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Life In Pieces - General Discussion

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On 12/1/2017 at 3:23 PM, Marley said:

I like this show but the kid actress that plays Lark is really annoying. That sounds mean but there it is lol.

I feel the same way. I don’t like any of the Lark-centered plots this season. I’m not sure if it’s the actress or I just don’t want to watch potty-training on TV. 

I never felt this way about Edie on Grandfathered or Hope in Raising Hope. Those shows used their toddler actors better. 

I liked all the other segments this week, with my favorite being Middle Child Day. Matt being lifted out of the net made me LOL. 

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I finally got caught up!  This season has been a bit uneven, but so have the other ones, I suppose.

I did love Joan playing poker.  I should have seen it coming, but somehow I didn't.  Loved the return of the neighbors, too, in that episode and also in the Thanksgiving one.  Sam constantly ending up in their house cracked me up. 

The continuity has been good, too -- the return of Cheeto, the appearance of Tank, and Tim calling Heather, "Heater" when she had to get up and go cook dinner. 

I also laughed out loud at Sam just sitting there, eating corn while mayhem swirled around her.  Just oblivious to everything but that wonderful corn.  Matt's expressions when she leaned over to say something to him were priceless as well.  Not a huge fan of that braid wrapped around her head, though.  The actress is an underused gem -- she was really good in the middle child segment as well.

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On 12/2/2017 at 6:28 AM, idiotwaltz said:

I feel the same way. I don’t like any of the Lark-centered plots this season. I’m not sure if it’s the actress or I just don’t want to watch potty-training on TV. 

I never felt this way about Edie on Grandfathered or Hope in Raising Hope. Those shows used their toddler actors better. 

I liked all the other segments this week, with my favorite being Middle Child Day. Matt being lifted out of the net made me LOL. 

she is a real brat.

i am getting tired of all the sickening "potty" (literally in this case) jokes being thrown around these days on tv and elsewhere. it's not funny. excrement,shit, poop, etc. whatever you want to call it is not funny. yes it is a normal bodily function but do we have to be so damn crass?  greg on the baby's toilet was cringeworthy at best and downright puke inducing . 

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39 minutes ago, Sparger Springs said:

Tell your teen daughter she and her boyfriend can't study in her room. 

Or tell her to leave the door open.  But that shows a lack of trust!

I think about room assignments too much (see Blackish and This is Us) but I am assuming that with three kids, Joanie and John have a four bedroom house. They have the master bedroom, Heather and Tim have a second bedroom, and, since Tyler is still sharing the little house with Clementine, I suppose that Sam and Sophia can each have her own bedroom.  On the other hand, if Matt and Greg shared a bedroom growing up and the house hasn't been expanded, Sam and Sophia would now be sharing a bedroom at their grandparents' home, and this problem could have been avoided.

Do we know if Matt and Greg shared a bedroom growing up? Matt would have tormented him.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
40 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Matt was living in the garage at one point - was that his own choice or weren't there available bedrooms in the main house?

I feel like that was his own choice to have some "independence" as no one else was living there then except his parents so there should have been available bedrooms..

40 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Is the actress who plays Colleen pregnant?

She was.  She had her baby in September: http://people.com/babies/angelique-cabral-welcomes-daughter-adelaide-grace-first-photos/

I assume that's why she was missing from Thanksgiving and other early episodes.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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I feel bad criticizing a child actor, but the little kid that Greg and Jen 'kidnapped' last week really highlighted just how bad Lark is. That falls entirely on the casting department.

Tyler dating the teacher was a fun twist on the sitcom staple where a single parent dates the teacher. Although I'm not sure how he attracts the women he does!

Enjoyed the mix-up at Jen's birthday celebration. "You look like Lark's younger, more beautiful sister," and "she's not drinking because she's clearly breastfeeding." Somehow I'm not surprised that Clementine is good with kids.

The escape room story was kind of dumb. Now one house is burned down and the other has been emptied.

Nice to see Colleen again! 

"There you go, Swimming Pool Filter!"

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Question - when the show began, was Colleen Matt's boss?

I know they were coworkers, and I had the impression that she had a better job than him. She was depicted as being a lot more responsible than him, with her biggest issue being that her love life was a mess. And now she just seems like a huge hot mess as a person.

I've been very pleased with this season so far. The writers have avoided their biggest pitfalls with other characters - Greg and Tyler aren't coming across as mentally challenged this season, and Joan and John aren't being unbearable assholes to their kids.

But I'm not crazy about where they're taking Colleen. I hate the idea that when your significant other treats people badly (like falsely accusing them of stealing), you have to enable their behavior, or else you're guilty of not having their back.

Edited by Blakeston
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Heather has to be the most chill mom in the universe the way she reacted to Sofia's teacher winding up at her house post coitus with her teenage son. That's some serious boundary crossing in several ways. I'd have been on the phone to the school board post haste.

They don't really seem to know what to do with Clementine- I'm not sure why they decided she and Tyler should split up if they're going to keep her on the show. That shirt she was wearing at the play park was way too low-cut, just to emphasize the "hot nanny" thing.

John is too dumb to live. If he was a commercial airline pilot I'm sure he wound up at the wrong airport more than once.

Have they written Colleen's pregnancy into the show? If not, they need to. She's clearly about six months along.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Heather has to be the most chill mom in the universe the way she reacted to Sofia's teacher winding up at her house post coitus with her teenage son. That's some serious boundary crossing in several ways. I'd have been on the phone to the school board post haste.

They don't really seem to know what to do with Clementine- I'm not sure why they decided she and Tyler should split up if they're going to keep her on the show. That shirt she was wearing at the play park was way too low-cut, just to emphasize the "hot nanny" thing.

John is too dumb to live. If he was a commercial airline pilot I'm sure he wound up at the wrong airport more than once.

Have they written Colleen's pregnancy into the show? If not, they need to. She's clearly about six months along.

Definitely chill! But we've seen that in the past, so it's not out of character. I don't think there's anything wrong with what the teacher did - Tyler is of legal age (and maybe no longer a teenager now?), and she didn't realize that his little sister is one of her students. Stuff that happened after that is iffy, of course, but that was the point.

John's brain is clearly turned to mush either by old age or alcohol. I've been waiting for them to address that in-universe since episode 1, so I'm not holding out much hope.

I assumed the actress missed the previous few episodes because she just had her baby? I'm not sure about the filming schedule. With them talking about kids early in this season I expected them to write her pregnancy into the show. Maybe it's coming.

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On 12/15/2017 at 9:56 AM, iMonrey said:

Have they written Colleen's pregnancy into the show? If not, they need to. She's clearly about six months along.

Actually, she's post-partum.  She gave birth shortly after they filmed the second (I think) episode of this season, which is why she was missing for a few eps.

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Does Greg actually work outside the house, or does he stay home with Lark?   That also didn't seem like the kind of birthday dinner you would bring a young child to.  Much better to leave her home with "the nanny."

On 12/15/2017 at 10:41 AM, Blakeston said:

Question - when the show began, was Colleen Matt's boss?

I know they were coworkers, and I had the impression that she had a better job than him. She was depicted as being a lot more responsible than him, with her biggest issue being that her love life was a mess. And now she just seems like a huge hot mess as a person.

She, Tyler, Greg, Clementine and John have all taken turns being written as extremely dumb.

  • Love 3

I can't stand what they've done with Colleen's character. She was a bit pathetic (emotionally and financially) due to breaking off the engagement, but we've all gone through break-ups and could understand how it knocks you off balance, even if you're the one who initiated the split. Now she's a trashy, violent, retail theft con artist who either never left or is reverting to her self-described Chula stage from high school. Matt should go back to his first wife.

Always hated Jen because she was condescending and nasty, but they've devolved Greg's character into such an idiot mama's boy that he no longer brings anything to their relationship. She would've never fallen for him. And spare me the "cute" baby acting. Lark is no Michelle Tanner. And I hated Michelle Tanner.

Joan and John. They were accomplished co-leaders of the family enjoying their success, but now they're doddering, semi-senile drunks. They're no longer approaching their golden years but are pitching headfirst into death's abyss.

Clementine: agree with recent opinions. Also, send Tyler off to college with Chuck Cunningham. John is perv enough for 22 minutes, and there are plenty of ways to work in T&A while concentrating on interesting stories. An 18 year old who thinks his band "Funeral Goose" will make it is not interesting.

I understand characters eventually become the stereotypes that made the show successful, but I feel like Life in Pieces condensed the timeline a couple seasons. I'm disappointed.

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Great Christmas episode!  I'm keeping it on the DVR since I will want to re-watch it.  Probably Monday night after spending the day with the family. 

Although I think the character gets featured way too much, I did have to laugh at Sophia, sunglasses on, hangover in full effect, saying "Mo-o-o-om - bring it waaaaay down."  

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, AnnaRose said:

also thought the bee-hole piece was hilarious... though I'm almost too ashamed to admit it.

What made that bit was that the exterminator guy seemed to be completely clueless about what he was saying.  I don't know how he kept a straight face.

I also loved the re-purposed dog kennel.  "Thanks for my playhouse!"

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I like when shows push the boundaries and try things new. In theory the animated segment should have been amazing. In reality is was awful, dreadful, and cringe inducing.

The story with the nurse was funny, especially her "you'll find my resignation letter in an orange in the breakroom."

The neighbor story... eh. I'm just going to assume it was mostly setup for future, funnier plots.

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I did enjoy the romance reading story, not so much because of the story itself (which was pretty thing), but because of the setting.  The Ripped Bodice is a romance-themed bookstore in Culver City, the only one of its kind I believe.  The owners have quite the internet presence and are fun to follow (and, someday, I'd like that actually check that store out!)

On 1/5/2018 at 1:37 PM, OtterMommy said:

I did enjoy the romance reading story, not so much because of the story itself (which was pretty thing), but because of the setting.  The Ripped Bodice is a romance-themed bookstore in Culver City, the only one of its kind I believe.  The owners have quite the internet presence and are fun to follow (and, someday, I'd like that actually check that store out!)

I love The Ripped Bodice! I can't wait to watch the episode, I haven't had a chance yet. The owners are sisters, Bea and Leah, and they are awesome. Not to mention the bookstore dog, Fitzwilliam Waffles. Who is even more awesome. My sister and I are a romance writing team and we've done two signings there. But I also just like to go there and pet Fitz....er, um....shop. I mean, shop. :)

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I really didn't even understand the premise of this episode. I guess each segment was a "what if" fantasy, but did any of them actually happen? Why on earth are Colleen and Matt still living with Dougie, and how on earth could she be working at Jen's law firm? The whole thing was like some weird dream that didn't make any sense.

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On 1/11/2018 at 10:19 PM, LakeGal said:

Worst episode tonight. All it did was frustrate me.

My parents have watched since it first aired. Kept telling me how funny it was. So I binged watched season 1 and 2 before this season started. I laughed hysterically through them both, especially season 1. This season is horrible. This past one was awful and all I could think of was that my 80 year old parents were watching this. This season seems so sex orientated and not in a good way at all. I'll give it one more episode and if it hasn't changed, I'm done.

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I really didn't even understand the premise of this episode. I guess each segment was a "what if" fantasy, but did any of them actually happen? Why on earth are Colleen and Matt still living with Dougie, and how on earth could she be working at Jen's law firm? The whole thing was like some weird dream that didn't make any sense.

I don't know why Matt and Jen are still living with Dougie, but she works at the law firm because her dad is a partner. They may have mentioned she's a paralegal?

They tried to get Dougie to move out, but she refused. Then there was some kind of a bet or something, a wrestling challenge? I think they lost the bet so she got to stay? Mostly she's there for comedic effect, and  because Matt and ... not Jen (Jen is Greg's partner, but I can't remember Matt's partner's name right now)... because they are not known for their strength in setting limits. Matt could have just not answered the phone this episode, and delivered his sample on time. But that's the nature of comedies; things get exaggerated for a gag.

I still like the show and find it funny. It's always been exaggerated and the characters have always been dysfunctional messes.

On 1/13/2018 at 9:15 AM, iMonrey said:

I guess each segment was a "what if" fantasy, but did any of them actually happen? Why on earth are Colleen and Matt still living with Dougie, and how on earth could she be working at Jen's law firm? The whole thing was like some weird dream that didn't make any sense.

Your guess is better than mine.  At first, I thought it was separate days - but why would Colleen be so happy about it each time -- there would have been a "Don't answer your phone this time" comment at some point.  So I changed my theory to it all took place the same day and figured the final punch line would be that the clinic told him that he has to wait 3 days between collections.  But that wasn't a theory for long because there were too many collections to be one day and it would make no sense for Colleen to come home and take a selfie each time.  Besides Tim was wearing the I-got-my-eyes-dilated glasses on during a later collection and he wouldn't have those on days after his optometrist appointment.  

Your theory that it was just Matt imagining what could go wrong and deciding to do it at the clinic instead makes more sense.  

No matter how you interpret it, this episode lost the "1 family, 4 stories" theme.  

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2 hours ago, needschocolate said:

Your guess is better than mine.  At first, I thought it was separate days - but why would Colleen be so happy about it each time -- there would have been a "Don't answer your phone this time" comment at some point.  So I changed my theory to it all took place the same day and figured the final punch line would be that the clinic told him that he has to wait 3 days between collections.  But that wasn't a theory for long because there were too many collections to be one day and it would make no sense for Colleen to come home and take a selfie each time.  Besides Tim was wearing the I-got-my-eyes-dilated glasses on during a later collection and he wouldn't have those on days after his optometrist appointment.  

Your theory that it was just Matt imagining what could go wrong and deciding to do it at the clinic instead makes more sense.  

No matter how you interpret it, this episode lost the "1 family, 4 stories" theme.  

Each segment had a black title card that said "if so and so called." 

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