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S01.E23: Fast Enough

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So, the big payoff is Eddie, who was ALWAYS irrelevant and boring to me, killing himself, so that Iris, can be Laurel and blame, Oliver, I mean Barry, for Tommy, I mean Eddie's death?  


Our cliffhanger is if The Flash, (the star of the show) will survive?   We get Barry's last look before going to meet his fate being Iris and Eddie reunited?  


The professor had to make Eddie realize that Reverse Flash could have shown him anything?  For that matter, once the gang knew that he'd been watching them, what made them think that the headline they saw on Gideon was real and not just a plant? 


I was disappointed in this finale similar to the Arrow finale.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed most of the season, when they were fighting criminals  


Hopefully the new season will show them more mature. It does not have to be as dark as Arrow for the characters to be more mature.  


So the whole Iris realizing she really had feelings for Barry is just over? I mean, I know it saved Captain Singh, but that whole episode was a waste. 


The fight was also boring, and did I miss the Killer Frost reference?

When Barry was getting ready to go back to the past. They showed a Blonde woman with Eyes that looked glazed over a Blue outfit on and holding her hand out like she was using a power.

I don't know what I was expecting. I guess it's logical . . .if a downbeat/gritty show like Arrow can have a happy ending, The Flash should end its first season in tragedy. And questions. Lots and lots of questions.


Damn, Eddie. Wouldn't it been easier to get a vasectomy? Poor dumb bastard. Maybe he'll be revived in some other time. I mean, the wormhole leads to everywhere, and he can get a second chance there. BTW, how long in the future did Eobard say he was from? Canon dictates Reverse Flash is 500 years from the "present," so putting him in the mid-22nd century threw me off a little.


Another question . . . why was Wentworth Miller credited? All he did was gawk at the wormhole. Probably thinking, "Oh, my" in that Garfield voice he does.


Didn't see Killer Frost. Upon looking at her, I have to ask . . . what's with the cleavage? Also, I was more focused on the helmet coming out of nowhere before Eobard tried to leave. I guess that's what makes up for a stinger this week. I'm hoping for a "Flash of Two Worlds" situation to start S2.


This show usually makes me happy. I'm glad we'll be back in the fall.


ETA: I'd like to see pics from the future in addition to the view of Killer Frost.

  • Love 4

Would there even be any meta humans if Eobard did not exist? Afterall, he set the ball rolling. Real Wells does not activate the particle accelerator until 2020 when Barry is 30 + (?). Barry should not have any powers.

They found out with Deathbolt in Arrow that metahumans would happen either way, I assume there just wouldn't be so many in Central City.

So...am I the only one who thinks at Barry Allen is the most selfish and self-absorbed man on the planet and that the people around him are Kool-Aid drinking morons?  Good lord, Barry and the gang learned that if they don't do this correctly, it will result in the destruction of the planet.  As in THE ENTIRE EARTH!  And Barry decided to play Russian Roulette with the planet because he misses Mommy?  I'm sorry but there comes a time where you can't justify insane risks like that and you have to consider the greater good.  Then Barry decides not to save his mother after all but it still almost results in total destruction.  Just thank Barry and his enablers selfish disregard for every other person on that planet.


Even getting past Barry's exercise in narcissism, I still thought the finale was disappointing.  There were a lot of good scenes to be sure.  Wells and Cisco's conversation (complete with Wells saying he was sure he had a good reason to kill him) was one and Barry and his Dad was another.  Victor Garber was all kinds of awesome and I'm so glad he'll be part of Legends of Tomorrow.  Had a feeling Eddie would end up killing himself to eliminate Wells.


But we waited way too long for the time travel and I did find it dull.  Also wasn't satisfied with the aggravating cliffhanger, which was disappointing and simply more set up after an hour of set up.  Looks like we'll still be caught in relationship hell with Barry and Iris next season and I have no doubt we'll get Merlyn Redux with Harrison Wells (though I don't want TC to leave this show).  Also, this episode cemented more than anything that the female characters on this show are little more than love interests.


I really enjoyed The Flash this year and very much look forward to Season 2.  I did think though that the last third of the season faltered somewhat, getting too bogged down in all the various storylines and relationship hell.

  • Love 17

I loved three things not mentioned yet:


1.  When Dr. Stein/Victor Garber wasn't sure whether to shout "Eureka" or "Excelsior"; those were both shout outs (to a TV show and to Stan Lee/"Who wants to be a Superhero") and in-character enough to be not a waste of meta.  Likewise "so long...and thanks for all the fish" shows me that the writers have done their homework.  (I thought I saw an "X" on the door to the accelerator, but I'm not sure if that was a nod to the X Men, or just a coincidence.)


2.  Also, he referred to Caitlin as "Dr. Snow", which was a nice touch.


3.  He had to be a rabbi before he could go to MIT, as opposed to the trope of a random character having an online/mail order ministry degree.


One of the things that had me go "huh?" was the idea of "releasing a hydrogen proton"--somewhere a science person had it right (a hydrogen nucleus is a proton, unless it's an isotope), and the air we breathe has a lot more than one proton's worth of hydrogen (in water vapor) unless it was one heck of a good vacuum--which raises other issues.  Sometimes the science is fine, sometimes not.



I thought what turned out to be Killer Frost was Black Canary; the stills show me I was mistaken.  


Have a great summer, Flash cast and crew, and thanks for a very enjoyable season.


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Eobard: I'm sorry. Not for killing you, I'm sure I had a good reason.


Wells/Eobard was on fire tonight. That quote plus "we're out of cows" and Barry: That's your name isn't it? W/E: "Ever since the day I was born."

He is SUCH a handsome jerk! Evil and unrepentant, yet still so affecting in his scenes with Cisco. I so badly want him back next season.

I'm trying not to overthink (or even think, really) the quantum boogaloo. Without Eobard, there is no Flash and there is no show, so whatevs. I'll just gloss over that part and enjoy my Barry Allen as is.

Almost forgot... Eddddddie!!!!! Noooooo!

  • Love 4

Eddie :(


And what's worse is that he got pulled into the singularity.  There's nothing left of him anymore.


But there was wedding, and feelings were revealed, and Barry was able to say goodbye to his mom.  Bittersweet finale.


That being said, I pumped for season 2.  Hopefully we get to see WWII era Flash along with Johnny Quick!  :D

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So...am I the only one who thinks at Barry Allen is the most selfish and self-absorbed man on the planet and that the people around him are Kool-Aid drinking morons?  Good lord, Barry and the gang learned that if they don't do this correctly, it will result in the destruction of the planet.  As in THE ENTIRE EARTH!  And Barry decided to play Russian Roulette with the planet because he misses Mommy?  I'm sorry but there comes a time where you can't justify insane risks like that and you have to consider the greater good.  Then Barry decides not to save his mother after all but it still almost results in total destruction.  Just thank Barry and his enablers selfish disregard for every other person on that planet.


That wasn't the only thing that had me shaking my head.  I couldn't believe that no one pointed out that if he changed the past there was a good chance that there would never have been a Flash--and all the people the Flash had saved would end up dead (even if we take out the ones killed by metahumans, who also might not exist).  Was that a trade-off worth making?  I might not have agreed if Barry thought it was but for Godstiel's sake, someone should have at least considered the issue.


Then we have Eddie's great sacrifice.  But, if Thawn never existed, then neither should the Flash, because he created the Flash.  None of them should have been there or known Barry.  


They didn't really think the implications all the way through.

  • Love 8

So upon rewatch, plus the other episodes I've seen, this show really could benefit from Tom Cavanaugh and need him in a way that Arrow doesn't need John Barrowman.

Joe is great and all but Wells brings something entirely unique to this show and I think it would be a shame to lose him as an actor and character when there is clearly so much of his story left to tell.

  • Love 10

Well, they clearly knew they were coming back to say the least (of course, with the ratings they've been pulling, the show is probably set for a while.)  Final shot is a big ass black hole sucking up Central City, which Barry desperately tries to close?  That's one way to do a cliff-hanger.


That said, yeah, I honestly thought that Team Flash should have dropped the entire idea, as soon as that discovery was made.  Risking Barry's life is one thing, but one small thing could have caused them to not only destroy Central City, but the entire world.  Sorry, I'm sure Nora was a lovely woman, but she ain't worth it.  Really, Henry was the only one that seemed to be making any sense on that front.  Too bad he can't do much since he's stuck in the cell.  Everyone else though?  Outside of Stein halfheartedly pointing out the dangers and Cisco making snide remarks, they really seemed indifferent to the entire thing.  Weird.


Anyway, ended up not mattering since Future Barry told Barry not to save her, so he didn't, but at least got to say good-bye to her. He zips back and punches Eobard in the face, but Eobard of course, gets the upper-hand again.  But then Eddie kills himself, therefore wiping Eobard out of existence.  Ugh, time travel hurts my head.  Sucks for Rick Cosnett, since he finally was getting more to do.  And it did feel like a retread of the whole Tommy scenario on Arrow too.


As for Eobard, 

I already saw on EW, that Tom Cavanagh will still be a regular next season, so I have no idea what is going on with him. Is he going to be another version of Wells? Or someone else entirely. Whatever; I'm glad he's sticking around.


I'm telling you, outside of Sara, Martin Stein is going to be my favorite character on Legends of Tomorrow or hell, this entire CW DC Universe.  Victor Garber is just slaying it.  He makes the funny lines even funnier and can even make the cheesy ones (his speech to Eddie), more bearable.  Stein was a highlight in this episode.


Of all the references, Cisco busting out a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference, has got to be one of my favorites.  Enjoyed his scenes with Eobard, and the reveal that he does have powers.  Vibe is coming!  Speaking of powers, yeah, I thought saw a glimpse of Caitlin, in Killer Frost mode, during Barry's time jump.  No idea what to make of her and Ronnie getting married.  Robbie Amell hasn't been announced if he's coming back here or on the spin-off.


The Snart cameo was kind of random.  I guess when he ain't doing his crime thing, he just likes strolling the streets like normal human beings. Where, apparently, no one in Central City watches the news and goes "Oh, shit!  Isn't that the guy who did all those robberies with an ice gun?!"


Joe/Barry was great: Jesse L. Martin and Grant Gustin have excellent chemistry.


At least Iris showed up at the end, when everything was going down, but it still felt like she didn't do much at the beginning.  Really hope this show figures her out.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 4

That wasn't the only thing that had me shaking my head.  I couldn't believe that no one pointed out that if he changed the past there was a good chance that there would never have been a Flash--and all the people the Flash had saved would end up dead (even if we take out the ones killed by metahumans, who also might not exist).  Was that a trade-off worth making?  I might not have agreed if Barry thought it was but for Godstiel's sake, someone should have at least considered the issue.

Henry did bring it up that the universe has a natural order to things, and he didn't want Barry to go back.


But then again that was a major point of Flashpoint, Barry was selfish and fucked everything up.  It was alll about accepting the things you can not change.  Eobard even taunted Barry about it, he didn't try to stop Hitler, the JFK assassination, or save multiple lives, he went back in time because he missed his mom.


I'm guessing in the season premiere Hawkgirl reveals herself to the world, after Barry stops the singularity, he'll be falling back, and Hawkgirl will catch him.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 2

Well, at least Barry DIDN'T do anything to save his mom and he got to say goodbye and show her what he would become. It's not a perfect situation, but seeing as Barry has obsessed about this moment his entire life since she died and has never let go, I think this was the only closure he would get that would allow him to move on. Plus...time travel is fun and complicated.


Speaking of....Eddie, you're such a hero but you're also so impulsive and did you not consider what this would mean for the entire timeline in general? Now, if Barry had changed his timeline and THEN Eddie shot and killed himself, that would be a different story. The timeline would be screwed regardless. But then Eddie shoots himself, good intentions or not, and still creates the black hole. Poor Eddie, though. He tries to do a good thing and ends up screwing the world. I think the only way this can be resolved is if Barry goes back in time once more to right before Eddie shot himself and stopped him, thus saving the current timeline. I guess all of them should have taken a trip to Iron Heights and got a lesson from Daddy Allen. 


Because, let's face it; time travel is super confusing and things can go from bad to worse, as demonstrated in this episode. Now who knows what will happen and now Barry's sacrificing himself ANYWAY (and again) to save the world. Yes, he probably shouldn't have gone back in time in the first place, but with Joe still encouraging him to do it, even after recognizing that there were risk (he never DID say for him not to do it, like his actual dad) and Iris telling him to follow his heart, no wonder why he chose to give it a try. 


Also, why did Eobard wait so long to go back in time? It took him over a minute and a half to say 'oh, now let's get going'. I guess the minute and a half didn't do much for them, and if Barry hadn't smashed through Eobard's time machine, Eddie wouldn't be dead and there would be no black hole. I think, at least, that's how it works.


So, mentions of Rip Hunter, glimpse of Hawkgirl and quick glimpses of the spinoff. I can't wait to see how this finale leads into season 2 and the spinoff. 


Shoulda listened to Cisco. But at least he has powers, and Caitlin will. And her and Ronnie are married! Sweet! 


I think the most problematic character is not Barry, but Joe. I love Jesse L Martin, but his character is goddamn awful. He's overprotective of Iris to the point of sabotaging relationships, but he's supportive of Barry risking his life and others just to possibly get his family put back together? Now I know Joe said that he was just trying to be supportive and whatnot, but he should be putting his foot down and saying 'you know what, Barry? No, this isn't a good idea because the timeline is a tricky thing and I don't want you getting yourself killed or losing this person that you are'. Jeez, when did Daddy Allen become the best parent on this show? And that guy's in jail! 


Honestly, I did love the finale and I wish we got more Barry/Iris because their scene on the rooftop was amazing and I could see the chemistry. But then Eddie/Iris' scene in the newspaper office was phenomenal too and I just think that they're losing out on so much potential because they don't treat Iris as an actual member of the team, or a character most of the time. 

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The Flash, lighter in tone but just as stupid as Arrow. I will say Eddie dying was surprising, I liked Eddie and thought he was a much better match for Iris. They still need to give Iris more to do. 


Henry Allen is the smartest person in Central City by telling Barry not to go back and change things because it will destroy everything else. Barry needs to listen to his actual dad more. Joe is in love with Barry or something and will just do whatever Barry wants. Pay attention to your own daughter, Joe. I don't even think you spoke one word to her this episode. 


I liked seeing that shot of Killer Frost and Team Legends in Barry Flash stream or whatever it's called. Cisco's got his powers, which does mean Caitlin has her's she just hasn't had the trigger yet. 


I'm hoping that Barry going into the Black hole is what changes everything. Then a future Team Legends has to come in and put everything right. I do hope they can get TC to come back. As others have said maybe this time as the real Harrison Wells, since Eobard was erased and therefore never killed him. TC will get to show off his acting chops by playing a different character. 


Also going to add, I can't wait to see Legends of Tomorrow. Having Stein and Sara is going to be awesome. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I hate time travel stories, it's all plot holes followed by bigger plot holes.


Okay it looks like the show set it up so the timeline Thawne created by killing Nora remained intact. The Original Flash saved Young Barry and all this Flash did was say goodbye to his mother but then the show erased Thawne from existence so yeah none of it happened. The Barry Allen trying to unspin the singularity should not exist, there shouldn't be a singularity and Eddie would have had a reason to kill himself because no Thawne means none of this stuff happens.


Should I assume that fixing all this is going to be the job of Rip Hunter and his band of unlikely Legends? 

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I imagine that Martin and Robbie will be bouncing between both shows and that neither will be a super main character except on the respective shows except for when they need him.

I'm really excited to see the good doctor hang out with

Sara, I think they'll have great scenes and chemistry

I'm actually really curious as to why the Flash told Barry not to save his Mom. Unless Future Flash did do that, with negative results, I'm hoping with the spin-off will excision further.

I honestly would have predicted Eddie sacrificing himself weeks ago if I didn't think that it was way too close to exactly what happened with Tommy Merlyn on Arrow.


I mean, if these guys start another show and give the female lead a seemingly pointless love interest no one cares about I guess we can all expect what's going to happen to him by the end of the first season.


I just hope that doesn't mean we're in for an entire second season of Iris in mourning and becoming a drunk, just so that they have another excuse to delay the Barry/Iris pairing for as long as possible.

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I don't think Eobard's body should have disintegrated when his ancestor killed himself. The body was really Wells, not Thawne. At the most

Eobard's infestation of the body should have disappeared but the body remain, possibly with the real Wells back in it again. Maybe that's what they have planned for season two, and for some reason they'll think up, the body vanished from Star labs to reappear somewhere else where it might have been if it had never been taken over?

Edited by david gideon

Who's helmet was that the popped out of the wormhole before Barry returned from the past ?


Jay Garrick, the first Flash.


Would that mean that Eobard was aware of who Jay Garrick was ?  Because if I remember correctly, Jay Garrick is from a parallel universe -- how would Eobard know about that ?  Combining time travel with alternate realities and parallel universes -- that's going to give me a headache.

I don't think Eobard's body should have disintegrated when his ancestor killed himself. The body was really Wells, not Thawne. At the most

Eobard's infestation of the body should have disappeared but the body remain, possibly with the real Wells back in it again. Maybe that's what they have planned for season two, and for some reason they'll think up, the body vanished from Star labs to reappear somewhere else where it might have been if it had never been taken over?


Thawne only made himself look like Wells, he turned back into himself when Eddie was dying. 

  • Love 1

I don't think Eobard's body should have disintegrated when his ancestor killed himself. The body was really Wells, not Thawne. At the most

Eobard's infestation of the body should have disappeared but the body remain, possibly with the real Wells back in it again. Maybe that's what they have planned for season two, and for some reason they'll think up, the body vanished from Star labs to reappear somewhere else where it might have been if it had never been taken over?

I thought Wells' real body was destroyed. That's what Joe and Cisco dug up in their field trip to Starling City. Thawne just copied it somehow - he didn't body jump. At least that's the way I took it.

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Damn, Eddie. Wouldn't it been easier to get a vasectomy? Poor dumb bastard. Maybe he'll be revived in some other time. I mean, the wormhole leads to everywhere, and he can get a second chance there. BTW, how long in the future did Eobard say he was from? Canon dictates Reverse Flash is 500 years from the "present," so putting him in the mid-22nd century threw me off a little.

Vasectomy won't bring Barry back from the dead (That's a sentence I never though I'd write...)


On another site, me and some other guys noted that Eddie could have shot his balls off.


My take on it:

But then, do you really want to be remembered as the guy who beat Reverse-Flash by self-castration?
  • Love 2

Not sure how I feel about this episode yet. Hmm.


Good things:


1. HAWKGIRL HAWKGIRL HAWKGIRL. Yes, I know it was a blink and you'll miss it moment, but HAWKGIRL. I am ready for this, show.


2. I also liked the glimpse of all of the other characters - Captain Cold, the police captain, Daddy Allen all watching the huge wormhole and going, huh, well, that's an interesting special effects sequence up there.


3. Somebody finally reminded Eddie that just maybe listening to the evil guy was not the best way to choose your destiny in life.  And then Eddie killed himself anyway which....yeah, that belongs in another section.


4. Jay Garrick's hat. I may have fist pumped, though I'm not admitting to it.


5. Lots of character moments that allowed everyone to act and breathe.  My favorite was the Barry/Daddy Allen one, but several other good ones.


6. Victor Garber was great tonight. I hope he has a major role over on Legends.


7. Barry flying out of the wormhole and hitting Reverse Flash. Great shot.


8. The various pop culture references; the show was on fire with that tonight.


9. Reverse Flash's little speech about being proud of Barry. Really well done.


10. And Reverse Flash's whole, "Oh, I'm not sorry about trying to kill you.  I have a lot of self confidence about that, but it's all good. No, I'm just sorry you have superpowers" bit.


11. "May the Speed Force be with you." More of this, please.


Questionable things:


1. Releasing a hydrogen proton. Uh-huh.


2. Hitting a hydrogen proton.


3. At Mach 2 - you know what, I need to give up on the science here.


4. Not entirely sure that was the best song to play at Ronnie/Caitlin's wedding, but her dress was pretty, so yay.


5. Yes, yes, Flash, Arrow a new show is coming. We got it.  Not sure the reminders every couple of minutes were necessary given that the new show isn't popping up until January.


Bad things:


1. On the off chance that someone from the production staff sees this, hi! Clever of you to use a near bottle show right up until you started using two Arrow sets. Sigh.  Though, to be fair, heavy CGI episode this time around.


2. Really, Barry? Knowing what happened the last time Star Labs set off a particle accelerator, you want to set it off again in order to save your mother or say good-bye to her, whichever? That's it? Are you kidding me?   And thanks for chatting with all of the other people whose lives you'd be changing with your decision here even if this just worked instead of creating a black hole.


3. As others have noted, I'm not sure why Eddie didn't just go get a vasectomy instead of committing suicide.  Granted, I'm not a guy, but that does seem like the easier choice, doesn't it?  And no, he couldn't have gotten a vasectomy during the Barry/Reverse Flash fight - but he could have marched out after Dr. Stein's little destiny speech, found a urologist and said, "DUDE THIS IS REALLY URGENT." Or had Caitlin do it, I guess - she is a doctor, after all.


4. But on that note - Eddie and Iris had already changed the timeline when Eddie went to her and said he was seizing his destiny.  Iris didn't argue with Barry when he told her that in this timeline, Iris had fallen in love with Eddie instead. Which means that all Eddie, Iris and Barry had to do was exactly what they were doing - Eddie marrying Iris instead of whoever he married in the Reverse Flash's preferred timeline, which then erased Reverse Flash from existence which means that Reverse Flash couldn't go back in time to kill Barry's mother and change that timeline and have Barry develop Flash powers earlier which means Barry didn't which....this is getting confusing.


5. And Eddie is gone, at least for now. More importantly, Eddie's sexy, sexy voice is gone, and that's a terrible loss to the show. Be careful when you time travel, I guess. You never know how many sexy voices you might lose.

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Yeah - his mom should be alive if Wells never born  -well, never mind, there is so much that doesn't make sense with all of this and I am not going to spend time thinking about it because the writers didn't write it so it can make sense regardless of how much you try to figure it out - so, on that score, I'll just give up and go with the flow.


Want TC back, he's been delicious the entire season.  I think the show needs him -  this show was so much more fun and interesting and with better character moments than Arrow was even in its first year (for me, anyway) - I hope it doesn't turn very dark - I like this bunch of characters - a lot.  


They just seem to more naturally relate and interact and mesh than on Arrow but I think it's because the actor who plays the Arrow bores me to death and Barry is still a bit like an unruly, undisciplined puppy making you "ooohhh" and "aawww" and then wag your finger going "what did you do??" - because he really is still evolving and the actor has made the character more endearing than frustrating, again - for me.

Edited by roomtorome
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What was with Caitlin not understanding what was going on and not knowing what a singularity was?

Yeah, that stood out for me.  If the show didn't trust the audience to know it, why not have Joe ask it.  I can buy him not knowing much about singularities, but Caitlin?  Not buying it.


At least Eddie can have one comfort: while killing himself no doubts sucks for him and his friends, somewhere in Starling City, Oliver Queen is like "Hell yeah, Eddie!  Self-sacrificing is the best!  That's my Thawne!  Always go for the worst possible option!"

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 11


I'm actually really curious as to why the Flash told Barry not to save his Mom. Unless Future Flash did do that, with negative results


That's what i'm guessing, Barry actually did save his mother at one point but it messed up the timeline horribly, so in a divergent timeline where Barry is the Flash he stops his younger self from saving his mother in order to straighten out the timeline.  Ugh....my head hurts.

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I don't care that much about losing Eddie (the character seemed to exist simply so that he could be sacrificed in this episode frankly), so that doesn't bother me, but I really don't want to see a mopey Iris for an entire season next year like they did to Laurel in Arrow S2.


That's really not the way to make her character better, imo. And this whole situation worries me because it's way too close to how Tommy died at the end of Arrow's first season.

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