drool when the question of WHAT SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNT ARE YOU ORDERED TO PAY CAN YOU TELL US came up, and those two luddites didn't have the sense or class God gave Patricia's shelter dogs to just stay mum. Once the $2,500 number was revealed, it was game over for both of them. It's disgraceful, and whether TRav is being spiteful or is just an asshole and a deadbeat, he ought to set up a trust for Kensie and/or throw Kathryn a bone in the form of a modest house downtown and a monthly allowance to get her off his back. Kathryn gets no sympathy from me, though, as neither she nor TRav denied getting pregnant just to further their stint on the show. Sure, Kathryn acted all righteously indignant about the accusation but she never really disputed the statement. Those 2 deserve one another and poor Kensie is better off being raised by her grandparents.


On a shallow note, TRav was serving up Frank Perdue realness with those ears though.  


Whit's hair was looking more Hitlerish than usual last night. He's such an oddball with his awkward smirks and twitchy mannerisms. Shep was shaking his leg like he could not wait to get the hell outta there all night. 


Good times!

  • Love 10

Kathryn and Thomas will keep fighting, getting back together for the sake of sex, fighting again.... He's too immature to realize he needs to totally walk away from her, she's just nucking futs. The baby is the one I worry about. What if one day Kathryn starts to resent Kensie because she didn't accomplish what Kathryn brought her into the world to do? "It's all your fault that your father didn't want me!!!" I can hear her screaming that in her hoarse scratchy voice now.

  • Love 3

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