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S02.E10: Election Day

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I think both Kathryn and Thomas are wrong and I can't be on either team.  


Thomas should have realized shit was going to be rocky, just getting involved with a 23 year old immature party girl is a bad idea and if you do, wrap it up, silly man.  And breaking up with someone on Facebook is so silly and very junior high school


Kathryn probably thought that if she got pregnant, Thomas would marry her.  WTF is wrong with her?  This isn't the 1950's.  She needs to read gossip mags where she can read about the countless babymamas of sports start, rock stars, rap stars and actors.  Just because she pushed out a baby, doesn't make her Saint Kathryn and doesn't mean that a man is going to respect her.


I agree with most of your post.  Thomas and K are BOTH frequent travelers on the Hot Mess Express, and I don't see either one of them getting off any time soon. 


As for the last paragraph, though: I have a *strong* suspicion that Thomas DID promise marriage to Kathryn if she got pregnant.  Then he went back on his word once he started seeing the real her.  SO, again, it just comes down to them both being somewhat terrible people.  But I do not think K dreamt up or fantasized the marriage part.  I think it was based in reality. 


I don't care that Kathryn flipped off Landon, it's pretty much what I would expect from Kathryn. And while Landon picked the wrong time, I probably wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer. Can you imagine hours and hours of this woman/child whining about this messed up relationship, and how much she has sacrificed. I might scream shuuut uup! Tonight is not about you! This is not your u party, remember your baby daddy broke up with you on Facebook.



Indeed.  Landon can be annoying as hell, but I was totally feeling her on the "It's not always about you" comment to K.  You know it's what most of the people at that table were thinking, and I know for certain it's what I was thinking.  It's one thing to have a fight/confrontation with your Baby Daddy (because YES, how he broke up with her was jacked up) but doing it at his Loser's Dinner  errrr.... Concession speech...  was NOT the time or place.       

Edited by Duke2801
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As for the last paragraph, though: I have a *strong* suspicion that Thomas DID promise marriage to Kathryn if she got pregnant.  Then he went back on his word once he started seeing the real her.  SO, again, it just comes down to them both being somewhat terrible people.  But I do not think K dreamt up or fantasized the marriage part.  I think it was based in reality.



I'm not sure about that, unless Kathryn threatened to have an abortion or put the child up for adoption and Thomas said "I'll marry you."  Still if I had a nickel for every time I've heard a guy say that to a girl, I'd be one rich lady.  Put a ring on my finger first dude, don't make promises unless they're in writing.

I know Kathryn is young but I have no sympathy for her. She planned to trap a rich guy by becoming pregnant. In her plan, the guy would do the gentlemanly thing and marry her. She'd be rich and the reality of having an actual, needy baby didn't register with her. She test drove 3 of these guys in a very short period of time, and, Thomas lost. There were flaws in her plan and as is the case with millions and millions of people, her life didn't turn out the way that she planned it. Tough shit.

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When they replayed the fight between Kathryn and Whitney on the Jekyll Island front porch, she yelled, "you came to our house when I was nine months pregnant and went to a motherfuckin' strip club motherfucker!". Ha ha. But wow Whitney. Really?? Yes, he has always been out to get Kathryn but that is really disgusting. What a scumbag. And Thomas for going, what a DICK(

See this is why I can't ever side with Kathryn when she fights with Whitney because she tries to blame most of her problems with Thomas on him. Thomas is a grown man be pissed at him that he went to a strip club he is the one you are in a relationship with. Be mad at him that he didn't put the kibosh on the dancers in the video,

Heck even the fight on Jekyl wasn't really about her and he didn't bring her up Craig did and Whitney was saying he didn't by Craig's change of heart about Kathryn that was a criticism of Craig not her and she used that as an excuse to go batshit.

  • Love 3

I think both Kathryn and Thomas are wrong and I can't be on either team.  


Thomas should have realized shit was going to be rocky, just getting involved with a 23 year old immature party girl is a bad idea and if you do, wrap it up, silly man.  And breaking up with someone on Facebook is so silly and very junior high school


Kathryn probably thought that if she got pregnant, Thomas would marry her.  WTF is wrong with her?  This isn't the 1950's.  She needs to read gossip mags where she can read about the countless babymamas of sports start, rock stars, rap stars and actors.  Just because she pushed out a baby, doesn't make her Saint Kathryn and doesn't mean that a man is going to respect her.

well wasn't thomas spouting off last season to anyone and everyone that if he found someone he wanted to make babies asap and start a family? not that that meant get married... but i'm sure kathryn heard that and attached herself to that. 

I'm not sure why she's wanting the marriage so bad either... she should be set for life with child support.  Unless she's getting pressure for her parents. 

I'm typing comments as I watch and I haven't read the comments yet, so apologies if these things have already been discussed.

People's comments about T-Rav's assault... Jennifer: "Does she understand the brevity of what she's done?"

Kathryn: "She doesn't understand the multitude of what she's done!"

Really?! Brevity and multitude?! I'm assuming they mean gravity and magnitude! These idiots! Now I know they're just pretending to sound educated using "big words" that they have no ducking idea what they mean! A fifth grader would get these right on their vocabulary homework!

OMG! This is the greatest episode of this show ever! Here are some quotes that killed me in a good way...

Whitney about Craig and Kathryn: "Did they have congress?"

Whitney: "Breaking up on Facebook? What is he a 12-year-old girl? I don't know, maybe a text or something."

Shep: "I might vote for T-Rav or just write myself in."

Cameran: "Thomas needs to be in office. He gets into too much trouble with nothing to do on that plantation. Then again, he did do coccaine when he was treasurer."

  • Love 12

People's comments about T-Rav's assault... Jennifer: "Does she understand the brevity of what she's done?"

Kathryn: "She doesn't understand the multitude of what she's done!"

Really?! Brevity and multitude?! I'm assuming they mean gravity and magnitude! These idiots! Now I know they're just pretending to sound educated using "big words" that they have no ducking idea what they mean! A fifth grader would get these right on their vocabulary homework!

OMG! This is the greatest episode of this show ever! Here are some quotes that killed me in a good way...

Whitney about Craig and Kathryn: "Did they have congress?"

Whitney: "Breaking up on Facebook? What is he a 12-year-old girl? I don't know, maybe a text or something."

Shep: "I might vote for T-Rav or just write myself in."

Cameran: "Thomas needs to be in office. He gets into too much trouble with nothing to do on that plantation. Then again, he did do coccaine when he was treasurer."


Oh JenE4, those are great! You should put those in the favorite quotes thread! Yes, last night's epi was awesome! I have to say that my favorite part was not shown, and that was the full Drunk Cameran experience, which a fellow poster was so kind enough to link.  I'm so upset that next week is the season finale...

  • Love 1

The extended drunk Cameran scene is worth watching.



THANK YOU for that, that was amazing.


Cameran closing her eyes and letting that truth speak through her that no, Thomas, you're not up!


Cameran staring cross-eyed into the camera.


Cameran drunkenly telling us she's drunk, just like every other annoying drunk that ever drank.


The scene with her bending over and flapping her arms was in the episode, but I don't recall seeing her straighten up, spin around and walk away like what happened didn't just happen.  Like...gurl.




Bless 'er.

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I have a *strong* suspicion that Thomas DID promise marriage to Kathryn if she got pregnant.



I may be imagining, but it seems I remember that when they had the first pregnancy scare in Season 1, he did say words that meant "If you are pregnant, I'll marry you." Now, we all know that's no promise and they were likely drunk on margaritas at the time he uttered it, but I think Kathryn took those words and ran with them. She certainly did nothing to double down and avoid an accidental pregnancy happening almost immediately afterward. I mean, she was so determined to get pregnant. And she reported to the girls, during the car ride to Shep's hunting lodge, that if she got pregnant Thomas would marry her. She also said they were doing nothing to prevent it. I'll bet during their drunken pillow talk there were other promises of marriage. Thomas is getting old and may have seen her as his last chance to have a wife (an attractive, younger, "scion" wife) and child.

Edited by RedHawk
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I thought that Patricia's description of Kathryn was a litttle too close to an accurate description of Patricia. Really, what has Patricia done to earn her lifestyle and how is Kathryn all that different?

Graduated from college, got a master's degree, ran a successful art gallery, married someone similar in age, waited several years to have a child, stayed married for 18 years so many many things.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 8

I may be imagining, but it seems I remember that when they had the first pregnancy scare in Season 1, he did say words that meant "If you are pregnant, I'll marry you." Now, we all know that's no promise and they were likely drunk on margaritas at the time he uttered it, but I think Kathryn took those words and ran with them. She certainly did nothing to double down and avoid an accidental pregnancy happening almost immediately afterward. I mean, she was so determined to get pregnant. And she reported to the girls, during the car ride to Shep's hunting lodge, that if she got pregnant Thomas would marry her. She also said they were doing nothing to prevent it. I'll bet during their drunken pillow talk there were other promises of marriage. Thomas is getting old and may have seen her as his last chance to have a wife (an attractive, younger, "scion" wife) and child.

Thank you I remember this too. She was very satisfied with herself. I felt, She had what she thought was a promise of marriage if a baby came about, she was a fool to put herself in that position. Edited by imjagain
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It does take two people to make a baby though. It is quite apparent that Kathryn is a young 23. I find that Thomas is mostly at fault in this debacle. It's also kind of sad that none of Kathryn's friends intervened with realtalk. No way I'd let a 23-year-old friend hang out with someone as sleazy as Thomas.

Of course it takes two people, we all know that.

As a woman I would never leave it up to some man to pull out or promise to wear a condom, then oops forget them. If I didn't want a child I protect myself. Same goes for Thomas. If he didn't want a child wear a condom! The problem is both were letting stuff just happen. Fools the both of them. They were taking a risk of having a child. Kathryn as the mother will fairly or unfairly is stuck at home with baby while her baby daddy is out and about running a campaign going to strip clubs.

They both suck!

Edited by imjagain
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More examples of probably staged scenes.


First, Thomas's FB post says Kathryn didn't come back from the "Bravo shoot."  It was suppose to be a weekend that Landon put together.




Then everyone gets together on election night to have a party, as if there's anything to celebrate.  It wasn't loyal staffers of the candidate, just a bunch of reality show star wannabes eating and drinking.




So right as Thomas is giving his "concession speech" Kathryn shows up and rushes the "stage" for the drama.


Staged, staged, staged.


Do we want more of this faked Charleston high society life?


Yes please.

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First, Thomas's FB post says Kathryn didn't come back from the "Bravo shoot." It was suppose to be a weekend that Landon put together.


I don't think that was actually staged from everything available seems the Jeykell island trip coincided with the stylist charges. Not saying a PA didn't send them all a link to the story but it and the Facebook breakup did happen on the trip that Landon "planned.

I do think his election night party was staged but one I don't know how much staff he actually had but every longshot campaign I have ever been a part of had an election night party even when everyone knew their ass was going to be kicked, so the idea of a party for a loser didn't seem odd.

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To me, "staging" means they have to assign people a place/date/time. They have to for it to work. What happens after that is anyone's guess. Sometimes it's gold, sometime's it's a dud. Had Kathryn not jumped on Whitney at that little crab shack fund-raiser, they might have left that whole event out of the final edit.

For this episode, I don't think they expected Cameran to get falling down drunk, or Kathryn to tell "everybody move!" and then flip the bird at Landon. That's icing on the cake.

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I just remembered something funny as it pertains to this episode. Whitney and others were making fun of Thomas for breaking up with Kathryn on Facebook. But did they all forget that he broke up with BevCart Girl via text message THE NIGHT BEFORE THEIR WEDDING?

Apparently the guy doesn't handle face-to-face confrontation with women too well.

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Craig, when asked what happened when he and Kathryn were stranded on the beach said, "I've watched enough episodes of Naked and Afraid to know what to do."  That's not helping your case, dude.  Whitney was channeling Bethenny talking to Kelly Bensimon on Crazy Island when Craig said what should we have done?  Whitney said, "go to sleep!"  It just wasn't as screechy as Bethenny's version.  


Did anyone hear Cameron's mom call her Carmen?  Every time I've caught the rerun, it's Carmen.  It was when she called her Mom on the way to the polling place because her "vote matters, dammit!"  


Shep:  "I don't have time to take my time."   Who knows such a gem could come from his mouth?


3%.  Ouch.   I think Kathryn was on something when she showed up at Thomas's concession speech.   She was acting so bizarre, even for her.  

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With the weird grimaces and facial movements, the inability to sit in one place and odd speech intonations I definitely think Kathryn was on a little something more than champagne. Her behavior was so disjointed. And the "I won't be ignored line"! Thomas better keep an eye on those polo ponies before Kathryn goes all bunny-boiler on them.


And this might just be me but I think Kathryn should have come back to Charleston when Thomas asked. Yes, y'all have a drama filled and tumultous relationship but if you truly care about someone when they call and ask for your emotional support in the aftermath of something that is devastating for them I think you should be there. I can't see myself skipping out on a loved one in need for salsa and chips lessons with people who can barely tolerate me. The Facebook break-up was ridiculous.....Thomas is so eloquent, I can't believe he can't seem to communicate with her better.


Seriously Landon, STFU. I cannot reiterate this enough. Shut. Your. Pie. Hole.


Drunk Cameron is the best. I'd party with her, Shep and JD anyday.

  • Love 7

Seriously Landon, STFU. I cannot reiterate this enough. Shut. Your. Pie. Hole.


Drunk Cameron is the best. I'd party with her, Shep and JD anyday.

I can't help myself, and I really can't pinpoint what it is, but Landon absolutely grates on my nerves.  My husband watches with me, and she annoys him, too, so when the previews showed her crying about her divorce, both of us were saying out loud, "Nooooo!!!"  I am finished with the Landon divorce conversation!  Didn't really care about hearing it the first time.


And, yes, I would totally party with those three, too!

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And this might just be me but I think Kathryn should have come back to Charleston when Thomas asked. Yes, y'all have a drama filled and tumultous relationship but if you truly care about someone when they call and ask for your emotional support in the aftermath of something that is devastating for them I think you should be there. I can't see myself skipping out on a loved one in need for salsa and chips lessons with people who can barely tolerate me. The Facebook break-up was ridiculous.....Thomas is so eloquent, I can't believe he can't seem to communicate with her better.


ITA.  Unless she wanted Thomas to break up with her, she had to go.  Maybe Thomas didn't deserve her support, but if that was the case, then she should have already broken up with him by that point. 


I'm sure Thomas is total jerk, too, as evidenced by the Facebook post, but I believed him when Kathryn was all huffing and puffing around him and then he commented to Whitney something like, "see this is why I could never have her on the campaign trail."

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I guess I'm the only one who thinks drunk Cameron was obnoxious. All the screaming, why was she screaming. The look on some the others faces seemed to look embarrassed for her. I know I know, she is so cute. I just found it hard to see her behavior as adorable. I wouldn't find it cute on anybody.


I've never succumbed to Cameron's "charms"; drunk Cameron, even less so.

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Here is one thing that I have always liked about Thomas: he will show vulnerability. There are many examples; just two would be him crying last season when he and Kathryn broke up and saying to her that it couldn't work because he's "an old man" and this episode where he said it was an embarrassment to get only 3 percent of the votes. It makes him more human and makes me feel a little bit bad for him that he can't seem to stop self-sabotaging himself as Whitney once pointed out.


I wouldn't be surprised if Cameran's real name is Carmen and she changed it to Cameran to make it more "glamorous". (Someone above mentioned that it always sounds like her mother is calling her "Carmen". May just be her accent though.)

Edited by Sage47
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In the real world (no pun intended) a drunk blonde at an election result party would be obnoxious but by Bravo bizarro world standards I found Cameran to be hysterically funny. I have never said that about any of the HW shows ever. I do think Cameran and the other SC cast members have charm, a characteristic which is sorely lacking in every other Bravo franchise.

I have to use a sliding scale of asshat behavior to gauge the asshattery of all Bravo asshats. Let's face it, if you're on a reality show, you are at least a minor asshat.

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