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S14.E30: Winner Announced

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I did not realize that the second-to-last AI episode was on Tuesday, so I didn't DVR it. I mistakenly thought that the last 3 contestants were going to perform last night (Wednesday), and that one of them would then get booted, leaving the finale for tonight. I did unknowingly DVR the finale and watched it today. Unfortunately, while perusing Facebook over breakfast this morning, I saw that Nick had won (that's actually when I realized that I'd missed Tuesday night's show). So by the time I did finally sit down to watch the finale, I was ready to just be entertained, since I already knew how it was going to end up.


Overall, I'd say "mission accomplished." I was relatively entertained. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Ricky Martin! He's engaging, charismatic, easy on the eyes, and sounded great. My foot was tapping! The whole thing kept my attention and was fun and lighthearted. Same thing with the Chic performance - those were all songs from my teenage years and they brought back many fun and happy memories. It was lively and upbeat. In both numbers, I was not at all focused on the inclusion of the AI contestants - I simply enjoyed hearing some popular songs that made me feel good. Was it highbrow "art"? No, of course not. But it was quite enjoyable. I could see myself sitting through an hour or two of that sort of stuff and coming away happy. It's great when you know every song being performed and can join in. So my top scores go to Ricky Martin and Chic - thanks for the memories and for simply entertaining me!


I love Michael McDonald, always have. Again, his voice and songs evoke strong and positive memories of my high school and college years. 


I fast forwarded through Daniel and NKOTB. Not interested. He skeeves me out and he's not a good singer. I listened for a moment, felt embarrassed for him and decided to skip it. Yuck.


I love Andy Grammer!! Love him, loved his performance!!!


I'm not at all interested in Janelle Monae or her music but I watched. It was OK - catchy tune, sort of, but I don't need to ever hear it again.


The Jacksons - oy vey, what is there to say? Give it up. Tyanna did great, however. She looked like she was having a good time, I hope she enjoyed it.


I've never heard of Prince Royce (? on his name) but I didn't fast forward. It was a lively performance, just not the music I listen to. I do sort of like Pitbull but all of his music and songs sound exactly the same to me. He commands the stage, though.


Keith Urban is great. I'm not a country fan but I don't think you need to be to enjoy him. He sure does sling that guitar pretty darn low, as he mentioned all season long! Nicole, baby, you got it good - coming home to that every night, I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven! 


Harry looked quite debonair in his tux. I wished he'd have sung but that's OK. JLO - what is there to say? I agree, she sounded good on 'Diamonds.' She has the most tawny, golden, glowing skin - I never tire of seeing her lush complexion.


I thought Candice won last year. It was Caleb?? I was wondering why he was on the stage at the end. Either way, I'd long since forgotten about both of them. Haven't heard or seen mention of either since they won their respective seasons. 


I couldn't remember the names (or faces) of most of the top 24. Out of sight, out of mind. I'm fine with Nick winning. I live in Connecticut, so yay for our little Nutmeg state! Only time will tell what happens to Nick and his career. I hope it works out. However, if I want to hear a Rob Thomas-type voice and song, I'm going to listen to Rob Thomas. That's who Nick sounds like to me. I'm not sure if I am interested enough to hear Nick sing original material. 


SO, that's it until next January, when the Big Farewell Season begins. Just think, at this time next year, it will be over forever!!!


EDITED TO INCLUDE:  Jax/Steven Tyler. Liked him, didn't really enjoy her performance. He is way more compelling, even at this age. Since I didn't see Tuesday's show, in which she was eliminated, her impromptu comments took me by surprise, but I can surmise that she was not given a chance (or a minimal chance) to say a few parting words. Oh well.

Edited by Biggie B
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Since no mention of how close the final vote was, I'm guessing it wasn't very close.

Grassy Knoll Alert!!

I believe that the vote was ignored. IMO, there was an agreement between Clark, Scott, and the producers--that Clark would decline being the IDOL and go out as the 2nd Place finisher. The reason: Clark and Scott don't mix at all, and forcing Clark to "fit the role of an Idol makes no sense for anyone. So Clark just quietly bows-out and...Nick becomes the Idol.


Nick will be a better American Idol than Clark anyway.

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I watched the Steven Tyler and Jax performance again and it looked like it wasnt rehearsed or something. Steven T does not need to rehearse something like that, he can do it in his sleep so I wonder if Jax was just clueless on how to improvise. You wouldnt lean in close to his mic with your own mic. He was probably trying to guide her in the moment and it came off looking so awkward because she is not intuitive onstage. That klomp walk can only last so long. She should have sang You're my Angel on the piano with him instead.

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To no surprise, the Season 14 finale had the lowest ratings ever.


Nick is a forgettable winner.  I'd prefer either Clark or Jax.  I just think they are more interesting.


I could have done with the judges performing.  And overall, I thought the more entertaining performances came outside of the Top 2.


I hope Scott Borchetta doesn't return.

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Not the best finale (that would be season 7) but not the worst either.  


Every time I hear DCook's coronation song it takes me back to that night and I tear up, practically.  That was the first season I watched.  I haven't cared half as much since.  

And for me, that's what elevated Nick over Clark. Both came into the competition needing help relating to the audience. Nick was able to take the constructive criticism and use it to grow. Clark wasn't, and I can't even blame him because I just don't think he's got that kind of ease in him. Even conversing with Ryan, Nick seemed relaxed and natural and Clark seemed like they pulled him into the contest and stuck him in front of a camera yesterday. Clark may or may not be the better vocalist, but there's more to being a singer than technical ability (see: JLo's success.)

I never understand the "you've grown so much" comments, especially for guys like Nick who've been doing this for 10 or more years.  The 12 or so songs they sing on this show is like one set in one gig.  It just seems self-congratulatory of the show, and like phony PR.  


Since no mention of how close the final vote was, I'm guessing it wasn't very close.

Probably right.  Ryan said two of the final 3 were super close.  I figured it was the 2nd and 3rd person.  

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Truly sad for Jax and for the Jacksons.


Jax absolutely does not have the chops to pull off what she wants to be.  Her voice is reed thin.  That will work OK for the softer songs and it is no surprise that such comprised her season "moments."  Never once this entire journey did she manage to maintain pitch when rocking out.  This makes her perfect material for Borchetta, who produced the ultimate example of this type of talent - Swift.  Hopefully, we've seen the last of that ludicrous X on her cheek.  


I am certain that Tyler was not bigtiming her.  Girl simply had no clue what to do with her personal mic and forgot her cues to join up with Tyler on the single mic.  She was flustered by the staging, and she was really feeling it as her vocals blew chunks.  She was a hot mess all the way around.


What the holy heck has happened to the Jackson brothers?  They were damn good back in the day.  Fine harmonies and really tight staging.  That was an embarrassment and somewhat tragic.  That is as shocking a viewer experience of a singing performance as I have ever known.


Of all the performances by AI singers, Clark's with Michael Mcdonald was head and shoulders the one that was most congruent.  His tonality was right there, as was his vibe.  This was right in Clark's wheelhouse.  Sure, it needs some fine tuning, but I can totally see him performing that song in concert forever.  None of what he did was a stretch, unlike all of the others last night.  


Nick was probably the most worthy winner this season.  He was, by far, the most consistently aight/good.  I wish him every success.


I understand why Keith Urban is so adored.  He just doesn't do anything for me.  I was glad to see Nicole.  As a singer, JLo sure is purdy.  I wonder if Harry begged off performing.  A smart man, he is.  


Without question, this was the worst season of AI.  With the freedom of a close out season coming up, will TPTB take advantage and go out swinging with genuine/authentic talent, current tastes be damned?  Yeah, right.

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When everyone was crowding the stage to congratulate Nick and smother him in a big group hug, for a second I said to myself, "Wait -- does Nick have a son we don't know about?  What a cute little boy."


And then I remembered that it was Daniel.  Good Lord in heaven, that child seems to be getting younger, if that's possible.  He looked even younger than usual.  And that performance with NKOTB was painful and unnecessary.  Really, it only showcased all of Daniel's weaknesses, and it was evident that the NKOTB guys were trying to put him at ease a bit but they knew it was a disaster.


I didn't even hear Ryan call for Caleb, but all of a sudden I saw Caleb on the stage and had no clue where he came from.  And then I wondered why this was the only time we saw him all season.


I love Steven Tyler -- I am a huge Aerosmith fan from way back.  I loved the wacky presence he brought to American Idol in 2011 and 2012, although he wasn't a 'good' judge by any means.  He really belongs up on the stage, being the legendary rock star that he is.  That's where he shines. 


But Jax?  Eeesh... I used to like her -- at the beginning of this season, she was my favorite.  Usually, I stick with my favorites for the entire season and enjoy watching them improve.  I think this is the first time in the history of this series that my "favorite" actually got worse as the season progressed, causing me to jump ship.  She didn't get better over time.  I don't know what happened.  And there was no point in her even being up on the stage with Steven, as she really contributed nothing to that performance.


I think this was the first time the camera has shown Nicole Kidman in the audience since her husband started judging 2 years ago?  I wondered when we would see her.


I like the current judges -- I really do -- and I am going to miss them together when the series ends next year.  I know that a lot of people don't like Harry, for whatever reason.  I like him.   I can't explain it -- this isn't necessarily the best collective judging panel with the best critiques from each person all the time, but I am comfortable with this particular group of judges in a way that I haven't been with previous groups.  I don't know why.  I find them pleasant.  I like that there doesn't seem to be any blatant hostility/hatred/drama going on.  I like that there isn't any overt sexual tension and innuendo going on.  I like that everyone seems to be coherent, sober, alert and trying to make reasonable points.   I just like them. 


I think that both Keith and Harry are adorable and charming in different ways.  I like them separately and I like them together in their bromance.  I like that Harry teases Jennifer like a brother would tease his sister, and that Jennifer wants to be part of the boys' club.   And I mean, let's face it -- even though she is overpaid to be on that show, she is beautiful and I can't stop staring at her hair, face and fantastic skin!


In general, the panel of judges is attractive, appealing, likeable and they try to give sound advice, even if it doesn't always succeed.  I'm glad that they're going to be back for the final season.


Back to Nick -- I know that a lot of these talent show contestants end up jumping from one show to another.  There have been Idol contestants who ended up on The Voice.  I think that some Voice people may have gone to Idol too.  I'm sure that someone from X Factor appeared on another show at one point.  To think that Nick started off on America's Got Talent, of all things (possibly the worst show in that whole talent competition genre) -- and did not win! -- but went to Idol and won amuses me for some reason.  If he had never gone to AGT first and just headed straight for Idol, I wonder if he would have won.

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I skipped the finale - didn't care who won and really didn't want to see most of the cast return. But the comments about Jax and Steven Tyler sent me to Youtube. Man, that was the best laugh I've had in weeks. Poor Jax. But I have to say, if you know one thing about legendary rock stars, you know they are going to come out and COMMAND front and center. And they have their own style and method of doing it. Who has ever seen ST sing without that standing mike decorated with flying scarves gripped in his hands for the whole performance? Doesn't matter who's on stage with him - that's his partner. Jax had to figure out how to sing on the same stage in a way that blended her performance with his in some way. Good luck with that.  Someone needed to give her some basic tips. Tip one: if the other singer takes the center and stands there, get as close as you comfortably can and stand there, too. Hold your ground. Don't go twirling and stomping around the edges of the stage. It makes it harder to light you and you won't be seen when all the focus is on the center. Tip two: your mike is yours. Keep it up and sing into it.  You don't need to be singing into your duet partner's mike.  Here Jax- watch Carrie Underwood take on Steven Tyler. He still dominates, but not by nearly as much. (The duet starts with one of her songs, then "Walk This Way" starts at about 2:36.)

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Another Nutmegger (CT) weighing in here....


Kinda cool that a person from NE finally won, but the selfish part of me didn't want any attention drawn to the CT shore, since I don't want anyone to get interested in moving here... to drive the prices even higher than they already are, cuz I want a CT beach home someday. ;)


Anyhow, congrats to Nick. Wish he'd tone down the Daughtry imitation tho.


I, too,  thought the elimination of Jax was strange....when I started watching, I thought I missed the first hour, and they were already doing the cutting part. It felt like they had to pay her if she set foot on the stage, so decided to save a few bucks and cut her backstage. I was waiting for a vaudeville hook and an old suitcase with travel patches.  Either that, or they dug up some dirt on her and wanted her gone. Anyway: weird.


Then that performance last night cancelled any sympathy for her really quickly. Ick. Lying on the judges table with that old wasp-like thing dressed in 4 Stevie Nicks get-ups? Just no to the whole thing. Too bad Idol doesn't use that X thing like AGT...that would've been kinda sweet.


Tyanna was the best Jackson by a mile. I wish old man Jackson would stop negotiating these deals to keep the family solvent.


Daniel was embarrassingly horrendous......what was that long plaid thing? It looked like they threw some clothes over a nightshirt since it was past his bedtime anyway. Awful.


Ah, for the old days of Idol, when people actually TALKED about it in the real world.












I  To think that Nick started off on America's Got Talent, of all things (possibly the worst show in that whole talent competition genre) -- and did not win! -- but went to Idol and won amuses me for some reason.  If he had never gone to AGT first and just headed straight for Idol, I wonder if he would have won.

P2 tried out for AGT and got cut on Day 1. Doesn't that tell ya something about how bad Idol has been for about 5 or 6 years?

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Thanks for posting that link Ketzel. I remember that performance, and sometimes I even watch it again on You Tube just because I love it so much. Carrie killed it, and definitely held her own with Tyler. To top of Jax's unbelievably bad performance, she tripped on Tyler's scarves at the end of it. Yikes.


I am so happy for Nick. I would never in a million years have picked him as the winner early on. In fact I thought Clark was the front runner for a long time. However Clark just seemed to hit a wall that he could not break through.  Nick on the other hand did grow each week in confidence, stage presence, etc. He may have been doing this for 10 years, but there is a big difference in playing to a huge audience not to mention millions of viewers, and playing to a patrons in a bar. I was also so impressed that he plays piano. Wonder if that qualifies him as a musician now? Harry?

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Well, except that Pete Wentz in the basist, and Patrick Stump is the lead singer and "front-man".  He only really seems "distinctive" to me when he's wearing his hat (and sometimes the glasses).


Really?  Hm.  Well then, Patrick Stump looked horrible.

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I really like all three judges, too. They each have their strengths--and a flaw or two--but overall, imo, they are a vast improvement over the originals. I really appreciate it that they all can get up and perform--they are all established stars in the music industry, big time pros, even the often-underrated J-Lo did a good job last night.


Watching the three of them, I had a laugh picturing Simon, Randy and Paula having to perform in the finale.  They got it started and won America over to the concept. But when it comes to actually evaluating and guiding musicians--and being more attractive, too, while doing it (despite Simon's cutting but charming self and Paula's ditzy sweetness and Randy's...Randy's....well, anyway...I'd take these three over them any day.)

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Every time I hear DCook's coronation song it takes me back to that night and I tear up, practically.  That was the first season I watched.  I haven't cared half as much since.  

I never understand the "you've grown so much" comments, especially for guys like Nick who've been doing this for 10 or more years.  The 12 or so songs they sing on this show is like one set in one gig.  It just seems self-congratulatory of the show, and like phony PR.  


Probably right.  Ryan said two of the final 3 were super close.  I figured it was the 2nd and 3rd person.  

LOL - I just watched Nick's coronation song/women's soccer video just above this post and teared up!  I really like the song and I am a biased CT resident, but I really really like Nick!

Someone mentioned upthread that there's is a big difference between playing gigs with your band in a bar and singing on a LA stage in front of ALOT more people and I will agree!  The rehearsals, the direction from "experts".  Like the judges sometimes say they can see the wheels turning in the performer's head trying to remember everything. 

Anyway - I'm over the moon Nick won.  I think with his father being a musician also, he knows it's not instant fame and success and he'll be old enough to make good decisions for himself.

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I can't explain it -- this isn't necessarily the best collective judging panel with the best critiques from each person all the time' date=' but I am comfortable with this particular group of judges in a way that I haven't been with previous groups. I don't know why. I find them pleasant. I like that there doesn't seem to be any blatant hostility/hatred/drama going on. I like that there isn't any overt sexual tension and innuendo going on. [/quote']I know likability is personal, but, as for the other things, I've always thought there was some hostility coming from JLo and Keith in their interactions with Harry (and, occasionally, vice versa), but it's less obvious than it was last year when the other two were clearly irritated by Harry. I still remember Keith mocking Harry one night in a way that seemed pent up over time. And, of course, JLO constantly trying to over-talk Harry or basically shutdown anything negative he might say to her Chosen. I think the hostility is toned down because they try (and maybe even were told) to keep a lid on it after Nicki, who obviously couldn't have cared less about faking happy like they do. Simon often tore into Randy, Paula, and Kara, too--usually the highlight of the show for me. Even Steven Tyler didn't seem as if he liked JLO at all, and the other two would often override anything he'd say (especially obvious when they would give critiques to Haley Reinhart, from what I remember). Rumors were they were both divas behind-the-scenes, which I can believe considering how much more camera time JLO gets now compared to then.
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Not properly acknowledging recent winners Celeb and Candice was awful


What cracked me up is that we were supposed to recognize former contestants in the audience yet they felt the need to identify Nicole Kidman with a caption every time the camera went to her.

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It's interesting that Nicole Kidman was there instead of at Cannes for the Festival opening, considering she had a film in the running for all of the awards last year (but got roundly panned).

I don't know who the girl was who was with her (she looked like a teenager, and none of her children are teens currently), but maybe she's a family member who Nicole took to the show?  Or maybe she and Keith had a "I'll do Cannes this year and come to Idol next year" deal.


I only saw the Nicole Kidman chyron once, though.

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Could the girl with Nicole be the daughter she adopted with Tom Cruise? Am I remembering correctly, that they adopted a child together?


Anyone have a link to Clark singing The National Anthem at last night's LA Clippers game? Would love to hear it.

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Her adopted daughter is in her early twenties and her girls with Keith are younger than the girl she was with. (And in googling that, I was reminded she and Keith married in 2006 after knowing each other less than a month!)

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I don't know if this says more about my home state of Connecticut or the diminished condition of American Idol but just two days after the announcement of the winner and everyone here has already forgotten about this.

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Really?  Hm.  Well then, Patrick Stump looked horrible.


Well, to be fair, he's looked worse.  Several years ago, before FOB went out on their "hiatus" he had really gained a lot of weight.  He slimmed down considerably when Save Rock and Roll came out (looks pretty good in their Young Blood Chronicals videos).  He does appear to have regained some weight, but he's also a new dad, so sporting that "dad bod" I guess, haha. 

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To think that Nick started off on America's Got Talent, of all things (possibly the worst show in that whole talent competition genre)



Lauren Alaina  tried out for AGT 3X and didn't make it.  She came in second in season 10.

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 Even Steven Tyler didn't seem as if he liked JLO at all, and the other two would often override anything he'd say (especially obvious when they would give critiques to Haley Reinhart, from what I remember). Rumors were they were both divas behind-the-scenes, which I can believe considering how much more camera time JLO gets now compared to then.

I loved it when Jennifer called him Steve and he curtly said, "It's Steven."  I have a feeling when she came back it was on the condition that she be HEAD judge, be paid more than the others, seated in the middle, given a little more time, and be allowed to talk over the other ones some.  


Well, to be fair, he's looked worse.  Several years ago, before FOB went out on their "hiatus" he had really gained a lot of weight.  He slimmed down considerably when Save Rock and Roll came out (looks pretty good in their Young Blood Chronicals videos).  He does appear to have regained some weight, but he's also a new dad, so sporting that "dad bod" I guess, haha. 

Stump was a judge on The Sing Off in December and looked a bit less shiny and overweight then.  


Lauren Alaina  tried out for AGT 3X and didn't make it.  She came in second in season 10.

A lot of finalists on Idol tried out repeatedly before making it past auditions, often in the same season they did well, in different cities.  

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Radio Interview with Nick-


He auditioned for Idol when he was 21 and didn't get past preliminary judging.



That was fun! Thanks for sharing it.  


I don't know if this says more about my home state of Connecticut or the diminished condition of American Idol but just two days after the announcement of the winner and everyone here has already forgotten about this.

And if the newscasts here in CT continued to focus on Nick, people would be screaming that "there's XYandZ happening in the world and you're airing this?", so yeah, not quite sure what more needs to be said.  I follow Life in Connecticut (or something like that) and Nick's fb feed so there's enough chatter there for me about it.  check it out.

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I'm happy for Nick, too, I'm from CT, and it's great to have a winner from my state. I've been a fan of Beach Avenue since AGT,  I have all their original music, and went to one of their shows last summer, and actually talked to Nick for a bit.  After seeing their concert, I remember thinking to myself that if Nick went on Idol he would win, I thought their covers were really good.   So I was glad to see him on Idol, and very glad he won. 

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Grassy Knoll Alert!!

I believe that the vote was ignored. IMO, there was an agreement between Clark, Scott, and the producers--that Clark would decline being the IDOL and go out as the 2nd Place finisher. The reason: Clark and Scott don't mix at all, and forcing Clark to "fit the role of an Idol makes no sense for anyone. So Clark just quietly bows-out and...Nick becomes the Idol.


Nick will be a better American Idol than Clark anyway.


I wouldn't be surprised if that happened, and I think it might have happened in the past, possibly with some that would be more successful if they didn't win.


I think things are working out for the best, even Clark has said Nick will work better with the label. 

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If the voting conspiracy is true we would have had many different winners in past seasons, such as Crystal winning over Lee, Lauren winning over Scotty, Jessica over P2, Kree over Candice, and Jena over Caleb. I don't believe the show ignored the vote.


ETA: Just like in season 11's finale, the frontrunner was saddled with a poor coronation single, while the other had a potential hit. Nick's coronation single IMO is what sealed the deal and it helped that it was the final performance before people voted. Just like "Home" won it for P2, I believe "Beautiful Life" won it for Nick.

Edited by BogoGog24
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Voting conspiracies? If they were going to rig a vote they would have done it and rammed Jax through to the final like they wanted to. I don't think they mess wih results at all. If so we would have had the Jax and Borch show.

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If the voting conspiracy is true we would have had many different winners in past seasons, such as Crystal winning over Lee, Lauren winning over Scotty, Jessica over P2, Kree over Candice, and Jena over Caleb. I don't believe the show ignored the vote.


ETA: Just like in season 11's finale, the frontrunner was saddled with a poor coronation single, while the other had a potential hit. Nick's coronation single IMO is what sealed the deal and it helped that it was the final performance before people voted. Just like "Home" won it for P2, I believe "Beautiful Life" won it for Nick.

Phillip Phillips was never in the bottom during his season.  He was up against someone who was a Save contestant.  He also knew he was as an artist and was Jimmy Iovine's favorite.  In hindsight, that vote was likely a landslide, based on subsequent record sales for that season.


As Ryan Seacrest alluded, the vote between Nick and Clark was a close one.  Nick, however, showed more growth through the season.  That said, I don't think he really had a "moment" like most of the winners had.

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Phillip Phillips was never in the bottom during his season.  He was up against someone who was a Save contestant.  He also knew he was as an artist and was Jimmy Iovine's favorite.  In hindsight, that vote was likely a landslide, based on subsequent record sales for that season.


As Ryan Seacrest alluded, the vote between Nick and Clark was a close one.  Nick, however, showed more growth through the season.  That said, I don't think he really had a "moment" like most of the winners had.


I don't think Ryan actually ever said anything about the vote this year, which means it was actually probably not close at all. Usually when it is close he will announce it, but he didn't say anything about how the vote turned out this year.

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Phillip Phillips was never in the bottom during his season.  He was up against someone who was a Save contestant.  He also knew he was as an artist and was Jimmy Iovine's favorite.  In hindsight, that vote was likely a landslide, based on subsequent record sales for that season.


As Ryan Seacrest alluded, the vote between Nick and Clark was a close one.  Nick, however, showed more growth through the season.  That said, I don't think he really had a "moment" like most of the winners had.

Ryan didn't say the vote was close between Clark and Nick--he just announced Nick as the winner.  On Tuesday's Top 3 reveal, Ryan stated that there was a 0.4% difference between two of the contestants--but never said which two contestants.  


I totally agree about P2--he ran away with the vote.  Perhaps even wire-to-wire.  P2 was a favorite of Jimmy I. and would have had major incentive for Philip to win. 

The selection of Home for P2's final song was no accident--they even added marching drummers to his performance!  Jimmy I. was taking no chances about the outcome.  As for season 12--that was already discussed at length. Season 13 left such a sour taste that Scott Borchetta and his BMMG was added to try to save AI.  I am confident Borchetta was no more interested in peeing-away big money promoting a misfit (Clark Beckham) than Jimmy I. was with Candice (and/or Caleb).

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I don't think Ryan actually ever said anything about the vote this year, which means it was actually probably not close at all. Usually when it is close he will announce it, but he didn't say anything about how the vote turned out this year.

He didn't say anything on the show.  But there is an interview he did right after the show where he says it was one of their tighter races.  Also, looking at ITunes sales after the finale, even though Nick was ahead, Clark wasn't that far behind.

Edited by escape
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I don't remember Jimmy Iovine loving PP all that much during the show. I do remember Jimmy & Co. trying to get PP to change his style and wear more trendy clothes and change his hairstyle. He refused and stuck with his jeans & plaid shirts. Clarke went along with all of those grooming suggestions, so to say that he was difficult in all areas isn't really true. He simply wanted to perform what he loves and feels comfy doing. PP also refused to bend in that area. Difference being the songs PP enjoyed performing happened to be southern rock, not R & B oldies like Clarke.


I wish both Clarke and Nick much happiness and success!

Edited by DonnaJo
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I don't remember Jimmy Iovine loving PP all that much during the show. I do remember Jimmy & Co. trying to get PP to change his style and wear more trendy clothes and change his hairstyle. He refused and stuck with his jeans & plaid shirts. Clarke went along with all of those grooming suggestions, so to say that he was difficult in all areas isn't really true. He simply wanted to perform what he loves and feels comfy doing. PP also refused to bend in that area. Difference being the songs PP enjoyed performing happened to be southern rock, not R & B oldies like Clarke.


I wish both Clarke and Nick much happiness and success!

That was not Jimmy Iovine, but Tommy Hilfiger, who was hired as that season's fashion consultant.  He said people would not vote for Phillip if he wore gray.  Ironically, Hilfiger disappeared from the show shortly after that.

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I'm woefully behind, but that tells you how excited I was to watch this finale!  NOT!  I usually hate, and forward through the guest performances, but I actually watched it for that this time, and couldn't care less about the boring finalists!  I did like the opening though with FOB!   


Jax with Steven Tyler was a great match.  Not a big Jax fan, but the two of them together went really well, and they obviously had a terrific time!  I bet that was the highlight of her life.


Weird how they basically hid Adanna Duru in Monae's performance.  She was basically a background singer.  Who was that Ben Franklin-like character who came out and rapped a few lines at the end?


What is the deal with Pitbull?  Odd character.  


I was skeptical at first but I did end up liking the JLo, Pitbull, Prince Royce (?) party, and Ricky Martin!


I thought Quentin was much better than the guy he was singing with!


Oh, I am the biggest NKOTB fan on earth, but that was Not. Good.  Yikes.  They seemed drunk, high, or absolutely couldn't care less.  

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Loved the three judges at the end :)  Don't enjoy JLo on ballads, but the 3 of them doing Bruno Mars was great :)  Almost made me wish I was there!

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If you mean Andy Grammer, he's got a major hit with "Honey, I'm Good," he shared the stage generously--and he told Billboard, before the finale, that Nick was going to win. I doubt Nick found anything to object to in any of that.

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