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S11.E02: Week 1, Part 2

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Part 2 of 2. Bachelorettes Britt Nilsson and Kaitlyn Bristowe learn which one of them is staying and which one is going home as the men's decision is revealed. Later, the first rose ceremony is held where six bachelors are sent packing.

Edited by OnceSane
locked thread until airing
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For some reason I have a feeling people will be wanting to discuss that preview.  I'm a mind reader.


So, just a reminder  that on this forum it is OK to talk (briefly) about previews for the next episode in the current episode thread.  But don't go on at length.  If you want to discuss upcoming events (or surprise returnees) more deeply, please go to the spoiler thread.  Thanks.

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My ocular rectus and oblique muscles thank the men for voting out Britt, they would have been severely impaired with all the eye rolling if she’d stayed.   That being said, I don’t know how much better Kaitlyn will be, but I’m expecting less swooning.  And the guys are far from impressive, what happened to all the man candy.  Why am I not surprised only one of the guys who were all in for Britt checked out after she left, bunch of fame whores. 

So Cupcake goes for the 1st kiss, which should be expected given his oral fixation.  There’s definitely attraction between Kait and Shawn, hope he’s not going to be a fake, smarmy a-hole.  Britt got the 1st impression last year and she was just so fakety fake.   So only 5 guys got eliminated, thought it was a lot more in previous seasons. 

Nick, ugh.  And for the 1st time someone admits to shagging on the show. 

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You think Kaitlyn is the luckiest girl in the world? Lol.

It so stupid to me how these people say where their heart is when they've only spoke to them for 5 minutes. Or how they say said person is wonderful inside and out. Nobody knows anyone at this point. I don't care if you watched them on The Bachelor. You still don't know the real person.

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I would like to have Jared for myself please.

Shawn was so sincerely excited over Kaitlyn's win, I hope he goes far.

JJ does nothing for me I was so surprised to hear her say she was into him.

Part of me feels sorry for Britt, but when she says things like, "I totally didn't see this coming," it tells me she was over-confident and it's probably good for her to learn that she needs to be more than just the prettiest one.

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Ok, I won't go into too much detail on the previews but holy shit! This will truly be the most dramatic season ever! I thought that Kaitlyn making out with both Dr. Cupcake, DDS, and Poor Man's Ryan Gossling was over the top on night one, but, wow, not to slut shame the girl, but she seemed pretty ashamed herself! This season will be an amazing journey for Wrong Reasons viewers. Sorry, Right Reasons viewers, you might want to see to the door like Brady. That was a cliffhanger ending, too. I hope they show us more of what happens between Britt and Brady.

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I have to give Kaitlyn's mother, or the woman playing her on the phone, some serious credit. Reacting like her daughter just won the Pulitzer because she's been chosen to be the Bachelorette? That was some damn good acting. I think my mother's reaction would be more like *BIG SIGH* "Well, you're an adult. Enjoy the travel and don't catch any diseases."


Also, Kaitlyn? If this is the best day of your entire life, it's all gravy from here, honey. 


I don't mind Shawn, the dentist (Chris?) or one of the Bens. That's about all I can remember about the guys at this point. 

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Funny how all the guys assumed Brady was asking to talk to Kaitlyn to get some kind of advantage or leg up on them.  Never really occurred that maybe she wasn't his taste after all, and that he wasn't into competing for her?  *LOL*  Loved their faces when Kaitlyn said he bailed.  Good for him.  

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I know it was probably producer driven but Brady leaving cause he didn't want to date Kaitlyn with 18 other guys was kinda sweet.   I actually wouldn't mind seeing more of him with Britt.  For sure they'll at least show us her reaction to him knocking at her door at some point.   

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I'd liked to believe that guy left on his own accord but this show is so produced he could have been hired just for that reason. Paid extra, be an actor. I love how they act as if Chris Harrison runs the whole show like asking the drunk guy to leave? It's all so fake.

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The super hero guy is shady. In his intro package he was all for Kaitlyn, then when he gets out of the limo he is all for Britt. Now he is back to Kaitlyn.


Who was the guy who said choosing between Britt and Kaitlyn was the hardest decision of his life? This isn't Sophie's Choice, save the dramatics for something more important. (I admit I watch this show while doing other things so I sometimes miss who is talking)

Edited by Armchair Critic
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Chris Harrison is one of the producers and has been for years.  He's not just a minion that does what ABC decrees, he's got some decision-making power.  


And I absolutely love Chris Harrison, so I will defend him.  *LOL*  And yes, I'm reading his book right now!  


I think Britt is going to be overjoyed to see Brady.  

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I have much more respect for Brady than I thought I would when I heard him sing. At least he's not that guy who said, "I really wanted Britt, but now I really want to get a rose and stay so I can get to know Kaitlyn and fall in love with her." He's been there a few hours and he already believes there are only two girls on the planet and one of them has gone beyond the dome and is lost forever.

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It's almost like adding insult to injury to have Britt not get the votes to be TB, and then the only guy who was interested enough in her to follow up ends up being the most boring singer/songwriter in the world.  I imagined her sitting there, with the cameraman focused in on her, pretending to cry while she waited to see how many of the guys came running after her, and then when it's just him, she says "Oh."  and shuts the door in his face.  And then goes back to trying to figure out how to get her own reality TV show where she is the whole star, and the only star, while the camera follows her around as she wanders through life being stupefyingly perfect.  Buh-bye, Britt!  It was fun watching you short-circuit as you tried to process the information that you didn't "win"!


This group of guys is just so cheesy that it seems like the finalists are already so obvious.  I did get distracted at the end, though - she did cut the stripper lawyer loose, right?  PLEASE SAY YES.

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She has to keep at least two train wrecks around.


Oh, it was delicious to see Britt not only get hit on by an ugly guy who probably had bad breath and wanted to take about the proper insertion of anal toys, but to get the homeliest, most boring ass guy.   It just made my inner Carly squeal.    how does it feel Britt?   How does it FEEL?    Well, I did eat a lot of hummus and drink a lot, so excuse my meanness. 

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I know about the editing monkeys and all, but I found it interesting that at the rose ceremony some of the guy's main thought was they didn't want to go home because it would be humiliating being kicked off the first night. Not that they were worried they would lose their chance at love, they were more worried about being embarrassed.

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I personally am not here to cheer anyone on.   I just want to see ridiculous shit.    These men hold great promise to be the worst season ever. 


Is Nick a Harry, Prince of Wales impersonator? 

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That one dark-haired personal trainer has lop sided eyeballs. His left is way smaller than his right. Not sure if he's still there or ot.

Edited by Rhondinella
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As per usual I half watched the episode while playing candy crush on my phone so I missed what happened with the healer guy. I didn't see him at the rose ceremony and I'm wondering did he leave early or was he just out in the backyard meditating or something?

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My favorite part of the episode was a little bachelorette redemption. When Kaitlin found out she "won" and Britt went home one of the first things out of her mouth was "is she OK?" Say what you will about her crass jokes and tattoos but that seemed pretty genuine and classy to me.

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I didn't watch much of the Bachelor last season (big yawn with Chris), so while I had certain impressions of Britt, Kaitlyn is kind of an unknown entity to me.  So, opinions get formed when I hear these reactions after the big reveal:


Bachelorette #1:  I am so shocked, I didn't expect that at all.


Bachelorette #2:  I am so shocked, is she OK?


I can accept that Kaitlyn is an acquired taste, but the heart of each is revealed in this moment.  For me.


ETA: Obviously, I agree Pixie!  :)

Edited by msburg
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Nope.  She wasn't gloating in the moment.   I thought it was kind of sweet that she needed several moments and called her mom. (Because, what a prize?  Again, more a revelation of her character than anything else....)  And I appreciated that she gave those who were initially more for Britt a chance.  Probably to her disadvantage, but with that close a vote she had to choose a few of them.

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C'mon guys.  I'm tired, so let's play nice please.


I've hidden some "sour grapes" posts by people who aren't happy with the choice and therefore feel it necessary to question and/or bash those who support Kaitlyn. I've also edited other posts which quoted/responded to these.


Stop it.  Some of you have been around here a long time and know better.  I will be handing out suspensions if it happens again.

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Which is it, Chris? The majority of the votes were for one woman, or it was really close (both of which he said to Britt)? Actually, I don't care, I'm just glad she's gone, cuz I wouldn't have watched a Britt season.

Could have been 13-11...close, but a majority for one woman.

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I can't take Britt on the best of days and find her incredibly contrived but I would have preferred her as the Bachelorette as there's nothing worse than a bachelorette who has a bunch of guys who wanted someone else. I just don't see Kaitlyn dealing with this situation well and feel like she's going to overcompensate by being physical with a bunch of guys so she seems "fun and the right choice" etc. With Britt and her enormous ego I wouldn't have any qualms pointing and laughing and rolling my eyes at her. But I think Kaitlyn's going to make me cringe in that secondhand embarrassment kind of way.


I'll still watch for all it's trainwreck potential though.


I couldn't help but laugh at that set-up at the end where Brady's (?) going to find Britt who's staring forlornly out a window, crying delicately over lost love or a misplaced earring or whatever a full 24 hours later. It's like she's living out her very own soap opera. It's truly amazing.

Edited by Village
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I have three concerns:


1. I have no idea how I will endure all of the filler episodes until that sex drama from the preview occurs.

2. I hope that sex drama wasn't just another Bachelor(ette) preview trick where they take audio out of context and mislead/anger every viewer.

3. I have no idea how they will find a Bachelor lead out of this mess. Is Brad around for another kick at the can instead?

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Yay, Kaitlyn! I love it when the underdog triumphs. Take that, producers, who picked Kaitlyn then decided to push Britt in there. This was my only spoiler of the season -- I had to know who won so I peeked weeks ago.

How dry were Britt's tears during her limo cry? I won't be surprised if she turns up in some other BachNation production, or three.

I hear Bachelor Pad calling...

As per usual I half watched the episode while playing candy crush on my phone so I missed what happened with the healer guy. I didn't see him at the rose ceremony and I'm wondering did he leave early or was he just out in the backyard meditating or something?

I think he got a rose! I know, ew. I remember noticing because he was out back by himself moping then suddenly "all in" for Kaitlyn.

I can't take Britt on the best of days and find her incredibly contrived but I would have preferred her as the Bachelorette as there's nothing worse than a bachelorette who has a bunch of guys who wanted someone else. I just don't see Kaitlyn dealing with this situation well and feel like she's going to overcompensate by being physical with a bunch of guys so she seems "fun and the right choice" etc. With Britt and her enormous ego I wouldn't have any qualms pointing and laughing and rolling my eyes at her. But I feel like Kaitlyn's going to make me cringe in that secondhand embarrassment kind of way.
I'll still watch for all it's trainwreck potential though.
I couldn't help but laugh at that set-up at the end where Brady's (?) going to find Britt who's staring forlornly out a window, crying delicately over lost love or an misplaced earring or whatever a full 24 hours later. It's like she's living out her very own soap opera. It's truly amazing.

I feel like Kaitlyn is more confident than Ashley, the last season a Bachelorette had to deal with men who had hoped it was another "more attractive" woman. Already she's not concerned about who there voted for her or not, which I think is a healthy sign.
Regardless of whether or not Britt even liked the singer/songwriter, she's going to be so very into him as long as the cameras are rolling -- guaranteed.
That promo was something else. Woah. I don't remember a B'ette going there that early, while we've lately had guys who engaged in hanky panky and got in trouble with the other women. (Seems to be a recurring trend lately -- making me wonder if it's only the recent installments where the producers decided to ensure it became known that something went down.)

3. I have no idea how they will find a Bachelor lead out of this mess. Is Brad around for another kick at the can instead?

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the scene between Kaitlyn and Brady was contrived. Some moments were just her, some just him, with the conversation dubbed over it. Then we hear Kaitlyn speak, but do not see her say the words, instead we see the men's reactions.

The previews??? Good lord! This I going to be the MOST DRAMATIC season ever.

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I did get distracted at the end, though - she did cut the stripper lawyer loose, right?  PLEASE SAY YES.


She did, thankfully. And right after his VO about how his ego wouldn't be able to take it if he didn't get a rose. Even better, the "amateur sex coach" is also gone. I wanted to puke every time I saw him.


I found Brady terribly affected, so I think he and Britt are well suited for each other - as long as she can keep up the pretense that she loves baseball, that is.


Kupah and Jonathan sure did a quick 180 after being so vocal about their preference for Britt at the beginning. I hope at some point Kaitlyn gets to see that footage from the first night.

Edited by chocolatine
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I have three concerns:


1. I have no idea how I will endure all of the filler episodes until that sex drama from the preview occurs.

2. I hope that sex drama wasn't just another Bachelor(ette) preview trick where they take audio out of context and mislead/anger every viewer.

3. I have no idea how they will find a Bachelor lead out of this mess. Is Brad around for another kick at the can instead?

You know, when I saw the previews, I immediately went to your fear in number 2.  Maybe it is going to be what the previews make it seem to be, but I don't trust this show and its editing monkeys at all.  I suppose the only real suspense for me is going to be whether what the previews imply is what we're actually going to get, or whether it is going to be a big, fat ball of nothing, per usual.

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I love that Kaitlyn was the choice. This show needs someone who can be snarky and take the piss out of everything a little.


I also like that one of the guys came out and told Kaitlyn he voted for Britt. That had to turn up the heat on everyone else who did the same and didn't tell her.

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You know, when I saw the previews, I immediately went to your fear in number 2.  Maybe it is going to be what the previews make it seem to be, but I don't trust this show and its editing monkeys at all.  I suppose the only real suspense for me is going to be whether what the previews imply is what we're actually going to get, or whether it is going to be a big, fat ball of nothing, per usual.

In this case, I'm actually hoping for a big fat ball of nothing. Otherwise I worry about the slut-shaming that'll follow from some quarters. I guess we'll see! I don't want to look into spoilers. Other than THAT part, I'm excited that they're going somewhere with castles -- looked like Scotland, might be Ireland or England or Wales. Very nice. I really missed the travel porn in the Chris Soules "down home" installment.

LOL at the loud sex type sigh/moan they had a voiceover   of on the preview. For all we know she could be grunting from exercising, but they know we will assume there is some sneaky sexy times going on.

I had the same thought when I heard that -- that she was just crying or sobbing or thinking.

Does Kaitlyn know Nick in any capacity? They weren't together on the show, were they?

ETA: I just rewatched, and when Kaitlyn says "I hate to admit it, but we had sex" (some of which was voice-overed) -- I wonder if she's not talking about Chris. Maybe explaining to one of them about being concerned about intimacy in the fantasy suite because of that.

Edited by Andromeda
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I'll bet Britt wished she had taken her gift pack of tissues along for the limo ride to the hotel. heh


While this completely made me laugh, are tissues even necessary for tear-free crying?  Maybe she didn't need them.


My favorite part of the episode was a little bachelorette redemption. When Kaitlin found out she "won" and Britt went home one of the first things out of her mouth was "is she OK?" Say what you will about her crass jokes and tattoos but that seemed pretty genuine and classy to me.


I really liked this too. It showed a lot of empathy to me in spite of her tomboyish/tough type of exterior.


Nope.  She wasn't gloating in the moment.   I thought it was kind of sweet that she needed several moments and called her mom. (Because, what a prize?  Again, more a revelation of her character than anything else....)  And I appreciated that she gave those who were initially more for Britt a chance.  Probably to her disadvantage, but with that close a vote she had to choose a few of them.


Agreed, I thought it revealed a depth of character that I quite honestly didn't expect from Kaitlyn.  I must say though, her saying it was the best moment of her life?  Really?  That's kind of sad.


Unrelated to the above quotes - I was so glad the welder guy brought her that rose! I wanted to see it the first night and was surprised we didn't. I'm glad he did bring it, and gave it to her once the B'ette was officially chosen. She seemed to really like it too.

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All those crying eyes in the previews made me hope those guys are going to get just what they bargained for.  They didn't know much about either girl but they did know Kaitlyn's first words to Chris Soules were, "You can plow my field anytime you want."  They knew she was the one who couldn't wait to get naked on the group date, the one who tells endless dirty jokes, has matching tattoos and constantly laughs a loud, raucous laugh.  They wanted the party girl because she was "real." And then, it looks like, when she does the sort of devil-may-care, impulsive thing that girls like that do, they're all boo hooey and disappointed. I guess each one just wanted her to be "real," with them and someone else with everyone else.  No sympathy dudes. 


I think Kaitlyn's a very bad choice for a show that's supposed to be about  romance and marriage.   Desiree was my kind of B'ette, but if they're going to chose a girl like Kaitlyn and then expect her to play a part, they all made a big mistake.  They can't blame Kaitlyn for being herself, when she's what they all said they wanted.

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I just rewatched, and when Kaitlyn says "I hate to admit it, but we had sex" (some of which was voice-overed) -- I wonder if she's not talking about Chris. Maybe explaining to one of them about being concerned about intimacy in the fantasy suite because of that.

Excellent point.  While I have no doubt she bumped uglies with


, that particular phrase could easily have been about last season with Chris.  So many things on this show are taken out of context, including "confessions". 


And the official ABC public press release said that they travelled to Ireland.  Even got a little concert from "The Cranberries".  Pretty cool. 

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I've never understood why sex is such a taboo subject on this show. You've got an attractive person looking to make a match with a bevy of attractive people - of course there's going to be some sexytimes going on. I'm sure the contestants play up their ire for the cameras, but to expect Kaitlyn to sit primly and exchange chaste kisses with these guys is just absurd.

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I'm glad it was Kaitlyn, (but I was spoiled too, because I wasn't going to watch a Britt season). Fleiss etc. pulled a fast one on her inserting Britt into the process. I've always liked Kaitlyn, and I didn't even notice that there wasn't an ambulance in this season's previews, because NICK VIALLI! What is with that guy? Does he have some kind of mumbo jumbo witchcraft that mesmerizes all these girls? IDK.



I think Kaitlyn's a very bad choice for a show that's supposed to be about  romance and marriage.   Desiree was my kind of B'ette, but if they're going to chose a girl like Kaitlyn and then expect her to play a part, they all made a big mistake.  They can't blame Kaitlyn for being herself, when she's what they all said they wanted.



Des was my favorite too, but I'm up for a season of Bad Bachelorette.  


All the guys are fugly. I have no one to root for. Well, except maybe Nick. I preferred him over the doofus who won/lost Andi Doorman. Let the games begin!

Edited by TheFinalRose
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