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S07.E08: The Cavi-Art Of War

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The Carole election segments were fun. I can't help but think it had a satirical bend to it (an 11th hour candidate? And he doesn't even live in the building!).


Why are they giving Bethenney guff for leaving early? She was THERE and she had to pick up her kid. I totally get why she broke down to Carole instead of Heather. Carole doesn't have kids and has a rather lassez-faire aspect to her personality. She's not inquisitive and lets-get-down-to-brass-tax like Heather can be. Ironic, considering Carole is the one with a journalism background.


Good on Heather, though, for her Kmart comment and for defending it in her TH (and on Twitter!). Lady Morgan can take a seat with her mock outrage. There ain't no shame in making your money for a Kmart line; in a way, you are marketing to the "aspirational shopper" (i.e., one that hopes to someday buy the expensive/luxury stuff but for now will buy this because it's cute and affordable -- this is the current business model for Nordstrom doubling their outlet stores over the next few years. Of course, were Sonja to actually use this she would need a low-cost line as well as the luxury line). I'm surprised Luann wasn't involved in this scene, because she's doing her own ready-to-wear line for Evine (formerly ShopHQ -- it's a QVC/HSN type of channel) that is cute and affordable. 


Ramona has mastered the art of deflection and turning the most innocuous of comments into a SCENE. No wonder she's been in the reality TV game for so many years.



That argument at the end with Ramona, Heather and Luann was confusing to me. Were they arguing about John or Heather being fake? Actually I don't care.
I noticed when Miss Caviar left room , so did John, and he was gone for a long time. Hmmm



Ha! I call Producer Shenanigans. They needed the ladies to talk about John and/or talking about John, and none of them (not even Ramona!) were gonna get into it until he had left the room.

  • Love 13

So Bethenny gets out of a trip cuz she chooses to be with her daughter?  Really?  They didn't let Aviva get away with this stuff -- I mean ditching trips.  But I guess for Bethenny, it's a different set of rules.  Wonder why they couldn't change the trip for the weekend she doesn't have the kid.  Look, I'm not saying this is necessarily Bethenny's fault.  And I don't blame her for wanting to spend every second she can with her daughter. That's great.  But she does seem to be consistently missing stuff.  


Well, I just watched the dull WWHL with Bethenny -- and Satan Andy seems totally thrilled with her.  So he seems to think he's getting his million bucks worth outta her.  I guess the ratings will tell.  Overall this was a pretty lackluster ep.  And if Satan Andy thinks a Bethenny therapy session is gonna help provide some juice -- I think he's sadly mistaken.  


I don't trust Bethenny.  It's my feeling that everything she's putting out on camera is a purposeful & manipulative effort on her part (& Satan Andy's) to guide how we'll feel about her.  I'm referring in particular to her therapy sessions, her meeting with Stepdad & these incessant crying jags, like the one she had with Carole in the furniture store.  How many times this season have we seen her crying jags?  To me, it feels like it's been a billion, but it may have only been just once before, when she was riding around in her limo all day stuck in traffic (btw, I'd cry if I had to do that shit too).  


Carole's reaction to Bethenny's crying was weird.  She strikes me as such a cold fish.  I think she said (in a TH) she can offer compassion (or something like that), but she even said that coldly.  It reminded of that cold-as-ice convo she had with Adam last ep.  Cold. cold, cold.  Her emotions must be deeply locked away.

  • Love 14


Carole's reaction to Bethenny's crying was weird.  She strikes me as such a cold fish.  I think she said (in a TH) she can offer compassion (or something like that), but she even said that coldly.  It reminded of that cold-as-ice convo she had with Adam last ep.  Cold. cold, cold.  Her emotions must be deeply locked away.


Maybe it was a boring episode, because I thought the most interesting part of the past hour was Carole talking about how she liked having Adam around and how it felt more comfortable and natural than her last boyfriend of three years. Bethenny quickly asks, "What was it like with your husband?" and Carole says, without missing a beat, "Oh, well, that was perfect" and then the subject was quickly changed/the scene cut away.


Also shallowly adding how great Luann looked in the dinner scene. And I love her laugh.

Edited by JakeyJokes
  • Love 6

Eh. It's Heather's body, if she likes that idea, I say go for it.

Maybe it was a boring episode, because I thought the most interesting part of the past hour was Carole talking about how she liked having Adam around and how it felt more comfortable and natural than her last boyfriend of three years. Bethenny quickly asks, "What was it like with your husband?" and Carole says, without missing a beat, "Oh, well, that was perfect" and then the subject was quickly changed/the scene cut away.

I liked that, too. It's too bad the focus of the scene was supposed to be about Bethenny breaking down.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 6
What the he'll is wrong with Heather? She inserts herself in everyone's business and then gets pissed when she's told to back off.


While I like Heather a lot, the way she's been this season is bugging the shit outta me.  Bethenny's reaction to her is exactly how I would react.  This is the Bethenny I suspect viewers really wanna see.  Unfortunately, we're only getting quick flashes of that Bethenny, in between crying jags & therapy sessions, that is, when she can make filming.  


Well, to be fair, Bethenny is in a good part of this ep.  Altho she wasn't, for some unexplained reason, at Dorinda's birthday party.  And she surprisingly (to me) didn't roll her eyes or snark on anyone in this ep.  Oh wait, she did at the Sonja dress/Latin magazine party.  I think she rolled her eyes at someone at that dopey party or whatever the fuck it was.  That's OK, cuz eye-rolling was expected & probably encouraged at that ridiculous bullshit.


So office machines you can operate?  A stapler?  Oh c'mon.  Moaner, are you funnin' us?  Well, if you were, I did burst out laughing at that so thanks for the only laugh I got outta this ep.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Maybe it was a boring episode, because I thought the most interesting part of the past hour was Carole talking about how she liked having Adam around and how it felt more comfortable and natural than her last boyfriend of three years. Bethenny quickly asks, "What was it like with your husband?" and Carole says, without missing a beat, "Oh, well, that was perfect" and then the subject was quickly changed/the scene cut away.


Also shallowly adding how great Luann looked in the dinner scene. And I love her laugh.

That comment from Carole is why I can't totally tune her out. My understanding was that her husband was sick for nearly their entire marriage and yet she looked wistful when she described how her relationship was with her husband. It was very sweet. I hope she finds something close to that again.

  • Love 16

My reactions to this show:

1.  Was the reason Sonja got to be on that magazine cover because her "team" bought an ad in the magazine?

2.  Ramona needs to cut her hair short again--her hair looks dry and ragged.   Her flippy short hair suits who she's trying to be.

3.  Is the Countess always as twitchy as she was in this episode?   She seemed to be very sharp and edgy.

4.  I am in like with Ramona's restaurant partner and I'm still giggling a little about their interview with the girl whose job skill is using a stapler.  Previous      

     job..."um...some things went missing...."

5.  I'm usually a little skeptical about Bethenny's emotional stuff but hearing some of her early childhood stuff--I sort of get some things about her now.  When a      

     kid's primary relationship with their parents isn't right--and hers clearly wasn't-it impacts how you relate to everyone.  I grew up in a much less dramatic

     situation but my earliest memories are of knowing that I could not 100% rely on my parents--as a toddler.   You work through it--it doesn't mean the parents            were all bad or all good--but that key relationship can really mess up how you relate to other people.      It makes me see how some of the things with her    

    relationshop with Jason happened.

6.  Heather sure is working hard to be on the show but not have a single thing to do with her own life on the show.    
7.  Carole.....Congresswoman Gummy Bear.....I don't think so.


I enjoyed Bethenny interviewing Andy, but please don't give her another talk show Bravo.   

  • Love 5

Mozelle, motorcitymom and rye bread, I agree that Bethenny is hell-bent on disliking everything Heather says and does.


She was so fucking snotty in her TH (paraphrasing): "If Heather wants to bond with me, then asking about the worst thing in my life is not the way to go about it."


First of all, it probably came up because Bethenny said she had to leave early to pick up her daughter. If Bethenny doesn't like the line of conversation, she should use her famous talk show hosting skills to steer the conversation in whichever direction she wanted it to go. What I've seen is Heather making an effort to get to know Bethenny, and getting shot down.


I don't trust Bethenny.  It's my feeling that everything she's putting out on camera is a purposeful & manipulative effort on her part (& Satan Andy's) to guide how we'll feel about her.



Everyone from the viewers to the courts, IMO, especially regarding the "my child comes first" narrative. What a unique and compelling position to take! Everyone's children come first. That's not some super-special thing. If her visitation schedule doesn't accommodate filming, then she shouldn't have filmed. I don't want to sit through a pity party on it every week.

  • Love 24

I enjoyed Bethenny interviewing Andy, but please don't give her another talk show Bravo.

I only saw about 5 minutes of her talk show, so I didn't really get it until I watched her tonight - she talks too much! I wanted to hear Andy's answers, but she just started talking over him. Constantly. Another pick-up - Amdy is totally enamored by her, and thinks her return to the show is the greatest thing in the world. And she does, too. Well I'm glad they're happy. Do viewers count?

  • Love 12
Stapler girl has to have been a producer plant. I hope.


Yeah, but for the million bucks, shouldn't Bethenny be providing the chuckles & giggles?  Well, she ain't.  So I guess it's up to Moaner & a random stapler girl.  It was refreshing to finally see some racial diversity.  Hesitate to bring this up, but the New York City on this show is very, very, very far from reality -- in the lack of diversity.  


Sonja's party constantly made me go WTF.  Not just on what she had to do with a Latin magazine, but that there didn't seem to be any Latin people there.  Er, huh???


Hey, did anyone catch the leering look John was giving Caviar girl at Dorinda's party?  Oh man, he looked like he wanted to swallow that poor thing whole.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

Even though Carole and Bethenny seemed to be bonding in the furniture-store scene, it seemed to me (jmo) that B was envious of the attention and goodwill that Carole was receiving on the news of her board election.

While it's true that Bethenny had already said she was going to have to split early, it was at the moment that Carole was exclaiming and the center of attention that B began intensely looking at her phone; and it was in the middle of the whoops and applause that Bethenny walked out. I think Luann commented on B's exit-timing in her TH.

  • Love 9

I think Stapler Girl is real.


Truth is always stranger than fiction, which is why I wish they'd lay off the producer shenanigans sometimes. Just let these freaks be freaks!


Amdy is totally enamored by her, and thinks her return to the show is the greatest thing in the world. And she does, too. Well I'm glad they're happy. Do viewers count?



Exactly! So they can just go have their couples time somewhere else. 

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 7

Did I hear that right when Andy said they 'both' wanted to talk to each other about something.  And then Andy says Beth was a bit reticent but then agreed to do RHNY.  I got the impression (and I could be wrong) that Beth wanted to talk about doing her own show again. Maybe the agreement was (and some here have suspected) that Beth would do a season of RHNY and then get another spinoff. 


The only fun part of WWHL was the two of them peddling Bethenny.  It ain't working according to the numbers.

  • Love 8

While I like Heather a lot, the way she's been this season is bugging the shit outta me.  Bethenny's reaction to her is exactly how I would react.  This is the Bethenny I suspect viewers really wanna see.  Unfortunately, we're only getting quick flashes of that Bethenny, in between crying jags & therapy sessions, that is, when she can make filming.  


Well, to be fair, Bethenny is in a good part of this ep.  Altho she wasn't, for some unexplained reason, at Dorinda's birthday party.  And she surprisingly (to me) didn't roll her eyes or snark on anyone in this ep.  Oh wait, she did at the Sonja dress/Latin magazine party.  I think she rolled her eyes at someone at that dopey party or whatever the fuck it was.  That's OK, cuz eye-rolling was expected & probably encouraged at that ridiculous bullshit.


So office machines you can operate?  A stapler?  Oh c'mon.  Moaner, are you funnin' us?  Well, if you were, I did burst out laughing at that so thanks for the only laugh I got outta this ep.

That whole conversation between Heather and Bethenny started because Bethenny had to tell each HW that she had to leave early because it was her weekend with Bryn. Heather did not grill her but was sympathizing with her about her custody woes. Bethenny was the 1 to make it seem like she was being grilled because she does not like Heather at all. IMO, Bethenny came back with preconceived notions/ideas about not liking Heather before she met her.  JMO  

  • Love 23

I am so very tired of Beth's therapy sessions and her crying and stress and depression.  If you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown, take some time off and get it together!  If you want to drink out of your own glasses, go to your Hampton's house and drink all your SG's there.  And you shouldn't have taken this job if you can't handle it and living your life is already too much for you.


What happened to Ramona's date?  He just sort of disappeared.  Did he leave before Ramona started going on about John?  Or was he there for that?  I hope witnessing Ramona like that was a warning to him if he was there but just off camera.


Dorinda figured it out in the end - she said she realized Ramona was using LuAnn as the bad guy when it was really Ramona.   Can't believe Ramona made her cry at her own birthday celebration. 

  • Love 10

I don't think Bethenny missing the Berk-SHEERS jaunt it that big of a deal; aren't the women only obligated to all attend one trip together (ie Ramona was excluded from London and Aviva opted not to go; not all of the ladies joined Bethenny in Miami; various other travels like Alexis' glaming excursion in the OC have not included all of the cast). And I don't understand the animus directed toward Bethenny for her prioritization of personal responsibilities over filming. She signed a contract; what latitude production afforded her therein is unknown. As for why she would elect to participate when she was aware that her visitation schedule would preclude her from working on the show every other weekend . . . Maybe because she was offered a million dollars to do so and it's not her moral responsibility to decline that just because it's doesn't compel viewers or jive with disgruntled women who don't command similar salaries? If there's a problem, the onus is entirely on Andy and production, in my opinion. I find Bethenny charismatic but not especially compelling, and I've never been a fan, but the notion that she has some sort of obligation to forego a seven-figure pay-day because she has to work around her duties as a mother also strikes me as somewhat anti-feminist; like companies who afford female employees teleworking or in-office daycare, the producers are providing latitude - and if they aren't doing that for the other women, that's, again, on production. If the other women want to ensure they achieve camera time, then perhaps they should focus on making themselves and their narratives more palatable to editing. As for the finished broadcast, while I don't find Bethenny's emotional turmoil all that engaging, I actually like the fact that this season is defined by the exchanges between smaller sub-groups of the cast. It's more organic. When you have as many as eight women all attending contrived get-togethers, you end up with Atlanta, in which everyone detests each other and there's not even a nominal reason why all would meet under any credible circumstance.

  • Love 23

I only saw about 5 minutes of her talk show, so I didn't really get it until I watched her tonight - she talks too much! I wanted to hear Andy's answers, but she just started talking over him. Constantly. Another pick-up - Amdy is totally enamored by her, and thinks her return to the show is the greatest thing in the world. And she does, too. Well I'm glad they're happy. Do viewers count?

That is exactly why she got canceled, she talked over all her guests, was louder than her guests and at times would try to 1 up them. Oh, and she spoke a mile a minute like she was on speed (not saying she was, just that she talked like it). She is a horrible talk show host.

  • Love 10

I am so very tired of Beth's therapy sessions and her crying and stress and depression.  If you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown, take some time off and get it together!  If you want to drink out of your own glasses, go to your Hampton's house and drink all your SG's there.  And you shouldn't have taken this job if you can't handle it and living your life is already too much for you.


What happened to Ramona's date?  He just sort of disappeared.  Did he leave before Ramona started going on about John?  Or was he there for that?  I hope witnessing Ramona like that was a warning to him if he was there but just off camera.


Dorinda figured it out in the end - she said she realized Ramona was using LuAnn as the bad guy when it was really Ramona.   Can't believe Ramona made her cry at her own birthday celebration. 

If Bethenny was really interested in healing, moving beyond her bad childhood, she would have been in real therapy long ago. This is nothing more than a dog and pony show, Bethenny/therapist, it is not real and IMO, the tears are not real either. JMO

  • Love 7

If Bethenny was really interested in healing, moving beyond her bad childhood, she would have been in real therapy long ago. This is nothing more than a dog and pony show, Bethenny/therapist, it is not real and IMO, the tears are not real either. JMO


Ugh, that would make it even worse!  I don't find it compelling and it's a huge downer drag on the show.  And it's really making me dislike Bethenny because she has so much yet is portraying herself as someone who can't see past her poor-me tunnel vision.

  • Love 6
Applicant can operate a stapler!


I'm still wondering how this important skill translates to working in a restaurant.  Well, maybe Moaner could find something for Stapler Girl to do.  Hey, what about Bethenny?  Maybe she can staple stuff for Bethenny while they're riding around Manhattan in that limo all day stuck in traffic.


The only fun part of WWHL was the two of them peddling Bethenny.


Couldn't tell, but it seemed like they both were in denial -- or maybe Sonja's delusional state of mind has caught on?  At a certain point they will both have to acknowledge the ratings stink & she ain't gonna get a million bucks again for another season.  I actually caught an implication from Bethenny at the end of WWHL, when she said she enjoyed doing the season & had no regrets, that she was (at least to me) indicating she knew this would be it for her.  But I could be wrong.

  • Love 4

Ugh, that would make it even worse!  I don't find it compelling and it's a huge downer drag on the show.  And it's really making me dislike Bethenny because she has so much yet is portraying herself as someone who can't see past her poor-me tunnel vision.

At her first therapy session this season, both Bethenny and the good DR acknowledged she has not seen him since her own Bravo show went off the air. She only saw him for the show, not for real, which makes it fake, her tears fake, her fake IMO. The good DR was nothing more than a prop used to allow Bethenny to talk about her childhood and how that affected her married life so that she did not come off as the ball buster that she, IMO, is.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 11

The most exciting part of the episode was when I realized that Carole was heating up Trader Joe's Parmesan Pups for her election results party.  Those puppies are delicious!!!  I recognize the trademark light blue trim on the box. 


Is International Luxury Lifestyle some kind of codeword or mantra Sonja uses to communicate with Bethenny?  Because she said it again tonight to her at the magazine party.  And just my opinion, I did not think that cover shot of Sonja was flattering. But I don't "get" her beauty in the first place.


Otherwise, um, yawn. Looking forward to seeing Dorinda's Berkshires house next week.  


  • Love 9

That whole conversation between Heather and Bethenny started because Bethenny had to tell each HW that she had to leave early because it was her weekend with Bryn. Heather did not grill her but was sympathizing with her about her custody woes. Bethenny was the 1 to make it seem like she was being grilled because she does not like Heather at all. IMO, Bethenny came back with preconceived notions/ideas about not liking Heather before she met her. JMO

Didn't Bethenny say something about explaining her early departure because of what LuMan told Bethenny the others were saying about her?

  • Love 2

Carole's apartment is so bright and airy.  Then when she goes down that hallway to answer the door it gets sooo different.  The dark wall treatment with the studs.  The red door.  It like the entrance to one of those "playrooms" people talk about.


Her campaign poster reminded me of one of those Che Guevara posters.  



  • Love 4

I thought Kristen's apology to Sonja was ridiculous. Sonja got her picture in a magazine - great, but her Sonja empire is still a figment of her imagination. Yes, Sonja was wearing a dress - an actual toaster came out of the box - but does she have a line? Are they are on sale anywhere? No, and no. But hey, at least it gave Kristen a scene.

  • Love 13

The most exciting part of the episode was when I realized that Carole was heating up Trader Joe's Parmesan Pups for her election results party.  Those puppies are delicious!!!  I recognize the trademark light blue trim on the box. 


  And just my opinion, I did not think that cover shot of Sonja was flattering. But I don't "get" her beauty in the first place.


For some reason those pictures were very aging.  I think it was the way her hair was styled. 


Does Dorinda have to send a royalty check to Icki for having the nerve to order a dirty martini and a bleu cheese olive? 




Seriously, I could see Vicki running into Dorinda and actually saying something about it.  She'd act like it was a joke, but deeeep down inside, she would mean it just a little bit.  Never change, Vicki.  Never change!

  • Love 3

Follow the clothes in this ep.  I'm kinda impressed.  Everyone except Moaner wears something great at least once.  Have to say, I luv, luv, luv Bethenny's bags.  Sheesh, she musta dropped a hundred thou just on the bags she's shown so far this season.

I thought Ro's dress at Dorinda's Birthday party was really nice. 


I guess it's now Dorinda's turn to have a birthday month.



Seriously, I could see Vicki running into Dorinda and actually saying something about it.  She'd act like it was a joke, but deeeep down inside, she would mean it just a little bit.  Never change, Vicki.  Never change!

No doubt. 

  • Love 2

I could have lived without the CB2 ad in the middle of the show, because none of us think Beth or Carole would really shop there?!? And Carole is more comfortable with this guy she has known a minute than the 3 year relationship? That's why they call it the honeymoon period, you don't know enough about him to be annoyed, and you are both still trying to impress each other.

The entire Carole runs for the board was fake, right? Maybe they do things differently in NYC, but where I live condo/co-op boards are elected at the unit owner annual meeting. You don't sit around your apt waiting for a call.

Ramona starting shit at her dear friend's birthday party? Not much changes, including deflecting her own negative feelings onto others.

Why was Sonja on the cover of that magazine? I was just checking her website, still nothing immediately available. Then I compared the diamond prices to BlueNile.com, something is off. Her prices are too good - I did find where she says all the diamonds are G-H color and VS2-s2 quality. She doesn't mention the quality of the cut, but the prices just seem too good.

  • Love 2

I never watched Bethenny 's talk show but watching her on WWHL interviewing Miss Andy I can see why her show got cancelled. She constantly interrupted Andy while he attempted to answer her questions.

Bethenny's new new excuse to not wanting be around the women is "I have to spend time with Bryn." Im sorry but didnt she sign up for reality tv like everyone else and collecting a huge paycheck, make time. I get shes going through a messy divorce but if shes all about putting her child first and shes not in financial woes for money why sign up for reality tv? Stay home and be with your child. I dunno Im just over her excuses why she wont get to know these women and her attitude crass at times. Even Bravo gave her an assist tonight with Sonja being on the cover of that Latino magazine and she made a shady comment about it. Then when they cut to show her photos the producers allowed Beth to do a voiceover to apologize in advance. Im just over Bravo trying to force viewers to fall in love with her. If the love is gone it's gone.

  • Love 16

You gotta love a kidless woman.  "No matches.  No swords."   "She can't water plants and has no kitchen."  Sigh. I wonder what Carole would think of baby gates.  Some political falling out of babies conspiracy.   I can hear her campaign speech for Senator now...."I don't like a pull out but pull our troops out!"  Stupid shoulder shrug and grin.  I'm just jealous because I have a 16 year old daughter.  "You haven't cooked in 3 days."  "I DID MY HOMEWORK, what did you do all day?"  "Get out of my room!"  "Where are my jeans?  Why haven't you put my clothes away?"  I wish I had matches and a sword.  ;)


Then we move to BeTHINey who's all raw with custody issues.  I kind of giggled my way through this episode.  


How does Sonja remember her friends were so mean to her?  She doesn't even know where she is when she wakes up in the morning or who she knocked boots with the night before.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 7

For a second there, I thought there was going to be a scene with just Heather and Jonathan. Silly me.


I don't care what she went through as TheChild!, how difficult her divorce/custody issues are, or that she doesn't own a set of champagne flutes - Beth is a DICK. I was so looking forward to her not being in the Berkshires, but there she is in the previews, showing up and jizzing her sad funk all over the screen like she's done in every other episode this season.


Ramona was being ridiculous at Dorinda's party. At least she only threw her tongue around, and not a plastic-not-glass glass.

  • Love 21
And I don't understand the animus directed toward Bethenny for her prioritization of personal responsibilities over filming.


I think we can assume she cut a very nice deal with Satan Andy.  So good for her.  What's bugging me as a viewer is how she seems to be holding herself up as such a great person & mother for always being able to make the choice of staying with her daughter rather than doing stuff for the show.  Honestly, it's turning me off -- along with the fuckin' crying jags.  I've worked with more than a few women who couldn't make this choice so casually, even tho they desperately wanted to be with their children as much as they could.


Bethenny made an interesting slip on WWHL.  She said some of the women see being on the show as work.  She clearly meant she doesn't see it that way because she said outright she didn't do the show for the money.  OK then.  And I guess it doesn't hurt that Satan Andy seems to be willing to let her participate in the show when it's convenient for her.  Like I said, she got a real nice deal for that million bucks.


Something is definitely missing with Bethenny on the show now.  I thought rich Bethenny would be interesting.  The rich Bethenny we've seen so far?  Meh, not so much.

  • Love 12

I was so looking forward to her not being in the Berkshires, but there she is in the previews, showing up and jizzing her sad funk all over the screen like she's done in every other episode this season.

Im really hoping Heather doesnt clamp up and allow Bethenny to talk to her any ol way next week. I think Heather sees what game Bethenny is pulling by skipping out on group things to always be around her daughter. Heather has a son with hearing loss and Kristen's child last season barely could walk but guess what they made time to have social life. Bethenny is just full of crap. Im not buying shes liking this group and shes picking who she wants to film with.

  • Love 7

And I don't think I'd ask anyone about a divorce progress report. Oy.

I agree - especially not someone who is, at best, a work colleague/acquaintance.

I've never liked Heather; she's not done anything I could definitively give a reason to justify my dislike, there's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way and she grates on my nerves. And I'm going to hell on wheels for this but her fucking scrunched up nose smile irritates the shit out of me.

Does anyone know why, unlike the others, we never see Heather at home?

  • Love 8

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